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Re: Question about my 55 gal tankmates 03/08/09 Daily FAQ's -- 03/07/09 Hi Bob, Didn't see any new dailies yesterday and today. Are we having problems with the site in that regard? James Oh yes. We are. B What's going on? Is it bad? J -- Mmm, yes... some trouble with the server there (being slow...) and some process/es being interrupted... which has caused us to not be able to log on the last couple days ("root error (web busy): Please try again)... The FP extensions have been re-done, now the site is being moved onto another server. I thought several times of contacting you... but figured the ISP should be able to fix, and didn't want to bug you... BTW, are you up for a dive trip later this mo. to Coz? BobF. Contact info 3-5-09 Hi, <Henk> Probably a bit of an unusual request, but here I go anyway. I saw a message in the daily FAQs of a person named Barry, living in Beijing. I am also working and living in Beijing, and am currently reading and preparing to set up a reef tank once I move house in May. I am a novice to saltwater though, and I was wondering if it would it be possible to forward my contact information to this person? I would like to get in touch with someone who has some experience with marine tanks, speaks English and is in Beijing. The message on the daily FAQs I was referring to is the one below: <Unfortunately, we don't have a means of retaining/BCC'g folks' email/addresses back/forth... We don't retain such... Am wondering if there is some sort of pet-fish "FaceBook" or such that you might post yourself on, search for people of similar mind, interest... Bob Fenner> Website back button on web page 2/21/09 Hi, I really enjoy your site. I really hate the inability to "back up" through my web browser's "back" button. I'm 92% certain that you have designed the setup of your website to act in this fashion. In normal circumstance of web surfing if I were to come across this behavior from a site I would back out and not return. In my opinion it is an unprofessional attempt to "keep me" on your site. Go get your viewers from a respectable source such as providing great content which you clearly do. Leave the childish tricks to others. <?> E. Dugan P.S. I'm sending this message from my home computer which uses Outlook Express as its email client so I'm not certain (and don't want to waste the time to find out) which of my family's email addresses this is originating from. If you care to contact me use the edugan@XXXX.com address. Thanks for you patience and an otherwise great site. <Sara: What? I am able to "back up", though this does take double clicking on MS Explorer... Am wondering if there is some diff. in OS or...? BobF. For my part, I actually don't know enough to "do this"... let alone not being disingenuous. B> <<E. Dugan- I do know what you're referring to. And it has frustrated me as well. Unfortunately, I don't yet know how to fix it. When I do, it will be fixed. However, I must say that I don't appreciate (actually take great offense to) you accusing Mr. Fenner (or any of us on WWM) of some kind of childish deliberate manipulation of back button settings in order to keep people on his/our site. WWM is an entirely charitable site that gets tens of thousands of visitors a day without even trying. Mr. Fenner is independently wealthy and only created WWM to help the hobby and industry of pet fish keeping. Please do your "homework" before you insult people. Bob- I have the same problem/experience. Lately, it takes two clicks for some reason. I don't know why... I will investigate. -Sara M.>> <... Just someone w/ a bug up their patootee perhaps... If they have a sol'n/fix, I wish they'd suggested it. B> <<I did some experimenting... this problem doesn't occur in FF, other browsers... so I think it might be one of those dreaded browser incompatibility issues. I will try to figure out the source of the issue... if anyone has any ideas, I hope they will share! Cheers, Sara M.>> <<Actually... it doesn't even happen in Internet Explorer for everyone on all computers... a friend just suggested that it might have something to do with cookies settings on individual computers. Hmm... -Sara M.>> Backward buttons...02/22/09 Hi, Sorry, I did not mean to offend anyone. I re-read my original email and agree that it was a bit aggressive. <Apology accepted.> As I stated I enjoy your site and visit often. It was an annoyance not to be able to backup with the back button in my browser. It did not occur to me at the time that this was an unintended consequence, perhaps a compatibility issue. <I assure you that it is quite unintentional and annoys us just as much as it annoys you. However, for whatever reason, not everyone is having this problem. A few of my friends on different computers are not experiencing this (even though they also use Internet Explorer).> I do notice that when I visit your site directly, that it does take two clicks on the back button to back up. In the instance that generated my (hot headed?) email, I arrived at your site via link from a Google search. On this occasion no matter of multiple back button clicks would take me back through the chain of pages, it stuck on the first WetWebMedia page forward of the Google search. <Huh.> This behavior is reminiscent of unscrupulous websites that attempt to keep visitors on their site by (I believe) deliberate web programming techniques. It never occurred to me at the time that it was unintended. <Not only is it unintended, but we're not even sure if this is on our end at all... since not everyone is having the same problem. One of my friends suggested that it might have something to do with you/our cookies settings, firewalls, etc.> If it is a browser compatibility issue, I offer that my machine uses WinXP and Internet Explorer v6.0. <Do you have Fire Fox? If not, I suggest you download it (it's free). It's a better browser anyway... and doesn't have this problem for us.> I will also offer that I took offense to inappropriate comments by the last responder in the email chain, someone signing as "B". I clearly stated in my postscript (P.S.) that in the heat of my irritation over the back button issue, that I was responding via your "contact us" link. This brings up the default email client, Outlook Express, which is setup with my wife's email. Yes, her name is Julie. <I think B, Bob made a connection to Julie, not because of who was written as the sender, but because of the tone/content of the email. We had someone named Julie write in with similarly, seemingly rude comments/complaints. There might be no actual connection here... I don't know, it doesn't matter.> I am unfamiliar with Outlook Express and could not quickly find how to change the "sender". I don't even think my email is setup on Outlook Express on this machine as I use our web host's web mail client exclusively. I clearly gave my email address for any responses. No deceit going on here. My name is Edward Dugan, and any correspondence can be directed to edugan@XXXX.com. <Thank you> I will commend you that you do have the contact link on your webpage, and even more in responding so quickly. <We try.> Since I am on a roll writing, I will tell you that I found the information I was looking for on your website. <I'm happy to hear it!> Sm. Reef Op. 2/22/09 I was searching for lifetime of Power Compact tubes. I calculate ~4300 hours from your staff's recommendation of replacement at six months of 24/7 use. My background is a BS Chemistry, Univ of Delaware (1979). I am a chromatographer by training. My current (personal) interest surround a quantitative chromatographic determination of ions in saltwater reef aquarium water. Specifically I'm interested in the Mg++ / Ca++ ratio (see below). <Interesting> I have been keeping aquaria since I was about ten years old. My current setup is a 30 gallon reef which has been in existence for about fifteen years. It's current incarnation has been up for almost two years. The original setup had a undergravel filter, a remnant of its progression from fish only to reef in the early ninety's. Needless to say the substrate turned into concrete. This drove me for better or worse to a bare bottom. Specifics of the setup are: ~30? pounds of live rock acquired over ~2 years many years ago, stacked loosely away from all tank walls, sitting a bare bottom with the fewest points of bottom contact for easy maintenance Lighting: 2x96w PC lighting, 1 50/50 actinic/10K, 1 10K 2x21w T5 no lighting, 1 actinic, 1 10K Controlled by 3 Coralife digital timers staggered on/off times ranging from 13 hr photoperiod for T5's, 11 hr 50/50 PC, 8 hr PC 10K 3x2 blue LED photoperiod off night illumination Filtration: Eheim 2215 Canister filter with surface skimmer driving a Countercurrent Protein Skimmer (name forgotten) ~24" tall Odyssea 350GPH powerhead w/sponge filter, also used for short term particulate adsorbents such as 3x/year carbon and/or occasional phosphate remover Flow: 2 Koralia Nano powerheads, opposed flow, staggered daytime operation with light timers 1 Koralia 1 constant on 1 Odyssea 350GPH photoperiod off nighttime flow Water quality stats (using mainly Red Sea test kits): temp = ~24.5 C +/- 1.0 C/0.0 C (25.5 C nighttime / 24.5 C daytime) sp gr = 1.0250 Ca++ = 425 ppm, test 1-3x/wk Alk = 10.5dKH, test 1-3x/wk Mg++ = 1525ppm, test 6x/yr NO3- = 0ppm, test ~4x/yr always no reading PO3-- = 0ppm, test infrequently, unhappy with color scale, difficult to read pH = ~8.2+??, useless, scale difficult to read I dose: Kalkwasser daily in the AM when pH is low Seachem Reef Calcium, 2cc/day in morning Seachem Reef Advantage Calcium as needed to maintain Ca++ ~425ppm usually 2 teaspoons/wk added in PM Seachem Reef Builder as needed to maintain Alk ~10-12 dKH usually 2 teaspoons/wk added in AM most recently Purple Up, 1cc/day at night before bed my own Lugol's sol'n, ~40uL/wk Water Change & Maintenance: 2gal ~2 wks, vacuuming stuff from the bottom Eheim cleaned 4x/yr Skimmer gunk parts cleaned ~month, broken down once per 2yrs Odyssea foam cleaned every 6 wks except if adsorbents are run glass cleaned weekly, very little algae growth Inhabitants: If you're interested I have some pictures at: http://mysite.verizon.net/goldgift/index.htm It's not the best web presentation, but it is a work in progress. Notes since the pictures were taken. The Galaxea has added ~1 cm of mantle around the entire periphery in the year I've had it. I have also added a specimen of Acropora that has grown ~1.5 cm on a dozen branches in the two months its been in the tank. For the first time in awhile I am forced to think about longer term (growth) consequences of my habitat. The yellow polyps are in decline, and I'm thinking my target temperature of 22-23 C is too low (summertime it gets to 25-26 and at the end of summer is when the attrition began). My new target temp is about 25 C. <Wow, thank you for sharing all that! It will be posted.