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Filtration Question
12/31/11 H.O.T. Magnum 250 canister
filer/Filtration/Mechanical 12/7/11 FOWLR and DSB
(application/efficacy) -- 10/26/11 Off-Grid 90 Gal. FOWLR
Filtration - 2/9/11 Filtration Questions
9/9/10 Small FOWLR
filtration 1/18/10 Re: Small FOWLR filtration 17.01.09,
reading 1/23/10 FOWLR Cycling, 1/19/10 Small FOWLR
filtration 1/18/10 30g FOWLR, filtr.
12/19/09 FOWLR: Canister Filters: Useful or no?
3/25/2009 Refugium and FOWLR 3/12/2009 Bio Balls in FOWLR Tank FOWLR Sys Filtration 3/1/2009 Hi there, <Hi Thai!> I'm currently running a 375 gallon (1420 litres) salt water tank with a sump. <Nice system!> I have bio-balls as part of my filtration but upon reading up on your site, most of your crew recommend removing them. <In a heavily stocked or fish only (FO) tank they are useful. In an appropriately stocked and well maintained FOWLR, they are unnecessary.> The bio balls are fully submerged and I haven't yet stocked any fish, but is it necessary for me to remove the bio-balls? <I would remove them, and then grow some Chaetomorpha in the sump> I have 100kg (220 lbs) of live rock and a skimmer which is slightly under-rated for my tank. <How much\what kind of substrate do you have?> I've got 2 power heads in the tank each rated for 12000 litres/hour (3170 gal\hr) and the return pump is rated for 3600 litres/hour (950 gal\hr). <Impressive water flow!> Skimmer is 1300 litres/hour (343 gal/hr). <Agreed, a bit under-rated for your tank> Do I need to beef up the filtration if I am to stock the tank with emperor angel & blue ring angel, couple of small triggers, butterflies and chromis? <Personally, with a set up such as this, I would invest in a larger skimmer, with a rating of approximately 2000 litres\hr (500+ gal/hr) Any advice would be greatly appreciated. <See Above> Thanks <My Pleasure!> Thai Pham <Mike> Equipment choices on a new system. 2/15/09 Hello WWM Crew, <Hello Corey.> I'm setting up a new FOWLR and Hardy Inverts tank. I haven't kept aquaria in almost 20 years and I know the hobby has changed a lot in the meantime. <Indeed!> So I'm doing as much research as possible (Fenner, Michael, Paletta, misc. forums). I think I've got my equipment list and livestock desires together and wondered if you could give any suggestions on it. Picked up a used 65G (used for freshwater) that I've cleaned (vinegar) and disinfected (peroxide). I'll be adding approximately 50 lbs. of Fiji live rock and about 2" of live sand. An Eheim Pro II 2026 or 2028 (running with carbon, and anything else you'd recommend.) Two Hydor Koralia 1 powerheads on a simple wavemaker, and an Aqua C Remora Pro skimmer. For the lighting I was initially going to get a Current USA Sundial 156 watt T5 fixture (love the integrated timers and moon lights), but am now leaning towards the 36" 234 watt Nova Extreme Pro as I want to shoot for a BTA at some point (is this enough light?). <Should be. The anemone should settle higher up in the tank with this lighting.> As for livestock I plan to have (over time of course) an Ocellaris Clown, a Yellow Tang, some sort of dwarf angel, and a couple of Flasher Wrasse (undecided), a Cleaner Shrimp, and a BTA for the clown (this is the whole point of my system actually and I know lighting is crucial). I'd love to add a refugium at some point so that I can support copepods for a Mandarin, and macroalgae. Is this too much of a bioload? <Not from a bioload perspective, but I must say I am not a fan of keeping any tang in a 36" long tank. These fish appreciate and thrive with space to swim.> Thanks for all the information you folks have shared already. Corey <Welcome Corey, one more point of input on this. With your skimmer and live rock the only benefit the canister will give you is running carbon. If you feel the need to do so, you can do this far cheaper for now with a little power filter. Later, when you set up the refugium you can incorporate a little filtration area in which to run the carbon. Scott V.> Re: Equipment choices on a new system, FOWLR 2/17/09 Thanks for the input Scott. <Welcome.> Based on your advice I'll switch the Yellow Tang for a Lemonpeel Angel and leave some room for an algae cleaning crew if necessary. <Do be sure to read http://www.wetwebmedia.com/c_flavissimus.htm, be careful with selection of the angel, be picky!> I appreciate the tip on the power filter. Think I'll go with a Hagen Aquaclear 70. <It is a more reasonable option.> I want to tell you folks how great you are. This is the best FAQ/Resource I've found. Keep it up! <Thanks Corey!> Thanks again, Corey <Welcome, have fun, Scott V.> Filtration Challenge, FOWLR 03/10/2008 Hello, <<G'Morning, Andrew today>> Great site! I am setting up a 125 gallon FOWLR tank. I have two storage locations beneath my stand for a sump but unfortunately neither is large enough for a wet/dry filter rated for 125 gal. The two compartments are 17" wide x 19" deep x 24 1/2" high each. The guy at my LFS said he could build a custom filter about 15" high (so I could access the filter pads etc.), but it would only hold about 20 gal. of water, which isn't quite enough for a tank this size. He said I need at least 20 percent of the water volume of the main tank in the sump, so he suggested I place a smaller wet/dry filter in one of the compartments and a pump with an additional reservoir of water in the other compartment. <<Sounds feasible>> The water would flow from the tank into the wet/dry filter and then into the additional reservoir of water (where I would place the protein skimmer if it doesn't fit in the wet/dry filter) and then get pumped back into the tank. Does the additional reservoir of water sound like a good idea? <<it does sound like a viable solution to me. How much live rock do you have in the system??