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-- Adding a Majestic Angel - I want to try putting a blue girdled angel into my tank which already houses an adult emperor angel. My emperor is not overly aggressive but is protective of his cave. He is about 5". There are other deep caves in the aquarium for a new fish to claim. What size of blue girdled should I get? I can get from 3" all the way to 6" and it would come from Bali. Thanks, Andy <Difficult to say really as you didn't mention the size of your tank... this will be THE determining factor. Cheers, J -- > Emperor Angel Thanks for the quick response Jason, <<You are quite welcome.>> There isn't any coral yet in the "reef" at the LFS. It's just been cycling for about a month with live rock. <<could be a problem for Mr. Emperor.>> I guess I was hoping I wouldn't have to pick between these 2 beautiful fish. I'm not asking which one to keep, what I'd like to know is: Is it your opinion that I WILL indeed have to choose one. <<either that OR get another tank, I just honestly don't see your Emperor getting any smaller, if you know what I mean...>> So if the snout out the top is reason for concern, what should I do? <<keep and eye on it, check the water quality.>> What does it mean? <<something ain't right, sorry, isn't right. What that problem is precisely, I cannot say, but is certainly something too keep an eye on.>> Thanks for your help. Rick <<Cheers, J -- >> Australian fish worth the extra cash?- Dear WetWebMedia crew <Hi!> Is it worth it to buy a fish from Australia? <Sometimes> Are they more colorful? <Sometimes> Or hardier? <Pretty safe bet that they've been net collected at least.> Or just more expensive. <Usually!> I know red sea specimens are worth the extra money (but this angel doesn't come from there) Just wondering and can't find it in the FAQs (looking at purchasing a Blueface angel from marine center). <Since they still commonly come from the Philippines, getting an Australian one will pretty much guarantee you that they have been properly handled and not been juiced. The color may be better as well, but that varies specimen to specimen. Enjoy the new angel (hope you have a large enough tank!) -Kevin> Thanks Gary Peterson Pomacanthus Euxiphipops navarchus When a fish, such as the navarchus angel, is listed at a maximum length of 10", does that include fish in an aquarium? <Yes, and I have read they get closer to 12in.> I have heard conflicting reports of fish not reaching full size in a closed system. <Many will stunt do to poor, or less than optimal water quality.> I'm wondering about a navarchus angel in a 75g reef tank. <I would not put this Angel in anything less than 100g, check out the link below for some info on these Fish. -Gage http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/pomacanthus/euxiphipops.htm > -Spot on Majestic - Guys <Evening... JasonC here...> I have had my Majestic Angel in a QT tank for about 10 days and he has developed a white spot on the underside of his belly. It appears larger than Ich but is not cottony looking. I did a freshwater dip but there has been no change. I have attached a picture. <I'm not exactly sure - the picture you sent through was oddly solarized, as if perhaps not enough colors in the picture, but I can make out a white spot...> can you help me identify it and recommend a cure Thanks Joe <Joe, I would just go ahead and place this fish in the main tank - likely the spot will remedy itself, but if you've dipped the fish and it's still with you, go ahead and place it. Will be better off by far in the larger tank. Cheers, J -- > - Majestic Angel Question - Hi crew of WWM, <Hello, JasonC here...> I only have one question today concerning my majestic (blue girdle) angel. Lately I've notice that it's eyes are hazy, cloudy looking. Is this it's natural look? <No.> Or is there possibly something wrong with it? <A possibility, yes.> What could of happened? Water problem? <A possibility.> Over feeding? <Another possibility.> Stress? <Yet another possibility.> Disease? <Or perhaps all of the above.> If you can help me out, I would appreciate it very much. Thank you. <Well, you didn't reveal much about what you do to care for this fish, or how long you've had it. More information from you might help me better answer your question. Cheers, J -- > The Majestic (Angel) Hello Crew and Scott! <Scott here!> Hate to bother you again, but I need some more guidance on fish husbandry. My 55 gal. tank has pretty much completed cycling (it is has been up since 12/15/02 - ammonia .0, nitrites .0 and nitrates less than .10, ph is 8.1 salinity .21 and 1/2 and temp is 76 degrees) and I went to my LFS with my water parameters and ended up getting the fish that they recommended (over a powder-blue tang which is what I really wanted - they said l could add the tang later, after the water quality is more established) - a 2 inch Majestic or Blue-girdled Angel. I was very excited as this (of course) is one extremely beautiful fish, but after getting him home I read CMA (the fish bible) and Bob says this fish is not for a beginner (which is me) and even experienced aquarists have difficulty in keeping them in captivity. CMA states that they will not feed readily and will slowly starve to death. <Well, this is true in the majority of cases; however, if this fish has been collected properly, and acclimated well, it can and will thrive for many years (there are longevity records of this fish living more than 20 years in captivity!). High water quality, adequate space, and careful feeding are of supreme importance in maintaining this fish> So far I have seen him eat everything I offer to him and he seems rather happy. I am worried though that this fish is not one that I should have due to my inexperience and the difficult level of care? <Well, I'm somewhat amazed that they recommended this fish to you, assuming that they knew that you were a novice. However, rather than "scold" yourself, let's make sure that he's given the best possible care!> So far my LFS has not done me wrong and they are one of the most reputable saltwater fish stores in Chicago, but, should I have this fish? They said it would not grow to a large size in my tank so it should be ok...? <Wow- that's just incredibly bad advice that they gave you! This fish can and will reach up to a foot in length. And, he really will need a much larger tank in a year or two to live a long, happy life. You'll probably need to be thinking of a 100-150 gallon tank as a minimum...> He is fed some dried seaweed on a clip every day when I get home from work (he tears it apart and then goes after the little stray pieces) and frozen angelfish formula (sponge) manufactured by Ocean Nutrition that I soak in Selcon every night. Also, I feed everyone else (two percula clowns, one orchid Dottyback and a flame Hawkfish) Spirulina flakes (among other things) which the angel comes up to the surface to nab - is that enough? <Sounds like good food that you're offering! However, you may want to add some other foods, like Mysis and krill to round out his diet.> And another question - I have wanted to add some live rock to my tank, but my LFS said no at this point? They advised that live rock would not be a good filter system (currently running an Eheim canister filter and a Bak Pak 2 with 50 lbs of fine sand) for my particular tank. Is that right? I thought LR would keep everything a bit more balanced, but then again I don't know very much.... Once again your WetWeb wisdom would be greatly appreciated by both me and my aquatic friends! Christy <Wow- I wonder why they discounted the use of live rock in your tank. It's a wonderful natural filter, and does help provide some extra foraging for your fish as well. I'm glad that you have a protein skimmer going. Make sure that it cranks out at least a couple of cups of dark, yucky skimmate per week, and be sure to keep in clean (try to clean it at least once a week, possibly more if you can). Be sure to employ a schedule of regular water changes...In this tank, 5% water changes twice a week would be optimal, IMO. Be sure to clean and replace the mechanical and chemical filter media within the Eheim. I'd also refrain from adding more fishes to this system. I think that you've reached the limit for your fish load. Even though the Majestic may have not been the best fish for this tank, you can still provide him a terrific home. Seriously consider a much larger tank in the near future- it will really help provide a more appropriate long-term home for this fish. I love Majestic Angels- they're awesome fishes, and will provide you with years of enjoyment if you provide them with the high level of care that they deserve. Just keep up the great husbandry procedures and you'll be successful! Good luck! Feel free to contact me again any time, okay! Regards, Scott F> The Majestic (Angel) Dear sir, <Hi there! No "sir", just Scott F. here today!