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Chaetodon tinkeri 5/13/17 Mud Mix Or Sugar Sand/Chaetodon Feeding 1/17/11 Feeding Tinkers Butterfly 1/3/08 Hi Bob, maybe you can help me here. I recently purchased a Tinkers Butterfly about 4 days ago. He has been at the LFS for two months eating like a total pig every time I asked the LFS to feed him. Well right before I bought him he was eating. After I got him home after acclimation he was eating like a pig with PE Mysis soaked in Selcon and attacking my Spaghetti leather chomping that up. And for some reason two days after him eating he stopped feeding. <Not digestible...> No one is bullying him, He looks at the PE Mysis soaked in Selcon but doesn't eat it. You have any suggestions that I can get him feeding? <Time going by really... will likely resume eating the Mysis in a few days> He shares a 120 gallon with a Mitratus butterfly who is half of his size and a group of different fairy wrasses. I don't think its Flukes or internal worms but I am tempted to quarantine him with some Prazi pro just in case. Any suggestions would be helpful. Scott <I would leave this (expensivo) specimen in place... and try to be patient... All will very likely be well in time here. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Pearlscale Butterfly Hi Bob. I Loved your book! I have 2 questions... I have had some fair success so far in keeping a fairly new Pearlscale butterfly, (4 weeks thus far) in a 72 gallon bowfront tank with a 12" refugium miracle mud sump growing plenty of Caulerpa and about 80 pounds of live rock. The Pearlscale has been eating plenty of Formula One and frozen Plankton treated with 2 drops of Garlic Elixir w/vitamins since day 1. Is this adequate enough of a food source? <Maybe... along with what it gets from live rock, your refugium should be fine> I was told that the Pearlscale's diet should consist of polyps or other invertebrates in order to stay healthy to keep. Is what I am feeding him enough? <Probably so... one of the hardier/aquarium chaetodonts. Please see my review of the families members: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BFsBestWrst.htm > I should also mention that I have plenty of Copepods coming into the main tank from the sump (which I guess is a good breeding ground for Copepods). Will he eat the Copepods too? <Yes> Also, I was planning on getting a beautiful small Blueface Angel to be his tankmate in a few weeks as a xmas gift. Is the Blueface ok with this butterfly or will he intimidate the butterfly? <A seventy two gallon system will be too small for this species of Angel... it may disturb the other fishes... depending on its individual temperament, starting size.> My other fish are...1 med. ocellaris clown and 2 - 4 stripe damsels. Thanks! <Bob Fenner> Butterfly food Didn't have any luck on the forum on this one yet... I've got this new Declivis downstairs in quarantine... I guess five days so far. Obviously we've got some time to go but I'm trying very hard to stick to the "often and varied" thing, although the work week keeps "often" down a bit Mon-Fri. Not really having any luck with the "varied" thing [have tried at least 10 different foods]... am really trying everything I have and only get nibbles and then disfavor. Very excited to eat, but then less psyched about the fare... the one thing that does work with any consistency is Formula One frozen which is a mix food, but it still doesn't eat much at any particular sitting. <Mmmm> Am working on the worm thing... so far know that frozen blood worms are out, but perhaps will be successful finding some grindals or (?) - night crawlers perhaps? Any other food suggestions to try? <Small enough to not have to tear> Also a side chance that there is copepod supplementation that I don't see, but I know they live in the quarantine tank [never been dosed with anything toxic] so perhaps... is a skinny fish. <Maybe> Anyway - my main workstation is out of commission for the moment for a long overdue rebuild. Once done I'll get on to the numerous writing items on the plate. Talk to you soon. <Ah, good... if push comes to shove, I would pH-adjusted freshwater dip and simply place this B/F... they're relatively parasite free... Bob Fenner> Cheers. J -- Re: butterfly food Hmmm... this guy has always been a fast breather, especially in comparison to the neon goby that is in there with him. <This is so, general for the species, family of chaetodonts> Tank conditions are all good, with small weekly water changes the norm... anyway, this morning the Declivis is wigging, and decidedly not interested in food and breathing a little faster. Again, not seen in the neon goby. So... am I to understand that the early placement would be better for overall psyche? <Yes, absolutely> - he's already been dipped once and would be again before introduction. Was prepared to quarantine for a month, so a week would be early, but the main tank is certainly larger and more varied. <Yes> Am somewhat concerned, but should probably head to work, and deal later [as opposed to the opposite]; gotta finish fixing my broken computer. This guy has bugged out like this before, and it's been quite temporary each time so this could also be one of those moments. <Hopefully this is just another temporary situation> Thanks again as always. Were you going to need help over the holidays? <Likely... am a bit sick with a cold, but probably out to NJ and a land line connection... for the holidays (22-27 I think). Will be begging if so... interested? Bob Fenner> Cheers, J -- Re: butterfly food I was