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I would like to help (editing WWM) - 01/23/2006 Just read this on "Today's" questions, and would like some clarification, "Editing WWM, Stresscoat use FW 1/22/06". This lady is asking how to start helping (which I am asking also) and you suggest "Easiest would be for you to download any number of consecutive FAQs files, > edit, and send to me to place/replace the existing> Bob". Where are the FAQs to download? I really do want to help, I am surprised with myself at how much I want to do this. Thanks for your time, Agnes <Oh! Most all "Related FAQs" that are more than one file... for instance "Goldfish Systems"... could be all downloaded, "fixed", winnowed through... and re-sent (to me) for posting in place of the original files. Cheers, BobF> As seen on WWM.. Or, 'The humorous side of WWM'. 1/13/06 1) lightly stocked <20/30/40/55 or insert yours here> gal (Lightly stocked being two Ocellaris Clowns, a Flame Angel, a 2 in. Yellow Tang, 2 in. Purple Tang, and a 3 in. Gramma.. 2) Note: New Tank.. I have had them in the tank for roughly a week and everything's going great. <Except the dying part, right?> 3) Note: Another new tank being cycled with fish.. Bob's sign-off message.. <I do hope you're not abducted by a U.F.O. by organisms with such cavalier attitudes... though such would make a spiffy retro- Sci-Fi show theme. Bob Fenner> 4) Note: This is the opening paragraph.. As it turns out, Brian's the bright one... Hi Bob, <Brian> I have a 54 gallon corner reef that a lady who is a total dummy "looks after" because my parents don't trust me. <...?> 5) Note: This is a FIVE (5) gallon tank we are dealing with... I introduced a couple of Percula Clowns after a few weeks but within 2 days I had lost them. <The term a couple kind of scares me. This is only a five gallon tank. I could not recommend two clownfish for this size tank. You could perhaps safely keep two very small gobies, but definitely no other fish.> I checked my water quality and everything was okay (same values as above), <As I said, ammonia and nitrite must be zero.> so I then introduced a small Sailfin Tang <Oh my God!> 6) Note: Another opening letter to WWM.. Hi Steve (you are probably going to get fed up hearing from me) <We shall see. :)> 7) Note: One of the most classic sign-off's I have read to date.. <Mike... all this is answered on WWM... please don't send such illiterate messages to us... and no HTML, please. BobF> 8) Another Classic.. (re: God/s) <Heeee Heeee! I put invisible friends like the Easter Bunny and Santy Claus in the same box. Good luck, life to you. BobF> 9) Note: new tank, no fish.. The proper way to cycle a tank IMO. <Ah, the cry of spouses of hobbyists with new tanks everywhere... I would suggest you add a couple of clownfish-shaped food clips and point to them next time she asks.> 10) And the last.. A great read.. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/puffystory.htm Thanks for all the memories and hopefully many more to come! Craig Stress Coat & Improving WWM 1/8/06 Hello once again! I recently was talking with someone who once owned a pet store and I mentioned how expensive and sometimes distressing it has been keeping the "small fish" tank at the restaurant stocked. Usually what happens is that I buy app. 10-14 new small fish to replace ones that have died in the main tank and quarantine them in my 10 gal. q-tank at home. Within a week about half of these fish (although sometimes as much as 90% and (even more rare) as few as 0) die of no visible cause. <... not good> By which I mean that they are swimming, breathing, and eating normally when I check them and then 6-8 hours later when I check them again someone's dead and stuck to the filter intake with no visible parasites, fungi, or bacterial growths or signs of such. In other words, a dead fish that looks just like a healthy live fish except for the stiffness and lack of movement. Now, this is something that I have always considered to be beyond my control- I have done my part by providing a clean (and yes, I do know my H2O parameters and yes they are all "ideal"), cycled tank with plenty of cover, and regular feedings. I have always believed that these fish were dying from stress due to how they were caught, shipped, unpacked, stored (overcrowded), caught again, and finally released into my tank. <For the most part, yes. Better to look elsewhere for better initially healthy stock> (I unfortunately must buy from Petco or PetSmart because I am unable to reach any fish-only store on a regular basis.) However, the gentleman I spoke with assured me that if I were to start using Stress Coat (or similar product), my fish survival rate would greatly increase. <This is likely so> Now I know that the stores always add a squirt to the bags before performing their magic with the rubberband (why is it so necessary to put those on so tight? <Better too tight than loose> I mean, one twist less and I could get the darn things off without scissors and the fish would still be safe safe safe.), and I have always considered that to be enough. In fact, I seem to recall reading somewhere on this site that some of the slime coat "replacing" agents actually cause the fish to produce slime by irritating them with some toxin or other. <Some do, yes... not ones from the "larger companies" though> (Darned if I can find that info. again, though. I gave up after 20 something pages mentioning Stress Coat, 12 or so of StressCoat, and checking 50 or so topics out of 212 in the Equipment and Dry Goods Forum. I also re-read a number of general articles on set-up, stocking, and health and disease without coming across it. Perhaps I hallucinated it.) <Likely written by myself... in pieces on Acclimation, Shipping> Inducing a slime coat by stressing the fish doesn't seem like a good idea to me, so I have avoided all such products. So, will Stress Coat (or some related product) actually cut back on my fish loss? <Is worth trying. Will likely help here> Or is this just product hype? Is there a consensus among those of you who answer these questions? <Mmm, don't know the others here well enough to state> Unrelated to my question, but with direct bearing on my search for an answer, it seems to me that your wonderful, magnificent site may be on the verge of containing too much redundant information! I love this site and am deeply, deeply indebted to all the information provided on it. I mention this because it seems that the ever-increasing bulk of information on here may eventually get in the way of your primary goal (which I believe is to help those in the hobby/passion as well as those entering it to better care for their charges through the dissemination of useful information.) Now, I realize I may be stating the obvious to you, and if you are tearing at your hair, muttering 'tell me something I don't know,' I apologize! But here are my ideas to help deal with this problem. a) dump some of the old stuff. Since there is likely nothing new under the sun, even in fish keeping, and despite your best efforts people keep asking the same questions, only a certain amount of redundancy is necessary. I do believe some redundancy IS necessary- for people to learn and really absorb new information correctly, they need to see it given a number of times, preferably in different ways or used in different situations. b) Rather than posting all questions in the FAQs (if that is what you do), try to weigh whether that question has been answered enough times before posting a reply- still reply if you want to, of course! Just don't add the information AGAIN to the site if it's there 20 times or so. c) Take a good look at the FAQs- do they imply that certain information is missing from your general articles? <Good points... mainly this "editing" has not been done for a lack of time available... Am not willing to give up other "things" including pet-fish writing, travel, photography, "the business of life"... and work pretty much to exhaustion daily as my routine already... Would you like to give this some of your time? Will gladly replace parts of WWM you are willing to winnow> Most people are likely to read your articles before asking a question, especially with the gentle prompting the site gives when one clicks "ask the WWM crew a question". I know this is time-consuming, but perhaps one or two people who currently answer questions could instead be dedicated to that task? <A few folks have written "new article content" and this an ongoing goal of our on-line 'zine (Conscientious Aquarist). I have placed several hundred of my articles and book segments, some 14k images... takes time my friend> Those are just my thoughts. I hope I have not come across as lecturing or something equally horrible. I only wanted to mention this because I think it might help keep the site manageable for those of you who work on it and for those of us who turn to it when in need. Thank you for your time! <Your comments and suggestions are well-regarded... am thankful for such careful, useful input... At the end of the day, my only excuse/explanation is that of the handful of hours I am willing to "put into" our collective effort here, that I endeavor to do the most important (respond to and place FAQs), and spare some ten percent or so of resource for such "strategic" work. What we have currently is a reflection of doing so for years. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Sincerely, Sarah Orris Re: Stress Coat & improving WWM - 01/09/2006 > <Good points... mainly this "editing" has not been done for a lack of time > available... Am not willing to give up other "things" including pet-fish > writing, travel, photography, "the business of life"... and work pretty much to > exhaustion daily as my routine already... Would you like to give this some of > your time? Will gladly replace parts of WWM you are willing to winnow> Aaaah, would that be "be careful what you wish for, you just may end up with the opportunity to do it yourself"? :) <Heeee!> It is a daunting prospect for me since I am not sure how much there is to winnow through. Or how to start. <Easiest would be for you to download any number of consecutive FAQs files, edit, and send to me to place/replace the existing> My first inclination would be to start with the FAQs and throw out old info that keeps getting repeated (and repeatedly asked)- "my water is cloudy- your tank is cycling", for example. I guess, with some communication and some help I would be willing to try. <This would be grand. As a "warm up", if you are inclined, feel sufficiently knowledgeable, have time... I welcome you to aid us in responding to queries themselves... freshwater, marine... your choices> There are certainly some areas of articles that I have puzzled through that could use a judicious extra sentence or two. (I used to be an editor for a research journal, I have strong feelings about such things.) <Oooh, this is a propitious meeting... for sure> Out of curiosity, when you use google to search the site, is there any order by which it searches? <Mmm, a question either for Google (oh why didn't I quit college and start a search strategy company...) or one/s more aware of such things. We use Google's software en toto... I know not how it actually works.> Specifically, does it go through the articles before going through the FAQs? Or could it be made to happen that way? <Would be handy... I suspect their model acts as a consecutive accumulator of crawlings, searchings... such that it places the more often viewed pages first...> To keep using my stress coat search as an example, perhaps I would have found the information myself if the first few/several 'hits' I got back were from the articles instead of the FAQs. Oh dear, I'm sorry, there I go again. The ol' brain just keeps ticking away. Sorry! <No worries. This is indeed instructional...> So, if you like, I guess I could look over things more closely and tell you what I think. Thanks for all your invaluable advice! <And you for yours> Sarah Orris PS I can't remember if I ever told you, but the goldfish I had with the constant bloat and septicemia died not too long after I wrote you- I did not do an autopsy, but some gentle probing revealed a large lump inside her- something inedible? a growth?- which was likely the source of all the trouble. Poor thing. <Much more likely the latter. Bob Fenner> A card from Claude Declercq (Claude re-produces WWM in French) 12/30/05 Dear Best Bob and staff, <Bonjour Claude!> You have been sent a Jacquie Lawson card by Claude Declercq. Please click on the following link to see your card. If your e-mail program has not displayed this as a link, then please copy the following into the Address or Location bar of your Internet browser. http://www.jacquielawson.com/viewcard.asp?code=SR32778541 Alternatively, please visit www.jacquielawson.com and select the Pick Up Card option in the menu. Then enter your card code, which is: SR32778541 If you have any problem at all viewing your card, please click here: http://www.jacquielawson.com/help_1.asp <Happy holidays, New Year to you and yours as well my/our friend. Bob Fenner> Greetings from one of the old guys 12/13/05 Bob, <Erik> This is the first time I have been to your web site. Wow, you guys offer a lot of information in one place. I see your name all the time, and enjoy selling the Conscientious Marine Aquarist book when a store asks for the best book out there. Keep up the good work, I just had to say Hello. I have not seen you at a show for a while. Merry Christmas! Erik Hinkston Central Pet West <Thank you, and to you and yours my friend. Glad to find you still in the trade. Bob Fenner> WWM's Lack-Of-Profit Isn't Quite Non-Profit - 12/11/2005 Hi Guys, I recently met a woman named Leslie McCarthy, a bay area educational advocate. She was taken with our website, and referred it to a friend, whom manages the David and Lucile Packard Foundation which manages awarding grants to Conservation and Science oriented organizations. Is WetWebMedia set up as a non-profit, or does a non-profit branch exist? There may be a grant we qualify for if so. http://www.packard.org/ < http://www.packard.org/> Happy Holidays, -Ryan <We're not a registered non-profit, but are "unprofitable" (Heeee!). BobF> REAL Fish Names: Taxonomic Classification/Latin Names'¦resources 11/28/05 Hello <Hello Jay C.> Where can I find a definitive list of taxonomic classification on the WWW. I would prefer one that is searchable i.e. I could type in the name of the organism and it would return the phylum, subphylum etc all the way down to species. <If you are speaking of all animals in general, honestly I am not sure. However I assume that you mean aquatic life, if so please see here: http://www.fishbase.org/search.php .