> I would like to know that I have a tank with the size of 30 inches in length, 28 inches in height and 20 inches in breath. I have a few live rocks and a few dead corals. I'm Using an Eheim 2213 external filter and a power head with a trickle filter, and also a under gravel filter. Protein skimmer is on the way in a day or two. I Just set up my tank 12 days ago but used old water and gravel (50 percent) and new water and gravel 50 percent. Nitrites are good but ph is between 7.7 to 8.0 <Do keep an eye on this. It's not too bad, but it is on the lower end of "normal". Perform regular water changes with high quality source water, and use one of the many buffer products available for this purpose.> I have two small clowns about 2 inches and one majestic angelfish about 4 1/2 inches to 5 inches. Is it a big enough tank for them I just plan to add one or two fishes one about 4 inches and one about 2 inches. <Well, the Majestic Angelfish can reach 8-10 inches in length. I'd really consider the ultimate size of this fish, and be prepared to move him to larger quarters soon.> In the next few months (max 7 months) I plan to increase my tank to about 48 inches,28 inches in height and 20 inches in breath is that ok? <Much better, but I honestly think that you'll need to provide this fish with a tank that is at least 100-150 US gallons (and at least 60 to 72 inches in length) for the long-term maintenance and health for this fish.> Please let me know. What is the best food I can give the angelfish ? He has been eating from day one and eats chopped prawns, clams, spinach and also marine pellets. What vitamins are good for him. <The items that you mentioned are quite good, with the exception of the spinach. I'd try to provide vegetable matter of marine origin, such as sushi Nori, macroalgae, like Gracilaria, or commercial foods containing Spirulina. Frozen Mysis shrimp are also a great dietary item for this fish. If you want, you can enrich these foods with products such as Selcon, which provides added lipids and HUFA's, and vitamin supplements, such as Vita Chem. I have used both of these products for years with good results> And one last thing is that how long can angels live in captivity if kept well. Thanks, Mustu <Well, Mustu, I have read accounts of this fish living up to 20 years or more in captivity if well cared for! It's truly a beautiful fish, so just adopt a long-term view with this fish, and keep providing a stable, consistent environment and the fish will enjoy a long, happy life in your care. Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Blue Face Angel question Hello! I have a question regarding the Blue Face Angel ( Pomacanthus (Euxiphipops) xanthometopon). I have a juvenile, and trying to figure out what it will look like when it grows up :-) Your picture of one is here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/angels/pomacanthus/Pomacanthus.htm (about 3/4 down the page, 3 pics of different stages) But here is another: http://saltaquarium.about.com/library/blank/blpcontestjan03critter.htm (entry #6) <What is this?> There is quite a difference between the two - especially with the color orange on the fins and face of one, but not the other. Is one fish another type, one is male and the other female, or just an older specimen? I'm trying to show my kids what this "baby" will be, so any help you can give would be greatly appreciated! THANK YOU! -Cathy in Texas <>< <Sorry, don't follow where you're referring to. This species does display a good deal of intraspecific color variation... hence both common names, "Blue Face" "Yellow-Face"... Bob Fenner> Blue Face Angel question (reply to Bob) Hello Bob! <Howdy> Sorry about that second link, it should have been: http://saltaquarium.about.com/library/blank/blpcontestjan03critter.htm <Ahh, I see> Which, by the way, I got from your Forums, one of your subscribers has a picture in a contest; but the one of the Blue Face Angel was my concern, as it looked different from yours. Thanks for the reply - Blue Face Angels can look different from each other? I'll just have to wait until mine grows up? Thanks! -Cathy in Texas <>< <This specimen is much more orange in the face (rather than yellow) than most... some from further west into the species distribution are more so... but this pic seems "modified" as well. Bob Fenner> Blue Face Angel-Reef Safe Dear Bob <Scott F. here tonight> Two days ago my friend purchased a Blue Faced Angel (Pomacanthus xanthometopon) on the advice of a local aquarium owner, who said it was reef safe. <Well-there are hobbyists who have kept these in reef systems for years with no problems. On the whole, however, I would be inclined NOT to consider it "reef safe". A wonderful fish, nonetheless!> The fish is eating frozen foods (particularly a vegetable/fish mix enhanced with vitamins) and with considerable appetite at that. So far so good. <If the fish is eating well in the store, that's an excellent sign> My concern is that he has put it into a reef tank (100 Gallons) crowded with soft corals, but no sponges other than what occurs naturally on the 70kg of live rock and is ok for it to eat. I had always been led to believe by aquarium dealers that all large Angels ate corals, but this particular one and your site raises some questions. Is this so with the Blue faced? I have looked at the relevant page on the species, and am not 100% sure if it does or not. <I think it's too general to state that all large angels eat corals. Yes most of them, including this one- will sample, if given the opportunity, and most cannot be trusted in reef systems. However, there are always individual exceptions. Many times, angels can, and will- adapt well to prepared foods. I have seen many instances where large angels were well-fed, and never chomped on corals. It's really a matter of luck, IMO> So far on day two its swimming freely and not bothering anything.. But I guess it can change. What's your opinion? Is it possible that it will leave the corals alone Yours Sincerely Brett Moloney Brisbane, Australia. <Well, Brett- once again, it's hard to know. You could question 100 hobbyists and get 100 different answers, unfortunately! Even though the fish is not eating corals in the dealer's tank, he may change his ways in your tank-perhaps it's smaller, has different corals, more fishes which are competitive feeders...any number of factors which could influence the fish's behaviour and inclination to nip or eat corals. Until he is settled in your aquarium (after quarantine, of course!), your guess is as good as mine. If you are not adverse to possibly losing some corals, then you may want to give it a shot. Otherwise, it's not worth the risk, IMO. Make your decision based on your comfort level! Good luck! Regards, Scott F> Speeding up maturity of sub adult Blueface angel Hi, I have a 2 1/2 in. sub adult blue face angelfish. He is a real neat fish, he's eating great and acting perfect. But I was wondering if there's anyway I can help speed up the process of his changing to an adult? Thanks! <Other than providing him with plenty of room, clean water and nutritious food, nope. Just give him the best of conditions and enjoy! Craig> White mark on Majestic Angel? I recently got a beautiful Majestic Angel (adult--4" long). I kept it in my Q tank for 2 weeks and watched it very carefully for any signs of problems/disease. I put the fish in my tank and all was well until 2 days after. The fish has some whitish markings near its left eye. I thought it was ich at first, but no other tell-tale signs of ich are present. The closer I look, the less like ich or velvet it appears. It looks like discoloration. The fish is eating well and is the dominant animal in my tank (150g--scooter blenny, yellow tang, two false percula, yellow leather coral, blue carpet anemone and a ghost moray) I've been feeding Tetra Anti-parasite mixed with Tetra Anti-Bacteria food for a week. Is this something I should worry about? Water conditions are optimal, UV sterilizer, the fish is eating great, it isn't bullied, it has lots of live rock caves to hide in. I can't figure out what's going on. Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you. Vicki <I think you are on-track Vicki. It's not unusual to run into something or suffer some slight damage while transferring into display, getting accustomed to new surroundings, inhabitants, stress, etc. I would keep an eye on it, it should get better shortly. He might have met your anemone or bumped into a piece of rock. If not the food will take care of it. No worries! Craig> Marine Angelfish I have lost a Navarchus angel due in part to me. I had a friend watching my tank and the pH dropped and was not corrected until my noticing, which was too late. The angel in particular I lost was the Navarchus. However, this fish was eating which to my knowledge (and said on WWM) is the main problem with this particular fish, not water quality. <a common obstacle> Was I lucky to have gotten a healthy eating fish? <not at all... many thousands are imported eating well... just some mishandled ones have imparted this reputation> This specimen I have traced back to being bought from Quality Marine wholesaler, which to my knowledge sells good quality. < a very fine wholesaler historically> I was wanting to get another angel because I had already purchased a 125gal.tank for this Navarchus when he grew up. In your opinion is quality marine a quality place that can be trusted to send another Navarchus in healthy condition with a healthy appetite? <absolutely. I have used them for the better part of a decade and consulted many stores that have used them even longer with pleasure>> Or should I invest my money in another species? I am also fond of Annularis, Asfur, and Imperator angels also. Thanks for the help. John <the Annularis Angel is far and away the HARDIEST of all mentioned. It is and incredible fish and gets my vote above all. Anthony Calfo> Navarchus Angel I e-mailed you about possible care for a Navarchus angel taken in as a adoption project for an unprepared friend (kinda). Your help was excellent and you even added in that there was a good chance that a healthy curious specimen was good (which he is), but I was still not over the hump. Good advice because the hump hit. The little guy got the white spot one morning and by the end of the day the spots are quickly taking over (still curious and picking at my rock and algae clip). <yes, not at all uncommon> I thought about the quarantine tank but wasn't sure if the fragile of a angel would handle the move or even the copper very well, maybe more of a hindrance to his health. But I am needing help ASAP. <Quarantine is ALWAYS recommended and does not have to have anything to do with copper. Isolation, subdued lighting, easy catching for freshwater dips, medication that doesn't get absorbed into display gravel, etc. Many benefits. QT ASAP... my advice is FW dips daily for almost a week. Actually... 8 straight days may effect a cure without needing any meds. Do medicate from go or by day three if stabilization or improvement is not obvious. I recommend Formalin for copper sensitive fishes. Do read FAQs very well on proper FW dip protocol. For this species... 5 minute minimum, and perhaps 10 minute max. And yes... it won't look happy in the dip... but rest assured that a proper dip won't be any worse than any other treatment option. It is actually shorter and better (less stress in big picture). A fish that dies in a properly conducted FW dip was not going to make it anyway> I was told about a product called Melafix. Good/Bad? <just plain ugly...a homeopathic so-called medicant that is marginally effective at best and more of a preventative (a real stretch) than a cure for infections that have set in> I have already discontinued carbon and with your final say possibly the skimming to medicate in the tank because I have other fish that are in there that would make it imposable to render the tank fallow without losing some live stock. What do you say? <cannot medicate the display under any circumstance IMO> Upon notice of the spots I did tests to find my tanks PH had dropped to close to 7.5 while I was gone (my tank had been being cared for by a friend while on vacation, and I took in the Navarchus when I returned home). <7.5!!! By day?!?!?!?! That means it was close to 7.0 by right when the tank respired!!! If even remotely accurate readings you are lucky not to come home to a graveyard> The friend was suppose to be running these tests which obviously he didn't. Could this low of a PH have been the culprit for bringing on the parasite? <Ahhh...yes> All other states are perfect: Little to none Ammonia, 0ppm Nitrite, 0ppm Nitrate, copper zero also. <raise pH very slowly... .1 daily Small amounts of baking soda will be fine> I keep my tank around 80 degrees at night to possibly 81 during the day (I wish it could be lower but I live in Kansas and 110 degree days are the norm and a high electric bill is hard to deal with but I manage. <the temps are fine... even warm is Ok if stable like yours. more than 3 degrees swing between night and day is an invitation for Ich. Just make sure that you always have very good aeration> What could the culprit be? John<as above... FW dips and perhaps formalin my friend. Best regards, Anthony> Navarchus Angel Greetings fish guru, <<and greetings to you.>> I know this is probably a no no in your book but it isn't a mistake on my part but an adoption. I care for a 200gal tank for a doctor and all of a sudden I come in to do my weekly checks and exchanges and I notice a different fish in his tank. By god this idiot of a doctor put a $100 Navarchus angel in with his tank without telling me or asking if it was a good choice. Wouldn't seem bad except that there was already a 9" Imperator in the tank who had for all I know wailed on him all night. The poor angel was in the corner cowering and if he moved and inch got it big time from the much larger imperator. I scolded the doctor massively and even threatened to not take care of his tank any more (which was really a lie because this man would kill everything if I did this) but anyway he ends up giving this fish directly to me (which I wasn't all together mad about just because there is no way I can just go out and buy a fish this pricey). But the question is, he is about 3 to 4" in length and except for the ripped fins and a few spots were he took it to the body he actually is in fairly decent condition for a fish that you say isn't very well collected. <<Well, historically, these are usually caught with cyanide. Certainly not true for every single one that makes it into the US, but I've seen a great many Navarchus angels who just aren't with it when they arrive at the LFS.>> Very deep dark colors and is just a gorgeous fish and he even is picking at my live rock so I know he is interested in eating. <<This is certainly a good sign, but these are also very shy and very sensitive to tank conditions. You are not over the hump yet.>> Would a good starter food be live brine shrimp or should I start right in with trying to get him to eat frozen squid, mega marine, mega marine algae, formula foods, etc....? <<I'm a big fan of trying everything you've got. One thing you should know about the Navarchus is their diet is more akin to a Centropyge - they eat a lot of vegetable matter. Make sure you keep some in the well-mixed diet. As for the brine shrimp - I really can't stand the stuff, use Mysis shrimp - my Navarchus loves the stuff.>> I keep a algae clip in there constant ly but this is because I have a flame angel in my tank who actually isn't pestering him at all. I thought he would, he is how ever very timid of this new fish and I know eventually the Navarchus will probably go after him, and this is why another question is what would be the minimum size tank for this Navarchus maximum size (see how much I have taken to this fish in just 2 days, I am already looking at getting a bigger tank just for him)? He is in a 72gal bow front right now which is no were near enough for sure. <<This will work for a while... again, these fish appreciate good water quality, and the larger the system, the easier this is to accomplish. I would say... as large as you can afford.>> Well, any answers you can give would be great. Any extra tips would be good too. <<Yeah... lots of hiding places, these are very shy fish. Being able to hide will go a long way to reducing stress on the fish.