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4/3/19 Aquarium 411 2/8/19 Hi, question about "Aquarium Photography"?
6/12/18 Sponsoring your site 3/17/18 Aquarium Website 10/24/17 Website Reference About Freshwater and Planted Tank
9/5/17 health resource for wetwebmedia.com 7/17/17 Broken Links on WWM 7/7/17 General Links to Aquatic/Aquarium Webpage
6/29/17 Website Inquiry. Glossary link; online
4/27/17 FYI: Broken Links
4/17/17 Question about WetWebMedia
10/13/16 your "General Links to Aquatic/Aquarium Internet Sites" section
10/11/16 Follow Up Comment and Resource Suggestion
Broken Link on WetWebMedia website 12/1/15
Possible reciprocal connections?
Great Site! 9/16/15
Re: Site Is Broken? Links to repair and add
Book printing svc.s 6/30/15
Wet Web Media Site Compliment/Resource Suggestion
Updating data.
Related links 3/21/15 Requesting To Add My Aquarium Website on wetwebmedia.com
10/17/14 I think it would be a nice addition for visitors to view; and of course, browsing is free. SeaQuatic Aquariums allows users to search for a wide range of array of custom aquariums. It specializes in the design of custom aquariums of 500 gallons and above. Following is an html link that I have prepared for your use. <a href="http://www.seaquaticaquariums.com">Custom Aquariums</a> Feel free to contact me at punit@seaquaticaquariums.com if you need any additional information. Thank you. Sincerely, Punit punit@seaquaticaquariums.com SeaQuatic Aquariums www.seaquaticaquariums.com Re: Requesting To Add My Aquarium Website on wetwebmedia.com 11/5/14 Hello, Can I get a get link from your website. I am ready to give a back link in exchange as well. Regards <...? You could just use the WWM search tool: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/wwmadminsubwebindex/general_links_pg.htm BobF>
back link
9/28/14 Research Professors Blog. I wish a "TV program"
6/9/14 broken web link 6/19/12 Aquarium Resource Suggestion 6/12/12 Redfish online
'zine 4/12/12 Exchanging aquarium links 3/17/12 Link Request
7/6/11 Website Link 4/5/11 Link Request
4/3/11 Link exchange request between your site
wetwebmedia.com and my site 3/16/11 Link Exchange 11/16/10 Re: Sponsorship & Link 11/5/10 Hi, Wet Web Media, Link req.
3/13/10 Link exchange request 2/1/10 Link to this site? -- 11/04/2009 Link Request, etailer 7/1/09 Links page 06/04/09 "Brian The Fishman" Re: From The Reef Tank 2/3/09 Hi Bob, <Ava> I have a question. I was a bit confused on the WetWebMedia site because you have two links pages. <More> You put The Reef Tank on the Marine Links page and I'm really grateful for that. But is there any way to get on the General Links page too? <Mmm, no... all it pertains to is marine> Please let me know. Thanks for everything, Ava <... welcome. B> Faulty link for "The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium" 8/3/08 Good evening. Let me say that I have found your web site to be one of the most informative sites that I have used. I have just recently switched to the salt-water side from fresh-water aquarium keeping and I'm in "sponge-mode" ( that is: sucking-up any information that I can to minimize mistakes ) <Heee! Know what you mean> When trying to use the link provided in the general links page for the Modern Coral Reef Aquarium it sends you to a surgical web site, the MCRA (Musculoskeletal Clinical Regulatory Advisers). As a Veterinarian I love surgery, but I'm afraid your general population might not be :) You might want to check /change this link to the appropriate one. Sincerely, Miguel Perales <Thank you Miguel. Will fix. Bob Fenner> Aquatic Site Link Exchange 7/6/08 Mr. Fenner, I just started a new aquarium related site and would like to exchange links with your site. I have already placed a link to Wet Web Media from my site. You can view your listing here: http://www.aquariumlinks.net/general.html Here are the details of my site: Site Title: Aquarium Links Directory URL: http://www.aquariumlinks.net Description: An online aquarium directory listing only quality aquatic sites. Thank you very much in advance. Best Regards, Chris Ralano <Ahh! Will gladly do Chris. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Link Exchange 6/23/08 Dear Mr. Fenner, I would like to exchange links with your site. I have already placed a link to Wet Web Media from my site. You can view your listing here: http://www.aboutfishonline.com/articles/directory3.html Here are the details of my site: Site Title: About Fish Online Tropical & Saltwater Fish URL: http://www.aboutfishonline.com Description: Saltwater and freshwater aquarium fish, photos, aquarium maintenance, fish health and disease treatment, and a forum. Thank you very much in advance. You have a fantastic site. Best Regards, Chris Ralano <Thank you for your efforts. I will gladly add your link. BobF> Re: Do you have a 300 by 250 pixel graphic I could use for Glass Holes on WWM? Link to post 5/1/08 Here is the graphic. This has stretched my capabilities here, sad. We are gearing our retail towards http://www.momsfishsupply.com/ (which lands at Glass-Holes.com for now, until this weekend) due to our growing relations with more LFS's. G-H is going to become a manufacturer info site without direct competition with our potential dealers. <A natural evolution> We did not think too far ahead here, now looking at the big picture. We have done what we are going to do selling direct online and are now wanting to expand to the wholesale end of things. Let me know what you think of the graphic, one second I like it, the next it seems busy and crude. <Mmm, less busy in time... but more distal to contact with "end users" (Happily we have WWM)> Also, if I may ask a favor. I am finishing (constantly revising) a site for a LFS owner/friend of mine. I feel it is far enough along to start spreading it around. The owner is a big WWM aficionado and fan of yours. It would thrill him to have his site linked on the retailer's page. My first website from scratch, no templates here: http://sevenseasfish.com/ Thank you very much, Scott V. <Will post. BobF>Link Exchange Request 12/21/07 Hello Bob, <Mark> I would like to request a link exchange. All Tropical Fish features many articles and photos and I feel it would be an excellent resource for your visitors to see. Here are my website details. Title: All Tropical Fish - Saltwater Fish, Corals and Freshwater Fish Description: Provides information on marine fishkeeping, corals, invertebrates and freshwater fish. Offers fish forums, community and article and photo upload. URL: http://www.alltropicalfish.com Thank you for your consideration. Please forward me your details and I will add your site within 24 to 48 hours. Regards, Mark Carter <Will gladly do. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> AllTropicalFish.com http://www.alltropicalfish.com Updates on websites - 11/20/07 Hello WWM Crew, I was wondering if you could update the link for San Diego Marine Aquarium Society on your webpage to link to www.sdmas.com instead of www.sdmas.org. The page in question is listed below. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/general_links_pg.htm Thank you, Jessica Timko, Treasurer SDMAS <Will gladly do so. Bob Fenner> An inquiry about your site, Link to add Hello, <Hi there> I just came across your website http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/general_links_pg.htm and found it interesting. We are a free Ecards site offering fish Ecards at http://www.123greetings.com/pets/fish/ I was wondering if you would add our site http://www.123greetings.com/pets/fish/ to your link page at http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/general_links_pg.htm We would be happy to return the favor by linking you back. Let me know if we could work this out. Wish you a nice day Timothy <Yes. I will do so. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Acrylic Cast Sheets for Aquariums 4/10/07 Dear Bob, Dear Mike, <Moritz> Hydrosight offers now Degussa Plexiglas for aquaria in the US- we are therefore the only wholesaler, which is capable of delivering oversized acrylic sheets and aquarium tunnels besides RPT and Nippura. Our first project in North-America will be the refurbishing of the Vancouver Aquarium. <Ahh! Congratulations> We'd certainly pleased if you list us. I don't see this as an add - more as information. Let us know if possible - if not please also let us know. Regards, Moritz -- hydro sight corp. office tel: +49 30 52 00 49 862 office fax: +49 30 52 00 49 863 oppelner str. 28 - 10997 Berlin - Germany visit us on: www.hydrosight.com <Will gladly do so. We may be putting up a public aquarium on Hawai'i's Big Island... and be chatting with you a few years hence. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Proposal to trade links with aquapureworldwide.com 2/23/07 Dear WetWebMedia.com owner, <Tyler> Very nice site! I just visited WetWebMedia.com and was impressed with the quality of your presentation and offerings. We have a high-quality site that is related to yours in content, http://aquapureworldwide.com, and I think that we could each benefit by trading links to each other's site. Trading links with just any site isn't of particular benefit, and may even be detrimental, but trading links with high-quality sites of related subject matter is very beneficial for both parties. These links would be of interest to each of our visitors, and will help each of us do better with the search engines - win-win! I have put a link to WetWebMedia.com on our links page: http://aquapureworldwide.com/links.asp, and would like for you to put a link to our site on your links page, preferably saying this: http://aquapureworldwide.com: Water filters, shower filters, and other products for fresh, pure, healthy water <A very nice site> If you would like for your link on our site to have a different description, let Jerry, our webmaster, know: info@mauiwebdesigns,.com. <Mmm, this is fine> Please let me know what you think about our mutually advantageous link exchange. Aloha, Tyler Summers <Will gladly link your site. A hu'i hou! Bob Fenner> Link exchange - 02/09/2007 Dear Webmaster, <Rey> My name is Rey and I have just gone through your site, and visited many pages. I have noticed that you have good content on the site. It would be better if we link to each other as reciprocal link place an important role in a search engine ranking algorithm. I have already placed a link to your site on the following webpage:- http://www.thewatersite.com/resources/water-softeners.htm Kindly link back to our site with the following details:- Title: Water Filtration System Desc: Leading Providers of reverse osmosis water filtration systems, purifiers, softeners, distillers and other water treatment equipments. URL: http://www.thewatersite.com/ Please let me know whether or not you are interested. <I have "seen the future"... and your field; water testing, treatment is indeed there...> If you wish to have your details changed, we would be interested in modification as per your requirements. <Will gladly add your link... and URL... Bob Fenner> Thanks, Rey Mystro Link question 2/4/07 Hey guys, we are a small company getting our wheels rolling up here in Toronto. <Oh! I'll be up there later this year... giving a pitch> We are just starting the development of our website, and seeing as how we have learned so much from you, id <id?> like to direct any visitor to our site that has questions, to your endless black hole of knowledge. <Mmm> My question is, would you like the traffic directed to your main servers at ' http://wetwebmedia.com' or do u have a mirror where the traffic would be more suitable. Also instead of using a plain text link, do you have a banner that we could use. Thanks. Mike Grant And Dan Litwin Go Fish <Better to have folks there answer your incoming... for building your business. BobF> Re: link question 2/4/07 Hi Bob.. <Mike, Dan> I don't think i was clear as to what id be utilizing the link for. our website is just a 'glorified business card'. the only traffic I'm intending to redirect, would be questions about livestock, or about setup in general. I feel your FAQ's and articles are too good to even consider trying to compete, let alone compare with. <I see> I'd basically like to advertise your article resource for any information a potential customer may be hungry for. <Mmm, you... and the rest of the "Web" are welcome to do this> The amount of traffic would be slim. I refer my friends with questions to your articles because there isn't a chance i could explain it better than you guys, I also own several of your books. All we're looking to do, is give professional advice about corals and general husbandry to people we would be working closely with (so that we can all be on the page). p.s. It is just 2 of us running the business, and only one of me that will be working on the page, I will not be encouraging people to e-mail you questions, just to read the FAQ's and articles. We just don't have the man power to start a site with even a fraction of your resources. I don't won't to link to you without your permission, and without an appropriate banner. Thanks Mike Grant & Dan Litwin Go Fish On an unrelated topic, when are you coming up to Toronto? Will you be speaking publicly? <Mmm, yes... have to look... April 28! I better start getting ready! Be chatting, Bob Fenner> Aquarium Site of Interest 1/3/07 Hi, <Howdy> My name is Morgan and I think that your website on aquariums is fantastic. It definitely is one of the more expansive websites pertaining to aquariums that I have yet encountered. <Okay!