> <<Whenever I want to find the taxonomy, I use the keyword "taxonomy", and if I have the species, or at least genus, add that as a search keyword. Easy peasy lemon squeezy via Google. There are also sites that are specific to particular sciences, many of these do require a fee for access, much like university libraries, etc. Marina>> I have spent over 2 hours searching this morning and cannot find anything so comprehensive. <I think the above may be what you are looking for.> Thank you in advance for your time. <No trouble at all.> Jay Cochrane <Adam Jackson.> Re: Small Marine Systems, Blessings in Thanks 11/5/05 Thanks a lot Adam. <No trouble.> Your website was referred to me by a guy at the fish store I bought my live rock from and I need to thank him as well. <Oh yes, very good.> I spent all of last night going through the FAQs and learned more than I did there than through those months of book research. <Oh yes keep reading.> So as a Hindu, I am obligated to state the traditional Hindu blessings along with my thanks. <Thank you.> May you live a thousand years. May you father a thousand sons. <Oh, gosh. I hope not.> Same goes for all the male members of your crew. I won't extend both blessings to your female crew since a thousand sons may be a bit hard on them, <<Yes, thank you, two are enough. Marina>> <I would guess, so heehee.> but the thousand year blessing works. <Thank you, Adam J.> I'd Like to use WetWebMedia.com for a Masters Project - Donate Time, Results 10/12/05 Mike/Bob: <Matthew> I'm a programmer and a user experience professional here in the Chicago area. I'm also working on a Masters degree in Human Computer Interaction. The reason I'm writing to you and to WetWebMedia is that for the course I'm in, we're looking to take a web site or subject matter that we're interested in and improve them based on several design theories and practices. This includes prototyping, user testing, and development of a solution. <Okay> I'd like to use wetwebmedia.com for my project and donate my time and work to Bob and the team as gratitude for all the information and enjoyment you have provided me. I've been running aquariums for years (much to my wife's dismay). If you're interested, please feel free to contact me here or give me a call at 847.405.XXXX. I'll provide more on my programming and professional background, class description etc. Thank you for your time, Matthew Dragon Technical Architect - Content, Strategy and User Experience <Mmm, am grateful for the help, innovation. Will gladly review what changes you suggest. We are not willing to grant you access to our server however. Bob Fenner> Re: I'd Like to use WetWebMedia.com for a Masters Project - Donate Time, Results 10/12/05 Bob: <Matt> Thanks for the response. I would not be requesting or needing any access to your content, servers, or code in anyway (outside of what the public can access). <Ah, good... am sure you understand our apprehension/s re.> The project is more about how an end user interacts with the information architecture and visual design of the web site (or user interface). <And we've agonized over how we might improve same... Again, grateful for your input> I'd be doing things like competitive analysis, business and technical requirements, prototypes/wireframes and user acceptance testing. <I see... we do have a stat.s server... it's URL, password is located on the Admin. subweb... you can find with a simple search> My goal of these first emails was to introduce myself and get your permission to use the likeness and logos of wetwebmedia.com for use within this project (ONLY). <Certainly> I am hopeful that as I produce documentation and concepts, that I could get your feedback/opinions. <Oh yes. Gladly> Also, if you ever had a 'dream' of what wetwebmedia.com might become (if you aren't at that point already). If you ever had a thought of future functionality or items that you'd like to see tested, don't hesitate to comment or just shoot me an email. <Will do> I honestly feel that I owe your site quite a bit and this project presented a chance for me to give back. Any interaction I get from you or anyone on your team, will only improve the usefulness of a solution. Matthew Dragon P.S. Other than being placed in my portfolio, you would retain all ownership of anything that I produce. P.P.S. If you do ever need coding help or have a question about how something works, I'd be happy to answer, debug, or do whatever you might need help with (just an offer to keep in your back pocket). <Am cc'ing the folks here who know much more than I re such... Thank you again. I look forward to hearing your ideas. Bob Fenner> Re: I'd Like to use WetWebMedia.com for a Masters Project - Donate Time, Results 10/12/05 Bob and Crew: <Matt> I'm attaching a high level competitive analysis. This is not a detailed analysis, just a point by point comparison between your site and some others of my choosing. You'll notice I did not include any web sites that were topic specific (reef sites, freshwater, etc). I tried to cover sites and publications that cover the array of aquarium topics. <Is summat unreadable... can it be sent in another way? Perhaps try fennerrobert@hotmail.com address...> If you have any questions on the document itself, please don't hesitate to ask. Also, if you have any comments on the results, let me know. Also, is there a subject line or tag I can use so I can clarify communication? <This will work... or whatever else you'd like. I review all ultimately> Thanks for your time, --matt <Thank you for your efforts. BobF> Re: I'd Like to use WetWebMedia.com for a Masters Project - Donate Time, Results 10/12/05 Answers marked with --MATT-- --matt <<And Sabrina here, now.... Chiming in at Bob's request, as we're sitting here in front of computers instead of diving today! Gah! Must.... finish.... answering questions! I suppose my responses will be in these nifty double-carrot thingies.>> Bob and Crew: Here are some wire-frames that I've generated for what the site should look like. This does not take into account the 'natural and free flowing' back end structure of the content. Do not consider coloration, this is strictly information architecture. <Very nice... I do want to drop a "login" from this though... no need, desire to track folks> --MATT-- This wouldn't be to track folks. It would allow them to integrate with an online chat, a forum, and a system of sending messages to users. <<Matt, due to the very nature of our webforum and our very vehement desire that freedom of speech be upheld by omitting heavy-handed moderation found at most if not all other chatforums, I feel (and Bob seems to agree) that it is best that the forum be only loosely associated with the main site for the time being, and certainly not an integrated part of it. It just gets too aggressive.>> There would be no tracking and a standard privacy policy would be enforced. This will allow you to respond to and let them know you've responded, from your site, without them having to leave WWM and check email etc. From a usability standpoint, this makes the site more personal. <<Mm, in a way, yes, but having participated on sites that have done the same (ReefCentral, for one) I really don't like this approach. Plus, then there's the back-end work of maintaining a user database (however little time that might take up.... really, I for one prefer to completely omit any sort of a user/login system.>> The more in touch a user is with the site, the more likely they are to make it their first choice for information. <<I also fear that it would turn away folks that would be under the impression that they would have to actually create/use a login just to make use of the information of the site. We do have lots of youngsters and non-computer-literate folks that frequent the site, I believe.>> While I completely agree that tracking users isn't a primary goal, offering that information, in the form of basic metrics, is always an attractive piece to lure sponsorship. <<Hmm.... I can see (somewhat) where you're going with this point, and do agree that it would help for gaining sponsorship - but I feel that it is unnecessary, and perhaps in a serious way detrimental.... Not to us, but our user base.>> --ENDMATT I'm sure you will have questions as to what each item is etc. <Yes> --MATT-- Let me know what questions you have, I'll answer them as best as I can. --ENDMATT-- Also, I've tried to create at least 1 new revenue stream (outside of your banner and Amazon honor system channels). <I didn't see this...> --MATT-- An event calendar (a single fee to have your event listed) A store directory (a monthly fee to have your store listed) A club directory (a discount banner channel) If you have other thoughts, let me know <<Ah, I see. Integrated with the login system, I imagine? Much of this, though, we prefer to offer free.... store directory/links, club links.... Also, anything above and beyond what we maintain now is a virtually impossible prospect, with Bob being the main man spending (literally) *hours* a day on the site - and the rest of us that also handle some of the back-end work spending hours a day or week just on maintenance, aside from question answering.... This is all voluntarily done, no pay - and time is very, very valuable in this (and all) endeavors.... Increasing the amount of time necessary to spend maintaining the site just isn't possible right now.> --ENDMATT-- Let me know your thoughts and thanks for allowing me this opportunity! <Thank you... Am looking forward to running duplicate sites, getting others input. Bob Fenner> --MATT-- I need to find the power cord for my old server, for now the test site is only run when I start it up from my laptop. I wanted to find a good window to run my site downloader, so if you have a maintenance window, please let me know. It processes requests on a once every five second interval, so it won't DOS <denial of service> your site...promise. <<I can discuss with my husband hosting this mirror/test site on his server if you like.... Just let me know. I really, really like the frames/templates you propose; this is very nice, and will likely help navigation in the site tremendously. I am absolutely delighted to see this.>> --ENDMATT <<Wishing you well, -Sabrina>> Thank You 10/6/05 No question, just a very big thank you for your work and wonderful site. I am in the final stage of setting up a 65 gal tank. I've used the book and this site extensively for research, guidance, and advice from other aquarists. I have yet to find a question that is not in one (or more) of the FAQs. Excellent job, and thanks so very much! <Ah, most welcome in kind. Thank you for your kind, encouraging words. Bob Fenner> Not sure how to respond to people like this 10/3/05 Bob, I was curious if we could use another fellow WWM crew member. I have another club member that is an experienced Clownfish breeder and coral reef care keeper. He has over 3000 posts on ReefCentral for helping people and I think he would be a great asset. Let me know your thoughts Eric <Thank you for this introduction. Do have your friend contact me with particulars... BobF> Re: I'd like to use wetwebmedia.com for a Masters project and donate the time and results 9/30/05 Bob and Team: In time, the documents will get larger in size (especially when we move into prototyping). I do not want to Spam or overfill an email account. Therefore I'm in the process of building a development server. I expect it to be up and running by the end of the month. The URL will be http://wetwebdev.servehttp.com/ running Apache, PHP, and MySQL. I will set up a directory so that you can download files via HTTP and not have to worry about email storage limits. Also, if it is possible for your development team to export the database into a .sql file, I can make the site dynamic. However, I do not need this (I can use a web crawler to scrape content). Also, I apologize about the readability issue and have attached a copy in PDF format. If you can't read PDF files, you can go to http://www.adobe.com and get their free reader. More documents to follow, --matt <Jason, Zo (?), am sure you understand this... me... no. Can we do this? BobF> Re: I'd like to use wetwebmedia.com for a Masters project and donate the time and results 9/30/05 There is no WWM database to export to SQL - except for WetWebFotos.com, where the articles are grotesquely out of date (but definitely capable of SQL export, since this site runs on MySQL->Java->Apache, an architecture very similar to Matt's proposed MySQL->PHP->Apache. WWM, however, is entirely static. There is no database backing it. With that in mind, Matt - best of luck writing a crawler to scrape content off WWM. I tried it once, and it was an exercise in hair-pulling futility, due to the organic, unstructured, unplanned nature of WWM (part of its "charm" I'm sure, it's very "homegrown"). So anyway, I gave up before the nightmares started making my ears bleed. And while I'm not claiming to be a programming superhero, I HAVE been doing it professionally for many years. I don't mean to be discouraging. If you think there's some way I can help, please speak up. -Zo <Thank you for this Zo. BobF> Zo (I hope that's okay that I call you that..) Interesting...so you edit flat files on the doc_root? Any thought of implementing a CMS? --matt Re: I'd like to use wetwebmedia.com for a Masters project and donate the time and results 10/4/05 Bob and Crew: For my project, I'm generating a conceptual (and eventually prototypical) version of what I think WWM could be. In many cases, this will be a drastic shift from what you are doing today. I'm not considering changing or modifying the things you do today. I'm more interested in how your wealth of knowledge and ad-space is used in conjunction with your articles. I've seen in many cases your authors recommend or comment on products and services as well as best practices and 'gotchas'. Also, the concept of a content management system seems to be the point of shift that I'd be looking at. While the method of scraping WWM may ultimately be an slow and 'hand driven' affair, I see it is a step in converting to a new system. I've modified a java tool (jobo [ [ http://www.matuschek.net/software/jobo/] so that I can easily select text and save it as the crawler runs through your site. I didn't see a robots.txt file, so I'm going to assume that I can crawl the entire doc_root. If this is not the case, please let me know. The only other thought I have is why you are using Java if your files are static? Are there dynamic aspects to your site that you'd use the Java engine for? Thanks for your time, --matt Sorry to confuse you regarding the Java, Matt. There are two different sites. WetWebMedia, and WetWebFotos. WWMedia is wholly static, managed by FrontPage. WWFotos is dynamic, MySQL->Java. It is a full-blown CMS custom written by me with some valuable contributions by JasonC. Unfortunately the content in WWFotos is grossly out of date. It mostly just runs the forums these days. Whether it's okay for you to copy the entire WWM site with a crawler, I'll leave up to Bob. It is his content, by-and-large, with a handful of articles from other contributors, and of course the invaluable "FAQs" generated by the crew en toto. -Zo <Mmm, can crawl but we need to coordinate time frames for back-up... BobF> Popeye/Invert. IDs/interested in helping/WWM 9/29/05 Hello to all. I recently had to do a major move for my fish, a couple of days later I noticed one of my clown's eyes was bulging. He had got caught in the net during the move and the water and sand was greatly stirred causing quite a mucky mess. So I am guessing that the Popeye was due to an injury received, then being in the messy water for a minute didn't help. <Well-stated> I immediately removed the fish and placed him in QT. It has now been near 2 months. I started off using melafix (hahaha-what a waste!) <Agreed> since it indicated that it is helpful for Popeye. <Scam!