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Medusa Plecos; stkg w/ conspecifics
Day and Night Plecos 9/7/17
Plecos/ <sel.> and new tank. Child
hungry hungry Plecos.
Sel. 10/16/11 Re: Snails, now Pleco sel.
FW Fluidized bed filter question, Loricariid sel. - 12/13/07 Considering a fluidized bed filter as alternative to bio balls from sump on 120g planted freshwater tank (rainbows and Plecos). 2 questions - Is there any value to sizing up on filter...it is only $10 more to go from 300g to 600g to 900g. Ignoring size limitations on height, is there any reason to not get a bigger one - unnecessary overkill? <No real functional advantage... perhaps some disadvantage in electrical costs to push water through a larger unit> second, re: Plecos, I plan on having the following...any Compatibility problems (I searched PlanetCatfish and can't really find the info): gold nugget, queen arabesque, royal, blue phantom, maybe a zebra. I also have a striped Raphael. Only one of each. Any issues? thanks <Mmm... well... not compatibility... but the smaller Loricariids are more social... I'd likely get more than one of these. Bob Fenner> Paul
Pleco Fecal Matter Build Up 11/5/07 Hello, the website is great! question for you. I have 2 3" Plecos (leopard looking) that suck and eat all meaty leftovers (shrimp, silver sides). The thing is, there poop is all over the place and I'm constantly cleaning the tank because of these guys. Is there another type of Pleco or fish, snail or something that will eat their poop? or should I just get rid of them? I have no algae and it was recommended I have these guys from the LFS with my community tank. If you can help that would be great. I understand since its meaty food that they are eating, their poop will not dissolve/liquefy as if it was herbal food. is that true? k. My tank: 100gal fresh,3 silver aros, 2 tin foils,2 silver dollars, 2 clown knifes 2 parrot fishes, 2 leopard Plecos < Your Plecos are probably eating the algae and other plant matter to keep your tank clean. Unfortunately the fecal matter from your Plecos is pretty much void of nutrients so nothing else will eat it. It is probably the vegetable matter and not the animal matter that is causing the extensive fecal "worms". Your Plecos will only be getting bigger and making things worse. I would recommend that you trade these two Plecos in for a couple of Plecos that stay relatively small and possibly make clean up a little bit easier. Next time you submit a question we would appreciate it if you would use the spelling and grammar checks on your computer prior to sending in your question. This way we can spend more time answering questions and less time correcting the grammar.-Chuck>
Oto <what? Oto parts?>- 6/1/07 Hi Robert, after days of hunting for Otos I feel that it can not hurt to send you a mail. <Hello, Neale here.> > I am in Shanghai and now have a discus aquarium. In Europe I have always had Otos in my tanks and have always been fascinated by their behaviour and rewarded by their gentleness. Clean plants no algae growth on the leaves etc. <Yes, they can be excellent algae eaters. But I hesitate to recommend them too widely for a variety of reasons, not least of all the fact they seem to travel poorly and the mortality immediately after import is very high.> > Plenty of algae (green) on the back wall of the tank but not a problem. <Your observation of their liking for green algae is spot-on. Otocinclus are ideal for planted aquaria where the background level of algae is low and limited to green algae types. In "unbalanced" aquaria with few/no plants, Otocinclus have no useful impact and in fact often starve to death because they will not eat the brown, hair, and blue-green algae common in such tanks.> > I have hunted everywhere to try and purchase these fellows here in China but have had no success. <Given you are keeping discus, I would *never* keep Otocinclus with them. I have observed Otocinclus sucking the slime from large, slow fish in my aquaria, and assume that discus would be an obvious target. Other aquarists have observed this, with Otocinclus attacking angels and discus. Far better to choose something a bit large, like one of the "clown" Panaque species (such as Panaque maccus) or even Ancistrus spp.> > I am hoping that with your knowledge of these fish and your reference to the tiger Oto that has been bred in Asia that you may be able to point me in the right direction to obtain them. I have always had the Otocinclus affini but any Otos would be fine. <I personally don't know who is importing/trading that variety, but I'm sure if Bob does know, he'll follow up. As a general rule, placing a "special order" with retailers is often the way to go. I've done this many times.