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Jellyfish Dear crew members, Have been learning a lot and enjoying this site so much! Thank you for your work! Searched and searched but to no avail...I have a 2 month old 90 gallon with Tidepool wet dry, Turboflotor skimmer, U.V, power compacts 4 65watt460NM and 10,0000K 2 white bulbs, 2 actinic--24 inch bulbs. FOWLR -2 ocellaris tank bred clowns and one royal Gramma. I have noticed a very tiny creature which I can best describe as a jellyfish though I think I caught from the site that this could be a stage for something else. You called the stage medusa or something. Anyhow, these guys look like a shuttlecock from the badminton game. White top then transparency then white again with legs that are transparent. Just a hair larger than those white bugs running around on the glass (copepods). These "jellyfish" can stick to the glass or a rock or float all over the tank with a pulsating jumping motion. The fish don't eat them. What is this? Once on the site I thought someone asked the same thing but then I never really got an answer. Please, could you help? Thank you so much for being out there. Renee' <As you state, likely Medusoids of some sort... and evidence of your good set-up and care... they are "coming off" your live rock... Likely will pass over time... strobilation of the remainder. Bob Fenner>
-Strange Polyp ID- Hey Guys, I just bought some plants for my Refugium. <Excellent> And my son pointed out something that looks like a polyp. It is Rose color looks like a yellow polyp when retracted except it has a clear pink body. It has long tentacles that are conical shaped not flat like my Yellow Polyp, and they are not just on the edge when open, like a button. Then it's behavior is very strange. Like I said it was attached to a Caulerpa racemosa, so I took out the plant and placed it on a live rock and placed a small piece on the plant so it would not float around. The next morning it was gone. Ah man it had floated away, I searched all over my 75 gal tank and found it under the little rock. <Wow, what luck!> So I turned the rock over because it was attached to the underside. When I got home from work it was back under the rock. So, I move the rock thinking the current was to much. Two hours later it was back under the rock. The LFS where it came from it was housed in a low lighted tank full of plant and algae. Could it be just sensitive to the bright light of my tank? <Likely. I think we can definitely rule out the possibility of it being a any type of Zoanthid. It sounds to me like an Aiptasia, although Aiptasia are brown (could possibly be seen as pink under some circumstances I suppose). This critter is moving around fast enough to not be a polyp, and Aiptasia can definitely travel so I think that's what we have here. If you notice more and more, start nuking them (refer to the many pages of Aiptasia FAQ). If possible, get a picture, maybe I'm way off, but I doubt it. -Kevin> Or is this not a Polyp but an anemone? Thanks again, Kevin Mushroom ID 6/30/04 Good morning, I recently purchased a rock that houses two varieties of polyps and a rock anemone, but one of the other "inverts" I can not identify. (I would have included a photo, but it is not in a "photo reachable" spot in the aquarium.) There is just one of whatever it is. It looks, if you can imagine, like the top of a single branch of a trumpet coral - fleshy and full - but just sticking out of the rock with no base (as a mushroom would). It feels just like a trumpet coral, as well - soft and gushy. If I touch it, it might shrink a little, but it does not close up. It's color is a neon red with a neon green center, and it's about 3/4 inch wide. It's beautiful, and I've never seen anything close to it in appearance to help me identify it. Any ideas??? I'm just really curious. Thanks so much, Bess <Hi Bess. You have me stumped. These kinds of ID's are very hard to make from a verbal description. If it is possible to move the animal to a place to photo, that would be ideal. Either way, please describe the following: Does it have an internal skeleton? Does it have obvious tentacles? Are the tentacles only around the edges or distributed all across the surface? When disturbed, does the animal pull back into itself or just sort of shrivel. Even with all of the above inform, ID may not be certain. Best Regards. Adam> Rock Anemone and Clownfish Question Hi, I have Rock Anemone that have grown on my LR and are reproducing well. These Anemones appear to have come naturally on the LR. Most are brownish but others are a pretty pearl color but are all definitely the same type. How big do these Anemones get and could they host Clownfish or Damsels at all? <Mmm, could be true anemones (actinarians), but I'm guessing these are "coral anemones", aka Mushrooms... Please read through WetWebMedia.com re for identification and care> I want to get a couple clownfish but am unsure what kind of Anemone to get from my LFS due to the fact that I am unsure what kind of lighting I have. <Uhh, study here... you likely are not ready for this...