Red Sea fish ID 10/12/18
Dear Mr. Bob,
<Hey Mohammed>
I'm Mohammed Hassaan from Egypt. Please I need your help about this fish ID
I searched a lot on and could not find it.
Thank you, Mohammed Hassaan
<This is a juvenile Parrotfish, Family Scaridae (Labridae for some); I believe
it's a Chlorurus gibbus.
Bob Fenner>
Purple tang hlth; env.
Hello There,
Thanks Bob for getting back to me so quickly. I have read your site for
14 years now and have recommended it as a go
to when I worked in the aquarium trade for 6
I am still puzzled as to what my purple tang has. Since our last
email I have
been raising the salinity from 1.008 and it's now at 1.012...
planning on having at full strength in 6 days.
I know you stated to get a sampling, but I do
not have access to a microscope and am not sure what I would be
looking for anyway :-(
<... looks like... "Creeping eruptions"... not unlike some nematode
human dermal parasite issues. In this case though I suspect the Tang has
been "challenged environmentally">
The irregular shaped spots/growths/blotches have increased and have been
growing slightly and slowly in size. Some of the blotches are
white and flush with skin, some are protruding
up to 1 mm off the skin surface. They vary in
size and are kind of circular/oval, but not uniform in shape. Two
near the abdomen are looking like they may be kind of a lesion
(white around the circumference and in the
middle a little tiny bit of off purple colour.
Those two were flat and now are becoming like growths. Those two
are now growing off the surface of the skin maybe a 1mm. Some of
the spots have been there in the same location
for three weeks and have increased in size
some have been there just as long and have not increased in size.
There are some small (1mm or less) on the head, but once I did another
freshwater dip for 12 minutes, they seem to have changed from a
white colour to a more translucent colour.
They are still bumps though. When I did the
freshwater dip (yesterday morning), I could not see anything fall
off. I let the water settle and still nothing on the bottom of
the bucket to the naked eye.
I have attached some photos that I was hoping may help.
I have ruled out Ich, since they were increasing even though the
salinity was
1.008 (used a calibrated refractometer).
<Way too low... this fish is a Red Sea endemic... the water is even more
A friend recommended bring the salinity back to sea water strength,
<At least>
and using
Bifuran+ in the quarantine tank. Maybe even using some Cupramine at a
low dose...
<I'd skip the Copper exposure. won't help>
not sure where to go from here. Should I try a freshwater dose
with Bifuran+ for a minute or two? Try a dip for 45 minutes at
the present salinity of the tank (1.012) with
<... just raise the spg>
Obviously I am assuring a balanced diet (new life pellets, ocean
nutrition formula 2, Mysis, and Nori soaked in
Kent garlic, Zoë, and Zoecon) and good water
quality (ro/di biweekly 25% water changed). He is still eating,
not as ravenously as he did when I got him, but is still eating.
He is active, breathing at a normal rate.
Never seen him scratching. On occasion he may
flash his fins.
It's is seeming harder for him to swallow the Newlife pellets. He takes
them in and spits them in repeatedly until he eats a few. He did
not seem the have this difficulty before.
Any suggestions?
<What I said>
Thanks again for all your fish support,
<Welcome. BobF>
e: Fwd: 5/15/14
<Ced... not another 9 Megs!>
Hello There Again,
I have some better photos to send along with the previous email.
This is what I wrote in the previous email:
Re: Fwd: 5/15/14
Sorry, just thought you would need the best photos possible.
<We only have 50 Megs of webmail space>
So skip all meds (Bifuran and Cupramine) just raise the salinity to say
1.024-25 like the red sea?
<The Red Sea is more like 1.028>
So it's not
Once the environment is great, the fish should heal in time. Would I be
able to get him out of the quarantine (once salinity is restored
and been observed for at least 2 - 4 weeks)
even if he is still showing bumps and put him
into his 180 gallon future home?
<Yes I would... very doubtful this trouble is pathogenic. B>
Regal Tang Introduction with Purple Tang
Hi Crew – hope all is well.
<Some of this; some of that. Thank you for your expressed
concern/courtesy acknowledgement>
I welcome your thoughts on adding a Regal Tang
<Paracanthurus hepatus I'll take it>
to my 96x30x30 (375 gallon) tank ... The BIG players in
the tank are 5" Majestic Angel, 6" Regal Angel (Angels get along fine),
7" Blonde Naso and the most recent addition (about a 6 months ago)
a 5" purple tang. As suspected, the purple tang has
become the most dominate fish, not attacking/harassing, he just makes
sure everyone knows he's the boss. I initially thought the purple tang
would be the last addition to the tank but I’m thinking a Regal
tang could work. If so, would a small +/- 2.5” Juvenile have a
better chance of being ignored by the big players, or should he be much
bigger to compete with the BIG players (after QT of course).
