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Ich and Black fin sharks - 5/17/2006
Hi, <<Hi, Jennifer. Tom here.>> I have a problem that I
can't seem to resolve and I'm not sure if it too late for my
fish. I have a 10g tank with 2 black fin sharks (about 2-3
inches), 2 Platies, and 1 Pleco. I had 3 BF sharks, but one died
(stress I think..) Also, had 3 Platies but 1 died. (I think from being
attacked by the other fish because one day 1 of it's side fins was
half gone and it's tail fin was pretty beat up
looking. Anyhow, I noticed some bubble looking spots on the
2 BF sharks and went out and purchased an Ich treatment. The
guy at the fish store said they use it all the time and it works
fast. So I followed the 3 day process, and they seemed to
look a little better. I skipped one day as directed and am
repeating the process. This is day three and they look way
worse than before. I also haven't seen them eating and
one looks as though it's mouth is fuzzy.
<<Hazarding an educated guess, Jennifer, the white spots you
first noticed were the beginning stages of Columnaris. I wouldn't
discount Ich, of course, but the "fuzzy" growth around the
fish's mouth is Columnaris. I'd recommend you begin treating
with Melafix immediately. Once this bacteria affects the organs of the
fish, antibiotic treatment is in order and you're not set up for
that.>> None of the other fish are affected by the Ich, just the
sharks. Could this be something else? Are my
sharks pretty much goners and if so should I put them out of their
misery? I have no idea what to do. <<Treat with
Melafix and, if this takes care of the problem, find a new home for
your sharks. In the proper environment and correct conditions, these
fish grow to be VERY large. They're also not "true" FW
fish but, rather, will require marine conditions as adults. Your Pleco
is going to need a larger tank than what you have now, as well.
Depending on the variety of Pleco you have, these, too, can grow quite
large. Much to learn before any more purchases, Jennifer. This site is
the best place to start.>> Jennifer <<Tom>> Freshwater: Mystery Fish, New Tank (Transfer) and the Nitrogen Cycle 11/30/2005 I have 2 Silvertip Shark (Silvertip tetra) approx. 4"not sure of the exact name, <Well the first name you gave 'silvertip shark' makes me think it is a catfish from the Ariidae family, which need brackish to marine environments as adults but the second name you gave 'silvertip tetra' leads me to believe it could be a tetra in the family Tetragonopterinae. But with there size being 4' I doubts it's the latter probably the first one I mentioned.> 1 Pictus Catfish approx. 2"and 1 Chinese Algae Eater approx. 4", all of them were doing well in a 30 gallon tank, I moved them all to a 75 gallon tank, I let the tank "set-up" for approx. 8 - 10 hrs., now only the Algae Eater is eating, the other 3 are not eating. <Understandable, a tank 8 to 10 hours old is not stable yet. Even if using filter media from the old tank I doubt it has cycled. Furthermore did you acclimate the fish to new environment or simply transfer them? They are likely stressed out.> In the 30 gallon tank the Sharks would attack the flakes that I would feed them, now they just let the food float and fall to the bottom of the tank, none of the fish have changed color have spots nor do they have any visible signs of illness. I had the water tested and it was fine. tank temp is set at 79 f. I can't figure out the sudden change in the fish. <I would just give them some time. Offer a small amount of food maybe once a day, and don't be surprised if they go on a hunger strike for even a week or so period. However, in the mean time I would be testing your water vigorously because I am willing to bet you show some sub-par readings whether it be ammonia, nitrite or nitrates. If these are present be prepared to do water changes and perhaps look into some live bacteria cultures such as BioSpira. Search WWM re: 'freshwater nitrogen cycle.' I'm afraid this transferring of livestock was to sudden and far to premature. Adam J.> Columbian Shark Needs Friends 4/25/05 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I have a question about my aquarium. It is 20 gallons now but will be upgraded as needed within a year. The only fish in the tank is one very friendly Columbian shark named Antonio. The poor guy wants a buddy; I'm sure by the way he follows my finger against the glass. The problem is if we get another Columbian we won't know who is who. Is there another catfish or shark species that will keep Antonio company while the tank slowly shifts to full saltwater? <since Antonio is actually a schooling species, he would be happiest with more of his same kind.