> Under the lighting I have now I have several good patches of sponge coral, Featherdusters, and an unusual semi-hard coral that occasionally will turn white, grow and then becomes its normal fuzzy purplish color, all of the above came naturally upon the LR and are all doing well. <Due to your good water quality, husbandry> Aside from these I have three types of snails, a reef crab of some sort, and a spiny legged starfish that lives inside one of the LR. Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely, Krista Mouw <Kita, do research here... your answers and more are archived on our site. Bob Fenner>
LR Freebies I have about 60 pounds of Live rock in my marine aquarium and it's doing great. It's been in there for about 8 months now and really taken off. I have noticed a lot of interesting growth on the rocks in places. There are some sponges (which I have removed except for a few interesting ones) but I also think I'm seeing some corals forming. is this possible? They look like small polyps and such. I have no other corals in this tank right now, just live rock and marine fish. Is it uncommon to have corals grow from live rock or am I seeing things? Just wondering. <It is indeed possible for corals to "just happen" from even what appears to mostly dead, old live rock. What a planet eh? I'm not leaving! Bob Fenner> John
Re: Coral IDs Thanks for the ID, Anthony. I have read that the SPS corals need very bright light and strong water movement, <do be careful of believing any such generalizations. SPS corals can be found in 1 foot of water and they are found at 100 foot! Always go by species needs/history.... not family needs> how is it these three different species are on one rock, <good question and some logically explanations for it. One possibility is that it is an appropriate SPS for the zone that the soft coral was collected in . Indeed, if it is a Montipora as suspected... it would be moderate to somewhat low light and moderate water flow (unlike most SPS, yes). Or, if it is a "high light" SPS, it could simply be one of the tens of thousands of planulae that settle out successfully but do not survive the random place of settlement. Drift, currents,... who knows where larvae will settle. Most do not survive to maturity> placed there on purpose maybe? <unlikely... but I cannot say, you did not mention the origin of the rock for me to compare with the species suspected> The leather & Shrooms should have the same basic needs as far as light/water movement are concerned(?). <similar... moderate light and water flow at most> I'm going to leave the group alone unbothered for, uh.. well, I'm just going to leave it as if in a permanently placed spot, and see what happens! One last thing, the LFS said they feed their corals a "spray dried marine phytoplankton", <I'm sorry to hear it> so I got a turkey baster along with the food, for direct feeding about twice a day(?) <OK... worth experimenting... but most corals don't eat phyto. And those that do sure can't eat the large particle size of such products. Gorgonians are phyto feeders. Your Capnella may feed a little on phyto too. Most other corals feed on zooplankton. A refugium would provide far more and better food here> Thanks for your time, I definitely appreciate it. Scott <best regards, Anthony>
Unidentified Hitchhiker 7/18/03 Greetings again to the crew! <cheers> You guys & gals rock. <thanks kindly> You've provided my (& thousands of others) much needed assistance in the past, and I need to call on you again. Recently, I have found a couple of unidentified critters growing on my live rock. Most of the rock has been fully cycled for more than 6 months, yet strange & wonderful things just keep popping up! They aren't Aiptasia, and don't look like Anemonia majano, but do resemble either an anemone or mushroom. <indeed... in the pic I can see both mushroom Corallimorphs and Zoanthids> Not the best picture quality I'm afraid, but should be enough for identification. The creature in question is the whitish disc shaped animal in the center top of most of the pics. Clicking on the pics in the gallery will lead to larger pics, and another click will give really big pics. Hope you can identify these, so I can start the eradication process if necessary. Thanks, Neil <definitely grab