> It's always great to see other people loving aquariums as much as I do. <Agreed> I was also writing to suggest another useful link. It is my ferret <I think you mean favorite... this is Fish Aquariums Online...> website http://www.fao.com.au/ I think it would be another very useful link for your visitors. Thank you , Morgan <Will add to our links pages, thank you. Bob Fenner> Site linking............ 12/6/06 Dear Mr. Fenner, First of all, let me say what a fantastic site wetwebmedia is! Much respect! (as they say in the Caribbean) :) I was reading your Content Use Policy and had a thought. I am planning a commercial site, by the way. Mine will cater mostly to a local trade in aquarium maintenance services but with emphasis on information for the education of the hobbyist. <Ah, good> What if a site like mine included a list of useful article "titles", each of which is linked directly to wetwebmedia and the specific article of yours or subject in question? <All are welcome to link what they will... it is a Web after all...> Your allowance of photos linking your site (exact page of photo) might be a thought as well. <Mmm, no... as you state, yours is intended to be a commercial site/venture. My content is not free to post on others sites as such> If our goal is to educate, and all roads lead to you and your interests, isn't this a win/win idea? looking forward to your reply! Derrick Lemonious <Good luck, life. Do send along your URL when you get your site up and we'll place it on our links pages. Bob Fenner> Re: Site linking............ 12/6/06 Thank you Bob. So why not the photo link. They see your photo with an underscore link and new browser opens to same photo with all of your vast content before them. I thought it was a smashing idea. :) Derrick <Is, but unfortunately... a note here re not ever fighting "human nature"... once content makes it off one's site... It is "gone" forever... Imagine... folks seeing my pix on your site... lifting them... Bob Fenner> Australian Link Addn. 8/17/06 Bob, I can't do anything to the site from here, FP won't open it. Paul would like to have a link put on the WWM. Mike <Will do Miguel, Paul. BobF> > Subject: THE REEF SHOP > Hi, > My name is Paul and i am the proprietor of The Reef Shop. > Feel free to visit our website and if you like it i would appreciate a link on your website. > http://www.thereefshop.com.au > Kind regards, > Paul Re: Link Suggestion: Local Aquarium Stores and Suppliers - Interactive Map, Reviews, & Ratings 7/15/06 Bob, <Jeff> I'm still making improvements to my site (www.aquariumstorefinder.org). Performance is much better for folks using Internet Explorer now. <Ah, good> Thanks for adding us as a link! <Welcome> If its not too much trouble, would you mind changing the URL to: www.aquariumstorefinder.org ? Also, since its not really a retail site, perhaps listing it under hobbyists sites would make more sense? Just my 2 cents. <As you wish> Thanks again for your support! Best, Jeff <And you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Link for winky-blinky e- "Greeting Cards" with aquatic themes 7/1/06 Hi, This is Justin from 123Greetings.com. I would appreciate if you can let me know how to add our link http://www.123greetings.com/pets/fish/ at your links page http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwlinks.htm .We would love to reciprocate. Following are our site details: Title: Aqua Fun Greeting Cards, Ecards From 123Greetings.com Url: http://www.123greetings.com/pets/fish/ Description: Here's a delightful aquatic world for some splash n frolic with these charming pets called fish ! So... jus' click across a colorful and animated greeting card your friend's/ loved one's way. Regards and Best Wishes, Justin <Will post. Bob Fenner> Requesting reciprocal link Hi Bob! <Shannon> NorthSide Aquatics is a hobbyist-owned and operated fish store in Maumelle, AR (just outside of Little Rock). We've been in business about 3 years now and have had a link to you guys on our links page since it's been up. http://www.nsaquatics.com/links/index.php We carry saltwater fish, corals, freshwater fish (including African Cichlids), aquatic plants, and dry goods (all major brands - Seachem, RedSea, Kent, ADA, Coral Life). We would appreciate it if you guys would post a link to our main page http://www.nsaquatics.com/ where you feel it would be most appropriate for your website. Thank you so much! Shannon Goins NorthSide Aquatics 14005 OverStreet Rd., Unit B Maumelle, AR 72113 501-803-3434 <Will gladly post. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Link Suggestion: Local Aquarium Stores and Suppliers - Interactive Map, Reviews, & Ratings 6/23/06 Below is the summary I've used to communicate the nature of the site. I hope you'll pardon the copy and paste! After reading a number of threads asking about stores in local areas, I thought I would make a little contribution to our online community. I hope you'll consider adding a link and/or telling people about it! Best, Jeff <Will do. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> http://www.aquariumstorefinder.org I've put together a small web application and database to provide information on stores in YOUR (or any other) local area. In fact there are already over 400 stores nationwide! Hopefully you will find it useful and possibly contribute to the database. The map is interactive in terms of content, new things will show up all the time. Each of the points on the map is "clickable" and will reveal additional details like address, phone, store hours, website, email, appointment requirements, specialties, and more. You can also read and write reviews! You can manipulate the map too. Controls in the upper left hand corner will allow you to zoom in or out or pan left, right, up, or down. New Bells and Whistles in the latest version a.. Customized Maps - Just register and the map will be customized to show stores in your surrounding area! b.. Global search feature - Just click on the magnifying glass in the toolbar. c.. Store Ratings and Reviews - Customers can now write store reviews and provide ratings. The pop-up profile from the map shows the number of reviews and the average rating. There are links to read these reviews or write one of your own. d.. Driving Directions - Just enter your starting address in the store profile window and you'll have a customized e.. set of instructions on how to get there, f.. Updateable Store Profiles - You can now update existing store profiles with missing or changed data. Store owners can also restrict any maintenance to the owner of the store. If you own a store, please create an account and send me a note indicating which store belongs to you. g.. Enhanced Store Information - Many of you requested store hours. The profile now also shows whether appointments are required and any specialties of the house. h.. User Profiles - Many of the new features require registration, so you'll be able to update your profile. For now, it keeps track of your home zip code (to center the map) and your preferred zoom level. In the future it will also manage your group/club/society memberships. Just click on the toolbar icon to access your profile. i.. Toolbar - A common toolbar is available to always provide access to your account, the "map", and other functions. Future features will be accessible via additional buttons. Many of the new features will require you to "register". Don't worry, the tool will always be free for hobbyists, so don't sweat it. You also have my word that your email address will not be shared. Just go to http://www.aquariumstorefinder.org to sign on or create an account. You'll find a button for new users. The basic map features are still available without registration. Click on the preview link to view the nation-wide map. You can provide a zip code to see what's already been added in your local area or zoom in on any region of the country. If nothing exists, please add the stores you know about! Please let me know if you encounter problems. If you tried it out previously, we think we have the problems with Internet Explorer figured out. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and participation. Please feel free to let others know all about it. More to come! Enjoy! Jeff Links I'd like to suggest my two sites for your Hobbyists Sites at www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/general_links_pg.htm The sites are Tim's Tropical Fish www.timstropicals.com and Tropical Fish Find at www.tropicalfishfind.com Thanks for your consideration. Tim Anderson <Ah, will do. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Re: Links corr.s 4/26/06 Wondered if I could get a correction on the posting. The site www.tropicalfishfind.com has been listed with only the URL instead of the site name "Tropical Fish Find" I was also hoping to get my other site on the list: "Tim's Tropical Fish" linking to www.timstropicals.com <Did do this... I thought> <<Is>> Do you have a graphic or text that you'd like displaced on my sites? Thanks. <Not necessary, thanks. BobF> Tim Re: Links - 04/27/06 Thanks for correcting the phrasing for Tropical Fish Find. I found the link you set up for Tim's Tropical Fish under Freshwater instead of General. If you get a chance to move it, it would be appreciated. Tim's has a large section on marine in addition to freshwater. Thanks for all your efforts. It's much appreciated. Tim <Be building (content)! BobF> Link Exchange with Arkadia.com ... No thanks 4/20/06 Greetings, <Hi there> We find your site interesting and useful, and we would like to partner with your site by exchanging links. We wanted to let you know that we have just placed your link to our directory. You can find the link to your site here: http://www.arkadia.com/usa/web-directory/Science/Biology/Flora_and_Fauna/Animalia/Mollusca/Gastropoda/ <... is this some sort of project, branching off of a/your real estate business?> We have used the following details on your link: CATEGORY: Science > Biology > Flora and Fauna > Animalia > Mollusca > Gastropoda URL: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/gastropo.htm TITLE: Gastropods DESCRIPTION: Information on gastropods from an aquarist's viewpoint. Includes pages on specific orders of gastropods, as well as a general gastropod FAQ. As you know, exchanging links helps both sides in improving the traffic (by increased visibility, and by extra scoring in major search engines counting number of links as an important scoring factor). <I/We're not interested in this "score"> Here is our linking information for your convenience: URL: http://www.arkadia.com TITLE: Arkadia Worldwide Properties DESCRIPTION: International real estate classified ads from homeowners or brokers to buy, sell or rent your property, house, apartment, business, land. Worldwide directory of vacation rentals by owner!. <...? What service might this be to our readership? Where might we place your link on our pages? BobF> Link Partnership for Your Web Site 1/18/06 We recently visited your www.wetwebfotos.com web site. We really liked your site and think our web site visitors are similar. <Mmm, there is definitely some overlap/intersection> Would you consider adding a link to Innovative Aquarium Systems on your web site? We think your web site and ours would partner nicely to bring each other additional business and visitors to our web sites. <Sure> Our web site is http://www.iasaquariums.com We design aquarium systems for applications world wide. We would also like to add a link to your web site at our link directory with your permission. Our link directory is being created now and can be found at http://www.iasaquariums.com/links.html and we look forward to adding your site to our directory. <You're welcome to link whoever you deem worthwhile> Once you add our link, please email me and I can move your site link to the top of your category on our link directory. <Mmm, will add your link about two days hence... to the General, Freshwater and Marine Links pages...