> So to sum it up, I did not mean any hard feelings. If you guys read this far then you are troopers indeed. <No worries... we're cool.> Ed Dugan <Cheers, Sara M.> Backward Buttons Query 2/23/09 Hello Sara, I've been reading this query and would like to suggest a possible fix. Have the querior check off the "allow session cookies" box. This is usually found in the internet options folder. Regards, James <Thank you James, I will forward this to the querior... -Sara M.> New Home Page 02/17/09 Yikes! CHANGE! The Home Page is DIFFERENT! CHANGE! {best Rain Man voice} On Tuesday I have pancakes. With Maple Syrup. Gotta have Maple Syrup On Tuesday I have pancakes. With Maple Syrup. Gotta have Maple Syrup On Tuesday I have pancakes. With Maple Syrup. Gotta have Maple Syrup 12 minutes to Wopner ..... I blame Sara! <LOL... ::sigh:: If only you knew...> Actually Sara, it looks great!!!!! <Thanks> I hope everyone else likes it too. <me too> I'd like to ask -- how much work would it be to put a "last" link on each day's FAQ page when it is retired? As a description only .... Today's FAQ would be initially posted as something like daily_faq.html and would contain a YESTERDAY link to daily_021609.html which would be yesterday's FAQ. When today's FAQ is retired, it would be saved as daily_021709.html (still containing a link to 021609.html) and the NEW daily FAQ page (again named daily_faq.html would contain a 'back' link to daily_021709.html). <It wouldn't be difficult... but I don't think Bob would want that and I think it would end up being more trouble than potential benefit.> The reason I'm asking is manifold. 1) It would make it very easy to go back in time while searching for threads of previous advice on the same topic. 2) Since I don't have to do the work .... it's easy! (for me to ask!) <I understand what you're saying... but it would just create more work for Bob actually. And I can show you a trick to getting yesterday's FAQ (as a cache on the internet) using a Google search.> In the alternative, if the old dailies were simply filed in a date based format, one could just formulate the url in the address bar and be able to time travel, so to speak. <Dude, this would just create way too many pages. But you can ask Bob what he thinks. Cheers and thanks for the input, Sara M.> <<Mmm, Darrel... are you willing to (take the time) to make these rep.s, move all about? Every day? This activity takes me a few hours a day, every day... and I have no more resource. BobF>> Redesigned Homepage 2/17/08 Hi all, I thought the WWM homepage badly needed a makeover... so I redesigned it. All the same links are there (except the "desktop calendar" link when no one ever goes to or even knows exists). <<Actually. Incorrect. This is used more than the links pages. RMF>> Bob also wanted a place for a banner add on the homepage. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ I hope y'all like it. If you don't, I still have the old homepage I can switch it back to. Cheers, Sara M. <I think it looks lovely. Cheers, Neale.> Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays from Denmark � 12/25/08 Hi !! <<Hello Michael!>> I would just like to wish the entire crew Of WetWebMedia a Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. I hope you have a great time with your families. And a special thanks to Eric for all his great help/advice during the year. Take care. Michael Fick Denmark <<Many thanks my friend. And? En glædelig jul og heldig nytår (hope I got that right) to you and yours as well, from me and the entire WWM Crew. Eric Russell, South Carolina>> Re: Project WWM 11/25/08 Hello, If any of you are local to San Diego, I¹d like to get together at Fuddruckers on Mira Mesa on Wednesday afternoon for lunch at 12p. This will be a brainstorm session to discuss the possibilities of how to do the FAQ¹s, field ideas on the creative look and feel, and just generally enjoy each other¹s company. Bob and I are already confirmed for this, let me us know if you can join. Jessica L. Timko www.creativesoup.com <So far, I know of MikeK, DaveL, you and myself... BobF> How it all began? 11/17/08 Hi Bob, <Ranjith> I was curious. How did WWM begin? <Mmm, in the mid 1990's I worked for some folks who started an etailing concern (Flying Fish Express... eventually Pets.com...) who wanted "1-800" answering help to promote their business, help their customers... I suggested (to John Caskie, partner Eric Silverman) that they would do better by far (than simply responding to questions with answers) to archive these, provide substantive articles for reference, even provide still and kinetic imagery... But they weren't very interested in expanding the answer service... after they'd sold the business I did so... as WWM> Whose idea was it and who pulled it along? <Mmm, my own... and with the help of many good friends... the Crew, past and present, and hundreds of thousands of queries, queriors input> There are like a zillion websites for fish keeping so how did WWM pull ahead of the rest and come to be so trusted by people and popular? <Mmm... I'd say mostly the quality and concern of the WWM Crew itself. I/we are blessed to have and had a cadre of very experienced, concerned, conversant folks that really have the best interests of the hobby, planet in mind, heart... and to have accumulated their thoughts, experiences> Please do spend a few minuets to respond to this out of the context email :) Cheers and keep up the good work Ranjith <Thank you my/our friend. Bob Fenner> Re: How it all began? 11/17/08 Hi crew :) My chance to say a thank you to all of you!! The reason behind this down the memory lane question is I plan to start something like this for dogs in Mumbai. <Ahhh! Outstanding> Hope that works even remotely close to WWM :) Cheers Ranjith <Life to you my friend. BobF> A simple thanks 10/22/08 Just a quick note of thanks for your excellent site. I have spent many hours reading up on the various additions to my reef tank, both in equipment and livestock. I have Robert Fenner's book the Conscientious Marine Aquarist, and on my upcoming business trip to Melbourne I will be reading volume 2 (probably cover to cover. it's a long flight!) Thanks again to all the crew at WWM. Britt Williams <Thank you for your kind, encouraging words Britt. Much appreciated. Bob Fenner> Project WWM Site Map- Step 1 -- 10/02/08 Hello Team, So far we are 5 volunteers total, 4 from the crew and one WWM hobbyist. Thank you all for your support. To get the ball rolling on this I started a new site map for WWM. This gives us a frame work to brainstorm off of. What I did was dissect the current site into sections and logically rearranged those sections to make the user experience flow better. Now, this diagram is something that makes sense in MY head. Please look it over and point out the irregularities or respond with something more sensible, as I'm sure there is more than one way to skin a cat. I've only broken down one section of each 'level' of navigation for space reasons. But you can be assured that each tab will have its own corresponding breakout. Things to note: I've separated the articles completely from the FAQ sections. MANY times I've only wanted to read articles related to the subjects and I found myself accidentally clicking into the FAQ's of that section. Very frustrating for me. So I created a sections aptly named 'Reference Library' The FAQ's are assumed to be changing to a blog format...still up for new/better ideas here The articles and other pages of the site will remain standard 'html' type pages Don't be shy with your thoughts, this is very much supposed to be an open forum for ideas and teamwork. I'm just trying to give us a launching point. Jessica L. Timko <Wowzah! What progress! Have never made such an attempt at a site map... as a tool for orienting folks about WWM or an organizing mech. to reformat the navigation here... I do think that more than the "Hawthorne Effect" will be brought about by the action here. BobF. > Later, greater? addn. to WWM, your input 09/29/08 Howsit? Am adding larger pix to WWM in the following fashion: Making the "daily pix" archives "Framed" links that are associated with larger 300 pixel wide copies... and placing these on/with the species, groups, topics they are related to... Too confusing? See the daily FAQs: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/daily_faqs3.htm or Dendronephthya: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/dendornephthyaart.htm Mmm, "did" the four hundred or so daily pix that were on my active desktop from the last few months trips... have tens of thousands more that could be sorted through in my archives... Was hoping this would