> Then I got into the FAQ's on this site and started adding Epsom salt (no longer adding melafix), 1 tbls per 5 gal. Wow! What a tremendous help! So now, I realize my fish can be in QT for quite some time, however.... when do I know that it is safe to put him back in his display tank? The eye started to look as if it was going to fall out, that was before the Epsom salt was added. The swelling went down and it has been at an idle position for a few weeks now. Will the eye go back into 'socket' or what should I expect in a general scenario? <The eye may never fully "shrink" back... If the fish is otherwise healthy, I would go ahead and return it to the main tank> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Another thing if you have spare time..... Any locations (I am looking into books as well) recommended for ID of various growths? I believe some of the growths to be sponges of some sort, but there are some worms that I am unfamiliar with and a creature of some sort that has grown out of a tube (I can not explain this one, too odd for my vocabulary. I'm hoping the fact that it has a tube may be helpful in guiding me, haha far fetched but I'm hopeful) But the worms.....maybe you know this one without seeing an image. When looking at the rocks all you see is little thread like strings spread out. They sometimes reach from one rock to another. There are a great deal of these little "strings" appearing to be a greenish color. Upon further inspection, these strings are attached to the top of the body of a worm (like a mass of stringy hair)....the worms are orange in color ranging from small to quite large. I have taken a syringe and squirted water in that area....when doing this, debris floats up. It is like these worms gather uneaten food, and gunk and just set in it. Thanks for the patience in my attempt to explain. I am looking in to a digital camera, maybe when I do this one of you will be interested in viewing the pictures. <Mmm, we have a bunch of Invertebrate Identification files, and Ron Shimek has done a great job of writing up guides to such unknowns and his work is largely published, accessible on the Net... additionally, he, Anthony Calfo and I have printed ID works on invert.s, and there are many such scientific and popular diving references... many of which are cited at the ends of my articles posted on WWM, and available through SeaChallengers.com, Amazon...> Ok.....one last thing! : ) I am throwing ideas around in my head. I am interested in starting some sort of salt water research/business. I don't want to jump into this, I am still young and have lots of things to learn. However, it is very interesting and enticing. I believe I could do great things with it and would like some input as to how feasible this would be to accomplish, especially not living near a coast. <Many possibilities... and exciting!> What would be the best way to go about learning what I need to know (i.e. the scientific names, medications, etc.) other than trial and error. <T and E... too long and costly... Reap the benefits of those who have come before... read, voraciously, widely... with a discerning mind... directed toward discovering "needs" in the trade... to exploit, develop> I am not sure exactly how you go about choosing members to respond to e-mails, and I am sorry if I am bluntly butting in, but are you looking for any more help? (I think that is one of the best ways for me to learn is by teaching others)....just thought I'd throw that in there while it was on my mind. Thank you!!!!! Codie <Always looking for help. Please tell me/us a bit about yourself... your area/s of expertise, time availability (we have many young and not friends who have school, other commitments that they must focus on foremost)... It is obvious you have a good grasp of English, a desire to help. Bob Fenner> Re: Bob, willing to join/be of service if possible 9/20/05 Bob, I suppose I didn't really ponder how difficult it might be to just "hit the ground running". The last thing I wish to create is another headache for you all. I understand that it would be against better judgment to have just anyone access the content at will, with no real accountability. <Yes...> It seems that a copy/paste routine would mean that you would have to do "double work" in placing/replacing after I edit. Not much help for you I think. Perhaps I should think more on this (less beers this time) and get back to you. Thank you for your consideration on this, now I must take the dog for a walk (and think). Josh <Appreciate the thoughts. Cheers, BobF> I'd like to use wetwebmedia.com for a Masters project and donate the time and results 9/16/05 Mike/Bob: <Matthew> I'm a programmer and a user experience professional here in the Chicago area. I'm also working on a Masters degree in Human Computer Interaction. The reason I'm writing to you and to WetWebMedia is that for the course I'm in, we're looking to take a web site or subject matter that we're interested in and improve them based on several design theories and practices. This includes prototyping, user testing, and development of a solution. <Okay> I'd like to use wetwebmedia.com for my project and donate my time and work to Bob and the team as gratitude for all the information and enjoyment you have provided me. I've been running aquariums for years (much to my wife's dismay). If you're interested, please feel free to contact me here or give me a call at 847.405.XXXX. I'll provide more on my programming and professional background, class description etc. Thank you for your time, Matthew Dragon Technical Architect - Content, Strategy and User Experience <Mmm, am grateful for the help, innovation. Will gladly review what changes you suggest. We are not willing to grant you access to our server however. Bob Fenner> Re: I'd like to use wetwebmedia.com for a Masters project 9/16/05 Bob: <Matt> Thanks for the response. I would not be requesting or needing any access to your content, servers, or code in anyway (outside of what the public can access). <Ah, good... am sure you understand our apprehension/s re.> The project is more about how an end user interacts with the information architecture and visual design of the web site (or user interface). <And we've agonized over how we might improve same... Again, grateful for your input> I'd be doing things like competitive analysis, business and technical requirements, prototypes/wire frames and user acceptance testing. <I see... we do have a stat's server... it's URL, password is located on the Admin. subweb... you can find with a simple search> My goal of these first emails was to introduce myself and get your permission to use the likeness and logos of wetwebmedia.com for use within this project (ONLY). <Certainly> I am hopeful that as I produce documentation and concepts, that I could get your feedback/opinions. <Oh yes. Gladly> Also, if you ever had a 'dream' of what wetwebmedia.com might become (if you aren't at that point already). If you ever had a thought of future functionality or items that you'd like to see tested, don't hesitate to comment or just shoot me an email. <Will do> I honestly feel that I owe your site quite a bit and this project presented a chance for me to give back. Any interaction I get from you or anyone on your team, will only improve the usefulness of a solution. Matthew Dragon P.S. Other than being placed in my portfolio, you would retain all ownership of anything that I produce. P.P.S. If you do ever need coding help or have a question about how something works, I'd be happy to answer, debug, or do whatever you might need help with (just an offer to keep in your back pocket). <Am cc'ing the folks here who know much more than I re such... Thank you again. I look forward to hearing your ideas. Bob Fenner> WWM page error... mmm, nope 9/8/05 Hi crew, Just a quick FYI - right now, if I go to the "Links" or "Ask WWM" sections of WWM (possibly others), I get an option on the left for "Admin Index" - which looks like it goes places that I (or other people not part of the crew) should not go... I'm guessing somebody's been playing with your security settings. Have a good day, Rich <Thanks for this... but is there... "on purpose"... to aid getting about, placing pertinent input... and no biggee... All are welcome to see what is/WWM... there is much more than there appears. Bob Fenner> Bad Search? 9/1/2005 Bob: Thanks, as always, for your efforts that have gone/continue to go into this website, as well as the books (c'mon volume 2!). I noticed that on the daily FAQ's page, the Google search button at the bottom does not do anything. Like a well trained primate, I have clicked it multiple times to no avail. I am surprised nobody has mentioned it, since it has been this way for awhile. Rich <Yikes... I've just tried my best rat pushing the food bar route and can't get it to go either. Miguel can/will you fix? BobF> <Sabrina and TR fixed. RMF>> Thanks for the great site 8/29/05 > Marc Weiser wrote: > Bob, > Realized I was finding your site more useful then > any book I've purchased > (except yours of course), so I made a little > donation tonight. If there is > more I can do to support your site, please let > me/your readers know. > Best, > Marc Weiser > Marc, > I'm sure all of the volunteers at Wetwebmedia > appreciate your generous > comments and donation. It's especially gratifying to > know that this website > meant so much to you and that you appreciate the > many thousands of hours of > work that went in to it. Thank you very much for > your donation and I hear > that the Wetwebmedia website is always looking for > knowledgeable folks to > answer hobbyist questions. In that role you could > support the website and > the hobby in ways that will be appreciated > throughout the world. > Thank You, > Mike Kaechele Thanks kindly for your donation Marc. It is sincerely appreciated :) Anthony Calfo Site promotion question? 8/20/05 Bob, Hope all is well. <Yes, thank you> Love the site and this is the only site I recommend to customers at the LFS due to the fact that you folks don't point people to online vendors and specific sites/products to shop for. That makes this site a great resource above and beyond most of the others for the LFS to help educate our customers. I need to ask a quick question. Do you have business cards for the site I can put on the counter for our customers? <Mmm, I do have cards... I guess could send...> I have met you a few times and would like to help promote this site in our LFS. I look at online sites like magazines. Most LFS stopped selling/recommending them once they started printing more online vendor ads then helping the hobbyist/shops with general articles. IMO that is the reason the sales are down on the majority of American aquarium magazines. <Likely a major influence, yes> But hey it's a free market right? ;-) <After taxes, supposedly... not "free enough" IMO> Anyway I look forward hearing your (and the other peoples here) speech at MACNA. Thanks in advance, Mark <Ah, good. Please make it known if you want cards sent, or I'll haul a few more to the upcoming MACNA do and hand them to you. Bob Fenner> Re: Site promotion question? 8/22/05 What ever is easier for you. God knows that backpack of yours will be there ;-) But lightening your travel load by sending me some would be great too. <Either way> I would hate to eat up your business cards though. I know they are not cheap. Maybe a color PDF with some verbiage about the site would be cheaper? <Sure, go ahead> That could be emailed and I can just print them off when we run low? <Mmm, the cards are not expensive... and easy/er to hand out to folks> It was just a thought. I tell many people to check WWW for help on all aspects of aquaria. Thanks again for the help and see you soon at MACNA. Mark Sharkey <Will haul them there. How many would you like? BobF> Re: Site promotion question? 8/24/05 20-30? Not sure how long they would last. I help the customers best I can. If I can't answer their questions or can't find the information in one of the books I have on hand I send them to WWW. Most times we are able to handle the questions but when customers really show and interest to learn for themselves I try to point them here and a few other sites that I like. Thanks again for the time and info. I'll see you in DC, Mark <Real good... I do wish I could "move time forward" at times... Wouldn't it be great to have the Net everywhere? Including terminals in fish stores? Have tried to interest friends in such a scheme... installing/leasing such to LFSs... with WWM, other sites to browse, inform customers, staff on-site... Bob Fenner> Re: Site promotion question? 8/24/05 I like the idea but the cost for a business line to the Internet is a lot for a mom and pop shop. <Mmm, consider this... an educated customer base is cheaper than losing all every year, the costs of all other forms/types of promotion... no better "advertising"...