> Please email or call me if I can answer any questions. I look forward to our mutual success. Sincerely, David Russo Marketing and Public Relations Innovative Aquarium Systems www.iasaquariums.com 800.972.7121, 619 280 1126 <You folks are in San Diego... as am I... and we used to fabricate, install, such systems... and we don't know each other? I really am getting old! Cheers, Bob Fenner> Interest in being a board moderator for Fishdomain.com 1/11/06 Bob, I am the owner of FishDomain.com. We are a free informational site that strives to help the marine aquarist with all there questions and concerns. I am preparing to release a new forum design and would like to know if you would be interested in help to moderate a board or two in exchange for information and promotion of your current books and any new projects you are working on. I am also looking for experts to help write species profiles and articles and will give them full credit and promotional opportunities in exchange. Rob Colby Fishdomain.com Owner/Operator <... No thank you. I am beyond current obligations as it is. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Link exchange with your site http://wetwebfotos.com 12/30/2005 Dear Webmaster, <You're looking for Zo for WWF... will cc him here. Bob Fenner> My name is Tarja Anchor, and I run the web site Aquarium Fish: http://aquariuminfosite.com/ I recently found your site http://wetwebfotos.com and am very interested in exchanging links. I've gone ahead and posted a link to your site, on this page: http://aquariuminfosite.com/linkmachine/resources/resources.html As you know, reciprocal linking benefits both of us by raising our search rankings and generating more traffic to both of our sites. Please post a link to my site as follows: Title: Aquarium Fish URL: http://aquariuminfosite.com/ Description: All about aquariums, aquarium supplies, aquarium fishes, and diseases. Once you've posted the link, let me know the URL of the page that it's on, by entering it in this form: http://aquariuminfosite.com/linkmachine/resources/link_exchange.php?ua=_ua9&site_index=NTM3MzU4 You can also use that form to make changes to the text of the link to your site, if you'd like. Thank you very much, Tarja Anchor Advertising sponsorship enquirer, links to add 8/27/05 Hello Mr. Fenner, Could you send me information such as cost and packages for banner advertising on your website WWM. Thank you! Respectfully, Michael D. Baker, President Oceanpro Aquatics, Inc. 13472 Fifth Street #4, Chino, California 91710 (909) 590-4227 (Opened to the general public 3 days a week only) "Wholesale to the Public" Visit www.OceanproAquatics.com/shop <Our stated policy is here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/wwmsponsors.htm I will ask MikeK to follow-up with you here, and post your URL on our Links pages under Etailer for Marine, Freshwater and Pond supplies. Bob Fenner> Link request 8/26/05 Hi there- <Hello> We have had an online general pet supply store for a while (Pet Promenade - http://www.petpromenade.com <http://www.petpromenade.com/> ) where we still sell some aquarium items. However, our aquarium supply business grew quite rapidly and our customers encouraged us to expand our product selection so we opened a dedicated aquatics supply store. We are hoping you can include our aquatics site (Aquatic Exchange - http://www.aquaticexchange.com <http://www.aquaticexchange.com/> ) in your list of retailers as another product source for your readers. We have taken the liberty of posting a link to your extremely informative site in the Information section of our links directory. Thanks for your consideration. Bob Semenak Aquatic Exchange <Will gladly place your link on our FW, Marine, Pond Indices. Bob Fenner> Links 08/08/2005 Hi, I am a reefkeeper and regularly scan your site for answers to questions. Very nice site, thank you. We recently launched a company called Everclear Transparency Refurbishing Inc (aka ETR-INC) at www.etr-inc.com We primarily sell acrylic scratch removal kits and products right now, but are quickly expanding our inventory to include other scratch removal accessories and maintenance products. We also plan to add lots of useful information and tips to help reefkeepers avoid scratches. Could you please post a link on your site for us? <Will gladly do so> At some point we may be interested in buying some ad space on your site but we're too poor right now. Thanks again! Regards, Scott Everclear Transparency Refurbishing Inc. www.etr-inc.com < http://www.etr-inc.com/> scott@etr-inc.com <mailto:scott@etr-inc.com> <Bob Fenner> UK etailer link to ad 6/29/05 Hi, I visited your www.wetwebmedia.com website, I was really impressed by your site and I would like to trade links. I've added your website's listing to my link directory and the listing is in the Fish theme page here: http://www.seapets.co.uk/links/fish.html. <This link is dead> Your link will show on the next upload by the end of today. Please let me know where my link is on your site when it is up and I will upgrade your link to partner status (so your link shows at the top of the page). Regards, Vicki links_seapets@ntlworld.com http://www.seapets.co.uk/ Info to add my website's link to your website: URL: http://www.seapets.co.uk/ TITLE: Pet, Dog, Cat, Fish, Aquarium and Pond Supplies DESCRIPTION: Online Pet, Dog, Cat, Fish, Aquarium and Pond Supplies. Seapets is one of the UK's leading online suppliers of Pet, Dog, Cat, Fish, Aquarium and Pond Supplies. <Will ad your link to our General Links pages. Bob Fenner> General Aquatics (out of business?) On this page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/dealers_and_distributors.htm The link to this e-tailer no longer works: http://www.generalaquatics.com/ Today, it is telling me "invalid hostname". A couple weeks back, it found the host but wasn't working. Presumably they are out of business, going out of business, are not doing electronic presence anymore, or are having severe problems. Joe Kraska <Yep, Big Wave Dave's biz is no more. Will remove link/name. BobF> General links to aquarium sites Hello: I was wondering how I can add a website