instead be a "pix for sale" sort of separate site... Any input at this juncture is greatly appreciated. BobF. Re: Later, greater? addn. to WWM, your input 09/29/08 Bob... have you checked this site out? http://www.scoopt.com/ <Mmm, not this... my pix aren't "newsworthy", topical... also, I don't want to sign 12 month intl. exclusive licensing> ...and/or its kind? <Not yet... but am always looking. B> Best, Sara M. Have you seen this? http://photo.net/nature-photography-forum/001UsW Sara <Mmm, just did... You see, or I want you to see: My intent is multi-fold, but principally to share/make use of "aquatic related pix" for the readers/users of WWM AND to possibly make a few dollars... B> I see... how about this... you could put a link on WWM to some site such as PhotoBucket or Picasa Web... any online photo album where you can up load all these pics. People can then contact you if they want to purchase a particular photo/s... Sara <Mmm, am trying to avoid "one-sies, two-sies"... I already spend some part of every day running down pix, sending out et al. for editors... Would REALLY like to have this all automated, including the moolah part... as you know... More time for "other things"... like diving, traveling, making more images! B> Project WWM 09/29/08 Hello Crew, I've spoken to Bob and got the ok to move forward with a project idea. I know it has been proposed before, but never carried out for reasons unknown to me. I want to redesign WWM. It is going to be a pain in the behind, but I think it is doable. The first step is to create a design/programming team and get a better understanding of what skills you can bring to the table. Personally, I can manage the project and create graphic designs and page layouts. My skills in Photoshop are expert. I have very minimal programming knowledge, mostly limited to dream weaver and small code changes. But, I can, and do learn fast with a good teacher. What is needed: -We need programmers and coders that have experience in php, css, flash, html, etc. -Graphic Design help. If you can edit pictures or designs in Photoshop, we can use you. -Content Populators (Yes, I do believe I just made that word up)- Anyone and everyone with the ability to copy/paste content from the old site archives to the new site. Tedious work but simple enough for everyone to participate. At first thought, the new design could follow a 'blog' format and could be programmed with something like wordpress or blogger. I'm not married to this idea, nor do I know if it is the best way to do things. That is where I need you to step in. If you have web experience and would be willing to work on team 'Project WWM' please contact me. Since we are spread out across the US I'd like to arrange a phone conference call between all the volunteers sometime in the beginning of October to have our first brainstorming session. I hope this idea excites you and you find it in your heart to jump on board. I estimate this project could take at least eight months to accomplish due to our busy schedules and the sheer amount of information to input. BUT IT IS DOABLE. Please reply to this email with your skills and contact information, I'll begin the list. Additionally, if you know anyone willing to volunteer for this worthy cause please feel free to forward this email along to them. Kindest Regards, Jessica L. Timko www.creativesoup.com Re: WWM extreme makeover 09/29/08 Wow. If you think people have different and passionate opinions on politics and religion, just open a conversation about web page design! About the only thing people agree on is that the average net surfer has evolved the attention span of a gnat, so the page has to be clear and simple enough to load quickly. The biggest problem we in the computer business face is that we program on Quad Xeon machines with 4Tb of memory and 40 inch HD monitors connected to multiple T-1 lines with the latest version of everything ..... so NOTHING fails to work, load or be readable by us. Then we deploy in the field and find that what looks so pretty and works so fast on an HD monitor with dual Gforce SLI cards ... doesn't look so well or load very fast on Dad's Pentium 2 on an AOL dial-up connection ... and he has fish too. The US Government once sent me a document instructing me, among other things, "to travel between floors in elevators only in buildings having elevators", so normally the last place I look for help with anything is the government. I'm just happy I don't get all the governing I pay for. That said, here's a site they publish that is actually quite good and very informative. http://www.usability.gov/pdfs/guidelines.html Regards, Darrel <Who paid, was robbed for this? Oh... RMF> Re: WWM extreme makeover 09/29/08 A great idea. The site does look cluttered. I am willing to help to the best of my abilities. Perhaps we could start with a re-design of the home page. Anyone have any ideas or know of any sites that we could pattern it after? Maybe use key elements from several different sites. Ease of navigation is key, along with pleasing colors and easy to understand text and choice of wording. What kind of features would work the best on the homepage? Mike Kaechele <Thank you Miguel. Dork/Dave Lathrap has been working on some innovations. Dave, do you have the new HP mock-up to show/share? BobF> Re: Project WWM 09/29/08 Jessica-- I'm grateful to you for taking this on... I wish I had the courage and knowledge/skill to do so myself. I'm a little scared/concerned... worrying that things might change too much. But if Bob trusts you, we all should... Best, Sara Re: Project WWM 09/29/08 Sara, I completely understand where you are coming from, and I truly think there has to be a better way to organize/do things for this site. The great thing about what I¹m proposing is that we won¹t make a single change to the current website until all parties have tested the new format and find it without fault. If in the end, we¹ve created something inferior to the current site, it never has to see the light of day. Im willing to devote the time and effort because I think it can be done. In response to Mike Kaechele¹s comment about a new homepage...I think it will only band-aid the problem as most people only spend 1.5 seconds (estimate) on the homepage. Just long enough to click through to their topic of interest. It will make everything shiny and pretty for sure, but I kinda don¹t want to get people excited about any possible changes until we are certain we can do something of some substance for them. But I totally agree with the thought, new homepage is a definite need. WWM extreme makeover 9/29/08 Hi Bob, I have a C-R-A-Z-Y idea I'm sure...but I thought I'd throw it out to you anyway. I know that you are comfortable with the website as it is currently designed, but THE BIGGEST complaint I hear is that it is so hard to read and concentrate on because of the format. <Oh, not a crazy idea at all... nor new!> It gives people headaches. I'd like your permission to theorize a better way of doing things, most likely with a blog type set up. <Yay!> My plan would be to brainstorm with any of the crew that might have the programming knowledge and get a feasible idea determined. Then, hopefully myself and a team of volunteer programmers can work at getting a new site structure. We'll then have to input all the old FAQ's and articles into the new setup, but that is a simple task of cut and paste. This wouldn't be a quick project by any means, and rightfully could take the better part of a year to finish. I think it will be worth it and if planned correctly there wouldn't have to be any downtime on the site. We could have a fully functional redesign made and just flick the switch and have it running one day instead of the old site. <Thank you, thank you, thank you... repeat> What are your thoughts? And before you say anything...I know you must have been approached with this idea many times over the years, but I really feel its something I could actually accomplish with the right support. Jessica L. Timko <I say, let's go! WWM will help pay as much as it can for such work. BobF> Re: Dwarf seahorses and Gorgonians 8/29/08 Dear Mr. Fenner, <Ms. Leber> Please don't think I'm being facetious here when I say how Thrilled I was to receive a response from you! I took a chance and wrote thinking maybe someone might answer me in time but the very next day I have a reply from you! It's like hearing from God. <Mmm, no. He's much older. Heeeeeee!> You know he's there but wayyy to busy to answer the likes of you. Thank you so much for your reply. I'm taking all of your advice. I just hope I'm in time to save the ponies. They seem fine but if the tank crashes....... <Yes> I just wish it was easier to gather the correct info at the start. From now on I'm coming to WWM 1st. I researched for 6 months before setting up this tank and it seems that everything I have done was incorrect. <Best to keep an open mind... with a modicum/dose of suspended belief and a smidgen of cynicism> Thank you again from the bottom of my heart & the hearts of 7 tiny ponies! You should be dipped in GOLD! <Yikes! Let's wait a while please. Cheers, BobF> Re: Site Suggestion - 8/12/08, SaraM 8/22/08 Hello Jackie, Yes, it would be most excellent to have help with the summaries/bullet points. There are thousands that could be done. I suggest to you (and anyone who wants to help) to simply pick the FAQs pages which interest you the most, read the queries and pull out key points/highlights. If you have the time/desire to do this, you can simply send them to me via email and I will post them on the page indicated for which they were written. It would be most appreciated... whatever you're capable/willing to do. Every little bit helps/adds up... Thank you, Sara M. Praise to you on your WetWebMedia 8/14/08 Bob Fenner. Congratulations on the continuing success of WetWebMedia. It is truly an incredibly extensive and wide ranging site. You are providing a remarkably good service to aquatic animal keeping. And you are obviously continuing to be very very busy. <High praise indeed coming from you Dr. Bob. And very glad to find you still involved in ornamental aquatics. I am given to understand that you had sold Kordon-Novalek> I am continuing to pursue R & D for our company (now transferred over to Kordon LLC from Novalek) and am involved among various projects of researching probiotics for fish keeping. Do you have or know about where to go for leads on those pursuing this topic? Experts? Successful providers of products in probiotics? Any ideas you or others might have on directions to pursue? <Mmm, yes... I would ask George at: Bassleer Biofish, www.bassleer.com and esp. the mother/daughter owners of Preis-Aquaristik www.aquaristik-preis.de I do think the folks at Eco Lift have some work going on in this field as well. There are some great innovations "coming right up" for our industry in this field, but the hurdles of application, testing, certification by gov't agencies... I don't look forward to> I would be much obliged for any help you can provide. Best regards. /.R3 <Hope to see you about Dr. Rofen, Bob Fenner>