> > I apologise if this mail is out of context as I have no idea how busy you are or how much mail you get from your site. > kindest regards > john Ramsey <Good luck, Neale> Pleco sel., sys., using WWM... 2/1/07 Hi it's Amanda again. <Hello> I was thinking about getting a small Plecostomus, yes I know it won't stay small. If I get one that's about 2" long at the most, it shouldn't be big enough to eat the guppy fry, should it? <No... Loricariids aren't piscivorous> They're at least...wow they must be a month old. Anyway, is my 10 gallon tank a suitable home for a Pleco? <No... too small> If so, is there any specific species I can get that won't get too big? I tried to look at PlanetCatfish but their site's hard to follow.. Thanks. <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/loricariids.htm and the linked files above. BobF> Re: hello, Pleco sel. 2/1/07 Hi again <Amanda> On the link you gave me it says that zebra Plecos are about 3 inches maximum, if that's true, are they much different that common Plecos other than size and color? <A ten gallon is not likely to be stable enough for this species...> Sorry I've been emailing you so much. Thanks, Amanda <I'd look to other families, scavenger groups... on WWM, elsewhere. BobF>
Discus Tank
Stocking 8/14/06 Dear Crew, <Eric> Thank you for
the wonderful resource you provide, and for answering my questions in
the past. I have recently moved into a new apt. and have taken the
opportunity to redo my tank. Previously it was a planted
community, but I would like to give a shot to discus. I do have about
10 years of experience with fish and have done much research but I
would like to get some outside opinions on my plans. <Okay> I
donated all of the fish and kept the plants, which are an assortment
consisting mostly of various swords, java moss, java fern, and vales.
The only other livestock in the tank are some mystery snails, as well
as what I believe are small Ramshorn ( though I am not positive ). I
don't mind the snails because as long as I feed them once in a
while they leave the plants alone. <A good technique>
The tank itself is a 72 gallon ( nominal ) bowfront. The filter is an
Aquaclear 500 ( though I believe their model numbers have changed )
using a sponge, carbon and Zeolite bags. Lighting consists of 220w PC
(I don't recall the temperature offhand ). The substrate consists
of regular gravel mixed with Eco-Complete ( I don't have it in
front of me but that's what I believe it is called ) topped off
with a thin layer of Tahitian Black Moon Sand for effect. There is
rockwork and bogwood as well. Thankfully NYC tap water is good so I
don't have to add much in terms of chemicals besides fertilizer
which is dosed every few days ( I use Seachem Flourish and Flourish
tabs ). Once the plants have taken hold, I am currently planning on
stocking the tank as follows ( after proper quarantine ): 3-5 discus
bought from a breeder ( who preferably uses tap water so that they are
conditioned to my water supply ) <Good> 2 or 3 Bristlenose plecs
( 1 male ) 1 or 2 pairs of Rams ( are the German and Bolivian Rams
different species or breeds ? ) <Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/dwfsamcichlids.htm
and the FAQs file linked above. Different species unless the common
names are getting switched> I would like to have a group of a small
schooling or shoaling dither fish but haven't decided on which. I
will probably go for 10 or so cardinal tetras to keep with the biotype.
<Of good starting size> 5 Hatchetfish ( I have a cover ) My main
concern is the stocking density as I like to keep away from the crowded
tank look because I feel it takes away from the natural behavior of the
fish. <You are wise here. It does> I am very open to suggestions
both as to species and stocking numbers. While I am not setting this up
with any species breeding in mind, I do like to see the fish interact
and behave as naturally as possible under the circumstances which is
why I tried to pair certain fish. Thanks again for your help, Eric
<Unless you have plans to move out some of them, I would stick with
no more than three discus here. Bob Fenner>
Re: Pregnant Aulonocara died - could it be Mycobacteriosis? Finding A Source For Plecos and Cichlids 6/5/06 Dear Bob,/Cindy A few comments concerning this email. 1) Pregnant Aulonocara I know the cichlid exchange has been getting in many wild Aulonocara species direct from Lake Malawi. After getting this email I am sure that the fish was not pregnant and indeed died of Malawi Bloat. The stress of being shipped half way around the world takes its toll on many of the fish but especially the females for some reason. I don't know the area Cindy is in but it appears to be the NW area of the US where the water is usually very soft and somewhat acidic. Her tank may be set up for Malawi fish but I wonder if the store itself was set up for wild fish. Captive bred fish are much hardier than wild fish when it comes to water conditions and pH. I suspect that the store was not experienced enough to handle wild fish and did not modify the water as needed. Not ordering these wild fish would probably be a good move for the store, the fish, and their customers. Tank bred species would be better but stores and customers are reluctant to