Welcome your wisdom as always.
Rick Campbell
<I do give you good odds of this fish doing well here; given the small
size start and large tank. Bob Fenner>
Re: Regal Tang Introduction with Purple Tang - AND Golden
Butterfly... 375 gal. FOWLR f' 1/31/14
Am I asking for trouble by considering a couple/few of the gorgeous
Chaetodon semilarvatus to this same group?
<A fave; and these should do fine in such a volume; given they fit in...
mostly with the established Zebrasoma... which they should at their
present size relatively. I WOULD keep an eye on the alpha tang and be
ready to net/trap it out, place it in a floating plastic colander (spag.
strainer) in the tank IF there are signs of overt aggression>
There are currently 4 in QT at the LFS, approximately 2.5" in length.
<And you; Bob Fenner>
Re: Regal Tang Introduction with Purple Tang - AND Golden
Butterfly... 375 gal. FOWLR f' 1/31/14
Am I asking for trouble by considering a couple/few of the gorgeous
Chaetodon semilarvatus to this same group?
<A fave; and these should do fine in such a volume; given they fit in...
mostly with the established Zebrasoma... which they should at their
present size relatively. I WOULD keep an eye on the alpha tang and be
ready to net/trap it out, place it in a floating plastic colander (spag.
strainer) in the tank IF there are signs of overt aggression>
There are currently 4 in QT at the LFS, approximately 2.5" in length.
<And you; Bob Fenner>
Re: Regal Tang Introduction with Purple Tang - AND Golden Butterfly:
latter, stkg./sel. 2/2/14
Paracanthurus hepatus (after 11 days in QT - gobbling up NLS pellets
from day one)
<Ah, good>
went into the display about an hour before lights out last night and had
to deal with Mr. Zebrasoma on occasion, both frontal and caudal
posturing. Displaying a few scraps this morning from wedging within the
rocks overnight I suspect - didn't appear to be scalpel wounds . Here we
are 24 hours after introduction and I just witnessed them swim within 2"
of each other as if neither existed. I've seen a few quick bolting
lunges from Mr. Z today, but they have continued to minimize as the day
went on. I'll continue to observe closely over the next couple days, but
I'm hoping the worse is behind me.
In regards to introducing one or more Chaetodon semilarvatus, I've
typically seen them singly or in pairs.
<Almost always encountered as pairs in the wild/Red Sea>
Would 3 or 4 coexist/group together considering the 375 gallon volume.
Does strength in numbers also improve their chances with Mr. Alpha
Zebrasoma xanthurum?
<I would go with two for sure here... And... look for a Red Sea angel to
go with... I fully suspect that you would greatly enjoy an Asfur or
Maculosus... perfect for this size system, setting. Intelligent,
In closing, I remember asking my first question through this forum over
10 years ago in regards to a sump design on my first (90 gallon)
I had just finished "The Conscientious Marine Aquarist" soft cover for the
first time (of many). I was completely surprised (and so grateful) when
I received a response from yourself! I'm now the owner of a well used,
updated hardcopy version and would just like to say Thank You for all
your work towards a hobby that I love so dearly.
Rick Campbell
<Thank you. Bob Fenner>
Re: Regal Tang Introduction with Purple Tang - AND Golden
Butterfly. Stkg 375 f' 2/2/14
I've considered an Asfur angelfish in the past but was unsure of how
he'd fit in with the existing 5" Majestic and more so (my pride and joy)
a beautiful yellow-bellied (and assumed Red Sea) 6" Pygoplites
diacanthus (attached).
<IS a RS specimen and a beaut>
Do I have good odds of success by adding an Asfur at this point, along
with the Golden B/F pair, and if so in the 3"-4" range?
<I say yes to both/all... The Asfur will likely be tank bred/reared,
smallish... and get along fine here; ultimately vie with the Xanthurum
as alpha fish; but undoubtedly will become your fave>
You may find in a couple years time that you're wanting even a larger
display for your (biotope) tank>
<Cheers, BobF>

Re: Regal Tang Introduction with Purple Tang - AND Golden
Butterfly. Adding an Asfur 2/4/14
A 6" Asfur currently available at LFS (attached pic shown with a
Zebrasoma Xanthurum hiding in the back - he's been there for almost 2
<A very nice specimen>
At this size, the sparks might fly immediately with my resident 5" Mr.
