FAQs on Freshwater Pathogenic Diseases
<caused by other organisms; Protozoans, Worms...>
Related Articles:
Freshwater Diseases,
Toxic Situations,
FW Disease Troubleshooting,
Ich/White Spot Disease, Choose Your
Weapon: Freshwater Fish Disease Treatment Options
by Neale Monks,
FAQs on Freshwater Disease:
Disease 1, Freshwater Disease 2,
Freshwater Disease 3,
FW Disease 4,
Disease 5, FW Disease 6,
FAQs on Freshwater Disease by Category:
Environmental, Nutritional,
Social, Trauma,
Genetic, Pathogenic (plus see Infectious and Parasitic categories
below), Treatments
Maintenance, Freshwater
Medications, Freshwater
Infectious Disease,
Freshwater Fish Parasites,
Ich/White Spot Disease,
Nutritional Disease,
African Cichlid Disease 1,
Cichlid Disease,
Fish help please! 10/4/17
Hi! I'm coming to you for advice...
<Sure thing!>
I'm fairly new to fishkeeping... I have a 20 gallon tank
that I set up in June, and it's been cycled since early July. It was
stocked with 3 platys, 2 guppies, 5 Glo Danios, and one honey
Gourami. (Stocked in that order. The honey Gourami was in the
tank for a month.) Three days ago, the honey Gourami suddenly got big,
clear bulges on both sides-- mostly abdomen, but two other little bulges
on its side, too. She mostly flopped on her side on the bottom of the
tank for a day, though she came up looking for food when I fed the fish.
The following day the bulges were worse. I moved her to a fry tank to
try feeding her a pea, but she could no longer eat, and died
that night. I looked for signs of dropsy (pine-coning) and to be honest,
I didn't see it, but I took a bunch of photos and someone else told me
that she looked pine-coned. Maybe just slightly? Not like pictures I've
seen online. After she died the bulges disappeared.
<Does sound like a systemic bacterial infection. Could be caused by
environmental stress of some sort. Honey Gouramis are somewhat delicate
fish. I'd not recommend them for beginners, or for use in tanks less
than 6
months old.>
The following day-- yesterday-- I found one of my smaller Danios on its
side on the bottom of the tank gasping. It moved around a few times, but
it was clear it was dying, so I took it out and euthanized it. It body
looked normal except for a blood spot on its lower abdomen. Definitely
no pineconing, bent spine, etc. And none of the fish have ever had white
or stringy poop.
<To make a general point here, because the symptoms are rather generic:
when different fish die in a relatively new tank, then environmental
conditions and/or maintenance are likely to blame. While you could be
unlucky and have bought sickly fish or introduced something with a
particularly bad pathogen, these are less likely explanations.>
First I'll tell you the water conditions, then my current problem:
Very consistently good water conditions before and after the fish
deaths. 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, 10-20 nitrates, ph is somewhere between
7.2 and 7.8 (hard to tell exact color), temperature 78. I have a bunch
of moss balls in
the tank, along with some silk and hiding rocks. The only recent change
is that I added 1/3 bag of PhosGuard to the filter because I've been
dealing with diatoms for about 6 weeks. I do a 20% water change every
week (25%
after the Gourami died).
<All sounds fine.>
A couple of the Danios have always looked skinny to me (the one that
died was one of them), but no signs of problems before this in any of
the fish.
<The fact that some Danios are skinny suggests they might be suffering
malnutrition, poor genes, or possibly Mycobacteriosis right from the
get-go, in which case nothing you can do will likely improve things.
Mycobacterial infections aren't catchy as such, so while serious, and
basically untreatable, if you humanely destroy infected fish quickly,
there's no reason to assume the others will have caught the disease. On
the other hand, Mycobacteriosis is symptomatic of environmental stress,
so you certainly can deal with multiple fish that are infected with the
Mycobacteria pathogen, one after the other. Genetics plays a role here
-- GloFish are very inbred, and that does make them more likely to
suffer from health issues.>
Now the other problem: losing one Danio has seemed to completely screw
up the tank behaviors. The other four are now acting aggressive to each
other and every other fish in the tank, and even the platys are turning
on each
other. It was a completely peaceful tank before.
<This is not unusual. Danios males can be, and often are, aggressive in
very small groups. Certainly keep no fewer than six.>
So I'm very torn about what to do: since I don't know what just killed
two of my fish, I planned to wait several weeks to get any new fish--
BUT now I'm worried that if I don't add another Danio, they're just
going to stress
everyone out until they die anyway!
<Understood. It's a toughie, and your predicament is one that can cause
real problems. If this was me, I'd wait a day or two and see if things
settle. Longer term, I'd add some more Danios. But I'd also keep an open
mind on the environment. Could copper be an issue? Do you use
dechlorinator appropriate to your situation? For example, getting a
brand that neutralises copper, Chloramine and ammonia alongside chlorine
is a very good idea.>
Would appreciate any advice. I can send photos, but wanted to check
first before sending attachments.
<By all means, but please keep attachments reasonably small, less than
500 kB for example.>
Thank you,
<Welcome. Neale.>
Columnaris Denisonii Barb/Redwag Platy
I noticed one of my denisonii barbs, and Redwag Platy had lesions, which I
assumed was columnaris.
<Mmm; maybe.... what re cause here? Such infections don't occur w/o
environmental prompting>
I did a lot of research and the common theme, I found, in treatment for
columnaris was reducing temperature, salt, KanaPlex, MetroPlex, and furan2.
I moved the barb and platy from my 75g to my 10g hospital tank, and began
medicating the water with furan2, salt, and feeding KanaPlex/MetroPlex.
The platys dent/lesion has lost the white line in the dent, and seems to be
doing fine. My barb, on the other hand, developed even more lesions, but is
very active and eating well.
For the second round of medications, I medicated the water with furan2,
salt, KanaPlex/MetroPlex (I did not dose food).
I repeated the first round of medication, making it 3 total rounds of
My barb has not developed any new lesions for about 5 days, and my platy
looks normal. My question is when do I know my barb and platy are healthy
enough to go back into my main tank?
<I'd wait a good few weeks beyond when these "lesions" are gone>
I've had them in my hospital tank for 3 weeks, and I feel the barb
(4.5inches) is getting a bit stressed in the 10gal, and without his school.
Thank you!
<Keep changing some (a few gallons) of water daily... From their
main/display system. Bob Fenner>
Columnaris Denisonii Barb/Redwag Platy
/Neale 10/1/16
I noticed one of my denisonii barbs, and Redwag Platy had lesions, which I
assumed was columnaris. I did a lot of research and the common theme, I found,
in treatment for columnaris was reducing temperature, salt, KanaPlex, MetroPlex,
and furan2.
I moved the barb and platy from my 75g to my 10g hospital tank, and began
medicating the water with furan2, salt, and feeding KanaPlex/MetroPlex. The
platys dent/lesion has lost the white line in the dent, and seems to be doing
fine. My barb, on the other hand, developed even more lesions, but is very
active and eating well.
For the second round of medications, I medicated the water with furan2, salt,
KanaPlex/MetroPlex (I did not dose food).
I repeated the first round of medication, making it 3 total rounds of
My barb has not developed any new lesions for about 5 days, and my platy looks
normal. My question is when do I know my barb and platy are healthy enough to go
back into my main tank?
I've had them in my hospital tank for 3 weeks, and I feel the barb (4.5inches)
is getting a bit stressed in the 10gal, and without his school.
Thank you!
