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Stocking Question 11/10/16
Striped blennies; stock/sel. 10/27/15 Re: Pairing Multicolor Angel & Misc Stocking Questions- Now
on to Gobies/Blennies 7/24/12 Keeping multiple Blennies
3/6/12 goby and blenny, sel. reading
2/21/11 Blenny sel. -- 02/12/10 Avoiding A Blenny Bummer! (Collection Practices for Blennies) 7/7/07 Dear Crew, <Scott F. in tonight!> Does anyone know how the Brown Combtooth Blenny, Atrosalarias fuscus, is typically collected? Specifically, whether chemicals are typically employed or whether these fish are generally subject to stressful transit due to their collection location? I purchased one on Wednesday and all was well, but this morning I found him serving as breakfast for my cleanup crew. Thanks. Andy Bulgin <Interesting question, Andy. This is one of my absolutely favorite fishes! I did a little checking with a couple of my contacts at some wholesalers/transhippers here in L.A., and no one seemed to feel that they are subjected to any unusual collection practices. Most of them are net-caught, although there are collectors in parts of Indonesia and The Philippines that utilize chemicals to flush them from the rocky crevices in the reef where they are usually found. This practice, although less common than in the past, still occurs, unfortunately. For the most part, these little fishes do ship pretty well, although they do often go a long time without eating. Since a large part of their diet is composed of algae, they may take longer to adapt to captive life, and could be rather depleted by the time they reach the hobbyist. However, with careful quarantine and feeding, they generally adapt quite well. Hard to say what did yours in, but it could have been one, more-or none of the above-mentioned factors! In the end, you just need to use your judgment and select your specimen carefully. Good luck next time around! Regards, Scott F.>
Magic blenny? 12/11/06 <Hey Gloria and Jay, JustinN with you today.> Our tank is about 7 months old, 125 gallons with 100 lbs of live rock, a variety of cleaning crew, 6 maroon clowns, 2 scooter blennies, 1 diamond goby, 1 Kole tang, 1 six-lined wrasse, 1 Linckia star, 1 large brittle star (growing like a weed), and a few corals that are not getting enough light. <Yee-ikes! SIX maroon clowns?! That's a bruising waiting to happen! Clowns are typically kept in pairs, you're setting up for some serious aggression issues down the line here, and perhaps not as far down the line as you might think... Also, if you have corals in your tank, but are aware that they are lacking in light, I would be adding lighting to the setup before adding more circulation.> Yesterday, we added a second pump to improve water movement and a few hours later we discovered a blenny (we think) that we had not purchased and had never seen before (we're certain)! <Cool! Blennies are the absolute favorite species for my wife and I! Add to that the 'ultimate' in unexpected hitchhikers, and that's just too fun! Tis why I love this hobby *grin*> It was a deep blue-green with red spots on the body and red lines along the belly and eyes. At first I believed it was a small wrasse (its fins, eye placement and coloring seem to match), but it behaved much more like a blenny and had the eel-like body and the round nose of a blenny. It hid in rock crevices at the bottom of the tank during the day and was out during the night a bit, but today is nowhere to be found. <Definitely sounds like a blenny... Beautiful sounding too!> Our question is: could this little creature have been in our tank all along, or hitch-hiked on some purchased coral from 4 moths ago and stayed in hiding that long? <I would wager that either is just as likely. Any addition of live rock could have brought him along> If so, is there a way to encourage it to appear more often? <Reducing your pack of maroon bullies to two will likely bring him out more, as well as likely change the behavior of your other fishes in a positive way.