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High phosphates wither sharks
7/16/18 Copper edta in a shark tank
4/11/17 High nitrates. Using WWM Building new Shark tank 3/20/16
50,000g Shark Pool Questions 2/1/16 Shark Compatibility,
sys. 8/14/10 Re: Shark/reef tank...
ABS use 06/09/09 Caves for coral cat
shark 4/22/09 Shark Keeping, Sys.,
filtr., Triakis... 4/11/09 Estimate of shark ownership in US 12/3/08 Hi,? I am writing an article for a veterinary journal regarding the medical care of small sharks in the home aquaria.?? I am able to get figures from the AVMA regarding the numbers of fish owners, but I was wondering if you have an idea as to the percentage of fish owners who also own sharks? Thank you, Sharmie Johnson, DVM <Mmm, there are no hard/fast data re... but can give a qualitative guess based on figures for how many Selachians of small species are imported through the major wholesalers in the U.S.... and some sort of further guess-timate re how many of these animals are alive after a given period of time. My best guess is the numbers are in the low thousands... including small individuals of larger species (e.g. the Blacktip, Carcharhinus melanopterus, the Nurse, Ginglymostoma cirratum) and coldwater species... the most popular being Heterodontus francisci... collected along the two Californias mostly. The remaining species that are more appropriate for home aquarist keeping are principally Epaulette and Bamboo shark species, with a smaller percentage of some Catsharks... After chatting with Elasmobranch studying friends, and authors of popular shark writing, I have mild confidence that most individuals kept last something less than three months of capture/purchase... The percentage of marine aquarium keepers of sharks I'd put at 0.1 percent... about one out of a thousand. Bob Fenner>
Ready for a bamboo
shark.... Mmm, no. Sys., comp. 9/6/08 Hello!
Ok, I have paid my dues with my 125 gallon tank for the last 3 years
and am ready to graduate to a 210 gallon (72x24x29) marine drilled
tank. I have a 65 gallon tank to set up as a sump/refugium beneath it.
Currently, I have a snowflake eel, bird wrasse, and Blond Naso Tang all
still pretty much juveniles. I realize that the 210 is pushing it for a
Bamboo shark, but hope it can work for a good 3 years. <Mmm, not
really... even starting with a small individual, feeding it
sparingly... and the Echidna will likely be killed...> I do have a
couple of questions that I haven't seen answered yet. First, I am
more interested in the White Spotted than the Brown/Black banded. If my
information is correct, these will be about 3" shorter correct?
<Mmm, in the wild...> If this is so, does this amount make much
of a difference? <Well-worded. No> Also, will I have a better
chance of raising one successfully if I purchase an egg, or a small
specimen? <The latter> Thanks for your help!!! <I would still
hold off here... this animal won't be "happy" in this
size, shape system... Will kill the Eel... Bob Fenner> Use of aragonite in fluidized sand filter, shark set -up f' as well 9/1/08 Hello Guys, <Brian> I have a question regarding the use of aragonite sand in a fluidized sand filter for a marine Elasmobranchs pond setup. <Mmmm> Are there any drawbacks to the use of aragonite sand in fluidized sand filters as opposed to the sand that comes with the units (ie silica sand)? <Yes... mainly the pumping action (energy) it takes to keep this asymmetrical, different size media in suspension, turning... otherwise issues from channeling... from insufficient water movement> Is it a good idea to use aragonite as opposed to the supplied sand? <IMO/E, no> I greatly appreciate your time in reading and/or answering my question. Your website is a tremendous asset. Thank you, Brian <It would be a good idea to have a "monster size" DSB composed of aragonite, for buffering and anaerobic activity... but the FB is an area/processor of the forward reactions of nitrification. Bob Fenner> Grey banded bamboo sharks, Sys. 8/26/08 Hi Guys, <Jim> I had a question about Grey banded bamboo sharks hopefully to be answered buy Bob or Anthony. <BobF here> I just wondered if I could keep a male Grey banded bamboo shark (Chiloscyllium griseum) comfortably into adulthood in a 300 gallon (6 feet by 3feet footprint) tank? <Mmm, not well or likely... a smallish specimen might live for a few years... but "would it be happy?"