>> Is it the volume of water in the sump that matters or the amount of bio-media, or both? <<A lot is to do with water volume as well as filter media. A larger volume of water is going to aid in stability>> Will my tank suffer because I don't have the amount of bio-media suggested for this size of tank? Would it be better to do two wet/dry filters rated for 75 gal. tanks? <<As asked above, how much live rock do you have in the tank? Answer that question first, and we'll take it from there. Thanks for the help, Brendon <<Thanks for the question. A Nixon>> Filtration Set-up Question, FOWLR 1/5/08 Hey Crew, <Hello Jonathan.> I learned something the hard way. When my boy was 3, I told him that we would get him a fish tank when he turned 5. I never thought he would remember as we never brought the idea up again. He turns 5 in February and randomly blurted out a couple of months ago, "I get a fish tank when I turn 5!" <It is amazing what they remember, the exact same thing happen with my nephew.> So I'm in the process of researching setting up a FOWLR tank that is on a very tight budget. I got a 46 gallon bowfront tank (36 X 16 X 20), am planning on getting about 40lbs of live rock, a 192w power-compact lighting system, will do some sort of protein skimmer, and am struggling to decide what is the best option for filtration under a budget of about $250 (that money would be for protein skimmer and anything else). I hope to one day, have a Royal Gramma, Ocellaris Clownfish, Bicolor Blenny, Coral Beauty Angel, maybe a 6-line Wrasse, and then some cleaner shrimp. My LFS suggested I get an All Flo Freedom Filter, however I've read a lot of mixed reviews about its ability to protein skim. <Not to talk ill of a product, but I personally don't like these.> I had a reef tank 5 years ago that had Live Rock and a Berlin Protein Skimmer and that was it. It did okay. I've been reading about setting up sumps/refugiums, but worry I can't get that done on a $250 budget and still get a good skimmer. <Yes tough to do.> What would you do? Should I just get a good protein skimmer a save to set a refugium type thing in a year or 2, get some mechanical filtration, I'm just a bit lost in all the options and varied opinions. Can you help me. <Well, a protein skimmer would definitely be number one priority. An AquaC Remora will come under your budget and give good performance. A sump is not a necessity, many successful tanks do not use one. The other thing to do is to look through your local classifieds or Craigslist and find a used setup. Some amazing deals can be had here if you are patient. If you are at all handy with do it yourself, they are easy enough to build or adapt from another tank, or even Rubbermaid bins.> Thanks a lot. I appreciate the trustworthy wealth of information you provide. Jonathan <Very welcome, I do encourage you to read through the FAQ's on DIY sumps, it is not too difficult to do, Scott V.> http://wetwebmedia.com/refugconstfaqs.htm http://wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_3/cav3i1/Baffles/baffles.htm Filtration, FOWLR 10/20/07 Hello all, great website as usual, I have a quick question about my tank. It is a 125 gallon FOWLR and I used to have crushed coral and a UGF on it. As per our conversations, I pulled the CC and UGF plates and switched over to live sand successfully with no livestock loss. I used to have two Fluvals, but one of them stopped working. I used a single Fluval 403 with all the media removed and filled with live rock rubble. My question is this. Should I spend money on a Nu clear canister filter, or an Aqua C Remora Pro? <Definitely the latter over the former> Which will provide me more benefit? I am planning on both eventually, but which one would you recommend first? <... the skimmer. I would not buy/use another canister filter here... I would place a sump, refugium if you have the room, inclination...> I appreciate your quick response as usual, but need to know this as I am supposed to meet a guy later tonight or tomorrow morning to buy his Nu Clear filter. Any insight you can give me would be much appreciated. Douglas M. Payne Jr. <Bob Fenner> Re: Filtration FOWLR - 10/20/07 Awesome, that's what I was thinking actually. Don't know why I got on the canister filter kick. Is it acceptable to use a closed loop system with suction and return instead of overflows with the sump??? <Absolutely! Please take a look at http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marsetupindex2.htm and browse through the section entitled 'Circulation, Pumps, Aeration' - Brian Griffin > Filtration For 55-Gallon FOWLR - 09/10/07 Good Day, <<Hello>> I have a 55gal saltwater FOWLR tank. Currently there is about 25 lbs of live rock, 1-inch of sugar-fine sand, a Whisper 60 filter, a Berlin Airlift 60 protein skimmer, and an Aquaclear 70 powerhead. <<Hmmm...equipment/filtration choices could be better, and there is need for more/better water movement here>> For fish, I have two 1-inch Yellow Tailed Damsels. I plan on removing the 2 damsels and placing them into a separate tank. I would like to slowly add a Saddle Puffer, a Blenny (either Bicolor or Lawnmower), a smaller butterfly (not sure which yet.. will research) and a smaller Mono (that has been slowly acclimated to full marine conditions and will be moved to a larger tank within 2 years). <<A few comments... The Mono is a true marine fish and always best kept in full-strength marine systems...and yes, will need a bigger tank than you have now. A Butterfly may work out, but a swift and agile Dwarf Angel species may do better as the Toby is likely to get "nippy"... Centropyge loricula gets my vote. And obviously, you are going to need to augment/get better filtration>> I have a few questions. <<Okay>> First, it's about my protein skimmer. There are 2 sizes of wooden air stones. The smaller size fits in the tubing but doesn't produce nearly enough bubbles, while the larger sized produces enough bubbles, but doesn't fit in the tubing, and the air goes up both chambers. I've tried taking out one level of the tubing but it doesn't seem to work that well. My air pump is older but I've checked for any kinks