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A Kati/Ani system, selling?
8/14/19 Acrylic Tank Sitting In Garage For A Year – Still Good? –
12/02/12 Tank longevity and fish selection
11/1/12 Storing an Aquarium, is that OK?
1/5/11 how to inspect a used acrylic tank.
11/7/10 Marine Algae on used tank - how to clean? --
10/11/10 Used Marine Aquarium Parts
10/2/10 Buying a used 180g Clarity Plus Aquarium - Advice
8/28/10 tanks of old- 3/26/10 Free to good home!! 9/21/09 Re: Free to good home!! 9/21/09 Re: Stainless steel tanks Cleaning used equipment 8/27/09 Fish tank question
8/10/09 Re: Fish tank question
8/10/09 Reef Tank... For Sale 7/19/07 To whom it may concern: <Hi Shoshana, Mich here.> I am the owner of a 30 gallon cube oceanic tank, reef, with 4 fish, and several pieces of coral, along with numerous pieces of equipment to help ensure the smooth running of my tank. Unfortunately, I will not be able to keep my tank because I am relocating, and no tanks are allowed. I have no idea where to turn to find a suitable home/place for one of my most prized possessions. If you have any suggestions/ info. on what I can do with my tank, I would greatly appreciate it. <I would contact your local hobby club. Please see below: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=156 or you might try here as well: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=89 > This has been a very stressful decision, after putting in years of blood sweat tears, and $$. <Yes.> I am reaching out to the saltwater community in the hopes that someone may reply with some sound advice. I would feel better knowing that my tank/inhabitants went to someone or some place who was as passionate about this hobby as I am. <I would try this link.> Thank you for your time, <Welcome! Mich> Shoshana Vintage MetaFrame, Good Old Metal Framed Tanks 6/6/07 Hi, What I want to know is where can I get a hood for a vintage 2-1/2 gal MetaFrame aquarium? < You best best is to keep an eye out on EBAY. I have been collecting antique aquarium items for a few years now and the hoods and stands are almost always the most difficult things to find. The hoods got rusty and bent, the stands are used as entry way tables with glass tops.> I got this one on e-bay, but I can never find a hood for it. Do you have any resources on where I can obtain one? <Many collectors like myself, save all the bits and pieces we find in hopes of eventually matching everything up. They are difficult to find but not terribly rare. I would recommend that you continue to search on eBay. The hood you need will show up eventually.> I also want to collect a bigger size one also. I really love the old metal framed ones. Does anyone specialize in these old tanks and vintage equipment? < There is no organized club for people that collect these things. You can go to Yahoo groups and check out the historical aquarium society. They mainly talk about the people involved in the hobby and not too much about exchanging actual aquarium items. On eBay you will be able to find metal framed tank set ups with hoods and stands too. Unfortunately not many sellers will ship these items so you will need to find someone close to where you live so you can pick it up. I have seen many set ups that I would like to bid on, only to find it have way across the country with a seller that refuses to ship.-Chuck> Thanks, David Dry Lexington, NC Use of aquarium after copper treatment 6/6/07 Hello WWM Crew, <Hi> Just a quick question. A friend of mine just bought a used aquarium that was used for freshwater. He plans on setting this tank up as a reef. The thing is, he doesn't know if copper has been used in this tank. I've heard that you should not use a tank that has been dosed with copper to house invertebrates (which are quite sensitive to copper). Is this true? <Mostly, depends on how much copper and how long of an exposure.> Is the copper binding to the glass? <No> Or the silicone? <Yes> Is there something we could do to make sure all the copper has been eliminated and make sure that it is safe to keep inverts? <Yes, there are copper test kits available, you will need a couple because of the various forms of copper. Also, Poly-filters are good at removing copper and change color depending on what they are absorbing.> Once again, thank you very much for your time, <Welcome> Marc. <Chris> Cracked aquarium <vivarium...>, is it worth fixing? 4/22/07 Hello, my name is Matthew and I would appreciate your input on something. I have been keeping fresh cold water fish for a few years and I would like to try either a pond or large tank now. I noticed in a nearby second hand shop several aquariums, they were labeled as vivariums because they each had one cracked panel. <Mmm, are you sure Matthew? There are thinner paned tanks made just for vivarium, reptile et al. use... Do make sure you're looking at made-for-aquarium use tank> There were two of these that I was interested due to their size, I have noticed you stating it is not worth trying to repair aquariums compared to buying them new. <Often this is the case> However these aquariums were large, from memory 1.5 to 2m long, at least 1m high <! If made of glass... would need to be at least 1/2" construction...> and around the same wide. The broken panel on both of them were the long vertical side. They were each priced at 30 dollars Australian, so about 35 Us dollars. Is it worth me trying to repair them?. Thanks in advance. -Matthew <Mmm... depends on what glass costs there, what you figure your time is worth... IF the rest of the construct is good... and IF these are intended to be filled with water (I am seriously doubtful here), then perhaps. Bob Fenner> Cleaning a Used Tank 2/20/07 Hi, <Ni, Pufferpunk here> I have a 125 gallon tank. I quit keeping large fish for a few years. I loaned it to my son who kept several lizards in it. I heard somewhere that you shouldn't put fish back in it after it's been used for lizards. I want to set it up again for my large goldfish that have outgrown their 46 gallon. Can I use my 125 gallon for them or this an old wives tale? Thanks. <You can disinfect the tank with OxyClean & rinse. Should be good to go. ~PP> Aquarium Calculator 10/30/06 Hi, <Hi Kathy, Pufferpunk here> I just got a tank that is used and the lady didn't know what size (gallons) it is. Can you please tell me what a is 4ft long by 18 inches wide by 18 inches deep? <Check out this Aquarium Calculator: http://www.drhelm.com/aquarium/areajava.html Clean out the tank with OxyClean & rinse. ~PP> Thank you much, Kathy Copper Removal 6/16/06 I recently purchased a 26 gal. and 10 gal. tank at a garage sale very cheap. I have done a lot of research into setting them up as a reef system. I eventually would like to have a variety of corals including SPS in the system. However, last night on #reefs I was told to scrap the tanks because they probably were medicated with copper and it would undoubtedly leak into my new reef setup slowly killing things. I asked if there was anyway to remove it and was told no. This news hurt so I am wondering if maybe there were a few overstatements made. <Yes, there were. Read here and related FAQ's. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/curemovalfaqs.htm Thanks <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> -Nick Website Tanks, Free/Cheap Tanks? - 06/07/2006 This is Vic, first I would like to thank Tom for his reply on my Marbled angelfish, left, bent ventral fin. <I'm glad he could help!> It is still a beautiful specimen. However, I never mentioned that before I had my large tank established, I have a fancy goldfish who used to live in the tank. My first fish before the others. I turned my large tank tropical (already mentioned the inhabitants) so I moved the goldy to a 10 gal. I know it's too small, had him (or her) for five years. Fed with all kinds of food, flakes, frozen. <Might take a look here for more food/nutrition ideas: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshmalnut.htm .> Its overall health is great. Its fins are even getting close to 3 times its size. Had it when it was about 1" and it is now close to 4", not including fins. I know I need to upgrade the tank size, but money is a major issue. <Understandable, to be sure.> A lot of money goes into keeping both tanks running. Please don't tell me to return it to my local fish store, for they will just sell it, and I don't want it to suffer or die. <Right on. I would not return this animal, especially since you obviously have the intent to improve its living space.> I repeat again it is beautiful with the longest fins I have ever seen and I have seen a lot of goldfish. I have checked e-bay, Craigslist, and am looking for a larger tank but the amount people want is similar to the pet store prices. <Keep checking these; you may very well find a great deal. Also, please start checking the classified ads in your local newspapers - you might get VERY surprised at the finds to be found there.> I have a large home capable of holding several large tanks if I had them. I live in Brooklyn, so running into a garage sale isn't happening. Now comes my question, do you guys know of anyplace that donates large tanks, <Thinking....> I know you may not want to reveal a source on your site, as you may get an influx of replies, especially those who are not genuine about their hobby. I know people practically throw tanks away, who have not been successful, or true to this hobby. <I've found many "throw-away" tanks on curb sides on trash days.... It's crazy what folks throw away, sometimes!> Unfortunately, I know none of them. Maybe you guys have links or connects to people who want to get rid of their tanks, if not maybe it would be hoo of you <"Hoo"? Neat. Never heard this term before.> to create not only a donation site, but also an adoption site <Yikes! Time, resources.... Though this is a GREAT idea (maybe one you will expand upon and begin?), I know I, for one, haven't the time.... I'm over-committed on projects as it is right now.> as I would adopt a large tank with goldies as long as mine can fit in comfortably. <Do me a favor.... Check out http://www.freecycle.org/ - I have obtained tanks through this system before. You can find the freecycle groups near you and post aquarium requests, who knows what you might find!> Again I would like to thank Tom, and the rest of your staff for this site, (got to admit, I was a non-believer till my first email was answered, I apologize). <No worries. We do answer most everything that comes in, and as timely as possible.> Vic Why shoot the breeze about it, when you can be about it <A great statement. Reminds me I have things to do.... Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Malachite green question 5/25/06 Wet Web Media Staff, <Ryan> Your site is wonderful and I thank you very much for all of the help you provide to everyone. I was just hoping you could answer a quick question for me. I was going to buy a used tank off of someone in the area, and I found out that he used malachite green in it 2 times. I don't want to buy this tank if I can't have live rock and coral in it, so I was just hoping you could provide me with a little information on this situation. Is this tank unusable for live rock and coral since it has been dosed with this in the past? <If the tank is cleaned good, you should not have any problems. The silicone used in the tank (if glass) will probably be stained with the dye. This is almost impossible to remove safely. James (Salty Dog)> Thanks! <You're welcome.> Ryan Older tank - 04/27/06 Hi, I bought a 75g that never had a center brace (top or bottom). It is a lot heaver than my friends 75g. So I was wondering how old this tank could be, is the glass tempered and if adding a center brace to the top would be a good idea? Thanks Phil <Mmm... have never seen a commercially made 75 that didn't have a center brace... I would likely add one here. Bob Fenner> Old Sand, New SW System - 4/25/2006 Hello there again. <<Hi Heather, this is Lisa.>> I hate to be a pest but you guys have been so helpful in the past. <<Not a problem :).>> I just have a quick question. I used to have a 29 gallon saltwater tank, which I upgraded to a 55 gallon. My question is can I reuse the old sand that was in the 29 gallon? <<Sure you can.>> I bought all new sand when I set up the 55 gallon because I was having some kind of reddish/purple hair algae growing on my sand. The old sand has been sitting in the empty 29 gallon for over a year now. If I rinse it off real good can I add it to my 55 gallon? <<Yes>> Will I introduce that alga to my new set up? <<If it's still living after this time, then yes, but this is not likely.>> I'm already having a problem with Cyanobacteria and don't want to add any other problems. <<You should investigate the cause of this BGA, that way you can eliminate it.>> Should it be safe to use? I have 60lbs of live sand and you guys recommended that I go deeper. I'd hate to waste all the old sand because it was so expensive. <<Give it a good rinse in tank water to get rid of any detritus first, and you'll be fine. Do you have fish in the new tank now? You'll want to keep an eye on your water quality for some time after adding.>> Thank You <<Glad to help. Lisa.>> Pulling An Aquarium Out Of Storage 4/4/06 Hi crew, I was browsing your site, but didn't find quite the answer I need... I have just pulled my things out of storage, including a 29 gallon aquarium. It has been stored for 2 years (nicely wrapped and crated by professionals). My question is this...should I be concerned about the quality of the seal? Is there a way I can test it without filling the whole thing? It was only about 2 years old when it went into storage. Thanks! Jill < Usually aquariums placed in direct sun and stored outdoors are the ones that are the biggest risk. Push on the silicon seal in the corners. It should still feel spongy with some push. As long as it is not hard I would think it is OK. I would still fill it up to double check.