<Bob Fenner has covered the essentials here. But a couple extra comments if I
may... For a start, do understand this species subtropical. At tropical
temperatures it isn't entirely happy, and in particular low oxygen levels and
high nitrate levels will stress them. If the tankmates are Platies, which are
perfectly happy in cooler conditions, I'd be keeping this/these species around
22-24C/72-75F rather than anything warmer. Optimal conditions for Denison Barbs
is likely a few degrees cooler than this. Let me have you read the Fishbase page
on this species, here...
Certainly optimise water circulation and oxygenation, though I will state that
Platies are still-water fish, and will not thrive in the brisk currents Denison
Barbs need (though Swordtails, being stream-dwellers, would actually be pretty
decent companions). Secondly, I'm not sure adding salt is terribly helpful.
Barbs vary in their tolerance for salt, some actually inhabiting low-end
brackish habitats, but these barbs are definitely inland fish, and I can't see
any advantage to even trace
additions to salt unless you're dealing with something specific where salt is
the cure (like Whitespot). Instead, I'd be coupling a general purpose antibiotic
alongside an aggressive approach to optimising water conditions.
Denison Barbs have, overall, a poor to middling track record in captivity;
relatively few reach their proper size and live anything close to a full
lifespan. Read, review, and act accordingly. Cheers, Neale.>
re: Columnaris Denisonii Barb/Redwag Platy 10/1/16
Thank you for the quick answers!
I am going to remove the platys (3) and move them to my 20g long because there
is substantial water movement with an AquaClear 110, 520gph canister filter, and
an 325gph hydroponic air pump.
<Sounds wise.>
The issue might have been temperature (I do two 50% water changes a week on the
75g), as summer just ended here and my tank has been at a constant 80F for 3
Should I look into re-homing the barbs if I cannot consistently maintain a lower
temperature throughout the entire year?
<Nope. Summertime highs are fine. The issue is year-round high temperatures.
Basically, the ideal approach would be to allow the tank to warm up in summer,
but during the winter make sure it cools down a bit, so there's some
seasonality. This will be much closer to "the wild" and ensure your Denison
Barbs stay healthy. Lows of 15 C/59 F are probably not
necessary, but something like 20-22 C/68-72 F would be beneficial, and still
allow a wide variety of tankmates. Many barbs, danios and minnows, many loaches,
numerous Loricariids, most Corydoras, and a few cichlids (like Acaras) and
livebearers (such as Swordtails and virtually all Goodeids) prefer precisely
these conditions. Bronze Corydoras and
Bristlenose Plecs are two examples of widely sold and inexpensive fish that
would thrive in a riverine tank adapted to Denison Barbs.>
Thanks again!
<Cheers, Neale.>
Deadly Diseases: Lymphocystis, Glugea, and Henneguya.
02/09/09 Hello All! Just writing this bc I had an important
question and maybe something you don't deal with often ... Before I
start I have a 60 Gallon FW tank that has been running for about a
year. My ammonia/nitrites are always 0 and my nitrates always 40ppm or
less ... Anyways, about 1 month ago or so (maybe a little longer) I
noticed one of my blue rams which I've had almost a year had white
pimple looking bumps on the top of his head ... After researching I
came to the conclusion that he had Lymphocystis so I left him in the
tank. It would spread around his face, reappearing on a different spot
on his head as another healed but never got any worse than when I first
noticed it (he is still alive btw). Now, my question is this ... What
is the chance that this isn't Lymphocystis and is Glugea or
Henneguya? (I never took him out of the tank bc everything I've
read said these diseases are even more rare than Lympho.) The reason
why I ask is bc over the past 3 - 4 days I have lost 4 or 5 fish for
unknown reasons ... And they all exhibit the same signs: Loss of color.
They were all eating and active except for the color and it got to the
point where I could look in the tank in the morning and know which fish
were going to be dead by the time I got home from work based on the
color. Glugea and Henneguya is the only reason I could think of bc I
have not done anything different to my tank in a long time and I
religiously keep my tank clean and maintained. So what is your opinion
bc I truly believe that my whole tank will be dead in a month or less
at this rate. (Which means I convert my tank into a dart frog tank and
forget fish forever lol). Thanks for the insight. -Nick- <Nick, I
think these are unrelated issues. Lympho is by far the most common
viral disease among cichlids; or at least, the most common one
aquarists can recognise. It isn't fatal, and as you've noticed,
it comes and goes. It's a nuisance, but doesn't seem to harm
the fish any, and eventually goes away. If you're losing a bunch of
fish -- of different types -- in a short span of time, it's most
probable there's an issue with water quality or chemistry. Also
consider reviewing diet, temperature, and even the age of the fish. So:
What are the fish? What is the water chemistry? Cheers, Neale.>
FW... disease, learning 2/15/08 Hi
Guys. <John> In the last two days, 4 of my 13 fish have started
flashing. <Mmm... have you "done" something recently to
the tank? Added any new fish, live plants or foods?> Sterba's
Cory Albino Cory Juvenile Black Molly <Mmm... a brackish water
animal...> Juvenile Red Wag I've looked hard but at this point I
do not know whether it is velvet or ich. <Or...?> I want to
protect the other fish but I can't take the flashing fish out of my
30G as my 10G quarantine tank is being used right now. The only meds I
know that treat both velvet and ich is CopperSafe but half my fish are
Corys and I had a bad experience with CopperSafe before. <I would
not use copper...> I feel like I should be doing something now but
am I supposed to wait until I see obvious signs of what it is before I
use any meds? The flashing is pretty regular so I know something is
wrong but at what point would one normally use meds? <On more
assurity of their need, usefulness> I'm still pretty new to this
so please forgive my ignorance. I did try to find an answer to this by
hitting a lot of the forums and Google searching but I couldn't
find anything that was specific enough hence my bothering you guys.