Re: Navigation (was: WWM... what say you?) 8/11/08 Hello Guys, If I might chime in here... I don't think WWM is easy to navigate for visitors starting at a low level of expertise. For example, it depends on you having some idea of fish taxonomy. If you are interested in Glassfish for example, you would need to know that they are an "advanced" fish group so that you can go from the Freshwater start page to the Livestock 2 page where the Glassfish topics are arranged. Then some stuff is arranged in seemingly random places. Why, for example, is "Functions of Body Slimes of Fishes" on the Behaviour section of Aquatic Science? Why is "Quarantine" on Livestock 1 in the Freshwater section, where most of the other articles cover taxonomic groups. Why not put it in Freshwater Maintenance, or Set-Up for that matter. Other times things have cryptic titles. My article on Freshwater Chemistry is accessed via a link Freshwater Aquarium Water Quality under the Water Issues topic! Conversely, hardly anything on the Freshwater Set-Up page seems to actually be addressed simply as "water chemistry". (I confess to not having looked over the Marines section much, and apologise if the Freshwater domain is somehow less representative.) Now, I accept that nothing I've said here stops a person from using Google. But if a web site can ONLY be accessed efficiently via Google, then there's something wrong with its layout or design. So what needs to be done? For a start, WWM needs ground-upwards navigation plan. If I might give an example close to my heart, on my own web site there's a navigation bar running along the top that leads to pull down menus that go directly to the various sections. Doing the same thing on WWM for the hundreds of pages wouldn't be possible, but you could CERTAINLY have a navigation bar that led to the Daily FAQ page, the Freshwater subsections, the Marine subsections, and so on http://homepage.mac.com/nmonks/ To avoid being simply a critic rather than a helper, let me make it plain to Bob that I'm more than willing to help develop the site to the next level. I do have Parallels up and running on my MacBook Pro, so installing and using Windows software (if that's what you're using) is certainly an option. Otherwise I'd be happy to go through the site and aggregate articles into more logical subsections prior to devising some more straightforward navigation system such as the one described above. Cheers, Neale <Please do Neale. You have access, and I am thereby more in your debt. BobF>
Question for something useful? WWM project... volunteer 8/8/08 Hi there! <Ho there! We're as happy as can be... M I C...> I love reading the website, and got this idea after reading the FAQ about the 3 tangs in a 90-gallon tank...the day after a friend's grandson mentioned doing the same! <More evidence of quantum convergence, or a bit of undigested potatoe...> Summer is almost over for my son, so I have dreams of copious amounts of spare time... <Ah summer, ah dreams... now, where were we?> and of course they're filling rapidly. Here is one of the things I thought might be a useful ting to fill them with please tell me if it is something useful for this site, or would be better off on the Bulletin Board. <Will do...> After reading how often people ask about/show inappropriate tank sizes for their fish, I thought that a page summarizing fish might be good. I know in today's world, people often want to read as little as possible about their topic, and the three primary bits of information people seem to want/need to know about a fish are: minimum tank size, quarantine procedure (since some fish are better off not being quarantined), and then a link to the article on the site that details the fish. <Do agree> Does that sound like something reasonable? <Yes...> Or is that something that would negate people searching properly for the information? <Possibly a concern, issue> If it is something worthwhile, I would be willing to make a stab at it - I would start with a few fish, see if it works, and then continue working on it (I will base the information on what I read on WetWebMedia). <Any, all good ref.s will do> I know there are literally hundreds of fish - <... tens of thousands> but some groups can be done by family (for example the Amblygobius gobies), <Yes> others need individual links, so I thought the best fish to start with (based on people's apparent desire to stuff them into too-small tanks) would be mandarin gobies and some other sand-sifting gobies, tangs, angels, and some other big fish - I am very open to suggestions of which other fish suffer small tanks too often. Here is what I was thinking: Column 1 - Fish name (common & Latin - at least the family, in case of groups that fit the category) Column 2 - - Quarantine necessary (or alternate procedure) - Minimum tank size below which to not even consider it - If needed for that fish, one hint that would radically help the survival of the fish (e.g. refugium, algae to graze on, etc.) - WetWeb page link to read more about it. Feel free to shoot down the idea, or if you have a better organizational idea, I am open to it. I love the website, and use it lots - and would hope this helps pay back some of the tremendous amounts of knowledge I have gathered over the past 2 years (been in the saltwater hobby 3, but didn't find this page until 1 year in). Thanks tremendously, Kerstin:-) <Mmm... I really would like your help here... Want to encourage you to proceed... Will post your input... Bob Fenner> Favourite (favorite!) books 8/5/08 Hello all, I'd like to create a page where we can keep a list of essential books for WWM visitors. The idea is that when we want to send someone off to read a book on whatever, we have a fixed page to send them to. I was thinking of arranging by topic: maybe community tropicals, ponds, plants, goldfish, cichlids, basic marines, reef tanks, corals, general invertebrates for starters.> > Inexpensive, introductory titles ideally. We can then link to Amazon, if that's helpful. <Good idea... I do believe Amazon even has some sort of commission/payment for such referrals that generate sales. BobF, who will get his list tog.> So, please send in any book titles you'd like me to add, and maybe tell me what category it'd go under. Cheers, Neale
Trouble in paradise, WWM Crew "Arguing" 7/22/08 Hi everybody, <Allen> First I would like to say I love the WWM site. You folks put up with a lot, and give a lot. I really appreciate it. I have learned just enough to be dangerous, <Am still working my way towards this...> and still learning through others experiences. Lately, however, I have noticed a squabble of sorts developing. I have seen emails between members questioning their sincerity, motives, etc. Even some limited bashing of each other. <Mmm, yes... as the person who posts most all/everyday, I have opted most times to include such "goings on" here... to show... the human side of WWM... it is a community... as well as seek input, vision/direction for improvement. Not only amongst the current Crew, but from folks as yourself> I have been reading here for a bit over a year and a half, and asked a few questions. I heave read many many responses to Joe reader questions, and think everyone here has the best interest at heart. But guys, your airing your dirty laundry in public. Take it "into the office" so to speak. I think the forums are a great idea, and I love the question/answer format as it is currently. I don't know the reasons these emails are public, <Really... my decision... and at times, borderline> I think they really should be between all of you. It's your web site, but we (the Joe readership) come here to try and get help, not here the "intra office squabbling". No offense intended, I just prefer to read about how to get rid of my algae problems, not about who thinks who is not sincere. That kind of reading can lead to the loss of Joe readerships confidence in the crew. You guys are really great, don't screw it up by arguing and bashing each other in public. Take it behind closed email. Respectfully my own humble opinion. Thanks, A loyal "Joe Reader". <Thank you for your input JR. Bob Fenner>
