Guest Post on Your Website
I hope you are doing well.
<Thank you>
I'm Emma Lewis, a professional article writer and Aquarium lover.
I would like to contribute a high-quality article by following all
guidelines provided by you.
I promise that I will provide HIGH quality content of 2000+ Words that
you won’t find anywhere else.
Here are my two ideas that will be the perfect choice for your website
*Learn the Basics About Aquarium Canister Filters *
*How to Make Your Pet Reptile's Love You *
What do you think about these ideas? Which one of them is more suitable
for your site?
<We only "do" aquatic reptiles...>
Looking forward to hearing from you. Thanks
Emma Lewis
<You're welcome to make independent submissions. We pay $200 for
non-exclusive use/posting if accepted. Bob Fenner>
Old age (!); WWM input
I have been to your site hundreds of times for 12 plus
only problem, is that you (your site) believes in reinventing the
wheel over and over again....
lets take all that we have bettered our selfs in, in the last 3 to 4
years, and make this our strive.....most of your site is way over 10
years...why dont you create a old past age section of trials and
<The FAQs, questions/answers are dated, the newest posted at the
top, newest files>
.and todays, works purty good areas.... im sure there are 10's of
thousands that do not care what they did in reef aquariums, or any
other aquariums 20 years 10 years 5 years ago....please make a
section of whats new going on ( only last 3 years... never older)..
so i not listening to cave men scratching.............
Water spray a glass or acrylic box, water is sprayed
against back at great pressure, and drops out bottom to recollect in
refugium *****. a one cubic foot sand box, for the new - wet dry
filter.. in a wet dry tank. Make a cube that fits where bio balls
used to be. Make handles where you can pull this every 6 months to
rinse and rinse sand...and put back in... please try to keep as much
of the finer finds as you can...... one and a half inch sponge on
bottom. 20 pound bag "carib sea ocean direct" leveled...... and your
wet dry drip tray above.... nature uses the beach to filter Her
A protein skimmer only operates one hour daily for 6 days, and than
6 hours on 7th...
Throw those stupid filter socks away
My very first saltwater tank. 8 years before the red bugs, killed
eco system, created algie explosion..
A tank set are 9 years old ( different real fast
set up tank).
First tank-- 30 gallon (called turtle tank) is my medicine tank. A
50/50 power compact light 24 inch..
..a 1/4 inch tubing from main tank feeds tank with another 1/4 inch
line to Drain
Regium is 125 gallon 6 section, a pump to drain the water to a drain
in hot water tank room for water changes.....and a automatic float
for new 8 stage rodi water coming in.....i hit a switch and turn a
valve ......and i did a water change.....4 --inch and a half lines
from main tank in...feeding refugium...100 pounds maybe closer to
150 pounds ocean real rock, 4 inch sand bed, 5 - one pound bags
Has 2 Rio 2800 pumps feeding up to a "my reef creations" double
becket protein skimmer..(capable of 800 gallons.... big boy)
Spill from protein skimmer feeds into side of a 30 gallon wet dry.
First chamber, 20 pounds pencil size broken coral branchs, fills to
top to drip tray, which has 1 layer nitrate and 1 layer phosphate
filter media 14x12 inch....driping to sand box....... drain back
down to refugium..
A gold dart return pump ......feeding 4- inch and a half pvc lines
to main tank..these return lines are over back of tank...all 4 holes
in over flow boxes.. bottom, are being used for drain
Main tank is double reef ready 135 gallon 72x16x27 tall..250 pounds
real ocean rock , 4 to 5 inch sand bed
Lights are from one side to the other.. lights are 24 inch running
front to back of tank....from left to right.....
2- t5 24 inch atintic bulbs.all lights are on own timers... 20
minutes before second set lights......than 2. T5 24 inch day bulbs.
Than 20 minute before next light set.....than a 250 watt 20k metal
halide.....45 minutes later a giesemann vervve led light comes on.
And the first actinic bulbs go off.. than 10 minutes the first day
bulbs go off.. 45 minutes later another 250. - 20k metal halide
comes on.*****.metal halides and giesemann vervve lights are on 7
hours each.*****...than a second t5 day bulb comes on right side of
tank and the first metal halide goes off.....than a second t5
actinic light comes on right side of tank 20 minutes and the vervve
goes off...45 minutes latter the second metal halide goes off...20
minutes t5 day bulbs off....20 minutes latter t5 actinics off. Night
blues on all night.
