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Re: Upcoming dive/adventure trip in May, June 03 Bob I think I still have a few pieces of Afghan or Persian Belouch rugs collecting dust somewhere in my store room. Josephine abandoned the online rug business when she got headhunted by her present employer. Maybe you want one for your new place. It is a tribal rug so it hasn't got any fancy or breathtaking patterns you get from rugs that are weaved in the major carpet weaving cities in Iran. But I have always found the simple geometric patterns on carpets that come from the tribal areas stunning and mysterious. <Thanks Perry. Am looking for a new carpet for a sunroom we're finishing up, maybe 6 by nine feet or so> How many days do you guys plan to stay in Singapore? <Just one, two, coming and going. Still thinking of doing KBR/N. Sulawesi if the U.S. as a whole regains some stature. Bob F> Perry Upcoming dive/adventure trip in May, June 03 We're putting together an itinerary for Hawai'i, Singapore (Aquarama or just a way-station) and N.E. Sulawesi for later May and June if interested (RSVP to keep receiving updates). Jack, Pete and I are buying a house on Hawai'i's Big Island. Di will be going out there early to mid May to buy furniture, set-up household in general. Some of us are going to join her mid to later May. Some pix of the house can be seen here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/holualoaproperty.htm The Aquarama show: May 29-June 1: http://www.aquarama.com.sg/ for pet-fish types... You can see there are tours, something to do during all days of the show. I generally only spend one day there... Then off to (or before if that suits more folks) to Sulawesi/Indonesia. Some pix, info. here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/macron_sulpp1.htm (and there is a shorter linked version there) We will likely stay at KBR (expensive but fabulous and about half-price now) and maybe a few days on the Bunaken side (likely at Tasik Ria... we chatted with these folks at the DEMA show a while back...), much nicer than Froggies... Costs? Still to be determined... likely about 3k total per for air, accommodation, food, diving. Time, a good two weeks just for the Indo/SG parts... maybe another week or so if you want in and around HI. For WWM Crew, unfortunately all our funds (and then some) are tied up in the current book production, so we are unable to offer subsidy for this venture. Am hopeful this situation will be different... soon, with the sale of said tome, added avenues of ad revenue. For all, please make it known if you're interested and I will make a "trip email addr. list" for this go. Questions, additions, please contact me. Bob Fenner From Kevin in S. Korea... re KBR, N. Sulawesi, WWM Crew trip in May 03 Dear Bob, <Hi Kev/Keun!> Thank you for sending me the photo CD. <Ah, glad to hear you received it> How could you identify all the scientific names of corals? <Mainly the new 3 volume "Corals of the World" by J.E.N. Veron> Seems like me you speak all the languages in the world. Hope to see you next May. <Yes! We are trying to arrange a trip back to KBR> Attached is a photo I have taken in Thailand. <Thank you, Bob Fenner> Kevin Cho Re: Fisheye View International Exhibition 2003 in Malaysia <Thank you, will post to our crew, readership on WetWebMedia.com. Bob Fenner> Dear Mr. Fenner, Good day. Thank you for your message. The following stated is the general information of Fisheye View International Exhibition 2003: Re: Fisheye View International Exhibition 2003 - A Joint Tropical Fishery Event on Aquaculture & Commercial Fishery, Recreational Fishery and Ornamental Fish. With the active support and recommendation from the Department of Fishery Malaysia (DOFM), Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM) as well as the local and international fishery-related associations, JungleMotion Sdn. Bhd. together with CreatiVision Entertainment Organiser Sdn. Bhd. - a Guinness World Record holder, is organizing an international tropical fishery exhibition, the first of its kind in Asia, March 6th - 10th, 2003 (3 days of trade show and 5 days of seminars/ workshop/ field trips) at Mid Valley Exhibition Center, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. This event is listed with MATRADE (Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation of the Ministry of International Trade and Industry) offices and Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board offices worldwide. The event will also be promoted and covered by NTV-7, one of Malaysia's most popular TV stations, for national broadcast and promotion. This event (comprises exhibitions cum trade fairs, seminars and fish competitions) is about tropical fishery - all major aspects of it and its associated business and activities will be presented. Three exhibitions will be concurrently held in adjacent exhibition halls: Hall 1: Fisheye View Aquaculture & Commercial Fishery Exhibition 2003 Hall 2: Fisheye View Recreational Fishery Exhibition 2003 Hall 3: Fisheye View Ornamental Fish Exhibition 2003 (Please refer to attached appendix for the exhibit profile.) Thousands of regional trade visitors; investors; agents; buyers; manufacturers of aquariums, aquarium