Z. - welcome your thoughts.
<I would go ahead and try this mix/match... WITH having a large plastic
colander on hand to catch out, float the Zebrasoma in case there is
In regard to quarantine (my QT tank is 30 gallons), I'm tempted to just
do a freshwater dip on the Pomacanthus asfur and get him in the display
(knowing he's been 2 months at LFS and a fine looking specimen).
<Yes; this is what I'd do as well>
Simultaneously I'd get the pair of Chaetodon semilarvatus into QT. Or
could I QT all 3 together?
<Just the BFs. Thirty gal.s is too small for all; or even just this
For interest ... my (intended RS biotype) currently includes the Regal
Angel and Purple Tang as discussed, but also a Midas Blenny, 3 Female
Lyretail Anthias, (with the largest starting to transition to male), a
Blonde Naso Tang, 6 blue green Chromis and an Orchid Dottyback. My 100%
biotype plan went out the window with the addition of the Majestic
<The Pomacanthus imperator I take it>
Additional non Red Sea specimens now include a Coral Beauty, a Flame
Angel, Copperbanded B/F, a Twinspot Hogfish, 3 Royal Grammas, a diamond
goby and the most recent Palette Surgeonfish that thankfully has been
totally ignored by the Purple Tang for the last 24 hours.
Took me years to convince my wife to have 8' x 2.5' x 2.5' tank "built"
into a wall as we were designing our new house ... I dare not mention a
"larger display tank".
<Heeeee! B>
.jpeg) |
Red Sea Aquarium – 05/13/12
What are your opinions on the Red Sea Aquariums for salt water. Would
these systems be a good decision for some one wanting to start out in
the aquarium hobby?
<Some animals from there are indeed very tough... I have a few articles
and a book section posted on WWM re this topic. Read. Bob Fenner>
Will this Red Sea-based tank work? 5/17/11
Dear Crew:
I have been reading and thinking about a Red Sea reef aquarium.
However, I also prefer captive corals if possible (I lack
I was thinking of the following.
Tank: ~150 gallons (60L * 24H * 24L), with 50 gallon fuge growing
Gracilaria sp. and maybe Ulva for nutrient export.
Skimmer: Reef Dynamics INS180E (with modded Eheim pump).
Biological Filtration: 150 lbs ReefCleaners dead/base rock +
refugium/tank activation kit including assorted detritivores and
coralline algae from Indo-Pacific Sea Farms.
Lighting: ATI Sunpower T5 unit: 60", 8 x 80 watt (58.5" x
17.5" x 2.1" (L x W x H)).
Ozonizer: Ozotech Poseidon Ozone Generator 200mg/hr + Avast Mutiny
Ozone Reactor
5-7x Zoramia leptacantha (Blue Streak Cardinal, ORA tank bred)
2x Amphiprion bicinctus (Red Sea Two-Band Clownfish, ORA)
5x Cirrhilabrus rubriventralis (Red Sea Social Fairy Wrasse)
1x Melichthys indicus (Red Sea Indian Triggerfish)
1x Genicanthus caudovittatus (Red Sea Zebra Angelfish)
Acropora sp. (ORA mostly)
Montipora sp. (ORA mostly)
Other Inverts:
1x Derasa Clam (ORA)
<Mmm, I'd get a T. maxima to be more authentic>
"Plants" (found that these do grow in Red Sea, though
don't expect to get them from there):
There is one obvious concern here, and that is the trigger. While it
will not grow large, and is not inherently a piscivore according to
fishbase, it is a trigger. I could imagine him terrifying every other
fish. The angelfish is one of the few reef safe ones from the Red
Is this combination just too ambitious or ill-conceived?
<I think it may be just fabulous, even risking the Trigger, that I
would place last here>
Thank you. Jason
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Will this Red Sea-based tank work? 5/18/11
I am so pleased with your assessment, Bob. I will correct the clam
<The alternative species found in this range, T. squamosa is far
less suitable, pretty IMO>
It was a last minute addition. I had spent so many hours developing
this plan that I finally decided to offer it up or forever have a
theoretical tank. It is great that we have WWM as a resource for the
kinds of specific questions that cannot be answered in any book,
however great it is.
<Cheers Jas, BobF>
Scleronephthya/Dendronephthya, Red Sea
biotope 12/27/10
Hi Crew
Firstly hope you are all well and hope you all had a very Happy
I've recently been reading your articles on here about
softies, especially the keeping of dendros and sclerons trying to
get more of an understanding of the needs and requirements of
these delicate corals.
The reason I'm here is to say I have had an orange
Scleronephthya in my tank for around 8-10 months now, it is only
a very small piece that came in on a piece of LR I brought and
opens up to about 2cm in height, can't believe how well it is
doing to say how hard to keep these can be, it must be feeding
well from when I supplement and feed the SPS in my aquarium.
