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Stick catfish (Farlowella vittata)
12/25/17 Questions on Royal whiptails/stocking and temperature.
8/3/13 Twig Catfish Not Eating
4/22/13 Sick Whiptail Hello, First I'd like to thank you for
the advice you've already provided on this topic, unfortunately I
haven't been successful in treating my catfish and I'm hoping
you can shed some more light on the problem. Here are the specs
on the tank and its maintenance: I have a 45 gallon freshwater
aquarium that houses 5 calico platies (2 male, 3 female), 1 female
pineapple swordtail, 2 'skunk' Corydoras catfish, 3 Oto
catfish, 3 Serpae tetras, and 1 magnificent 6" female whiptail
catfish (She's an import; Loricaria sp.
'Columbia'). The tank is planted with many plastic
plants, with a medium sized piece of driftwood, and two pieces of
bogwood. I use an Aquaclear 200 power filter (with 2 bio sponges; never
changed, only rinsed, carbon; changed every two weeks, and floss;
changed weekly), a Penguin 170 Bio-Wheel filter, a UGF (bubbles, not
powerhead) and a smallish Fluval power filter with an Aquaclear sponge
instead of the regular insert. The tank is cleaned with a diatom filter
every two weeks (to 'polish' the water and reduce the
population of parasites). I do a 20% water change every week. The pH is
a very steady 7.3 and has 0 ammonia and nitrites, nitrates are
<20ppm (the lowest level measurable with the kit I have). The
temperature is a steady 80F.The whiptail has been growing steadily
fatter for about two months. At first I thought she (I'm pretty
sure she's a female, no whiskers / bristles on her cheeks or
pectoral fins) was egg-bound. After I wrote you my first email you
(thank goodness!) let me know she was more likely sick-either with
parasites or constipated with bacteria bloating her up. Our Oto
cats have also become bloated, but don't seem constipated;
they're pooping. I do not see typical 'Pleco poop' from the
whiptail, but never really have since buying her; there is always some
waste in the gravel, it's tough to tell if a particular fish is
pooping unless I actually see them in the act. I medicated the
tank (we don't have a qt tank but believe me we're getting one
as soon as we can) with 1 tsp Epsom salts / 5 gallons, and 'General
Cure' (Each capsule contains 125 mg Metronidazole, 13 mg Copper
Sulfate and 8 mg Trichlorofon and treats 10 gallons of water) because
it was the ONLY medication I could find at any of the 9 stores I
visited that contained Metro, which is what you suggested I medicate
her with. I medicated the tank for the recommended 3 doses, and noticed
no improvement. I visited a specialty aquarium store (Big
Al's) and asked their resident disease guru about my catfish's
condition. He suggested that since she's a wild import she would
certainly be infested with intestinal parasites /worms, and suggested a
course of 'Disco-Worm' (a metal based medication; I don't
know how this works, but they told me it would). I cleaned the
aquarium, filtered through carbon, and then began a course of
Disco-Worm. Again, there was no improvement. I am now
trying the General Cure again, with 50% water changes between
treatments (every 48 hours), vacuuming the gravel thoroughly each
time. Today I applied the third dose of this medication (the
package says this is a full course of medication) and there is no
improvement. In fact, she's actually larger. The whiptail is
active, eats well (I initially fasted her for 4 days, since then have
fed her only Spirulina pellets (Hikari) and the occasional thawed
frozen pea) and her colour is normal. She does not look like a fish
with dropsy. For two days now she has been more active in the daytime
than usual, swimming around and landing on the plants resting head
down. She looks uncomfortable; I can understand if she doesn't want
to rest on her bloated belly, it looks about to burst. My questions
are: Have you any idea what could be wrong? Should I
continue with the Epsom salts? Should I discontinue the General
Cure or continue? The package says "treatment may be repeated if
necessary" but one of our Serpae tetras recently died (with no
signs of disease / stress) and now the other three look unhappy;
they're listless and not eating eagerly, a little pale. I assume
this is because the treatment is very hard on them and / or they are
experiencing the same illness that the catfish are. I appreciate
your input more than you can know. I have asked staff at aquarium
stores, searched high and low for info on the internet, and I've
come up with almost nothing. I have Dieter Untergasser's Handbook
of Fish Diseases, but I can't seem to find anything within that
quite meets the criteria of what's happening to my girl. I
absolutely adore my fish, and will do anything within my means to make
them feel better. I look forward to hearing from you, Amy <<Amy,
sorry for taking so long to get to this email. My apologies. Is she
still doing the same things? Bloated? Your best bet is to double check
your water values, bring a sample to Big Al's and have them test
it, then compare their test results to yours. Easy enough. While you
are there, buy a ten gallon (or 15g) tank for a hospital. One thing you
must realize is that many times the infections our fish have need a
great deal of time in order to cure them. I have treated some fish for
up to a month in order to rid them of their problems. Please do not
give up. Metronidazole is not a strong medication, and the levels in
these prepared medications could be way too low to help in your fishes
advanced situation. Metro can also possibly affect your biofiltration,
it depends on how well established your bacteria colonies are. Old,
well established tanks suffer much less. Always treat fish in hospital
tanks if possible, I know you already are trying to do this. Please do
:) Make sure to test your hospital tank as often as possible for
ammonia and nitrites. I would switch to a stronger dose of
Metronidazole. Levamisole and Piperazine will also help kill internal
parasites. However, the problem could be an internal bacterial
infection that has already damaged internal organs due to pressure
inside the body cavity. Feeding with metro is your best bet. You must
feed and treat for a few more weeks, I'm afraid. Crush a half
tablet of Metronidazole into a couple teaspoons of tank water, add
food, let it absorb the medication, then feed to the fish. A long shot,
as it's hard to say what the fish is actually eating, and I hope
the fish survives this lengthy treatment. As I mentioned, the situation
is advanced, so there is no guarantee, it is possible you started to
notice when the fish was already beyond hope. This is often the case
with internal problems. Please update me on your fishes status ASAP.