yourself a good Cnidarian ID book. Eric Borneman's Aquarium Corals is a top choice. Best regards, Anthony> Cnidarian hitchhiker on live rock 6/5/03 I searched the related FAQs, but could find few things that resembled this little guy. Considering that it is one of the only visible things I've found living in the tank after what Anthony referred to as a 'hard cure', I'm personally interested in what this little creature is. <appears to be an anemone> It visibly retracts into its tube from light when I turn on the actinics in the morning, and slowly re-emerges (within 5 minutes) after the lights are off. <Hmmm... perhaps on of the aggressive fire or antler anemones... babies have been common on live imports in the last 6 months> Possibly some sort of tube worm sifting nutrients out of the water? It is quite sad when the last ray of hope in my tank rests on a 3 millimetre 'pest' :) <heehee... if it is in deed a fire/antler anemone... it is truly of a dreadful order. Watch for it to develop branching aspects like the following genera: Heterodactyla, Thalassianthus or Actineria> As an aside, purple/red coralline algae seems to be making a comeback on some of the rock. The bleached parts on top are still dead however. have a great weekend,- Chris <no worries, mate... some fresh live rock to seed it and continued stable Ca and ALK and the rock will be quite handsome in mere months. Best regards, Anthony> Please help identify blue-fringed creature While vacationing at Dune Allen, Florida just east of Destin I saw these washed ashore during several days of turbulent ocean activity. On may 6th, thousands of quarter-sized disks washed up. (about an inch in diameter and perfectly round and about a half inch thick) I am dying to know if they are jellyfish, anemones or something else. on one side they were smooth and flat with a pattern of silver radials. around the circumference was a thick fringe of royal blue thin tassel-like tentacles or appendages about 1-1.5 in. long. when I turned them over there were dozens of white anemone-like polyps. what are they? I would be so grateful for a response. <very difficulty to be certain without a picture. Still... if it was a Cnidarian, Cassiopeia "upside-down jellyfish" are a strong possibility. They are very mild (so-called "non-stinging") and get their blue/green/brown coloration from symbiotic algae. Please use the genus name given above to archive on our site and beyond on the web. Best regards, Anthony> Unidentified Medusoids like swim-abouts Dear Bob I have recently discovered these tiny creatures in my marine tank, evidently they arrived on my live rock, and have as yet been unable to identify them. I was hoping you could perhaps shed some light on this mystery. The creatures in question are about 1 to 2 millimeters big. They look like little jellyfish. They have a round transparent top section with tentacles at the bottom and they swim all over the tank-during the day however they adhere to the glass-sticking to the glass with their tentacles. Any information would be appreciated. Thank you Jolene <This does sound like either some form of "jellyfish" or Hydrozoan... either juveniles or intermediate reproductive forms... Please see the link on the various Invertebrate group articles posted on our website: www.WetWebMedia.com for the "Hitchhikers FAQ" on the Net which may provide more specific identification... tentacular, aboral, Medusoids... yes scyphozoans or hydrozoans (maybe even Ctenophorans...). Bob Fenner> Coral information/classifications Hello! My name is Joe. I am interested in obtaining some assistance from you. <Pleased to make your acquaintance Joe> I have read many of your articles and have heard nothing but great things about the research you do as well as your credibility in the industry. <A reputation that I'm very proud of... have endeavored to do my best> I am in the process of establishing a web site for my coral propagation business and my intention is to provide hobbyists with pertinent information. <Very good> My desire is to provide a pictorial representation of each coral I am offering along with care instructions, background information on the coral (it's origins), and a breakdown of the species name (gender, phylum, class, etc). I believe this will yield very positive results for the hobbyist. The majority of suppliers are simply selling their corals (mostly wild caught) with the common name and there is no accompanying information. Our customer can then make an educated decision on the corals that will mostly likely thrive in their tank. We also plan on purchasing propagated corals from various hobbyists and research foundations, propagate! tie them and give them