> Perhaps a mail order outfit is available for other brackish catsharks? If the only species available are Columbian sharks, would a molly, orange Chromides or similar mid-water community type fish keep our little Columbian boy company? That is until Antonio eats this smaller fish! Thank you. <I'm glad you are planning on an upgrade in tank size & marine conditions. A school of 18" silver sharks can be quite an impressive sight on their own! Just make sure the tank is big enough. ~PP> Iridescent sick? I am a newbie. I recently got a paradise fish, red flame dwarf, algae eater, 1 Bala and 1 ID shark. <... this last fish is a brackish to marine catfish...> For the first while the ID shark was fine, but now I noticed he's been hiding more often in the castle, I was concerned cause he generally will come out and play with the Bala for a while at night and lately he hasn't. So I fished him out of the castle and got a look at him and it appears he's changed colour a bit, I don't know if its the water, or what but his side looks a little yellowish where it should be silver and I cant be sure but I think the bottom of him has changed in colour too. <IS the water> I don't know if he's still eating, I tried to see if he would take food and it looked like he did and he was swimming around quite well when I fished him out and he even stayed out for a bit , but its his colour I'm concerned with. Does he sound sick to you? The rest of the fish are fine. If he is sick, what can I do about it? <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ariidcats.htm and the Related FAQs (linked, in blue, above)> He's only about 2 to 3 inches long and they are all in a 10 gallon tank right now. <...! Too small a system for the Bala, this catfish...> I have a mini filter, and I use clarify to keep the tank healthy, I also use a treatment which de-stresses the tank and cleans out the chlorine. <Good> I feed them flakes and blood worms. There's also a "bubble unit" to add extra air in the water. <A good addition> The tank looks clean , but I'm not sure of the levels. <Me neither... but these fishes are environmentally incompatible... the "shark" needs brackish water... and if it lives, full marine... and you need a bigger tank altogether> Please help the ID is one of my fave fish and I was really looking forward to growing him large. <Ahh, then study my young friend... read about your fishes on WWM, Fishbase.org Much to know. Bob Fenner> Big Catfish Hello, Tonight my hubby brought home two "silver sharks" for my tank as a surprise. After searching the web and much reading I've found that these are actually Columbian Sharks. <Uh oh> I am concerned as to whether or not these two new additions will get along well with the currant inhabitants in my 55: 3 clown loaches (2 1/2 inches) 3 yo-yo loaches (4 inches) 1 tiger barb (very young - 1/2 inch) 1 pink (kissing) Gourami (3 1/2 inches) 3 balloon mollies (1 adult female/2 juveniles) 2 Otos (young around 1 inch) ghost shrimp (roughly 15) I've read that Columbian Sharks can become aggressive and can eventually kill off my other fish. I really don't want things to come to this. So, would my current inhabitants be alright with these two "newcomers" or should I take them back to the LFS? Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated. Many Thanks in Advance . . . ~ Vosklady <The Columbian shark is a catfish that can grow up to 13in, which is too big for a 55gal tank. I would be willing to bet that as they grow they eat whichever tank mates can fit into their mouths. They also prefer saltier water as they get older. I would take them back to the store and go for at least 2 more Tiger Barbs, they prefer to hang out in groups. Best Regards, Gage> Hi Gage . . . :) Thanks you so much for getting back to me, I truly appreciate it. I plan on taking the pair back to the store as soon as I have some time to do so sometime this week. Many Thanks Again & Best Regards, ~ Vosklady (Stacey) New Tank Stocking Hi I need a little information, if you don't mind. <It would be my pleasure.> I have a 10 gall tank, with 2 Arius seemanni, when I bought them they called them high bull fin sharks. <Call them what you want, these fellas are monsters. Check out Fishbase.org, search for Tete sea catfish for more information on these fish. I'd take them back to the store and slap the guy who sold them to you to put in a 10 gallon tank. They will grow to be around 13 inches.> I have tropical fish pellets, 2 red tetras, and a bottom feeder. I am confused on what to do for these fish. I am reading that they are really salt water fish and they eat live food and will eat others in the tank. <If your tetras start disappearing, you will know why.