Again, I apologize for the delay in responding. -Gwen>> Sick Whiptail Catfish-Update Hi Gwen, Thank you so much for your help! A few days ago I moved the whiptail into our 10g (established - both tanks have been up and running for years). It usually houses a Betta and two Otos, which I've moved into the 45g community tank. All the water parameters are steady (no ammonia or nitrates, nitrates below 30ppm, and are identical for both tanks, including temperature (80F) and pH (7.3). I will double check this by taking a sample to the store when I go to buy *fingers crossed* the Metro. I hope using this tank is okay, it has plants, wood, gravel, algae, an established bio filter... not exactly a hospital tank. If getting her a bare, 'sterile' tank is better, I will try my best to come up with the funds to purchase another tank, a heater and a sponge filter (I have a Fluval 2 with sponge media inside, would that work?). Does a hospital tank require lighting? (Our bedroom has large windows and gets a fair amount of natural light, would this be sufficient for her during her stay in the hospital?) For the last two days I have fed her only thawed, shelled frozen peas (1 each night). I have added 1 tsp Epsom salts/5g to the water (she has been in Epsom salted water now for quite some time, hope that won't cause problems). We have had a bit of a breakthrough since moving her: SHE'S POOPING! Sorry to shout, I never thought a fish pooping would make me happy *grin* but it does. I have a feeling she hasn't pooped in ages (hard to tell, but never found any 6" fish sized poop in the big community tank), it's good to see something finally happening. What is coming out looks pretty abnormal to me, LONG (up to 3") stringy clear things that catch on the plants and wave in the current like fine hairs, some rice-sized bright green/white pods, and some semi normal 1/2 inch long bumpy (not long smooth ropes like Pleco poop) brown poos (all alternating; this morning she's back to the white stringy stuff). Sorry to be graphic, but I know that you can tell a lot of things by looking at a fish's waste. Should I use antibiotics as well as the Metro? I never considered that she might have a bacterial infection. I have some Kanacyn, this is what the LFS suggested once when I thought my fish had fin rot (turns out they were just being nipped by the serapes), is this a good medicine to use when you're not sure what kind of infection you're trying to tackle? Thank you for your thoughtful reply. Don't worry, I'm not ready to give up, I adore this prehistoric looking fishy of mine. Thanks again for your help, Amy P.S. I've been trying to send pictures, but the messages are returned as 'undeliverable' without explanation. The files are digital camera pix, VERY small (~15 Kb), JPGs. Just wondering if maybe you're not accepting mail with attachments right now? <<Dear Amy; Congratulations on the POOP! LOL, also, the ten gallon she is in sounds fine. The reason hospital tanks are usually kept more "sterile" is because treating with medications can be hard on fish, plants and biological bacteria. Plus, you don't want the added trouble of siphoning dirty gravel when half the battle is in keeping water parameters perfect...At any rate, the treatment you are using now will not harm your plants, and since you seem to take care of your water quality, the gravel shouldn't be a problem either. Light doesn't matter, except that you have live plants? Keep the lights on only long enough to ensure the plants don't suffer. Probably this tank will help her heal faster, given she has places to hide and therefore will be less stressed. Adding Metronidazole to her food will not affect biofiltration, since you are only adding the treated food. Adding metro directly to tank water should not affect anything, since your biofiltration is well established. Metro IS an antibiotic, so you should test the ammonia etc anyways, but I don't foresee any trouble in that area. Just make sure she ONLY gets medicated food, no other foods from now on because she must eat the treated food. You may give her the peas once a week for now, it will help keep her intestinal tract clear. You can go back to her regular diet after the treatment ends. The white, stringy feces is a sure sign of internal infection, therefore the medication must be taken internally. As I mentioned, this will take some time, do not stop treating her even if her feces return to normal in a few days. Keep going for a couple of weeks. I once fed a pricey Asian Arowana some metro-treated food for three entire weeks before his eye infection went away...:P Kanacyn, by the way, may harm your biofiltration, again, be careful using it. I doubt you need it at this time. It is an excellent antibiotic, though. -Gwen Re: Sick Whiptail-Update *smile* Hi Gwen, I'm happy to report that my girl looks like she's getting better! I've been feeding her Metro-soaked Hikari algae wafers and also medicating the tank water with Metro. I do daily 50% water changes, vacuuming the gravel well (not touching the filter media in the outside power filter though) and I've been using Cycle to support the filter bacteria since I'm stirring up the UGF every day. I'm also still using Epsom salts, replacing after each water change. She still looks quite bloated, but nothing like