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eye “thread” 8/2/19
Lice - Solve 6/13/18 Red Devil with sore/parasites <Lernaea?> 12/31/12 Spots on my Kissing Gourami, likely
Lernaeids -12/14/07 Hello, <Stephanie> I have had a
kissing Gourami for a couple of years now but over the last few days it
has developed about some spots which I put down to a bacterial
infection <Mmmm> and so I've been treating with a fungus,
Finrot and bacteria treatment. But the spots, which appear to be only
on one side of it's body have turned a peachy/orange colour and
each seems to have something like a black barb type thing sticking out
of it - almost like a splinter. <Ahh!> There are approximately 5
of these spots and they are in different places on the body and one
near the eye. The fish seems to be well enough at the moment it is
eating and behaving as usual. Do you have any idea what this might be?
<I do... most likely a Lernaeid, aka Anchorworm... Please see here
re: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwcrustdisfaqs.htm and the
linked files above. Had you recently added "something live"
(new fish, FW food, plants) to this system? The parasite had to have
been added some how... See Google Images for the common name as well...
Cheers, Bob Fenner> Many thanks, Stephanie Trying to find a diagnosis. Oscar With Fish Lice 8/21/07 Hello, I have a tiger Oscar that has been self-mutilating himself. He rubs against things in the tank and has opened his flesh at times. I did not see anything with my naked eye (at first). Then, one day, I sat down by the tank and looked up. He swam into the light and behold, there were microscopic white specks on his head. Then, I looked closer and they actually were moving. They are so very small, too small to compare them to anything. The only reason I saw them, was because he is black and swam into very bright light. They look like bugs crawling around over him. Now that I knew what to look for, I noticed them on the glass of my tank. Lots of them. Only in the light and very microscopic. I have tried researching "parasites" and nothing seems to fit the description. Fleas would be too big and flukes are described as "worm-like" rather than "bug-like". I couldn't stand to see my Oscar with open wounds and frayed fins so I bought "parasite eliminator" to cure flukes, anchor worm, and fleas, etc. I am about to give the 2nd dose. They have not responded to treatment so far. They are still there and there are plenty of them moving around unphased. What can I try next if this doesn't work? I appreciate any response, Thanks, Tina < Try Clout or Fluke-Tabs. The parasites probably came in with some feeder fish.-Chuck> Goldfish lice -- 08/02/07 Hi how are you. <Tolerably well, thank you.> I had emailed earlier for the goldfish lice. <Yep.> It had happened to all my 9 fishes. But then I removed it with my hand and then all of them became fine except 2 which died. <OK.> Now after 3 months I again discovered 2 lice on my 2 fish. However I have removed it and now none are seen in the tank. But pls tell me that what more precaution can I take. Any medication. Or what. <Try and understand how the lice get into the tank, for example, by buying fishes from retailers with a goldfish lice problem.> Also pls tell me that why these lice happen. Any reason behind it. <Reason? Evolution. Parasites have evolved to take advantage of host organisms. But why they occur in your tank? Simple: you aren't quarantining your fish. If your fish are isolated from infected fishes, they won't get the parasites. If you dump infected fish from the shop into your aquarium, your fish will get infected.> I had bought 3 fishes a week before and added in the tank. Is it because of them because among the 2 which got infected one was the new one. <Likely, yes, assuming you killed off the lice last time round.> Pls tell me the reason behind it and what precaution should I take <The usual precautions will work: buy healthy fish from trustworthy retailers. Quarantine new stock, treating for parasites if you suspect they are infected. Hope this helps, Neale> Re: Goldfish lice -- 08/02/07
Thank you for your efforts and advice. Pls tell me that how can I
quarantine the new stock. Any medicines. Also the fish vendor from whom
I purchased the fishes say that the fishes are always under the
medication in his shop. Pls tell me any medicines or antibiotics so
that I can cure them. Also after finding 2 lice what more precaution
can I take so that other fishes don't get infected. Pls help
<Hello Mr. Bond. Quarantining is described in most aquarium books,
and is simple enough to understand: keep new fish in a *separate*
aquarium for a few weeks, long enough for you to observe their health.
Six weeks should do the trick. In that time, you should see evidence of
fish lice, Whitespot, or whatever and be able to treat it safely. After
quarantining is over, you move the fish into your display aquarium. All
fish retailers will say they quarantine their stock. Can you imagine
them admitting otherwise? To be fair, most actually do quarantine their
stock to some extent. But the problem is that display tanks in the
store mix lots of fish together -- they have to, since the retailer
can't place one goldfish per aquarium! So, simply by being placed
on display, the fish are exposed to diseases. Medications for treating
fish lice depend on what's available in your area. In the UK,
it's products such as Interpet #12 Anti Crustacean Parasite and
Waterlife Sterazin. In the US, you have things like Mardel CopperSafe
and Aquarium Products Fluke-Tabs. Visit your retailer, and see what
they have available. Saltwater dips might also work. In this case, add
20-30 grammes of salt per litre of aquarium water in a bucket. Net the
fish, and immerse in the bath for 5-20 minutes depending on the size of
the fish (bigger fish tolerate dips for longer). Repeat daily, and with
luck the lice will drop off. I'm not a vet, so can't comment on
antibiotics, but since antibiotics are for bacteria, there's no
reason they would work on lice. Hope this helps, Neale> Goldfish with White Pimple and Hard
Hair like White Spikes growing from Pimples... Lernaea7/14/07 Hi I
have a goldfish that looks like it has "pimples" that
eventually start growing a white "hair like" spike from the
"pimple". There were several around the tail and on the body.