-Chuck> Aquarium lifespan 1/21/06 How are you all doing? I am sorry to bother you but I have a question and am looking for suggestions. I sent an e-mail to you not long ago about a tank I am getting. <Remember> A friend of the family is giving me a 400 gal aquarium with everything to start a reef tank. The only problem is the tank is about 10-15 years old and I do not want to set it up and have a seal go bad even in a year or so. The tank is set up now and is not leaking but I do not know if tanks have a life span or not. My options are to either sell the tank with everything and start a smaller tank or try setting this one up. I have someone who will sell me a new 125 brand new with everything for $1200. <Keep in mind Steve that a tank that size is going to be rather expensive to set up/stock.> If I do sell it what do you think a tank that old and that size is worth and what would be the best method to get rid of it. <It's worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it. Pretty tough to answer that. Try posting the tank on the many aquarium message boards or local newspaper, etc. As far as Silastic going bad, I'd contact a place like All-Glass Aquarium and pose the question to them.> Tank is 106"Lx33"Hx22"W It has 4 metal halide bulbs, 4 Fluorescents, R/O filter, Sump, Protein skimmers, Wave machine, Water chiller and heater, timers, fans to cool lights and pumps. It probably has a bunch of other stuff that I forgot. Thanks,<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Steve Edmiston Moving useful aquarium water in volume - 01/09/2006 Hey Bob, Hows it goin? Hope all is well. <Yes, fine my friend. Returning today from Dizzyworld, the marathon here> I was wondering if you had any info on where to get large water transporting containers, like those big plastic 50gal drums. <Mmm, we used to buy these spiffy polyethylene drums from a soda pop syrup/distributor in San Diego... I would call/contact one of these "bottlers" in your area... likely to be cheap/er, easy to clean...> I am picking up a 135gallon reef tank that some guy is tired of and want to move a lot of the old tank water too. I am stressed about the move and have been reading over our tank moving FAQs, but a free system is too good to pass up. here are some pics if you are curious. <Mmm, a few thicknesses of trashcan bags can/will do to line sturdy/dirty trash bins...> http://happyfishy.net/reef.html Thanks, Gage <Ahh, back into the fray! BobF> Re-using Aquarium 12/21/05 Greetings,<Mike> I'm considering setting up a FOWLR marine system. My dad had a 55 gallon set up YEARS ago and I recently pondered the idea of re-setting up the system. One problem, well maybe. Several years ago, I had an iguana, and as it grew, since we no longer had the aquarium in use, we used that as his cage. I was wondering if it is safe to keep fish in there again, and would I need to reseal the seams where the silicon has been scratched off? Will I have to take the aquarium completely apart and rebuild it? <It would have to be cleaned good. Try filling up the tank slowly in the basement and check for leaks. If none, I would fill all the way and let it sit for a week and see what happens. Fifty Fives are not that expensive. Before I'd go through all the work cleaning, stripping, etc, add to the fact you will need a way to clamp this while it is drying/curing, I think I'd just go buy a new one.> Thank you very much <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog) Mike Brown 49 gal bowfront 9/3/05 Dear crew, Ever since i found your site, I have been looking up information at least every other day. Sometimes I even take notes. Any way, I don't have an aquarium yet. I used to have a 15 gallon freshwater tank and enjoyed it very much. Now I am wanting to move on to a FOWLR and I have noticed an add in the classifieds of my local news paper. The add was for a 49 gal. bowfront saltwater aquarium with skimmer and 50 pounds of live rock. I gave the people a call and found out a few more things. It is an Excalibur skimmer. The lady didn't know how many watts of lighting they had, but she said it was "standard". They said it came with a stand and they would give that to me too if i bought it. the lady also said that they had a hang on filter, but she didn't know what brand. She also said that there is currently 1 fish and 1 shrimp living in the tank. That is about all of the information that I have for now except for the price, the add said they have invested $1200 dollars in it, but they are selling it for $475. Do you guys think it is a smart buy or not? <Aaron, I would visit the "lady" and see what you're getting. If the rock is nice (coralline growth, etc) and the tank isn't scratched up and the components do function, the price isn't all that bad. James (Salty Dog)> Thanks a lot, Aaron
225 gallon aquarium with no center brace Hello, My name is Curt. I recently bought an older 225 gallon glass aquarium from a dentist who was moving his practice to a different building. The aquarium had been used as a salt water tank for years and I thought it would be a good idea to reseal the tank before I use it. The tank has a floating bottom and the plastic molding on top and bottom are 4 individual pieces instead of the one piece construction. <This last is not uncommon... the plastic surrounds are more for holding the glass panels together during construction, and looks, than structural function> Also there was a fiber reinforced tape around both the top and bottom of the tank. Since the tank was together and running for years without any center brace is it truly necessary? <... don't know> Also, if I go without the center brace do you know where I can buy the original 4 piece molding? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. <If the manufacturer is still about... and you can ascertain who made it... you might contact them re. Bob Fenner, who would likely at least install a "Euro brace" along the inside front and back panels... much the same as Eheim's, Juwel... tanks> -Wetwebfotos Forums Newest User- Hi. <Hello> I have two Hydrothrustor Mag drive pumps, 500gph each with variable speed controls. They do not have the water housings. Do you know anyone who would be interested in having them. They work great but I don't use them on my tank anymore. Please let me know. Thank you. Rich <Rich, I recommend you join our forums and post the pumps there. http://wetwebfotos.com/talk/. Good Luck> <Justin (Jager)> Reusing older tanks Dear sirs: First off I would like to thank you for the vast array of knowledge on your site. <You're welcome> I have been researching it constantly for the past 3 months as I am getting back into the marine fish keeping hobby with my daughter after a 10 year hiatus. A lot has changed and I'm excited to finally be better able to keep the pets I've always loved. My main question is: I have an all glass 55 gal aquarium that was used in the mid nineties to house marine fish. After I moved it was stored in a fairly cool basement for 9 years completely empty. I have