in the tubing and I'm sure it's working fine. It's a large sized pump. Any suggestions to remedy the air-problem? <<This sounds like a result of poor engineering/design re the Berlin skimmer. You could try carving "custom" air stones from Basswood (can be found at most "hobby" stores) to maximize available space, but your time/effort/monies would be better spent upgrading from this less than adequate skimmer. My suggestion for your current setup would be the AquaC Remora or Remora-Pro>> Second, I would like to add a second filter to increase the anticipated filtration needed with the added livestock. <<Indeed>> I have read many articles, and it seems like the Aquaclear 50 or 70 would be preferred over adding a second Whisper 60 filter, but I'm not sure. <<Maybe...but like the Whisper filter it will require diligent care to prevent buildup/decomposition of nitrogenous waste while providing little in the way of biological filtration. I think you would be better served with a fluidized-bed filter as these don't accumulate detritus like the other filters and are able to "ramp up" quickly with changing bio-loads>> I have a smaller tank setup with an Aquaclear, and like the functionality as well as the options for filtration. Should I bother adding another filter? <<I think some additional biological filtration will be needed/have benefit, yes>> If so, should I add the Aquaclear or the Whisper (or any other suggested filter?) <<The fluidized-bed filter...as stated>> Third, if I do add the Aquaclear, should I keep the 3 stages of filtration as is, or would trying "3 stages" of activated carbon work? <<Mmm, yes...if you go with this type filter, carbon and Poly-Filter will serve better than merely "trapping" particulates with a mechanical filter material>> Thank you (all) for the incredible amount of knowledge and information I've gained through this site!!!! Eric <<We're all quite happy to share. Do also consider adding a sump for the additional water volume and space for ancillary equipment...as well as a vegetable refugium with DSB for organics/nitrate removal along with a slew of other benefits. Oh yeah...don't forget to add more water movement in the display...the fish will appreciate it and the system as whole will benefit. Regards, EricR>> Re: Filtration For 55-Gallon FOWLR - 09/10/07 Eric, <<Eric>> Thank you for the quick response. <<Quite welcome>> I've been around saltwater aquariums for only about 6 months or so, and my roommate (who introduced me to freshwater a year ago) has had freshwater for about 5 years... <<Thank you for this...is always helpful to know the experience level of those I'm trying to assist so I can ascertain the depth of explanation required. And while we're sharing...I set up my first fish-only marine system in 1977...began with freshwater keeping some years before this>> and neither of us have really heard of Fluidized-Bed filters, even though I read WWM about 10 hours per week since the start of my saltwater tank... <<I see...some helpful reading here (http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fluidbedfaqs.htm), as well as here for more general marine filtration (http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/setup/filtration/marineFiltr.htm). Do be sure to follow/read among the associated links in blue as well>> So I will definitely read about them in WWM. <<Ah...very good>> In the meantime, can you make some quick suggestions as to a good brand (just like you did with the Skimmer?) <<Mmm, not a lot of choices really...try a keyword search on the NET for QuickSand and/or Rainbow fluidized-bed filters>> And if I get an excellent skimmer such as the ones mentioned below, will I still need to add an additional filter, such as the Fluidized-Bed or Aquaclear/Whisper? <<Maybe not...will depend much on your stocking level and species selection. But the fluidized-bed filter is a "good to have" device for a FOWLR tank that is fairly inexpensive and easy to install...worth doing anyway, in my opinion>> I will definitely purchase more powerheads to increase water movement. <<Excellent...do also read here (http://www.wetwebmedia.com/circmarart.htm)>> I have also been thinking... (a lot about my stocking plan) I figure it's better for the fish - stress, health (and my pocketbook) if I go very slowly and plan out my fish purchases first. <<I am much in agreement>> But about the Centropyge loricula - (actually, I was leaning toward the Lemonpeel angel... as a consideration instead of the butterfly) <<The Lemonpeel is a much more delicate species...definitely not for the novice/for this 55g system>> Let's say I don't purchase the puffer, would the Chaetodon auriga be a more hardy addition than a pygmy angel? <<This is a very good "aquarium suitable" species of butterfly...and I think this would be the better long-term solution for you/your tank over the Toby>> I agree with you about the fin nipping of the puffer, and that's another area for research. <<Indeed>> Further, will the Mono be OK with the puffer? <<Probably...for a time...is very quick>> Do you foresee any issues with the pygmy angel or the butterfly? (He was my first fish, and is in full marine conditions now, but is a bit skittish, and VERY fast). <<Will be okay as far as compatibility I think...but as you already know, the Mono needs a bigger tank>> Thanks again for all the help. Eric <<Happy to assist. Eric Russell>> R2: Filtration For 55-Gallon FOWLR - 09/12/07 Eric, <<Eric>> Once again, thanks for the help. <<My pleasure>> I've been reading about the fluidized-bed filters and I'm not really sold on it yet. <Oh?