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Lemon Peel Angel Treatment 11/10/12
Multicolor/Systems 10/17/09 Pygmy angels, comp./sys. 03/19/2008 Hi, <<Hello Marianne, Andrew today>> I'm learning just by searching your site. I checked out the questions on dwarf angels, but didn't get a definite on this. I was told I can have multiple dwarf angels if I introduce them at the same time. I'm thinking (and was told by the shop owner) I could add a flame angel, dusty, and coral beauty if I add at one time. <<I have seen these together in the same system before. Your tank is a good size. All 3 are territorial, so ensure plenty of hiding places / cover is available. Do add them at the same time.?? The flame is about 2 1/4 inches and the other two are closer to 3 inches. I have a 115 G live rock tank (135 lb rock) with a powder brown tang, sailfin, foxface, and 2 fairy wrasses, blennies (1 scooter, 1 lawnmower), 2 starfish, and 2 diamond gobies. Also have a few Zoanthids, 2 anemones, 2 clowns, and 2 small blue green Chromis (original fish from set up--they lived through it all). The angels would be my last addition. Reading your site, I am wondering if I have too many, but I would really like at least 1 or 2 angels (I should say, my husband wants all 3!). What do you think? <<In my opinion, at best, add one. You are very borderline on your stocking levels. Read more here including linked articles and FAQ's http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/centropyge/index.htm>> My husband takes care of the tank. I don't know the numbers, but he said all is where it should be. Filter-wise, we have "mud filter" with protein skimmer ( sits underneath main tank), and extra pump for water circulation, and 10K (2 white, 2 blue) lights, and blue moon lights for night. Marianne <<hope this helps, A Nixon>> Two Centropyge Species In A 30g Tank? - 03/05/08 Hi Guys, <<Victor>> Your website is super great. <<Is a collective effort…thank you>> Just one question, I have a Pygmy Angel in my 30 gal tank <<Mmm, several Centropyge spp are referred to as "Pygmy" >> and the store where I buy the majority of my livestock has a Bicolor Angel for sale. The owner told me that I can safely introduce the latter to the aquarium with no problem of fighting between the two angels. <<I disagree…the tank is much too small…even for your single specimen, really>> I have my doubts, can you advise me on this matter. <<As stated…you should not add the Bicolor to this tank>> Thanking you in advance and keep up the great service that you provide to all who read your articles. Victor <<Happy to share, Victor…and please do have a read here (http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/centropyge/) and among the linked files. Regards, EricR>> Japanese Fishes. Centropyge interruptus, Enchelycore pardalis sys... 6/30/07 Hello and thank you for your extremely valuable site. I have searched and not found references to my questions. I'm a long time owner of a 200g reef setup and have learned many lessons first-hand and from sites like yours. I'm now embarking on remodeling my house around my dream setup. A 500g reef tank and a 170g eel tank (one specimen). <How nice!> I have one question that affects both tanks. I would very much like to keep a Centropyge interruptus in my reef tank. Also, I have planned the eel tank entirely around a Japanese Dragon Moray (Enchelycore pardalis). My understanding is that the dragon moray has more stunning color when collected from Japan than Hawaii. <Mmm, yes... or the Marquesas... though both/all "color morphs" are gorgeous...> My LFS has told me that both fish require significantly cooler water than other fish. Is this correct? <Mmm... define "significantly"... My answer is no... both are tropical fishes, both collected in warm water... though the small Centropyge does occur in water in the upper sixties F. in places> I can cool the eel tank easily as it is a separate system, but the angel will be mixed with fish from all over the world. I have not been able to find a recommended temperature range for these animals. Will a warmer tank temp (~80F) affect the viability of the angel? Any suggestions? <Should be fine... You can find, see, infer this information by looking up these species on the site fishbase.org Cheers, and good-life with your projects. Bob Fenner> Re: Wrasse as final addition; Centropyge issues 3/3/07 I have about 10 snails and 7 hermits including 2 Astreas, 2 Turbos, 2 Margarita, 3 Nassarius, 1 Cerith snail, 4 blue leg hermits, 3 red leg hermits. I also didn't think that the tank would be too small for the angel. I thought I read they can be kept in 30 gallon tanks, but only heard once or twice they need like 55g. <Depends on your sources someone trying to sell it to you will give you the lower number, where realistically for the animal to thrive the latter number is much better.> Will this be a problem in the future? <Ideally you don't want to hold a Centropyge it's entire life in a 30 gallon aquarium ,no. Adam J.> <<RMF wouldn't do this period.>> Fisher's