> Also if the customer could go to the large corporate sites that sell livestock (I wont name names here) that would turn LFS owners off IMO. <I see what you mean... I would have only sites available that you pre-screen> I can see it now... A customer comes in and questions our price for a Boesemanni Rainbow fish. "They are cheaper online and do you match pricing?" But they don't understand the cost of running a store. Employee payroll/benefits, electric, water, garbage, fish/coral/reptile/small animal losses, etc... Then on top of that they get to see and pick out the fish they want unlike online shopping. We even feed all animals upon request and tell the customer this. We hold for 3 days without question. And feed all high-grade foods unlike most LFS around here. But like I said I like the idea. If the terminal could be locked down to just sites the LFS approves that would be great. <Ah, yes> WWM, Aimes and other scientific sites that don't recommend products and the cheapest location to get them. Maybe even a database of the books written by you, Anthony, and other authors who sign on to the idea. If not just for the quick search of written word but access to detailed info on particular info on the XYZ fish. This way for the LFS owner it means less time an employee needs to hold the customers hand and more time cleaning the shop or helping the customers that really needs it. Don't get me wrong I know that there are a lot of LFS out there that are taking people for a ride. Pricing that is 200% higher then ours and anywhere online. Those stores deserve to be deserted and left in the dust. But the ones that go above and beyond are hurting too due to warehouses with little overhead undercutting them. Manufactures selling to the public at less then the national wholesalers sell to the retail stores. And local hobbyist with some bogus tax I.D's no storefront selling live rock and corals at near cost out of a house. Hmm I like this idea more and more. I will be sure to ask you about it in DC. This is a great conversation that could impact the whole community of aquarists, industry workers, and business owners. Talk to you soon, Mark <Oh yes. BobF> Re: Site promotion question? 8/24/05 Bob, I was reading this Q/A and have a suggestion for Mark. This type of "limited access" solution is rather easily implemented. Get with someone who knows about "Squid" (proxy filter) and they should be able to offer you a viable solution. Craig <Ah ha! Thank you for this. Bob Fenner> Re: Sump/LR/Refugium 8/15/05 Bob Thanks for you timely response. I guess I should have said I am overwhelmed and not confused. The site and the format are superb, I would not change a thing. Looking back on my last post it was a poor choice of words. Confused was referring to the sheer amount of information provided. I do appreciate your help. Cheers Fargo <Ah, thank you for the clarification. Cheers, BobF> Thank you WWM!!! 8/5/05 Dear Crew, <Jeff> I don't really have any questions to ask as everything I could possibly want to know (at least up till now) has been covered in your FAQs and informative articles. Your website is so informative I felt compelled to make a donation, and once my financial situation improves you can count on me making larger donations. I must admit I've been taken aback by the fact your website is updated daily; I've come across aquaria websites that haven't been updated in years or are filled with "old" or "mis" information. Kudos to you my friends and I'm sure there are MANY like me who are "ghost" visitors that relish the information found on your website. So for those of you out there please donate to WWM! While I am composing this message I will say that at times I do feel guilty about keeping such beautiful fish that I know where at one time were swimming free in the ocean. I try to justify this by saying they are safe in my aquarium from predators and will receive all the TLC that I can possibly provide. I can only hope that technology advances will allow for more of our salty friends to be aquacultured (tangs especially). - Jeff Pencosky <Outstanding. Thank you in turn for your kind acknowledgement and caring, sharing. Life to you my friend. Bob Fenner>
I KNOW you don't remember me, however 7/22/05 Greetings Bob, <Aaron> Just wanted to send you a short note to thank you for your help in the past. I talked to you a long time ago over email (one of the many, I'm sure) and you helped me through a difficult time with my tank. I ended up losing the tank in 1998 on a vacation (the tank temp got over 95 from the halides) and pretty much decimated everyone and everything. <Yeeikes> I'm just starting up again and ran across your site. It was nice to see a friendly face that I knew still in the trade and helping people. I have a 65 that I'm just about done setting up (500w MH, remora pro, and Fluval 403 for mechanical when I need it) and am going to be getting the rock whenever I get around to it. Let the wallet bleed begin! <Heeee! Somethings rarely change> Anyway, just wanted to say hello, and if there is actually a point to this email, it's that you I'm sure have a lot of silent fans out here and keep up the great work. You're a blessing to the industry. Cheers, Aaron <Pleased to make your re-acquaintance. Welcome back to "the fold". Bob Fenner> Great site, suggestions 7/4/05 Just wanted to say, this is a great site. Have received excellent advice a few times. There is so much to learn and would be at a loss without such a site. Books are great but never found a google search in them. <I'll bet they'll be working on such... as a matter of fact, guess Google is... by making printed works available on-line...> Just an index. Like to offer a suggestion about the picture on top of pages, when telling about what type fish it is, If wouldn't' be too much trouble adding if would suggest suitability for aquariums and par range requirements if that is even possible. <Good idea... or link all back to placement, coverage elsewhere where this info. can be found> I know you have a ton of info on compatibilities, and such. I'd love to see a table of dip procedures and QT suggestion. <Another good idea... you could (gladly) write this up, reformulate the info. on WWM, elsewhere and sell this as a series in the pet-fish pulp and e- literature> As such, as some you would dip with Methylene blue, or dip with just a FW dip. prior to QT and or post qt before going into main. Yes, I've learned the hard way.. No substitute for a proper QT period. Granted these are just suggestions I've thought of for an already the best aquaria based website that I'm familiar with. Or is it generally all fish with fw and Methylene blue dip, and coral a dip with Seachem Reef Dip prior, don't' know if familiar with the latter. <No... there are variances... e.g. small blennies, gobies...> Have read good stuff about it. While on it, I wish would be a chart somewhere with the bio-load of different livestock. Just because a fish is larger doesn't quite mean the bio-load is greater, some eat and waste a bit more with being more active. <Another valid point... a topic worthy of an article or two... Please do consider writing up. Bob Fenner> Just a thank you Hi folks, I just wanted to say a big thanks to you for the wealth of information that you provide. If it wasn't for this site, there would have been causalities in my (getting there) 45g reef tank. I read, I read, and I learned. <Yay!> Last week I made my first $$$ purchase. I beautiful 15ish pound Aqua-cultured LR that is just teeming with life. Things are going well and the fish in my very old 55g Marine Tank are looking across the room going, "wish I lived there". Give me about a year and I would love to send a picture, I just know it's going to be a slice of life from the sea. Much thanks for your help, Greg <Outstanding... our welcomed "pay" for each/all's efforts here. Bob Fenner> Alkalinity Test kits, Canister filter inserts and Nitrate 5/24/05--Part3 - (And No Shills Necessary!) Thank you for the quick response to my questions below (and the free "keeping spouse happy with tank" advice)! <Glad to! As for the spouse... I am glad that others can benefit from my failures! Ha! Actually, my wife is very tolerant.> Per your advice, the lava rock is removed, and I'm planning on adding the remaining live rock in one batch (after confirming it is cured by keeping it in tub in garage). I'll also buy a better alkalinity test. I've been using Jungle Quick Dip strips, but they have always been "off the chart" in the "ideal" range. I've been questioning their accuracy. Any recommendations on best test? <Always choose an alkalinity test that is a titration type. Titration tests require you to add drops of reagent until a change from one color to another is observed. The value is calculated from the amount or number of drops of reagent that are added. Test kits for alkalinity that use dip strips or compare to a color chart are very unreliable. I am fond of Salifert and Tropic Marin alkalinity kits, but many good ones are available.> I'm going to go with selling the Fluval, but keeping the Eheim for the great water movement it gives me. I had heard--LFS--that filling the Eheim completely with the Eheim filters would "polish" the water without creating nitrates. Do you agree? Or would I be better just having the Eheim completely empty? (I'm the guy who knows there is no way I will be doing weekly maintenance on the canister--most likely just every month or two.) Thanks again for your help and great site. Greg <I disagree with your LFS, but there is no harm in trying. If you observe nitrates after a couple of months, I would either step up the maintenance or remove all media from the canister filter.> P.S. I'm going to shill for you. I made an Amazon Honors Payment to you guys and was surprised that more people don't do the same. I'm always buying stuff from the LFS when I go in and pick their brains because I feel their time is worth something and they're in business to make money. More so for you guys who are doing this site free of charge to the fish-keeping world. Not everyone is made of money--although this isn't the least expensive hobby I can think of--but I'm still surprised people don't throw a bit more change/bills in your electronic glass jar. <Thanks for the contribution! It is refreshing and uplifting to cross paths with someone who is willing to voluntarily support something they find value in. Best Regards. AdamC.> Re: Question about stocking > Thank you for your help. I will read over those articles and find someone who will fit better in my small system and swim a bit for us. Your Knowledge is invaluable. Please do not ever stop this site!!!! Shannon <We'll do our best to keep it going, growing. Thank you, Bob Fenner> Your Writings on Labroides Hi Bob, <Jeff> Just wanted to say how much I appreciated your article on cleaner wrasse. I was just doing one of my favorite activities, poking around online livestock sites, looking at pics and reading blurbs about behavior, temperament and care to see if I found anything interesting I might read more about. Well, I have to confess that I went to a "reef safe wrasse" section to see what was in there, and found the common blue cleaner wrasse (Labroides dimidiatus) and was like.. "hmm that would be sweet in my large reef setup". So, I do what I always do when that happens, I pop over to WWM and look it up. Now coming to the point of my e-mail to you, I read your article "Cleaner Wrasses in the Genus Labroides". I just finished and have to say that it was such a great thing to be able to hop over here and quickly find out that what I was considering purchasing actually turned out to be something that shouldn't even be for sale. So, this time my e-mail to you is not asking for help, but to tell you that the work you guys are doing at WWM is incredible, and mostly to let you know that your hopes for raising awareness and EDUCATING people is working. <Very glad to read/realize this> Thanks so much for all your efforts, I just wanted to let you know that you really are making a difference in this community and those of us that do care about the marine environment over how cool the tank in my living room looks, and those who do their research, are only going to increase with quality materials like these at the ready. Respectfully, Jeff <Thank you for your note, input. Bob Fenner> Follow UP- Live Rock and Critters within Thanks again ! You guys should be Wet Web Encyclomedia. <Neat term> Just to follow up with ya on the live rock.. Yes, he sold me a hefty nugget that had sponges, and some other soft duster looking things all over it, among other things. This new LFS is really cool, and lets me in the back room, and I get to gawk at all the stuff he is curing, and he lets me pick out the stuff with the most thingy-ma-bobs on it. If I can throw a plug in... it's the Aquatic Depot in Berlin CT. :) <Great to have good dealers> Once again, THANKS for this service. You guys save us a TON of TIME and MONEY, and help to avoid, or at least soothe royal headaches !! !! <Welcome> John <Bob Fenner> Thanks (and it's Getting Posted Anyway!) Cuz problems suck... You don't have to post this on your webpage. I found you guys quite by accident the other day, and have submitted 2 questions... which get QUICK answers. You guys are GREAT ! ! I am typically not a fan of chatroom style forums, but you have changed my perception, at least in this arena. I really hope that I will be reading your pages for entertainment, and information, rather than looking for the answer to my problems... cuz problems suck... Keep up the GREAT WORK ! <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> They Like us in Oz.. What a fantastic site. I have had marine tank for 5 years & always looking up info, don't know how I missed yours up till now. Have a mate in Cairns on the Great Barrier Reef sends me down fish your site has helped with ID & compatibility a lot easier. Thanks Russell At Bateman's Bay South Coast NSW Australia. Anonymous Eel (Sure Ain't F/W!): Part II & We are So Rude.. How Rude are We? First off sorry about typing in all caps. <Apology Accepted. :-) > But you don't have to be so rude. <Hmm...I've reviewed the initial query and my response, and I have yet to find a case where I was rude and/or shallow and/or demeaning.> Some people are not as smart about this fish as you are. <I do not claim to know everything about this, or any other fish. I am merely a normal person that volunteers answering a massive amount of questions from a massive amount of people for a fish web site.> Second, he is a Gymnothorax tile (scientific name) in case you did not know. <<Gymnothorax spp.>> <I did not know a single thing about this eel from the email you sent. By providing this information, I am able to answer your previous questions here. I do sincerely hope that you possess a rather large aquarium (~500 gallons, give or take), as Gymnothorax species attain a very decent adult size. From this page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/moraysii.htm "Most Gymnothorax species get too big, are too aggressive and strong for all but the most humungous systems. If you're going to try these, watch your fingers, tankmates and lock (yes, lock!) that cover down. For cooler water species, do invest in and run a chiller. species get too big, are too aggressive and strong for all but the most humungous systems. If you're going to try these, watch your fingers, tankmates and lock (yes, lock!) that cover down. For cooler water species, do invest in and run a chiller. Too often offered to the hobby are the Atlantic green G. funebris, to eight feet! Others include G. javanicus, the Javan or Giant Moray (to ten feet!) and G. flavimarginatus to a mere four feet." I would personally recommend returning the creature.