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Advertising Options Why Advertise on WetWebMedia: WetWebMedia (WWM) is a showcase information and inspirational resource that offers Aquarium, Pond, aquatics, science, and biosciences information. The site is the most popular and well regarded in the aquatic hobby and trade. What we do for You: We keep your customers in the hobby. It is estimated that 80-90 percent of the hobbyists, your real and potential customers, give up on the hobby within one year. To fight this trend, www.WetWebMedia.com is dedicated to providing accurate, timely, useful information to the hobbyist to help keep their corals, plants, fishes, and other organisms alive and healthy and thus keep them in the hobby. This obviously benefits everyone. By sponsoring WetWebMedia you ultimately will realize more customers because more will stay in the hobby rather than getting discouraged and giving it up for good. Likely, your company has a website and pays dearly for print and/ or internet advertising. We encourage you to look at what your Return On Investment could be by advertising on WetWebMedia. What we offer: Rotating and Static ads, linked to Your Website There are three programs for ad placement on WWM; root (marine/reef), individual sub-web, and universal placement: All three size/area placements of logos and links are included at the stated cost per month.
We can upload you "jpeg, gif, bmp and .swf
files and have them placed within a day of placed orders and for your
convenience we have PayPal capacity (send toBob@WetWebMedia.com),
and offer an annualized discount of twelve months for the pre-payment of
ten. Other services we offer are high quality image work and written
content for your website or print.
Web Stats for 2014
In late May 2014 we switched to Google
Analytics: Sessions are now calculated differently. This report for June 1-28, 2014
Re: WWM Ad write up
6/30/14 Request for placing the links in your site...
right... 11/29/11 Premium Aquatics Thanksgiving Sale
11/21/11 Advertising. Seneye monitor
11/21/11 WWM sponsor/ship. IF it makes sense/cents
4/5/11 advertising on WWM 10/19/09 WWM Sponsors 11/25/2007 How do you become a featured sponsor? <Just a matter of becoming a sponsor period: http://wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/wwmsponsors.htm The top shared borders are rotating banner ads thereof. Bob Fenner> Neat site stats - kudos to WWM! 11/19/07 cheers, Bob <Antoine> I came across a neat site stats tool for comparing traffic (Eric B found and mentioned it). WWM is (maybe no great surprise) excelling in traffic greater, far and away, than any other hobby message board or forum that I am aware of. neat site: www.compete.com <Neat... I did take a look with the two more popular BB's: http://siteanalytics.compete.com/wetwebmedia.com+reefcentral.com+reefs.org/?metric=uv# Though we don't have a Google sitemap, nor advertise... is good to know and see numbers for the great quantity of folks, systems, livestock we are helping... Including the many thousands of your article and response efforts from years past> Kudos to WWM! Anth- <Cheers, BobF> ------- Anthony Calfo www.ReadingTrees.com
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