Angel 11/19/06 Hi Bob, I hope the evening finds you
well -- certainly a good chance in the tropics. <Yes, thank you my
friend> You are certainly envied by my wife and I. <Mmm, please
join me> Just a quick compatibility question I thought I'd shoot
by you, as I'm planning out my aquatic purchases about 6 months
from now, once I get my treasure trove of salty goodies from Santa (T5
lights and Tunze skimmer, here I come!) <Heeeeeee!> Now I know
that any angelfish is a calculated risk in a reef, however you and many
others say that the dwarf angels, specifically Centropyge fisheri are a
calculated risk often worth taking. <Ahh, saw a very nice specimen a
few days back... am out in HI> Next to possibly the astoundingly
beautiful Centropyge interruptus, it is one of my absolute favorite
gems I've found since my treks into this hobby. Would you believe
that a 40 gallon tank, with dimensions of 32.25" x 14.5" x
19" would be of enough size to permit proper growth for the life
of this species? <Yes... though close to what I consider a minimum
limit> Obviously adequate filtration, live rock, and an in-line
refugium will be incorporated as well, and I would like this to be the
show species for this tank, regardless of if I get a larger setup in
the future (you know that itch ;). <Oh yes..> Do you believe this
to be a permissible home for one of my dreams? <Yes> Also, I was
curious if your previous offer to assist the crew in daily responses
still stands. I think I'd like to try my hand at it, if you still
feel my knowledge adequate. Thanks, Justin <If you believe, you want
to try, please be welcome to our association... Please write back with
a brief bio. to post, and I'll send along the log-in info. BobF>
> > > Filtration, SW, Centropyge sys., sel. 9/2/06 Firstly, I appreciate all of the information available on your site. I may be suffering from a certain degree of volume overload and am trying to determine an optimal set-up for my system. I have a 40g (12" X 48" x 16"h) with 130W PC lighting, 20lbs liverock and a SeaClone150 protein skimmer. I plan on adding more live rock, and realize that the SeaClone is not an optimal skimmer. The tank has been cycled and currently houses a blue damsel (that is rather submissive and was being abused by a Basslet in my established 20g), ~15 hermit crabs and 15 snails. I would like to add a flame angel, <Mmm, not really enough space for this here> then another compatible fish over time (any suggestions would be welcome), as well as a cleaner shrimp and perhaps a Fromia sp star. The ammonia, nitrate and nitrite are all 0. pH is currently 8.2 and calcium 450. The skimmer produces roughly 10-20 ml of a dark green suspension daily. There has been rather aggressive brown diatom growth, <This will "go" in time> but many of the snails and crabs were recent additions and this seems to be stabilizing (I have also recently decreased the time the light is on). My reading leads me to conflicting opinions on whether the current set-up will be adequate, whether it might be adequate but I'll have to see how the system works over time, or whether it is obviously insufficient. <For a "full-size" Centropyge species, the latter> I would appreciate suggestions regarding the current filtration set-up, and stocking plans. Thanks. Scott <Thus far you're doing fine... take your time... "when in doubt, count it out" might be a working philosophy to adopt, adapt... Keep reading, gathering data points. Bob Fenner> Nitrates 8/28/06
Hi Bob, <Hi Aaron, Leslie filling in for Bob this evening>
You're a great help to me and my fish. <Glad to hear and will
pass it on.> I have a 55 gallon marine, SeaClone 150, Emperor 400,
18 watt Turbo Twist UV, 50 lbs. live rock, with 1 small Saddleback
Clownfish, and 1 small Blue Tang, a couple small snails, and crabs. I
am having trouble keeping my nitrates down below 10 ppm. <10 ppm is
not a problem.> I do 10 gallon water changes every two
weeks. I just put the Tang in about 4 weeks ago, and I have
a small bicolor angel that I have in my QT, that I am wanting to add
but I don't want to if my nitrates are to high. <They are not to
high> I know <30 ppm is acceptable but I don't want to kill
my fish by adding another. <Should not be a problem.> Should I
get some kind of nitrate remover media for my emperor, or do you have
any other suggestions. <No, would not recommend any of those. Small
frequent water changes, some additional live rock, live sand if you do
not have any and some macro algae should help. Please do have a look at
the following article and FAQs http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nitratesmar.htm Thank
You, Aaron <Your most welcome, HTH, Leslie> Dwarf Angels, sel.