And life bites you in the wallet...but we continue to prove our
"""Man kind will eat himself"""
And i do love your site...just imposible finding new. New. New
Maybe site is operating by dinosaurs.. ..dinosaurs are making a come
back you know
<Well, your point... that new/er information may be more pertinent,
useful... is taken. I've responded... and would state, how you gonna
know where you are unless you know where you been? Am more than fine
w/ WWM as an archival tool. Perhaps you'll make something new/er,
more novel. Bob Fenner>
Quick question 10/15/19
Hi there - I'm hoping this has come through to the appropriate person?
I'd like to interview you for a book I'm writing on entrepreneurship
(specifically looking at small to midsize companies, not large corporates).
If you're open to it, I have a couple of questions related to the work you're
doing at
I'm happy to feature you and/or your company in the book, or you can remain
anonymous. Completely up to you.
To give a bit more context; I'm an organizational psychologist and author.
I've written a few books on psychology and leadership in the past. (If you type
"Sam Page Psychology" into Amazon, I'm sure they'll pop up.)
As a first step, I can just email you a few questions to take a look at?
(Won't take any more than 10mins of your time).
P.S. I send a weekly newsletter to about 35,000 entrepreneurs and business
managers. If you like, I'll forward you a couple of issues so you can get a feel
for the type of content I plan to include in this book.
Kind Regards,
Sam Page,
B.Psych(Hons), M.Psych, M.B.A., MAPS, Registered Psychologist
If you don't want to hear from me again, click here.
<Do send all/both along Sam, and I'll take an earnest look, resp. Bob Fenner,
Guest Post Opportunity
Dear owner of
<Hello Sarah>
My name is Sarah Marshall from ,We're a US-based
blog providing information on pet care, behaviors, tips, tricks, and
continuously look for new pet related products on the
market to review.
I stumbled on to your site,, and I love the stuff you
put out and must congratulate you on that!
Are you currently offering guest post services?
If so, one of our professional writers within the pet niche would love to draft
up a blog post for you to share on your site.
<Mmm; well; am not much of a fan of "blogs/blogging"; more stimulation than
useful informing>
The article will, of course, be written by a professional copywriter, with SEO
in mind to drive traffic to your website free of charge. If we could include a
link back to our site in a natural way that will also add
value to the guest post we would love that!
<Do send along an example, examples of what you have in mind please>
Let me know what you think! Would love to see if we can partner and both
All the best,
Sarah Marshall
<And you, Bob Fenner, WWM>
Would like Zed Hogan's email
I do a monthly newsletter for a day program I'm a part of. Normally I do
plants/gardening but this time I'm branching off into giant fish
I would like the subject in this months newsletter to be about the endangered
giant catfish of southeast Asia. namely pangasius sansitswongi and pangasonia
gigas( probably misspelled but you know what I mean).
Zeb did a show about these fish on monster fish, and I figured he would be a
great source of information.
plus I wanted to share with him ideas of how to help these fish in the wild.
Thanks for your time
<Ok... BobF>
Would like Zed Hogan's email 2/20/19
<Oh, we don't retain, nor give out other's email. B>
Re: Would like Zed Hogan's email 2/20/19
ok I didn't know I will just have to find it then.
<Likely can contact via production co.... BobF>
2019 Guest Post Ideas 2/15/19
I hope you are well. I am Janice Wiging, Content Editor at Our website has 38 domain authority and monthly traffic
is 13.4k.
<Ahh, have looked. Very nice>
I came across your website while looking for resources for my upcoming
article & found the content on your website really engaging.
I'd love to contribute an original piece of writing to your website.
Would you be open to considering a submission from me?
<Yes; we do purchase, post new content>
I have some topic ideas which I think would be a perfect fit for your
1) How we can feed a Betta Fish Step By Step?
2) Must Know Top 5 Betta Fish Food
3) How many days can a Betta fish go without food
Please select one from the above which suits you best, but I am open to
<Mmm; I see these topics have been covered on your site, and elsewhere
on the Net... adequately. Folks are sure to find, read them placed
already via search tools.>
Thank you for your time. I hope to hear from you soon.