... An eight by four (wide) foot system would likely work for a "life time"> The rocks I would have in the tank would be in the form of some over hangs with for extra swimming space and one or two caves for a moray eel as well. Scotts Michaels book says they can be kept in a 110 gallon tank <... Scott and I have few "differences", but his statements re suitable volumes for many captive Elasmobranchs are among them> but that seems far to small to me but hoping the 300 would be comfortable for a male (males obviously being somewhat smaller than the girls) Thanks for any help you can give me! <Again, in an attempt to be clear/er... this footprint would not likely allow a natural lifespan... but is far better than anything smaller. Bob Fenner> Horn Shark and Smooth Hound Compatibility... no reading, mixing tropicals with coldwater sharks that need non-hobbyist settings 8/20/08 Good Afternoon, fellow fish lovers! <Good morrow to you> My boyfriend and I have recently upgraded my shark tank from a 180 to a 240 inset through a wall in my dining room, it has a central overflow and whirlpool current to promote circular swimming. Sadly, in the process we lost our second leopard shark, <Dismal... why haven't you read my posts, articles ahead of writing us here?> the first committing suicide one night. <Inappropriate species for such a small, squarish, likely non-chilled setting> We came across a deal for a 17" California Horn Shark and have a couple of questions. First, how compatible is a Horn Shark with a 16" grey Smooth hound shark? <Mmm, very> Secondly, I have a 5.5" Koran Angel, a 6.5" Vlamingi Tang, a 5" Yellow-bellied Hippo Tang and a 4" hog fish in there as well. <... not compatible with these tropicals. Again, what are you doing writing here? You should be reading, ahead of such purchases> I am very worried about the first three fish, especially the Koran Angel (he was an anniversary present a few years ago) and the Hippo Tang (have had her for almost 5 years). How strong of a possibility is it that they could become shark food? <Not very hard> My Hippo Tang likes to lay in the rocks a lot and I am worried that one day she will choose the wrong cave. We will be setting up a shelf to give the horn shark a "home" to retreat to during the day, any tips on helping her find and settle in that area? <Let's just stop here. Is this Heterodontus francisci? Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/portjacksons.htm and the linked files above.> Finally, she has been at this store for over two months and I have been told that she is eating well. <Leave this animal where it is> It will take me two hours to get her to my house from the shop and am a little worried about the acclimation process (the shop provides almost coffin size boxes for ease of transportation). Do you have any tips on the least stressful way to acclimate her and getting her to eat? How long does it typically take to get a shark like that to eat? I know with my smooth hound it was a couple days, one of my leopards a day and the second took 4 to 5 days ( I was stressing). I love my fish like they are my children <... Not per my definition. IF you love something, you endeavour to know what is good for that/those things... and provide them. You have done neither> and I don't want to do anything to hurt them. As you can tell my boyfriend is the aquarium expert in this relationship, I am no novice but I am nowhere near his expertise. Thank you so much for your time and consideration in this matter, you have no idea what it means to me. Sincerely, Katie S. Samarin <Read Katie... Know, act, this is love. Bob Fenner> Reef Pond/Shark Pond Question- Lighting in Winter and Heating 07/28/2008 Hi Bob, I sought help and got some good advice from your site when I was building my 240 gallon marine reef tank, sump, fuge, big frag tank etc some years ago. I enjoy the living room tank but living in So Cal (by San Marcos/Escondido) I enjoy living outdoors more than in. <Mmm, yes... have found that many parts there are more mild than down south where I live half the year or so in Mira Mesa> About 5 mo.s ago I built a 30 foot by 25 foot Koi pond that is thriving, the big Koi I got have lots of growing babies. I got to thinking that an outdoor pond for my reef may be good to give them more space and cut down on halide light costs- also my Sailfin tang will get really big and my 240 may be a bit small for it. I have an area that is 8 foot by 20 foot in the yard that is available and I could build a concrete frame with pond liner over it. I was thinking that I could divide that into two parts for a small outdoor pond so each part would be 8 by 10 feet and 3 feet or so deep. With one part reef and