> And I went back to the pet store and got all the info I needed. <Eegh! The pet store, in most cases, has to be the worse place to go for information. Sure, there are responsible ones, but that certainly is not the norm. You were very right to come to us for an answer. Just a heads up, a bit of research will teach you more than you could ever need to know, and it is most often accurate, unbiased information. May I point out the Google search feature implemented into WetWebMedia's homepage?> Maybe next time show people a little bit of respect and don't be so shallow as to think that you are too good to talk with common courtesy. <I do not think I am too good to talk with common courtesy. In fact, I do not think that anyone is. Just for your information, this is a free service. We are normal people with normal lives who have taken time out of those lives to assist people with their fish problems. We don't get paid for this, aside from in thanks, which we get plenty of. I think that Anthony put it best when I asked how to deal with your email: "The bigger WWM gets, the more people we serve/satisfy... and the greater the number of minor meanies occur just the same." All of that said, if you don't like my attitude, next time you have a question, be sure to ask for "Anyone but Mike G." Frankly, I do not like yours, so that would suit the both of us very nicely. Have a wonderfully pleasant afternoon, Mike G> PROPS FOR WWM Hi Chuck, thanks for the advice will treat straight away. Thanks again. Take care, Oz P.S. in my opinion the wet web site is the 'only' resource for valuable and quality information. Fantastic, recommend it to my fish loving friends all the time. < Thanks for your kind words. We help keep people in the hobby a question at a time.-Chuck> Lighting, and Thanks WWM Crew, Thank you all very much for your help. In the last 2 months, I have upgraded my lighting to 6 watts/gallon, increased my circulation to about 18X, added a DSB, and a refugium. My keeps are all very happy and I owe it largely in part to your advice and website. Thank you VERY, VERY much! You guys are the best. <You're very much welcome, John. The Crew> WWM Article Dates 3/25/05 Hey guys, Love the site and your books. <Thanks kindly, my friend> I'm currently reading Anthony's Book of Coral Propagation. <Do you really spend that much time in the bathroom?> Anyhow, was writing to ask whether you would consider dating the articles posted on the website. <It's an excellent idea! But alas, we literally cannot keep up with the daily flood of e-mail to help folks with questions/emergencies as it is. We are an all volunteer crew... with very little funds. It's about all we can do to just keep the ball rolling.> With all of the religion built into the hobby, and the relatively quick rate of change, it is not always the easiest thing to determine whether the article represents the latest and greatest thinking and research on a particular topic. <It's really a fab idea... agreed> I'm sure that with the vast number of articles and faq's posted on the site that it is impossible to keep them up to date. <True... but some additional volunteer help to improve the archives would be nice ;)> You can say that again! M.> If you are already including the date somewhere, and my aging eyes just aren't seeing it, the please excuse the interruption. <A fav Fennerism: "if wishes were fishes... our tanks would be full."> Hmmm. Anthony was born in Hawaii and moved to Pittsburgh??? <Yes... moved as a child with family, of course. I love to visit :)> Thanks, Bob <Kindly Anthony> Another Great Big Thank You, WWM Hello to all! I've been an aquarium enthusiast for a long time, starting with fresh water tanks with the usual fishes. I still maintain 2 fresh water tanks with a Golden Arowana on one tank and a Red Dragon Flowerhorn on the other. 5 years ago I started a marine aquarium setup; I did not have any knowledge of the basics so I just read some books and fortunately found some people that are into salt water aquariums. My setup is just fine now (after several trials & errors). I just found out about your website when I recently had problems with nitrates. Being here in the Philippines have some pros and cons in terms of this hobby, many different fishes (even exotic ones) but lots of hardware and accessories are very expensive since they are all imported. I just stick to the basics of fish only with live rocks. Your website has provided me with rich information that can help me see my mistakes and continue what I do right. Your site provides practical solutions (which I need most) which help a budget conscious hobbyist like me, I still have several questions on different topics but I will just browse through your site and learn along the way, just like what I did when I started this hobby. I cannot afford many of the solutions offered, but it's exciting to look for alternative solutions anyway'¦ Thank you. Ronald From the Philippines <Ronald, Thank you for your kind words. Many tens of thousands of hours have gone into making WetWebMedia.com what it is today, one of the best free sources of ornamental aquatic information on the Internet. When we receive a thank you like the one you sent it makes it all worthwhile. I'm glad you found the WWM as we like to call it. Take care and thanks again. Mike Kaechele> Re: Thank you WWM! Bob Has His Say... WWM... Hello to all! <Oy, como esta mi pare jo! Phonetically at least> I've been an aquarium enthusiast for a long time, starting with fresh water tanks with the usual fishes. I still maintain 2 fresh water tanks with a Golden Arowana on one tank and a Red Dragon Flowerhorn on the other. 5 years ago I started a marine aquarium setup; I did not have any knowledge of the basics so I just read some books and fortunately found some people that are into salt water aquariums. My setup is just fine now (after several trials & errors). I just found out about your website when I recently had problems with nitrates. Being here in the Philippines have some pros and cons in terms of this hobby, many different fishes (even exotic ones) but lots of hardware and accessories are very expensive since they are all imported. I just stick to the basics of fish only with live rocks. <Works> Your website has provided me with rich information that can help me see my mistakes and continue what I do right. Your site provides practical solutions (which I need most) which help a budget conscious hobbyist like me, I still have several questions on different topics but I will just browse through your site and learn along the way, just like what I did when I started this hobby. I cannot afford many of the solutions offered, but it's exciting to look for alternative solutions anyway... <I agree> Thank you. Ronald From the Philippines <Thank you for your input... it restoreth my "soul", faith that intelligent, dedicated people can "find their way", and that our efforts are well-placed. Bob Fenner> Amazing patience! Hello folks! Just a quick note to say "thanks". Over the last few weeks I have read several postings from people "upset" at you and the site. I guess they want you to hold their hands, do all the research for them, then solve all their fish problems. When you aren't willing to do that, they get angry and resort to insults and name calling. And despite all of this, you remain professional and courteous. That's patience! <Heeee! Or perhaps "religious" tolerance... for my part, am always trying to keep in mind... that the folks who are apparently upset may be of limited capacity, or perhaps children> Bob, 99% of us realize that this is a volunteer job for you and your crew, done in what little spare time you have. A hearty thank you to all involved. <Thank you my friend> To the other 1% out there - get a life. Spend a few minutes, or hours, or days, researching your hobby. Stop getting angry when, rather than answering your question directly, you are pointed to a link where your question has already been answered. I have found that nine times out of ten, the answer to the questions I've had were already there, I just needed to look. Thanks for allowing me to vent. Dana <In considering how this tool/service might serve best thought was given to the degree of "moderation"... rather than a bulletin board with many unqualified inputs, I thought having a selected group of folks with 1) useful knowledge, 2) use of written English and 3) a charitable, positive outlook would work out... The queries/responses are archived (and purposely NOT by some less-intelligent/biased software program) by us in a way that leads people to read further, largely answering/offering related input... as one in a field of expertise knows... it's not enough to be able to respond in the here and now, but to anticipate, be able to understand what others will want/need to know going forward... Again. Thank you. Bob Fenner> -Thanks Again- Response to this is not necessary but you can if you want. <Hello, This is Justin> I just want to say, after reading the "Slightly Irritated" in today's FAQ's, that the cumulative force assembled within the WWM crew undertakes what I believe to be a daunting task. <Less daunting when the knowledge that we try to give the best advice available and that we are helping keep this hobby and businesses going.> You guys daily wade through a huge pile of messages, some from experienced and many from novices like myself. I would just like to thank you. Scott <Well thank you Scott, it is a labor of love. Glad we can be a help. Justin (Jager)> A comment and a question Hello There Good People of WWM! <Hi there> I really have to say this... simply...Thank You!! To Bob, Anthony, Steve, to all of you! <Welcome> Thank you for the effort, energy, and thought that goes into each and every response on this site. It is greatly appreciated. I have a serious addiction to this wonderful hobby (passion?) of ours. It started when I was a young girl, with a guppy in a cup. With years came many, freshwater tanks. With the purchase of a house came a 30 gallon FOWLR, then a 55 gallon reef, then two 55 gallons, then an additional 58 gallon, then a 75 gallon, a 125 gallon, etc...progressing to about 905 gallons total. (I love creating/copying small ecosystems...) Now to a business license and a soon to be conscientious LFS owner. <Outstanding! Welcome to our trade> So here is my question... Does the addiction ever end?? :) <I hope not> The more I learn, see, research, practice, experiment, and share, the more I have to know. Thank God for DSL!! <And cable! And T to the Nth> It is amazing how wonderful and diverse these creatures we care for are. So again, thank you to all of you.. Regards, Carey <Thank you my/our friend. Bob Fenner> Re: a comment and a question, a new LFS Hello Bob, <Carey> Thank you for your answer. <Welcome> I thought I'd also state in my "real" profession I am a nurse and would believe me if I say that my clinic patients benefit from WWM?? (indirectly of course) So do my elderly patients and the foster children I work with. The beauty and the knowledge of this passion beg to be shared. However..... I will probably fail miserably in retail, since I often talk my potential customers OUT of buying things they think they want. And, I have been known to give away my inventory. Guess I won't quit my day job! LOL! As long as you keep writing, I'll keep reading. Carey <You've got a deal. Bob Fenner> WWM Fan Mail - Tabbed Browsing Previously posted: Hi there: <Howdy> I recently discovered your wetwebmedia website and I'd like to compliment you on it. You have articles on every topic that I'm interested in. <!... many, MANY more to go...> I'd like to make one suggestion--please don't take offense. It would be really useful if someone could download several articles at a time, even if it was just in a txt format. I can see that it will be painstaking to print each article at a time in the subsections to read them at my leisure (i.e. not in front of the computer.) Thanks very much, Cynthia Grillot in Calgary, Alberta <Mmm, am wondering how we/you might do this. We have some very computer savvy friends here... Will cc JasonC and ask him if this is easily done. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Get a different browser. Firefox has the ability to 'tab' several webpages at the same time. This might be what you need. Get it free from www.mozilla.org. It has pros and cons over Explorer. Regards, Wayne >>Personally, I prefer the standard Mozilla browser over Firefox, even as the previous browser upon which Firefox and Thunderbird were built. It is just as useful, meets all needs for sites that require Internet Explorer, and can easily meet particular encryption needs (for paying bills online, for instance). Both Firefox and Mozilla have a feature by which one can block ALL unrequested pop-ups, too, thus saving the "need" for an additional program just for blocking. In addition, Mozilla also allows one to work offline, just as with IE. Marina Re: in regards to this email, a possible suggestion - New Crewmember? Dear Crew, Please excuse the former email from this address as it was sent prematurely due to keyboard glitch (namely my fingers hitting the wrong keys at 4am) <No worries> I read this woman's request on your FAQ's for the day and thought I may have ideas on how to make this happen. I also enclosed the original mail from the FAQ with the question so that you would know which one I was talking about at the very bottom of the email. There are several programs that will allow for compressing and downloading of articles and one in particular that I think would be very helpful <Thank you for this> Adobe Acrobat .pdf files would allow you to put your articles into a downloadable format in order to read through at a persons leisure. it is the hardest of the ones to make work but it is feasible. you could arrange it as the site is set up now or simply put the top articles on each subject into a pdf file to do the same so that a person wanting to read about say canister filtration can simply click on the download link to get all the FAQ's and articles up to that point. The second thing is that Internet explorer and Mozilla Firebird/Firefox (an alternative browser to IE that's safer to use) both allow the ability to save websites to a personal computer and I know that IE has the ability to update the sites that you keep offline to include the latest content. This would allow the site to do very little work, other than to either post an article on how to do this, (I would be glad to write one) or to have someone there write one up. The third option is to use an RSS feed from your server that would update the major topics and FAQ's like the news services do. this would then