since vacuumed it, washed it and it looks to be intact. My concern is that the basement was fumigated several times and that those toxins may have been absorbed into the seals and the wooden canopy. Can this tank be reused or will I have to replace it? Most everything else I've needed to find has been readily available on your site. I hope I didn't miss the answer to this question. Regardless, I'd like to thank you in advance for your time. <Rachel, first thing I'd like to know is was the tank/canopy covered with plastic before fumigation? James (Salty Dog)> Reusing Tanks - II The tank was stored in a corner behind several other pieces of furniture; however there was no plastic covering it according to my father. <Rachel, sorry for the delay, having computer problems ARRRRGH. What I suggest is that you clean the tank well, then fill it up with fresh water and add a couple mollies. Let this be for a week. If the mollies live, then slowly (day by day) add sea salt in the tank to 1.015 salinity. If they survive a week, then I would raise the salinity to 1.024 and add a damsel and go another week. If the damsel survives, I'm thinking you have no problems. As far as the canopy goes, I would clean it good with liquid soap and water. James (Salty Dog)> Marine gear for sale My Mother died and had 2 cases of MORE-ZON 10 ozone generators and 2 cases of Aquaview Aquarium System Maintenance Packs. Do you know where I could sell them? And what they are worth? Thanks for your help. Have a good one, Melodee <I'd try eBay... looks like someone there is selling the More Zon's for ten bucks! Bob Fenner> Saving a dying system Dear experts, I think I need help. I foolishly just purchased a used 125 g setup. The light alone was worth the cost but there are some real issues. I checked the water chemistry before purchase. The nitrate levels are off my charts (>200 ppm). The system has been running for 5-6 years. The last 1 1/2 years the water quality deteriorated for one reason because they were not changing out filters on RO / DI system. The rock is so deeply covered in dead, dying and live algae that my plan is to scrub it down completely there, rinse it, set it up with no light, high flow, adequate skimming, frequent siphoning and water changes and cycle until OK. << I would keep the lights on. >> The real issue is the deep sand bed (5-6"). I don't want to just dump it but know it can not be used as is. Should I just freshwater rinse repeatedly until I've killed everything (can I kill everything this way?), dry and use with seed from my other setups? Or is there a better way? << I would rinse it with salt water. I'd want to keep all the critters and bacteria alive to use, just try to wash out most of the detritus and built up dirt. >> I'd appreciate any information you could provide. I highly value your opinions and find the website a wealth of knowledge. I just couldn't find this particular issue. << Good luck. >> Thanks very much, Michele << Blundell >> How much bow in an acrylic tank is normal and safe? I've recently obtained a used 55 gallon acrylic tank and it really bows. The tank dimensions are 48x13x20. When full of water the front bows out 5/8" and the back 1". <This IS quite a bit... for this thickness material, though acrylics do vary somewhat... and somewhat unsettling in that the bulge isn't about the same front and back... But, not totally out of order, and very likely nothing to worry about> I'm trying to determine if this is safe to put in the house or not. <Should be fine> Your thoughts or maybe where I can turn to get an answer... Todd M Howe <Bob Fenner> Electricity and a second-hand aquarium Hi Bob. I saw your article on electricity and aquariums on the net. I have this small 5-gall globe-shaped second-hand aquarium without an instruction manual. The pump is located below the globe-shaped tank within the base. The pump pushes air through a tube connected to an opening in the bottom of the tank. <Hopefully with at least one (I'd use two) check valves...> Generally, I'm somewhat paranoid about electric shock so I'm careful. <You're smart here> My question is: can I fill a tank of this nature with the power off? I'm worried gravity will make the water run straight down the tube and into the pump with the power off thus damaging any electric components. <Me too. Do you know what I mean by a check valve? I'd take the whole set-up to a good livestock fish store and ask them to look all over... including the sturdiness of the tubing and the check valves> Or do I have to fill this tank with the pump on? Basically, I'm assuming pumps have some sort of mechanism that prevents water from breaching their mechanism in the event of a power outage or in the event the plug is pulled. Filling the tank with the pump on seems like a hassle so I figured there must be another way.....any insight would be appreciated...thanks. <We're not going to be able to effectively communicate what needs to over the Net... do take the rig to a LFS nearby. They will be able to help you. Bob Fenner> - Special on Chipped Tanks - Hi Tristan here I just bought a 135 gallon tank and got it for a good deal because there was a chip on the Inside of one of the corners. its hasn't spread past the silicone and isn't sharp to touch. Is this going to effect my tank efficiency? <Hmm... probably not the efficiency, but possibly its integrity.> I put some more silicone around the area it was cracked <Well... best to test it out in the driveway or backyard. If the tank were to fail full of water and occupants in the house, you would be sad. Its hard to say exactly without seeing the crack, but personally I always err on the side of caution.> thanks <Cheers, J -- > - Integrity of Chipped Tank - I read through the forums and FAQ I found one similar situation and you recommended getting a new 55 gal tank *my tank has a chip in it, as well as several scratches on the INSIDE* chip is about 2/3's of the way down and is about 3/4 of a centimeter, am I risking a breakage with a small crack? <Always a possibility... best to test it outside in the driveway. Fill it up with a hose and see... those edges are important and a failure would be a really bummer.> or am I best off trying to sell it off as a terrarium, and buying a new 50/55 gal tank? <For the price of a new 55, I think it would count as cheap insurance.> thanks <Cheers, J -- > Used Equipment Questions <Hi, MikeD here> I'm new to saltwater, and to aquariums in general. I made the mistake of purchasing what I thought was a very good deal. Someone was selling a 55Gal, nearly complete system for 350$ (without anything live).<Not a bad deal as opposed to the same equipment new, but I've seen that same set up for considerably less as well......at $50 even I can't pass it up!**grin**> He used the tank for a FO system, and dosed copper ("very little"). I'm trying to find out how long ago he did this.<It seems strange that the system would have been dosed with copper if FW, plus the hardware isn't typical for FW. A fib maybe?