link: <Mmm, well, we can do so> http://saltwaterobsession.com/store/scripts/default.asp to the Retailers/E-tailers section of the General Links to Aquatic/Aquarium Internet Sites. Also can I add a link from my website to your website? <Certainly> Thank you for your help and a very informative website. Jessie <And you for your efforts. Will gladly add in a few days (time to cycle through our system). Bob Fenner> Aquarium manufacturer, Link to add Hi Bob, <Louie> We met some time ago when you owned Wet Pets in San Diego. <Wowzah... that IS some time ago> I have a company that manufacturers custom aquariums and I invite you to visit our web site to learn more about our company. We also do aquarium maintenance and manager a network of independent aquarium service companies across the United States and we just celebrated our 15 year anniversary. <Outstanding. Congratulations on your success> I recently found your web site and found it very informative. May we request a link from your site? <Certainly> We think your web readers would find it helpful. I have an idea I would like to run by you regarding developing training materials for aquarists. Are you associated with any of San Diego aquarium companies? <Mmm, only in so much that we are friends, associated in the same interests> Can you give me a call at 858 571 3474, ext104 or email me you phone number and we could discuss the ideas? <Will gladly chat here or on the phone> Thanks Bob and I look forward to speaking with you. Louie Ortiz www.westcoastaquarium.com <Be chatting, Bob Fenner> < file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/louie.WESTCOASTAQUARI/Application%20Data/Microsoft/Signatures/www.westcoastaquarium.com > West Coast Aquarium Industries Corporate Headquarters 7194 Clairemont Mesa Blvd San Diego, CA 92111 800-347-4954, Outside US 858-571-3474 Fax 858-571-0234 Correspondence Address (Mail) 5694 Mission Center Road, #147 San Diego, CA 92108 Linking to Your site Me and My wife recently started a pet store online. We were wondering how to go about getting our website linked to your site. Our website is www.DomesticFish.com We feel our company is competitive with prices. Thank you in advance Mike @Domesticfish <Will do. Good luck in your venture. Bob Fenner> Link I looked over your site. Would you consider adding a link to my site? http://www.dervich.com/shopping/ Description: Water Purification Supplies is a company providing water purification components of the highest quality. Hot and cold water dispenser - Hot cold water cooler manufacturer. Reverse osmosis di. I have put a link to your site here: http://www.dervich.com/shopping/links.htm Thanks. <Will do. Your water purification line should have good placement in the pet-fish interest. Bob Fenner>» Fernando G. Massino Imagen, Diseño y Posicionamiento Web Tel.: (54-11) 4460-1500 / 4659-1128 ferlit@netone.com.ar - www.netone.com.ar Chacabuco 1299 Oficinas 2 y 3 Ramos MejÃa (B1704FFY), Buenos Aires, Argentina. Request to have our link added Dear webmaster, <Mmm, okay> We would like to request to have our link Bio-Aquatics added to your Retailers/E-tailers section. Bio-Aquatics- Distributor of quality frozen and dry tropical fish foods. Shipped overnight nationwide. Credit cards accepted. URL - http://www.bio-aquatics.com <Will do. Bob Fenner> Thank you, Walter P. Hackett III Bio-Aquatics Re: Request to have our link added Bob, <Walter> Thank you for adding a link to our web site in your commercial section of your links page. We to have also added a copy of your banner, and a link to your web site in our links page at which can be viewed here at http://www bio-aquatics.com/Links.html. Thank you, Walter P. Hackett III Bio-Aquatics <Thank you. Best of life, business for you and yours. Bob Fenner> Hi From Fiji (and link to add) Dear Mr Fenner, We have a company in Fiji that has been exporting Live rock , Coral ,and Fish, sometimes all, or individually, for the last 10 years, we are quite small, and often go unnoticed, and our competitors are quite visible!. <Hee hee! Good way of putting this... some are indeed very large in size and ego!> I have seen your Wet Web Media and find it quite interesting, and I have seen and heard your name quite often, so I decided to write to you, I am not sure if you would like to know about us, just in case our website is, www.waterlifefiji.com, ( if you click on it I think it will take you there, I hope), if there is anything I can contribute to, please let me know, hope to hear from you Thanks Peter Savona Waterlife Exporters (Fiji) Limited PH(679)9930001 <Will gladly post your note and add your URL to the marine/reef links pages. In turn, do make it known if we may be of assistance... mainly in the realms of social introductions to individuals, business in the trade, content... And I hope to "run into" you, perhaps write up an article on you, your endeavors on a trip out to Fiji (I make it out there once, twice a year). Be chatting, Bob Fenner> Links to add I have two links to add to your links page. Amazing Aquatics - www.amazingaquatics.com Under the retailers section Omaha Marine Society - www.omsweb.org Under Hobby Clubs <Will do. Bob Fenner> Bad Links! Bad! This article can not be accessed I don't believe... it's on this page; http://wetwebmedia.com/Latest%20Articles.htm <Mmm, this link comes up for me. Please try again> Review of Natural Marine Aquariums, Reef Invertebrates by Don Carner http://wetwebmedia.com/new_page_2.htm <This one is dead. Can you tell me what page you found this on? Bob F who cringes at the prospect of running the Reports View of the root web.