wait while these fish grow and color up. 2) Hollow Bellied Pleco That was really bad. I would recommend that Cindy contact the Cichlid Exchange herself at their website and send along her photo to back up her story. It is true that they are wild fish but that particular fish should not have been sent out. The trouble is, that the suppliers that have good Plecos are very expensive because they hold on to their Plecos for awhile and the Plecos die on them. They make up for the losses by passing the additional costs on to the price of the living Plecos. Many times these prices are too high for many retail customers to buy. 3) Finding A Source For Plecos and Cichlids. If you are interested in Aulonocara species then there really is no better source than the Cichlid Exchange. The owner is one of the most renown experts on this field in the entire world. Next time I would recommend that you order captive bred fry and grow them up. They are the best and are usually as good or better than wild fish without all the problems that wild fish come with. The wild Plecos are a crap shoot. I see these Plecos all the time at my local wholesaler. Some come in with nice full bellies while others right next to them are skeletons. Apparently when an order is placed it may take three weeks for the collectors to get enough Plecos to fill a box. At day one the first Pleco is caught and placed in a container. It stays their until enough Plecos are caught to fill the box. It has not been fed and so lives off its reserves. The recently caught fish look great. The first ones caught resemble the ones in Cindy's photo. There are many good Plecos from vendors at aquabid.com. But the pricing and shipping may make a purchase cost prohibitive.----- <Thanks much for these insights Chuck. Will post/share. BobF> # of fish after fishless cycle, and Pleco Sel., 2/8/06 Hey gang. Great website! (Not to butter you up or anything.) My little girl (age 5) got a 20 gallon aquarium for Christmas. We set it up and fishless cycled it with a raw shrimp (fairly large one). We have the ammonia and nitrites back down to undetectable levels and are in the process of doing water changes to remove the nitrates. So...it's fish time. We have on the menu 4 angel fishes, 3 Kuhli loaches, 1 Oto, and 1 small Pleco (wanted a zebra Pleco until we saw how expensive the are...YIKES!!!). My main question is with this fishless cycle, how many fish can we add at once? <Mmm, best to put in only a few at first... ones that are the hardiest... likely the Angels... though these will get too big for a twenty gallon... the bottom feeders would too likely go hungry at first...> Couldn't find a good answer to this question searching the site (although with this much information, it's easy to get lost in). Secondly, any recommendations on a Pleco that will remain small that is interesting and only cost and arm instead of an arm and a leg and 20 gallons of gas. Oh, yeah...it can't have spots (remember, it's a 5 year old). She really loved the zebra, but that's a lot of chores for a fish. <There are a few Ancistrus, Hemiancistrus species to suggest. Do read over re these on the Net (pix on fishbase.org)... and ask specifically re at the store. Not commonly offered> I'm real proud of how she has been patient with the cycling. She got a Betta about 6 months ago and has been very good with it. She makes sure that her Mom and I don't overfeed it. Just want to get her started on the right track with as few painful memories as possible. <I understand, and agree> Thanks for everything and I'm so glad someone out there cares enough to put a great site like this together. Carry on with the good work! I'll be checking in again when I finally get my 135 gal saltwater setup soon (hopefully). Phil <Outstanding. Peace, life to you. Bob Fenner> Odd Loricariid Suppliers 1/26/06 Hey crew, I like your site, jammed full of goodies. Thank you. I hope you can assist me, I am looking for a source for pleco's and other not so common fish. I can do a <7 box order without any trouble, but I do not need a container full. I would sooner buy from a broker, and not have to play with all the paperwork on the importation. <I understand, and agree> I understand that somewhere it is raining and the availability is not always there. But some where it is not raining. My local guys have struck out, shipping floaters, or have been reduced to the gouge. <Good way of putting this> Got anybody that is turning around some volume and needs a hand now and then hitting a minimum? Or better yet some one with live product that wants to sell it wholesale? Thanks Scott Bates <What part of the world are you located in? Have you chatted with Oliver Lucanus (here) or at/through his site: Below Water (.com). He's in Canada, but is your best chance among us for a lead here. Bob Fenner>