sys. 6/29/06 I'm in the process of stocking my 240 marine
tank, and would like to add two or three dwarf angels. On some sites,
they say you should not do this, on others, they say the dwarf angels
will get along in a 75 or larger tank. <Centropyge of all species
are better housed in large/r quarters> I like the Coral Beauty,
Bicolor, Eibli, Flame, and Half Black. Would two or three of any of
these get along in a 240 with lots of caves and hiding places? Teresa
<Likely so... though you might not see much of any of them so kept.
I would leave out the Eibl's and Half Black myself from this list.
Bob Fenner> Just a tid bit... re Success with Centropyge potteri - 05/13/2006 I wrote to you guys a while ago about keeping a Potters angel, and do realize that this is not an easy fish to keep. Just wanted to say that it's going on ten months now and this fish is doing wonderful. <Ah, good> I really believe that adding a refugium and setting up the tank with live rock and good lighting made the difference with this guy. His colors are unbelievable. the other thing that I think was important is to give this fish a lot of room, he's in a 75 gallon tank and no other dwarf angels, I just hope he stays healthy for a long time. wanted to pass this along to others Ron. <Thank you for this. You have likely saved many individuals of this Centropyge species. Bob Fenner> Aggression Towards Its Reflection - 04/03/06 Hi everyone. <<Hello!>> I've had a rusty angel for about 2 weeks now and he's been doing great. <<Ok>> Today, for the first time, I put a "seascape" background on the back panel of my tank. It's dark blue with plants, etc. <<Mmm, yes...know the type.>> Next thing I know, the rusty angel is "attacking" his reflection and bumping into the back and side walls of the tank. I think that the darker background on the tank has heightened his reflection in the side walls as well. <<Possibly>> I read on your site that I should tape paper to the sides of the tank to lessen the reflection. I've done that, but he still is bumping against the back wall. This has only just started happening within the past couple of hours (and I just put the background up around the same time this started). My questions are: 1. Is this behavior dangerous for the rusty and could he hurt himself? <<If the fish is not "slamming" itself against the tank wall it should be fine. I have seen this behavior often (my wrasses/Anthias go through this most every evening as the lights go dim) and rarely have I seen it result in injury to the fish.>> 2. Will he eventually outgrow this behavior, or do I have to remove the background paper (which I had thought was beneficial to the fish psyche)? <<I would leave the background if you like it...the angel may or may not "adjust".>> My other fish seem to be experiencing no such ill effects. <<Indeed...likely less territorial than the angel.>> Thanks as always for your expertise. Pam <<Always welcome. Regards, EricR (not an expert <G>, but a mere student of the hobby)>> Centropyge argi in a 20H - 2/26/2006 Would one of these guys be healthy and happy in a 20H? The only other fish would be a black ocellaris or a true percula. The tank would have lots of hiding places because of live rock and a little bit of filamentous algae for him to munch on. <<I wouldn't do it. Too small of a system for adequate grazing, lateral movement, and living room.>> Thanks for the help today and in the past. <<Glad to help. Lisa.>> Best regards, Travis Centropyge Potteri (Second name of species always in lowercase, mate) Centropyge potteri 11/3/05 Hi Bob, it's Ron from your native R.I, <Hi Ron, actually not Bob with you tonight, Adam J.> I picked up a Potter's angel about six weeks <<Proper name, capitalized, possessive means an apostrophe is to be used before the 's'. MH>> <That's a tough one.> <<Possessive, use apostrophe before 's'.>> ago and it's doing very well by itself in a 20 gallon tank with a refugium and skimmer on the tank. I know this fish will need a larger system soon <Yes.> and my 75 gallon tank is already full with a flame angel that is two years old. My question is to keep this potters (Potter's) healthy could I put him in a 30 gallon tank with maybe one two other fish. <In that size tank I would leave him alone, even then this fish require at least a 55-gallon tank as an adult with lots of LR to roam, that refugium you mentioned is a great asset to this fish as well.> I really believe it's doing so well because of the refugium and natural setting i have provided, i kept two others some time ago one faded away slowly the other was lost to a power head when the prefilter fell off. , what's the best way to go with this guy. Thanks Ron <Adam J.> Possible fin or tail rot?