>> From what I've been reading, it looks like it's mostly for highly fluctuating bioloads and/or large tanks with heavy bioloads -- mostly in the beginning stages of cycling, correct? <<Mmm...is not just for "the beginning stages." And as for highly fluctuating bioloads...that is why I recommend them as this is a prevalent condition with heavily stocked systems and/or systems with messy feeders...both being very common to FO and FOWLR systems>> Either way, I'll read more. <<Okay>> This is actually a pretty exciting time, as I'm reading and doing a lot of research about fish. <<Excellent>> I've probably seriously thought about a dozen different fish that I'd like to add. <<Do feel free to bounce your choices off me once you get down to your short-list>> I'm not sure yet. <<And no need to rush it>> As for the question about the skimmer, the reading I've done in regard to the skimmers suggests I should ditch the skimmer I currently have and upgrade to a better model. <<Is my opinion as well>> Luckily the skimmer came included with a great deal on a 30 gal tank I currently have set up, so it won't be much of a monetary loss. <<I see>> As for the skimmer, I'm thinking of an AquaC Remora hang on variety. <<Is an excellent choice>> Those are pretty expensive though. Are there sites that I could find those on for cheap? (Besides Ebay, Craigslist, etc.) <<Hmm, not that I am aware...but the couple-hundred dollars spent on a quality skimmer for your system is cheap by comparison>> Thanks again, Eric <<Regards, EricR>> R3: Filtration For 55-Gallon FOWLR - 09/13/07 Eric, <<Tis I, my friend>> Thank you. <<Welcome>> That is MORE information to read and think about! <<Yes>> It's good though. <<Indeed>> And exciting. <<Many wonders ahead...>> I have a quick question. <<Okay>> I'm a HUGE fan of blennies, and I'm considering three different varieties. (I will only keep one in the tank) The first choice on my list is a Starry Blenny (Salarias ramosus). <<Will require large amounts of algae in its diet>> I love how they look and act. <<Can be quite comical/entertaining to observe>> There is one in the LFS that looks really healthy and has great coloration. However, I'm concerned over the fact that my tank is pretty new (most of the live rock was bought from another aquarist who took excellent care of it, and has a lot of Coralline algae, but it's only 25 lbs. (mostly small pieces, very porous stuff.) Will the Starry (or Lawnmower as well, actually) feed on any vegetable diet I add to the tank, ex: Formula 2 or algae sheets/wafers, or will he tend to pass on added frozen foods and stick with only algae, etc. that already exists in the tank? <<I have seen instances where these fish eat anything dropped in the tank...but is not the rule here. If you can train the Blenny to the alga products, great...if not, you can "culture" filamentous algae on small rocks (in a different vessel) to switch out form time to time to keep the Blenny fed.>> My second choice would be a Bi-Color Blenny. <<Should prove easier to feed/keep than the Salarias species>> I have had these eat algae in the tank and have seen them eat the frozen food (Mysis, Formula 2, Krill, Plankton, ETC). <<Indeed, will usually take to prepared foods quite well...in my experience>> I like these as well, although not as much as the Starry. My third choice would be a Lawnmower Blenny. <<Pretty much the same challenges/considerations/requirements as the Starry Blenny>> Any thoughts on these? <<Considering the size and "newness" of the tank, as well as your newness to the hobby...I think the Bicolor Blenny (or one of the other Ecsenius species) is the best choice for now>> I do realize my choice may be limited by the other fish I add. <<Yes>> But I'm leaning toward either a Flame angel or a Butterfly, and a pair of False Perc's... (those are just considerations now, I will continue to plan). I don't think there should be much difference between the three I list in regard to compatibility with these fish, correct? <<Should do fine with your proposed stocking plan, agreed>> (I also don't plan on adding any corals or polyps to this tank either) <<Other say differently, but I consider Blennies on the lesser reef/invert compatible fishes>> Thanks again for your input! Eric <<Always happy to share. EricR>> What do you think about this sump for a 180 - 210 gal FOWLR? *** 4/25/07 http://futurepet.com/cgi-bin/FULLPRES.exe?PARTNUM=ACA794096*<http://futurepet.com/cgi-bin/FULLPRES.exe?PARTNUM=ACA794096> <Looks like a nice, practical unit... I do like the first chambers filter sock (needs to be cleaned at least once a week... I'd have two... one to take out, clean, have drying... while the other's in service)... and use the sump area for placing a skimmer... Bob Fenner> Replacing a Canister - Upgrade in Filtration For A FOWLR and
Thanks - 10/17/2006 Thank you for the awesome resource of material
that you provide to the general populations. I did search for the
information, but I did not see anything that I could really use. I have
a quick question for you today. < No worries, we are here to help.
> I am toying with the removal of my canister from my tank. I have a
Eheim 2026 in a 55G FOWLR, I have an Remora Pro with a Mag3 two 1200
and I am going to be putting in one Tunze 6060 this weekend, and I also
have about 75 lbs of live rock. Could I do this without having a
problem with spiking nitrogen or ammonia? 15% water change every other
week and I clean the Eheim every week. < Deja Vu! I did this with my
Eheim 2017 on a 55g about 6 years ago. This should go fine if you
remove about 25% of the media a week. You can leave the foam filters in
until you have removed all of the ceramic media. > Fish 2 - Clowns 1
- Blue Hippo 1 - Blue Angel 1 - Huma Huma (Yes, the new tank is coming
in early November) < Hope it is 200g+! > I have a question with
this on sand. I am wanting to have live sand, but I have decided
against a DSB. What is the best live and to purchase and do you know of
where to purchase it? < There is nothing wrong with buying dry sand
since it will become "live" in a short time thanks to your
live rock. You can ask your LFS or someone you know with an established
healthy tank for a cup of sand to add to your fresh sand. If you just
have to have a bag of "live sand" you can look online or at
your LFS. You will get similar results from the many brands available.