<And/or some life in the system is producing such food>
I am currently in the process of ordering a new marine set up,
and would love to recreate a red sea looking reef with a shoal of
Anthias and other fish that are found in this area of waters.
I'm tempted to buy more Scleronephthya/Dendronephthya to
create the look I'm after with vivid colours of soft corals,
also gorgonians and sponges, I'm dubious in buying these
though and was wondering if there would be any other corals you
could recommend that could fit the bill of what I'm trying to
achieve in my new set up.
<Mmm, all sorts. Have been to parts of the Red Sea several
times, diving, photographing. And have one section of a book re
its habitats, organisms.
Much of this is reproduced here:
and the linked files above>
Any help and suggestions would be most appreciated.
Take care all and an early happy new year to you all for when it
Many thanks for all your expertise
<Glad to share! Bob Fenner>
Re: Scleronephthya/Dendronephthya 12/28/10
Hi Bob and the rest of the crew
Thanks for the speedy reply, you gave me good reading from the
links and an abundance of useful information as usual, I have
also already made book purchases this morning for reference on
corals and fish of the red sea.
This is the kind of thing I would love to achieve (see attached
for my perfect biotope, obviously on a much smaller scale.
<Ah yes>
Do you know of any books that would list all/most soft corals
found in the red sea?
<Mmm, none that I'm aware of... there are such checklists
on various groups of the region... but hard to find. Peter
Vine's work is largely incomplete.
Do check out ReefBase:
I have already purchased 'coral reef guide - red
One last thing do you know what the long branches are coming out
from the corals?
<Oh yes... whip, wire corals, Antipatharians>
would add nice height in the aquarium if I could find out what
these are.
<Perhaps models... or a/the big challenge... harder to keep
than many of the difficult soft corals>
Thanks again.
Kind regards
(I'll send pictures of the tank when it is up and running,
hopefully get some constructive criticism from the guys and girls
on here).
<Thank you for this. I do hope we meet up, above and below
water! BobF>

Re: Scleronephthya/Dendronephthya, RS biotope ref.s
and diving trips 12/28/10
Hi again Bob
Just a quick one, and thanks once again.
Found this for anyone else looking for red sea soft coral info,
gives amazing pictures, coral names and also book lists for all
you need, hope it helps others out, definitely worth a look.
<I see>
And like you would like to meet above and below the water with
you All the best.
<How about next (2012) May? We'll be back out pre-Interzoo
show... BobF>
Re: Scleronephthya/Dendronephthya, Diving 2011, 2012
Hi Bob
<Yo! Simon>
you'll have to send me details of where and when you'll
be diving, see if I can make arrangements to head over and catch
a dive with you.
All the best
<That would be mighty fine... Do mark on your calendar
(I'm still analog...) or PDA or such to contact me April 2012
or such... or... we're headed out to Sipadan this year, about
the same time frame (ahead of the Aquarama show in Sing.)... and
I'm out to Cozumel in a couple of weeks and then late Feb
into Mar. (7th) this year if you can/want to come along w/
friends. BobF>
Red sea diving -- 10/19/10
Hey Bob,
I just wanted to thank you for the excellent recommendation of Emperor
Diving in Hurghada. My wife and I had 3 solid days of diving there (as
well as a night dive) and the Emperor staff were very nice, we felt
safe and the whole experience was really great. Even the food on the
boat was good!
(and my wife and I are picky eaters so this was a big win for them
Anyways, I just wanted to say thanks!
<Thank you for this report back Jason. Am always a bit hesitant to
"plug" an outfit, and/or location I have not really
"just been to/at"... But do know the Emperor Diving outfit
well enough, including the owners. Am very glad you and yours had a
positive experience. BobF>
Corals And Butterflies???/Butterflyfish
Compatibility 8/11/10
To whom this reaches I thank you for your time.
<It is James, and you're welcome Hugo.>
I wrote to you about a month ago and Mr. Fenner answered in regards to
a Red Sea Biotope for a 540 gallon FOWLR aquarium that was in the
process of starting up.
I thought my aquarium was just going to be the fish I had selected,
live rock and fake corals from living color. After researching,
visiting my local fish stores and watching marine documentaries I have
come to the conclusion that I would like to have soft corals and lps
corals as well. Now my problem is that I am about to purchase two
Chaetodon semilarvatus and two Chaetodon auriga, from the Red Sea, and
I have heard on many accounts from to books to this
website that butterflies are not reef safe at all. I think I already
know the answer to the question I am about to ask but I just have to
ask it anyway. Will I be ok adding these two butterflies with soft
corals and lps in the aquarium?