> I also am not sure about what kind of tank I need, what about ph and what about mouth brooder what is all of this? <pH 6.0-8.0, brackish water would be best for long term health. Mouth brooders rear their young in their mouth.> I am a beginner and in need of help. I have had these fish for 3 hours and I am feeling as if I am way in over my head. <I would reconsider these catfish they are going to need a much larger tank, and brackish water. There are some delightful tetras out there, maybe offer a trade at the store you purchased them from. I love my black neon tetras.> Also I am wondering what could be wrong with one of these seemannis it has a swollen belly does that mean it is pregnant or has eggs?? <Probably not. Missing any tetras?> Thank you so much if you take the time to answer these questions. <No problem, we have a ton of good reading out our site, I'd recommend starting at the link below. Best Regards, Gage http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwset-up.htm > Brackish to Marine Hi, I have three A. seemanni (sp?) <Hmm, an old (nomen nudum) name still in use by some. See here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ariidcats.htm and here on Fishbase: > sharks and I would like to place them into my marine tank. The Sharks are in a salinity of 1.01 and the marine is at 1.20-23. both ph and temp. are the same. Would I just raise the sharks up to the marine? Or lower marine tank slightly and raise the sharks up slightly? <Slowly... should be done over a period of about a month (or more) to limit stress, damage (mainly to kidneys)...> One is about 8" and the other two are about 6". Are they too old to be full marine now. <S/b fine> I had a bad experience about a two years ago trying to get some to full marine and they were about 12" and the salinity was raised over a period of about 8 weeks. They seem to be ok and all tests were fine but with the last increase They started to die. just stopped breathing. <Bizarre... and frightening.> I saved one out of 5 by placing them into a fresh water tank. So I am very unsure if I should even try with these. They would have a lot larger area to swim if I could move them. Thanks for any suggestions. Robyn <Do take it slow... and keep a close eye on them. Bob Fenner> Sick Arius seemanni Hi Bob We have 3 Arius seemanni in a 46 gal. hexagonal tank with 10 African cichlids, 3 tiger barbs, 3 golden barbs, 4 cherry barbs, and 2 common places. <wow... what a truly bizarre mix <G> of fishes from Africa, Asia and South America. Really, you have fishes needing three different water qualities here: African for hard, alkaline and mildly brackish... neutral Asia water quality preferences... and soft acidic south American demons (Pleco). It is difficult if at all possible to maintain all such fishes in good health in the long run under such compromised water quality> The water is brackish. ph 7.8, ammonia-norm, nitrate-norm temp -80. we have two fake plants and lots of brook rocks, and crushed coral on the bottom, <all conducive to the African cichlids> a magnum 350 filter, and two 6" air stones. <is the magnum the only biological filter?!?! If so... it is very poorly suited and undersized for the job. Really just a good mechanical and chemical filter instead. Do add much better biological filtration (like an Eheim with ceramic noodles and course foam or a wet/dry filter> The catfish have developed white spotty lumps all over their bodies and are not active as when we bought them a week ago they also have not eaten for about a day. Do you know what this is and if so what can we do about it? <hmmm.... likely a bacterial infection, but do review the archives on disease to see if a photo or description can help: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/mardisease.htm> Thank You, Jenessa <best regards, Anthony Calfo> Catfish Problems Hi, I've been reading the FAQ's and
you all are great. I have just a quick question. I'm pretty sure I
know the answer but want to make sure. Yesterday I adopted some fish,
lady was going to flush if she had to, 8 fish. 3 young rainbow sharks,
all under 3". These I know I have to separate. Well she also gave
me 5 Arius seemanni. Ranging from about 4" to about 7". I do
not have a marine tank to house them in, and they have been living fw
with low salinity for a while now. I'm quite sure I need to place
these fish elsewhere, but wanted to make sure that was my only
option. <this fish may live for many years in an appropriately
sized tank (large) in brackish water> If it is, can you recommend a
true fw catfish that's active and will do well in an alkaline tank
(its my African. cichlid tank). Thanks for all the help <the problem
with catfish and African cichlids is as much finding a species of cat
that is tough enough for their aggression. Not many natural choices.
