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Question- Serpent Star, stkg./sel.
11/12/12 Stocking options, sea/ brittle- star choices
3/21/12 Starfish help, Ophiuroid stkg./sel.
1/22/12 Star Fish, Comp. 6/15/11 Brittle Starfish Discovery -- 05/04/10 Serpent starfish... from LR, sel.
7/12/09 To Brittle or not to Brittle? Sel. 3/19/08 Hi! Rogie here. <Hello Rogie, Scott V. here with you.> I've wanted to add a serpent/brittle star in my 90gal tank. <OK, understandable. These can be beneficial and fun to watch!> Currently I have the following residents: pair of B/W clown, six line wrasse, yellow Coris wrasse, fire fish, and a small sand sifting goby. It's a mix tank but mostly SPS. I also have RBTA and GBTA. <Keep an eye with these with the SPS.> I have been doing some readings and the more I read, the more I'm getting confused and hesitant getting the star. The mix reviews and advice making it more difficult. I know that the serpent/brittle star is a good cleaner but I'm afraid one of these days it might eat one of my fish. <The wrong Brittlestar may, stay away from the green brittles, see the link at the end.> I need your honest to goodness insight on which I should really get and which I stay away from. <All posted in the link and related FAQ's. These are much like bristleworms, a few bad boys give the whole lot a bad rap…just choose the correct variety and enjoy.> Thank you in advance and more power. -Rogie <You're welcome, and thank you Rogie, have fun, Scott V.> http://www.wetwebmedia.com/brittlestars.htm White Brittle Starfish 5/30/07 I have a 29 gallon tank with fish, soft corals, live rock - Is it possible to have too many small white Brittle Starfish? I'm assuming that there are potentially hundreds. Everywhere I look onto the sub straight they can be seen. <They are not a problem per se, however large numbers of them indicate an overabundance of food. Cut back on feeding and increase water changes and I would guess you will see a reduction in their numbers.> <Chris> FAMA 2007, Ophiuroid sel. 3/3/07 Hi Bob, Couple of requests/questions for you: <Okay> 3) We just ran the brittle star piece in June. We have a new cover, I think you'll like it. At the end of the article we ran this line: "For available brittle star species, visit www.famamagazine.com." Would you be so kind as to jot down maybe a dozen or so that are available and kept by hobbyists. <There's only a few... and most all are better "named" scientifically by their genus alone:> I'll need the common names, Latin names and the size ranges for each and suggested tank sizes as well. When we get this we'll post it on our site. Thanks tons, Bob. Ophiarachna incrassata, the Green Brittlestar... fish-eater Ophiocoma spp., Spiny Black Brittlestars Ophioderma spp., Short-spined Brittlestars Ophiolepis spp., Serpent Stars Ophiactis spp. Spiny Brittlestars Ophiothrix spp., Needle-spined Brittlestars All should be kept in systems of at least forty gallons... the Green IMO not at all. It either will eat small fishes, or possibly be eaten by larger fishes that it won't be able to catch!> 4) I'm looking forward to hobnobbing with you at IMAC and MACNA. <Ah yes> Thanks, --Clay <Bob Fenner> Watson's Brittlestar Hi, boys and girls! I was reading one of your articles, (Sea Stars, Class Asteroidea part 2 of 2) and couldn't help but notice Watson's Brittlestar. This looks like a very cool star that I want to add to my tank. The problem is that I can not find it for sale anywhere. <Ophiuroids are very rarely sold (with the exception of "the" Green eating machine) by the species> Google searches bring up your article, but no other info about that particular species name. Do you know of another name for this starfish, and even better, where I may be able to buy one form? Thanks for your help. Gary <You might get lucky calling the larger etailers (Dr.s Foster and Smith, Marine Center...) and asking for someone with expertise in the group... to look through what they have... perhaps they can request (all buy from other transhippers, wholesalers within the U.S. mainland) in turn of their suppliers... Bob Fenner> Reaching For The Stars... As always, thanks for the info... <That's why we're here. glad to help!> Hmmm, so what was your take on my Brittle Star?? Leave 'em out or keep 'em in? Although my Auriga Butterflies were most likely the initial culprits of chowing on my star... I think something still might be nibbling on him a little bit. My Emerald Crab or Coral Banded Shrimp perhaps? My Clowns??? <Well, hard to say from here. I think that the butterflies may have done the initial damage, as you witnessed. However, once an animal is injured, there are lots of other animals that move in for the easy feeding. Perhaps the crab and shrimp moved in after the initial damage. If not further harassed, these animals (stars) do display amazing regeneration properties. Finally, some butterflies do behave as "cleaners" at times, so perhaps someone else injured the stars, and the butterflies were merely picking bacteria off of the injured digits? Finally, environmental factors cannot be ruled out. DO re-check them.> I like the stars... but don't want to make them someone's $10 lunch. <Agreed- however, if you are not going with the triggers, as discussed previously, I'd leave them in and do some more investigating for a while, as long as their health is not declining further> I read somewhere about adding bristle worms and such to a tank to provide more organisms for fish, shrimp, crabs to feed on... is this correct?? In a nutshell, what are advantages and disadvantages??? <Bristleworms are efficient sandbed scavengers, and their function in the aquarium is analogous to the role of earthworms in terrestrial gardens. Some reef hobbyists implicate them in damage to corals and sessile inverts, but, in my experience, the risk is minimal in many cases. I have never experienced problems with them. Of course, just because I have never had a problem does not mean that they won't be a problem for you! Do read up on them on the wetwebmedia.com site, and maybe talk to some other hobbyists to get a better picture of the pros and cons of including them in your system.> Last question... what can I do to naturally spice up my tank? I don't have lighting to support corals or anemones yet... I think. Is there anything I can grow in my saltwater tank?? How do I get my liverock to grow more algae and grassy looking greens??? <Wow- that's a first! Stop water changes, over feed, undercirculate, and discontinue protein skimming! :) Seriously, if you want to grow some macroalgae, you may want to try Halimeda, a calcareous algae that looks nice, and does not have nearly the potential for problems as say, Caulerpa. You will need reasonably bright light and "reef-level" calcium content in order for them to thrive, however. You could add some feather dusters as well, since they are not dependent on lighting. They do need supplemental feeding, however.> Again, Merry Christmas guys! <And happy holidays to you, too! Best of luck on your plans! Regards, Scott F> Dave |
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