equipments and accessories; fish meal and feed suppliers; researchers; fans of ornamental fish and fisheries and hobbyists will gather here in Malaysia for the first time to source, trade, exchange information and technology, make new contacts and explore new potential markets. The public and more thousands of others will be here for the tropical fish competitions. Members of regional fish clubs and associations, government fisheries departments, breeders, academic and research centers will be represented in this inaugural international event for tropical fisheries. Others will come for the Recreational Fishery segment or for Aquaculture and Commercial Fishery. We strongly believe that Fisheye View Exhibition 2003 will definitely link you to the region-wide markets of the tropical ornamental fish as more than 60,000 visitors from over 30 countries are expected for the 5-day event and a lot more who will be informed through various media. This first-time unique event that is enthusiastically supported by many multi-national organizations comprises several very exciting features within adjacent facilities. Following are some highlights in the plan: 1.. Three seminar series of very interesting topics: 1.. "Recent Developments and Technologies in the Aquarium Industry" - co-organized by the Malaysian Fisheries Society (MFS) and JungleMotion Sdn. Bhd. 2.. "Investment Opportunities in Tropical Aquaculture and Fisheries" - co-organized by the Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM) and JungleMotion Sdn. Bhd. 3. "Sustainable Fishing and Fish Farming Practice - Developments in Equipment and Technology" - a seminar co-organized by the Department of Fisheries, Malaysia (DOFM); Malaysian Society of Marine Sciences (MSMS) and JungleMotion Sdn. Bhd. B. Fisheye View 2003 International Discus Competition C. Fisheye View 2003 International Lohan (Malaysian Cichlasoma) Competition D. Marine Life Preservation Awareness Program E. Wetlands & Coral Reefs - Aqua Habitat Conservation Program In the coming weeks, we expect quite a few more national / international organizations to confirm their support of this inaugural event and others, to co-host some of the mentioned programs. Should you need further information, please do not hesitate to call us at: 603-56382019 or email us at dmarketing@fisheyeview.net. You can visit our event website, www.fisheyeview.net, for more information, updates and comments. We hope to hear from you soonest. Your support and participation will bring much benefit to many. Thank You. "For the betterment of mankind and the environment, we strive" Environmentally yours, Fisheye View Organizing Committee Official Advisor: Fisheries Department of Malaysia, Ministry of Agriculture. Officially Supported by: Fisheries Development Authority of Malaysia (LKIM) Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board (MTPB) Malaysian Fisheries Society (MFS) Federation of Malaysia Fish Association (FOMFA) Malaysia Aquarium Fish Exporter Association (MAFEA) Malaysia Aquarium Fish Breeders' Association (MAFBA) Johor Aquarium Fish Association (JAFA) Malaysian Associated Indian Chamber of Commerce & Industry (MAICCI) Penang Importers, Exporters, & Breeders of Tropical Fish Association (PETFA) Malaysian Sport Diving Association (MSDA) The Malaysian Angling Association (PeMM) International Game Fish Association (IGFA), USA Malaysian Society of Marine Sciences (MSMS) Official TV Station: ntv7, Malaysia Official Publications: Rod and Line, Malaysia Rod and Line Chinese Magazine, Malaysia Pancing, Malaysia Business World Monthly, Malaysia Supporting Publications: Discus Brief, Germany AquaWorld Network, Italy Aquaculture News, Greece Aqua-Geographic, Italy Ichtys Magazines, Greece Koi, Ponds & Gardens, UK Tropical Fish Hobbyist, USA Nishikigoi International, UK Fish Magazine, Taiwan R. O. C. Listed with: MATRADE (Malaysian External Trade Development Corp.) American Fisheries Society (AFS) Appendix Hall 1: Fisheye View Aquaculture & Commercial Fishery Exhibition 2003 Aquaculture: · Tropical Fish Farms, Breeders and Traders · Farm and Pond Equipment (Generators, Pumps, Aerators, Filters...) · Stocks - Fish, Prawn, Mussel, Abalone, etc. · Fish Feed and Production Equipment (Mixing, Vacuum Coating...) · Health and Medical Treatment · Water-plants and Seaweed · Pond Construction and Management Services · Mooring Equipment & Winches, Cages, Feeding Systems · Water Monitoring and Alarm, Treatment · Research, Design, Consultancy and Turnkey services · Seafood Products, Processed Aqua Produce · Aquaculture Education and Training Commercial Fishery: · Seafood Packing and Processing Equipment · Automatic Lining and Jigging Equipment · Buoys, Fenders, Floats & Float-ropes · Catch & Gear Instrumentation · Deck Equipment (Net Handling, Cranes, Hoists, Hauling Equipment.) · Fish Pumps, Fish Grading Systems · Ice Plants and Refrigeration Equipment · Longlining and Trawling Equipment · Nets, Net Accessories & Ropes, Net Joining & Tacking Machinery · Purse Seining Equipment · Rescue & Survival Equipment (suit, workgear, first aid.) · Fish Detection Technology & Marine Electronic Equipment · Navigation, Radio Technology & Communication Equipment · Baiting Systems, Hooks