> Link to add to: FW, Marine, Pond, Planted Tanks Pages Hi Bob, <Drew> I looked over your site, great job on it. Would you consider adding a link to my site? www.AquaticHouse.com. We are an online store specializing in quality aquarium and pond supplies. Thanks for any consideration you can give us. Drew <Will gladly do so. Good business to/for you. Bob Fenner> Re: the link you added to my site needs correcting Hi Bob Thanks for adding my link to your page. It was entered as Osmotic Filtration which is incorrect. Can it be changed so it will work? It should be www.OsmoticWaterFiltration.com Thanks, I love your web site! Al Johnson <Sorry for the error. Will correct. Bob Fenner> Link Submission Hi my name is Jason Oudekerk, and I am a distributor for bulk fish food in Canada. I would like for you to add my link to your links page. I send my food across Canada & the US mail order. Thank you for your time and please have a look at my site. Jason Oudekerk, Owner Northern Aquaselect Bulk Fish Food http://www3.sympatico.ca/joudekerk <Will add on the morrow. Bob Fenner> - Broken Link - Bob: You recently added a link to my site, The Aquarium Information Source, on your general links page. I just visited that page, however, and the link is not working. The link should direct to www.save1004.com. I thought you might be interested in knowing about the problem. Thanks, Jesse <I've fixed it for you. Thanks for pointing it out. Cheers, J -- > Link request Hey Bob, I just started a new website dedicated to aquarium lighting and was wondering if you would post a link to it on your site. The URL is: http://www.aquarium-lighting-guide.com/ I have posted a link to wetwebmedia.com as well. Thanks in advance, Joseph McClure Aquarium-Lighting-Guide.com <Will place on the morrow. Thanks for the notice/request. Bob Fenner> Link Bob: <Jesse> I just visited your site for the first time, it's great! Anyway, I am about to add your link to my site and was hoping that you would return the favor. My site info is as follows. Title: Aquarium Information Source URL: http://www.save1004.com < http://www.save1004.com/> Thanks, Jesse B. Hunt <Will place on the morrow. Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner> Hey, It's Fishbase.org! >Dear Marina / Bob, I came across this great free site for fish identification. I would be good for people who cannot afford a book or do not have the faculties to get a book for identifying their fish or even other wise www.fishbase.org. It would also be a good idea to have a link from WWM to this site. >>WHAT?? We haven't got it linked already??? This is indeed an excellent site, and thank you for the heads up/reminder. Marina >Please let me know if it was helpful. Kind Regards, Bruce Link Hello, My name is Cliff Scalco and I own the site www.fishtankstore.com. I was wondering if you would be interested in putting a link to my site on your site and I'll do the same? I think my customers could get a lot of use out of your site. If you like I have added a link to my banner if you want to use it? http://www.fishtankstore.com/banner.htm <Will add your link to our root and other aquarium links pages tomorrow. Bob Fenner, WetWebMedia> Cliff Scalco Director of sales 480-239-9893 Phone 702-975-4302 Fax www.fishtankstore.com info@fishtankstore.com Hello (from Gary.S and the SDTFS) Note: add link - Wednesday, July 23, 2003 Hi Bob this Gary Sawyer. I have a new e mail I would like to know what does it cost to put my aquarium maintenance service name on your website? The club has a new website www.sandiegotropicalfish.com < http://www.sandiegotropicalfish.com/ > my website is www.aquaticworks.net < http://www.aquaticworks.net/ > take a look tell what you think. If you would like to call me the number is (619)465-0589 or email me at heatchiff@sbcglobal.net <I'll add your URL tomorrow. Good to hear from you, and very glad to see you're still involved in the trade and the SDTFS. Hope to see you soon. Bob Fenner> Mexican link for WWM hey Bobster... When you have the time, will you add the following link to WWM for our bilingual Spanish friends: <Will do, Simon> Also wanted to let you know that I (really) hope to have NMA sharks to you soon (pre-HI?). I'm enjoying the coverage immensely. Think I have brought some tasty morsels into it too. :) <Thought you would! Bob> ciao, bub Anthony - Adding a Hyperlink - Would like to exchange links. Please advise. Thank You. John & Ana Tonn www.AquaEx.net <Your link has been added to our site. Thank you, J -- > - Adding a Hyperlink - Hi can you add my site as a link I'll do the same for your site I know I added a site to your before but it was terminated so I started a better and nicer site its http://www.geocities.com/reefguy75/HomePage.html?1058063492499 I've enclosed a banner if you could add it if its no hassle thanks JM <We've added your link to our general links page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/general_links_pg.htm Cheers, J -- > - Adding a Hyperlink - Trying to figure out how to get you to add our link to you Page. <All you have to do is ask.> We have the largest Aquarium Specialty store in Philadelphia http://www.thehiddenreef.com/ here is our link the store has been around for 8 Years but we have been in the Hobby for more then 18 Years. We try to keep our prices low I believe that we might be the cheapest on salt 150 gallon salt box $17.99. The prices on this web site are the prices we have in the Store. But we also have a web page that is strictly the lowest prices we can sell for http://www.aquariumsupplystore.com/index.htm Check them out and see if you wouldn't mind putting them up. <I've added you to our general links page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/general_links_pg.htm > Thanks Best Regards Siegfried Gutekunst <Cheers, J -- > - Broken Link? - Hey All- Just wanted to let you know that the link to the Breeder's Registry is broken. Keep up the great work! Ryan Bowen <Thanks, Ryan, while it may appear broken now, for whatever reasons that web site is up and down all the time. Try it again later... I'll bet a dollar that it works. Cheers, J -- > - Adding a Hyperlink - What a great site you have! <Thank you... contributions like this make it what it is.> But to the point, I have searched high and low and cannot find how to suggest a link. <You just did it.