> Again, Thank you for making this a thoroughly enjoyable hobby.
< You are most welcome and best of luck with your new tank! -
Emerson > Scot Marine Filtration Equipment
4/16/06 I have a 30gal oceanic cube that I will be starting a
FOWLR. <Sounds fun.> I have an Eheim 2217 Canister filter, or an
emperor 400, (I have a Prism Skimmer, and about 20 pounds of live rock,
and 40 pounds of live sand) that I would like to use, any problem with
this? <Well honestly, neither the canister nor the emperor HOT
filter are great ways to filter marine aquaria and the skimmer you have
selected is shall we say not up to par with the others in it's
class. So not my choices, but can it me made to work?
Possibly with proper and frequent maintenance.> Is a canister filter
a recipe for disaster? <If you use lots of detritus
trapping media and don't clean it out at leas 1 to 2 times a week,
yes it will be a disaster in my experience.> Or can it be used
simply by changing the media inside. <I would rather you use no
media at all, just use the canister as a means of extra water flow,
possibly utilize it at times to run carbon or phosphate media.> I
will have a few inverts, as well as clown fish with some soft corals.
<That makes it a reef not a FOWLR.> A wet/dry seem to be amongst
the opinion recommended by most, <No for a reef tank a wet-dry is
not recommended, my preference is an oversized skimmer a macro-algae
refugium and LOTS of water flow.> but I would like to use the equip
I already have. <Then you will be performing heavy maintenance
including weekly waterchanges of AT LEAST 10%.> Thank You
<Anytime.> Matt
Filtration For A Messy Crowd 11/21/05 Hello, <Hi there! Scott F. with you today!> I was wondering if this stocking plan and filtration was good for a 55 gallon (4ft. long) saltwater FOWLR tank: AquaClear 70 HOB filter Red Sea Prizm Skimmer 60lbs. Live Rock 40lbs. Live Sand Fish: 1 Valentini Puffer (Toby) 1 Green Spotted Puffer (Started as FW then BW now SW) 1 Yellow Tang And is this tank large enough to house all of these fish forever? <In my opinion, no. These fish, although not very large, are producers of copious amounts of metabolic waste. A larger volume of water and more aggressive filtration is needed to help dilute the waste and provide more physical "space" for these fishes. I'd think about a larger tank down the line.> And is this all the filtration I would need? <While mechanical filtration is valuable with heavy metabolic-waste-producing fishes, you do need to make sure that you're getting lots of skimmate production from the Prizm, and that you're replacing the mechanical filtration media frequently. Also, be sure to perform regular water changes on this tank, and to be sure to utilize chemical filtration media (activated carbon/Poly Filter, etc.) regularly.> I just want to have enough filtration... Thanks, Mark <Understood, Mark! If you adhere to conscientious maintenance practices, your filtration may be adequate. Good luck to you! Regards, Scott F.> Auxiliary Filtration Choices, FOWLR 10/15/05 Hello Bob and
the rest of the WetWeb Crew! <Hello!> I'm looking to replace
a filter which just emptied itself all over the floor. <Sorry
to hear that.> I have a well established 55 gallon FOWLR with
about 40 lbs of LR and a Remora skimmer. <Awesome
skimmer.> I have a wrasse and 2 clowns. I need help deciding
if I should buy an Eheim canister filter (or wet/dry) or if I should
leave it up to the skimmer and LR. I want to be sure that there is
plenty of oxygen, water movement, and that the large amount of waste
from the wrasse isn't all over the tank. Any suggestions?
<Well to be honest I'm not a fan of canister filters on marine
tanks. With the removal (breakage) of your current hang on filter I am
guessing you have some room on the back of the tank? If so I would look
into a hang on the back refugium. However, if you feel the need to get
a canister filter then Eheim would be my choice but I would clean it
weekly to avoid nutrient accumulation.> Also, I've never
used a canister filter and have a question about installation. I
don't want to do any drilling. I read in another post about an
overflow box. Is this what I need? <No most canister filters
have two hoses that hand over the side, one for intake the other for
return. Very simple to use.> Thanks. Sorry for asking
questions that I could probably figure out by reading through more
posts, but I'm very busy right now and I'm worried that by the
time I can sit down and research, all the fish will be dead.