Thanks. John Murphy. <Raising temperature may be enough here to
effect some relief... Read on WWM (again) re Ich... and re the Molly:
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm and
http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/mollies.htm and the linked files
above. Bob Fenner>
Sudden FW angelfish death... & Epistylis/Protozoan
f' 11/25/2007 Hi, <Hello.> I've been
reading and reading your site looking for answers to the sudden
death of one of my Leopard Angelfish. <Hmm... sudden deaths
are always signals to check aquarium conditions: water chemistry,
water quality, correct functioning of heaters, filters.>
I've had these 5 Leopards ( none larger than half dollar size
and most between half dollar and quarter in size) for about 4
weeks in a 12 gal QT. <Quite a small tank even for juvenile
Angels, and small Angelfish do not, in my experience, always
travel well. I recommend people buy them around half-size, say,
5-6 cm.> The fish arrived just after an outbreak of ich in my
55 gallon cycled tank and so I had to move the worst victims of
ich into the hospital tank leaving the 12 as my only resource and
not cycled. I have been doing twice weekly 25% water changes ever
since to the 12 gal QT and checking the levels of ammonia, PH 7-
7.2 , nitrites and nitrates and all were kept at zero or nearly
so. <When it comes to nitrite, "nearly zero"
isn't good enough. Cichlids generally, and Angelfish
especially, are sensitive to dissolved metabolites.> The
nitrate being the only one ever over 0 and not over .25. <0.25
mg/l of nitrate is safe. But do you really mean this? Not many
test kits are this accurate! Most seem to measure on a scale of
0-100 mg/l. Nitrite, on the other hand, is commonly measured
between 0 and 1 mg/l.> Is this enough of percentage of a water
change each time? <No. 50% per week, minimum.> This tank
also has a Bio Wheel and I added a small pouch of charcoal-
ammonia absorbent in addition to it's regular filter
material. <Well, bin the charcoal for a start. If this is an
uncycled tank, then you may as well use Zeolite (ammonia remover)
exclusively. I'd personally skip any sort of fancy filter for
this. Just go with a plain vanilla bubble-up box filter stuffed
with Zeolite. Replace the Zeolite every week. You can usually
recharge Zeolite, so get two "batches", and use one
batch while recharging the other. There's absolutely no point
cycling a tank with Angelfish -- they will die long before the
filter bacteria come on-line.> They've been healthy and
lively and voracious eaters, but not overfed I think. This
morning I noticed one of the larger angels staying low in the
water near the heater. Tank heat is kept at 80 degrees. I have
just seen on your site that I should probably vary their diet
more than I have been doing. They've mostly been on flakes
and freeze dried worms. They ignored my attempts at adding an
algae pellet though. <Angels will eat anything... if hungry
enough. They are easily overfed. I'd use a mix of plain
flake, Spirulina flake, and live/frozen/freeze-dried insect
larvae. Because they willingly gorge themselves, you have to be
careful not to put too much food in the tank. One or two flakes
per day is plenty for Angelfish this size. Since they're
young, feed perhaps twice per day. Do watch the nitrates though,
and try to keep below 20 mg/l and certainly no more than 50
mg/l.> I went ahead did my regular 20-25% water change this
morning, and by this evening the lethargic angel was worse, lying
or hovering near the bottom seeming to gasp for air. The other
fish were fine, acting normally and active except for one other
large angel that seemed to be chasing the other three away from
the sick fish. <Indeed. Angelfish are schooling animals when
young, but become territorial as they mature. All too often
people end up with a single big Angel that rules the tank.> I
did another water test and the levels were the same, Ammonia 0,
Ph around 7- 7.2 and the nitrates and nitrites 0. At about
midnight my poor angelfish died. <Oh.> There were no signs
of any battering, discoloration in fins, skin, not a mark, but I
did notice a tiny speck of red near the outer edge of the eyeball
on both eyes, but in different placements. I'm totally
baffled as these fish were tank raised and extremely healthy from
the minute they arrived and showed no signs of any distress or
illness whatsoever. I've grown quite attached to them to the
extent that I don't even want to put them into the now
healthy 55 community tank and would like to upgrade to a 30
gallon tank for just them. I considered them so
"pristine" and didn't want to take any chances on
them being exposed to diseases. <Quarantining new stock is
always a good idea.> What do you think happened? The only
thing I can think of after all the reading I've done is water
quality and ammonia, nitrate or nitrite poisoning, but that
doesn't make sense with the readings I took. The kit is
fairly new, but I'm not exactly sure of the expiration date
since it was marked on the covering of the kit which I threw out
a while ago. I hope this is enough information. <To be honest,
I have no idea what precisely happened here. Sometimes very young
fish don't travel well, and one or two in the batch will die.
This is less of a problem with big fish because people tend to
bag them up sensibly. Profit margins on big fish are
proportionally smaller, so everyone along the distribution chain
takes more care. But small fish are often overcrowded.
Individually each fish makes a proportionally larger profit, so
if a few die, it doesn't matter. Mass-produced fish also tend
to be produced for a quick sale rather than quality, and
there's free use of antibiotics by the farmers and
wholesalers, and by the time they arrive at your house these
drugs have worn off and the results of overcrowding become
apparent. For now, I'd not blame yourself, but simply focus
on water quality and correct diet.> Thanks for your wonderful
site. It has the best tips, help and advice I've found
anywhere on the internet. <Thanks!> Thanks you in advance
for any insight you can give me. Polly <Good luck, Neale.>
Re: Sudden angelfish death 11/25/2007 Neale,
<Polly,> thanks for some answers to water quality, tank
size and feeding. Good advise. <Cool.> This morning the
remaining 4 Leopards are still fine and looking unaffected by
whatever killed the other one. These fish came from a very small
breeder in Michigan and I was worried about them travelling when
I bought them via Aquabid, but they were well packed, double
bagged and in Styrofoam qt. size cups, with oxygen, a mild
sedative and an ammonia blocker and when I acclimated them to the
QT they moved in and bounced back like champs almost immediately.
I think I was very lucky there. The breeder/seller communicated
with me and wanted to know how they arrived, talked me through
any questions about acclimation and general appearance, behavior,
etc. A good man who was into his fish, which he bred himself,
rather than the moola, I think. <This is indeed the best way
to buy Angels, and it sounds like you've dealt with a very
decent supplier. My comments were really more about the mass
produced fish farmed in Florida and Southeast Asia, primarily for
the low end of the market.> So you think a 50% WC once a week
is better than 25% twice a week? <Yes.> Not to sound dumb
here, but why is it better? <Many reasons. Primarily a
question of dilution and reducing the effect of acidification.
So, your filter removes certain pollutants, but does nothing
about nitrate, phosphate, organic acids. These accumulate.
Nitrate is a known toxin to cichlids generally, being at least
one of the factors behind hole-in-the-head as well as a general
lack of vigour. Diluting by 50% each week is the cheapest,
easiest way to get good water quality. Works better than carbon
for a fraction of the cost. Acidification is something that
happens in all aquaria. The longer the interval between water
changes, and the smaller those water changes are, the more
acidification takes place. This is one of the reasons why new
fishes put into an old tank sometimes fail: the existing fish
have adapted to the sub-optimal conditions, but the new livestock
are shocked. Again, water changes are the cheapest, easiest way
to maintain a steady pH.> I never intended to use the
angelfish to cycle the QT tank, just got stuck because of the Ich
in the 55. I've been looking around for a good price on a 30
gal for them, but since I'm running a 30 with 7 female Bettas
and 5 Corys, the 55 community and two 10 gal with guppies in one
and 6 baby Pearl Gouramis in the other and three 5 gals with
single male Bettas I have to tread softly with my husband who is
strictly a dog person! lol <Indeed! Perhaps keep Dogfish, so
you'll both be happy. (Note to Americans: a Dogfish is
British vernacular for small sharks, particularly Scyliorhinus
spp., which for some bizarre reason Americans called
Cat-sharks!> Also, do you think I should switch over to a
sponge filter in the 12 QT instead of the Bio Wheel? I have one
spare hanging around. <If both are being used as purely
biological filters, then stick with the one that is most mature.
But in quarantine tanks, using a box filter filled with Zeolite
is invariably easier, cheaper, and more reliable than any
biological filter. You have a zero run-in time, and you can
sterilise it between uses.> Thanks again, Polly <Good luck,
Re: Sudden angelfish death 11/25/2007 Neale,
<Polly,> all makes perfectly good sense to me and thanks
for the answers to my questions. <Good-oh.> We always
called those small sharks, Dogfish around here in Maine too and
they are nasty guys. Like to go for the bait in the lobster traps
and will follow the traps up while they are being hauled. Just
hoping for the bait or a nice fat Lobster to fall out I suspect.
VBG <Ah, I guess that's why they call New England 'New
England'... because you speak English rather than
Americanese! And yes, ours steal food from Lobster Pots too.