<Thank you for your offer; and efforts in helping to provide useful,
actionable information to fellow hobbyists. I encourage you to write,
make submission to analog magazines in our field (ornamental aquatics);
when you have enough graphics, text, to compile a given subject into an
eBook, direct-to-print work.>
Best Wishes,
Janice Wiging
Content Editor|
<And you, Bob Fenner, Head Cheerleader, WWM>
The advance technology you need to create for
Hope you are doing good !
I found your details from the internet and thought you might be
interested to upgrade the website in new version or modify the content.
Redesigning website and modify the content today isn't just about
changing the look and feel but it will helps to get best ranking &
Traffic. With technology changing and different problems needing to be
solved, redesigning and overhauling websites goes much deeper than just
the way they look. The functionality, presentation, how they load, and
how well they can be updated are all things that are prompting website
redesigns on a daily basis. Apart from giving your website a new looks,
we will provide you with a Content Management System (CMS) built with
WordPress, Joomla, Magento, Core Php with best unique content.
We specialize in designing the website write the quality content,
graphics design, video promotion and etc. Your website is really need to
upgrade with the below features:
1. Upgrade your website with a latest version platform.
2. Moving to a content management solution for your website
3. Old content need to be modified with unique one.
4. Old images should replace with new and HD quality.
5. Need to add new features so user can easily access your website.
6. Need to modify the CSS to improve the fast loading speed.
7. Planning to integrate rich media content into your site like internet
8. Adding SMO profiles and Web2.0 social features in your website.
9. Your website needs to be highly secure and safe.
10. Website needs to be search engine friendly and Conversion Optimized.
Do let me know if you are willing to discuss the possible modifications
on your website or Create a Fresh One. Also, kindly share us your
requirements and reference website if you have any so that I can send
you more details on the packages/action.
*# Reply before 31ST Dec Midnight to get a free mock up design of your (Limited period)*
Looking forward your quick and positive response.
Best Regards,
*Leo Martin*
Web Designer
<What do you think? B>
<The site could greatly benefit from better layout and coding from back
to front. However, how to go about executing the improvement should be
researched thoroughly. If it were me, I would hire a professional. This
could be costly though, and rates vary greatly. I would definitely “shop
around.” The biggest “problem” with the site, as I recall, is the very
great size of it - thousands of interconnected pages! It would be great
if we could find someone to propose a better way to manage (archive?)
old and
infrequently trafficked FAQs pages.
Cheers, Sara>
<Perhaps this is something that you could be paid to do?
Would also like to see WWM made/optimized for mobile. B>
<Oh, I wish I could, but I am so far behind in the tech of this sort of
thing. Maybe if I could get training, attend a class or something, I
might catch up.
<Always a poss.! B>
Not a cry for help 9/23/18
Good afternoon,
<Hey Reese>
As you are busy, I'll try to keep this brief. Mr. Fenner, THANK YOU for
the Corydoras information.
<Welcome! Have just gotten back into keeping them (and Brochis) cats
I've been keeping fish for a year now (spurred originally by teaching
science to high school students). The original 55 gallon tank, purchased
for the classroom, is now in my dining area where I can enjoy it every
day--the students make do with a couple of smaller tanks. This hobby has
been highly valuable for my students--thanks for all you and the crew do
to make it easier for novices like me.
<Ahh; the intense pleasure of your note; realizing that we've helped
Thanks, thanks, thanks for your insistence of correct grammar and
spelling, and above all for being British. (My ancestors, sadly, did not
value being British and rudely left the commonwealth above 200 years
ago. But I digress.)
<Heeeee! Am a yank as well.>
I had given up on raising corys due to far too many deaths; now I see
that there might be hope for their survival! As I can snatch the time
from pedagogical pursuits, I will pursue my research on this delightful
site. I hope to be able to trumpet success by this time next year.
Did I mention that I am deeply thankful for your work? May your fish
never falter.
Lisa Reese
<Thank you Lisa. Bob Fenner>
Tech Question on WWM content
I’m messing around with a personal Big Data project using SOLR. I would like to
attempt to index wet web media. I have scraped a few files and it is difficult,
but not impossible, for me to pull the patterns out of HTML out. Do you use any
type of publishing tool that has a defined template for layout?
<Mmm; just the beginnings of FrontPage to present M's software>
If so can get a copy of the templates?