Sand or gravel? UGF or not? Loricariid sel. 9/13/05 Subject pretty much asks it all. Is sand better than gravel? <In some settings yes, in general, no> (or gravel better than sand?) I've read that sand is bad and is much more difficult to clean. I can understand the difficult to clean part - since it's smaller grain the gravel cleaner would be more likely to suck it up along with the garbage. I got a bag of Flipro #4 natural color 'gravel' (50 lbs) but I haven't opened it yet since I'm still undecided on the color. The LFS didn't have any of the 25# bags of SpectraStone I've been using recently (blue). I'm concerned about the #4 being too fine for a UGF to properly work. <A valid concern> Anything larger seems to build up algae too easily and would be harder on fry should they appear in the tank before I move 'mom' to the delivery tank. Anything smaller would be even harder to clean. This is about 1/2 the size of typical aquarium gravel. I'm leaning toward staying with dark blue (what my current tank is using) since most of my accessories are lighter color (clear plastic or glass / white ceramic / light blue ceramic) and look better against the dark blue (light colors would 'wash out' against the natural gravel). Also, I think it would be easier to see Guppies against the darker background - especially the females - when they are near the bottom. They may be able to see the food more easily as well (as would I when cleaning). Comments? I know the color is more of my preference, but I'm looking for other opinions on my practical reasoning. <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsubstrates.htm> Another consideration is that the dark blue tends to reflect less light. Would using a lighter color gravel (which reflects more light) make the guppies' colors stand out even more? <If too light, will wash them out> One more point: My stand is light oak. I was thinking that the darker gravel would add more contrast. But, would darker gravel make the stand stand out more than the tank? I need a good aquatic designer's opinion! :-) <Mmm, unfortunately you've crossed over into an area of subjective evaluation ("taste"), of which I am bereft> I've read that UGF (Under Gravel Filters) are bad since they essentially store harmful bacteria. Is there any truth to that? <Mmm, some...> I have one for my 30 Gallon tank, but I haven't added any gravel or sand for it yet, so this is the time to decide to leave it in or remove it. How do you clean the UGF debris that is sucked to the bottom? <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwugfiltr.htm and the linked files above> BTW, I was going to buy some plants, but the only tanks I saw with plants had snails. I refuse to buy plants in tanks with snails since you're no doubt buying snail eggs along with them. I don't want snails. (nothing against them - I just want guppies and the Pleco) Sabrina suggested a Ancistrus "Bushynose" Plec that would only get 4-5" long rather than my current standard Plec (I was looking for a smaller size Pleco). I asked a LFS but they only had a "Rubberlip" Pleco. They said it too would only grow to be 4-5" long. Is anyone familiar with that one? <Yes... a bit different, not as hardy as many other Loricariid choices> I couldn't find any that wouldn't get to be 12" long when I was buying one :-( so I bought the regular one. Thanks yet again, Joe M. (my post #5 for reference) <Take a look under the family name on WWM, fishbase.org Bob Fenner> Chilly Plec and an Ichy Bluegill? - 08/07/2005 Hi crew, <Hello, Andrew.> I have a 30 Gal tank with one 2 inch bluegill, which has Ich on its tail. I've looked through your site, but couldn't find any info on salt baths as an after-the-fact treatment, <Probably because such a method is quite ineffectual.> but I've seen it mentioned briefly in some places. I don't want to add salt to the tank because the water changes would be extremely difficult. <.... Why? It's just for a couple weeks or so.> Would a salt bath be effective? <No, not really. If the fish definitely has Ich, then you can be 99% certain that you have Ich in the tank. Getting the parasites off the fish just to toss him back in an infected tank only stresses him enough to help him contract more.> If so, what kind/dosage of salt should I use and how long should I keep the fish in the bath? <If you wanted to put him into a clean, uninfected hospital tank after the dip, I would use water with a salinity of seawater (SG 1.022 or so) for up to five minutes. Be absolutely CERTAIN the water is of the same pH and temperature as that of his tank. Still, I don't think this is an effective or useful method at all, unless followed up by treatment of one form or another. I have only used a salt dip as a last resort for a Plec whose gills were so heavily infested that he needed relief immediately or die. I don't think it is necessary or beneficial in your case.> On a different note, I want to add a Pleco to the tank for algae control and for more diversity, but I am not sure if it could deal with the temperature (as low as 65 degrees in the winter). <Just saw a talk last night on collecting fish in Argentina - there were a great many plecs in a river that was colder than that. I think it would be fine, if you're cautious.