They're actually pretty amazing animals. Live for at least 30
years, and perhaps as many as 100 years. The eggs take 2 years to
hatch. Not something for the impatient aquarist!> I will
switch to a 50% WC in my tanks once a week from now on and just
rotate the days when each tank is scheduled, add to the diet for
the angels and follow your advise. <Sounds good.> I'm
going to look into the Zeolite too. <Yes, Zeolite is
definitely a good idea in temporary tanks or any sort of tank
where you don't have time to mature the filter. Cheap and
effective, provided you start off with enough to deal with the
ammonia produced by your livestock.> Thanks, Polly <Cheers,
Re: Sudden angelfish death 11/26/07 Neale,
<Paula,> when it rains, it pours! <Indeed?> The
Leopard Angelfish are still fine, but when I was doing the WC in
the Betta/Cory tank, I noticed that my largest Cory had some
spots on him, def. not ich or velvet. They appear to be oval-ish
and are concentrated on his spine and the base of the dorsal fin
and tip of dorsal. <Hmm... sure this isn't Ick? Do also
cross off silt particles and air bubbles. Both of these can stick
to fish and be mistaken for parasites.> I QT'ed him in the
hospital/baby tank, promptly discovered that the Gold Platy was
starting to give birth, moved her into a breeding/bearing net
hung over the side of the community tank where she lives and went
to do some research on the internet to see what was up with the
Cory. <Not a great fan of breeding traps, so do take care not
to stress her. I prefer to use floating plants, and then remove
the fry as they're discovered hidden among the plants, either
to a trap or to another tank.> It sounds like Epistylis from
the descriptions given. Can't seem to find any pictures that
show it though. I went back and took a magnifying glass and
flashlight and checked him out and the spots are not ich-like in
appearance at all, not moving and one spot, near the end of the
dorsal fin, is tufted a bit. The other spots are oval,
greyish-white in color as well and as I said, concentrated in two
or three areas. He has a space missing on his tail fin, but no
growth or spots on that area. <Does indeed sound like
Epistylis.> If indeed it is Epistylis, do I treat him in the
2.5 gal tank with something like Jungle fungus meds? <I'd
treat the tank with the anti-fungus medication of your choice.
Corydoras generally tolerate these medications well.> Do I
treat the Betta/Cory tank as well or just keep and eye on the
others and see if something develops? <Treat the tank.> I
did noticed that some of the other Corys have a few ragged fins!
<Fins sometimes get ragged when Corydoras are mixed with
aggressive or nippy fish; otherwise can be a prelude to
Finrot.> I try and spend time each day sitting and closely
looking over each fish to see if there is anything different in
their physical appearance or behavior. Yesterday this sick Cory
was just a tad underactive. Think it's a female from the size
and width of the body, but not positive. I didn't notice any
ragged fins on the others until today either. You must think
I'm a bad fish mamma at this point. Sorry to keep bothering
you. <Don't worry about that.> thanks, Polly
<You're welcome, Neale.> BTW, the Platy has had three
babies since I moved her and then stopped giving birth. Stress
from the move most likely. Babies look good. <Good-oh.>
Re: Sudden angelfish death -11/27/2007
Neale, <Paula,> Just went and looked at the Cory in the QT
and the lesions/spots have reduced in number, but some are still
present. Are they going into another reproductive phase,
something like the ich spores do? <No, I don't think so.
Epistylis is a ciliate protozoan that mostly just sits there on a
fish. It's not a parasite as such; as I understand it,
it's more a fouling organism than anything else (i.e., like
barnacles on a boat).> That brings up lots of questions in my
mind, secondary infections etc. but .... I then checked the
Betta/Cory tank and three of the Corys have no signs of fin
damage, color good, very active and looking for food. The fourth
is looking a little lethargic, fins ragged and no spots or
lesions, nada, just out of sorts and not active or looking for
food, similar to how it started with the sick Cory. Should I haul
him out into the QT with the sick Cory and still treat the
Betta/Cory tank as well as the QT tank? <Definitely treat both
tanks with anti-Fungus/anti-Finrot. Trying to target one
particular fish is probably a waste of time here because the
pathogens are in the aquaria generally.> BTW, Bettas are fine
and active, eating, clear of anything on their skin.
<Good.> As of midnight last night, I did another 25% WC on
the Betta/Cory tank, bringing the total WC for yesterday to 50%
on that tank. There was some uneaten stuff and crud underneath an
aquarium decoration and around the roots of some of the heavier
planted sections of the tank . I removed the large
decoration and tried to really clean up the crud, for lack of a
better description, and left the decoration out afterward to make
it easier to do WC in the event of doing treatments to the tank
for any length of time. Did a 50% WC to the QT tank as well.
<Good.> As for the weapon of choice in treatment.
Here's what I have in house right this minute. Will any of
these do any good? I have been trying to buy meds every time I go
to the LFS to have them on hand, but as you can see I am still
way under stocked on what I imagine are all the basics. Ich
Attack by Kordon, for ich, fungus, Protozoans, and
Dinoflagellates <Might work; Epistylis is apparently sensitive
to Formalin and Malachite Green.> Ick Guard II by Jungle
<Ditto.> Fungus Clear Tank Buddies by Jungle (tablets, 1
tab per 10 gallons) <Won't fix the Epistylis, but will
help with the ragged fins.> Pimafix <Useless.> Melafix
<Useless.> BettaFix <Useless.> Aquarium Salt
<Might help if used in the same way as for treating Ick, but
not my weapon of choice here.> Erythromycin and another
antibiotic...it's downstairs at the moment and I forget, but
I tried to get one gram positive and one gram negative when I
bought them. <Useless. Antibiotics are for bacterial
infections only.> I do live on an actual island. No bridge,
and therefore can't just pop into town willy nilly. My
husband is going to go over to the mainland this afternoon and if
there is anything he could pick up this would be a good time.
What meds should I have him get if none on hand are appropriate?
<See above; you may already have the tools required. Check the
ingredients lists on the medications, or simply test them out.
Epistylis isn't doing the fish any direct harm -- the problem
is that they open a wound that can become infected, and
furthermore that they occur at all is a sign of middling to poor
water quality.> To sum up, still treat the Betta/Cory tank as
well as the QT with a fungus med? Move the second Cory exhibiting
signs of Epistylis to the QT , OR treat him in the Betta/Cory
tank? <Treat both tanks. There's no mileage in isolating
diseases caused by environmental issues, since all fish are
likely subject. So treat all fish up front to prevent further
infections.> Much thanks once again. You are very patient with
all the questions and problems I've thrown at you in just two
days time. Let's hope the rain stops pouring ASAP. <It
will.> BTW Angelfish still fine. <Double-plus good.>
Thanks, Polly <Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Sudden angelfish death 11/28/2007
Hi Neale, <Polly,> well, I lost the first sick Cory in the
QT . <Too bad.> I had started treating both tanks with the
Jungle Tank Buddies for Fungus as I hadn't heard from you and
I thought I needed to do something quick. (The time difference
between us. ) I didn't go with the Kordon Ich Attack as it
doesn't contain anything but botanicals, no chemicals like
formalin or malachite green. <This is a somewhat unwelcome
trend: eschewing proven pharmaceuticals in favour of ingredients
that may be safer and less toxic if overdosed, but are of
questionable usefulness in some cases.> I probably waited too
long for the first sick Cory or he was traumatized by the move
and being alone as well. You know how Corys are. They look like
little tanks that can take anything, but they are so social.