>> I have raised Imperators, Korans, and blue faced angels before and kept them very healthy, will he be about the same of a challenge as these species? <<About the same - the real big challenge with these is getting a good one in the first place. Your previous experience with other angels will prove invaluable.>> Thanks. John (Fin) <<Cheers, J -- >> Intestinal problem on blue face angelfish Dear Bob, How are you? I've been a reader of your web page and had went through all the topics inside. They are very knowledgeable. In Feb this year, I have set up a 60 gallon tank for marine fish only. It now has three angelfish. One 7" blue face, one 4" blue ring and a small 2" bi-color. <wow... this tank is tragically small for even one of the larger two angels. The will most assuredly die prematurely here if they do not get into a larger tank soon. The adult size of the three angels collectively is over 24" in total inches of fish!!! You need a 200gall+ tank my friend for the long run> I feed my fishes three times a day, <very good and necessary for angels> one in the afternoon and two times in the evening. The 7" blue fish is aggressive and go to the feeding spot for food every time. No matter how much he eats, his stomach (area along the pectoral fin/pelvic fin area) still shrinks seriously inward. His stomach looks like hasn't eat anything for weeks. But the dorsal area remains fat. <good... fishes store their fat down the base of the dorsal... a sign of good health. The stomach means little> Do you think this blue face has a intestinal parasites? I try to find some worms or eggs from his waste but with no luck. <stringy white feces is an indication if seen> What do you think that cause the shrinking in stomach? <perhaps a lack of bulk filler (algae). Try feeding Nori (dried seaweed) for loner grazing periods> If you also think it is s intestinal parasites, can you recommend a good medication for me? <Metronidazole if necessary. Else Piperazine or Levamisol.> Your advise is appreciated. Thanks, Alexcych <best regards, Anthony> Majestic Angels In your experience, have Majestic Angels been more hardy from certain collection areas, such as Australia? thanks <Yes, there is a significant difference in hardiness of this species (Euxiphipops Pomacanthus navarchus). The best ones I've seen are small individuals (3-4" overall) from Bali. Bob Fenner> Euxiphipops navarchus Hi Guys - My LFS has had an exceptional specimen for the past week now - It is full bodied and healthy looking. I have gone each day now for a week and observed it feeding and becoming less shy. All the literature suggests that this is not an easy angel to keep, however based on the suggestions from Bob's book I feel I have a good candidate here. I was going to pick your brain for any other suggestions that the group may have regarding this particular species. Any thoughts that you have would be most welcome. Regards, Ric Raley <I do have a few suggestions for this challenging fish. First off, select what appears to be a healthy specimen, which it seems you have. You need a large tank, at least 90 gallons, and a good bit of liverock. Another good piece of equipment would be a refugium connected to your main tank. Not so much for the plankton it would generate, but to give your liverock a place to re-grow some more food stuff for the angelfish. You might want to cycle rock from the main display into the refugium for a month to recover from overgrazing. Best of luck, Steven Pro> Euxiphipops navarchus Follow-up Thanks - I do not have a refugium per se, however I have a 10 gallon shrimp tank that houses several flame shrimp for my wife - it is currently also hosting a Firefish that recently developed a dislike for his compadre in the main reef (supposing that 2 juvenile males got along until spring sprang) - this tank has a rather healthy growth of 2 Caulerpa species and I have recently introduced the Sawblade to my larger reef - currently it is propagating just fine, so I believe I can meet that requirement - currently my Sailfin tang enjoys this along with some Nori and Spirulina flakes. <Besides the above mentioned items, do be sure to get some sponge matter into the Angelfish's diet. Ocean Nutrition makes an Angel Formula that has sponges in it.> Ok looks like the last check off the list is complete and later this week a new addition can join the reef. Thanks for the input! ~Ric Raley <Good luck! -Steven Pro> Trouble Your Majesty? Hi guys, Recently acquired a small Majestic Angel. Once I got the fish home from the LFS, I noticed that he had some ich. No problem, placed him in a quarantine tank, and decided to wait it out. After feeding him some vitamin enriched Mysis shrimp, and dried seaweed for a few weeks I noticed that the ich was not getting any better. So I decided to treat lightly with some Malachite Green medication. That did the trick. So with the little bugger on the road to recovery and eating very well, it was this morning that I noticed that his eyes are a little cloudy and one of them was covered with some kind of bubble/blister. I'm almost positive that both eyes were cloudy, but he wouldn't sit still long enough for me to get a good look at the eyeball with no blister. So it may very well be just the one eye, that is afflicted. Also it looked as if the blister on his bad eye might have ruptured. I've never really seen or heard of this before, so I'm not really sure what to do. Any ideas what this malady might be? My water quality is very good, at least according to Ammonia (zero), Nitrite very nearly zero)/Nitrate(10 ppm) testing. <Since the Angel no longer has Ich, I would go ahead and perform a water change and add some carbon first. He may have some sort of reaction to the medication. Also, the is the first thing I do if a fish is sick at all. It ensures the best water quality possible and stimulates their immunity. After the change is completed, add 1 Tablespoon per 5 gallons of Epson salt. This will help relieve fluid buildup behind the eye. If you do not see a response in 5 days, write back.> Thanks in advance, Michael <You are welcome. -Steven Pro> Touchy Majestic Angel I come to you in need of assistance. Any advice that you have to offer would be greatly appreciated. I have recently inherited, from a friend, a Majestic Angelfish (Euxiphipops Navarchus). I promptly placed him in a 30 gallon refuge tank where he seemed to be doing quite well. He ate a combination of Mysis shrimp and Angel Formula frozen food. In fact he ate this at least 2 times per day. He was in the tank from Tuesday March 5 to March 11. It was then that I decided to transfer him to my 75 gallon main tank. Currently he is the only fish in the tank. And he absolutely refuses to take any food. He is roughly 3.5 inches long, and looks like he just obtained his adult coloration. He is very healthy looking. He is filled out, and does not look emaciated at all; also the fins are very clear, as are the eyes. Water conditions in both tanks are very good: zero ammonia, nearly zero nitrites, ten parts per million nitrates, specific gravity is constant at 1.021. The PH is slightly on the low side being around 7.0-7.1. <I sincerely hope this is a typo and you really mean 8.0-8.1. Otherwise, I am surprised he is alive at all.> This is due to the fact that I have to buy bottled water to do water changes. My well water is far too mineral rich, and has a nasty habit of killing even the heartiest of fish. <Bottled water is not always a good choice. Reverse osmosis or deionized would be much better. Mineral rich water should be fine, but avoid using any water that has a significant amount of dissolved organics or metals.> I am reluctant to use chemicals to bring the PH up any more, for fear of their overall effect upon the tank. <A good quality buffer solution is fine to use. I like Seachem Reef Builder and Marine Buffer and Aquarium Systems SeaBuffer.> It is here that I pose to you my question. Is there any way to coax this little bugger to eat? <Live brine shrimp are a good appetite stimulant, but poor nutritionally. Get your fish to eat then wean back on to frozen Mysis shrimp by mixing them together.> I am willing to try just about anything within reason. And maybe even a few things that are outside the voice of reason. He is an absolute stunner of a fish, and I would hate to loose him as a result of malnutrition. I realize that it has only been a few days, and the shock of being transferred to the new tank may have thrown off his appetite; <This is probably the reason behind his personality change.