<Actually you have time to research with the amount of live rock you
have and such an efficient skimmer as long as you keep up on water
changes you will be fine.> Thank you all! <No trouble Adam
J.> Filtration For A FOWLR - 10/04/05 First off I'd like to say how amazing your website is and how many tight binds it has gotten me out of. <<Thank you...glad it has been useful.>> I am in the process of purchasing equipment to get my new 135 gallon tank up and running. Right now I have a 29 gallon FOWLR with a Marineland Bio Wheel 200 and a Bak Pak protein skimmer. I know neither of these will be sufficient for my new tank and I don't really know if I should go with a wet/dry filter or a hang on back setup. <<Likely you'll need the extra capacity of the wet/dry.>> If I go the wet/dry route I want to do a ProClear 150 with a built in protein skimmer. <<The "built in" protein skimmer is an issue in my eyes. You really need to consider investing in a quality skimmer (Euroreef, ASM, AquaC, etc.) sized appropriately for the system.>> If I go hang on back I want to run a pair of Emperor 400s along with either a Turboflotor 1000 protein skimmer or a Coralife protein skimmer (the venturi or the needle wheel?). <<Your choice...but not the route I would take.>> I guess my questions are: Which route would be the best (price is not a worry), and which of the protein skimmers for the hang on back set up would be better? <<Of the two choices, the first...as outlined. But if I may... I would consider outfitting a FOWLR with a large sump, a "quality" skimmer, and a fluidized bed filter (rather than the wet/dry), and some type of chemical media reactor for carbon/poly-filter.>> Thank you so much for your help, I know this is a very confusing bunch of questions. Keep up the good work. <<Regards, EricR>> FOWLR filtration questions Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2005 I've been researching setting up a new FOWLR tank for a couple of weeks - WOW, is there a lot to learn but getting to the point where I can start making a list of kit but still have some questions on a suitable filter system. I've read a lot of the previous FAQ's but none have quite answered my questions - yet. Ideally, I want a lower maintenance system to start with and would like to automate as much of the water change process as possible. I'd also like to keep it as tidy and simple as possible (can't risk leaks etc where this tank will go). I also want to keep the visible equipment in the tank to an absolute minimum. I'll be getting a tank custom made and drilled and building the cabinet myself. Planned tank size will be something like 60"L x 20"W x 28"D (121 Imp Gal minus LR and other decoration I think?). I plan to keep a FOWLR setup with a few of the hardier inverts if possible (still more research to do yet though). Maybe, over time, I'll want to get more into a reef setup but want to start with FOWLR. I've been looking at the Eheim filters and the 2128 or 2329 look quite good, both being wet/dry with heater built in. <Paul, these filters haven't been getting very good reviews from people I have talked to. I can't personally verify this as I've never saw one in operation.> was also thinking about having a UV sterilizer <I personally wouldn't invest any money in a sterilizer, but use the money toward a very efficient skimmer.> and skimmer. How would these be most effectively deployed and connected? <If you insist on the sterilizer it is best placed after a filtering zone in the system for the most effectiveness. The skimmer is actually opposite. The input water to the skimmer should come right from the overflow. Most aquarists place them in their wet/dry sumps which keeps it out of view.> If I want to automate water changes, do I need a sump? Is there another way to do it? Should I just go for a sump with all the mess it entails? <The sumps serve a variety of purposes. You can place your skimmer, heater, ph probes etc. so nothing shows in your tank as you would like. I don't feel that the sumps are that messy. Some people will "hard pipe" the system together. As far as automated water changes I would probably use two identical dosing pumps, one to remove the water for a programmed time, and another to fill the system with your new water. On the later I would incorporate a float switch so when the level reaches a set point it would shut off the "fill" pump. Myself being a "controls installer" I would use a circuit with a couple miniature relays so that once the fill was complete, the fill dosing pump would not start again if the float switch was low unless it were given a command by an input device such as a pushbutton. Other than that, try posting this on the "chat forum" on the wet web media site. James (Salty Dog)> Many thanks for such a stunning web site - I can't believe you don't charge for all this info. Paul. <Thank you, it's strictly from the heart> Filtration for a 90 gallon tank I have a 90 gallon tank that has been running for 7 months. I have about 70lbs of live rock, 1 damsel, 4 Chromis, 1 goby, crabs and snails. I have been using a Fluval 404. I have also been testing the water weekly to make sure everything is within range. I was told that for a fish and invert tank I should switch to a wet/dry filter and add a skimmer. I am confused about sumps, hang on skimmers and wet/dry filters. I know these things cost a lot of money and I want to make a wise purchase when I switch over. I have read quite a bit and I am still confused. Can you direct me on what I need to keep a healthy tank? Can you recommend the appropriate equipment and good brands? <Debbie, it is not absolutely necessary to have a wet/dry although they dramatically improve oxygen in the system and offer a place to put a skimmer. If I were to pick from the two (if money were an object), I would go with a good protein skimmer. They also help oxygenate the water while removing organic waste. Changing 10% of the water weekly aids in a healthy system by restoring lost trace elements and reducing nitrate/phosphate levels by means of dilution. I personally prefer the AquaC line of skimmers because they are about 98% hassle free. There are other good brands that also do an efficient job. Adding Chemi-Pure to your Fluval is also a good idea as it will remove some impurities a skimmer cannot and really improves the clarity of the water. Good luck, Debbie. James (Salty Dog)> Filtration for a 215 gal FOWLR tank People, << Blundell
today. >> Love the site, but have some questions about my setup.
I am purchasing an Oceanic 215 RR Aquarium with stand and canopy for
FO. The aquarium will have internal overflows at both ends. I will not
be adding corals at any stage. I will also purchase either a Euro-reef
CS12-1 or CS-12-2 skimmer. I want to keep Emperor Angel, Clown
Triggerfish, mostly those classes of fish. Here are my questions; what
type of filtration should I use for this set-up? << About 150
pounds of live rock, about 200 pounds of sand, and a 55 gal refugium.