<Indeed. With schooling fish it is normally best to treat the
tank rather than individual fish. Lone Corydoras don't
necessarily die, but it is one more stress factor on an already
sick fish.> I did a water test before I did anything to treat
the 30 gal tank or do the WC that brought me up to the 50% WC
total, forgot to mention this last post. Everything read as it
should. Ph was between 7.2 and 7.6, I have high PH normally from
the well water, the ammonia was 0, nitrites and nitrate 0 as
well. <All sounds fine. Corydoras are relatively indifferent
to water chemistry, and tolerate hard, alkaline water just as
readily as soft, acidic water. What matters to them is stability
and quality more than anything else.> That didn't make
sense to me since the problem is an environmental one, so I did a
test on the 55 and got the same results except the PH being
different from the 30. The 55 gal was at PH 7-7.2 and nitrate and
nitrite 0. Could the test kit be getting old and need to be
replaced? <Possibly. But it also important to remember that
aquaria have a background acidification process. So as soon as
you put water into any aquarium, it gradually becomes more acidic
unless something acts to stop that. The key factor is decay of
organic material, which produces organic acids, and these lower
the pH. The speed with which the tank acidifies depends on its
size, its loading of fish, the amount of organic matter
(including plants and algae), the presence of alkaline buffers
such as Tufa rock, the nitrate level, the ammonia level, the
amount of carbon dioxide, aeration, and the frequency of water
changes. In other words, no two fish tanks will acidify at the
same rate, so it is entirely possible that these two tanks will
have very different environmental conditions despite receiving
the same type of "new" water each water change.> I
bought it within the last month, but it was the last one for FW
on the shelf at the LFS and didn't know about expiration
dates for tests. Didn't check to see what the date might be
and it was apparently on the outer clear packaging cause I
can't find it anywhere in the actual test kit. <Test kits
can and do go "bad", but this is rare unless the kit is
extremely old. The chemicals are largely inert, and provided they
are stored somewhere cool and dark they should be stable for many
years.> Since I wasn't sure of the test kit's
accuracy, I did a 50% WC on all the other tanks that hadn't
been done over the weekend, except the guppy and baby tank (did
20% on that ) because that tank seems to always be fine, totally
knackered me, but done. I'm so completely paranoid now about
the other tanks that I see cilia and parasites in my sleep. lol
<Ah, the joys of fishkeeping.> Obviously, my problems are
directly linked to poor water quality and my husbandry. My
question ( will they ever stop you think?) is... are water
parameters not always linked with cleanliness, are the two not
one and the same? <Interesting question. Most disease is
directly or indirectly linked to water quality and water
chemistry. Provided those two factors are appropriate to the fish
being kept, the incidence of disease should be very low. While
disease can sometimes happen for other reasons, such as genetics
or the introduction of unquarantined livestock, at a first-pass
there's a lot of wisdom in assuming any unexplainable
sickness was caused by water quality and/or chemistry issues.
Now, cleanliness can be looked at two ways. Oddly enough, visible
waste tends not to be a major problem. Yes, decaying plant
material and fish faeces contribute to acidification, but
"the wild" is full of decaying material that the fish
don't seem to be harmed by. Indeed, many fish, such as
catfish and loaches and cichlids, positively revel in the stuff,
extracting significant parts of their diet from the decaying
material or micro-organisms living therein. Invisible waste, on
the other hand, is the killer: nitrite and ammonia in the first
league of dangers, and then nitrate somewhere below them. On the
other hand, regular water changes undertaken to remove solid
wastes in the tank invariably dilute the invisible wastes, and a
good mechanical filter with plenty of current will not only
remove solid wastes but like have plenty of space for a good
biological filter as well. So while the two things are not
identical, they do tend to go hand-in-hand as far as
practicalities are concerned. It's too simplistic to say a
clean tank is a healthy tank: after all, a brand new aquarium may
look spotless and yet have high levels of ammonia and nitrite
because the filter isn't mature. But established aquaria that
are kept clean through water changes and adequate filtration tend
to have zero/low levels of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate as
well.> Can there be too much goop or pollution in the bottom
of the tank that never show up on a test kit's results and
should water from testing be from the lower regions of the tank?
(why the Corys were the first affected?) <Not normally, no.
But if the sediment at the bottom of the tank becomes anoxic
because it isn't regularly cleaned somehow, it can house
bacteria that can, in theory, cause problems. In practise this is
an easy fix. If you're using sand, for example, keep it thin
and install some burrowing snails (such as Malayan Livebearing
snails) which will aerate the sand in the same way as earthworms
on land. Catfish and loaches generally like to dig and will keep
sand very clean anyway. Gravel can be more of a problem to keep
clean (surprisingly to some) but when stirred once a week at
water change time cleaning gravel shouldn't be too
difficult.> Hypothetical question.....say the second sick Cory
makes it and has some open wounds from the Epistylis. Should I
then treat the tank for possible secondary bacterial infection
problems? <Yes.> What would be the med of choice? If
antibiotics, gram positive or negative? <I can't really
answer this from experience, since antibiotics aren't
available to aquarists in the UK. But my expectation would be a
product such as Maracyn would be appropriate. Really anything to
treat Finrot, as that will get the Aeromonas/Pseudomonas bacteria
likely the problem here.> The more I write, the more questions
I have and the guiltier, to the fish and you I feel. Is there a
book you can recommend that I should buy that you consider the
best reference for fish disease and treatment? <Many, many
choices. I happen to like the 'Manual of Fish Health' by
Chris Andrews et al.> Thanks Neale, You Da' Man, Polly
<You're welcome.> Angel fish fine, mother Platy ate the
3 babies, you are right about breeding nets! <Indeed. Trust
me: floating plants work much better. Simply check the tank once
or twice a day and scoop out the babies as you see them. Any
floating plants will do. Even bunches of pondweed or algae.
Plastic plants even. The baby fish instinctively go into them,
and the parents tend not to notice them.>
Re: Sudden angelfish death 11/28/07 Once
again, thank you Neale for the detailed answers to my
questions. They are extremely helpful and make me want to
do more reading on water chemistry, acidification, substrates,
different types of filtrations systems, aeration, etc. Lots more
reading! VBG <Very good! Once you understand the basics of
water management, everything else in fishkeeping is easy. But if
you're muddled about water management, then things become
more dicey. An hour or two spent reading around this topic is
time very well spent.> The second Cory is still with us and
shows improvement. He never developed the full blown growths on
his body and after spending most of yesterday on the bottom
hiding in some plants, came out in the early evening to hang out
with the other three and actually start to actively ferret around
on the gravel for food. <Good stuff. I find that once a sick
fish starts feeding again, you're almost always home
free.> On further examination of the hype on the Jungle Fungus
Tank Buddies box, it states that it also contains something to
fight secondary bacterial infections, but I will probably also
treat with something else for the fin damage that he displays.
The other three Corys still seem unaffected. <I have never
used that medication so can't speak from experience.> The
substrate in this tank is a combination of an under layer of
Fluorite with some gravel over it to keep the fluorite in place
and make cleaning easier. The fluorite is great for the plants,
but I've found it hard to deeply vacuum without causing major
cloudiness. <A problem with sand. The trick is not to vacuum.
