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Salt Water questions; stkg. Ecsenius, Cirrhilabrus,
vacuuming fine sand, mas... 8/31/13 Blenny & Hermit Crab Compatibility, in sm. SW
8/28/12 Midas Blenny Hi Bob (or whoever might be working this shift), <Steven here this evening as the impending storm has chased me inside.> It is the 40 gal. gal again-- haven't had a tank to comment on--or much else having just moved to LFS deprived Albuquerque. Anyway, things are going to slowly with my tank--esp.... slowly since they can't seem to get me a tank yet. Anyway, I have taken my old discussion of Midas blennies over to reefcentral. There was an interesting spin on it which I thought someone would like to see over here. Several folk have discussed (Steve Pro, for one) that they maybe aren't the great beginner fish that they were thought to be. I am trying to figure the whole thing out as I would love to keep one (and also it's an interesting topic in the absence of real fish :-}) But not if it is just going to die on me in 8 months or so. If you'll remember the discussion was that they will do great for 8-12 months only to decline slowly. <Yes, do remember the discussion.> Several comments in the original discussion were dietary lack and/or lack of a schooling fish to be with. <Not so much strictly dietary in the nutritional sense as the frequency of feedings. These fish always seem to lose weight over time and relate this to living with and sharing the same foods as Anthias.> But does this mean that fish diets are *worse*? Or that the Midas was previously provided with a school of fish? <Probably neither.> Here's a bit of a quote from the reef fish moderator: "I'm not sure what's going on in these tanks. Normally, these are supposed to be very hardy fish. I know people who have kept them a lot longer than 2 years. I wonder if there's been a change in collection or shipping practices. It wouldn't be the first time something like this has happened. For example, 5 or 6 years ago elegance corals were considered a good beginner coral. Take a look at the poll in main discussion forum, and several threads over the last few years and you'll see that most people have a hard time keeping them alive now. It's been hypothesized that a big part of the problem has been a change in the collection and storage of them, and so they're not coming in as healthy. I wonder if one of the big collectors of Midas blennies is having problems like this. <Also implied use of drugs or . Dave" <I believe the problem with Elegance corals is where they are collected now and not so much the shipping or holding.> A couple other speculations are that the fish needs a mate to thrive. My final comment was maybe the bar is raised. It isn't enough anymore to keep a fish 6 months and say you are doing great. Wilkerson comments that anemones were thought to be tough because they lived for 6 months, but not anymore. Do you have any comments on all this?? <Anthony & I were discussing this last night before going out for Sushi. The strongest possibility was what you mentioned, that many fish did not last long and twenty years ago a fish that lasted 8 months was hardy. I still believe the underlying cause is feeding frequency which could be overcome with a large tank (over 100 gallons), a refugium, and frequent feedings with good food (Mysis, plankton, Seawater Zooplankton, etc.).> Hope you are doing fine, your fishless friend in the desert. -des/Jane <Catch you on the Forum later. -Steven Pro> Midas blennies in captivity? Hi Bob, If you have time you may be catching our discussion on WWF re: my Midas Blenny's death. And not that I wish to knock myself in the head about it. I would like to find out why to prevent further such incidents. <Have seen such> The idea I am getting is that Midas Blennies may not be the great beginner fish they are thought to be. <Agreed> And I am even thinking here I am not quite the rank beginner either. At least I don't talk like one. :-) But here is what I am getting from the discussion: 1. This is not unlike others experience with these fish. (Including Zo-- who has a lot more experience than I). 2. The diet may require large amounts of plankton. <Yes, this is so> I have a refugium, but perhaps it failed to produce at some stage. I was growing Caulerpa and it didn't want to grow. Most aquarists (especially new ones) do not have refugiums yet. 3. This is a schooling fish who seeks the company of Anthias in the wild. <Mmm, no, not really. Found associated with many other fishes.