>> What type of substrate in the aquarium? << I love
crushed coral. >> How much live rock should be uses and any
preference? << No real preference. I'd probably
mix it up, but at least 150 pounds. >> I am planning on flow
rates for the water at 20-times capacity. I will treat diseases in a
quarantine tank. << Don't forget a refugium. >> Thanks,
Gary Gauthier << Blundell >> Wet/Dry of a Refugium? Blundell, When I went to purchase a 58-gallon aquarium, my LFS told me I would be better with a wet/dry system and that a refugium is mostly for a reef aquarium. << I know people say that, but I don't think so. I really think a refugium can out perform a wet/dry any day. >> The waste load created by the fish and feeding would surpass the refugium. I was told the skimmer needed would be a downdraft skimmer. Are these valid reasons to go with a wet/dry? << The skimmer doesn't need to be a down draft, but a powerful skimmer is definitely a good idea. As for the refugium, I guess you could look around at other tanks and see what looks like it will work best for you. Personally I see lots of people converting their wet/dry's into refugia. >> Thanks, Gary Gauthier << Blundell >> Filtration for a FOWLR Thanks for your advice. I was not planning on live rock and refugium. I have that set up with my 140 gal reef tank with 200 lb LR, connected to a 36 gal refugium with lots of macroalgae and two pairs of seahorses. This set up has been very successful and incredibly healthy. I thought that since I would most likely end up medicating the fish-only tank, live rock would not be a good choice. Am I misinformed? << Well even if you do medicate a tank, I think live rock is the key to any marine tank. I wouldn't set up a marine tank (FOWLR or Reef) without live rock. I really think it is even more important in a FOWLR where you often times have more waste products that need to be broken down. >> << Blundell >> FOWLR filtration 09/01/03 <Good morning, PF with you> I've got a question for you. New tank, several messy eaters in a 90 gallon (not set up yet). Porcupine know about the size) <Unless you want a tank about 4 or 5 times that size, I'd say no> Trigger of some kind looked at a Pinktail but the size) Pinkface wrasse yellow tang maybe some others Thought about two triggers) <I would stop right there, you're already getting close the limit> Anyway, I've already bought 50 lbs of base rock that I plan to seed with about 45 lbs of live rock. My skimmer is a Berlin with a mag5. Would I benefit from wet dry technology with the bioload I could be face with? I so, would the live rock help control nitrates? Please help, I'm ready to set up, but I read so many conflicting opinions. <Well, A DSB wouldn't hurt www.WetWebMedia.com/deepsandbeds.htm. A refugium would also be a very good idea, not only pulling nutrients out through macro algae, but also by providing food items for your fish. www.WetWebMedia.com/refugium.htm. A wet/dry will remove ammonia, but it will also breed nitrates. While fish are less susceptible to nitrates, they're still not good for them. Hope this helps, PF> I know You must be sick of answering Fish/Reef Q's, but.... over 20 yrs experience with F/water....and now converting a 85G f/water tank using existing equipment to a Marine tank using the following a modified UGF with a Maxi-jet 1200 w/approx:4.5" substrate (crushed coral) AquaClear 500 w/surface Skimmer and BioStars <I would not use this setup....I would go with a sump/refugium setup which will prove to be more beneficial than the route that you seem to be going> I would like to have a Fish/Live Rock/Invertebrate environment Max Bioload: 15 small fish , i.e. Yellowtail Damsels, Invertebrates. still TBD<The refugium will help both your small fish and inverts> Is this going to be ok (as far as filtration/water flow/etc).<It might work out. but don't you want to do what's best for your fish? I would go with the sump/refugium> I don't want to have top invest in anymore equipment...<Well I would invest both your money and time in setting up a refugium for this aquarium, Good luck with your decision making, IanB> Thanks for any advice Tank With A Vision I've been reading a ton again! <Excellent habit to have!> I love this site. It's now my homepage. <Mine, too. LOL> I have a decided I want to have a fish only/live rock tank community tank. I purchased 250 lbs of live rock to be added on Tuesday. I have 200 lbs of fine aragonite sand (about 2-3inches deep) I also am adding a calcium reactor. Don't think I need it for live rock, but I have it for when I decide to step up to full reef. <Good move...The "itch" will likely strike, particularly if you hang out with SPS geeks, like I do...You can't resist these people! They are generous to a fault, and soon your tank will be filled with "fuzzy sticks", and you'll be obsessed with seeing purple tips on your Acropora! Ahhrrghhh!> My question involves bio bale. Do I live it in or take it out? I read to take it out for reek but leave it for fish. I also read to take out the prefilter and sponges in overflow box. <I personally like to remove all plastic media. You can use the sponge, but clean it really frequently (like daily), or it will become a "nutrient trap" of sorts.> If I do take them out do I need any mechanical filters? <Well, you can use "micron filter socks" or other media, as long as you change them or clean them very frequently> Should I just fill the sump with live rock too? <I would> Does the live rock in a sump have to be full submerged? <For the most part.> Does my sand need to be deeper? <I subscribe to the "1/2" or less or 3" or more" philosophy. Although, I just read an article in a magazine by accomplished aquarist/author Richard Harker which seems to imply that a 2-3 inch bed is acceptable. It all goes to show you that there are so many viewpoints on this. I'd follow generally accepted techniques, and go with what works best for you.> Thanks Again.....I value your opinion and take you advice immediately....Anxiously awaiting, Dave Boswell <Glad that things are going well, Dave. It's important to have a vision and plan. Just avoid people hawking those "fuzzy sticks", and you'll be okay for a while! LOL! Regards, Scott F.