the other part small tropical shark like cat or bamboo and plumb both together- do you see any issues with them being in separate ponds but the ponds plumbed together? If both are tropical I thought it'd be all right. Plumbing/flow is okay because I can use some big external pumps and I can use a bigger skimmer than I have now. Sunlight could light the reef but Im not sure if it would need supplemental sun like some halides in winter- <Mmm, no need for extra light... perhaps other than some for you to enjoy, work on the systems when it's not light enough outside> thoughts on that because halides would be expensive to run with whatever heating Id have to do? Heating is also what I am trying to figure out for the colder months. <Yes... a major expense here> Ive read about solar heaters and pool heaters etc but dont have concrete thoughts on how to heat it. <Yes... an important note to utilize some form of rust/rot-proof "exchanger" whatever method is employed... I'd have SDGE (San Diego Graft and Extortion amongst the hapless Enron By The Sea types in S. Cal.) come on out, give you their ideas re comparative (install and operational) costs... but gas heaters with a "secondary loop" (the exchange mechanism) have proven to be (in the past) the more economical means... vs. novel heat pumps, any electrical device...> I live on top of a mountain so it doesnt get too hot here with a breeze flowing over nearly all the time in summer. Im really thinking this would be nice, but cannot quite figure out the heating and supplemental halide in winter questions. Many Thanks (for all the great info you provide), Flo <I'd also look into some means of conserving heat here... perhaps some type of simple to automated "cover"... greenhouse overhang... Bob Fenner>
Thinking about changing my
filter methods... Shark sys., ATS... 7/12/08 I have
searched your web site and have done numerous goggle searches only to
be more confused. I have a 180 gallon tank with a wet-dry filter and a
euro-reef protein skimmer that has been running a little over two
years. My skimmer goes through cycles where it produces lots of
skimmate and times when it produces none. <Not atypical> My
ammonia and nitrite levels are at zero almost constantly however my
nitrates are constantly out of control. <Numbers please> I have a
fish only tank with large predator fish, a bamboo shark, <...!>
lion fish, two damsels, and a wrasse. I have about a 120 lbs. of live
rock which recently has lost lots of its coralline algae. I am
considering adding either a algae turf scrubber, or a refugium or both
to possibly add to or total replace my wet-dry. <Good idea> I
like the idea of not have to do water changes all the time. But I have
also read some negative things about the algae turf scrubber system.
<Some makes, models have inherent flaws, difficulties... Do give
Morgan Lidster/Inland Aquatics a call, email...> I would just like
your opinion of how to provide the best filtration for my tank. My
shark is very important to me and I have dedicated a large amount of my
time and wallet to ensure that he gets the best so far he seems
unaffected by the high nitrates but I do not want to wait till be shows
signs of stress. <Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/sharksystems.htm
and the series of FAQs above in this cat.> I do perform water
changes but I think that a tank should be able to remain somewhat more
stable then mine tends to be. Any help would be appreciated. I also
have been reading about the Ecosystem refugium what is your opinion on
these. <Very nice units, method...> Thank-you for your time.
A-Garrett Arnold <Bob Fenner> New question about an old issue, shark hlth., sys. 4/26/08 Crew, <Tom> Perhaps you remember (and perhaps you don't) me writing a ton about a pet Banded Cat Shark that I owned, my display tank having ick with the shark, and my treating the tank with Quinine Sulfate in an attempt to eradicate the ick with the shark present. And you might remember how the Quinine was very effective in ridding the tank of the ick, but that the shark began a steady decline over the course of a month and a half and finally passing away after being unable to eat (this after feeding wonderfully on shark formula and vitamins for 6 months, and doing quite well.) <I do recall> Months have passed, and though I have added a few additions to the tank, we have been nearly 4 months with absolutely no issues. But, my mind still wanders back to that time and while I have no intentions or desire to have another shark, I still think about what