> however, it has been my experience that once a fish starts down the bad road, it seldom makes a full recovery. <I do not think he has started down the bad road just yet.> I am at wits end, and am desperately seeking sound counsel. A friend in need, Michael Mariani <Good luck, Steven Pro> Majestic angel Mr. Fenner, <Steven Pro here this evening doing my part answering questions as part of the WWM crew.> I want a majestic angel to put in a 45 gallon live rock fish only. Perhaps with a powder blue tang and a something else small. What are your opinions on that and should I buy juvenile or small adult? And also which fish should be introduced to the tank first? Oh yeah and I was told to get a UV sterilizer for the majestic. Thanks, hope to hear from you soon. <I cannot recommend either of the fish you mentioned for a 45. The fish are too delicate/challenging and the tank is way to small for them. -Steven Pro> Question about Blue Face Angel Bob, I have a med. size Blueface Angel (6 inches) and it's diet is supposed to be sponges and growth from LR. I have been feeding him frozen shrimp and plankton, formula 1 but I am concerned about his health & diet, (although he is fairly new and adjusting well). Will he eventually break down & get sick or starve if I do not feed him with a sponge diet? Is there some kind of sponge supplement for fishes that feed primarily on sponge? <Very good point... and glad you have been investigating. Many subgenus Euxiphipops angels (http://www.wetwebmedia.com/euxiphip.htm) go on to do well on "non-natural diets"... My standard pitch here is to encourage hobbyists to supply such "cryptic" fauna in/on/as live rock. Bob Fenner> A question wrapped inside an enigma disguised as a web page Hey... <and you> I thought I'd try and attract you with that subject. Anyway... so I've just landed a declivis BF [a Christmas gift to self from Christmas island] and it's quarantining out nicely, and I'm re-reading over and over what little there is about these fish. One of the three pages the word "declivis" shows up is the Marine Livestock Collection Article. So I'm reading again and I notice this little snippet under the poison section: "Know which species are frequently doomed by poisoning... perhaps the most notorious... cyanided angelfish subgenus Euxiphipops, the majestic angel..." <Yes> So, a couple things sprung to mind. First, I know you granted me permission to write/edit whatever I wanted, but I still wanted to consult first. So... When I bought my Majestic, I must have read your PE page 100 times, over and over - and I became really tense, and then bought one anyway. Fish is in great shape - spectacular - and if you recall we talked about it briefly on the phone the other day, at which point you mentioned casually, "Oh sure, once established, they are quite solid." Or something to that effect. <Yes... ones hailing from other than the P.I. or Indo. in particular> Now as I recall, neither the above poison factoid or durability statement are in the article. Or perhaps not stated quite as concisely? <Really? Will, would have to check> Or certainly not apparent if this were the only article that one read - say as a result of a Google search. And in a way, I feel like a quick edit would make things more straightforward about what the complications are, and certainly avoid any ambiguities if one had never visited WWM before this. <I see> In a way, I feel like I've briefly interviewed you on the subject and also compiled some of your other documentation and could further enrich the Euxiphipops page. So... do I give it shot, you want to see a draft? <No to the draft. Please just addend, amend the piece and add your name, email address to the title> Now, the *real* question... I just got the declivis, and it's doing well in quarantine and I've also got a wide range of foodstuffs to get him going. I've noticed a tendency for the declivis to try and tear/rip at the food... what is the natural food which requires this behavior? <Most any, all... this species eats worms, crustaceans at depth> A function of the bristle-tooth thing? <Okay, and food choices, small mouth> I've noticed my Angels do something similar but usually stop over time as they realize they don't need to work so hard. Could this be a similar behavior simply tied to the foods in the wild? Just curious. <Yes> Anyway - no matter where you file this page, we'll now have four with the word declivis in it! <And soon more. Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Cheers, J -- Re: a question wrapped inside an enigma disguised as a web page Cool - no problem to editing - no problem with the declivis. <No real problems whatsoever> I did want to mention though, that while I appreciate you making sure I byline myself, I'd really just be quoting your material, and not really adding my own lack of experience with the navarchus. I'm just a lowly editor; but you're at the helm, so what you say goes. <Your touch changes everything my friend. Space, direction, velocity... at least two out of the three in our dimensionality; one in mine. Bob Fenner> Cheers. J -- BTW - have you done any "normal" Google searches lately looking up fish-things? WWM comes up a lot, and often on the first page. This is a Good Thing (tm). TTFN <Agreed. To go is to return. Bob F> Coldwater Shark out, Majestic Angel in Hello bob, Yes I am finally getting rid of my leopard shark <Mmm, why, may I ask?> and am trying to find one more fish to put in my tank you suggested that an angel would be okay in my 125 gallon so I am thinking about getting one what would you suggest besides an Asfur or maculosus because they do not get along well with my fish I was thinking an annularis or emperor something with a lot of color <These are fine fishes... my coverage of marine Angels is on the WWM site> my LFS has a friend that has had a majestic in his sump of his reef tank for about 7 months and he is still doing great but he would like to get rid of him would a 5 inch specimen be okay for my tank or is this not a good choice. <One that has been around this long is a "keeper"... I would buy/try it. Bob Fenner> Thanks for any help you can give me and have a good day. Six Bar Angel Fish Dear Robert, On July 10'th, 2001, I acquired a new so called Six Bar Angel Fish that is about 4-5 inches in length which is still in its juvenile stage. My question is that at Strictly Fish, Mike fed it 2 or 3 times before I purchased it. When I brought it home, I placed it in a 2 gallon tank set up inside the 6 feet long tank (dimensions are 72" x 18" x 20") to acclimate it from Tuesday afternoon to Friday afternoon for feedings and other routines so that it will know who I am and not be frightened of the things I do. In the 2 gallon tank, he was eating fine and dandy while the rest of the other residents saw him and he saw the others as well as the surrounding environment. On Friday the 13'th of July, I released him in the main tank by taking off the lid and sinking the entire container to let him out. The 4-5" Semi- Circulatus Angel Fish gave chase and would not let up so after I cleaned out the 2 gallon tank, I netted the Semi- Circulatus juvenile Angel in the small container. <So far so good> I had to keep the 2-3" Picasso Trigger Fish (by netting an entire live rock when it hid in there) at bay as it kept biting the new Six Bar Angel Fish. <Really? How unfriendly> I did this the rest of the day and evening before I let the trigger out of hiding so to give the new fish time to explore the rest of the tank (the trigger no longer bothers 6 Bar). Ever since I released the 6 Bar and exchanged the Semi Circulatus in the clear holding container, the 6 bar just simply stopped feeding. That was 4 days ago and I am getting desperate. <Hmm, doesn't sound good to me either> I make a mish-mash of combined foods which are the following: frozen Prime Reef Formula cubes, frozen Angel Formula cubes, frozen Brine Shrimp gum drops, frozen Blood Worm cubes, frozen Beef Heart cubes, frozen Formula One cubes, frozen Formula Two cubes, freeze dried Mysis Shrimps, Spirulina Flakes, Regular colorful Tetra Min flakes, several drops of VitaChem and Selcon. First, I thaw out the frozen items in some salt water in the microwave for 10-20 seconds. Then I add everything else and mix it so I have a large batch to feed the fishes for several evenings which I keep refrigerated the uneaten part till next feeding time. I feed them once a day. Now why all of a sudden did this fish become so