> Filtration in a FOWLR setup - 3/2/04 In regards to your wonderful insights. <My/our pleasure> This will be a fish only tank. <Very well> I understand that the live rock acts as natural biological filtration. <You bet. The best filtration> What about mechanical and chemical? Are they not important? <Well, yes. As long as a watchful eye is kept to them. Read about them here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/setup/filtration/marineFiltr.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marmechf.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marphysf.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chemFiltrMar.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/reeffilt.htm> Or will the protein skimmer take care of the mechanical part of it. <To some degree yes but doesn't hurt to have additional measures for handling bioload> I'm also nervous about live rock, since my last batch contained a 5 inch bristleworm (talk about panic mode). <Not really something to panic about. Most bristleworms prove to be useful overall> I got no sleep the night I found that. <I wouldn't worry much about it.> I ripped that tank apart and totally flipped out. What can I say, I'm a girl, and it was scary looking. <They are scary and they are made out to be threatening to inhabitants but I assure you that only the very largest of bristleworms are a real threat> So are you saying that if I get more live rock, I won't need the Fluval 404 at all? <Well, in some ways yes. Read the sites above and the FAQ links and judge for yourself. The answers are there with some will on your part> I hate to ask, what must seem like basic questions, but I want to make sure I do this right. <Noooo.....I totally understand! I found this site way too late in my setup. That is why I help here.> Also, what exactly does a protein skimmer do? <http://saltaquarium.about.com/cs/proteinskimmers/a/aa052200.htm> Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks again. <The pleasure is all mine, Cathy. Thanks for being part of it all ~Paul> Cathy Picking the Proper Power Filter Is the Tetratec 500 a good filter? I have a FOWLR 135 gallon tank. I was wondering what your thoughts are on the Tetratec 500? If this isn't a good one could you steer me towards another brand? <I happen to like that filter myself. It is well made and very efficient. However, I would not use it for the sole means of filtration for a 135. I would either supplement it with another mechanical filter, or (and this is my best recommendation) I would use a very simple sump system. Be sure to include a protein skimmer in your system as this is your first line of defense of unwanted organics. BTW, for a nice review of power filters including this model see Steven Pro's article in the latest issue of Conscientious Aquarist Online Magazine right here on the WWM site! Hope this helps. Regards, Scott F.> More Flow In A FOWLR Tank 7/28/04 Thanks Scott F. <My pleasure!> BTW, this is a fish only tank for now. I want to try my hand at mushrooms or leathers by next summer though. But first I need to reset-up my tank with more live rock, less hair algae and more lighting! Narayan <Sounds great, Narayan...And there is certainly nothing wrong with a lot of flow for a FOWLR tank...Have fun! Regards, Scott F.> Bare Bones or eclipse Bob/Anthony/Steven, <You caught Steven today> I have been reading everything I can get my hands on, as well as scouring countless websites to gather information before I begin this complicated hobby. I have narrowed it down to either buying a 37 gal. eclipse or a 55 gal. tank (both will be FOWLR) to which I will add all necessary items. <Bigger is always better> If I go the 55 gal. route what items (protein skimmer, wet/dry, etc.), are a must? <The number one must have item is Bob's book "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist". Please buy and read cover to cover. There is no better investment of your time and money. After that a high quality skimmer would be my next choice. You can probably go without the wet/dry with enough liverock and circulation supplied by powerheads.> I will load it full of quality LR and top notch LS, provide plenty of circulation, and do water changes religiously. I have noticed that many people are skimmerless/filterless and it seems more are making the change everyday. <I think most of the people who want to go skimmerless are cheap and/or never used a good performing skimmer. Once you have seen the disgusting crud that is removed from a good skimmer, you will never want to go without.> I am trying start things without having to take out a loan. <A lot of people use and like a CPR Bak-Pak for a 55. I like these units, too. The only drawback is when you get a bigger tank. Most people in this hobby do one of three things; buy a larger tank, buy a second tank, or get rid of all their tanks. Lets hope you are in one of the first two groups. If this is the case, you may be better off buying a separate larger protein skimmer good for up to 100 gallons.> If I simply have to have mechanical filtration are there cheaper alternatives or brands? <Not absolutely needed> What type of Bio load can I put in a tank with no mech. filter? <You bio-load is determined by your biological filtration capacity.> Will a Fluval do the job in place of the above mentioned? <A nice unit, but would be lower on my priority list.> Should I give up my dream of a "natural" 55 gal. and go with the Eclipse? <There is nothing natural about an aquarium. Some merely appear more natural than others.> Any help would be greatly appreciated. Chris Re: Filtration for new 55 gal FOWLR Thanks for the timely response. Two quick follow-up questions. What type of micro-algae would you recommend in the sump? <Not micro, macro... as in you can see it with the naked eye. This information is posted on www.WetWebMedia.com> Also, I am thinking of purchasing a Jalli 220 Watt Power Compact unit consisting of 2-55Watt 7100K daylight bulbs and 2-55 Watt Actinic bulbs. I believe this should be sufficient to maintain a few soft corals. Would you agree and do you know if this is a "good grade" lighting unit? <Not familiar with the make, brand... would check with the hobby chatforums. Ours: http://talk.wetwebfotos.com/> Thanks again for you assistance. <Be chatting. Bob Fenner>
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