Most of those are gone except for one over an eye and one on the side
of the fish. The goldfish is not rubbing or scratching on the aquarium
decorations. It is eating normally and swimming normally. I did have
another goldfish with the same whitish protrusions that died. <...
Lernaea...> I initially thought it was ICH and treated with Maracide
<...> without resolution. I also raised the temperature of the
tank. Then I decided to salt the aquarium after doing several water
changes. I am in the process of that now. I have added a total of 3
tablespoons of salt to the tank over 24 hours. <... not efficacious
either...> However, I did decide to see if I could pull the hair like
protrusion out of the goldfish and I did. The part outside the body was
fairly hard and thin with a wet squishy blob that was inside the
"pimple" part on the body of the fish. <Yes...> I have
read multiple sites and I am at a loss as to what this could be. Am I
overlooking something obvious. My thought now is the it might be anchor
worms. <Bingo!> I have been doing 15 - 25% water changes every
other day. My nitrates and nitrites test 0. <So?> My tank is 10
gallons and has one goldfish and a Pleco. <Mis-placed here> I
have an under gravel filter that I just placed in the tank with new
rock about three weeks ago. So it is essentially a new setup and going
through the cycling. I had no choice as the tank had been in my
daughter's room and not cared for very well. Any help of advise is
greatly appreciated. <Please peruse here:
You need to remove the adult "worms" (actually crustaceans)
manually, and treat the system with an organophosphate... Bob
Fenner> Arowana with Anchor Worms 3/16/2007 Hello Crew, I tried to email you thru the website but it would not go thru. I have a 5 inch Silver Arowana and I noticed it had a few Anchor Worms on him. Well I looked it up on the internet and found several ways to treat Anchor Worms, and I am not sure of the best way to go. So I was wondering if you could help? <Gladly> I have him in a 55 gallon tank with 2 Leopard Plecos (3 inches each) and 2 Sun Catfish (3 inches each). The Plecos and Cats look fine. I do have a Hospital tank set up and running as I type (35 gallon long), but I am not sure what to do. What treatment method should I use and what Medication? Do I have to treat the 55 gallon even if I move him? <I would treat this main tank, either in addition, or leave the Arowana in place, and treat it there as well> I am just lost right now and do not want to lose my Aro. If you have any ideas on how I should handle this issue please let me know. <Do get some help... as I suggest you carefully net out and hold this fish down (gently) and use tweezers to remove the adult worms/crustaceans from the Arowana (pull near their points of insertion, away from the fish (toward the tail)... daub the area where they're removed with a Mercurical (e.g. Mercurochrome) on a cotton swab (e.g. "Q-Tip")... and treat the water for intermediate forms with an Organophosphate... (e.g. Fluke Taps, Dylox, Masoten...) Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/contrpdparasit.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Thanks in advance, Sara N. Black Moor - Anchor Worm 12/30/06 Hi hope you can help, I'm new to fish so don't know much about them. I've had a Black Moor for 4-5 months now, this is my first ever fish and I don't seem to be having much luck. <Not much to do with "luck"... but knowledge in action> After 2-3 weeks of having Jet (Black Moor), I noticed a small insect <Mmm, not an insect, a crustacean> on the tail of his body and a few hours later it had moved <... not Anchorworm then... perhaps a fish louse? to his gills. I done some research on this and found out this was Argulus. <Yes... Fish Louse...> I went to the fish shop for help who said this was quite common? <Can be... seasonally, regionally... depending on where folks/dealers are getting their livestock mostly> and told me to pick this off with tweezers, clean out the whole tank, and that should be it so that's what I done (Although I wasn't so sure myself). <Mmm... no... should treat the tank/water for intermediate forms not feeding/on the fish host... With an organophosphate... DTHP/Masoten et al. names, or Dimilin likely> A few weeks later again I noticed a silvery tic tac shape attached to Jet with a string and I think this was an Anchor Worm? <Yes, possibly> I again went to the fish shop for help who purchased me with Omnipur. On the bottle it says 'with broad range effect against the most common ornamental fish diseases'. That day when I had came home I was watching Jet and at one point he shook very hard and all of a sudden the Anchor Worm had came off and lay at the surface, I scooped it out (I heard that you cannot pull Anchor Worms from a fish as they are hooked under the skin)? <Not so... You can and should remove the adults in this fashion... with tweezers> Tonight when I was doing a water change a bit of the fish's toilet appeared and it looked like a very small Anchor Worm in between it.. Is this possible, can an Anchor Worm come out of Jet when he's passing waste? <No... this appearance is something else> I also have another 3 wee fish in the tank, I can't remember what they are called but if it helps they are small (red, brownish) in color and follow one another all the time. They seem perfectly healthy and I had purchased them before Jet. <They should be carefully observed over time...