Instead, let the catfish and plants and Malayan Livebearing
snails do the hard work for you. Also lower the sand on one
corner so detritus collects there. You can then siphon or even
pipette waste as required. Much easier.> There is probably an
inch of Fluorite and a 1/2" of gravel over it. In our LFS
it's is very hard to find small/ medium uncoated gravel for
our FW tanks. <I sympathise. I tend to buy my substrates from
garden centres. Easier and cheaper, provided you choose smooth,
lime-free sand or gravel rather than, say, sharp sand.> I like
the Fluorite for the plants, but am not too sure I like the
substrate for the fish. I have just Fluorite in the 55 gal tank ,
about 1" deep. The Betta/Cory tank is running a Bio Wheel
filter, minus the media right now. I will be adding Zeolite,
which my husband found for me on his mainland trip the other day,
to all the tanks. <Zeolite is completely redundant on tanks
that have biological filters. Serves no purpose whatsoever other
than wasting your money in these cases. Zeolite is exclusively
for tanks with no biological filter, e.g., quarantine tanks or
tanks with strongly acid pH.> I love planted tanks, but have
decided that too many decorations such as rocks, caves,
artificial tree trunks, etc. are too hard to clean around if not
lifted at least every other time I do a WC, so have removed quite
a bit of the aquascaping add ons and will try letting the plants
and maybe one cave for the shy fish, suffice. If you're
finding too much silt and detritus, it is likely you have
insufficient water movements and/or mechanical filtration. In a
tank with complete circulation, there shouldn't be any solid
waste on the plants or gravel. Well, maybe a bit, but not enough
to be unsightly. So, do check water currents around the tank, and
if required, add another filter. If the bottom of the tank has
poor water flow, this will mean higher levels of ammonia and
nitrite down there, and this could be a factor for your
catfish's ill health.> I went to amazon.com to see if the
Manual of Fish Health was available and found there seems to be a
revised edition. The Interpet Manual of Fish Health by Andrews! I
assume it is a revised edition anyway, and will order it. <My
copy is from '88. It's a good book. Good level of
science, but lots of photos and charts explaining what's
going on.> As for snails......I had one hitchhiker on a plant
and now have what seems to be a million in the Baby/guppy tank,
Yikes! No sure I want to introduce them on purpose as I'm
sure they will appear, as if by magic in due time in the tanks
they haven't yet. LOL <Snails can be a mixed blessing, but
do remember they turn waste into snails. In a clean tank, their
numbers tend to be very steady, and removing them by hand works
fine. Snail plagues almost always follow over-feeding and
under-cleaning.> I'm cultivating a Java Moss like type
plant in the baby tank and will move some of it into a birthing
tank. Will save those breeding traps for brief isolation and
examination purposes. VBG <Enjoy the babies! Best bit of the
hobby, I think.> Thanks again, Polly <Bon chance,
Gravel washers, dis. transmission -- 4/10/07
Greetings, I recently purchased a gravel washer and believe it's
the best thing since sliced bread for water changes! I do
water changes and gravel washing at least every two weeks. <Wow,
you're a better person than I... water changes weekly, gravel
cleaning once or twice a year!> I am wondering though, should the
gravel washer be soaked in any kind of disinfectant between washes?
<If you have more than one aquarium, it is a good idea to clean
things between moving them from one tank to another. You'll see
retailers nowadays often keep their nets in jugs of disinfectant so
that any diseases in one tank can't hitchhike to another. But
realistically, cleaning the gravel washer every two weeks is probably
overkill. If you want, sit it in a bucket of strong (at least 70
grammes/litre) salt solution. That'll kill most bacteria and
parasites, while at the same time not being toxic to the aquarium fish
if any gets left behind on the device.> I realize that the water is
chlorinated going through the tubing back into the tank but trapped
water does lay in the tubing between washes. <Store things dry. Most
bacteria and aquatic parasites cannot tolerate exposure to air or
sunshine (UV light) for very long.> Could that be a potential source
of any kind of disease for the fish? <Potentially, yes, but the risk
is trivially small compared with live foods (esp. Tubifex) and new
aquarium fish.> Just wondering what you might
recommend. Thanks in advance! <Cheers, Neale> Linda
Gravel washers & Value of "Quarantine", aka
Isolating new livestock... FW here -- 4/10/07 Morning Neale,
Thanks for the quick response. <No problem.> I'm slowly
getting it through my head that the best way to protect your existing
healthy fish is to use an iso tank for the newbies. <Yes it is.
Also, when breeding fish, nothing beats having another tank to cosset
pregnant females or rear the babies.> I've taken many fine
suggestions from your crew and website. Most of our LFS in
this area are large chain stores that don't do much to isolate or
even recognize a problem with their stock so it's vital that I take
every precaution to prevent infestation in my
tanks. It's very relaxing to me to watch my livebearers
go about their daily chores happy and healthy and to watch the fry grow
into adults. I've been keeping fish off and on for
almost 30 years and much has changed in husbandry techniques since I
started. <Cool. One thing I forgot to mention in your
original question -- is chlorinated water going into the tank when the
fish are there? It shouldn't be. The chlorine is quite nasty as far
as the fish are concerned. So always use a dechlorinator on any water
that is in the tank when the fish are there.> Linda <Cheers,
Re: Gravel washers & Value of
"Quarantine", aka Isolating new livestock... FW here --
4/10/07 Yes, the water is chlorinated but I add the dechlorinator
in conjunction with the water. I put some water in a pitcher
and add the dechlorinator to prime the filters. So far this
has worked great. I wash the filters and filter packs with the water
that comes out of the aquarium into the sink during the water
change. <Cool.> I don't try and adjust the pH to
much for the livebearer tank. <Always wise. Easiest to get fish that
like your water, rather than try to fiddle the water to suit your
fish.> I just added some crushed coral to work on the KH, it's a
little low at 4. <Agreed, and the solution sounds good. Be sure and
deep clean the coral sand though: once covered in bacteria and algae
(i.e., after a few weeks) it is isolated from the water, and
doesn't do any buffering.> GH is right about 7-8 which should be
okay. Ph is very stable at about 7.4. <Both fine for
Platies.> Found out the hard way that the pH neutralizer does a
number on the live plants! <Odd. Some plants like acid water, some
alkaline, so that may be the thing. Many of the hardier plants, such as
Vallis, like hard, alkaline water. If you soften the water too much,
they get unhappy very quickly. Done this myself and watch hundreds of
Vallis die overnight! Not pretty. Again, best to choose plants for your
local water. There are lots of species that love hard, alkaline water:
Vallis, Egeria, some Amazon swords (e.g. E. bleheri), some Crypts (e.g.
C. wendtii and C. ciliata), Java fern, Java moss, etc.> I bring down
the pH to around 7.2 for in the tetra tank. As long as it
remains stable the fish are okay. <Most tetras shouldn't mind
even pH 7.4, so I'd not bother with the pH adjustment. The
difference between 7.2 and 7.4 is not that important. Fish don't
really "feel" pH anyway; they feel the total dissolved
solids, which the acidifying agent isn't doing anything about. I
personally wouldn't bother with the pH adjuster -- I'd sooner
do more water changes to keep the quality high. Cheers, Neale>
Re: Bacterial sickness? 11/2/05 My question
that was no answered was, can something be living in the live rock that
is killing the fish... <Not likely... something is toxic
though...> I thought that if you removed the fish that the disease
would be removed also...is this incorrect???? <Yes, depending on the
type... please... keep reading... perhaps a good "all in one"
marine aquarium reference book... the situation you describe has many,
MANY loose possibilities in terms of causes of trouble... By the time
we "go back and forth" trying to address these, you will be
burned out and broke... Imagine a person trying to "do their
taxes" in this sort of mode... Bob Fenner>
Re:... Not bacterial infection, poor examples...
11/2/05 Bob, Trust me I have done taxes this way, you have to keep
your clients happy correct??? <Clients?... We have none> I think
ill remove the live rock and start over. Thank you for your help
<... keep reading... BobF>
White Stringy Feces, disease? Hi, My aquarium is
a very unhappy place right now, and I need some advice. I started up a
25 gal. tank in December with 3 platies and 6 cardinal tetras (& a
lot of plants and some driftwood). During the cycling
process, one of the platies had 5 fry, but died a week or so later. I
assumed she died from the stress of the new tank and giving birth, but
now realize I was wrong. After the cycling was complete, and all the
other fish seemed healthy, I added 2 Otos to combat a really pronounced
algae problem. Two weeks later, one OTO died. I'd noticed no signs
of illness -- just found him at the bottom one afternoon. Then the
platies started acting sick with the same symptoms that affected the
first poor platy, listlessness, and white stringy feces. They spend
their time either resting on the bottom in a covered area or floating
at the surface. They eat only a miniscule amount. There are no other
visible signs of illness (i.e. no spots or red streaks, fins & eyes
look fine). I started a course of Maracyn 2. I'm on day four, but
it doesn't seem to be helping. In the past 4 days, I've lost
the other OTO and 3 fry, and the remaining platies seem quite ill.