However, various Synodontis species (not all but many) will fare well.
Popular choices include the Featherfin, lace, angelicus, schoutedeni
species. Really many more... do review the members of this genus. Best
regards, Anthony> Arius seemanni Thank you!!! I've found my fish! I love these fish but I can't get them to eat anything. They seem very languid and not energetic like they were when I got them. I was wondering what I can feed them or do for them to get them to pep up? <Mmm, almost always these brackish to marine fish are very eager eaters... Likely what you need to "feed" them is salt... to their system. Please read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ariidcats.htm and the brackish Subweb on WWM linked therein> They're only 1-2" long but they'll be getting a huge brackish tank soon (now that I know that's what they need). I'm just worried about their survival in the next couple of days because they've gotten quite a bit slimmer in the two days that I've had them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Logan <Oh! Sounds like you know re their chemical environment needs... do check pH, try some meaty, sinking food choices... they'll catch on soon. Bob Fenner> Neat Shark Catfishes Looking for a Home <Hi! Amy... Anthony here still answering queries. Bob hasn't got rid of me yet. Of course, that could be because Steve and I have him duct-taped to a chair while we feed him applesauce with a slingshot> I appreciate your help in identifying my fish. <my pleasure> After searching the Internet about Arius seemanni I found a picture of my fish. I now have another question. Could you give me some suggestions on finding a good home for them. I love the fish, but I now know the tank I have is not suitable for them. <I recognize and admire your sincerity. May I suggest that you contact a local or regional AquaZoo... you have some neat fish of uncommon size. Otherwise, we can post your message for serious aquarists interested in 6-10" Arius catfish for a brackish or to soon to be salt tank to inquire.> Thank you for all of your help. Amy <quite welcome... best regards, dear. Anthony> Please read!!! Sick FW (actually more like saltwater)
Catfishes... I'm sure you get a lot of email, and probably
don't have a lot of time. <Same amount as everyone my
friend> I have a freshwater aquarium with two Arius Jordani
(Jordan's Catfish) <Ah, yes... that minor prophet of democracy,
first pres. of Stanford, none other than David Starr J. himself> they
both started getting white splotches. I first treated the tank for
fungus. It cleared up part way. I figured maybe it was a secondary
infection and read up on Ich. <Good so far...> I have
treated them for Ich. One of my catfish has a white spike protruding
from his side. <Yikes... likely an intraneural bone... not
good... and possible evidence of a very aggressive bacterial problem...
internal> He is not as active as he normally is. I don't know if
he will survive. I had an ammonia problem not to long ago but that has
been fixed. This all started occurring soon after the ammonia reached a
safe level. <Actually, as you know... before, with the ammonia
problem... or what actually "caused" the ammonia
problem...> I might not be able to save this catfish, but I am
really concerned with finding a solution to this. It might get my other
catfish too. I have heard great things about your knowledge of fish and
I am at a total loss to explain it. The catfish has also lost one of
his whiskers, he seems to have an infection around his upper lip also.