caused his demise. I don't really run carbon continuously in my tank. It's 200 gallons with probably 150lb of live rock, filtered by a Fluval FX5 (which I clean and rinse sponges every two weeks) used mainly for water flow and biological filtration, a wet/dry trickle filter, and a large hang on protein skimmer which is actually rated for 180 gallons. I do a 25% water change every two weeks. But I do have a small canister filter that I put carbon in and run on occasion. Obviously during the treatment with the Quinine, I did not run the skimmer or the carbon. but after the treatment duration I did appropriate water changes, turned on the skimmer and put carbon back on the tank. Now, I wonder, how long is fresh carbon actually viable? <Mostly gets "used up" within minutes, hours... rapidly drops off past then> Some information outlets say change it every couple of weeks. but some say the most effective use of new carbon is in the first couple of days. being that this canister filter isn't large to begin with, do you think that it was not effective at removing all of this quinine, and the lingering presence of this medicine caused the shark's demise? <I do not> Water parameters were the same then as now, salinity was 1.025, PH was 8.2, 0ppm of both ammonia and nitrites, nitrates less than 10 - 20 ppm at all times. Again, no problems to resolve now, but something that bugs me and as I think about it often, I might have new questions about it. The tank now houses a 5" Passer angel, a 6" Lunare wrasse, a 5" yellow tang, a Maroon Clown, and a Snowflake Moray. All have been problem free nearly all of 2008. Thanks so much. Thomas Roach <Sharks are not, by and large, little aquarium fish... and most tanks to them... are little. BobF>
Coral Catshark breathing a little fast and keeps swimming to top of tank... Reading... 2/27/08 Hi, I just purchased a 18 inches coral Catshark today. While I was acclimating him he kept swimming around the foam bucket. <I hope you had "heavy" aeration going on during...> After an hour I put him in the tank 150 gallon tank. <... too small a volume> After about 10 minutes he starts swimming around like crazy going up to the top of tank. He would do this and then go back down for a while. I checked the water before I bought him and everything was at 0 and the salinity was .025. <... no> The store owner did tell me his water salinity is .016. <!? Much too different...> He also said the only thing he fed him was silversides. <... a very poor diet> Do you think that's the reason. <Reason for?> He fed him before I bought him so I can see he eats. He said he had him for about 5 months. Oh I have a vtail grouper 5 inches and a Miniatus grouper 4 inches. I unplugged the heater out of the sump and took the glass cleaner out of the tank and the thermometer out. I have some live shrimp in the tank but he doesn't try to eat them. I have a uv, protein skimmer, wet dry/sump. Should I buy a pump for more air. I don't want him to die, what can I do to save him. Did I do something wrong ? Please help <... Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/index.htm The second tray... the Articles and FAQs files on Sharks... You should have done this ahead of this purchase. I would return this fish, pronto... it won't live for long in the circumstances you describe. Bob Fenner>
Sharks in my
living room? Sys... 12/16/07 Hello, I am only writing
you because I have found an error in the article Sharks in My Living
Room? located at http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkslvgrm.htm. I would
like to point out first off, that I have on the second floor in my
house in my room a 75 gallon saltwater reef tank, and a 220 gallon
shark tank housing one brown banded bamboo shark. So if we used the
8lbs per gallon calculation that would put 2360lbs worth of water in my
bedroom on the second floor. They've been setup for a year with no
problems. <Unfortunately, there are many marine animals which can
take over a year to die. And even if the sad creature doesn't die,
as Steven Pro is quoted as saying "I could stuff you in your
closet; if I fed you and provided you with air and light you would
live. But would you be happy?> Also the article says, "One
other thing to consider, even if you have no basement; is that even
with only water, the weight of the tank is equivalent to putting a
Dodge Ram 1500 in your living room." Right before that in the
article it says that a 220 gallon tank only water would weigh 1760lbs.
A Dodge Ram 1500 weighs in with a curb weight of roughly 6600lbs.