> Third question: since our brittle star is growing so fast, how do we keep it satisfied food-wise? Obviously, we don't want it to go on the hunt during the night. <Is posted on WWM. The Google search bar is your friend *grin* Hope this info helps you! -JustinN> Thank you for your time. I did search for surprise appearances by fish, but didn't find anything by other owners. Gloria and Jay Midas Blenny - Hardy or not? - 2/4/2006 I realize that people can only speak from experience, so I'm not trying to criticize... rather, I am seeking clarification. On this page http://www.wetwebmedia.com/blenselfaqs.htm One person (Cody) says that the Midas Blennies one of the most hardy blennies, and then lower Steve says that they are NOT very hardy. So is this a hardy fish, or not? -Jeff- <Not to be (or even appear) disingenuous, but both statements can be/are correct. Ecsenius species that have been "well-collected, housed, shipped"... and provided for (large environment, clean, well-aerated water, lots of healthy live rock, not crowded, or housed with antagonistic fish tankmates... are exceedingly hardy, interesting captives. Now, in reality, most are starved, beat on arrival, stuck in too-new systems with bullies, and further stressed, starved to death... Get healthy specimen/s (usually only one to a tank unless it's huge), quarantine briefly (making sure they're well-fed daily), and place in a proper environment and you'll see. Bob Fenner> Blennies (Ecsenius Sp.) 10/19/05 We don't see much written about the tail spot blenny (Ecsenius stigmatura). <Understandable it's not such a common offering.> We're looking for a small fish who will help keep the green hair algae in check. This is our only concern so far in the few weeks that we've had the fish in my tank which was first cycled by the live rock. <Care for the Ecsenius stigmatura is relatively easy care should be very similar to that of blennies in the Ecsenius Genus such as the Bi-Color Blenny (Ecsenius bicolor). Provide a tank with plenty of live rock for grazing accompanied by a varied diet and you should be fine.> We have a 40 gallon with 30 lbs. live rock, 2 green Chromis (Chromis viridis), 1 false percula (Amphiprion ocellaris), 2 cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis), 6 blue leg hermit crabs (Clibanarius sp.), 6 Astrea Conehead snails, and 6 red leg hermit crabs (unsure of genus / species). Future plans include a royal Gramma and a wrasse (you've helped me narrow the wrasse choice in a previous message). <Ok.> Also corals (Fungia sp., Actinodiscus sp, and Sarcophyton sp.) and on the wish list. I've read your cautions about having the hermit crabs once we more into the corals. <Risk varies depending on the species.> Thanks for the prior advice. <No problem and good luck. Adam J.> Blenniidae Recommendations For a 20 Gallon Aquarium 8/21/05 Hi Bob <<Ted here>> I was wondering if there was any member of the family Blenniidae small enough to fit in a 20 gallon tank? <<Acanthemblemaria macrospilus (Barnacle Blenny), Ecsenius bimaculatus (Two Spot Blenny) and Meiacanthus mossambicus (Harptail Blenny) are all suitable for a 20 gallon aquarium.>> Thanks <<Cheers - Ted>> - Bicolor Blenny a Good Addition? - Dear Wet Web Media Crew,
I'm thinking about adding a bicolor blenny to my 90 gallon reef
tank. Currently I have three damsels, three bar gobies, a strawberry
Basslet, and a six-line wrasse. I've read that blennies will
sometimes not get along with certain gobies. <I've not heard
this... and certainly the bi-color blennies seem to keep to themselves
- generally peaceful.> Do you think it would fight with any of the
bar gobies? <Probably not - they tend to occupy different spaces in
the tank - the bar gobies being in open water and the bi-color usually
on the substrate. Provided there are plenty of spaces to hide and
share, all should be fine.> Almost everything I've read on the
bicolor blenny says that they are reef safe, however, I have read on
your site that they might nip at certain corals and clam mantles.
<Have never seen this personally... have seen numerous bi-color
blennies in fully stocked reef tanks, and never heard anyone complain
about the blenny nipping their invertebrates. Have seen a bi-color
repetitively perch on a clam mantle, but did not nip it.> I have
many LPS, soft corals, and various polyps along with a crocea clam. Do
you think that I should avoid getting the bicolor blenny, and if so, is
there any other blenny that might be a better fit? <I'd think
the bi-color would be a fine match, but you might also look for some
barnacle blennies which I've always found to be entertaining - you
rarely see much more than their head, but this amuses me for reasons I
can't explain. In any case, very peaceful.> Thanks so much.