9/7/05 Hi <Hello Jeri> I have a coral beauty angel that is
having some issues. We have a 46 gal tank. <Too small...> Wet/dry
filter, 2 powerheads, and a penguin bio wheel power filter (to
acclimate the wet/dry). We have 2 clowns, 1 coral beauty, 20 red leg
hermits, 7 turbo snails, 1 emerald crab, 1 cleaner shrimp (Super cool),
and a Condylactis anemone. And about 20lbs. live rock. Water conditions
are ammonia & nitrite 0, nitrate 30ppm, Salinity 1.022, <I would
raise, keep this near 1.025> Ph 8.2 & Temp 80 degrees. (which is
high, we normally run at 76 - 78 degrees). We just got back from
vacation and will remedy that problem. My Coral Beauty has what looks
to be fin or tail rot now. We thought the fish had
Lymphocystis and let it run its course. We just tried to keep water
quality good and fed healthy diet. <Good... this is what I would
have done> Now the spots have fallen off and it looks like in most
of the places the spots were he has holes. When we left him on Friday
he had 2 holes in his tail. LFS asked if he was eating, which he is
better than ever, and if the holes looked frayed. At that time they
were not. LFS said it could be one of the clowns and that usually when
you have a complete hole in the middle part of a fin that it is usually
a bite from another fish. Said to watch fish for changes. <Mmm,
no... very likely is water quality directed... from your wet-dry type
of filtration, stress from being in a small system...> Well we just
got back from vacation and the holes are frayed in the tail, the right
side of his mouth is white (looks swollen and discolored), and he seems
to have a nasty sore or ulcer on the ridge of his back. Also where he
had the largest of the white spots. He is eating and swimming better
than he ever has before. We are not sure what this is or what to do for
him. <Could, can modify the wet-dry, add other filtration moda...
DSB, Refugium, macro-algae... more live rock...> We do have a
hospital tank available for him, but we just don't know how to
treat him and our LFS is closed for 2 days. Our QT is 20 gal tank with
a blue damsel in it. We have a separator net we use when quarantining a
fish. Not sure what to do in the case of treating a fish. This tank has
a penguin BioWheel power filter as well, powerhead, airstone, and some
PVC. I guess my questions are: Do you know what is wrong with the Coral
Beauty? <Environment mostly, likely nutritional, social aspects
secondarily> What should we do about it? <Consider improving the
above> If he needs to be treated in the QT, do we need to remove the
biological filter? <Mmm, no benefit in moving this animal, not a
pathogenic disease...> I think that is everything. Sorry for the
long email, but I did searches on the FAQ about fin rot, white mouth,
& Lymphocystis couldn't find the help I needed. Thanks, Jeri
<No worries re length. State what you think is important (you have
done this well). Please start reading here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/mardisease.htm to gain an
understanding, more holistic view of what "disease" is...