<Really? I thought it was closer to 6400lbs... hmmm, maybe
that's with only half a tank of gas?> That would be the
equivalent of a 825 gallon tank, <...which would be a more
appropriate housing for a shark.> not a 220 gallon. So it can
definitely be done, <It can be done, but done well? I could build a
house out of popsicle sticks, but would you want to live in it?> if
your house is structurally sound, to have a shark tank in your second
floor bedroom. By the way the shark is doing great and appears to be
very healthy for about a year now! Thanks <Thank you for pointing
out the flaw in Mr. Bozek's analogy. Perhaps he was thinking of the
weight of a closer-to-ideal tank set-up rather than just the bare
minimum to keep the animals just short of death.> Greg <Best,
Sara M.> Shark pond... sys., and stock sel., reading 10/30/2007 Hello, <Hi there> Long time reader, 1st time I've written. Thanks in advance for your time / advice. <Welcome> I've argued, reasoned and walked away from people who wanted me to help them setup a 200 gallon shark tank, but for the first time have a customer that presents a possibility that just might work. I have a great deal of reef and FOWLR experience but I've never owned, sold, or cared for a shark. The pond was to have been for Koi, now he is thinking saltwater and sharks / rays. The system will be just under 1600 gallons, 24 ft long, 3.5 ft wide and 2.5 ft deep. It is best described as a cement "tray" which will be tiled on the sides and have a substrate of our choosing on the bottom. This "pond" will be indoors, we could include a very large chiller, but I would rather stick with animals that will do well in the area of 75 degrees. <There are many> Filtration will be a skimmer, something big, though we will have some kind of height limit. Something like this: http://www.championlighting.com/product.php?productid=21017 <http://www.championlighting.com/product.php?productid=21017&cat=646&pag e=1> &cat=646&page=1 or bigger / better if possible. <Okay... though I would write RK2, EuroReef... look into something "larger" in terms of function here> Everything I read simply suggests a "large" tank and at least 3 * the animals length. I would like to keep everyone as small as possible. Under 30, maybe 36 inches have a bit of variety in the animals and stick with hardy, easy inhabitants. I am worried about the width of the pond and larger fish being able to make the turn. What combo of sharks, rays, eels and anything else would you suggest? <Epaulettes, Bamboos... all posted... Here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/index.htm The second tray... FAQs files on Shark Sel., Ray Sel.... Bob Fenner> Thanks again! Phil Wind Reef eScape I also have a question on keeping sharks, sys. Hello again Bob <Todd> I also have a question on keeping sharks. I have always wanted to have a shark tank since I purchased my first marine book (one of yours of course), but have never had a aquarium large enough for even the smallest ones. I have a 120 now and never wanted to get a fish and give it away after I became attached just because it outgrew the aquarium. I would like to set up another aquarium for 2 brown banded bamboo sharks and two other larger fish. I have read a million times you need to have like a 12' L x 4' W x 2' T aquarium minimum for them to be ok and happy as adults. Is a tank that size needed more for room to swim then water volume? <Mmm, space to move, provide gas exchange, dilution of wastes... stability chemically, physically> I also have read that a cylinder aquarium is the best kind of aquarium you can get for sharks because there's no corners. <Well, one with rounded corners for "sharky" sharks... but ones that laze about the bottom most the time, like the Epaulettes, Bamboos... not really> Would a 4' to 5' W x 2' T cylinder be ok for the two bamboos and the two others or would I need to go larger for adult bamboos, if so how wide? <Would be better if more oval shaped... a good eight feet long... three or more feet wide...> I will have a 150 gallon sump with excellent filtration, water quality and water movement for which ever tank I end up setting up. Would the sharks be better off in the huge rectangle or the smaller cylinder? <The former> I can get a 48" X 24" cylinder now for a really good deal, and have heard that's big enough, but I think at least 60" or even 72" would be needed. <I agree> Or should I stick to Sea World, Shedd aquarium, Blue Planet and Shark Week!?!? <Oh! Was watching a segment of the Blue Planet last night... Spectacular footage.> Thanks again for the info!!!! Todd <Welcome. BobF> My new Wobbegong shark, fdg., sys., reading 9/27/07 G'Day, I purchased a Wobbegong shark 4 days ago and he is not eating I am offering him shrimp and whitebait every night and am getting no where can you please give me some advice on how to get him eating. <Don't generally feed for a while when moved... Is this system new, cycled? Water quality tests?> He is about 30cm long and it is a 150gallon tank with plenty of room <Uh, no... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/index.htm The second tray... On sharks in captivity, systems, feeding... Bob Fenner> thanks Aaron Banded Cat Shark - Some Questions... too small sys., BGA control, using WWM 8/30/07 Mr. Fenner (and crew), <Etay> first I would like to say that I accidentally stumbled on you're site while searching for some background info on the banded cat shark and found it loaded with important and viral <Heee!