allow people to get the latest from WWM as soon as they log on and read it as it comes out. while this is a lot of work compared to the other options, for those of us that are busier and cannot read through everything at once it is very helpful to have something to alert to the latest topics questions etc. Any of this I would be glad to talk to someone there about via email or any of the instant messenger services. <I understand> I am only 20, but I would be honored to offer my services as a web site developer, computer repair and upkeep, and just a network savvy geek; as well as an aquarium enthusiast for around 10 years. If any of the above things would be beneficial to the group as a whole please let me know. I am more than happy to help, though I was mentored by an aquarist from the older schools of thought (since the 70's), so I am a mixture of the old ideas that worked and still do and the newest ideas that are being used. most of my knowledge comes from keeping Pufferfish, Show quality Discus, large predator style tanks with show quality lions and groupers (larger than 8" with brilliant coloration), and most oddball fish like electric cats and Knifefish etc. as well as most of the run of the mill fresh and saltwater fish. <Ahh, thank you for coming forward. We (please don't laugh out loud) use FrontPage to build the sites... so, don't have much real computer work per se... But would welcome your help, if you have time, in responding to others queries... It is obvious you have the other two major requisite traits/qualities... a capacity with written English and a desire to help others. Bob Fenner> May I? New Marine Aquarium Hobbyist Hi Mr. Fenner, I have to say I'm a huge fan. I just read one of your books The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, it's been very helpful for me. <Ahh, good> I got my first marine aquarium a few weeks ago, and your book was just what I need to understand how it works and how to set it up. <Glad to find it was of use to you> It's been a lot of work, and I still have a lot to learn, everyday something new happened and I have a new bunch of questions. <Okay> My problem is, that where I live, we don't have marine aquarium shops, so there is nobody here to ask about the problems I'm having, so I want to ask you if would be ok, if I'll contact you with my inquires sometimes? If you are too busy I'll understand, but perhaps you can tell me who should I ask. Thanks for reading my mail, I hope you can help me. Best regards, Ana Luisa <Please do feel free to contact us. There are some thirty folks that make up a powerful tool I'd like to introduce you to: http://www.wetwebmedia.com Be chatting my friend. Bob Fenner> WWM Fan Mail Hi there: <Howdy> I recently discovered your wetwebmedia website and I'd like to compliment you on it. You have articles on every topic that I'm interested in. <!... many, MANY more to go...> I'd like to make one suggestion--please don't take offense. It would be really useful if someone could download several articles at a time, even if it was just in a txt format. I can see that it will be painstaking to print each article at a time in the subsections to read them at my leisure (i.e. not in front of the computer.) Thanks very much, Cynthia Grillot in Calgary, Alberta <Mmm, am wondering how we/you might do this. We have some very computer savvy friends here... Will cc JasonC and ask him if this is easily done. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Keeping the Consumer Informed Hi Bob, I had a new LFS open only blocks from my house. I got them to add WWM to the help link on their website. See here: http://www.eastcoastaquatics.com/multimedia/links.asp Don <Very good! Nice to see new stores coming up... and progress in informing consumers. Thank you. BobF> Dissatisfied "Customer" Gets Bob to Give up his Age Are you kidding? You had the time to write me back to ask me to stop shouting because I used all caps????? How old are you? <Fifty two... we post all correspondence... and need to instruct folks... to simple protocols... correct spelling, grammar... for free? For what! Bob Fenner, with better things to do.> "Customer" has More to Say You also correct people who spell something incorrect? I sure hope that a child won't find you on the web. Remember one thing (this is free information) I could and will get the same answer to my question just by going down to the local pet shop and asking the kid who makes $6.00 per hour. I'm sure Bob has something better to do. How dare he take the time to answer people who buy his book because they wrote in caps <Heeee! Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ Thanks for the 28 cents a copy I get per unit as a royalty! Bob Fenner> James Has His Say... Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2005 You also correct people who spell something incorrect? I sure hope that a child won't find you on the web. Remember one thing (this is free information) I could and will get the same answer to my question just by going down to the local pet shop and asking the kid who makes $6.00 per hour. I'm sure Bob has something better to do. How dare he takes the time to answer people who buy his book because they wrote in caps. <The correction of spelling and the reference to caps is not intended to humiliate anyone. Most of these queries do get placed in the Wet Web FAQ file, so correcting spelling, changing caps to lower case is necessary both for format and the fact that thousands of aquarists read these FAQ's. It wouldn't look good for Mr. Fenner, or the Wet Web, to leave these queries be published without correcting the spelling or the format in which it was written. Mr. Fenner has corrected me several times when I made errors, but I don't bad mouth him, I take it as constructive criticism. Thank you. James (Salty Dog)> To the Person who spewed Garbage Earlier WWM Crew/Bob Fenner, <Hi there> Not sure who this person was as I was just thumbing through the Daily FAQ's as I often do in my spare time and did not see the original e-mail; but this part of his/her letter really indicated how little they know and infuriated me: "You also correct people who spell something incorrect? I sure hope that a child won't find you on the web. Remember one thing (this is free information) I could and will get the same answer to my question just by going down to the local pet shop and asking the kid who makes $6.00 per hour." Whoa, stop right there! You will likely NOT get the same answer, and worse, likely get BAD information that will result in the poor care/death of the wild-life that we choose to entrust in our care from the kid making $6/hr at the LFS. Don't take any more time or energy explaining your site policies or defending yourself from the likes of people like this. In the large, vast majority, people who visit the site appreciate the free, unbiased advice, and trust your expertise based on years of first-hand EXPERIENCE. I know that I do. Thanks and keep up the good work. WE (the large, vast majority) appreciate it! :-) Gisho <You're welcome, and thank you. Bob Fenner> PXXXed off "Customer" has More to Say You also correct people who spell something incorrect? I sure hope that a child won't find you on the web. Remember one thing (this is free information) I could and will get the same answer to my question just by going down to the local pet shop and asking the kid who makes $6.00 per hour. I'm sure Bob has something better to do. How dare he take the time to answer people who buy his book because they wrote in caps <Heeee! Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ Thanks for the 28 cents a copy I get per unit as a royalty! Bob Fenner> Dear Bob, <Jim> I was kind of pissed off to read this Q & A. If they think they can get the correct information from LFS. Than why not do it? I have gone that route and never got the right advice. I feel the reason why I haven't given up on this sometimes very frustrating hobby is because of the help that I have received from you and your staff. Well that's my 2 cents on the matter. Now you just made .30 cents on your last book sold : )) Thanks again! <Haaa! Thank you for your input here... I don't invest much time, energy trying to understand a whole lot of what seems "anomalous" human behavior... The "bigger" issues take up all available resources it seems. Am very glad for such a vehicle as the Net, so many good friends as Crew and ones yet met like yourself, to share with, offer help... information and inspiration, in the hopes of their improving their chances at success... Another of life's lessons at getting from something back what one invests it seems. Cheers, Bob Fenner> It's Not For Sale Hi, I am wondering if wetwebmedia.com is for sale, since I am seeking a domain name for a website project, for which the name would be suitable. If it is for sale, what is your asking price? Thanks. Tana Inc. <Not for sale. Thank you for your interest. Bob Fenner> - WWM Kudos - Hi Bob, <JasonC here in his stead.> Just wanted to drop a line to you to say thanks for all the great information on keeping saltwater fish. Because of your website I finally decided to give a Copperband butterfly a try in my reef tank. I have been keeping saltwater fish for over 15 years with moderate to great success. I read the FAQs about Copperbands and gave one a try. A good friend owns a large pet shop here and he got me a real nice fish. That was a month and a half ago. The Copperband has been in my reef tank for about 2 weeks ( after quarantining him ) and he has become buddies with my purple tang, of all fish, and comes the front of the tank whenever I come near. Never thought I would have this much success with a Copperband. Let's hope that I can maintain this fish long term. <Indeed.> I used Mysis shrimp to get him feeding but now he eats anything I put in the tank. I think people need a reliable source of information to be successful. Experience has shown me that pet shop owners tend to have conflicting ideas about the needs of saltwater fish, which is why this type of site is so important to fishkeepers. So thanks again for such a great website. I highly recommend this site to fishkeepers of all types. Rob M. - Syracuse, NY <Thank you for the kind words. Cheers, J -- > Re: Googlewhack Hi Bob, <Ben> When I said 1 in 3 billion, I actually meant 1 in 8 billion. Impressive! I've now found 3 including yours. You were the first I might add though so thank you. My quest is to find 10 GoogleWhacks before I go to Australia on March 20th. Wish me luck! All the best, Ben Lathbury. <Okay... but I'd be reading, dreaming about your upcoming trip to the land down under. BobF> More photos from Hiroyuki Tanaka Hi, Bob, How are you getting along these days? Here are some new shot for you. Use any if you like, and I hope you are well. Next time probably more photos. All The best, Hiroyuki/ www.myclinic.ne.jp/jinguh 1 Pomacanthus asfur, 2.8 cm, without yellow area. 2 Chaetodontoplus caeruleopunctatus, 10cm 3 Paracheilinus rubricaudalis, male, 8cm, from Vanuatu (Red-tailed Flasher Wrasse) ; this species is comes also from Fiji. 4 Cirrhilabrus condei, male, 7cm, from Vanuatu 5 Macropharyngodon choati, male, 7.5cm 6 Paracheilinus rubricaudalis, male, 8cm, from Vanuatu-2 7 jinguh 2 = Cirrhilabrus sanguineus, 8cm 8 C. sanguineus, male, 8cm, same specimen, in display 9 Cypho purpurascens, male, 6.5cm <Real good Tanaka-san. Will post on WWM with credit to you. Doomo, Bob Fenner> A Pat on the Back To the entire WetWebMedia crew, <But mostly me, right?> Thank You!! For the past two weeks, I have been reading articles on your website and I still can't get enough! :) About a week and a half ago I had a question about some kubotai loaches I had purchased, and Don had answered my email very quickly. (Also put my mind to rest....Thanks Don!) <That was nice of me, wasn't it?> I too was one of the many that is new to the whole fish keeping hobby, being anxious and excited about it, and started the tank without letting it cycle first. I am now watching my little buddies swim and play like nothing is going on. But I'm also watching the readings from the test kit, and seeing the numbers rise and fall is making me probably more nervous than the fish! LOL I'm having to sit on my hands here and let nature do it's thing to keep from adding something to the water, do a partial water change, ....anything to maybe keep from stressing them out during this. <Please do continue with partial water changes. It will slow, but not stop the cycling. Just enough to keep ammonia and nitrite at zero. There will still be enough in the water to feed the bacteria. It will also prevent your tank's pH from diverging from that of your tap. The closer the two pH's, the less stress from a WC.> So, I decided to get up off my hands, lol, and just let all of you guys/gals know that you're all appreciated very much. I've read tons of questions that has been sent to you, and each and every one has been answered in a manner that just says all y'all care about the well being our little friends. From the beginners, (to the not so beginners), it's really comforting to know that help is just an email away. <The way I started here. Keep learning and spread what you know. You may be answering questions here some day. Please join us in the forum. I'm "Fish Soup" there> Sorry to take up someone else's time that may desperately be needing your help right now, <To hell with them, tell me more about how great I am> but I wanted to give each and every one of y'all the praise that you so deserve. <But more to me, right?> I'm sure I'll be needing help again one day, but I feel a lot more at ease knowing there's someone like you out there to give us help. You're number one in my book! (And in my favorites folder too!) :) On behalf of all of us that's needed your help....and you were right there for us.........Thanks Again! Richard <Richard, All joking aside, on behalf of the entire crew I thank you for the kind words. The goal here is simple and shared by everyone from Bob on down, saving lives by sharing what we know. Don> Et tu... Thanks for all your knowledge. Just wanted to say you are (you and the collective at WWM) are a fascinating guy. Reuben <Thank you for your kind, encouraging words. BobF> Thanks! Bob, <Lisa> Just wanted to drop you a note to thank you for such a terrific website. I might add that I also picked up your "Conscientious Marine Aquarist" book, and wish I had gotten it when I began keeping a marine tank a little over a year ago.... it is my bible of fish keeping! (Could use some updating, though) <Most of it written in '95', published in 98...