Blennies (6/24/03) <Hey! You got Cody today!> Hello. Is there a blenny that is hardier than others?<I like the midas and Redlip blennies as far as hardiness goes. Cody> Blennies Hi I'm thinking of getting a bicolor blenny. I already have 2 percula clowns in my 26gal bowfront. Do you think this choice would be wise. If not can you tell me what blenny I could put in there. <A bicolor blenny should be fine in this aquarium, but after this fish I would not add any more, good luck, IanB> Thanks Blennies 9/28/04 I have a 65g, 100#LR, DSB in main tank and 20L sump/fuge. I like fish so I want to have as many as would thrive in this environment and also be reef safe as I plan to add leathers, mushrooms, Ricordea & Zoanthids gradually over time. <You mean there is still room in the tank with all of that rock? Hee hee.> I've read and read and read, but haven't found an answer to my specific question. I love blennies - I have a local caught pair of crested blennies (Hypleurochilus geminatus) that I've had about a 1 1/2 years. (previously I had a pair for 7 years that I lost in a move). If I later want to add a mandarin goby or a canary or forktail blenny will I have compatibility problems? I also plan to have a royal Gramma, 2 pajama cardinals, and a pair of true clown fish. Would this be too many for my tank? Any suggestions would be appreciated. <The total sounds like quite a few fish, especially since the Royal Gramma may be a bit belligerent in such small quarters. The grammas and the forktail and canary are jumping risks also, especially if things get a bit heated. I don't know much, nor could I find much info on crested blennies, so I am sorry that I can't help you there. Best Regards. Adam> Exallias brevis correction Bob, After reading Gregor's
message today with a reference to this site: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WCMCRepRev.htm
, I then went to http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WCMCRepRev.htm,
and from there looked up information on blennies (I did my thesis
research on blennies, hence my interest). I was impressed with the
amount of information you (or someone) has made available, but I should
point out one correction. For several stalwart species that are
perennially offered to aquarists....Another gorgeous shallow water
member from the same area is the leopard blenny, Exallias brevis with
its beautiful brown mottled exterior." You should be aware that
Exallias brevis is an obligate corallivore and does not do well in most
aquariums. I have seen them accept foods other than live coral but they
generally do not survive long in captivity, and of course they are a
disaster in a live reef tank. You might mention this in your write-up.
The true leopard blenny (if anything is true about common names!), is
Cirripectes fuscoguttatus which is another large, spotted blenny
similar to E. brevis. However, E. brevis is much more common and
therefore more likely imported. BTW, male E. brevis have a pink or red
color and females are brown (both sexes are spotted). C. fuscoguttatus
is never red but is spotted so it may be confused with female E.
brevis. Hope you don't mind a bit of trivia, but in fact since E.
brevis continues to be collected, even here in Hawaii, I think
aquarists ought to be wary of purchasing them. Aloha
Compatibility I would like to know if a lawnmower blenny would be compatible with my Niger trigger and 2 snowflake eels . Trigger is approx.5 inches and eels roughly 12 to 15 inches in length they are in a 58 gal reef ready I thought I read recently in your column suggesting a blenny was okay with these fish was wanting to use the blenny for natural algae control thanks in advance for your comments and a very informative and educational column >> Worth a try with a larger (let's say about 4") individual... these are fast, smart animals... do place it down near the rock when you release it... maybe feed the trigger and eels at about the same time... Bob Fenner Goby/blenny Bob- Here is more info on my reef tank that you requested so that you could fully reply to my question about blennies/gobies (original question and reply are below). <Ah, good. Thanks for the info.