> I have found conflicting information around being able to use this tank for a Reef type system (what I wanted to do). There are a great deal of people who say that once copper has been used in a tank, NEVER use it for inverts.<Generally this is wise advice, but nothing is ever an absolute.> While reading WetWebMedia, Great site btw!!<Thanks, I think they've done an outstanding job as well>, I seem to get the impression that you, and others, feel that carbon filtering can remove copper. So do you think I could run the system with a carbon filter (or a PolyFilter?) (probably just freshwater...) for a week or two to flush out the copper? Could you suggest a test that is sensitive enough to determine if I will have problems down the line. I'm prepared to go slow, and if you tell me I'll have to sell this stuff off and buy new equipment.<My specialty is FOWLR, but most of your questions are general enough for me to feel safe answering. In regards to a sensitive copper test kit, do a search in this site for starts under "copper test kits" and in all likelihood someone will jump in if you don't find what you need. In most instances, they are generally referring to established tanks that people want to continue using without breaking them down and starting from scratch, re-cycling and all.> Some sand (sugar consistency) came with the tank, along with some base rock. I would like to salvage the rock if possible, I imagine that the sand will be tossed out due to paranoia. Do you think this is a good idea?<That depends on how paranoid you are. If it's silica sand, you may want to go to a crushed aragonite to assist in keeping your pH balanced as well.> Thanks for your input, and I'm ? of the way through your conscientious marine aquarist and it's great!<Bob's a pretty special guy in this respect, largely why I'm here too!> P.S. The equipment in questions is the glass 55 gal tank(48x21x18), a HOB overflow, tubing down to a 20gal sump (glass 2 baffles using silicone), a Rio 2100 return pump, a 200W glass heater, a glass in-tank thermometer, the base rock.<This is what I meant about being unusual for a FW set up. Sounds specifically marine to me> P.P.S. While I'm asking questions, I was planning on using the 2 PC 55w lights that came with the tank with actinic bulbs, and getting 2 250W MH lights to light the tank, is this overkill?<That depends on the type of corals you wish to keep, but overheating may become a problem> The price to go from 175w to 250w is small enough that I think this will give me room to grow if I want to go to a bigger tank in a few years?<What did I miss here? I thought this was a 55 gal. set up?> Richard Hull breach?! (6/27/04) I just brought home a tank from a rummage sale. It looked like a 55 gal. but when I measured it, it was only 17" tall instead of 20". No biggie, but the tank originally had a snake (reptile) in it. I do need to reseal it, but was wondering if it would be safe to use for fish? It looks to be the same width of glass as my 55 gal. But I have no idea if the bottom is tempered glass, or what. I planned on using a bleach mixture to clean it first, then cut old silicone out and reseal. Please stop me if I will be wasting my time! The tank was cheap ($10 ) so no big deal if I can't use it. <After resealing it fill it with water, and let it sit for 1 or 2 days, and see if you can detect any leaks. If it holds, it should work fine, just make sure it's well supported. M. Maddox> <<Mmm, be careful here re this tank's glass thickness... "made for reptile" or other purpose other than aquariums often have thinner, not as strong construction... and are therefore VERY dangerous to fill with water. RMF>> For Sale - How to Advertise best? >Dear WWM Crew, >>Hello. I'm moving and I need to sell my two tanks (20 gal, 29 gal). I have spoken to the local schools, but I am aware that the kids just don't take care of the fish as well they should. Google seems like a real long shot - finding someone who needs tanks in my local area (Chicago). Do you have any other ideas? Thanks for any help you can give!!! Kashka >> The very best place(s) to sell set up systems is to go to fish boards, like http://www.wetwebfotos.com/talk (our sister site) and others and use their "for sale" or "classified" sections. If they have it, set up email notification (any board the uses phpBB format can do this, but WWF is different). I would Google fish forums that speak to what you've got, looking for bulletin boards, etc. Good luck, and happy moving! Marina This Old Tank >Hi WWM crew, hope all is good. >>Well enough, my friend. >I'm hoping you can help me out, I just bought a 108 gallon Hagen tank {72x18x20} . I got it for a good price but when I was cleaning the calcium off I came across some shortcomings. >>Used tank, yes? >First - The silicone in some spots is lifting along the edge of the seal and I'm worried about leaking. >>As well you should be. >Second - There is two small chips on the corner of the tank on the outside, one near the top one near the bottom. >>If the chips extend into the silicone seal, then this is indeed a problem. If NOT, then a resealing should do the job. >Third - The plastic trim has come apart at the corners. Are all these things I should worry about or is this normal for an old tank. The tank is 15 years old and was not used for the last 5 years. >>Wow, yeah, that's pretty normal. The moulding is protective in nature, but isn't normally relied upon to maintain the integrity of the tank itself. They should be glued together, as the protection they afford round the edges is needed for safety reasons. >I would have liked to fill it up outside but the ground is soft and I'm afraid it would crack. >>No concrete pad or patio/driveway area to use? You really MUST fill it in a safe area first. >I had the help to put it in our bedroom at the time so I took it, it's stupid heavy. Can I slowly fill it and see what happens, my wife is worried it's going to blow apart or something because of the age. It didn't leak when they stopped using it. Any help is good help, great website and thanks. Troy >>That may be, but the sealant is lifting. At this point my VERY BEST advice to you is to reseal the tank, rather than taking the risk. It is indeed very possibly that it could quite literally burst, but just as bad is any leak, as they never get better. When it gets bad, it gets bad very quickly. >>I believe we may have tips on resealing posted on site, but if you can't find instructions on how to strip out and reseal a tank let us know and I'll fill you in (I've done literally hundreds). Marina Second-hand fish tank Hey there, <Hey Hey Hey> Yesterday I found myself an old 20 gallon tank sitting in the alley behind my work. <Score!> I took it home to check it out and its in great condition, there were various parts and pieces of equipment in it (close to $150 worth) as well as a good inch of old rocks and water in the tank (I threw the rocks and liner out) I myself am not a fish person <It is never too late to start.