> Perhaps my Blenny sought out the Clarkiis as pseudo Anthias (they weren't orange but oh well). When I had to pull them the blenny was scared. And this is my term depressed. (I am not so sure that fish can't be depressed. They can certainly be scared.) Perhaps a good captive display might be some Anthias and the Midas blenny. (Of course this would require a big tank. And Anthias are considered advanced fish.) <Yes> Anyway, I would definitely appreciate your take on this neat little fish. Though I believe my next blenny will be a bicolor which Zo and Steve both consider a hardier creature. <Other Ecsenius species (than E. midas) are better for captive use. Bob Fenner> --des/Jane Ecsenius blennies hi bob & co., I've long been a fan of the Ecsenius blennies, having had a couple bicolors and a midas without problems for several years. <Some of my fave fish species... had some nice pix from a few weeks back of "heads" in holes in sponges, corals... made in N. Sulawesi... but I don't seem to be able to "import" color settings for the new slide scanner (Nikon 4000) that I like...> with the possible exception of my shrimp/goby pair (Stonogobiops yasha w/ tiger pistol shrimp), these were easily my favorites. I'm now hunting for a mimic blenny (Ecsenius gravieri), but I was wondering about some other Ecsenius species that might be available since they were listed on your site. do you know if blennies like lineatus or axelrodi are ever available for the home aquarium? <Only very rarely as far as I've ever encountered... and a bit strange in that there are quite a few of these specimens about underwater, and near the sorts of other organisms collected with similar gear (fine mesh low fence nets... and fishes like Rainford's, other Amblygobius...) and would sell... The one downside to their collection (other than the founder effect of no one ordering because they haven't seen them, so no one catches them because no one orders them...) is that they're ding-dang mean toward each other (very territorial) by species, similar species... so they would have to either be collected individually (expensive) or put in individual specimen containers underwater... Perhaps someone (you?) will aquaculture them... no harder than pseudochromids.> my research thus far says no, but I thought I'd ask an expert just to make sure. what's the best way to go about finding such hard-to-find species if they are occasionally available for the home aquarist? <Either to have "friends in the right places"... on the import end, who can/will look for "oddballs" (there are always these) on arrival... Maybe try Marine Center (link on the top right shared border on WWM), as they do get an amazing mix of species... mainly high-end but they may have a good lead in turn.> thanks for your time & all the great info on your site. Chris <Thank you for being part of it. Bob Fenner> Blennies (Ecsenius Sp.) 10/19/05 We don't see much written about the tail spot blenny (Ecsenius stigmatura). <Understandable it's not such a common offering.> We're looking for a small fish who will help keep the green hair algae in check. This is our only concern so far in the few weeks that we've had the fish in my tank which was first cycled by the live rock. <Care for the Ecsenius stigmatura is relatively easy care should be very similar to that of blennies in the Ecsenius Genus such as the Bi-Color Blenny (Ecsenius bicolor). Provide a tank with plenty of live rock for grazing accompanied by a varied diet and you should be fine.> We have a 40 gallon with 30 lbs. live rock, 2 green Chromis (Chromis viridis), 1 false percula (Amphiprion ocellaris), 2 cleaner shrimp (Lysmata amboinensis), 6 blue leg hermit crabs (Clibanarius sp.), 6 Astrea Conehead snails, and 6 red leg hermit crabs (unsure of genus / species). Future plans include a royal Gramma and a wrasse (you've helped me narrow the wrasse choice in a previous message). <Ok.> Also corals (Fungia sp., Actinodiscus sp, and Sarcophyton sp.) and on the wish list. I've read your cautions about having the hermit crabs once we more into the corals. <Risk varies depending on the species.> Thanks for the prior advice. <No problem and good luck. Adam J.> Rejuvenating a very sad tank? And Midas Blenny? - 03/22/06 Hi Guys and Gals (hey a hit musical?), <Maybe...> Anyway, I have a problem and can't seem to find any type of answer to this. I asked it on the forum and didn't get any sort of answers. I have a 40 gal breeder which I kept quite nicely (even moved from Chicago to Albuquerque) for years. Then I had a point where I wasn't making enough money to keep the tank going. <Yikes... got to move!> I decided I would do the very minimum. I fed the fish, I did very few water changes, and kept the water topped off (sort of). The tank looked like a cesspool but the fish and other critters stayed alive. The neon goby and shrimp were 2 years old and the bicolor blenny and clown over 4. My financial position has changed, so I am trying to reboot the tank. I have so far added a new light unit (Orbit with 2 96 watt bulbs), an RO system, and have a new blue spotted Jawfish in QT (no, I am not that rich-- it was a special treat to myself). <Do keep the tank top covered!