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Actinia equina Anemone aka Beadlets hello there. could you tell me if it is possible to keep Actinia equina anemones in a tropical reef tank. reading the Baensch marine atlas they say that they are insensitive to temperature. <Yes it's true that these Anemone, also called Beadlet, are much less sensitive to temperature differences than other less hardy anemone It's quite adaptive, and able to thrive in almost all temperatures. Reason being is that it's found in the NE Atlantic. Very common on all coasts of Britain. Throughout western Europe, south to the Mediterranean and probably to the coast of west Africa. It has been recorded in temperatures ranging 2?C - 28?C. Hope that helps clear up the "insensitive" title. -Magnus>
Anemone ID (10-10-03) Could someone please tell me what type of anemone this is? Thank you. <Looks like a long tentacle but also could be Sebae you can read here for to find it for sure: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm, Cody> Anemone ID Thank you for the reply. Can you have anyone else look at it. I really would like to know what it is. Thank you. Donovan <it does indeed look like a Sebae/malu anemone indeed to me too. Also need to ask you to please resize your pics smaller (web-sized at a couple hundred kb max) when sending. A mail clog with the volume of mail we get otherwise ;) Thanks kindly, Anthony>
Anemone ID 7/3/03 Hi please can you help me identify my anemone so I can care for it better. I think its a Condy but am not sure. <Please be sure to research and ID the creatures you hope to care for before you buy them, mate... afterwards is makes success less likely and really lacks respect for life/your charges. Your anemone is not a Condy... please read more here and be sure to follow the many links atop the page as well: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm Best regards, Anthony> Anemone ID II: question resent, link(s) re-sent plus - 7/7/03 Hi please can you help me identify my anemone so I can care for it better. I think its a Condy but am not sure. Thanks Doron. Oh it's from Australia. <Please enjoy the journey to enlightenment with pictures and information on husbandry and identification of this challenging anemone species in the following links: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemoneselfaqs.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemonehealthfaqs.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anehlthfaq2.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anehlthfaq3.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemoneplacemtfaqs.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemplfaq2.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemonereprofaqs.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemonelightngfaqs.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemonelgtgfaq2.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemonef.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemfaqs2.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemfaq3.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemfaq4.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemfaq5.htm Best regards, Anthony>
Anemone ID question 2/28/03 Hello again and thanks for the quick response on the dyed Turbinaria, <our pleasure <G>> I think he will be OK with the feeding you recommended. I have another question about an anemone I purchased, can't seem to find a picture of this model. White/tan body w/long clear tentacles that have a white spiral structure up to the tips. Any idea? <tough to say without a pic from the general description. Are the tentacles corkscrewed? Perhaps a Bartholomea... see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/twaanemones.htm Else... there are some such beautiful non-pest Aiptasia species... rather ornate> When I first put him in the tank he decided to move himself. Where he ended up is on piece of LR towards the bottom 1/4 of the tank. Since relocating he now "stretches" himself (the foot) about 6-8 inches. I assume he is trying to find a stronger light source. <again... do feed to compensate for lack of light. Just like with dyed/stained corals> Second question; should I try to move it or leave alone? <best to simply leave in place and feed> If he starts to suffer what symptoms should I watch for? <shrinking/attrition is usually the first step> As usual your help is really appreciated. Mike <kind regards, Anthony> Re: Help ID and Thanks Thanks... you rock! I guess since it
is not a Sebae my odds of saving it are better? <Yes> and
that is why the Percula warmed up to what I thought was a Sebae?