credit on our web site for that particular coral (example - this coral came from Joe's tank or name that particular research foundation). <Lots of time, effort in building and maintaining such a site... I salute you> Of course in dealing with the foundations we will donate some of the proceeds to help them with their further research. I think it's a great idea to get others involved with our propagation business. I've spoken with some friends involved with this and they love the idea of being able to share their prized corals with others and have their names associated with it. While we are not looking to save the world by ourselves here, we feel that coral propagation is going to be our only alternative in the long term if we want the reefs of the world to survive. In the next few years serious restrictions may be enforced to protect the coral reefs from further destruction. <Or even the casual, almost insignificant portion due to the ornamental industry> Also providing hobbyists with captive bred species we feel they will have better success with them as it is! known that most captive bred corals are much hardier than wild caught specimens. <Absolutely in agreement> I thank you for your time in reading this email and I look forward to hearing from you.... Joe Zamalkany, Jr. Vice President Reef Splendor Inc. 866-286-8220 Email Joe@reefsplendor.com Website http://reefsplendor.com/ <I look forward to our further involvement and the growth of your business. Bob Fenner> Coral common names Bob, I'm working on a field guide book to the corals of Hawaii. They tell me that dive guides there really prefer common names for species. But I haven't found anything with the common names to most of the Hawaiian corals. Do you know of any standard lists of common names for corals used in the aquarium trade? Many thanks! -Doug <Good question. The hobby side adopted the names used in "A Practical Guide to Corals" by Borneman and Puterbaugh a few years back... but it doesn't cover many species... A few wholesaler's have added a few more names... see Walt Smith's pages: www.wsi.com and then there are many, many, too many synonyms... Hopefully you can help "straighten us (the hobby and business) out". Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Jelly-fish things I have seen jelly-fish like things in my 50 gallon reef tank. What can these possibly be? <Hmm, could be scyphozoans (jellyfish), salps (pelagic tunicates), many others... take a look over the www.WetWebMedia.com invertebrate sections. Bob Fenner> Coral id... reference works High Praise Mr. Fenner, You are quite a knowledgeable man of the trade and I have enjoyed reading what you offer in the various sources related to WetWeb and FFExpress. <Thank you for your kind words> My reef has been up for about 5 months and is charging hard. I have been doing fish only salty setups since I was twelve (now 24) so reefs were the natural progression and it's wide open. I do tons of homework on the subject as I am sure you do. <Good for us> My question is this... where can I find coral references in regards to all their likes and needs. <A couple of recent works are exemplary: Eric Borneman's "Aquarium Corals", and Dr. Veron's three volume, "Corals of the World"... you must have seen these> like a notes type situation on all the corals in the FFExpress repertoire. Maybe I should give you specifics. (was trying to keep this short for your sake) I will wait for a reply and if you are not too busy I will write again. Thanks in advance. <No need for brevity. Use the space to make known what you are trying to. No real "notes" per se available... but there are enough in-print references, magazine articles to "make your own" which is what I advise (it's about the only thing TO DO...). Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Best Regards, Brady p.s. any links to your setup(s)?? <Yikes, like a plumber with bunk faucets at home, you wouldn't be impressed with what we have here...> What is this? Bob, My tank is only a few months old and now my live rock is beginning to blossom with life. The problem is I have no idea what some of it is (and won't until Santa brings me some books). The attached picture shows a cluster of dark red growths. They are about 1/8th inch in dia.,1/4th inch in length with a white tip, and 1/2 inch hairs on top as well. I would like to know what they are so I can learn more about them. Thanks for your expert help. Thom Walters <Hmm, some sort of Polypoid life... a big, important group in marine/reef keeping are the "stinging-celled animals" (corals, anemones, much more... this colony is some of this assemblage. Please read through this description: http://www.WetWebMedia.com/cnidaria.htm