<No templates utilized; I simply (as I'm simple) used the "New Page"
origination, fit in tables/boxes, meta-tags...>
Better yet, some of the source data. I don’t want to violate any policies, for
now this is just a private project. If it works I will give it all to you.
The original data without all of the surrounding links would be nice.
If you need more detail on what I am trying to accomplish please let me know.
William Anderson
<Cheers Will. Bob Fenner, common progenitor>
Bob, Web Wed Media Readers Want to Know About the Origin of
Fish. 8/8/18
Hi Bob,
<Ave Robert>
Hello from England! I’m Robert a fish keeper, enthusiast and blogger at
Fishkeeping World <>.
Bob, having read Web Wed Media, I noticed that your site has accepted
guest posts before and I was wondering if I could write for you?
<Yes; certainly>
I recently published an infographic on the origins of fish<>
, the graphic takes fish enthusiasts on the 500M year evolution of fish.
I know you are very busy, so I would like to write a guest post for you
on the origin of fish. As an expert in fishkeeping I think I can offer
your readers lots of interesting and exciting information on the origins
and evolution of fish.
Let me know if you are interested and I can send over some title
<Appreciated Robert. We do pay for agreed upon content (of use of
course). Cheers, BobF>
Look forward to hearing from you,
Kind regards,
p.s. Awesome job on running your site since 1995.
Editor at Fishkeeping World
Herps help 7/14/18
Neale, howsit?
Am concerned re our long-standing turtle et al. helper, and helping. I've
written Darrel a few times... sent the queries his way; no resp.
Do you know of someone who might help us; join the WWM Crew?
Re: Herps help 7/15/18
Hi Bob,
<Sir Neale>
One person. Have written. Will see if he responds. A retired teacher and before
that mosquito scientist. A decent chap. But might not be his cup of tea.
Cheers, Neale
<I'll hope he's willing, able to join us. Cheers, B>
Herps help 7/20/18
Neale, howsit?
Would you take a look/see at Darrel's in-box, the turt f' on our webmail...
See if you can reply to any of these queries? I don't know enough re.
Turtles; WWM Help! 7/21/18
<Ave Neale>
Can I introduce Mick O’Donnell, colleague of mine as a science teacher, and
experienced reptile, arachnid and insect keeper. He’s a former entomologist and
has a much more illustrious scientific background than me! He’s offering to help
us out with turtle queries. Is he the first Australian national to join the WWM
<I do believe/think so>
Mick, could I ask you to send a brief biography — if you are happy to share —
that Bob can add to the WWM Crew page in due course?
<Yes; please>
Mick, Bob will send along instructions on how we access the email and format our
replies. It’s all very simple indeed — and I find very rewarding nonetheless!
Cheers to the both of you,
<Mick, the URL of our/WWM webmail is:
The Login name:
The Password:
Some conventions we use in responding:
I thank you for your help/helping others through this tool.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Herps help 7/24/18
Thanks Bob for this reminder. I’m taking a look through to see if I can help,
but Mick, this’d be a great time to dive in and help out!
Cheers, Neale
<Much thanks to you both. B>
Sponsoring your site 3/17/18
Hi Bob,
<Hey Jess>
I am looking to get our site, listed in your "general links to
Aquatic/Aquarium Internet Sites" - it's a resource designed to help
beginners with many of the problems they will encounter while setting up
and maintaining their aquarium.
<Ahh; will post later today>
I would also like to donate some money to go towards your sites upkeep -
it's a great resource that I have personally used in the past.
<If so, the "Donate" button/link on each page is the best route to go.
Thank you>
What is the best way to sort all this out?
Best Wishes!
<Thank you for your efforts. Bob Fenner>
Author contact 3/15/18
I am a seasoned aquarist and have recently read and enjoyed an article
on your site “stocking Lake Malawi community tanks” by Mary Bailey. I
have a couple questions I would like to ask the author to clarify a
couple of things as I am about to start my first Lake Malawi tank, and
the article has been very helpful to me. Just have a few questions for
Any info you could provide would help. Thank you.
Pete Wortman.
West Long Branch NJ.
<I would try writing her Care Of Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine... in
NJ! Bob Fenner>
Referral, to WWM 3/12/18
It’s Eric from Aquarium Masters in Corpus Christi. I’d like to be able to refer
customers to you, so I’ve added you to my network on Alignable, a site
exclusively for business owners to network with...