> but I do have amphibious pets and reptiles. I want to set up the tank to make it suitable for my pets but there is old algae and calcium buildup on the tank inside and out. as it stands now I've been able to get some of it off, with hot water and dish soap..lol <Ooh, be sure to rinse that soap residue off very well, amphibians can absorb this through their skin.> but there is some really stubborn buildup on the tank (it was probably sitting in its previous owners house for quite a while before he tossed it) <Maybe he set it down to clean it and ran inside for a sandwich? Nah, I'm just kidding.> I don't know much at all about fish tanks but it was used as a salt water environment. Any advice on how to get it clean and looking good as new?? <Good as new? No. But I am sure you get make it presentable razor blades are great for the big chunky stuff. Most likely what you are dealing with are hard water deposits, I would start by scrubbing the tank with white vinegar to see if that will clean it up. If that does not work you can bring out the big guns, Muriatic Acid! You can pic this stuff up cheap at a pool store, be very careful when using this stuff, the fumes are nasty and it can burn your skin, you will want to dilute it with water, the exact proportions escape me right now, but use the google search on our web site for Muriatic acid and I am sure you will find it. Congrat's on your new tank, Gage> Any help at all would be great! Scott Brown Tank used as terrarium 2/1/04 Hello, love the site. <thanks kindly... please do tell a friend> I've recently acquired a 55g acrylic aquarium which my landlord will not permit me to fill. I don't have the heart to put it in storage, and was thinking of using it as an herb garden until I move in a few years. My question is, will the levels of fertilizer used in "dry" gardening damage the silicone, and the integrity of the tank? If so is there a liner or tape I could use? Thanks for your help and time. -Kate <the real concern is rather the silicone seal simply drying out in time. Storage in mild climes for a year or two is reasonable... but hard to go too much longer safely. Indeed, some tanks stored much longer have held water just fine. But many do not. My advice is that if it goes over 3 years dry, doubt its worthiness to hold water. Little to no concern about fertilizers here. Anthony> - Used Tank - I had recently been given a 125 gallon aquarium with a homemade wooden stand. Originally this was used for reptiles, so the back pane of glass had been drilled with two holes (approx 2 inch diameter) on the upper corners for cords or whatever. This is not a homemade tank, as a sticker from "Quality Aquariums Inc. of Milton Fl." was attached on the bottom of the tank. The bottom pane of glass is stated as being double paned. There is no hood, and the edges of the glass have a couple small nicks taken out of them. The silicon seals look old and dried up. The black lining along the top that contains the brace supports had been modified. Sections of the lining around the perimeter and the 2 brace supports had been removed. Is this tank worth trying to repair for fish use? <I'd start with a water test and make up your mind once you have the results - could be, if this tank was actually designed for reptiles, that the glass may not be thick enough to withstand being filled with water.> And if so, what steps should I take? <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/usedmargear.htm and here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/aqrepairfaqs.htm and the other FAQs beyond.> Thanks for your time. <Cheers, J -- > Repaired 100g I need your help.. I'm a little worried. I'm going tomorrow to look at a 100g that has been repaired. Apparently somewhere on the bottom was leaking and they siliconed a piece glass on the inside and outside. She said it's held water for a year, but they took it down last week since her son lost interest in it's upkeep. If it's held water all that time I'm assuming they did a good job in fixing the problem. But is it trustworthy? <I would say no. if you plan on keeping this tank for many years it is not worth it .> is a lot of water... but the price is really appealing. $225 Canadian. And it comes with a large canister filter, wooden stand, large piece of driftwood, glass top and lights, plus 100 pounds of pea gravel and tons of fake plants... But it's not worth it, if it's going to end up leaking on my floor. Also I'm unsure if it's a crack.. or just a leak. <if you must purchase a leak would be better than a crack. the crack could spread over time and 100 gallons of water on your floor will not be pretty. Keep in mind there also will be live animals in there, and if it leaks what would you do with them> I'm pretty sure she said it was the bottom corner. They put the piece of glass in and re-siliconed it. If it was a crack would it not have spread over that year that it was full of water? <most likely yes, but would I not trust it > I know I've heard of people repairing tanks this way.. But will it hold? <could hold for a day or 10 years who knows> I'm in emergency need of a tank.. it's a long story. But someone was suppose to 'hold' a tank for me. Which they did not do. And I sold the tank I have now.. the buyer is picking it up in 2 days. What do you think? <buy a new tank (in the long run it will be worth it) good luck Mike H> What should I look for when I inspect the tank? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Linda Price is right Mike the tank is a 150 gallon RR Ocean tank with stand. Nothing else. Is this a good price ($500) Went to see it today and it was in fine shape. <if it is in good shape I would say yes good luck Mike H> Aquarium Durability >Hello, just a quick curiosity question. >>Hello, and a quick answer? >I just won a 90 gallon tank and accessories bid on eBay and was curious if I should have any concern about the strength of a 90 gallon tank mainly for holding live rock and corals. >>If not homemade, it should be comparable to any tank you could buy. >I am planning to have a nice rock display (maybe a couple hundred pounds of rock and coral) >>A "couple hundred" in a 90 gallon? You may be hard-pressed to find space for the fish at that rate. 1lb./gallon is sufficient, my friend. >...and a few species of fish. I am new to the salt arena and know there is a much higher weight possibility with all the live rock. >>Also, saltwater weighs approximately 8.5lbs./gallon whereas fresh weighs approximately 8lbs/gallon. >Want to make sure I don't have a big mess. >>Indeed. >I plan on setting up the tank and running it for a few days to check for leaks, but just curious about durability in aquariums. Oh yeah, it's a glass tank by the way, standard 48 long 90 gallon tank. Would there be any reinforcement options perhaps or should I not worry about it? Tank is about 6 yrs old and has not been used for the last 3. All seals are in good condition and the tank was used for freshwater so there's no salt corrosion. >>Salt can't really