<Likely> I was told iodine (can you recommend the best product or
method of iodine delivery?) <Potassium iodide solution. Please read
re this on WetWebMedia.com. There is a search tool at the bottom of the
homepage> is one way to get algae level up in the anemone to help it
un-bleach (I also use Reef Solution, strontium, Kent A&B calcium
buffer and feed wide variety of foods including blue zooplankton invert
gel food) do you have any other advice? Can you shed some light :-) on
my lighting issues I mentioned in my e-mail to you and Dr. F does this
seem sufficient for these tanks? WOW you do work fast... great
advice...and thanks for all your help and website! <Again, please
review what is posted on these issues on WWM... there is much (too much
for here) to be mentioned to get more of a "complete picture"
of these animals husbandry than directly answering questions> P.S. I
moved the rock he had attached too (did not want to detach it he was
stuck good) when he crawled way back under my micro reef structure (I
was afraid he was going to die from lack of light... never has come out
fully into light and when clowns started all over it the anemone just
kept going further under the structure out of the light) I then
rearranged my rock to put him out front but under a ledge and at the
bottom of the tank. I sequestered the 2 little loving small (1 inch)
Perculas in the hospital tank... and the anemone has opened back up
(however) is still staying just under a ledge in the shade. <Leave
it where it is... the Anemone will "come out" if/when it
wants to> He looks fine and is opening and feeding (just badly
bleached I guess). I know he can move, however he seems to just move
further out of the light. Do have a anemone that does not have the will
to live and is suicidal or does this just happen and I should be
patient (not my virtue as you can see)... how long should I wait to put
the clowns back or do you think they will still pester it back under or
have anything to do with this? Any thoughts? (see letter to you and Dr.
F) <No need to wait. I would place them. Bob Fenner>
Anemone ID Hi, Sorry to bother you guys again (I have asked several questions before). I recently bought an anemone-carrying hermit crab, very similar to the one in this picture: http://www.coralreefnetwork.com/stender/marine/arthropods/hermit%20crabs/ped2.jpg , my question is, do you know what type of anemones it has on it (or what are the most common anemones does it carry)? I know they are closed up in the picture, but mine look the same when they are closed. The crab has the two anemones, and also has some weird black "worms" that come out of some "shells" on his back...do you know what these are? Also, he has some small orange/yellowish worms near the opening of his shell that come out periodically during feeding. They have two long "feelers" at the end of their bodies, can you identify these as well? I really appreciate it, as I cannot find any information on your website or the net (yahoo) on the anemone-carrying hermit crab. Also, is a power-compact fixture (72watts total) with one actinic and one 10k white bulb sufficient for these two anemones in a 20gallon tank? Thanks so much! Rob Lewis <Please see here, http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/arthropoda/crabs/hermitfaqs.htm, regarding the anemone on your hermit crab. The seven and eighth questions down from the top are very similar. As far as the worms go, they sound like what are referred to as spaghetti worms. -Steven Pro> Anemone Identification Recently purchased a used 125 gal setup to set up my first reef tank. The guy I purchased it from had it as a reef at one time but pretty much let it go, although it was still up and running. There is some very small anemones (I think) on some of the live rock. They range from 1/4" to 1" across and are not adjacent to each other. They are supported by a trunk/tube with tentacles extending from the perimeter of the top of the trunk. They are all translucent with bulbous tips. I cannot find out what they are and was wondering if you had any idea. I do not believe they are Aiptasia and do not want to remove them if they are non-threatening. <<Well... typically an anemone that would live with no care would be Aiptasia. From your description though, it's kind of hard to tell what they might be. Any chance you could take a picture and forward it on? It would be much easier to identify. If you haven't checked this page yet, please do - there are many anemone pictures here, perhaps yours will be here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm >> Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you, Sheila Schneider <<Cheers, J -- >> Strange hitch hiker anemone or? Dear Bob, A new piece of live rock sprouted 3 small anemones which I believe are tube anemones but do not look at all like the Aiptasia. They do not "suck in" when disturbed. They consist of a 1/2 to 3/4 inch or so milky to clear disk with an opaque striped border surrounding the disk, a 1/4 inch "mouth" and have 2 rows of tentacles one row longer than the other. The larger (1/4 inch) tentacles are fat with opaque rings around them like the body border and come to a hair-like point. They are clear to milky, no color at all, slightly opaque tentacles, ring, and mouth. I read your piece on "glass" anemones and suspect that these are of that genre. Should I remove (inject and siphon) these things? Are they a potential nuisance like Aiptasia? Otherwise they are interesting and I would keep them. Howard <Tough call here... If it were my system, I'd likely leave them and see if this new colony will "get out of hand" by asexual reproduction... but isolate the current batch on their own rock, with no easy means of spreading. If they turn out to be a "reef cancer" you can seek their eradication at a later date. Bob Fenner, who can almost "hear" many browsers shouting, "Wipe those suckers out now!!!"