Click to pay.. 6/13/08 Love the site and refer to it all the time. always tons to learn. just a few opinions/ideas <Thank you for these> 2 things - i just noticed the "click to pay" program. what about PayPal? i think a giant chunk of the world has a PayPal account.. i really don't want to go through the hassle of opening an Amazon account. but i will - but i think if you could do "one touch pay" with PayPal?..might be easier? heck I'd click it every time I'm on the site! <Dang! I'll have to look... is this an easy upload? We/WWM do have a PayPal acct.> 2nd.. how about a "return to top of page button?" i do read and read.. and i believe my pages per hour rating would substantially increase with a button like that.. <Sorry to be so lame... but will have to look at our web-authoring software/buttons... if it's there, I'll definitely add... Though I've become quite facile at stretching to the page up and Ctrl and Home keys (moved the mouse to the left years back)> and i lied.. 3rd thing'¦ default the Google Search button to the WWM setting? <I do wish this were easily done. Turns out we get a pittance from G for referrals and searches... So we use their pre-made script... which doesn't include such a limitation> but since finding this site the quality of life in my families 2 tanks has been tremendous! Peter Baron <Ahh, again, thank you for this input. Bob Fenner>
small font 5/22/08 Good afternoon crew. I was browsing through the FAQs to kill some time at work and I noticed a comment posted 5/20/08 regarding small font sizes on the FAQ page. Not sure if this would help those who are having issues, but if you hold the control button down on the keyboard while moving the mouse wheel (assuming you have one), this will adjust font sizes on all web pages, either smaller or larger. I hope this helps! <Thank you for this tip for our viewers. Hopefully we'll have these crazy font issues resolved soon!> Keep up the good work! Eric <Thanks, Sara M.> Problem with a web page 05/21/2008 Hi there! I love your site, but just wanted to comment that per a discussion with a write in today's FAQ, I went to the page on Powerhead Comparisons, specifically http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_3/cav3i1/Powerhead_test/powerhead_comp.htm My problem occurred in two different browsers - Safari (I use a Mac) and Firefox. But the end of the article just wasn't formatted properly on either browser - the article and the graphics and the advertising were all on top of each other, making the article hard to read. <Yes, I/we are aware of this problem. I apologize for the inconvenience. I also use a Mac, Firefox and Safari. I'm quickly trying to learn enough about the CSS tags/issues to fix these problems. Right now, I know how to fix things on individual pages (for example, the dailies page should now be formatted correctly). I'm just not quite sure yet how to do it on every page.> I hope this helps - I saw that you're using a new Web editing software, and I know this website is humongous, so hopefully this page info helps. <Haha, yes, thank you... sometimes it gets a bit difficult to keep track of ~5k pages!!> Thanks, Kerstin:-) <Best, Sara M.> Teeny tiny type 05/20/08 Hi crew! All of a sudden your daily faqs are written in a variety of type sizes, mostly very small. Just a plea from those of us whose eyes are, shall we say, a little older than they used to be! It's a real hassle to keep adjusting the screen resolution! <I'm sorry about this. It's not intentional. We recently switched to a new site editing software and we're still trying to figure out how to work the CSS tags and browser compatibility (or lack there of) issues. This small font usually appears on Mozilla or Firefox. My apologies, please hang in there while I try to figure out how to fix it...> Thanks as always for an awesome site! Dianne (Michael's eyes are fine!)
New bottom ad works!! 5/13/08 Many more views than the Glass-Holes ads! https://webapp.trafficfacts.com/login.php Login name: superbuzz Password: ******** <Ahh, will have to look at when at a better conn.> Although you can probably get the same info from your end and all this means little until you get back into descent web range. Hope you are having a great time, looking forward to joining you soon, Scott V. <Thank you... I as well. B> New WWM page 5/2/08 Hello crew, This was Bob's idea... I compiled a page of pics from all the 21 marine algae FAQs pages. I didn't include all the photos (some are just too fuzzy/blurry to be too useful). Anyway, I think it might be useful for people who don't have a picture: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/trialalgaeid.htm Best, Sara M. <Ahh! I'd like to see each of these images "framed" (a convention I suggest we adopt to designate that such graphics are linked/links as well)... sending folks to another page each... with more images of the same species/genus... with notes on identification, compatibility/control... BobF> <<Sounds good... please direct me to the photos you want added, specifically what comments/notes you'd like... I would be happy to add all this. Best, Sara M.>> <The pix are here... some scanned, most not... B> A trio of items re WWM 5/1/08 Howdy! First off, welcome back Mac Lewis to the WWM Crew! Second, please be diligent re moving unanswered queries to your folders... Do so only if/when you intend to respond... for obvious reasons. Lastly, I am off on the sixth for three or so weeks... some of "us" are going along... MichelleM, JasonC... to the Red Sea and Interzoo in Germany. I hope/trust the Net will be steady, quick-enough, but SaraM has offered to try to move some of the dailies onto WWM in my apparent absence. DO please try to help by answering what you can every day... I'll be back recharged and with plenty of pix and video to share hopefully! BobF. "baby steps" for WWM 4/27/08 Hello Bob, friends/crew, <Sara> A lot of my hobby friends complain about the presentation style of WWM (the use of queries, sometimes with many different topics in each). I've heard many times that it is a "pain" to try and pick out the "points" of each query, more so for whole pages of them on the FAQs pages. The complaint is that it just takes too long to find what one is looking for, what is there/what isn't (within the lists of queries/conversations which can be about several different things/animals). So, I thought of doing something like this perhaps... a box at the top of each FAQ page with bulleted "highlights"/main points. I did it for this one page, just to demonstrate: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/zoanthidcompfaqs.htm It only took <hour (for me). So, while I know there are hundreds <Thousands> of these pages, I still think it's quite possible to do this for every page. Then with each query added, one bullet point could be added (if needed/if useful). But, if y'all don't like it, I will take it off. Best, Sara M. <Is a wonderful idea... I encourage you to go ahead and add as you deem fit, have time. BobF> <Thousands> ::shrug:: Is still quite possible/practical....IMO <Is a wonderful idea... I encourage you to go ahead and add as you deem fit, have time. BobF> Thanks, will do. Sara M. 'baby steps' for WWM 4/29/08 Hi Sara, <Hi Lynn> Sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday, I had a packed day! I just wanted to let you know that I do think what you're proposing is a good idea. I think anything that helps people find information quicker benefits us all - livestock and human alike! Let's face it, most people I'm sure come to our site, do their research and find what they need. However, there are those that can't find what they're looking for and write us instead or just leave. Sometimes it's because the information just isn't there yet. Other times it's there but the person either can't find it or has given up trying. That makes more work for all of us, and only increases the number of FAQ's in which we tell people, once again, to go look at such-in-such pages. <I agree...> I've asked myself more than a few times why people aren't finding the information that I know for a fact is there in black and white. Are these people just lazy? No doubt a few are, but not all. What I've noticed is that most seem to have made an effort, but were simply unsuccessful. Why is that? Is it due to a lack of patience and willingness to pursue answers when the process extends beyond a few minutes? <It probably just depends on the person/situation, what is sought...> Or do they just not know how to word a search through our Google engine? <Better META tags on all the pages would really help make search results better.> Perhaps some don't know about the "Edit"/"Find on this page" function on their computer and get frustrated reading through numerous pages of FAQ's. I can't imagine how much longer it would take me to research something without that one function. Then there are those that maybe English isn't their first language. We do have people from around the world visiting our site. Having brief bullets at the top of each FAQ page would reduce the amount of superfluous writing/words they had to wade through/translate in order to get to the concentrated information they need. <I agree, but as Bob (and others) have pointed out, this will be a HUGE undertaking (there are at least 3000 FAQs pages). To avoid getting overwhelmed, I am thinking of starting with just the top10% (300 of them!) most viewed FAQ pages...> I just don't see this as spoon-feeding and therefore a bad thing. <agreed!