finicky?!? <So much being chased around is my guess> I noticed that it is shy, that I have to coax it to come out by continuously talking to it in a calm, quiet, and slightly high pitched voice. <Hmm> I offered it some grape Caulerpa (it seems the tangs and miniature angels like them such as Coral Beauty and Lemon Peel Angel); offered it chopped up pre-cooked shrimp; left some Sea Weed Selects Red and Brown Algae for it to graze on; offered it some floating and sinking pellets; there are some turf algae growing in the main tank itself. Should I offer it some saw blade Caulerpa, some solid blade Caulerpa, some Halimeda, some feather Caulerpa that grows in the refugiums?!? <Wouldn't hurt to try> Coralline algae grows everywhere and so does ball sponges in colors of pinkish red, browns, greens, whites, etc. (I hear that they eat sponges and yet they are left untouched). Or is he one of those that is a specialized eater like the butterfly fishes that eats corals?!? <You have a good size, and sounds like an initially healthy specimen... I would give it a few more days where it is... It may well be eating all sorts of items from, around your live rock> Should I move the restrained Semicirculatus in another tank?!? Is 6 bar uncomfortable in the site of Semicirculatus?!? <These two don't sound like they are. I would move one of them if they don't appear to be getting along better in about a week.> Or should I move 6 bar to another tank and leave Semicirculatus in the big tank as he is the established resident?!? Semicirculatus eats like a pig and I don't seem to have any problems with him. So does Picasso Trigger. Fiji Damsel (top half blue, bottom half yellow) is a dainty eater (had him since October of 1998). 6 bar likes to sleep right beside Purple Lobster that hides inside a very large live rock. Pin Cushion Sea Urchin lives in the refugium where all the macro algae grows I heard that Picasso thinks that urchins are fish food). So there you have it, they are my guests in these particular tank system. 6 Bar Angel is slow and methodical and cautious when he swims from one end of the tank to the other. Doesn't look like he is sick or thin and wasting away or there are no visible ick or white spots, etc. And yes, he is aware of me as he hides soon as I approach. Then he cautiously comes out and does his side to side dance (all the fishes, I notice, do that to indicate that they are hungry) to let me know he wants to be fed. But, I am very puzzled as to why he is on a hunger strike. What do you think I should do?!? Help!!! Thanks for your time and patience. <Once again, I do suspect this fish is eating "other than food you're offering" and would not panic... would wait a week more... see if it does better than... and if not, likely move it rather than the Koran as you so well detail. Thank you for your well-written mail. Bob Fenner> Sincerely yours, Aleida Ann Graichen The Mariner Editor P.S. Please say hello to your delightful significant other, Dianne as I thoroughly enjoyed your company up in Monterey. Say hello to Mike and Peter for me!!! Ditto <Ah, will do so. Be seeing you. Bob> Juvenile Majestic Hey Dr. Bob, Hope all is well. I have two topics in which I need your advice. First: Is possible to have too much calcium in the tank? (Yes... much more than 450-500 ppm is trouble... diminishing other biominerals uptake and precipitating alkaline reserve...) My water levels are: nitrate 0, phosphate 0.1, ammonia 0, ph 8.5, alk 1.7, (Bingo... this is too low...) sg1.022, nitrite 0, and calcium is off the chart. 650 ppm is my estimate. I'm not sure why, I do not use supplements only the aquarium salt mix from Coralife. (Check your tap water for calcium and some synthetic fresh made up... this has not proved to be a consistent product) I have a few gobies, a six line wrasse, a majestic angel (2.5in.) and some polyps and leather corals in a 55 gal tank. The animals seem unaffected by it. What can I do to get it right? Or do I need to do anything? (You may have to start with another source water, or use another make-model of salt mix... like Instant Ocean...) Secondly, I purchased a juvenile Majestic angel from Aquacon.com about three weeks ago. I have yet to see him eat any of the prepared foods offered to him. I have tried feeding frozen brine, frozen prawn, this other frozen omnivore formula, and dried pellets from New Life full spectrum marine fish formula. He doesn't look famished and spends his time picking at the green hair algae growing on the life rock and red algae growing in patches on the crushed coral bottom. (Thank goodness for the live rock... this is a difficult species to keep and yours is starting at too-small a size... do keep offering it any-everything you can) I did figure out by catching him picking at an overturned snail on the bottom how I lost 20 snails variety of types) in the last three weeks. I purchased him with the hope that he would not be too destructive with the leathers in my tank and in a couple years move him to a large fish only tank. Any suggestions as to what to feed this beautiful fish? Thanks for all your help. (Take a read through the Marine Angels, and subgenus Euxiphipops in particular... sections posted on our website: www.WetWebMedia.com. Bob Fenner) -Patrick Hynes Majestic Angel Hi Bob, Thank-you for answering my previous questions. You have been a tremendous help! I have another question and would love to hear/see your input about a 4" adult Majestic angel (Euxiphipops navarchus) that has been in my local retail store for the past 2 months. I understand you have stated that this angel is a poor choice for home aquarium. However, the Majestic is eating and accepting various food types frozen/flake). The owner told me that he has given 3 formalin baths to the Majestic the first month, but did not administer one since. The angel appears to be healthy and behaves "normal".<Sounds like a very nice... and well-adjusted specimen.>Here is my question, since this Majestic has been in captivity for some time (2 months), do you think it will be wise to purchase this angel or should I leave this specimen alone?<If I were ever going to buy one, this specimen would be it>Your thoughts/comments are greatly appreciated. Thanks. Dan<Most of the three members of the subgenus Euxiphipops don't "make it" through the first couple of weeks of captivity, handling, shipping... Ones that have survived these rigors and are eating a variety of foods are likely to do well... As I stated, if ever there was one I would buy, it would be one with these qualifications. Bob Fenner> Blue face angel. About 3 months ago I purchased a 4 inch Blue faced angel for my 240g reef tank. He has done exceptionally well in my tank and now is 5 inches long. I knew when I bought the fish that it was a risk, but he made my tank. Up until three days ago he never ate anything he shouldn't. Yesterday he started to eat my Trachyphyllia brain coral. I gave it to a buddy before it was destroyed. ( the coral is now open again thankfully). Now he has moved onto my meat coral. Tomorrow I will also trade it in or give it away. I also saw him nip one of my gorgonians but it shows no sign of damage and after a bit the polyps came back. I keep a derasa clam, lots of LPS, and lots of Softies. I just bought my first SPS coral (Montipora digitata) to see how it does under my VHOs. So far the angel is ignoring my hammer, bubble, elegance, and cup LPS corals. Also ignored are all small polyps, soft corals, and the derasa clam. I had a similar problem before with an Eibli angel. It only ate very meaty LPS such as brains, meats, and candy corals. I ended up trading him back in with my LFS. Hopefully this angel has the same tastes. It is worth not having brain corals to have this fish in my tank!!! I really like this angel and do not want to get rid of him. He is beautiful and the first large angel I have owned. I'm thinking about removing all meaty LPS corals, adding feeder sponges for him to graze on all day, and crossing my fingers that he wont eat anything else. From your experience would you remove the angel or trade in the meaty LPS for soft corals and less meaty LPS corals and hope his tastes don't run towards these as well. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help, Everett <Well, from reading your message you seem to have about the same appraisal I have of this Angel, and its propensity for sampling stinging-celled animals... I would likely make the same sort of decision by default... either to house the meatier corals or this fish... a tough choice, but necessary. Bob Fenner> Blue face Angelfish Hi Bob, I saw http://www.wetwebmedia.com/euxiphip.htm and found this information very valuable. I would like your opinion on a Blue Face Angelfish I saw and would like to buy. It looks very healthy an is eating very well. My saltwater fish only tank is about 170 gallons and I have a Powder Blue Tang, a Regal Tang, a Yellow Tang, an Odonus Niger and a Holacanthus tricolor. This last one is what worries me more because he is small (about 2 inches) and the Blue face Angelfish is about 4 inches. Will this be a problem? Do you think I would end with a death Holacanthus? The tank has a significant amount of live rock and water quality is ok. Thank you very much for your opinion. Joao Cotter <Hard to say Joao. You already are having success with a couple of equally difficult species (the Holacanthus tricolor/Atlantic Rock Beauty Angel and Powder Blue Tang... if you do place this large Pacific Angel species I would stop there in the way of adding fishes... and I would definitely dip and quarantine the specimen for two weeks ahead of its placement... to further assess its health, and ward against possible infectious and parasitic disease introduction. Bob Fenner> Blueface Bob, Had a quick question about the blue face, the film has spread to both eyes, he is not eating, and there does appear to be embedded white stuff in the sides of the fish, his fins look real ragged, like fin rot, while he is in a tank with much larger fish, I don't think they pick on him. As a last ditch effort, I dipped him in dip-away, hoping that this might help. All other fish (up till now seem unaffected), but I believe my copper level is very low (per our previous discussion), I STILL don't have the test, are there any other suggestions you have? <Maybe to pull the fish, treat it in a separate, hospital tank... run it through a Nitrofuran bath (25mg per gallon), ten minutes in dilute seawater (about 1.010) on the way there> One other thing, I definitely want to put a plenum in this tank (160), but it would be almost impossible to remove all the fish as they are rather large. Do you see anything bad about slowly adding the new substrate, or will it be too much for the fish? Thanks, Tom >> <No problem with adding the new substrate in the established system... even systematically pushing existing gravel over to place plates/plenum... A mess, and take your time... lower that water level... Bob Fenner Majestic angels Hi Bob, I know in both your book and in articles etc, you do not recommend this fish. But I believe that their poor survivability is due to handling methods ???? <To a large extent, yes, the Majestic or Navarchus Angel (Pomacanthus Euxiphipops navarchus) is lost largely to artifacts of capture, handling, shipping... but even neglecting these sources of trauma/mortality, this species still rates a 3 on my scale of survivability (more than half are dead as of a month of collection)> (correct me if I am wrong). It has been suggested to me that so long as you get a good healthy specimen that they are fine. <Better, not good though> I get all my live stock via TMC. So I have faith that they have been well handled. <Agreed, in western Europe they are the best marine wholesaler... their methods are unparalleled> I was hoping to add one to my tank, which is 84" x 18" x 18", good readings .. nitrate less than 10ppm ... around 5ppm most of the time. <Believe what you will my friend, till experience changes your mind...> What I am worried about is the existing fish, which include an emperor and queen angel. Both are about 4.5" long and going through their change. I am not really worried about the queen, because she chases nothing and is totally peaceful. The emperor on the other hand chases her. But it seems as though he will only chase a fish which challenges him, or one that is of equal size such that it is threat to his territory. <I would be concerned... these are large species... that don't appreciate being crowded... even if they 'grow up together'... When they're full sized what will you do with them?> I was planning to get a 2.5 to 3" adult colored majestic. I was thinking that the emperor would pretty much ignore it, since it will be about half its size, and hardly a sizable threat. Also, I do not think the queen would touch it, because she chases nothing anyway. What do you think ??? Thanks, Regards, Matt., Co. Cork, Ireland. >> <Don't know what to think... chances are okay that the marine angels will get along well enough for now, that the Majestic will perish, "for no apparent reason", that you will hopefully stay in the hobby... Bob Fenner> Majestic angels Hi Bob, Bob I have a 100gal fish only tank Sunset Wrasse, Purple Tang, Clown Trigger, Min. Grouper, Volitans Lion, Clown Tang & Potters Angel I just had an Ich problem that I had to treat in my Main Tank with copper the spots went away but the fish continued to scratch now the clown trigger & purple tang look pale and all of the fish are constantly scratching the clown is getting cauliflower like spots on his fins I've done a water change and added some TLC now I have a 20Gal. QTANK setup what should I do. By the way they are all eating good just scratching and it looks like there fins are starting rot please advise. Thanks Rock >> Well, the twenty won't hold all these fishes for treatment or any other purpose... so it's back to treating them in place... Did you use a copper test kit? From the sounds of the looks of the animals and their behavior... it looks like they were alternatively over-coppered, and the ich-under-coppered... You/they still have it... Did you manipulate specific gravity and temperature? There are many possibilities here... and a need to figure out what is going on and make some changes... NOW. Take a read through all the input on Parasitic Diseases under the Marine Articles section of my site www.wetwebmedia.com.... and get ready to add nitrifying bacteria (from the twenty? if you can culture it quick... maybe with some live rock there.... Or from commercial cultures...) and do successive water changes.... Bob Fenner, who doesn't like "this ride" either. Thanks for your reply. Much appreciated. I think it most likely I will not be getting a navarchus angel ...... I have had a couple of warnings about them, but saying that I was thinking perhaps they just got bad specimens, so I said I would get your advice and go with that instead. As they say, if one person says it, you think "maybe", if two say it you still think "maybe", when three say it you think "maybe not", and when everyone says it, chances are they're right ! So I'll take your advice, and cast my vote my not buying one, to let them where they are best left .... in the ocean (and keeping my money where it is best left .. in my pocket.....LOL). <Or for that new system!> Thanks again, I'll be speaking to you again, no doubt. Regards, Matt >> <No doubt. I wish you well. Bob Fenner> Euxiphipops angels I recently bought Scott W Michael's Marine Fish (the pocket guide). His book, like your is published by microcosm. His fish rating system is 1-5, 5 being the hardiest, one the worst. He rates the Euxiphipops angels at three for navarchus and sexstriatus and 4 for xanthometopon. I was just wondering if you would agree with this ( I'm not sure how to translate the 1-5 w/ your 1-3 rating system. Also, the emperor angel is a three, making it less hardy than the Blueface? I was just curious... thanks for your insight - Yaron Aronowicz >> Have Scott's works... and do rate the subgenus much lower (1's for the Blue Face and Navarchus, 2 for the Six Striped...) than he does... Scott worked in the retail part of the trade, in Nebraska... I have worked in all aspects of the trade... in Japan, the Philippines, and southern Calif. in the U.S.... and probably have seen more of the "real spectrum" of what the industry is like... Scott's views are accurate no doubt... for the probably excellent specimens he has come in contact with in the middle of the U.S... If you only got "hand picked" members of these species, that hailed from other than Indo. the P.I..... yours would likely do better than the "average" as well... I rate the Emperor about a 4 (to five for ones from further into the I.O, Red Sea... on this scale... Bob Fenner Blueface Selection I purchased a blue faced angel two days ago. He's about 3 1/2" and almost his full adult color. Upon doing some research, (a