then here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/centropyge/index.htm
for the linked FAQs files above on Centropyge "Systems",
"Disease/Health", and "Feeding". Bob
Fenner> Flame Angel in a 20 gallon? Thanks for your earlier advice. Off the top of your head, would you think I could put a Flame Angelfish in this tank (it would be alone in there, except for the small crab)? Tom >>>Hello again Tom, There are a few factors that determine whether or not a fish is appropriate for a given tank size. Not only the size of the fish comes into play, but it's activity level as well. Flame angels are VERY active fish, and use very inch of a 200 gallon aquarium. For this reason alone I would discourage keeping one in such a small tank. An argi angel (Centropyge argi) or C. acanthops would be much more comfortable in this system. They are also much more reliable in the hardiness department. Good luck! Jim<<< C. argi System Size Requirements? Hello, <Hi, Ryan with you today> I have tried looking through all of your information but cannot seem to find the answer. <No problem> I was wondering what your opinion is of putting a pair of Cherub Pygmy angels (Centropyge argi) together in a 55G tank, I have read different information concerning this specific species and introducing them as pairs. <I have had no issues with this combination in the past. They can, however, be a little nippy with some LPS. Good luck, Ryan> Thanks for all of your help. The Shy Angelfish? I bought a Multicolor Angel on 2/8. Right out of the bag, it swam around the tank and ate. <Good to hear! It's a neat fish! Do quarantine in the future, though, okay?> On 2/13 I cleaned the lens on my pc lights . I have 260 watts of pc lighting on the tank. Now it stays behind the rocks and will not come out into the open. When I feed, it eats what the current takes behind the rockwork. I can get good looks at it and see no signs of anything physically wrong. I am curious if the intensity of the lights has scared it into the subdued light behind the rockwork? I know the tank inhabitants are not harassing it. I also know the multi-color angel is a deep water fish. Any suggestions would be appreciated. <Well, that is a very interesting observation and question. There are a lot of thoughts on this- if you ask 10 people, you'll get 10 different answers. I believe that the fish, being a deep water species, does need a period of acclimation to adapt to a higher light intensity (another good case for quarantine!). It is also a somewhat shy fish, coming as it does from a rather cryptic, rubble-based environment, 60 -180 feet down. It may be a simple coincidence that the "shyness" started after you cleaned your lens. On the other hand, the fish simply might be settling in, and sort of "learning the landscape" of the tank. I'd venture to guess that, in time, the fish may start to overcome it's shyness and aversion to being out in the open, as many of my friend's specimens have. In fact, WWM Crew member Ian has a specimen of the notoriously shy Centropyge aurantius ("Golden Pygmy Angel") which he reports now swims in the open with his other inhabitants. Keep observing the fish carefully, and enjoy the show! Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Where Angels DON'T Fear To Tread! Thanks for your time and assistance, it's truly valued out here in reeferland. <And we really enjoy corresponding with our fellow fish nuts! Scott F. with you tonight...> I have been preparing my tank for the last few months to display a Centropyge multicolor and, as this fish costs about 5x any other living investment I have made, I am a little paranoid about my preparation. <I Don't blame you! It's a great fish, and can live a long time once it's settled in> I've written here a few times so a Google with broh will bring up my past questions - The tank is MUCH more grown out than these older pics show http://www.skimmerless.com/content/rig/12/. The quick of it - I had a pump failure about 6 months ago, and the consequent death left me saddened, but excited that I could restock closer to my original stocking plan. <Looks like a nice Centropyge environment to me!> The tank has gone about 3 months now with a school of 9 Chromis viridis as the only fish. The tank is 30x30x30 with a 55gal refuge. I have let the macro grow like wild, removing only the algae that interferes with the corals by shading, or growth. My parameters are the best they have ever been, with all levels at zero except Nitrate which tends to hang out a little below 5 ppm. <Still quite acceptable, and can drop to undetectable levels with continued good husbandry procedures> I have been reading through the FAQs here and whatever I could find on the web about this fish. I am curious about specific algae that this fish will take. I'd feel awfully silly if all the Caulerpas (racemosa, mexicana) Dictyota I grow are not of interest to the fish. <Well, this fish is usually found among rubble on steep outer reef slopes, so macroalgae may form a more limited part of its diet. However, if well maintained, the macroalgae can perform other valuable services, such as serving as a fine nutrient export mechanism, and acting as a haven for useful food items, such as amphipods, etc.> The only other question I have is about lighting. The tank was aquascaped with hiding in mind - so there are lots of caves and almost completely dark areas, however, there is still close to 1000W pouring into this tank. Should I reduce my 10000k lamp schedule and rely on the 20000k more to simulate a deeper environment? <It certainly couldn't hurt...It will certainly lend a more "realistic" look to the tank> The only other fish in the tank will be the Chromis, a blue spot jaw, and possibly a fairy wrasse in the future. Thanks. Bill Roh <Sounds like a nice mix. I like your approach to keeping this unique fish! It's very cool to plan a biotope around a fish's special needs. Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Angels (system) the "Rusty Angel" in direct comparison to the Coral Beauty for my 29g tank? <Both species need more room. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/centropyge/index.htm and the FAQs beyond. Bob Fenner> Rockin' In The Rubble!