> information. I since then read other FAQ's and marked this site as I feel I will return to it often !! <Okay!> ill start with some background info before the questions :) I have a 100 gallon reef tank, currently housing: lg. coral banded shrimp ( separated due to super friken aggressive dude and killing all my fish all the time!! ) <CBS can be this way> Copperband butterfly (med) tomato clown (lg) blue devil damsel ( only one left because of the damn shrimp ) yellow damsel various cleaning inverts. filtration: 3 inch high live sand bed <Mmm, should be more or less... see WWM re> red sea Berlin turbo skimmer 12W UV unit 10Gal sump containing everything w/ some bioballs under skimmer return Magnum Canister ( broke a leak 2 weeks ago, need to replace with a red sea OceanClear ) latest tests (yesterday): SPG: 1.023 pH: 8.2 NH3: 0.0 HO2: 0.0 NO3: < 0.2 Cu: < 0.5 mg/L <I hope so... should be zip, zero, nada> Alk: 3.5 mEq/L ( 175 ppm CaCO3 ) tank conditions are usually stable, I perform monthly 25% changes and rarely check water for anything more the spg and pH unless there are visible issues. I have had a banded cat shark long ago (~6years), when I was still in Israel, unfortunately at the time I was totally unaware of the sharks sensitivity to electrical currents and I guess that caused it to get really unwell and eventually die :( it exhibited symptoms of sporadic twitching and laying on its back on the bottom of the tank... Israeli electricity runs 220VAC and not 110VAC, which may have increased the problem even more... <May be...> After that I figured I should not try again, I have been diving since age 15 and have seen other sharks in nature, I feel these beautiful animals should not be captured for display by those who are incapable of caring for them, I certainly was not. <We are in agreement> That said, last week when visiting the fish store I saw he had a newly hatched banded cat shark and he mentioned the egg was there for 4 weeks now and no one got it.. I was hesitating for a while because I feel my tank is much more suitable than the store and the animal will die there eventually... Eventually I decided to get the shark <Not to go in the 100 detailed above I hope> and with it all that I could think I need; - I got the grounding probe which I so needed last time! (and good that I did, before installing I checked the water against ground - 35VAC!! ) <Mmm, where is this stray voltage coming from? I would systematically unplug all items... check their polarity, assure that they are all wired through a GFCI... before running the tank another day> - I got fresh squid and shrimp but have not yet made feeding attempt - the animal hatched 3 days ago, I figured ill give it till end of week to acclimate... - after reading your FAQ I will be ordering the supplement tablets you use. <Mazuri likely> I am aware of the fact this tank is way to <too> small for this shark, <So... what are you going to do?> I have little rock arranged in a center island form so at this size it can still circle it on the sand and have several caves to go under. Me and my wife are planning to buy a house this year and I am planning to install an in-wall 300-400gallon aquarium, which should be more than sufficient. if this does not happen and the shark gets too big to start getting abrasions by rock I will have to donate it to the NY aquarium or anywhere else it can be cared for... <... will likely be too late... all too common circular "logic"> so, as to my questions: 1. I have never medicated my tank at any circumstance, I feel if a fish gets ick, lack of stress and good environment is the best I can do, if it does not survive I feel bad but I do not want copper traces or any other thing that can hit my corals ( mushrooms only really ) to be in the tank. I have recently got some red slime growing in my tank and was wondering if the UltraLife red slime remover is a reef safe as claimed <No...> and more important shark safe and if I can safely use it to remove the red slime. <No... and what happened to your laissez-faire attitude re disease above? I would investigate causes and fix them...> the seller argued it is antibiotics mostly and should not harm any reef animals but I am not convinced. <... Please read both: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/maralgcidefaqs.htm and: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/bluegralgae.htm and the linked files above... The chemical trtmt. is very likely to result in the loss of all livestock> 2. I have not been testing my tank as extensively as yesterday unless something shows signs of trouble, should I be keeping more close tabs at readings with this animal? <Oh yes> 3. how do you know if its a boy or girl? :) <Posted... the presence/absence of claspers...> 4. how after to feed? last time I was offering every day, the shark would eat but not everyday, but always by morning it was gone somewhere... wondering if this is not too much? <posted and posted and...