(Fortunately, the cardinals seem perfectly happy). Is there a different
medication I should try? Should I do another round of Maracyn 2? Did I
medicate too late? Is it likely the cardinals will eventually be
affected too? Also, due to the loss of the Otos, the algae is out of
control. I'm afraid I'll lose all the plants too (its not quite
as heartbreaking, but it is expensive!). Once I either a) get everyone
healthy again or b) lose the rest of the platies, what should I do to
make it a safe environment for a new algae eater? Is a big water change
enough, or do I have to do some sterilizing? How long must I wait
before adding a new critter? In case its relevant, my water quality has
always been pretty good. Currently, pH=6.8, ammonia=0,
nitrites=0, and nitrates <10. Even during cycling, the ammonia &
nitrites never got much above 0.5. Thanks in advance for your help!
Amanda <The white stringy feces points towards an internal
infection. It could be bacterial or a protozoa. Best treated with
medicated flake food. Since the Maracyn 2 did not help it is most
likely a protozoa. Treat with Metronidazole. You can get the medicated
food here http://flguppiesplus.safeshopper.com/26/cat26.htm?122.
You will only need a small package. Do not add any more fish until your
current charges stay healthy without medicine for a month. I would stop
the Meds after completing the first round and start doing several large
water changes until you get the Metronidazole. Continue to test and
watch for spikes. The Maracyn can kill your bio filter. I would not
worry too much about the algae right now. You can wipe off the glass
and such for now. Otos are great for algae control, but very hard to
introduce into a new set up. And very sensitive to meds. His dying may
be unrelated to the platy problem. Look for a Bristlenose Pleco. They
only get about 4 inches and are much easier to keep. Stay away from the
Common Pleco, gets too large at 12+ inches. One last thing. Unless you
were doing daily water changes during the cycling period you should
have had higher spikes than .5. You may want to take a sample to your
LFS and have them confirm your readings. Don>
Effects of surviving Fish TB Hi there, A few
months ago my husband fed our fish some goldfish, against my advice
based on what I've heard about goldfish having a lot of diseases.
Anyways, our Frontosa, Bay Snook, and clown knives ate them and were
fine, but our 12 inch Gar got really sick. He got a filmy coat to him
and his eyes popped out. He swelled up really bad and just sat at the
bottom of the tank. Then his spine got really crooked. We medicated the
tank with anti-fungal and bacterial meds and also Melafix. He was sick
for about a month but now he seems to be OK, he eats and swims around
fine, except he is still crooked and his back end seems almost like
it's paralyzed and just drags behind. Is he still sick or can there
be lasting effects from fish illnesses? We were told he had Fish TB but
I thought it was always fatal. My husband gets very upset when his fish
die! He was depressed for a week when his water cow jumped out the day
after we bought it. Any help is appreciated! <Could be
internal parasites from the gold fish have affected the gar. I would
try to separate the gar and treat him with Metronidazole as per the
directions on the package. It may help but at this point it is just a
guess. The Metronidazole is effective against anaerobic
Dead clown loach - 'skinny disease', or worms? me
again.... <Sabrina, here> answers to your questions....I do a
20%-30% water change once a month...ph 6.6, no ammonia, no nitrites,
<Excellent.> I feed them a variety of things...zooplankton,
Tubifex worms, <Tubifex - live, frozen, or
freeze-dried? Live Tubifex are pretty well known for their
tendency to transmit disease; probably not the best option....>
shrimp pellets, tropical flake food, Gammarus...frozen shrimp....a good
mix of things I thought. <Yes.> Like I said in my previous
email...everyone seems to think it was skinny disease....a parasite
that they say can be in the loach already and 6 months to a year or
more kill them.... <I've found some conflicting information on
this - some sources say 'skinny disease' is a bacteria, as
Jason said previously, and some say it's a Microsporidean - a
protozoan parasite - and is difficult to
treat. However.... As I read this, I'm rather
certain that, whichever way it is, you're not looking at this
'skinny disease', but at an internal large-type parasite
(rather than a protozoa or a bacteria), like nematodes. This
is common in wild fish.> because they come from the wild....I had
read that you can treat prophylactically with Levamisole
hydrochloride to keep this from happening...but did not find out where
to get it or how much..... is this true? <I would agree with this
advice - Levamisole or Piperazine are the route to take for internal
wormies. Look into "Discomed" or, if you can find
it, "Dewormer", both by Aquatronics. The former is
administered via food, and contains Levamisole. The former
is already *in* food, and contains Piperazine. Either route
should do the trick.> You had mentioned medicated pellets with
erythromycin....I have medicated pellets but it is tetracycline...for
bacteria...would that be sufficient if this happens
again? <I'm rather convinced that
you're dealing with a parasite, not a bacteria. I'd
suggest, if you're considering getting in more wild-caught fish,
first and foremost set up a quarantine tank so you can nail illnesses
before they get into the main system. Secondly, keep good
antibacterial meds on hand, as well as anthelminthic (worm killin')
meds on hand. Medicated food is probably the best route.>
In regards to that, I read that loaches with skinny disease do not
always eat and by feeding with the pellets it might do more harm than
good by damaging bacteria in filter and gravel... throwing ammonia and
nitrites up therefore hurting other fish........
<Unlikely. If the loaches don't eat the food, the
other fish will, most likely. I don't see much
likelihood at all of causing harm to the tank going this route.>
Sorry so many questions... <Don't apologies - it's totally
understandable.> I always find conflicting info on the net....&
never know what to believe.... <Conflicting info - yes,
indeed. And there are many ways to skin a cat - and everyone
you talk to will give you a different way. -Sabrina> any
help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in
advance, Monica
FW Fish Disease Dear WWM Crew: Thanks to all for your
invaluable help and support up to this point. >>We do
what we can, though my efforts are new. Here's the deal:
>I've got a 44 gal. freshwater tank that housed the following
fish: 2 Boesemanni rainbows 3 male threadfin rainbows 5 balloon-bellied
mollies 3 green Cory cats. >The tank's parameters
are all normal, no nitrites, ammonia, pH = 7.5; I haven't tested
for nitrates yet, but will do tonight. Unfortunately, through an error
of mine, there was introduced to my tank something horrible and
insidious last week. I did not fully understand the benefits
of QTing *all* new tank members, but believe you me, it's a mistake
I'll not make again. Anyway, I introduced four dwarf
neon rainbowfish w/out QTing, and within forty-eight hours, two had
died and the other two looked *horrible*. Symptoms included
lethargic behavior, not eating, grayish/whitish patches with some red
underneath, and fin/tail rot. I immediately pulled the two
remaining dwarf Neons and put them in a hospital tank, and based on the
symptoms I saw at the time (and with much help from the chat forum!),
began treating these guys w/ Maracyn-Two. Well, within
another 24-48 hours, they had also died. Again, through my
posting on the chat forum, I discovered that very possible I had
stumbled across "rainbowfish disease", or fish
tuberculosis. So, I began researching that, and everything
I've seen thus far leads me to believe that this disease is
virtually impossible to treat. Yesterday, I noticed one of the Boesemann's not looking very good, so he was put into a hospital
immediately. His outward symptoms did not look like what had
affected the dwarf Neons - the Boesemanni appeared to have "true
fungus". As such, I chose to treat his hospital tank w/
Maracyn-Two and MarOxy. Well, this morning I woke up and he
was gone too. >>Oh dear, my heart is breaking for
you! In doing even more research today, I've decided that if
another rainbow exhibits disease symptoms, I'm going to treat him
in a hospital tank w/ erythromycin...I believe that sometimes that
works against fish TB...please confirm if that's the case.