(Creating a Rubble Zone For Centropyge) Crew: Current setup: 55gal
FOWLR w/inverts (snails and hermits), 39lbs. LR, 4-6" DSB, 800gph
flow, 10gal QT. I am interested in two Centropyge Angels: loricula and
flavissima. I have formed the opinion that they could both
work in my aquarium (feel free to insert rebuttal here). <Rebuttal:
It can work in a large tank, but in a tank less than 5-6 feet in
length, it could be a constant battle between the two fishes...I'd
be hesitant to try this in a 55> On your Centropyge pages it is
written: "Habitat: Consists of coral and rock rubble, with lots of
caves and crannies." I would like to add some rubble to
benefit these fish (if not for the sheer joy of saying
"rubble" every time I show someone my tank ;D). <Dude-
you're speaking my language! I always refer to one of my tanks as a
"simulated rubble zone" (yep- I'm a fish geek...)>
Should I: a) buy it packaged? <Nah!> b) "hammer" out my
own from live or base rock? <That's what I'd do, or get
smaller pieces of LR from your LFS- they'll love you for it when
you buy 10lbs of 2-3 inch pieces of rubble...you'd be surprised at
how much rubble it takes to get a pound of live rock rubble) c) use
crushed coral that I already have? d) don't bother, it's a
waste of time/nothing but trouble? e) none of the above? <Again,
I'd either buy some smaller rubble-sized pieces, or take out a
hammer and smash out some on your own> Also, what is a good
"rule of thumb" (not that again!) for number of "caves
and crannies" for my aquatic animals? Is 1 or 2 hiding
places per fish good enough? Thanks a million, Rich.
<I'd create as many nooks and crannies as you can to offer
numerous territories and hiding places for your fishes, even if
you're just going to keep one Centropyge (I'd go for the Flame
Angel myself..). And I DO encourage you to keep just one in this
tank...but you could add some cool blennies and other small fishes for
an interesting rubble setup. Rock on (I couldn't resist that one)!
Regards, Scott F> Questions about Bi-Color
Angels Hi Bob, <<JasonC here, Bob is away diving>> Had
a quick question: I have a 25 Gallon mini reef, that's been going
for over a year, and I just picked up a Bicolor Angel, I was wondering
if this fish might be too big for my tank, or do you think it would be
fine? Thanks! David <<well, I suppose the simple answer is yes -
these can grow to 6" and that's a pretty big fish for a 25.