> 5. any additions/changes to the filtration systems I should be thinking of? any special concerns when planning the filtration system for the new planned tank? mainly I wanted to know about the red slime remover... tanks for all the helpful info!! regards, Etay <Have just skipped down. These answers and much more useful/important related material is already posted on our site. Please don't abuse our trust... Learn to/use the indices, search tool... You have much to take in... and quickly. Bob Fenner> Re: Banded Cat Shark - Some Questions 08/31/07 I apologize for not writing the most perfect English, I >I< am not a native US resident and English is not my first language... >I see< I run the Google spell checker before sending this email... I don't think it was too unreadable, let me try again...I will mark all spelling corrections and comments from original email in *green* <Doesn't come through as such> I have run the spell check again, the only item that comes up is "Fenner"<Fenner@WetWebMedia>and "Etay" ... I hope its understandable now... regards, Etay Mr. Fenner, some comments below... Subject: Fwd: Banded Cat Shark - Some Questions... too small sys., BGA control, using WWM Mr. Fenner (and crew), <Etay> first I would like to say that I *accidentally* stumbled on your site while searching for some background info on the banded cat shark and found it loaded with important and viral <Heee!> information. I since then read other FAQ's and marked this site as I feel I will return to it often !! <Okay!> ill start with some background info before the questions :) I have a 100 gallon reef tank, currently housing: lg. coral banded shrimp ( *separated* due to super friken *aggressive* dude and killing all my fish all the time!! ) <CBS can be this way> Copperband butterfly (med) tomato clown (lg) blue devil damsel ( only one left because of the damn shrimp ) yellow damsel various cleaning inverts. *filtration*: 3 inch high live sand bed <Mmm, should be more or less... see WWM re> red sea Berlin turbo skimmer 12W UV unit 10Gal sump containing everything w/ some *bio balls* under skimmer return Magnum Canister ( broke a leak 2 weeks ago, need to replace with a red sea OceanClear ) latest tests (yesterday): SPG: 1.023 pH: 8.2 NH3: 0.0 HO2: 0.0 NO3: < 0.2 Cu: < 0.5 mg/L <I hope so... should be zip, zero, nada> *>>> 0.5 is the lowers the OceanClear test can show, water tested totally clear so it should be 0.0.... never added copper to the tank * >Ah, good< Alk: 3.5 mEq/L ( 175 ppm CaCO3 ) tank conditions are usually stable, I perform monthly 25% changes and rarely check water for anything more the spg and pH unless there are visible issues. I have had a banded cat shark long ago (~6years), when I was still in Israel, unfortunately at the time I was totally unaware of the sharks sensitivity to electrical currents and I guess that caused it to get really unwell and eventually die :( it exhibited symptoms of *sporadic* twitching and laying on its back on the bottom of the tank... Israeli electricity runs 220VAC and not 110VAC, which may have increased the problem even more... <May be...> After that I figured I should not try again, I have been diving since age 15 and have seen other sharks in nature, I feel these beautiful animals should not be captured for display by those who are incapable of caring for them, I certainly was not. <We are in agreement> That said, last week when visiting the fish store I saw he had a newly hatched banded cat shark and he mentioned the egg was there for 4 weeks now and no one got it.. I was hesitating for a while because I feel my tank is much more suitable than the store and the animal will die there eventually... Eventually I decided to get the shark <Not to go in the 100 detailed above I hope> *>>> as I mentioned above ( or didn't ) it was kept in the store in a much smaller tank with no sand and who knows what filtration, I think even the 100 gal small tank I can offer will be a better state until I can setup a system that can support the animal or find someone who has it... * and with it all that I could think I need; - I got the grounding probe which I so needed last time! (and good that I did, before installing I checked the water against ground - 35VAC!! ) <Mmm, where is this stray voltage coming from? I would systematically unplug all items... check their polarity, assure that they are all wired through a GFCI... before running the tank another day> *>>> I disconnected all power supplies, each contributes several voltages with the 2 power heads and sump MagDrive being the highest contributors...* >Do look into at least a plug in, extension cord type GFCI... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/gfcimarines.htm< - I got *fresh* squid and shrimp but have not yet made feeding attempt - the animal hatched 3 days ago, I figured ill give it till end of week to acclimate... - after reading your FAQ I will be ordering the supplement tablets you use. <Mazuri likely> *>>> yes* I am aware of the fact this tank is way to*o* <too> small for this shark, <So... what are you going to do?