> An unknown anemone I have acquired an anemone, quite healthy that was said to be a "short-tentacle anemone." I have been unable to find this specimen in any of my books. It is characterized by a pale green to white foot, a central dark green to green-brown central disk with striations that radiate from a large central mouth. The disk, measuring about 4-5 inches in diameter is fringed by a narrow rim of tentacles, tapered, approximately 1-11/2 inches long. These are quite "sticky" with a sting that can barely be felt. However the tentacles adhere quite solidly if you brush them with your hand. Can you hazard a guess as to what species this is from my description? <Hmm, except for stated length of the tentacles, this sounds like a variegated patterned Stichodactyla haddoni (http://wetwebmedia.com/anemones.htm on our site)> I have it in a mixed fish/invert tank anchored to some live rock. I am concerned that it might be predatory on my smaller fish and should therefore be removed to an all invert. tank. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks for any help you might be able to offer. <Most all anemones will consume smaller unwary prey in aquariums... Please see the "Anemone" section, FAQs inclusive, and the further references on the Net on our site: www.WetWebMedia.com. Bob Fenner> Irwin Gross Anemone id I have never before purchased an animal without looking for every scrap of info. on it, however, I now have an anemone that no one in the store knew anything about, nor could I find anything resembling it. I figured it was as well off in my tank as theirs while I searched for info. Hopefully you receive a semi-clear image from my digital picture. Please let me know any info. you have on this if you recognize it! It has opened and colored since moving into my 12 gallon Eclipse w/13 watt pc light. <This is either a Lebrunia danae, L. coralligens (Branching Anemones from the tropical West Atlantic) or something very similar... the branching pseudotentacles and color, size... all point to this species. Widespread, pretty hardy, but a strong stinger (keep it off your wrists) of aquarists and other livestock... Have started to post the anemones of the TWA at your prompting. See: http://wetwebmedia.com/twaanemones.htm> Thank you for your valuable time. Ken <No more valuable than anyone else's. Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner> Anemone ID Hello Robert or Anthony, <Steven Pro this afternoon, answering a few questions before I go outside to enjoy the sunlight.> I am having a hard time ID'ing an anemone at my LFS. It is bright yellow throughout with very fine dark purple dots at the tips of it's 1-2 cm tentacles. <The bright yellow is the kicker. It sounds like a Sebae Anemone (H. crispa) that has been dyed. Usually this practice dooms the animal. With dedicated feeding and care they can recover to revert to their nature coloration; cream, tan, green.> Diameter is 10-15 cm.s. I appreciate your help. Any special tips on it's care would be appreciated also. Craig <Best to find a healthy individual. Perhaps a captive raised Bubble-Tip. -Steven Pro> Re: Anemone ID Steven, It really doesn't look like a Sebae. The purple dot on the tip is the size of a pinhead and very uniform in size. Wouldn't dying affect that? Craig <No, generally the dye is only absorbed by the rest of the tissue and the purple tips are unaffected. Look through the WWM site. Bob has a ton of pictures there are comparison to your individual. -Steven Pro> Anemone ID hello my name is Mehdy. I live in Iran I'm study Biology. Now I stay in Chabahr, it is a coast city. I found a species of sea anemone .I can't find species name. Please help me out. <Take a look here at the many pictures to see if you can match it http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm Otherwise, perhaps send us a picture and we may be able to ID it for you. -Steven Pro> Anemone ID Question >My LFS has an anemone called a
"cornfire anemone" by his suppliers. Neither the wholesaler
nor the collector know another name for it, or a scientific name. They
will not supply the collection location. >>Bugger, I sure
don't like the sound of that. >I tried all my books and the WWW,
but couldn't find any info. Have you ever heard of this anemone,
and do you know its tank requirements? It is a green color on the trunk
and branches, and white feathery tips. It looks like a small furry
tree. >>Unfortunately, I have never ever heard of or seen an
anemone even SIMILAR to what you describe. If you could copy
this note and send us back a picture of the thing that would be
helpful. >The LFS owner has one in his tank and stated it didn't
harm his colt coral or xenia, that it sometimes touches. Any info will
help. THANKS!! I just finished your book on invertebrates. It was
EXCELLENT!!!!!!!! When do you think the next book will be released?
>>I don't DARE make any guesses! Definitely not
before the end of the year, though. Try to get us a pic, and
maybe Anthony or Chris (when he's back online) might have an idea
(assuming no one else does). Sorry I couldn't be of more
help. Marina |
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