couple of different books and hobby notes from ff express) I thought this fish would be the perfect last addition to my tank, keeping with the indo pacific theme. Just yesterday I came upon your article at wet web media (unfortunately a little too late) which states that these angels don't do well and will more than likely die. I'm devastated and don't know what to do. I currently have a 135 gallon tank with trickle filter, protein skimmer, UV sterilizer and the water quality is very good, I also have 60 pounds of live rock. The tank currently contains a purple tang, Sailfin tang, raccoon butterfly, Valentini puffer, lemon peel angel, coral beauty and a couple of purple Firefish. The blue faced angel was going to be the last fish added and possibly replacing the coral beauty and lemon peel. He is currently in my quarantine tank after a dip, and I would really like to keep him. He is currently eating spinach, but will not accept any meaty foods yet. My question is A.: What can I do to increase his chance of survival; B: When placed into my main tank, do you foresee any compatibility problems with any of my other fish; C: Do you recommend medicating a delicate angel as a preventative measure and D: Should I return him and choose not to take on the challenge and do you recommend any other Angels? Thanks, Bob. From Tom >> You are right in thinking my opinion is as you state... Most Blue Face Angels (Pomacanthus Euxiphipops xanthometopon) don't live for long in captivity... But you are by far not the "average" hobbyist... you've no doubt gotten an excellent specimen if it is eating spinach in a/your quarantine tank, have an established reef system of size, with peaceable tankmates.... that the Blue Face can dominate.... I rate your chances very good... I don't see any social dynamics problems... I would not "medicate" the fish (just quarantine it for two weeks, maybe adding a biological cleaner for insurance and company), and not worry otherwise. Bob Fenner Cloudy eyes on angel Hmm, I would say this is an all-too-typical "stress syndrome" problem with this problematic species (actually all three species in the subgenus Euxiphipops)... rather than a "bacterial infection" per se... So, what would I do if it were up to me? Whatever that could be done to incrementally improve the fish's environment... varying the food more? More live rock, a new biological cleaner organism... cleaning the skimmer, replacing your activated carbon... This is "just" a high stress species that exhibits this sort of appearance to those who are sharp of eye and quick in action... Most die "mysteriously"... Bob Fenner Thanks for the rapid reply. I've had him for over a year. The only big change would be the addition of an overly active 2" Longnose hawk. He never stops swimming. I need to get a bigger tank (180g) but the rising interest rates are killing my homeowner chances. I'm afraid to have one in an apartment. Right now I am arguably overcrowded in the 75. 4" hispidus puffer, 4" green bird (male), 3" melanurus wrasse, 4" BF angel (adult), 2.5" maroon clown, 2" royal Gramma & the Longnose. I'm only running an internal wet-dry. My carbon bag definitely needs replacing and I will do so today. My U.S. Aquarium skimmer has its problems. It just stops skimming at times. The pump sometimes gets jammed. The ozonizer is running through it at a fairly low level. I feed a rotating assortment of formulas 1 and 2, angel formula, brine, Mysis, plankton, prime reef (cubes and flakes), bloodworms and seaweed. Unfortunately, the puffer eats 90% of the seaweed (amazing!) until he is stuffed and sick like a human. I think that the angel needs more greens, but not sure how to get it to him. Do you think that it would be worthwhile to add an external filter to the tank. Maybe an Eheim 2217 which I can get cheap ($50) from a closing dealer? I'd prefer to save my $$ for the big one when it comes. >> Ahh, well am I answered, and I understand... Yes to the added stress from crowding, lots of waste treatment, and too-busy Cirrhitid... And definitely yes to the bargain, earlier model Eheim... you can use or sell this canister filter for this sum many years hence... Bob Fenner Blue face angel in coral reef tank. RECENTLY, I READ AN ARTICLE (NATIONALLY KNOWN AUTHOR) WHICH HAD A PICTURE OF A BLUE FACED ANGEL IN HIS CORAL REEF TANK . I THOUGHT SHORT OF SEVERAL SMALL ANGEL SPECIES THAT ALL OTHER ANGEL SPECIES WERE NOT REEF SAFE. PLEASE RECTIFY THIS DILEMMA (I WOULD LIKE TO PUT A BLUE FACED ANGEL IN MY REEF TANK IF THIS IS SAFE). >> Yep, some folks have all the success/fortune it seems... But some angel species, some specimens, some settings, some mix of species just "do/don't fit the/a mold"... and MOST of this species (Pomacanthus Euxiphipops xanthometopon) Don't go in MOST folks set ups... The only way to "tell" whether you'll be one of the "lucky ones" is to try it. Do start with a small individual (3-4"), in a well established system... and, you know the "cost" of "freedom"? Yep, constant vigilance (something my fellow Americans should re-enliven)... you'll have to be ever watching that angel... as it may develop an expensive eating habit. If it were me, I'd try another angel species on the sliding scale of likelihood of being "reef" safe (let's say a Flame on the high side, a true Lemon Peel on the Blue Face end of the spectrum...). My opinion. Bob Fenner Sick Blueface I have a blue faced angel that has been sick for about 7 weeks now, I have him in a sick tank, the first symptoms showed up as not eating and staying in one area of the tank. 2-3 days later, one of his eyes started to pop and I immediately took him out and put him in the 10 gallon sick tank. The first week, I used maracyn-2 on him, and then did a water change and added vita-chem. vitamins. I have been changing the water every 5-7 days and re-vitamin-izing the water since then, trying to feed him live brine, frozen fresh, "seaweed" and flake foods, he still hasn't eaten any (at least that I've seen). His second eye started puffing about 4 weeks ago, but is about normal now, the other eye is down to about 50% of it's biggest size, but he has been that way for about 2 weeks now. My Q is whether there is anything else that I should be doing to help him out, should I try to re-medicate, or just let nature take it's course and see how he does. He seems pretty strong still considering he hasn't eaten in a long time now, and he doesn't appear stressed, and has no other outward signs of sickness other than the eyes and no eating. Thanks! Gil >> Gil, thank you for writing. It is a shame but the three gorgeous large marine Angels of the Subgenus Euxiphipops (the Navarchus or Majestic, and Six Stripe, in addition to the Blue Face), do so poorly in captivity. Kudos to you for having a sick tank and acting so quickly and intelligently. As the fish has shown considerable improvement, I would continue with your regimen (feeding, water changes), leaving it in the sick tank. As to presenting more antimicrobials to the water itself, I would not. Instead, I would encourage you to either make or buy pre-made anti-biotic and anti-protozoal foods (these are made by some of the big name dry-foods manufacturers like Tetra/Secondnature), and alternate their feeding (with live/frozen at the latter part of the day) for a good three weeks. For more on making your own medicated foods and disease treatment in general, you are welcome to search through my ongoing efforts to place articles, upcoming manuscripts at wetwebmedia.com Good luck. Bob Fenner Thanks for your quick reply! I will continue with that I am doing and try to get him to eat medicated food, I have some from my last order from pet warehouse. FWIW, the other fish in the tank never did show any symptoms and are eating heartily, and are still doing real well, just this one angelfish got sick. I'll let you know how it turns out, as it seems that this is a difficult sickness to cure, I am surprised he has lasted this long without my seeing him eat at all. I'll be checking out your webpage too to see what I can find about treatments. Thanks again for the quick reply! Gil >> I'm not too surprised re the apparent non-infectiousness from the Blue Face. Likely the "problem" is internal (infectious, parasitic, or systemic), and it does sound like you've reacted "in the nick of time", though the remaining eye swelling may take months (or forever) to return to normal. Bob Fenner
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