> For your consideration, under retailers/etailers, freshwater, pond and/or marine Mayer's Pet Shop - http://www.mayerspet.net Thank you. Liane Balek <I just tried to check this in my web browser and am getting DNS errors trying to look up the site. Perhaps there are issues with your hosting provider or there is an error in the URL. Please apprise me of the correction (s) and we'll be happy to add the link to our site. Cheers, J -- > SuperZoo 2003 (industry trade show in Anaheim, California) As a past attendee at SuperZoo, here are some important links to this year's event. The show is almost sold out and we are looking forward to a GREAT event! If you have not already registered - Remember it's FREE if you register online ($5 per person via mail or fax and $10 per person at the door): http://www.wwpsa.com/custom/conference/ (badges will be sent in mid-June for all those who have pre-registered) For more information on seminars: http://www.wwpsa.com/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=276#Anchor-49575 For Hotel and Travel information (The Marriott is filling up quickly - make your reservations now!): http://www.wwpsa.com/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=281 For a list of exhibitors and to view the floor plan: http://www.wwpsa.com/files/vr2/shows/sz2003.html For more information on the Casino Night Party http://www.wwpsa.com/files/public/Casino_Night.pdf For driving directions: http://www.wwpsa.com/files/public/SuperZoo_Driving_Directions.pdf For general information on the show: http://www.wwpsa.com/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=276 For a schedule of events: http://www.wwpsa.com/i4a/pages/index.cfm?pageid=278 We are looking forward to seeing you at the show!!-- Thanks! WWPSA Telephone: 626-447-2222 FAX: 626-447-8350 Email: doug@wwpsa.com URL: www.wwpsa.com Link for etailer Hi could you tell me if you would be interested in a reciprocal link to my aquarium dry goods retail site www.aquatech-online.com I am adding your link today unless you have any objections and i would love to have my link on your site. regards Rob Wick <Will place your link on the general links page on WWM. Bob Fenner> Re: Link suggestion Dear Mr Fenner, I wish to apologize if your not the person I should be contacting about this but I have been searching all over wetwebmedia.com for a description on how I can suggest a link in your links section and could not find it. <Mmm, maybe we should add such an area. You can see "FAQs on Links (general to subweb level) here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/genllinksfaqs.htm> Ill cut to the chase as I suspect your a rather busy person. I help run what I feel is one of the fastest growing Aquarium Advice sites. Our URL is www.aquariumadvice.com and we have a community forum for the discussion of saltwater, freshwater and even outdoor ponds. Some of the features that make our site unique is that we recently started up some 'regional' forums. These are forums where members that live close to eachother can post questions about local fish shops and also plan meetings. <Okay> If your not the correct person to be sending this to if its not to much trouble to forward this message to whom ever should be getting it. Thank you, Aaron (fishfreek) <If you're asking us to post your site as a link, fine. Will do today or tomorrow. Bob Fenner> Innovative Lighting Solutions Dear Bob Fenner, <Actually, it's JasonC here... Bob is away on vacation.> My name is Princeton Huang, General Manager for Innovative Lighting Solutions. WWM is a very useful and informative sight and we would be interested in having our company linked off your site in the links section. Our company name is Innovative Lighting Solutions and the URL is http://www.il-solutions.com/ <I have added this hyperlink to our links page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/general_links_pg.htm > We are proud to offer quality lighting products and accessories for the aquatic enthusiast! Offering Power Compact, VHO, Metal Halide lighting systems, plug and light and do-it-yourself (DIY) systems, at some of the best prices on the Internet! We may also be interested in sponsor information as well. <I am CC'ing this message to Mike Kaechele who handles new sponsor accounts.> Thank you in advance for your time. <My pleasure.> Princeton Huang <Cheers, J -- > Re: Links / Google Search Hi Bob, <Howdy> I've been checking out your website and am impressed with the detail and diversity of its information. Just a note, the Google search doesn't seem to be working. We also request consideration for inclusion in your list of aquarium related links. <Mmm, the one on the homepage is working for me. Is it one on an index? Will add you to general and fw links pages later today. Bob Fenner> ~Thanks! Aquarium Plants & Driftwood http://www.floridadriftwood.com Re: List of all aquarium clubs Bob Fenner: I am trying to put together a collection of all the aquarium clubs in the world (actually, so far I have only been adding the ones from the US). I have been entering the list into DMOZ, one of the leading directories for the entire Internet. Any clubs listed here also show up in google and other search engines. If possible, could you direct visitors of your web site to these links? <Will do so... by placing your notice on the Daily FAQs, then on to the Links Pages> I am trying to help people looking for local aquarium clubs, as well as encouraging any aquarium clubs to submit their website. <A worthy task. I am hoping that the various business and scientific organizations involved in ornamental aquatics will participate, make use of your work/database.> http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Pets/Fish_and_Aquaria/Clubs/ http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Pets/Fish_and_Aquaria/Clubs/North_America/United_ States/ <Be chatting, Bob Fenner> Thanks, Brad V Bellomo C-Sea President <Note: add to links> From: europe@sea-river.com Reply-To: europe@sea-river.com To: BobFenner@WetWebMedia.com Subject: Sea-River's European Newsletter n° 7 Date: Wed, 21 Aug 2002 20:49:52 +0200 europe@sea-river.com Link Submission from United-Tech, Inc. To Whom it May Concern: We are an Environmental Biotech company specializing in all-natural bacteria/enzyme products to solve a myriad of waste problems. Our products are widely used in agriculture, aquaculture, and various other industries. I am requesting a link to our web site from your directory of resources. <Will do. Bob Fenner, WetWebMedia.com> URL: http://www.united-tech.com Title: United-Tech, Inc. Thank you for your time, and please let me know if anything else is needed. Best Regards, Bruce Rich Communications Coordinator United-Tech, Inc. Adding a link Hello Bob, could you please put the following link under the category "Other Pet-Fish Writers": <ahref="http://www.dmuratov.com/">Dmitry Muratov's HomePage</a>. This website features nature photography and articles on various animals-related (mainly aquarium-related!) topics. <Will do so on the morrow. Bob Fenner> |
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