corrode glass or silicone the way it does metallic objects, but the silicone CAN dry out. This is the biggest concern, outside of missing center braces. Go to an aquarium shop and look closely at how the silicone seals and bracing look--you want to see that in your purchase, or you'll need to strip it and reseal. O! The joy.. (from the woman who's done this with more tanks than she can count... LOL!) >Many thanks, Tom. >>You're welcome, and best of luck. Marina Aquarium Durability >Marina, >Thanks a ton for your response. >>My pleasure, Tom. >I purchased the tank and it's been running freshwater to test for the past 2 days. All systems go. Starting salt project in about 2 weeks. The tank is made by the All Glass Co. So I am guessing it will last for quite a while... what is the average tank life these days? >>Oh my goodness. Well, let's put it this way, when speaking of glass tanks, as long as the glass doesn't break, it's the seal that's in question. I have all-glass tanks that have been being used for decades. I haven't used many acrylic tanks, but I've seen some very old ones (again, decades) in use as well (commercial apps, as they don't look very pretty!). >This tank was made in 96 so I'm just curious. And thanks for the rock to water ratio. I figured there was 1, like everything else, just wasn't sure what it was. >>You should get many years out of it. Usual ratio for live rock is 1-2lbs./gallon. >Much appreciate you guys. Take Care. Tom >>Very welcome, glad I could help. Marina Scratched aquarium I bought a used approx. 60 gal aquarium, and as I was removing a terrarium that the previous owner had stuck to the inside with silicone, I managed to scratch the inside glass of the aquarium. I can feel the scratches with my nail, but they seem to just be surface scratches. Will this be a problem when I have the aquarium filled up with water - i.e. will the pressure cause the glass to crack? Thank you, Stephanie <It *could* if deep enough, but it is unlikely. Probably more unsightly than unsafe. Best Wishes, Craig> Used skimmer Hi Bob, One last thing :) Would you recommend purchasing a used Berlin Red Sea Protein Skimmer? It's in good condition, been in use for about 2 years? Greg <For your tank it would be okay... if all the parts are there... and it will fit on your tank (there are hang on and not models)... I myself wouldn't waste my time. Take a look on WWM re skimmer selection, and buy new. Bob Fenner> Glass and silicone tanks aging Hello crew! Hope all is well, and thanks again for all the help! <Glad to be here> I have read through the Used Equip and Aquarium Repair FAQs, and hopefully I just need some reassuring words. I have a used 135 gallon glass tank that has been up and running fine for over 4 months. I believe I am the third owner of the tank (maybe more), and I cannot accurately determine its age. Do tanks have a certain lifespan before they should be resealed or considered unsafe? I'm pretty sure its the original silicone. I'm guessing the tank is about 5 years old, but it could be more. If the tank decided to spring a leak, what's more likely, a small pinhole drip, or a big gushing leak? <Mmm, not an effective lifespan per se... there are glass and silicone tanks in use that were made decades ago. Some conditions like the use of malachite green tend to "dry out" the sealant sooner... and setting tanks on un-planar, non-level surfaces will definitely shorten their useful time> I'm very happy with the tank, but [as I'm sure many other new tank owners have] I keep having nightmares of massive floods in my living room. I think my fish would not find my couch quite as comfortable as I do. Thanks again, ~Jim <I wouldn't (don't) worry re such things. If you have occasion to be emptying the tank completely some year, you can cut out an existing bead in all edges and lay in a new, thicker one if this will make you feel better... otherwise, no worries. Bob Fenner> Used tank question Bob A co-worker has offered me a 150 gal glass tank with stand, glass canopies and filters for $350.00, didn't think that too bad a deal. <A bargain compared to new cost> My question is this, how long would you feel comfortable letting a tank sit empty before you resealed it? <Most brands, ages, not a problem> Its been in a storage shed since late fall and I was wondering if I should just do it and not take the time to fill it and let it sit for a week or two to check for problems. <Always a good idea. I would do this.> I have resealed smaller tanks before ( 65 gal.) but nothing this big. Any tips for this project...if you think I need do it. <Done as per smaller sizes... cutting out old in-place seal, cleaning space near glass junctions, laying in and smearing a bead... Bob Fenner> Thanks Robert Resealing silicone bead I was hoping you could provide with some information about resealing the silicone bead in the corners of a glass aquarium. I bought a 55Gal w/ accessories for short money to be used as a second saltwater tank, when I got it home I noticed the silicone seals had pockets of water in them. ( I actually sent my son to pick up the tank, that's why I didn't see the poor seals until I got home) The tank does not leak but I definitely want to fix this before using it. <Agreed. The basic notes on how to do this, cautions re sharp razors... can be found here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/aqrepairfaqs.htm Bob Fenner> Regards, Craig Douai Schmoose, Used Gear, Moving Livestock (marine maintenance) Bob I have read through quite a bit of your columns this weekend. I really appreciate the time you have spent assisting myself and others. <Thank you for the acknowledgement> One thing I happened to notice while I was reading through you advice columns, and this is not meant to sound petty nor pious, but you use the term "irregardless." there is no such word, the word is regardless, or with disregard. actually, the word is listed in the dictionary but it is deemed nonstandard. (read too many people have been using this word incorrectly for so long we had to put it in the dictionary) :) <Thank you for this... of all things I have coursework in reference librarianship (more paper to insulate the walls...)... and collect dictionaries... of both descriptive and proscriptive philosophies... and regardless (yay!) should know better. Again, thank you. Bob F> Our little secret. Thanks again for all your help. Sincerely, Mike p.s. I would be remiss if I did not take the time to fire off a question (or two....) concerning the hobby. I currently have a 29 gallon salt tank with one fish (grey snapper - I think) I received this used from an individual leaving town. I like the tinkering, and I have decided to attempt to pick up something a little bigger. 65-90 gallon range. I don't have an unlimited budget (who does) so I am canvassing the local classifieds. <Good idea... used is not a bad way to go> Recently , I came across a 75 gal. all-glass, reef ready tank, stand, covers, top, with fish, critters, and some live rock. 1. assuming the equipment is in fair shape, what would you say is a fair price for such equipment and life. <Mmm, a hundred or two dollars is likely about right. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/usedmargear.htm> 2. How do I go about transferring all of the life inside safely to its new home, which is 1.5 hours away. life consists of 50 lbs. Fiji rock, a few snails, hermit crabs, a flame fish?, yellow tang, common clown, and three damsels. <And here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/movingaq.htm and the attendant links. Bob Fenner> used saltwater systems, Used Aquariums Hi Bob and Co, <Scott F. with you...> What are your recommendations for buying used saltwater systems? I'd like a 100 gal or larger but it's expensive with a family to come up with the cash. What are good search options? The newspaper is devoid of ads for our hobby. <You may want to check local fish stores to see if they received any used aquariums in for trades. Another possibility is a local classified paper, such as "The Recycler". Still another possibility is e-Bay, or an online community with message boards, such as reefs.org or Reef Central. Finally, you may want to consider placing an ad in the local paper indicating that you want to buy a used tank? Do you have a local aquarium club...? Be creative-you will definitely find something!> Learned about you from an Amazon book review. <Thanks for stopping by! In fact, check our wetwebmedia.com forum for tanks for sale...Ya never know!> Thanks, Michael Reule, Fullerton, CA Is acrylic scratch remover safe for fish? Hello Mr. Fenner, I just got finished putting my new tank together. I have the powerheads, the heater, and the aragonite sand and water in. I have not yet put it the salt. I'm just testing the components and letting the sand dust settle. While inspecting my tank, I noticed in the light that there seems to be a very slight haze in a couple upper corners of the tank. I believe it might be from the TruVu SRK (scratch remover kit). <This may be so... or typical "stress fracturing" marks from heat-bending in those areas> I might of accidentally not rubbed off all of the scratch remover paste thingy. The water has a oil spill type look when viewed at a lower angle. Is this bad? Shall I take out the water and wash the tank again? Please help. Thank You, Stan <Ahh, our businesses (retail and service) used to sell many TruVu/Aquaplex tanks... and I've spent many hours with the green and tan pastes you mention in their scratch removal kit. This material is not toxic. I would not take the tank down, or worry. Bob Fenner> Taking out scratches from the inside Bob, Do you know of any acrylic scratch removal kit that works underwater? <No... all require draining the system at least down to the level of the work. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Lee RE: Is acrylic scratch remover safe for fish? Thank you very much. That is what some people suggested on ReefCentral, but to hear it from an expert like you makes me feel so much better. Thank you again and have a Happy New Year. Stan <You as well my friend. Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Re: Question about buying used system Hi Robert, I'm attaching my message of last week (and your reply inline) for your reference, thank you for that. I want to address specifically now the historical marine velvet (Amyloodiniumiasis) contamination of this tank. <Okay, good idea> The tank lost all its fish to this disease 18 months ago. Unfortunately, instead of a complete fish-fallow, the owner did place one fish in the tank, a damselfish. The damsel never contracted the disease. The tank has been apparently disease-free for 18 months. What risks would we be taking by putting new, more fragile, fish in this tank? Are there preventative measure we could take to make this enterprise safer? <Hmm, use of purposeful biological cleaners, careful acclimation (for "hardening" more than anything else) of new fish livestock...> Should we perhaps assume all is well, have a hospital tank nearby, and monitor closely? Or should we assume all is terrible, and fish-fallow for a month or two? <If it's been this long w/o fish hosts other than the damsel, I'd say more of the former than latter> Thank you in advance, Paul <Thank you for your intelligent message. Bob Fenner> Question about buying used system Hi Robert, Thanks again for all of your past help. I am thinking about buying a used system from a local ex-enthusiast who needs to move and wants to then start from scratch. His advert reads "MARINE AQUARIUM 90 gallon, 120 lbs. live rock. All the fixin's. A steal. $800 takes all! 555-1212." Note that 800CAD = 540USD or so. I haven't visited the system yet, but I have asked some questions and gotten the following answers. I will be visiting the system tomorrow, and I'm looking for advice on the following: (1) please comment on the risks of buying used systems even at a good price, and <If you know what you're looking at, assure that "it's all there", and operational (plug electrical items in, assure they work), very little risk> (2) what should I be looking for tomorrow specifically to help me make a good decision, and other questions to ask, and <Comp. shop the gear... go to a LFS, get the "new" costs, pay reasonable below that... For glass tanks, other gear mostly about half retail in good shape... for quality items like acrylic gear/tanks, eheim... two-thirds or so of retail if you can...> (3) please comment on details below so far for whether this might be suitable. 1. What filtration? A: eheim wet/dry (paid 500), protein skimmer - "bubble job", doesn't remember brand/model. <The Eheim is worth something... not a big fan of these particular products though...> 2. What lighting? A: inadequate in his opinion fluorescent 4-foot fluorescent- super-duper bulbs - recently changed (1 month), keeps coralline, existing corals and anemone alive, but he's going to metal halide on new tank. <Would investigate what it's going to cost to upgrade to compact fluorescents here> 3. What livestock/rock? A: live rock 120lbs, paid over 1200$, <What? Ten dollars a pound? Is it "old" (more than a year and a half?), if so, wouldn't consider it worth much. Likely needs augmentation, addition of new> doing "ok" only - needs better lighting - well covered with coralline - good encrustation, several open brain coral, one huge sea anemones, some mushroom - other included livestock, some damsels, large "maybe emerald green" 3" crab, other small crabs, snails, brittle star. <Need to move. Factor in cost here.> 4. History of disease? A: fish died from velvet - enormous investment of red sea stuff all died 1.5 years ago. Only damsels since, but no sign of velvet since. Aquarium never fish-fallowed after disease. 5. Noise? relatively quiet - most noise buzz from lights. 6. What's included? Everything he's got - filters, pumps, on a black stand, lighting, etc. Any help much appreciated, Paul |
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