Bob Fenner> Re: follow-up on new system questions Hi, how are you? I'm trying to study up on corals before I start stocking anything, but I ran into a taxonomy question that has me stumped. In Sprung's new book he divides all corals simply into hard and soft, but FFExpress and others have as separate categories: soft, polyps, mushrooms, and leathers. Another text (not sure which one) said that LPS & SPS are imprecise hobbyist terms that don't correspond to any real species or genera. So how's a beginner supposed to decode all these terms? <Size of polyps is indeed "misleading"... as a few of the now fifteen families of true/stony corals (Order Scleractinia) have both types in the same family... Think Jules is/was just doing something convenient in designating "corals" as hard/soft...> Is there a reference on your site or elsewhere you'd recommend? <There is a rundown of the higher taxonomy of the cnidarians (the phylum of stinging-celled animals) placed on our principal site here: http://www.WetWebMedia.com/cnidaria.htm And much better ones in print in Fossa and Nilsen's "Modern Coral Reef Aquarium" v. 2, Robert Barnes six editions of "Invertebrate Zoology"... among others> I'm assuming that, as a novice, I should avoid aggressive/venomous corals as well as anemones and sea cucumbers; do you agree? <Mmm, there's much more than this to consider... perhaps important to study a bit more, but not let this stall your initiation into actual set-up and stocking of more hardy, smaller colonies/species. Bob Fenner> Thanks and best wishes, Al Tribe Freshwater tolerant Anemones and Corals Dear Sir, I am trying to find information on the above and in fact if they do exist -various publications have mentioned them with no further information etc... Can you assist Many thanks Andy Mawe <In scientific and hobbyist literature there are a few freshwater stinging-celled animals... small, transparent. None of interest to the trade. Bob Fenner> Mystery Creatures/Macroalgae/Mysis! Dear Crew, <Scott F. here today> I've checked the 'hitchhiker' and other sites for this animal that appeared on some new live rock. I don't know if they are polyps or an anemones. The center is hard (calcium?) from 4 to 6 mm. diameter surrounded by a number of 1 to 3 mm. points of hard material. Crystal clear, colorless tentacles about 7 to 10 mm. long emerge and detract from the periphery. At first I thought they were Aiptasia but they have no "neck" and the center portion does not retract when disturbed. I don't want any undesirable stuff in the refugium that could migrate to the rest of the system. Can you help? <Really hard to determine from here, especially without a picture, but I'll bet it's some kind of anemone-but don't hold me to that. Perhaps you could forward a pic that Anthony or Steve could review to help identify this animal They're working their collective butts off, along with Bob, on a new invertebrate book, and may have a good idea as to what these creatures might be!> By the way, the Gracilaria, Chaetomorpha, and Ulva are doing well but the Ochtodes (blue ball) disintegrated in a couple days. After only 3 weeks, the mysis are very plentiful and already feeding the show tank. <That's terrific!> Should I be feeding the mysis? They have lots of algae and some surplus food and detritus coming down from the show tank. Howard in Wisconsin <Yep- I'd let nature continue to do the job! Sounds like everything is going well. Keep up the good work!>
Strange polyp classification I own a marine tank and some
strange polyps started to grow on my heater about a month ago. I am
doing an honors bio project on them and want to classify them. I have
narrowed it down to either Scyphozoa or anthozoa classes. Here are
their characteristics: 1.. white tube-like body with clear
mesophyl layer surrounding it 2.. central body cavity with
very fine tentacles surrounding the mouth of the cavity 3..
algae grows on them but they do not appear to be harmed 4..
about 1-1.5 cm long at most. Can be down to 2mm (appx.) 5..
sessile 6.. reproduction through budding Do you know what
they are? <Mmm, no... but do agree as to their being cnidarians most
likely> I have a friend with access to a lab and wish to section
one. Do you know proper sectioning protocol or what stains are best for
soft bodied invertebrate marine organisms? <In my day Hemolysin and
Eosin were the dyes of choice... soaking, relaxing cnidarians in
isotonic KCl (about 5% if memory serves) and then cooling to death (in
a refrigerator)... embedding in paraffin and sectioning (in a
microtome) at various thicknesses... Bob Fenner> Thank you for your
help. From, |
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