Additionally, angels require top water quality and as such, a 25 is of
a size small enough to have accidental/drastic changes that could do-in
your angel. Do read up, if you haven't already on Bob's
thoughts on the Dwarf angels: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/centropy.htm
- Cheers, J -- >> Advice on Stocking a 20 Robert, <<Not Robert, but JasonC filling in while he's away diving.>> Hi, My wife and I are new to this hobby of saltwater aquarist. We currently have a jewel damsel in our 20 gallon Eclipse tank. The invertebrates consist of a red-legged hermit crab and 4 live rocks. Would it be wise to introduce a Flame Angel (Centropyge loricula), since the damsel seems well established in his surroundings. <<You could house a flame angel in this tank for a little while, but I think that would be about it and you'd need to upgrade at some point if you wanted to keep the angel happy. Things can go awry pretty quick in a tank of this size, and angels are quite sensitive to water quality.>> Later we are thinking of adding a Coral Beauty (Centropyge bispinosus) and these three fish would be all we would have due to the limited space. <<Due to your limited space, I don't think you could house both these fish and expect them both to live.>> Your response to these questions would greatly be appreciated, since we are new to this hobby, <<You should read up on Pygmy Angels: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/centropy.htm >> Thanks, Chris and Cheryl <<Cheers, J -- >> Dwarf Angel in a dwarf system... big problems? Hello, <Hi there> Quick question for your Q&A board- I have recently purchased a Bi-colored angel- I watched him eat in the store before purchasing. I brought him home and he ate the day I put him in the tank and the 2 days following that- He was eating Krill, bring shrimp and Caulerpa (plants). A few days later I tested the water (which was fine) and added a Royal Gramma. Since then the Angel has not eaten- He picks the rocks a little but stays hidden- His color is good and he doesn't look sick but he hides often and won't eat. The Royal Gramma doesn't seem to bother anyone in the tank so I don't think that it is a Quarrel. <Might be bothered just the same> Since then I have tried smashing Angel food (formula???) into the cracks in the rocks near his hide out but he won't come out and look at me, much less eat in front of me- Any suggestions? Could it be grazing enough to stay full? <I hope so... see below> One more thing- was it a mistake to add a Bi-colored angel to a 30Gl reef tank in the long run? <Yes. Too small a space to culture enough food on live rock etc... I would trade this fish in for something smaller. Perhaps one of the dwarf-dwarf Angels of the tropical West Atlantic... Centropyge argi, C. aurantonotus... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/centropyge/index.htm and the linked FAQs files therein. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Hank Dwarf Angel, Marine question A few days ago I purchased a Coral Beauty to add to my 50 gal. fish-only tank. To make my other fish (three-striped damsel, yellow-tail damsel, niger trigger, two cleaner wrasses) less territorial, I rearranged the tank at the time of introduction. Since then, the Coral Beauty has tended to hover in about three places in the tank, tilted back (head up) at about a 60 degree angle - when swimming from place to place, it does level out. It has also not eaten readily when I placed veggie flakes or lettuce in the tank. <A very bad sign... likely this specimen was "damaged" in collection, handling, shipping from the wild... And your tank... is too crowded... and likely frightening to the Angel... with the Trigger, two cleaners...> The other fish are not being aggressive towards it and quite often the trigger casually passes right beside or in front of it. The wrasses have picked at the sides of it from time to time. The damsels are much smaller and have left it alone. Should I be concerned about this unusual (to me) hovering angle of the fish - it just looks like it's having to swim harder to stay in one place. <Yes, very concerned... if you had a more aged, live-rock-containing system that this fish could be in by itself that would be ideal... Otherwise, only time will/can tell whether the specimen stays alive, resumes swimming normally. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Shawn Re: Revised Stock List Thanks for the input, A few questions however: 1) Instead of the Butterflyfish would it be possible to add a flame angel? <To the same forty gallon? No... I wouldn't place one of these Centropyge in anything smaller than a sixty> If I add the angel after the tank is running for a long time (months at least) would there be enough to eat if I also provide supplementary veggies? Would the angel pick on the anemone (probably not with the clownfish) or the soft coral? If yes, would this cause too much damage to worry? Also, would the flame angel become too aggressive with the other fish listed below? <If this system were larger, probably, maybe, doubtful and not to me> Lots of questions in one. 2) Would you recommend more than one neon goby? <In this size system, no> 3) How would a blackcap Basslet (Gramma melacara) go with the other items below? <The tank is too small... you'd have to leave most everything else out... Bob Fenner> Thanks again, Kevin
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