she did a few days ago; she could have balanced on her belly and had her chin and tail off the gravel at one point, now she just looks pudgy. She's also more active today than she's been in ages; a couple days ago she wouldn't even move for the siphon, today she jumped out of the way and then stared that Python down until I was done cleaning under the driftwood, at which point she immediately swam back over to her favourite resting spot and glared at the siphon while I cleaned the rest of the tank. Her poops look more normal every time I see one (and she's going every day, yay!), but yesterday she had another bout of the white stringies. I saw what looked like very tiny white dots in the cloud of white uh'¦ excreta'¦ about ¼ 'Ich' sized. I wondered, could these be the parasites? Are they visible to the naked eye? I'll continue to keep you posted, Amy <<Hey Amy, that sounds great! You are doing a wonderful job :) My only concern is the UGF, when it is disturbed a lot of nasty build-up can be released into the water. Perhaps you might want to run some good quality carbon for a few hours in between medicating just to add to the safety margin, and keep doing those water changes :P Carbon removes meds, so I normally would not suggest it, but I am unsure about what might be lingering after the UGF cleanup....The white dots in her poop could be anything, but yes, parasites are possible, most likely small worms. A good microscope might help you see them easily. Doesn't matter if you don't actually manage to figure out what they are, the Metronidazole should clear them up. Keep up the good work! I can't recall offhand how long the treatment has been going on at this point, but a few weeks is not too long, so keep treating her until the poop becomes normal. Even three weeks, if necessary. Keep us posted! :) -Gwen>>Egg bound Whiptail Catfish? Hello, I've been reading your site for some time now, it is absolutely amazing! I have a 45 gallon freshwater aquarium that houses 5 calico platies (2 male, 3 female), 1 female pineapple swordtail, 2 'skunk' Corydoras catfish, 3 Oto catfish, 4 Serpae tetras, 1 nickel-sized blushing angelfish and 1 magnificent 6" female whiptail catfish (I've been trying to find out exactly what kind, I'm reasonably sure she's a 'Loricariid parva'). Tank and water specs: The tank is planted with many plastic plants, with a medium sized piece of driftwood in the centre. I use an Aquaclear 200 power filter (with 2 bio sponges; never changed, only rinsed, carbon; changed every two weeks, and floss; changed weekly), a Penguin 170 Bio-Wheel filter, a UGF (bubbles, not powerhead) and a smallish Fluval internal filter with an Aquaclear sponge instead of the regular insert. The tank is cleaned with a diatom filter every two weeks (to 'polish' the water and reduce the population of parasites like Ich). I do a 20% water change every week. The pH is a very steady 7.3 (a little high, but I don't want to alter it with chemicals and none of our fish have objected so far) and has 0 ammonia and nitrites, nitrates are <20ppm. The temperature is a steady 80F. I feed a varied diet of veggie and regular flakes, bottom feeder algae and regular pellets, freeze-dried krill and occasional freeze-dried Tubifex and bloodworms. And now that you know all that, here's my question: Our whiptail seems very healthy, has a voracious appetite for almost everything I put in front of her (although I've never seen her eat in a traditional 'Pleco' way from the glass or on the driftwood, she just puts entire pellets into her mouth and 'gums' them until they're gone), but has been growing fatter and fatter over the last four weeks. At first I thought she was just settling in, growing up and filling out, but now I'm worried she may be egg bound. I have been looking high and low at all our local (and not-so-local) fish stores for a male of the same species, without success. Is there anything I should do, or can do, to encourage her to let go of her eggs? Her poor belly is very distended; she looks horribly uncomfortable, and a little bit like she's going to explode! < Unfortunately I don't think she is egg bound. Females are typically wider that males and have fewer whiskers around the head. You little whiptail probably has eaten some left over rotting food and now has a case of bloat/dropsy. In the wild they eat mostly algae. They have a very long intestinal track and the fiber in the plant matter takes a long time to digest. When they are fed lots of animal protein, then it is quickly utilized in the gut but still has a long way to go before it gets excreted. This indigestible material starts to be broken down by the bacteria in the gut. As the bacteria eat this matter then they multiply and grow and give off gas. As the fish continues to eat, then the bacteria continue to grow and blocks off the intestine. Your fish is in real trouble. Isolate the fish in a quarantine tank. Treat with 250 mg of Metronidazole per 10 gallons of water. Treat every other day and do a 30% water change too. A good sign would be to see some long stringy fecal matter. Do not feed until the swelling has been reduced. In the wild these fish do not get this much animal protein and really can't handle a constant diet of it.-Chuck> Amy |
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