thinking, maybe you need a pH adjusted freshwater dip... might fix that cold ;-) <Perhaps> Report back on the Declivis - dip and move done, man, if I thought Spike was wigging before, there's nothing like floating around like a zombie in a bucket to get your heart going. He's doing better now and making the adjustment to the tank. All is as well as could be expected. Will be downstairs watching. <Very well. Bob Fenner> Cheers. J -- Re: butterfly food Uh oh... not too good - dead this AM. Sadness. <Yikes. Sorry to hear of your loss. Bob Fenner> Chaetodon larvatus Hello, I saw the photo you took of a Chaetodon larvatus, and it said it was taken in a public aquarium. I was wondering if you remember where. I was under the impression these couldn't be kept in captivity due to their specialized diet... if you know anything about this please enlighten me as they are my favorite fish. =) Thanks, -Misty <I have a few pix of this species in retail settings around the US and in a few public aquariums in Europe... not easily kept as you note, principally due to restricted corallivorous diets. Can be special ordered from Marine Center I believe. Bob Fenner> More on the Roa, Chaetodon mitratus Hi guys, <Brandon> I'm still working with my cute as a button 2" specimen of C. mitratus. As mentioned in the previous question, my attempts at feeding him have still failed. <Though the members of this subgenus are remarkably aquarium "tough", a 2" individual is too small... 3-4 inches overall is ideal to start> A brief recap, purchased from Marine Center about 2 weeks ago, shipped excellent. Within 10 minutes of acclimation was exhibiting natural behavior of picking at rocks in full view. I have tried meaty pellet food soaked in Selcon, no interest at all. I've tried frozen Mysis shrimp, to which he swims directly up to, almost examining it, then leaves it alone to start picking at liverock again. <May well be deriving sufficient nutrition from the rock> The only thing I've gotten him to eat are live brine on two occasions. Even that was a weird experience. Instead of absolutely gorging itself like all other fish I've seen, it ate a couple will little gusto. It is constantly picking at the rock, showing me a desire to feed. I have a fairly high amphipod population, but should that be enough that it wouldn't care about easy handouts at the trough? Seems to be in great health, not terribly shy. Only housed with a similarly sized P. hepatus. <Does the specimen appear very thin?> An off the record question: do you guys, if you aren't sure, or for further advice, have access to Scott Michael's email? I'm sure he is probably a friend of Bob's, and I know he has much expertise with Roa butterfly's. I'm not asking for the email address myself, but maybe a forward if you wish. Please do not get me wrong, I am in no way implying that this staff isn't capable, I'm just worried and varied opinions often produce results as someone may have had a similar situation. <I have Bcc'd Scott here. Bob Fenner> Thanks gang, I'm just worried about this precious fish. Raccoon Butterfly problems, too small at purchase 8/23/06 Hi, I have read through all your articles I could find on getting a raccoon b/f to eat, but I am not having any luck. My new arrival is small (1 to 1 1/2 inches) <... too small> and I was very leery about buying such a small specimen. <You should be... I would take it back, pronto> I visited this fish four times over the course of so many weeks though, and he appeared healthy and was eating flakes like a pig. <Can't, won't live for long on flake food... try it> When I got him home, he ate for the first day, and then quit. I have to mention that when he met my cleaner shrimp, the shrimp went wild on him and exposed (?) a white patch behind his gills (not near them). <Could be a factor> It has not spread and neither the shrimp or the patch have bothered him since that first day, so I am not sure what it is. As far as eating, he will pick off the live rock occasionally, <Good> but will not eat anything else I put in the tank (flakes, Mysis shrimp, brine shrimp, Nori, krill, marine cuisine, oysters). So, I followed your advice and bought two different types of clams, pried them open and put them in the tank, so far- no interest. <Mmm, I'd be adding more, fresh live rock...> He is falling fast, I think, starting to lay on his side <A very bad sign> occasionally, swimming around fairly well otherwise. I know I am running out of time. There are no noticeable marks/redness around his mouth or gills. So, finally, for my question, we are thinking if he refuses to eat the clam, should we try transferring him to the refugium for a little while, so he has plenty of access to the copepods with no competition? <An excellent idea> I have to get him to eat something soon -this is about day 5 that I have had him. I am worried though that moving him again may just stress him out so much that he wouldn't make it. Do you think the move would be worth the risk? <Yes... about the only thing that might save this too-small specimen> Also, if I do put him in the refugium, should I put a clam or any other food down there with him? <No, I would not> I would appreciate any help you can give me! Thanks so much for your time. -Take care, Jennifer <Next time... please read re the species, genus (if they're available), family information on WWM re "Selection" for input on ideal size range for first purchasing specimens... like Goldilocks and the tres ursids and pudding temp... Not too big, or small... Bob Fenner>
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