and Lures · Coastal Fishing Boats and Accessories · Marine Science, Education & Training Hall 2: Fisheye View Recreational Fishery Exhibition 2003 · Canoes, Kayaks, Dinghies, Catamarans, Yachts, Convertibles, etc. · Angling Gears (Reels, Lines, Lures, Nets...) · Navigation Electronics (Radar, GPS, Fish-finder...) · Scuba-diving Equipment (Balanced Regulator, Dive Computer, Diving Compressor.) · Scuba-diving & Snorkeling Apparels · Fishing Tour Operators & Eco-tour agencies · Water Sports Equipment · Eco-tourism Education & Training · Aqua Resorts and Properties · Aqua-environmental Technologies & Products · Marine Photography, Arts & Publications · Outboard & Inboard Motors · Fishing Paraphernalia and Fishing Accessories Hall 3: Fisheye View Tropical Ornamental Fish Exhibition 2003 · Fish Breeders and Distributors · Aquariums and Marine Parks · Freshwater and Marine Aquatic Species · Healthcare and Medicinal Treatment · Aquarium Equipment (Pumps, Aerators, Filters, Testers, Lighting, UPS, Regulators...) · Packing Equipment and Materials · Feed and Specialty Nutrients · Aquarium Accessories and Paraphernalia · Fixtures (Display Racks, Shelves, Decorations...) · Pond and Landscape, Equipment and Accessories · Design, Management, Services and Consultancy · Publications, Research, Magazines and · Photography and Arts Re: to Bob, from Dave Woolley Hi Bob,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,got your note. If you decide to visit Fiji let David Miller know. I am sure there is a house somewhere at Waidroka bay or on Koro island that you could use at no charge. <Appreciate this. Will do... we're off to Vegas in a moment to the DEMA show (oh, Dive Equipment Manufacturer's Association... but it's much more... like dive travel, etc.), but will broadcast your msg.> It's fun looking around at these different parcels and who knows, maybe you'll find one you like with the perfect view. My advice is to check out Koro island if time allows. <We intend to, again, many thanks> No surf there but the diving and raw beauty is unmatched. have fun. any questions, email me. best regards, Dave Woolley <Will no doubt be meeting you soon. Cheers, Bob Fenner> DAVETA, dave woolley for robert fenner <Thank you for the notice. We have had two meetings in the last three days concerning foreign property investment... Will circulate your notice. Bob Fenner> Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2002 11:54:41 +1200 Hello from the Fiji Islands, I am following up on Mr. Woolley's referral in relation to your interest in the property known as Daveta on the coast of Viti Levu Fiji. I have attached the original brochures for your perusal & will send better quality photos if your further interested. My business partner Mr. Shankar has received an offer of A$ 450,000 dollars which is US$ 244,000. This figure is being considered, however an improvement to US 250,000 would be more readily agreeable to the seller to release the property for transfer. Another property that may be of interest is Delana House which is also located on the Coral Coast & so feel free to look over our website @ www.fijiestates.com <http://www.fijiestates.com/> Looking forward to your response in due course. Sincerely, Luke Ragg Property Consultant Ragglands & Fiji Estates. Aquarama WHAT IS THIS??? <Scotter... really? It's the alternate (every other year in tandem with Interzoo in Germany) to the industries international trade shows: http://www.aquarama.com.sg/ A "one-dayer" unless you've got friends to meet and fete... or want to do the fish farm tours, attend spiels... but a great excuse to get out see old friends, get to and about Singapore... and many good dive/travel locales thereabouts. On the same related note, pls plan on coming out with us the following May (04) and then on to the Red Sea> No plans for a trip at this time...maybe Indonesia, but I am not sure. <Well, it's about ding dang time we all went out on a big dive/photo/video trip together. Where would you like to go and when? Bob F, writing, I swear> CHEERS BOBSTER! SWM Re: AQUARAMA 2003 PRESS RELEASE Bob Let me know about your plans. Maybe I can bring you to some of the fish farms in Singapore when you are here. <Thank you Perry, that would be great... as well as other touring directions (not back to the red light district, you sleepy boys! And... do plan on getting out diving with us if you can thenabouts. Bob Fenner> Perry Re: St. Thomas Costs I went back and looked at the Aquarama Press release. Late May spilling into early June seems very doable. I could probably free up sometime, maybe two weeks. -Steven Pro <Ahh! Let's make it a firm commitment... Our book costs should be done (maybe we'll even make money!) by then, and WWM should be able to sponsor you. Bob> AQUARAMA 2003 PRESS RELEASE <Set your calendars... opening day 29 May, 03... I want to plan diving/adventure travel ahead, after, about this trip to Singapore. Bob> Dear Mr Bob Fenner, Good day to you! Please find attached to this email the latest AQUARAMA 2003 Press Release. Should you require any more information on the event, please do not hesitate to contact us or visit our website at www.aquarama.com.sg Julian |
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