> How can something that makes finding information quicker/easier be bad? After all, why do we write articles and books, if not to supply people with the best/most complete information we know of as quickly and directly as possible? LOL If we truly feel that people benefit more by spending their own time, doing their own research, then we'd better cut that out right away! I agree that a person can learn much more about a subject when they have to work a bit harder to find it, but at some point we have to understand that not all hobbyists have the time to do this. This is especially true when an emergency comes up, or what a hobbyist deems to be an emergency. They're stressed and want answers right away. The quicker they find those answers, the better off their livestock is and I'm all for it! <Agreed again> Also, I know you were kidding yesterday when you asked if I wanted to help, but seriously, I would if I could. Unfortunately, I'm up to my neck right now in projects. I'm still working on the crustacean sheets and on the side I'm trying to work on some articles as well as moderating over at the forums and looking for queries I can handle at WWM. On top of all that, I'm trying to get ready to leave town next week for vacation - aaahhhhh!! Anyway, if at some point, things do open up I'd be glad to help. Especially at some later date, I'd be more than happy to help compile/go through the bullets for individual critters. I still think it would be a great idea to have a specific page for each, with something like "FAQ's at a glance". The pertinent bullets could be separated/compiled into diet, care, disease, whatever's appropriate for the family/genus/species. I wouldn't be much help in some of the other departments, but I would gladly lend a hand with the inverts! <I would love/welcome/appreciate any help you have to offer. But I do think it's important to be methodical about this (to keep all organized and not drive ourselves crazy). So, if you're up to it and have time/inclination to help with this, please pick a few FAQs pages you would like to make bullet points for and send me what you put together.> Take care and thanks for your work to improve the site. Have a great week! <You too!> -Lynn <Thank you, Sara M.>
Small changes to WWM 4/13/07 Howdy! A mention of the deletion of the apparent "boxes" on all shared borders, rearrangement of links there and some changes/additions of color palette... Oh, and the shifting of GlassHoles and addn. of Microcosm's fab site links to the left shared border on the root web... Minor improvements... but they took me a few agonizing but fun hours to bring about. Cheers, BobF. Suggestion re website design -- 4/12/08 Hello, Crew! First, I would like to say thank you to all the volunteers who keep this site up and running. A friend got me into this hobby just recently (only a few months ago), and this has been an invaluable source of information. I often find myself reading into the wee hours of the mornings on weekends, and way past my bedtime on workdays! One article leads to another, which leads to a faq page.... :) <Ah, yes... my intention...> Second, my suggestion. I was wondering about the feasibility of making photographs linked, that is to say, you could click on them and go to the page that discusses the subject of the photograph. The reason I ask is that I was trying to identify something in my tank, and though I saw a picture of it at the top of a page right away, nothing on that page referred specifically to that picture. It took quite awhile to find the page that did contain the picture and the creature's identification (lots of interesting reading along the way, though). <An outstanding suggestion! And one that has been on my "to do list" for years now... ala Fishbase.org... Just have not come up with the time to launch this massive project (at present with the photo work on hand will take 3-4k hours...)> I do not work with website design much, so I don't know how much I'm asking of you, and I do realize you are all working on a volunteer basis, but I thought I'd at least mention it, just in case. Thanks again, Jackie <Thank you for this Jackie... I do think/believe such an arrangement, offering of color/ID work would be of value... and do have many tens of thousands of images, hundreds of hours of video... Just getting organized, focused, giving up other activities that take up the time currently... is my shortcoming presently... and I don't have a day job! Bob Fenner> Thank you! To the Crew at WWM: - 4-11-08 Thank you for your website and great FAQ listing. I just found your website a few weeks ago, when I was given a 75 gal. aquarium (my first large setup; I'm a novice) and I needed to find out how to properly level and support it. Your helpful advice to hobbyists on this topic was VERY valuable to me, and helped me avoid a couple dangerous mistakes. I really appreciate your help, and I'm sure I'll be visiting WWM for information and help in the future. Sincerely, Laurel <Thank you for your kind, encouraging word Laurel. Bob Fenner> The best website ever 04/11/2008 Good Morning Crew!!! <<Good afternoon Bill, Andrew today>> This is not a question for you, just a brief Thank You from a long time marine Aquarium guy (20+ years and counting) Since I first stumbled upon your website several years ago, I have tried to read the FAQ's every day - I am amazed at how much I have learned because of your site. PLEASE keep up the great job you all are doing!!! I would also like to mention that I recently took advantage of the link to one of your sponsors, the folks at Glass-Holes.com. They were very helpful, and responded to my questions very quickly, allowing me to feel good about my purchase of the Dart pump and overflow kit they offer. I now get to drill my next tank so that it will actually get the flow it needs! (wish me luck?) <<Its very nice indeed to receive kind words such these. Although i help out here without wanting thanks, its always lovely to read a message such as this from yourself. Fact is, without the good folk who submit their questions in to us on a daily basis, it would not be what it is today, which is a feature packed valuable resource to all aquarists / aquatic keepers.>> Thanks again for the service you provide, and for all the creatures that you have, without a doubt, saved from a horrible death with your insightful answers to hobbyists questions!!!! Bill (billdogg) Smith, Columbus, Ohio <<Good day to you Bill, i hope all goes well when you next go for drilling the tank....Oooh the things we look forward too...he he he...Take care, enjoy the day, regards. A Nixon>>
Sarcasm and Humor Much Appreciated... Who's Trying To Be Funny? - 3/21/08 <Hi Jeff, Mich here.> I just wanted to say I read your site just about every day. <Glad to hear! Funny, I read the site just about every day as well. Keeps me 'regular' if you will.> Your humor and sarcasm is much appreciated especially when it has been a rough day at work. <Work is a 4 letter word, so doesn't that mean every day is a rough day at work?> I just want to let you know I would have given up on my reef tank a long time ago if it had not been for you folks. <Me too!> As it is, I have had my 90-gallon tank for 2 and a half years now. The last 15 months have been great, since I found your site. My tank crashed twice prior to finding your site. <Sorry to hear that. Better the tank than the car, you spent more money on the car, then again, maybe not.> I was so confused. <I'm often confused!> I was lost in a sea of conflicting information (no pun intended). <Two fish swim into a concrete wall, one turns to the other and says 'Dam'. Pun intended.> The best advice I can give to new people in the hobby is to keep reading your site. <Careful, they could grow old and died before they are done reading!> I am reading your daily questions sections and I always get something out of it. <Headache? Blurry vision? Confusion? Heehee! If the symptoms last for more than four hours seek medical assistance!> I don't think people always find the humor in some of the comments you folks provide (trying to keep it light hearted) <That's for sure! We do get the occasional nastygram!> even when their tank is in trouble, but I do. <Better to laugh than cry is my philosophy!> You folks provide a great service and because of all of you, I have not lost a fish in those 15 months and I have corals growing out the ying yang. <Wow! Hope your ying yang can handle it!> I did a lot of research on your site pertaining to lighting, refugiums, and macro algae. Because of it I have a stable tank. <Well, that and good husbandry practices hopefully!> Please keep finding the humor and I'll keep laughing and learning. <Glad to hear and I hope I can do the same and wish that for the many others who read our site. Cheers, Mich> R/ Jeff Your words... reach more than 30k unique ISP addresses per day... Thank you... WWM usage 3/3/08 Ha! Thanks Scott, I finally got it! I just entered "125982" under Site ID and "Stats" under Username and Password at http://smarterstats1.safesecureweb.com/login.aspx and voila. Very interesting information to say the least. Take care and thanks again, Lynn Re: A Fair Price for Hobbyist Style Services 2/17/08 Hi one last time, Bob. I don't want to be one of "those guys" that never stops emailing/responding, but I feel a very strong urge to say one last thing. I am always really amazed at your generosity and willingness to help anyone who has a passion for aquarium keeping and a willingness to learn. I imagine that you must be very busy and have lots of requests on your time, but every time I've submitted an inquiry, you've been excessively kind with your knowledge and always willing to extend your help a step further. <Ahh!> I must admit that I'm very much a cynic when it comes to people (which is probably why I'm such an animal lover-their intentions are always pure), so anytime people display innate "good" qualities, it makes me question my cynicism (and I guess that's a good thing). Thanks so much, and please continue to gracefully sidestep the rude, angry and unkind emailers that pop up on WetWebMedia every once in a blue moon and please stay the "good" guy that you are who is always willing to help and then help a little more. I know I don't know you personally, but I do believe that sometimes a person's traits come through in their writing... who knows; maybe I'm not the cynic that I think I am. Your staff shares these attributes as well. It is clear that your staff is a reflection of their "leader". Thanks again and I hope I haven't embarrassed you too much.