<Sure mate. Glad to be of assistance. Bob Fenner and Crew at WWM. >
Hello, my name is John Landrum.
<Hey John>
I recently looked through your website and was impressed with your content.
Therefore I would like to know whether we could cooperate? Do you accept guest
Look forward to hearing from you.
<We do buy content, if useful, appropriate. Bob Fenner>
Re: Can I write for your site?
Great to hear from you! I do offer specialized guest posts and here's a
topic I can write about:
7 Ideas to Choose the Best Decoration for Your Fish Aquarium
Do you think this will work for your website? Do let me know please.
<Possibly. Would have to see. This work is original, and you have
graphics I take it>
<Bob Fenner>
Re: Can I write for your site? 11/8/17
Hello Bob,
Thanks for considering this. I will have the article written and get
back to you once done.
<Real good. B>
July Calendars 6/28/17
Hi Bob. I made up 2 calendars for July using your images. This year is flying!
<Indeed. Will post/share w/ credit to you Mike. Hope to see you at the GFHHH
this eve. B>
A Question to your Webmaster
Good morning,
When I came across your website today, I thought of some questions I
would like to ask. Can I address them to you or should I contact another
Thank you,
Sarah Fowler
<If you need help with fish or aquaria, then the email address you used
is fine; you can use the same address to ask for technical help with
accessing the site or to find out about its history and the people
behind it. If you want to buy advertising or sponsor the site in some
other way, then that email address is also good, but some extra details
you might find useful are here:
Cheers, Neale.>
Glad you're still here!
Hi team,
I kept a lot of fish in high school and college and shared many emails with you
10-15 years ago. Getting back into the hobby now with a 24g Nano Cube (currently
cycling with "live" bag sand and live rock), future home of a
couple of gobies and a Pseudochromis or a Wartskin angler and other less
vertebrate things.
Just wanted to say a lot in the hobby has changed so it was really neat to see
WetWebMedia still a great resource. Have been utilizing your site heavily in my
planning phase.
Thanks for all you do!
<Glad to find we're all still about Laura. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Thank you for your donation to WWM
Much appreciated. Bob Fenner
Thank you for your donation to WWM
We do appreciate your contribution.
Bob Fenner
March Calendar for the WWM. MikeK's return!
Hi Bob! I just made a March calendar for WetWebMedia.
<Wow! Fab!>
I'm busy studying
HTML and CSS for website development and hope to get started soon on your
new project as well as hopefully enhancing the WWM site. Hope all is well.
<Real good Mike. Looking forward to all. BobF>
And New WW ID site 2/19/17
Mike, have I shared this mock-up of the WW ID site w/ you?
I'd REALLY like to launch this... w/ the ability of others to upload their
pix, info. ala

Re: March Calendar for the WWM 2/20/17
Yes, I have seen this and look forward to contributing to it. Are you in
town this week? I would like to come by to talk some more about this.
<Yeah Mate. Next outing is toward the end of March. Come on by! B>
Security issue with a website suggested on your site
I was recently reading up on your (most helpful) site regarding Indian dwarf
pufferfish, and noticed that one of your members (PufferPunk) suggested
the link ‘’ for additional information on these
adorable fish. I’m sure the site was legitimate when they suggested it several
years ago, but it now jumps through an Asian ISP and links to a site
with clickbait malware.
I know you guys run a clean ship and I’d hate for someone who just came for fish
advice to end up with a nasty bug in their system due to a defunct website that
has been co-opted for unsavory purposes.
Cheers, and thanks for all you do,
<Hello Linda and thanks for writing. Does indeed look alarming: when I tried the
link, I ended up with some bogus financial services website. Bob, it's easy
enough for me to add 'strike-throughs' to the relevant text, as I've done here:
If you want me to do likewise to the other mentions of this defunct site, it'd
only take 20 min.s or so. Cheers, Neale.>
<<Neale; please do; or respond if you're busy, and I'll do. B>>
Re: Security issue with a website suggested on your site
Can do this!
<Thank you Neale>
I think striking through respects what Jenny wrote, while making it clear to
(intelligent) readers that this links are broken, not to be used.
<I do hope. B>
Cheers, Neale
Re: Security issue with a website suggested on your site
Hi Bob,
Or at least, these are the pages Google spewed forth when I searched for this
particular website.
Cheers, Neale
<Thank you Neale. BobF>