> I have learned soooo much over the year, to the point that I am beginning to trust my common sense more than any advice.... <The nature of things> Anyhow, the another reason for this note is that only recently did I notice that you take donations for your website. I would like to suggest that you add that to the main page.... <Is it not still at the bottom of the homepage? I don't see it. Will ask MikeK to re-add, thank you> it hasn't come up on my computer until the other day....otherwise I would have given sooner! Really, it should be put on all the pages! I really think you would generate much more support for your wonderful service. Thanks! Lisa Bolak <Am sure you will see the utility of having WWM along with books, magazine articles... as a means of expressing ourselves, sharing, helping others. Thank you. Bob Fenner> Happy Thanksgiving! Hello Crew, <Greg> On this (U.S.) Thanksgiving holiday, I just wanted to let you know what a tremendous service you are providing. Not that you do not realize this, I am sure, but it is always good to receive such affirmation. I have spent countless hours in reading hundreds of postings on WetWebMedia.com and I have had my fair share of questions answered by the WetWebMedia crewmembers as well. I am very thankful for your collective commitment to furthering the knowledge of fellow reef keepers. THANK YOU!!! --Greg <A pleasure to share. Bob F> Thanks Thank you so much for the quick reply. I think every time a new aquarium is sold this site should be given as a "must read." You guys are truly a wonderful resource. I'm sure countless fish and invertebrates owe their lives to the knowledgeable WWM crew members. << Thanks, we do our best. >> Gary << Blundell >> WetWebMedia.com for sale? Hello, Are you interested in selling wetwebmedia.com? <Nope> If so, please respond with your asking price or at least a price range if you're looking for offers. We are planning to make a web portal. Our purpose is to buy this domain from you and use it in this project. We can make the domain transfer operations safety, over escrow. COM. I can pay for the cost of domain transfer operations. If you accept, please let me know. Thanks for your time. Best Regards, Garden Interactive <No worries Garden. Perhaps some of the folks here can help you generate a similar site in your field of interests, concern. Bob Fenner> Way Back Machine I just found a website called 'Way Back Machine' that has Wetwebmedia archived back to 1999. Check it out here--> http://web.archive.org/web/*/ http://wetwebmedia.com Look at that old homepage, it brings back memories. Mike <Man, this does send me back! Will post on WWM. Bob F> Thanks (10/30/04) I just wanted to say thank you for helping me and responding so quickly. I will remember this site and tell all my friends how helpful and informative it was. thanks again! Paige <You are very welcome. Glad it helps. We're here for you and your friends. Steve Allen.> Wow... 15K daily session! outstanding <Some influence now!> So... any volunteers for the placement of the daily FAQ pic? I know/feel(!) for Bob doing the daily 3+ hours of administrative work on WWM. A volunteer to do the daily pic would really help a lot. One less thing for Bob to worry about. <There are times I feel badly re not responding more to folks who write in... thanks to all for their dedication to helping others> Preferably someone that's familiar with FrontPage and been around for a little while? Regardless... the task is quick and relatively painless. We just need someone that can pretty regularly sneak those few minutes per day to swap the pics. Some fun too seeing these images :) <Yeah! A semi-warning though... you will very likely find yourself underwater diving, above water hauling about to industry, scientific and hobby venues... with camera gear... Bob> Bueller... Bueller... Bueller? <G> Turkish WWM Dear Mr. Fenner, I sent you a mail to another mail address of yours but thought it might not be active so decided to send another to BobFenner@WetWebMedia.com. First of all, WWM is one of the best aquarium website that is full of information. I am from Turkey and was wondering if I can translate and put into our Turkish forum some of these information. Sure there will be a link to WetWebMedia and your names. Hope we Turkish reefers can have this opportunity as everybody doesn't know English. If you want any help from me especially about local Turkish marine animals, I am always a click far from you. Thank you, Selim Ã-zadar TURKEY <Thank you for your note, offer and efforts. Am cc'ing our Crew here to ask permission for the use of their content. You are welcome to transliterate my work, use my photos (they are all that are not otherwise labeled as being by others). Be chatting, Bob Fenner> Thank you so much. Great opportunity for us Turkish reefers. <Hope we may all meet some day my friend. Bob Fenner> Turkish Reef Site Good morning Mr. Fenner, I am translating some of the articles. Thank you for that again and to WWM crew. I was wondering who are Hiroyuki Tanaka and RMF, i mean are they in the crew. <Hiroyuki is a friend, fellow aquarist and photographer in Japan and RMF is me, an acronym for my name, Robert Milton Fenner> Most people in the crew sent me a reply about giving permission but i don't know their names and am wondering if Hiroyuki Tanaka and RMF sent me a mail too about the permission. Take Care, Selim Ã-zadar <All seem fine with your non-commercial use. Bob Fenner> Sharing Hobby Experience! Dear WWM Crew, <Hi there! Scott F. here tonight!> I frequently visit your site in search of info and have expanded my knowledge in aquatic husbandry as a result. <Thank you for the kind words. Glad to hear that you find it helpful! We are thrilled to bring it to you!> The shared experiences of other aquarists can give one many practical tips in problem solving however I have noticed that most individuals write to you only when they have a problem/question and do not offer info about their successes (or if the info is there it is not easy to find). May I suggest that you add FAQ categories that include success topics such as; success in keeping SPS's, success with treating a reef system infested with ick, success with lowering hair algae growth in a reef system, success with removing flatworms... etc. I would be the first to contribute my observations if such a system was set up. <A great idea. we do love to hear success stories! As co-editor of WWM's Conscientious Aquarist Online Magazine with Adam Cesnales, I speak for both of us when I encourage you to write of your success, and share it with your fellow hobbyists. The magazine is an excellent vehicle to share experiences!> These categories might be more helpful to those using the google search as well. When one is doing a search it is most likely to find answers to their question/problem. Instead of having to read through a million e-mails which detail other aquarists' problems the searcher can locate possible solutions and share their outcome. <Agreed, but there is an enormous amount of good information in the FAQs. Our library of articles is outstanding in its breadth, too.> I believe that each individual whom keeps fish/invertebrates is essentially conducting his/her own unique on-going experiment whether they set out to do it or not. Wouldn't it be more helpful to compare results/observations as well rather than just compare setups and problems? <Cannot argue with that! Sounds like you're a burgeoning author! Do submit some material for us to consider for publication in Conscientious Aquarist!> I am familiar with your book and appreciate all the knowledge that Bob Fenner etc. has introduced but I also think that there is a wealth of untapped info among your readers of this site. Laurie <Absolutely correct, Laurie! We strongly encourage you to share with fellow hobbyists, whether it's here in the Daily FAQs, in articles in Conscientious Aquarist, or on the WWM Chat Forum! Hope to hear from you soon! Regards, Scott F> Awesome! I just came across your site and it is absolutely awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! Just wanted to tell you what I thought. I will be emailing with questions when I have more time. I have lost 8 bettas including 2 female crown tails and am devastated. Another one died this a.m. so am spending time doing water changes and "nursing duties" Lady Di <Thank you for your kind, encouraging words. Bob Fenner> Editing the Goldfish FAQs? Loved all the goldfish facts which might have just saved the life of my real old fish, but your FAQs are a formatting nightmare. Can I please talk you into an edit? -Matt <What do you have in mind? Our situation... we are a couple of dozen earnest aquarists, some involved in the trade tangentially for a living... but none paid for their work that is WWM... there is scarce time. Bob Fenner> Thanks WWM Crew Folks, << Dave. >> I am in the process of setting up a 90 gallon marine aquarium and a 46 gallon freshwater aquarium, and I came across Mr. Fenner's book and have been reading through it. << Good thing to do. >> I accidentally discovered your website and have been poring over the FAQs, primarily those concerning marine filtration. I don't have a question (haven't thought of anything that is not covered by a FAQ yet) but I wanted to tell you that this is an amazing website. << Well thanks, I'll be sure to pass that on to everyone. >> Thank you for putting it together and maintaining it. << Wow, an email just to say thanks. Great, good luck to you in the hobby, and please visit us when you do have questions. >> Regards, Dave Daniel Lyons, Colorado << Blundell >>
Do we need rare fish photos? hello , <Hi there> I have read through some of your literature on certain species not to detailed, but informative enough. I thought I can provide certain photos for some fish you are seeking for. I have sanguinues wrasse flavo. butterfly wrought iron guyanensis clarion <Mmm, send them on if you'd like us to post them... with credit to you. Bob Fenner> Hi from Australia I just felt the need to send this e-mail and tell you I have been reading a lot of your posts and own most of your books.. The whole crew at WWM are the most helpful people around and the best part is you enjoy doing it. I have just finished reading Reef inverts and all I can say is wow what a great job, you make this exciting hobby even more addictive if that's possible... Hope this finds you well and next time you crack open a can of beer Anthony just imagine me having 1 at the same time giving cheers to your attention to detail. There should be more good honest bloke's like you maybe then there would be less war and more beer.. Ha ha cheers guys.. Michael Gravenall Coral reef constructions Ballarat, Victoria, Australia <Thank you for your kind, encouraging words Michael. Much appreciated. Bob Fenner> Elexis, Antoine and Bob input Hey, Bob... a customer ordered a BOCP1 from me and sent a very nice note re: WWM with it. Comments shared below - Note Custom: To Elexis, whose attentiveness and love of fishes may one day teach us all new things. Note Comments: Elexis is my 9 year daughter who has run various fish tanks in a rather amazing fashion. She has always demonstrated a focused interest in the charges in her care and does not hesitate to "speak up" when she sees questionable practices by others (at the fish store, etc.). At the beach recently, she caught 2 tiny damsels, somehow kept them alive in a 1 gallon bucket by insisting on the immediate purchase of an air pump for the bucket and continued to nurture them until we arrived back home at which time she set up a 5 gallon salt water tank (her first --- she has always done fresh water in the past). She is currently "helping" me setup a 77 gallon reef tank as she continues to advance her fishkeeping skills. I know I should not "brag" about my daughter but many people have noted that they have never seen a 9 year old with such a "touch" for aquatic life. She is nonchalant about it all and is really a "conscientious aquarist"! I hope to continue encouraging her interests in this area and enjoy watching her as she pursues this hobby. Anthony, as so many others have noted in the FAQs on the wet web media site, you and Bob have done so much to teach and encourage others in this hobby and give them the "love" to provide responsible care for their saltwater charges. You are both to be commended for making a real difference in the aquatic (and human) world! <Very encouraging indeed. Bob F> WWM Help Well, I was wondering if you would be interested in some help in answering questions from fishkeepers in need of help, for your FAQ section. I specialize in large predatory fish, and my area of expertise is Gars, Bichirs, and large cichlids i.e. Peacock Bass. I think I could really help you out. If you feel you do not want / need me, ask me anything you want to know about any large predatory fish and I am willing to bet I could tell you (that is if its not something like what's the average length of a 4.2 year old pbass in micrometers lol). I feel I could help out your site a lot, I used it often when I was new to fishkeeping and now I feel I could help what used to help me, to give something back. Would you be interested? <Thank you for coming forward. We are well set currently in these areas of expertise, but I would ask you to check in toward Christmas of this year if you still have time, interest in helping out, as the summer is our "slowest" time of year, and the two dozen folks here will be overwhelmed with the growth of queries about then. Bob Fenner> Conscientious Aquarist Volume 2 Is Now On Line! Hello Everyone: On Behalf of Adam Cesnales and myself, I'm pleased to announce that Volume 2 (July/August) of Conscientious Aquarist is now "live"! We still have a few small adjustments to make to the issue (additional pictures for some of the articles, etc.), which you will see in the next few days. However, if you find any glaring problems, please bring them to our attention. Thanks for picking up the slack on the WWM Dailies over the last few days while Adam and I finalized the issue! Scott F. <Congrats! Now, about those advertisers... Bob> Re: WWM help Date: Fri, 2 Jul 2004 09:52:35 -0400 (EDT) Marina, Bob, What is required? I'm here if you need me, but I have NO idea what you want done. Please, enlightenment! I am happy to help in a pinch. Gwen--- <Thank you Gwen... will gladly show you in HI... not difficult or involved, but does take time... the part of the process we need help with is "moving the FAQs onto WWM from the Webmail"... opening, copying, pasting, then running at least the spellchecker... taking out blank spaces in responses, adding, emboldening titles/headers. I generally place, move all around from there on my returns... but am very willing to have others help re this part as well. Bob F> An email of thanks! Thank you so much to Adam and all the others that put in so much of their time! I believe that your site has helped me save my tank a few times and provide me with information on sw aquariums. Sincerely, << Thank you. We appreciate the input and interest of everyone. >> Justine << Adam B. >> Help of WWM Hi! Thanks for all your help recently (en masse) regarding guppies, cichlids and the below. I was wondering if there is anything I can do for you to help. To be honest I can't think of anything that you don't already have covered; my aquarium knowledge not being huge (1-2 yrs experience keeping and a small amount breeding). <You'd be surprised... there are lifetimes more of content...