>>IIRC, it is, however, you would do well to have several
medications on hand, I would add Melafix and Spectrogram to the list of
meds you already have on hand. >I'm *very* concerned about my
remaining fish, and so far, here's what actions I've taken
and/or plan to take: increase water changes from 10-15% to 20% weekly,
I've ordered a UV sterilizer (scheduled to arrive next
week...hopefully soon!) to kill any free-floating bacteria in the
water, and, in general, will try to keep the stress level (for both the
fishes sake and mine) at a minimum. Is there anything else I
can/should do? >>Truthfully, you're doing
everything I would do, the only advice I can add is to use salt (ratio
of 1tsp./gal) while medicating and q/t'ing. You cannot
use this in the display with the plants. >If we are truly dealing
with rainbowfish disease (fish TB) - can it be contracted by the
mollies and/or Corys? >>It may, but I must apologize for not
having better answers at this time. I do not think fish TB
is specific to any genus or species, treat everyone the same right now.
>At what point do I need to completely break down the
tank? In the event I do need to break down the tank, do I
need to toss the plants (Aponogetons and Anubias)?
>>I don't think that you need to break the tank down, though
putting everyone in q/t for a minimum of one month and letting the tank
lie fallow may be helpful. Remember not to use the salt with
the plants. I don't know that plants can act as carriers
for disease, Google has provided me with nothing helpful. >Please
help- I do realize that I made a mistake by not using proper
fish-introduction techniques (i.e., quarantining), but what can I do
from here? Thanking you in advance, Jorie >>You are doing
everything you can at this point, with the exception of the
salt. I cannot say, "You should do this, that, or the
other thing", because you're doing what I would. My
suggestion is to stay the course right now, and we'll keep our
fingers crossed that you lick this! Best of luck,
Jolie! Marina>
Unknown Disease Killing Fish I have been stumped
by this unknown disease that is killing some of my aquarium fish. The
first fish to come down with symptoms was my Siamese fighting fish. The
fish's abdomen became enlarged as if it had eaten too much and
stayed that way. Then a tumor or blister popped up on one side of its
head under the eye but went away after a few days. A few days after
that the fish died. All during this time which took, from the
beginnings of the symptoms to its demise, about two weeks the fish
displayed no unusual behavior. The beta continued to behave normally
until its sudden death. About a week or so after my beta died my
Danios, both zebra and leopard long-fined, began to waste away. They
would lose weight rapidly, refuse to eat and then die one at a time.
Now I am down to one Danio, a once hearty female. She has started to
lose weight and sometimes has an irregular bump on the underside of her
belly. The Danio still exhibits normal behavior but is losing
condition. All my other fish are fine; I have four neon tetras, a
Siamese algae eater and a sucking loach. <Sounds as if this may be
Flukes. Information and recommended treatments are at http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwfshparasites.htm
and related FAQ's> I have a ten gallon tank with a few live
plants in it. I keep it fairly bright for the plants but there is cover
for the fish. <This is fine although it sounds like there may have
been a lot of fish in this small system.> My tank PH is 6.5, ammonia
levels are usually about a .5 or less, nitrite 0, carbonate hardness
53.7 and general hardness 6. I keep the temperature a steady 74 degrees
and feed the fish small amounts of different types of dry food twice a
day. <Ammonia should *always* be at 0ppm. Anything above this is
harmful to your fish. Make sure you aren't overfeeding. Also, for
these fish, a bit warmer temperature is recommended. Try getting it up
to around 78.> I hope you can help me out with this; it's
driving me nuts trying to figure out what to do! Thank you for your
time, Joyce <See the above article and FAQ's and also check out
all of the FW articles and FAQ's at www.wetwebmedia.com
Lymphocystis on Angelfish and Other Questions Hello--we
inherited a 55-gal aquarium with a house we bought, and we're just
learning about fish-keeping for the first time ever. Just
before we moved in, the owner noticed a pink growth just above the
angelfish's mouth. It's gotten bigger, but the
angelfish is still eating--swimming at a slight list, but still eating,
and it's been about 3 weeks. It looks like the growth
has spread to the lower 'lip' as well. A local fish store owner
said (without being able to look at it) <The rest of this was cut
off but I'm guessing he said it sounded like Lymphocystis due to
your subject line. But I really don't think this is Lymphocystis.
The characteristics of that are grey or white growths, often with a
cauliflower appearance. I'm guessing instead that this is an
external bacterial infection. I'd recommend isolating it and
treating with a medication designed for bacterial problems. One of the
Maracyns would be my first choice, read the box to determine which
one.> Today we noticed it bleeding around the edge for a bit, then
the blood calming down. Is it possible it was
bitten? We have (and we've learned that these fish
should not be mixed, but we inherited it so here we are) a black moor,
a platy, a few tetras, a Plecostomus, a gourami, a Hatchetfish, an eel
we never see, a ghost knife we never see, <Get a piece of clear
plastic pipe of some sort and put it in your tank for him to hide in.
He'll feel secure and you'll still be able to see him.> some
little African frogs, and a snail. (We plan to get some more
Hatchetfish and a couple of female platys when we figure out what's
up with this aquarium) The black moor has been aggressing on the
angelfish a bit but had apparently calmed down; the angel fish had
always been able to escape. <Before you add any more fish of any
kind I would recommend getting a good book and researching
compatibility. I would also like to suggest that you trade in the ones
you currently have that aren't compatible with the ones you'd
like to keep. (I'm sure you know which ones but I'm going to
list it anyway since some of our future readers may find the info
helpful) The Gourami, the Eel, the Ghost Knife, and the frogs can all
be at least moderately aggressive and shouldn't be kept with your
others that are non-aggressive. And the Black Moor is a goldfish so it
needs cooler water temps that the others can't handle as well.>
A pregnant platy and a tetra have died in the past week--another fish
store person thinks because of the drastic temperature change from when
the owner turned the heat down after she left to when we came in and
turned the heat back up. (in the house, not the
aquarium) There was a BIG change. <This is
possible, especially with the Tetra.> And for some unknown reason,
the pH changed too, from around 6.8 when we watched the owner change
the water and clean the tank, to around 7.0-7.1 when I took it a few
days ago. <Ph does generally rise a bit once you've added the
water to the tank. My Ph from my tap is 7.6 and within a day or so of
being put in a tank, the Ph will be up around 7.8-8.0.> No
discernible ammonia. <Good> We don't have a quarantine
aquarium in which to put the angelfish--what can we do? Is
it possible that the growth was bitten by another fish? If
another fish eats it (ICH) will it get the virus too? <I'd
highly recommend getting a QT tank. Even a 5 or 10 gallon would work
and it doesn't have to be fancy. It may be very possible for your
other fish to get this. It's unlikely that someone bit it but not
entirely impossible, especially with the mix of fish you have in
there.> Thanks--we're new and hate to see this kind of stuff
happening--we've just been doing what the owner had been doing and
our 5-y.o. daughter has suffered enough heartache. The loss
of the pregnant platy just devastated her. We were very
excited to watch the birth and such. <Just remember, what works for
one person doesn't always work for another, even with the same fish
and the slightest change can throw the whole thing out of whack. I once
kept a tank very similar to yours and didn't have any problems for
3 years. Then I moved tank to the other side of the room and everything
went haywire. The setup and fish were exactly the same but the
temperaments changed completely. In a matter of weeks I went from the
one tank to several because I had to separate all of the fish.>
Please advise! Thanks, Carolyn <Hope this info helps!