> I added a whole bunch of sand and have done a few (plan for more) large water changes (about 9 gal) and am planning more. I have treated Aiptasia by putting shrimp with LR (that was prior to the new sand and all). I plan on putting a phosphate sponge in the filter next time around or so. I also will be redoing the refugium. (Oh yes, and a very good top!!!) <Ah, good> In the process of all that rearrangement etc. I lost the blenny and the neon, as well as the shrimp. :-( It is showing improvement, with clearer water, but I have a nice crop of diatoms. Anything else I should be doing?? <Mmm, nope... slow and steady as she goes... with your plans> Since I lost the blenny, I have been thinking again about a Midas Blenny. I really like this fish and like it better than the bicolor. We had a discussion awhile ago about keeping them and seemed to decide that they are not as hardy as the bicolor. Perhaps it is a dietary thing? <Maybe... I find them about equal...> I was wondering since the foods have been getting better if it might be worth another try. Although I can't seem to keep Sweetwater zooplankton fresh for more than a week, there is Cyclop-Eeze, as well as New Life Spectrum (don't know if there is anything special in there but I am impressed with it), as well as the usual Mysid, etc. Any thoughts on this? <All should be accepted> Thanks ahead of time, --des <Good to "see/have you back". Bob Fenner> Midas Blenny - Hardy or not? - 2/4/2006 I realize that people can only speak from experience, so I'm not trying to criticize... rather, I am seeking clarification. On this page http://www.wetwebmedia.com/blenselfaqs.htm One person (Cody) says that the Midas Blennies one of the most hardy blennies, and then lower Steve says that they are NOT very hardy. So is this a hardy fish, or not? -Jeff- <Not to be (or even appear) disingenuous, but both statements can be/are correct. Ecsenius species that have been "well-collected, housed, shipped"... and provided for (large environment, clean, well-aerated water, lots of healthy live rock, not crowded, or housed with antagonistic fish tankmates... are exceedingly hardy, interesting captives. Now, in reality, most are starved, beat on arrival, stuck in too-new systems with bullies, and further stressed, starved to death... Get healthy specimen/s (usually only one to a tank unless it's huge), quarantine briefly (making sure they're well-fed daily), and place in a proper environment and you'll see. Bob Fenner> Midas Blenny Hardiness Clarification - 01/09/2006 Hey guys, <Nicholas> I was reading over your site, and wanted to clear something up. <Will try> On http://www.wetwebmedia.com/blenselfaqs.htm , Cody says: Blennies (6/24/03) <Hey! You got Cody today!> Hello. Is there a blenny that is hardier than others?<I like the Midas and Redlip blennies as far as hardiness goes. Cody> And at the bottom of the page Steven Pro says: Midas Blenny To Steve Pro or any of you knowledgeable people - Hi on a Sunday AM. Steve, I was wondering why you thought a Midas Blenny would not be a good idea for my two tanks. <Generally not very hardy. They feed very frequent feedings of plankton substitutes, much like the Anthias they mimic.> I wanted a small yellow friendly guy to put in with my two black and white clowns. Bob gives it a rave review in his book. <Not in my copy> Does he grow too big or what? (The tank is 29 gallons) I was also planning to put one in my 60 gallon tank. Do you know of other small yellow friendly fellows who are community-types and are fish? <Gobiodon citrinus or G. okinawae> Thanks for your continued help on stocking my tank. Am still planning on the fairy wrasse for my 60 gallon tank. Are there different kinds of fairy wrasses <Many> and if so should I beware of any particular one? <Please see here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/cirrhilabrus/index.htm> The current crew is one clown, one pygmy angel and one royal Gramma. Still plan to add 3 Chromis and one more clown to that tank. Fishfully yours, Connie Cavan <Have a nice weekend. -Steven Pro> Can someone say which of these is the better voice? Thanks, Nick <Mmm, well, they are (of a necessity) individual voices. I am more of the leaning of Steven Pro here... there is a huge range (and assemblage) of blennies, blennioid fishes... for given size, type settings, some are far more/less hardy than others. Ecsenius species by and large do well in uncrowded, not-too aggressive settings, with plenty of live rock. Bob Fenner> |
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