> I can competently program including html and other web based languages. I don't know if that could be of any use. Cheers again. Liam <Do keep us in mind... the site is quite simple, built on Frontpage... and we'd like to add other features as time goes by... perhaps you'll suggest and be able to aid our expansion. Thank you for coming forward. Bob Fenner> WWM speakers bureau, annual meet, subsidized club visit fund proposal When you have time I would like to talk to you about the possibility of a WetWebMedia Convention and the possibility of a WetWebMedia Speaker program. <Wowzah!> I think both of these things are needed for the general aquarium hobby in the U.S. and could be modeled after the current ACA programs. <A bold concept> I talked to Sabrina at our local meeting and she thought they would be great. I am just not too familiar with how everything works with the WWM crew and the Website. <Mmm, okay... know that you, I, all others are "simply" dedicated, enthusiastic aquarists... some of us "do" content provision for side money, but otherwise our help is gratis> I know you are busy, just let me know when it would be best to call you and take 5 min. of your time to run these ideas by you. Thanks, Chuck <Anytime, day would be fine... or if you think it might work better, we could discuss this possibility amongst all on the Net. Bob F> Thanks, Just thanks. Group Hug! >Hi to all at WWM. Hello back! >I've been meaning to do this for a while so here it is.. no question this time, I just wanted to say a big THANKS to everyone who answers the questions and who takes part in the making of WWM. >>Wow, this is better than a surprise birthday! Collectively, we say, "You're welcome". >I've come to depend on not only your books but the archives here to answer all my reef tank questions. And knowing that if I can't find the answers to my question in the archives that my answer is just an email to you all away is very reassuring. So, as my fish tank sits in the other room looking absolutely beautiful and trouble free (well, for now, but let's not ruin the moment!) I wanted to extend my gratitude for all the help & knowledge this site has lent to me. I know all of you put a lot of hard work and lots and lots of time into helping me and others get their tanks just right. I know for sure that getting my tank "just right" took many emails from you all over the course of the last 10 months. >>Wow, that's excellent to hear. >Thanks again for a wonderful site and well, for just being nice people. >>Aw.. shucks. >Jan >>We thank you, welcome you and all, and want everyone to know that your success is our success. The WetWebMedia Crew Thanks for the great information >Sure, I've got tons of questions....but forget that for now. I just want to let you know how much I appreciate your site and thanks for the great info. Looking forward to reading your book (on order). -Jeff >>On behalf of Bob, Anthony, the editors of the new Conscientious Aquarist, and the rest of the WetWebMedia Crew, I would like to thank you for expressing your appreciation, and extend all welcomes to you and everyone else. It is our collective pleasure. Marina Thanks, yet again! 4/20/04 Hey Gang! It's been awhile since I've "checked in" & said "hey"! Anthony, & everyone else here at WWM, because I actually listened & learned from y'all, my tank is simply a pleasure to observe with all of the life thriving within. <outstanding to hear, my friend> Here's a link to the Colorado Rocky Mtn Reef Club forum, where I put a few shots of the tank. Thanks again for all of the advice & the service y'all provide here, my reef is living proof that the advice givin' freely here is indeed, sound advice! Peace & Incense! Stormbringer http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=355444&perpage=25&pagenumber=2 <much thanks for sharing, bud! Keep on rocking... the tank has made tremendous progress since last year. Anthony> Video on WWM Hey, Bob I recall you have brought this subject up a few times... and friends have told us that video will chew up a lot of bandwidth... but I was wondering: Do you know how/who it will take to "make it so". Do we still want it? <I think it's as simple as clicking on the "add video" icon in FP... does just take quite a bit of storage space AND bandwidth to service however many times, many folks download/stream-view it> Really small scale here... I was thinking that a great WWM video would be a quick tutorial on how to install and adjust(!) a protein skimmer properly. <Yes, many good pitches we could make, present> A button on the FAQ dailies that links folks to the tutorial videos, etc. Hey... if GARF can run video, we can too <G> <Oh! Didn't know the Headlee's had such> Can we? <I think so... just will have to pay Datapipe for storage, bandwidth use... likely not terrible> I'll volunteer to demo this... and wonder if I can just tape the video and send it to someone to help us digitize/load it on the site? Antoine <I think we can figure out how to place the video. I say go ahead... may lead you to a source of revenue and acting status! Perhaps I should ask for your autograph now...? Bob F> Re: video on WWM Not only can I easily digitize, edit, format and compress any video you may create, but I can also host the actual file(s) on the WWF server, which has space and bandwidth to spare. We could then just link from WWM. Possibly there are bandwidth logistics to manage, as Bob says. But we'd have to do the math of bandwidth/money/traffic to figure it out for real. Do we even have a monthly bandwidth quota on WWM/Datapipe? In the meantime, get bizzy wid it, Antoine! I wanna know how to adjust my Remora! [wink] -Zo <Great! Bob F> Just Got Married! >Marina, >>Hello. >What a beautiful name! >>Thank you. >I am sorry if I was too loud, but please understand I got married today, and I have had a pretty unnerving day so far. >>You WHAT? And then you were worried about getting to us online? You must have married one of the most wonderful people in the world. Hope you don't mind, but I'm getting a helluva chuckle from this, I really can't believe it (throws rice). >I REALLY (yelling) hehe, love your sight. >>Thanks, but it's not exactly "mine" per se (well, I see quite well). All started by the Bobster, and quite the group effort by the folks you see listed at the top of the dailies, as well as MANY unnamed heroes in our collective efforts. >Thank you ALL so much for the useful information and I really appreciate your site. BEAUTIFUL! I was merely trying to respond to your forums, but unfortunately computer illiterate. >>No worries, no one's born computer literate my friend. However, the forums (ohh.. man, the dog just passed really bad gas.. ugh) (dear God, help me.. oof!!) Where was I..?? Oh yes, it's not the first time there's been trouble. >Sorry, will keep searching for how to get on if I have to call the LCM (local computer medic), hehe. >>Contact by email Lorenzo Gonzalez. Now, I'm already registered, so I just had log back in (it's been months, literally), so it may be other problems of which I am unaware. But, being the site admin, they should be able to sort this stuff out. >Hope to see you all soon, Chad >>Hun, not *too* soon I hope. You're supposed to be on that thing called a "honeymoon". Marina Site sponsorship Bob, Just thought I would bring this to your attention as it was brought to mine recently. When it comes to unhappy consumers I know there are always two sides to the issue at hand so I haven't made a decision either way... but I did want to bring this to your attention in case it was indicative of a possible problem that perhaps you were unaware of. See below: <Thanks much for this Mr. Morin... we are "up to" 83,000 visitors per week and do have maybe one disgruntled incident per month. The one here is obviously amongst them. A quick perusal of the site (where all responses are archived) will show that some 99% plus of folks that write in are very happy with our help, positions. Will share this with our WWM Crew. Hope to see you at InterZoo in May. Bob Fenner> >The information specifically mentioned in the first letter was in regards to the lionfish or specifically the Volitans lion. In some parts of the site the speak of various aquarium size. I was writing to find out what tank mates would go well when keeping lions or in my case a single Volitans in a 125 salt tank. From what I found they should go in well in an aquarium as small as a 75-90 gallon. In fact they even stated on their site that even a 55 gallon would be fine in one area, another stated that 40 gallons per lion would be fine, and a third stated that 100 gallons would be a minimum. When I wrote in asking for a list of species that can be kept with lions, I was told that they would not even consider answering my question as I was a disaster waiting to happen, was uninformed and had done no >research. The subject who answered the question was someone by the name of Anthony. If desired I can forward all the messages. After 4 attempts to get my question answered, he still refused and kept making snide remarks inferring that I was not intelligent enough to read the messages. All this was due to the fact that I stated that I wanted to know what fish were good tank mates for lions. Once again, I'd be happy to forward the messages. The ending to the correspondence was that I was getting what I paid for since it was a free site. He stated that it didn't matter if it was not the same information since there were three opinions. He seemed justified in being rude. I considered his replies to be very unprofessional and rude. Once again I would hate to see an unprofessional jerk tarnish the reputation of Sea Chem. >Mike > > From: Seachem Tech Support <support@seachem.com> > > Date: 2004/04/01 Thu PM 01:00:33 EST > > Subject: Re: Sponsored page > > >To whom it may concern: > > >Just thought I would take a minute to write to you to inform you of a page that you are sponsoring. The page, http://www.WetWebMedia.com, has conflicting information, false information and a rude staff. It is a question and answer based page where you are able to write in to the staff. > > >I took the occasion to do this and was answered by an individual who was rude, unprofessional and made snide comments when I asked his opinion on a subject. He disguised it all under being "conscious" of animals in the aquarium, but his remarks were very unprofessional. I hate to see a name like SeaChem blemished by being on such a site. If future correspondence is desired please write back to Sincerely, Mike > > Thank you for taking the time to write to us concerning this. If you could be more specific with regards to the conflicting or false information we would like to take a look at it. This is the first negative comment we've received on their site, but if received more negative feedback we would need to reevaluate our advertising. > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > > Seachem Laboratories, Inc. www.seachem.com 888-SEACHEM > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Gregory Morin, Ph.D. ~~~~~~~President/CEO~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Seachem Laboratories, Inc. www.seachem.com 888-SEACHEM Where are you guys? hey how do I donate I really need your service ?! I have sent you folks several questions on my reef woes and no word are you all diving somewhere with bob? Your bewildered buddy Kirt <Well, I'm back on the mainland... Antoine may be out giving a pitch somewhere... the rest of the WWM folks are spread across the planet as usual. We do have a "begging bowl" (Amazon donation thingamajig) feature on WWM. Bob Fenner> Amazon donation to WWM crew... and critter ID 3/17/04 Hi crew! I recently visited the Amazon honor system site http://s1.amazon.com/exec/varzea/pay/T3P5J4CVWEJER0/104-7018091-5491941 and donated some well deserved money to your website, and encourage everyone else who frequents this site to do the same. <very kind thanks for this my friend... it is not necessary, but it certainly is appreciated. The money is put to good use to be sure> The money I spent on the donation pales in comparison to the money I have saved by using the advice provided by this site. I work in the computer business, and know these sites are not free, nor cheap. <indeed... Bob funded this site wholly out of his pocket for quite some time and continues to do so when/if site revenues fall short. It is a labor of love in so many ways by him and those of us that have migrated to him and his efforts/our shared interests here> Thank you, too, to all of the volunteers on the site who use their own time to help all of us. Genuinely..... Thank you. <I thank you again for your very considerate understanding and support> Ok, now for my question. I have an infestation of "critters" in my tank. I have witnessed a dozen or more of these in my tank. I caught one, put it on a towel, and took a picture of it. Hopefully it will show up clear enough to ID. Thanks for the info in advance. Rick from Michigan < a clear pic, and no worries... this is one of the most desirable microcrustaceans/microzooplankters... called an amphipod. They are harmless scavengers that are nutritious meals for fishes and corals. Some folks culture these in refugiums, they are so desirable. Enjoy my friend. With kind regards, Anthony> Invaluable FAQs Bob & Crew - Just a thank you for the terrific web site and FAQs. I'm 90 days into a 90 gallon reef tank and have referred to your web site countless times. I've relied on your extensive and well-organized FAQs for explanations or insight into all of the stuff one encounters with new fish, behaviors, changes, etc. I read through the FAQs before deciding on new inhabitants. I visit your site at least three times per week, and sometimes daily. <Glad to realize they are of assistance to you> I'm sure maintaining the web site and answering all of those questions is a load of work - and I'm sure you've heard it thousands of times - but I couldn't let another week of immersing myself in wetwebmedia.com go by without letting you know expressly what a terrific resource this has been for me as someone who's had a (so far) successful start to this exciting hobby. So, thanks. Sincerely, --Paul Bazley - Issaquah, WA <We are indeed blessed with many fine folks that are WWM. Bob Fenner> |
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