Like I say I may not be able to save this catfish, but I need to fix
the problem so it does not happen again. Any feed back would be greatly
appreciated. And thank you for your time. Sincerely, Luke <Thank you
for writing. Please do quickly read over the section on "Hole in
the Side Disease" under the "Pond Index" on my site:
www.WetWebMedia.com and avail yourself of the proposed solutions
there... I would make my own antibiotic laden food, keep water quality
optimized and stable, slap on an ultraviolet sterilizer in the filter
flow path if you have one (otherwise check with your marine aquarist
friends to see if they have one "laying around"), add some
salt (see the WWM site re) to the water, keep changing the water/gravel
vacuuming regularly with pre-made, stored freshwater... Do think you
have a gram negative bacterial hyperinfection here... and it can be
stopped. Bob Fenner> Shark Catfish <Greetings, Amy. Anthony Calfo fielding questions for Bob while away (actually, he just got away from his leash...hehe)> I'm hoping you will be able to answer my question. About 6 moths ago my boyfriend and I bought a 55 gal. tank from a woman out of the Greensheet. She already had 4 "sharks" in it. She said they were Colombian reef sharks. I've been to 3 pet stores in my area, and no one has ever heard of that species. <you're in luck, we have. Arius Seemanni... is native to Central America. Omnivore... feed a wide variety of foods including frozen bloodworms/mosquito larvae> It is a freshwater tank. <Aieeeee! babies will live in freshwater, adults live in full seawater! You should increase the salinity (slowly) of their water as they mature or you may have a "mysterious" death on your hands one day> The "sharks" are between 6 and 10 inches long. <adult maximum 12-14"> They are dark gray, with white/silver bellies. They have 8 fins each. Two on top: one large, one just barely poking up- Two pairs underneath- One single one underneath leading to their back fin. Their fins are dark gray with white/silver tips. Their heads are sort of flat, and their eyes are bugged out on either side of their head. They have 4 whisker things under their mouth. They have one gill slit on each side. They're not slim either, they have potbellies. They are frisky, but not mean. I have a second question as well. I noticed that the largest ones eyes have a pink tint inside. I'm worried that he/she may have injured his/her eye, and it's bleeding. <common, damage from transit or being spooked (tank is too small!!!)slow to heal, may not be necessary to medicate unless evidence of infection. Maintain good water quality> Sometimes, the fish freak out and ram into things in the tank. If I have a species of shark that gets to big I'm going to have a problem. I would appreciate your help with this. Thank You, Amy <Yes, again...the tank is way too small. Honestly not big enough for one of those fish in the 1-2 year plan. For their health, you need to find them a bigger home. Very best regards, Anthony> Saltwater Question Hello Bob, Very informative website you
have and I enjoyed reading many of the articles. <Ah, good> I
have a question....I recently purchased a 55 gallon tank from a friend
with an Emperor 400 filter, Visi-jet protein skimmer and the normal
gear. The tank is about 3 weeks old and although I wish I waited, I
jumped in and bought 2 fish. 1 is a "half-black" angelfish
who has a cloudy eye which I am treating with Melafix and the other was
called a "silvertip shark". I have searched high and low for
information on this fish with zero luck. Do you know what the real name
of this fish is??? He is about 3 inches long with a silver body and
black fins, he has whiskers like a catfish as well. I appreciate any
help you have to offer. <Thank you for writing... with improving
water quality, time, perhaps a better skimmer, your dwarf Angel should
improve. The "shark" you so well describe is indeed a
catfish. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ariidcats.htm Bob
Fenner> Regards, Derrick S. Arius advice Hi my name is Doug ,could you please give me some advice .I have a 6x2x2 tank and at the moment have got 3 Arius seemanni 1 at 6" and 2 at 5". <Be careful with these marine catfishes... you likely know they can be painfully venomous... Please read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ariidcats.htm> I have the chance to buy 2 more at 6/7".ive been told that they will not reach a foot in length so 5 Arius in the tank would be ok ,but I've seen a few mailings on the web tonight of people having Arius of 14" .obviously if they grow over a foot I will just keep the three as the fishes well-being is most important thanks <They grow slowly as they approach maximum lengths... Having five in this size, volume system should pose no difficulties. Bob Fenner> |
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