> I have little rock arranged in a center island form so at this size it can still *circle* it on the sand and have several caves to go under. Me and my wife are planning to buy a house this year and I am planning to install an in-wall 300-400gallon aquarium, which should be more than sufficient. if this does not happen and the shark gets too big to start getting abrasions by rock I will have to donate it to the NY aquarium or anywhere else it can be cared for... <... will likely be too late... all too common circular "logic"> *>>> I will gladly remove most of the rock that exists today if that's what u meant by "circular", otherwise I did not understand the comment... why will it not be a good idea to either work on a bigger system or relocate the animal where it can grow? * >Sorry for the lack of clarity, communication... I mean that this animal will likely perish first... the statement that "when" "then"... is what I am referring to as circular... brings folks, the situation back to the beginning... of no livestock< so, as to my questions: 1. I have never medicated my tank at any circumstance, I feel if a fish gets ick, lack of stress and good environment is the best I can do, if it does not survive I feel bad but I do not want copper traces or any other thing that can hit my corals ( mushrooms only really ) to be in the tank. I have recently got some red slime growing in my tank and was wondering if the ultra life red slime remover is a reef safe as claimed <No...> and more important shark safe and if I can safely use it to remove the red slime. <No... and what happened to your laissez-faire attitude re ich/disease above? I would investigate causes and fix them...> the seller *>>> my no medicine attitude stays strong, this product was claimed to not work like "normal medicine" which I the reason I posted this question BEFORE considering it... I will read the below articles, thanks for the points... * argued it is antibiotics mostly and should not harm any reef animals but I am not convinced. <... Please read both: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/maralgcidefaqs.htm and: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/bluegralgae.htm and the linked files above... The chemical trtmt. is very likely to result in the loss of all livestock> 2. I have not been testing my tank as extensively as yesterday unless something shows signs of trouble, should I be keeping more close tabs at readings with this animal? <Oh yes> *>>> will indeed!!* 3. how do you know if its a boy or girl? :) <Posted... the presence/absence of claspers...> 4. how often to feed? last time I was offering every day, the shark would eat but not everyday, but always by morning it was gone somewhere... wondering if this is not too much? <posted and posted and...> 5. any additions/changes to the *filtration* systems I should be thinking of? any special concerns when planning the *filtration* system for the new planned tank? mainly I wanted to know about the red slime remover... tanks for all the helpful info!! regards, Etay <Have just skipped down. These answers and much more useful/important related material is already posted on our site. Please don't abuse our trust... Learn to/use the indices, search tool... You have much to take in... and quickly. Bob Fenner> *>>> I am not sure if the last comment was put in anger or not, I have never visited your site before and have no intention of "abusing your trust" whatever that means, I am well aware of searches but I must say that it took me several hours just to find this email address and even then I only found it by mistake since all the actual email addresses in the site (BobFenner@wetwebmedia.com and others) don't work and I was struggling to send this email... I intent to read as much as I can but wanted to get immediate answers to some of what I thought are important questions... I read 3 Banded Cat Shark FAQ pages before I sent this email and I had at least 20 more questions I did not need to ask because I already found answers.... >I see... we have recently changed ISPs and the personal addresses with the WWM suffix no longer are active... I am trying to fix all on the site... to not direct folks to email addresses that don't exist... but is taking time< not sure what you mean by "much to take in" but your response makes it sound like I am immature, and that I don't know what I'm doing and while I am not a marine biologist I do everything I can to care for my animals and never underspend what needs to be spent to get the correct system and equipments... as you mentioned yourself, "I try to design my system around the animal and not around the budget" and while I cannot put a 400 gallon tank in the apartment I rent right now, I fully intend to do so when I get a house, regardless of weather I had this shark or not, it was in the plans for a while, I just got a reason to do it faster... I am hoping it will be able to be kept in the 100Gallon tank in the next 4-5 months, if you don't think that's the case I will start looking for good places for it now... will still get the 400Gal anyways though... >Mmm... my comments are value neutral. I am neither angry nor consider you immature or otherwise... Just have enough understanding re this field to urge your diligence in reading, caring for this shark...< all in all I really like your site and you guys offer a lot of good info but I feel like I was just "washed" for attempting to do a good thing.. I think the chances of it surviving in store are much smaller and felt really bad for it.. *regards, Etay <Mmm... Shalom, BobF> Re: Banded Cat
Shark - Some Questions 08/31/07 Bob, <Etay> Again, I must
thank you for all the information and help. I started reading the
article you directed me to, about BGA. It is fascinating and will take
me a while to go over. I will definitely continue to visit WWM, until
now I did not know any site that offered so much advice and
information. I'll take some time to go over more of the posted info
before I bug u guys with too many questions... <No worries>
thanks for the help! e <A pleasure to share. BobF>
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