<Mmm, will all depend on what type coral species you have or plan on
having. Chaetodon semilarvatus will eat most hard and soft corals,
clams and tubeworms, but is generally safe with Sinularia soft
Chaetodon auriga prefers SPS corals and is generally safe with soft
corals. Do keep in mind there are no guarantees. If you plan on keeping
LPS and softies, the following Butterflyfish are generally safe with
Chaetodon auriga (Threadfin Butterflyfish) E to M
Chaetodon baronessa (Triangular Butterflyfish) D
Chaetodon falcula (Saddleback Butterflyfish) M to D
Chaetodon guttatissimus (Spotted Butterflyfish) M to D
Chaetodon kleinii (Klein's Butterflyfish) E
Chaetodon multicinctus (Multiband/Hawaiian Butterflyfish) D
Chaetodon octofasciatus (Eight Banded Butterflyfish) D
Chaetodon plebeius (Blue Spot/Coral Butterflyfish) D
Chaetodon punctatofasciatus (Spot Banded Butterflyfish) M
Chaetodon rafflesi (Latticed Butterflyfish) E to M
Chaetodon xanthurus (Pearl Scale Butterflyfish) E to M
Chelmon rostratus (Copperband Butterflyfish) M
Hemitaurichthys zoster (Black Pyramid Butterflyfish) E
Prognathodes aya (Atlantic Long Snout Butterflyfish) M
(E, M, and D are the degree of difficulty in keeping this fish.)
You have an advantage of this working out since you have a large
system, and if it is well stocked with LPS and soft corals, any
possibility of these fish sampling the corals would likely go
Above all else I care for my livestock and do not want my greed or
desire get in the way of their well being.
I plan on adding a Red Sea Emperor Angel as well. I have read first
hand accounts of emperors being reef safe. I know each individual is
Do emperors touch lps? I know they have been known to nibble on soft
<May want to read here and related articles/FAQ's.>
Thanks you for your time,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Egypt/diving - 8/10/10
Hey Bob,
How are you? I hope all is well!
<Thank you my friend. The shadow of Buddha is upon us for your
I just wanted to get your opinion on something. My wife and I are
travelling to Europe in October, and I figured since we're all the
way over there, I might as well try to dive the Red Sea!
<Heeee! Why not?!>
She wants to go to Cairo first, see the pyramids etc,
<Good idea... I was at both last May... and better to do the
antiquities route ahead of the diving...>
and was then looking into a place called Hurghada.
<Mmm, yes... have been there a few times... no longer quite the
sleepy small town it once was... and quite a few Soviet/Russian
I understand that you have done a lot of diving in the Red Sea and
thought I'd ask if you have checked this area out? if not, perhaps
you can recommend some of your favourite spots to dive there?
Thanks Bob
<Mmm... well, for most folks/trips-itineraries, I'd choose Sharm
(el Sheik) on Egypt's Sinai Peninsula over Hurghada... It too is a
large town (larger by far) and does have some rather seedy areas, and
lots of visitors, indeed entire resorts of eastern and western
Europeans... but it is a better choice IMO for first visits to the
area... More food selection (including, sigh, McDonald's, Pizza Hut
and my fave, KFC), and is closer to other major
attractions in the geographic area... Allow me to suggest looking at
staying in Na'ama Bay area, and Sinai Divers as a dive service. Do
feel free to write back so we can/may chat further. BobF, waking up,
sort of>
Re: Egypt/diving 8/11/10
Thanks so much for getting back to me Bob!
So I have discussed it with my wife and she has done some research on
the hotels etc in both places.
<Ah, good>
My wife seems to have her heart set on the resort in Hurghada. We are
not very social people so I think she prefers a smaller town and a more
inclusive resort package.
At the end of the day, I do what she says, as long as I get some great
diving out of it haha. Is there a diving service/site in the Hurghada
area that you could recommend?
<Emperor Divers is my pick...>
Or is the diving in Sharm considerably better than Hurghada?
<Both have their good sites, high points... Again, I prefer Sharm
for new visitors to the Red Sea... for the wrecks if you're
interested, for the mix/diversity of resorts and eateries, for the
Straits of Tiran and Ras Mohamed world heritage site, proximity to St.
Catherine's, Jordan, Israel, Dahab, Taba... but Hurghada has much
to offer as well; mainly in less dive-impacted reefs>
Is this a fight I need to win with her?
<Oh no... each must decide for themselves>
Anyways, I really appreciate you taking the time to share your
experiences with me.
Thanks again.
<Do relate your impressions of your trip. BobF>
Re: Egypt/diving 8/11/10
Thanks again Bob>