> 58 gallons with 71 pounds of Manono live rock 1/2 inch layer of aragonite <Grade? I'll assume this is not egg-sand or more than 1/8"> water quality and movement is superior 2 96w PC Currently I have 1 Percula clown and a yellow tailed damsel. Ideally I would like to place a Flame Angel, Purple or Desjardin Tang, Banggai Cardinal, Lawnmower Blenny, Neon Goby and a substrate sifter in the form of a blenny or goby. I am concerned that the tank might be over populated with this mix and will be willing to not place the Banggai Cardinal in the tank. <Leave out the Desjardin's Tang. Too big for this size system> Other concerns are: I like the lawnmower Blenny for algae purposes and the Neon Goby for parasite purposes. Will the Neon Goby and Lawnmower blenny compete for food resulting in the loss of one? <Nope... different foods, niches> I would like to place a "substrate sifter" but three blennies/gobies seems like too much competition as well. <Yes, just one sifter would be best... and the tangs you list will turn the bottom over to an extent> Maybe I should drop the Neon Goby and buy a Pacific Cleaner Shrimp for the purpose of fighting parasites. Any suggestions? Thanks a million, Rob The Lawnmower should only go in when there is substantial filamentous Green algae (Chlorophyta) to consume... and start with a small specimen... only one. Maybe a Cryptocentrus, Atrosalarias, Amblygobius, Valenciennea species after the system has been up, running a good six months... Suspect we will be "chatting" between now and then... Bob Fenner Blenny Sifter Choice > Bob- > Is there a goby or blenny that you could recommend that stirs substrate aragonite). > <Many, but need to know how big your system is, what sort of other livestock, if/how much live rock you have... many of these fishes starve, and there may be other organisms that would be better to recommend for your circumstances> > Also, are neon gobies an effective way to partially control parasites? > <Oh yes, and most would-be predators recognize them as "friends" versus > snacks... but once again, need more info.... about what else you have, intend to place in this system>> Thank you, Rob > You're welcome, > Bob Fenner Blenny Hi Bob, The local fish store said a Lawnmower Blenny and Rock Blenny will do the same thing: eat hair algae. Is this true? <Yes> I went to buy a Lawnmower Blenny since I had read online about their appetite for green hair algae. I trimmed it to where it's a 4th an inch off the rock. Will the Rock Blenny eat it? <Yes> Also, I bought some Margarita Snails and some red-legged reef crabs. However, my Lunar Wrasse is having a field day picking at them. He knocks the snails off the rock and glass and I think he has actually eaten some of my crabs. HELP!! <Yes, they will all be consumed in time> Thanks in advance! Barry >> <You're welcome, Bob Fenner> Lawnmower??? I know that the Lawnmower Blenny eats algae but is it a "sand sifter"? Also would the Neon gobies from FFExpress be a good cleaner species. Its says that if they are captive bred that they may not clean. Would those? Thanks, Tim >> Lawnmower Blennies (mainly Salarias fasciatus) are not much in the way of Sand Sifters.... they spend most all their time in/on the rocks... and Neon Gobies, tank raised or no will generally learn to be cleaners... if there are customers to be had. Bob Fenner, whose Sand Sifter, Blenny, and Goby articles and more can be found, perused at www.wetwebmedia.com, including images. Redlip blenny????? I am assuming these are reef safe? Are they? Good community fish? Any particular problems? Thanks Rob <Please use the search feature on www.WetWebMedia.com Bob Fenner> Midas Blenny To Steve Pro or any of you knowledgeable people - Hi on a Sunday AM. Steve, I was wondering why you thought a Midas Blenny would not be a good idea for my two tanks. <Generally not very hardy. They feed very frequent feedings of plankton substitutes, much like the Anthias they mimic.> I wanted a small yellow friendly guy to put in with my two black and white clowns. Bob gives it a rave review in his book. <Not in my copy> Does he grow too big or what? (The tank is 29 gallons) I was also planning to put one in my 60 gallon tank. Do you know of other small yellow friendly fellows who are community-types and are fish? <Gobiodon citrinus or G. okinawae> Thanks for your continued help on stocking my tank. Am still planning on the fairy wrasse for my 60 gallon tank. Are there different kinds of fairy wrasses <Many> and if so should I beware of any particular one? <Please see here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/cirrhilabrus/index.htm> The current crew is one clown, one pygmy angel and one royal Gramma. Still plan to add 3 Chromis and one more clown to that tank. Fishfully yours, Connie Cavan <Have a nice weekend. -Steven Pro> |
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