-Nick Sadaka <Thank you Nick. BobF> Organization of information/WWM 2/16/08 Hello all, <Eric> This is directed at Bob. Today I read a "letter" from an individual complaining about the lack of organization of the site and the difficulty they had in finding information. <Yes...> If possible I'd like to help with this by summarizing some of the FAQs or perhaps rearrange the info therein into a more obvious question/answer format. <Yay!> I have limited time to allocate to this purpose, but would like to do something to contribute to WetWebMedia. If this proposal is agreeable to you I'd like to start with either a "small" FAQ or group of FAQs. I would then e-mail you the file so that you could review it and let me know if my effort would be of some use to you. Eric <Thank you for coming forward Eric. We have had generous help/offers a few times... with some groups of FAQs being greatly straightened out, made more useful/useable... Please so start on whatever group you'd like... I will gladly place, add to the existing structure or write over... Bob Fenner> Future Schlock... Magazine software for online pres... A GIANT poss. or already done? 2-4-08 Is there currently editing software that allows one to have the same look and functionality (along with searchability, links to archives... they lack) that print media currently have? In the advent of today's cheaper, larger flat screens, and some new/upcoming easier on the eyes terminals... Wouldn't this software, as a pkg., be a great boon? Can we do this before the Net becomes teevee, phones, PDAs et al.? Bob/DF. WWM Crew. A tremendous thank you... just coincidental with holiday season - 12/23/07 Huge thanks for your time, efforts, general resource-sharing which is WetWebMedia.com. I greatly appreciate your help in responding to queries, sharing ideas, selling us the occasional content. Am sure this sense/sensation is shared by many of our daily readers... Oh! And happy holidays to you and yours. BobF, finishing up in Key West... off to Pablo Tepoot's for din din. "Best of/worst of"... Ideas for Dailies 12/18/07 Crew, In my readings of your daily FAQs I cam across the "sharks in my living room militant stupidity etc." mail and nearly wet myself laughing. as such I was wondering if you had considered having a best of and/or worst of FAQs page. Also I didn't get to read the ini9tial response is there anyway I can find the original response on the site? <Oh yes. Here: http://wetwebmedia.com/sharksysf7.htm> thanks P.S. in case anyone recognizes the email address, the angle fish tank I had trouble with months ago is now running fine. Thanks on that Forrest <Good idea. Cheers, BobF>
WWM articles/ my friend Curt 11/19/07 Hi Bob, I've noticed that WWM has a few "coming soon..." type pages where articles are needed. I have a very knowledgeable friend who would like to help out. He's been at the reefing hobby (and been helping others) for more years than me. He now owns/manages a LFS in St. Louis. His name is Curt and I think you met him once but might not remember. <Possibly... but we/I are/am VERY grateful, and we do pay... $200 w/o pix, $250 for such accepted manuscripts if accepted... about 1,400-2,000 word length... AND I will gladly offer pix for his/their use... AND I will gladly offer to help sell such work FIRST into the print realm, then our e- use if this is desired> So, what do you think? Is there anything he could help you/us with? I could do some of the editing/proofreading of his writing if you think that would help. <I am VERY susceptible to this idea... Is in part, the raison d' etre for CA, our on-line ''zine... id est, to fill in these enormous gaps. Please do introduce us here. Thank you, BobF> Best, Sara A BIG thank you 10/17/07 Whew! Took about thirty hours to format, put-away the outstanding WWM responses... and they were outstanding! I do appreciate the gracious over-time, time you put in... and am sure the many folks who read, benefit from your efforts do as well. Cheers, BobF. WWM website help 10/16/07 was talking to a LFS owner at MACNA. He didn't realize that WWM was still being kept current. He complained, as many do, about the difficulty with the structure of the of the WWM website, in that it is not always the most user friendly. I told him of my understanding of the difficulties changing to a more updated format related to the way the website was originally designed using Frontpage. He suggested this program would make things more usable, thought it would be compatible with front page and would link all related info together making searches/info gathering much easier. I don't have a great understanding or really know what I am talking about here, but perhaps this is something for Mike to look into. Here is the program he was referring to : http://phpnuke.org/ And here is his message to me: <I am woefully ignorant of such matters (software period, web-editing inclusive)... have never even heard of this program... Am glad to see you have cc'd Miguel re... as he is taking some interest, expanding his focus back into web matters, wants to help w/ WWM. Any other input here? BobF> Re: WWM website help 10/16/07 Greetings. While I agree that the WWM site isn't optimal in terms of layout and usability, re-jigging the entire site into a more modern format would be a gigantic job of work. My feeling is that the main problem isn't the articles but the FAQs. Specifically, creating tidier, more informative index pages to the free-standing articles wouldn't be too difficult. At the moment there's a lot of stuff, and some of the headings are a bit cryptic or at least require some degree of specialist knowledge (e.g., "inadvanced bony fishes", a Fennerism I personally love, but am not sure is a real word). So what's needed for the articles is simply a clean up with some attention to more self-explanatory divisions so that casual readers can smoothly work downwards through layers of organisation. <<Mmm, I swear that inadvanced bony fishes is not of my making/fabrication...>> The FAQs strike me as altogether a bigger deal. As things stand now, in many cases, there are literally hundreds of queries scattered across dozens of possible pages. Look at the Goldfish FAQs for example. If you want to tell someone to refer to a particular query, it's difficult, without some vague "go to this page, and it's about halfway down". <Totally agreed... my thinking, well, ongoing cogitation is/was that in time, sub-dividing such "FAQs files" into more detailed "SubFAQs" categories (e.g. Goldfish Disease Poisoning, GF Env., GF Fungal... by causative mechanism/s, symptomology... compounds that are efficacious and not... might be a "way to go" here... Am very eager for the more intuitive PDAs of the future... they're coming... and we'll still be around for a few decades...>> I can't see any easy way to transfer this vast collection of queries into clean, shiny new pages without a massive amount of work. Software can be found to create a *new* site without fuss, but importing OLD data and resources is *always* a lot more difficult (and ultimately becomes a manual job anyway). <Yeeeikesville!>> So it comes down to this: do we refresh the WWM articles and leave the FAQs alone; or spend time updating the FAQs as well, which given the repetitive nature of many queries ("my goldfish has finrot...") becomes an exercise in diminishing returns. Possibly there's a third way: archive them all in the present format, start up new collections in a more modern format, and import selected, informative queries from the old stacks into the new ones. Yours etc., Neale <Thanks as usual for your thoughtful and provoking input Neale... Am given to make the super offer of remuneration for/when we get this process going economically... for further content provision, spiffing up, general re-do. B>> > On 15 Oct 2007, at 16:46, Robert Fenner wrote:> > > <I am woefully ignorant of such matters (software period, web- > > editing inclusive)... have never even heard of this program... Am > > glad to see you have cc'd Miguel re... as he is taking some > > interest, expanding his focus back into web matters, wants to help > > w/ WWM. Any other input here? BobF>> Re: WWM website help 10/16/07 For what it is worth, I've seen things done where new sections were put in and the old sections still kept up. By this I mean, you create a new format and go forward with it, moving over indeed as you suggest or by selectively copying what is necessary but you also keep the archives accessible in the past format. Should someone desire to go through them to find more information they would have that ability but you would put up the message that this is in the old format and may be difficult to access. That way all the old information is not lost because some of it is priceless. Mac <I did not know this was possible, thanks Mac... B> Thanks 9/27/07 To the Crew and Bob, <Paul> Thank you for your time and effort. I'm very happy that I found your book and guidance prior to diving into a saltwater tank. I was clearly in need of education and would have failed. Not that I'm claiming some great understanding now, but I'm clearly more educated today than I was yesterday. My increased understanding creates more enthusiasm for the hobby. <Ahhh!> Looking forward to reading, learning and enjoying the hobby over decades, not months, Paul McCarron <Thank you for your kind, encouraging words. Bob Fenner> Syntax and daily FAQ's 9/26/07 Good morning Crew, <Good morning Tom, Mich here.> I hope you all are having as good a day as I have every day. <Thank you, unfortunately my day has been a bit rough. Hopefully it will improve.