> I also am not sure that a Hypostomus (all that PetCo has) would be right for my tank because of its size. Do you have any suggested species? If so, where could I get these? <I *think* the "bulldog" or "rubberlipped" Plec is happier in cooler waters. The talk I saw did include some Ancistrus, as well, so you might look to the commonly tank-bred Bushynose. Both of these are relatively small algae eating plecs. Of course, do NOT add any fish until you're certain the Ich has been eradicated, and be sure to quarantine newcomers.> Thanks, Andrew <Wishing you and your bluegill well, -Sabrina> Smaller Plecs Hello, I have a 37g freshwater aquarium with 4 green tiger barbs. The decor is intentionally that of a "toy" aquarium, with dark-blue substrate and a couple very obviously fake plants. For a filter, I have an Eheim 2026 with ceramic noodles, Eheim Ehfisubstrat, and an "activate carbon sponge" deal replaced every other week. The tank is cycled. I filled it with tap water, but am doing 15% weekly water changes with RO water. Is this a sufficient setup for any sort of Pleco, and if so, which? Most of the Plecos available locally grow to be at a minimum 5.5", which I feel is a bit large for the tank. Is my decor going to be an issue, as there are no great hiding places? Will the barbs be nipping the pleco's fins? Also, is my filter + media setup acceptable for a freshwater tank lightly stocked as mine? Thanks! Chad <If the only other fish are the Barbs then you have plenty of room for one of the smaller Plecos. Stay away from the Common or Sailfins. They get huge. If you are looking for algae control then any of the many Bristlenose (Ancistrus) plecs would be a good addition. A Clown Plec would also fit, but you would need to add natural driftwood for him to eat. And there are many meat eating plecs (i.e. Hypancistrus species) that stay small. The Zebra Plec is one of the smallest at around four inches. But this is a very expensive fish. Please research whatever species you get and feed the correct food after lights out. Planetcatfish.com is the keeper of all catfish knowledge. A great place to start your research. You would need to add a cave for any Pleco to call home. Your tank and filter are fine. Don> Pleco Picking Dear Sirs: <Morning! Ryan with you> I am somewhat new to the hobby. <Welcome> I have a 55 gallon tank with mostly angels, and a few live plants which are doing great. <Awesome> I am starting to get some algae in the tank. I am planning on getting some Otocinclus, but would like to get a Pleco as well, one that will not get very large and will not uproot my plants. I have done some research and am still unsure what to get. I have been told that a bristle-nose would be a good choice for my needs, but I was hoping to find something with more color, like a clown or something like that. However, I do know that some Plecos do not eat very much algae, but have more of a diet for meat. I think I need a Pleco with a moderate diet for algae, since the Otocinclus can help out. Any information and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks so much. Ben <Ben, many aquarists have this problem. All the great looking Plecos, such as the Zebra or Royal, are nocturnal. They do eat algae, but in limited quantities. If you are really after a great algae eater, I would get a few very small common Plecos. When they grow to 6 inches or so, trade them back in to your LFS for more small ones. I wouldn't recommend a bristle nose, they get too big for a 55 gallon as well. If you're after a great looking Pleco, Zebras are stunning in a display- But don't expect too see him very often. Also, you'll have to provide meaty foods for him to eat every few days or so-not to mention it's one of the few freshwater fish that you'll pay $50.00 or more for! Good luck! Ryan> Plec for an Oscar tank Dear wealth of knowledge, I have a 75g freshwater tank which is currently empty. I am thinking about purchasing either 2 red Oscars or 1 red Oscar and 1 tiger Oscar. My question for you guys is what my options for a "clean-up" Pleco are, keeping in mind tank size. <I assume by "clean-up" you want something to eat algae, right? This in mind, I'd suggest the royal Plecostomus, Panaque nigrolineatus http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/loricari/panaque/151_f.htm . This is a pretty good grazing Plec, and should do a number on algae; will likely need to be supplemented with greens (like blanched zucchini, for one). It'll also require driftwood, without a doubt. And might be a bad choice for a Plexiglas tank, as they have teeth that'll wreak havoc on plexi, leaving scratches.> I also wanted to know a little about freshwater (red tail) barracudas. I have found it a little difficult to find info on them. I am wondering about tank size, compatibility, and how prone it is to disease. Thanks a lot! Zack <Do you happen to have a Latin name for this guy? Right now, I'm inclined to think you mean "Acestrorhynchus falcatus". Try looking this up on fishbase.org, and do a Google search on this name to see what info you can get. Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Sailfin Monster Hi, my name is Chris, and am new to your site which, by the way I find enjoyable and very informative. <Hello, Chris. Thank you for the kind words.> My question is this; My sister has turned me on to a marble Sailfin Pleco, which she says doesn't get any longer than 6". After many searches on the internet, I'm finding most references leaning toward the "Sailfin Pleco", which can grow rather large. Are they one in the same? <Quite likely. A few fish probably fall under this name, but far and above, the most common is the 'gibbiceps' Plec - Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps - which can and will grow to 18" quite easily. Take a look here: http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/loricari/glyptope/148_f.htm . And if not, could you give me the Latin name for the "marble" Sailfin Pleco? <Again, same beast. If you're interested in plecs, browse through http://www.planetcatfish.com/core/index.htm and browse through the L numbers, see what all there is that interests you. Sizes, food requirements, and gobs of other info can be found there. Enjoy! -Sabrina> Thanks, Chris Smallest Pleco for Algae Hello. I have a small (30 gal) tank with a few cichlids in it and need something to take care of the algae that is quickly building. Until the cichlids were full size, I had a couple Chinese Algae Eaters in there and they worked great. Well, all at once, they both got eaten so it's time for a change. I was considering a Bristlenose Pleco, but is there something else I should consider that stays small, eats lots of algae, and won't get eaten by my cichlids? I've been kind of anti-Plecos since discovering how much waste they produce so I'm hoping if I get one that stays small, they won't produce much waste. At least, that's the theory. Thanks for all your help and your great site. -Mike in BFE Illinois (p.s. This is the Cubs' year!) >>Dear Mike: What kind of cichlids are you keeping in the 30g? I ask because a 30g is a tad small for many cichlids, as they will be far more aggressive in smaller tanks. Which makes me wonder if you will put into jeopardy any new species you might add. Also, how often do you do partial water changes? High toxin levels will also make your fish act aggressively towards tankmates that in other circumstances they would ignore. That said, I think you are better off with the Bristlenoses, anyways. They are the best choice for your tank. -Gwen L-025, the Scarlet Plec - 02/22/2004 Hi!
<Hello! Sabrina with you, today.> I just read your
article and found they information very useful and the article well
written. I just want to ask you if you know anything about
Pseudacanthicus sp. (L025) if you do I would appreciate to know it,
since you didn't mention that order. <Actually, there is a great
deal of information on this fish here: http://www.planetcatfish.com/catelog/loricari/pseudaca/188_f.php
. This is quickly becoming a popular Plec.> Will it be
possible to keep a male and perhaps a couple of females in the same
tank, if I provide plenty of hiding places and good feeding? <Mm, I
suppose this would depend highly upon how large the tank is, especially
considering the mature size of this fish. Unless you plan on
a very large aquarium, I would not try more than a pair - male and
female - of them. They can tend to be rather aggressive.>
I will probably get the fishes directly from Brazil in a month. You
suggest that I feed them with some anti parasitic Tetra product against
the gills worm (its actually a crustacean). <Well, unfortunately,
Tetra has discontinued their medicinal food line in the
US. Might still be available in Canada. One
source for medicated flake: http://www.flguppiesplus.com/_wsn/page3.html
. Otherwise, you can consult certain fish health texts for
dosages of how much of what to mix into foods.> About choosing
healthy fish or getting ones I think is beautiful. I just have to wish
for the best, since I don't have the opportunity to overlook the
Indians. <I wish you the best, and hope you end up with some nice
fish! Do please quarantine the fish, and be sure to get them
eating immediately to ensure survival. Meaty foods, like
supermarket shrimp/prawn, or frozen prepared foods like bloodworms or
Ocean Nutrition's Formula One will do quite well. It is
not terribly difficult (but it is stinky!) to make your own frozen
concoction using market fish, shrimp, etc., and if necessary, you can
implement medication this way.> Even if you don't have time to
answer my questions, I will think that your article have the basics
covered enough for me to figure the rest out eventually
:-) Kind regards, Jonas Thank you for your kind
words - we are very glad Bob's article was of such great use to
you. Pleased to be of service, -Sabrina> |
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