> I would also like to throw my two cents in (though I think it should probably be quarters, adjusted for inflation) <Heehee!> about using proper syntax when asking a question. I agree, the English language is hard enough, when the word phonetic is not spelled phonetically. <Irony eh? Ever wonder why we park in the driveway and drive on the parkway?> I personally try to speak and write as well as possible for no other reason as not to be misinterpreted or taken out of context. I work from home, spending most of my day on the computer, monitoring my sites and dealing with 'administrivia'. When I check out WWM, I do not want to take the time figure out what someone is trying to say. I don't want to read the corrections or the endless comments for using proper language skills. <Understandable.> I want to get in, read the FAQ's, glean what I can and move on to other things. Speaking for myself, I am grateful for the service you all provide. Thanks to WWM, I have become a fish 'keeper' not a fish haver. <This is rewarding to hear.> The fact that you are all VOLUNTEERS seems to go largely unnoticed. <Yes, we are all volunteers. We actually do this out of the kindness of our hearts.> You all have the patience of a host of saints, doing what you do without recompense, simply doing so for the love of the hobby. <Patience is a good virtue to have in this hobby.> Please continue to be the lone voice crying out from the wilderness of mediocrity to make this world a better place. <Wow what writing! Thank you for the kind words!> Now, as I step down from my soapbox, I look forward to the day when I see, in the immortal words of Sergeant Joe Friday, "Just the FAQ's ma'am, just the FAQ's." <Heehee! Is the goal!> Thomas N. (Tom) Bilello <Michelle (Mich) Lemech Just a quick rip on WWM. NealeM's turn 9/20/07 Gentlemen & Ladies (if there are any), <Hello Richard, and yes, there are ladies here!> Although most of us appreciate your knowledge on WWM's website, there have been numerous complaints about your grammatical corrections to people's emails\questions. I myself along with others find it absurd to correct the spelling and or grammatical errors when people are reaching out to you for help. <While I respect your opinion, the other way of looking at it is this: if someone wants help, they should make it easier for the helper. Writing clearly, politely, formally, and correctly is the way that happens. I just now answered an "all-capitals" message that had been sitting in the in-box for days. Why was it sitting there? Because the WWM Crew -- all volunteers -- have limited time and energy. The crew are only human, and so naturally would rather tackle questions that are easy to read and understand. Messages typed in capitals, fragmented or tortured English, or gods forbid teenager-style abbreviation-speak just aren't appealing. So they get ignored until someone grudgingly answers them.> There are MANY resources on the web for people to use but the people who choose this site are people who want to give WWM a chance to spread the knowledge and honestly you are blowing it. <I don't see this at all. People are free to ask questions in many, many places. Fishkeeping forums, mailing lists, etc. What makes WWM special is the Crew are all respected, published expert fishkeepers. So the advice isn't stuff dreamt up by a 17-year old boy who's kept a couple of convict cichlids, one of which died a week after purchase, but by honest-to-goodness experts. Many of us write for the fishkeeping press, and several of us (including myself) have written fishkeeping books. Every day our in-boxes are filled to overflowing. I spend about 30-60 minutes a day doing queries, usually 4-5 times per week. If people want to go ask their questions someplace else because they have a dread fear of punctuation or haven't figured out how the Caps Lock key works, then that's fine with me.> Personally it makes you guys seem a bit dare I say it RUDE. <Perhaps. But rudeness is also spending ten seconds to write a barely-decipherable message, not bothering with adding a salutation or thanks, and then expecting someone at the other end to spend fifteen or twenty minutes creating a sensible, helpful reply. The rules are posted on the site: so it's not like any of this is a surprise to the sender. None of us have a problem with messages from people who don't speak English as a first language. The messages we react to are the ones obviously from native English speakers who frankly don't give a rip about writing properly.> Quite honestly after reading some of the posts on here it seems your group gets more joy from bashing someone who just plain needs help rather than actually giving sound advice. I myself take pride in helping someone who needs it, spreading my knowledge for hobbyist alike to share and pass on. <Fair enough.> So maybe in the future you can take pride and joy in the actual help you give to people rather than make them look stupid. <I don't think we attack stupid people, and we certainly don't make the inexperienced out to be idiots. No, the people we're hard on are the lazy and the willfully-ignorant. And they, generally, do indeed deserve a quick boot up the backside.> I really want to thank you for reading this and hopefully maybe get you guys back to the true roots of this website... Helpful people helping others not ripping others. <We're not camp counselors. If someone has done something just plain stupid, like stuck an Oscar into a brand new 10 gallon tank, then it's not our job to say "there there, it'll be fine". What we always do is explain what they did wrong, why they need to fix it, and how they can go about fixing things.> There are some occasions where you do look over some things and give GREAT advice, but more often than not you are just playing English teacher for the class. <I don't really think we comment on English a majority of the time, but heck, why not? Poor English is confusing English. Everyone makes grammatical and spelling errors, and that's not a big deal. What annoys me (and others here) are not putting "I" as an upper case letter, not using commas, not bothering to turn fragments into complete sentences, writing everything in capitals, and so on. These aren't about being dumb, they're about being lazy. And bad English ends up obscuring content and making the reader's job more difficult. There's no excuse for it.> Regards, Richard <I hope this makes my (Neale Monks') perspective clear. I can't speak for the others, of course! Sincerely, Neale> <<Well-spoken/written Neale. RMF>> Re: Just a quick rip on WWM 7/21/07 Fair enough Neale. Great response. Thanks, Richard <Hi Richard. Glad to chat about this, and we always appreciate hearing from our readers for good or for bad. Helps us to improve the site. Cheers, Neale> Just a quick rip on WWM. SaraM's go 9/20/07
Gentlemen & Ladies (if there are any), <If Darwin's Bulldog
is correct about what makes a lady or gentlemen, then indeed; I believe
we have both here.> Although most of us appreciate your knowledge on
WWM's website, there have been numerous complaints about your
grammatical corrections to people's emails\questions. I myself
along with others find it absurd to correct the spelling and or
grammatical errors when people are reaching out to you for help.
<Maybe I just haven't been here long enough, but I personally
don't point out people's spelling/grammatical errors. If for no
other reason, I just don't have the time.> There are MANY
resources on the web for people to use but the people who choose this
site are people who want to give WWM a chance to spread the knowledge
and honestly you are blowing it. <Ah yes, the 20,000 hits we get
each day are hardly worth mentioning. Clearly, we must be doing
something very wrong.> Personally it makes you guys seem a bit dare
I say it RUDE. <Personally, I think it's rude to send emails
with multiple grammatical and spelling errors when you know that your
writing will become a permanent part of this website. When people
writing to us make these errors, we have to correct them ourselves or
else the poor grammar and spelling becomes a permanent part of the
site. Now, remember we don't get paid to do this. Even when an
email is perfectly well written (and especially so, actually), it can
easily take me over an hour to answer a long query. So please forgive
me if I don't always understand why an e-mailer can't take 5
minutes to proof read his or her query.> Quite honestly after
reading some of the posts on here it seems your group gets more joy
from bashing someone who just plain needs help rather than actually
giving sound advice. <Now this truly is absurd.> I myself take
pride in helping someone who needs it, spreading my knowledge for
hobbyist alike to share and pass on. <As do we.> So maybe in the
future you can take pride and joy in the actual help you give to people
rather than make them look stupid. <I don't believe that anyone
ever "makes" another look stupid. One can only exploit an
opportunity to reveal someone else's lack of knowledge,
intelligence, diligence, respect, or character. We must always be aware
of such opportunities we give other people to reveal things about
ourselves. What do you think this email reveals about you?> I really
want to thank you for reading this and hopefully maybe get you guys
back to the true roots of this website... Helpful people helping others
not ripping others. <How do we return to a place we never left?>
There are some occasions where you do look over some things and give
GREAT advice, but more often than not you are just playing english
teacher for the class. <That should be "English" with a
capital "E." It's a proper noun. ;-)> Regards, Richard
<Best, Sara M.> <<Well done Sara... that this querier did
not know that some here are female IS telling. RMF>> |
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