> Is there anything I can do to stop these Anchor Worms if they are breeding or any medicines I can try? My tank is a 17L and I change two and a half litres every 10 days. Hope you can help, Lisa :) <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/contrpdparasit.htm and the linked FAQs file at top. Bob Fenner> Re: Black Moor - Anchor Worm 12/31/06 Thanks for replying. Do you know anywhere online that I can buy DTHP? Thanks, Lisa <Mmm, yes... is sold under various commercial names... as listed on the link you were referred to... Write the etailers you deal with and ask re Dylox, Neguvon... likely most available as a component of Fluke Tabs... but this acetylcholinesterase inhibitor is found in at least a dozen products. BobF> Weird lumps on a swordtail under the scales 9/15/06 Hello, I'd just like to say in advance how much your site has helped me, I've spent hours some days reading through other's emails. <Glad this has helped> I've tried searching around for this problem but the search terms are kind of vague and I get hundreds of thousands of results. I bought a new velvet wag swordtail the other day who looked very healthy at the LFS, the past few weeks weren't good ones for their sword shipments. <Oh for the days when "local folks" used to supply most all such livebearers... the "product" from overseas (most now come from the Far East) are too often "forced" to produce more apparent males... in poor health, parasitized... and die easily> So I got her home and put her in my isolation tank (5gallon eclipse) and immediately put a dose of Maracyn two and MelaFix in the water to stave off any fin rot which every fish I buy seems to get, even with brand new equipment. A few hours later she had a lump under her scales which caused about 3 rows of scales to protrude dropsy style. She had no other signs of illness, she's very active and eats and passes the food on a regular basis, no clamped fins and no hanging at the surface. A few days later the scales started to subside but now she has one on the right side of her head, same deal, 3 or 4 rows of scales protruding dropsy style but now she's starting to sit around with her fins clamped. She's not hanging at the surface but she is remaining stationary for long periods of time near the surface and she's not trying to hide or anything. Any ideas what this could be? Thanks! <Could be a few things... but from the description of raised scales and timing... I fully suspect "Anchorworm" (Lernaea)... or the beginnings of same. This (and happily quite a few other parasites) can be treated with organophosphate-containing remedies. Please search the Net/WWM with these terms. Bob Fenner> Help we got Lice! 7/23/06
Great page. Thank you for all the super information. I have 2 Oranda
both with what I think as Argulus. <No fun... and not
uncommon...> Introduced the second Oranda about a week ago, I think
he give the gift of Argulus to the other. <What a gift!> My
original Oranda has been with me for about 2 1/2 years. The Older one
is now covered, and all the other fish in the tank are attacking him.
<Yikes> Started dosage of prima fix and MelaFix until I saw the
brown spots swim when I scraped one off. <Mmm...> Have just
treated tank with Copper Safe, <All inappropriate treatments thus
far...> and removed each fish and tired to scrape of the rest of the
living lice. Not to much luck with that. <Your fish will be
dead...> I am going to start an ant fluke medication, which helped
to remove anchor worms about on the older one years ago. <Ahh, now
we're getting somewhere> Should I try salt, and how do I kill
the rest of those creepy ECTO'S, without killing the fish.
<Economic poisons... organophosphates... acetylcholinesterase
inhibitors... Either Dimilin or Masoten/Dylox/Neguvon... Please read
here: http://wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/contrpdparasit.htm
and the linked FAQs file above> The older one has frayed his fins,
and the younger is taking advantage of the other. Help!!! Thanks, (the
other fish in the tank are two small Cory's and one Plecostomus.
The Corys are also beating up the older sicker fish.) <Read on...
act soon... Look for commercial products containing DTHP in one of its
many generic-names. Bob Fenner> Re: *sigh* MORE problems... Anchorworm, using WWM - 05/05/2006 Yes, I did send this email a while ago, but it was never answered.... mail problems? <Sounds like it> Anyway, the day after this was sent, I noticed small *worms* on my fish. I looked them up, and saw that they were anchor worms. I decided that infection from the worms' bite-things was causing the red/white bumps. <Not uncommon in "pond-raised" fishes> I still have the lethargy problem... ANOTHER fish died in the same way as the others. I treated the WHOLE pond for the worms, with "Parasite Guard" (which is made for ponds... in largish bottles, for treating bigger amounts of water than aquariums...) Now I need to treat the supposed infection from the anchor worms, along with the lethargy, the thought cause of which was supposed to be treated with the parasite guard. Please help my fish, Alison <Mmm, Fluke Tabs, Clout... a few other products have the organophosphate DTHP or Dimilin is what you're looking for... all posted on WWM... use the Google Search tool for "Anchorworm" Bob Fenner> Fish lice? 4/1/06 Hello. <Hi. Tom with you> About a week ago a purchased 2 Fantail Goldfish and 1 Platy. I have all of these fish in a tank together. <Not a good plan, Savanna. The Goldfish require very different water conditions than the Platy does which may have led to stressing this particular fish.> The other day I started to notice on my Platy white bumps all over it's tail. Then yesterday I noticed 1 huge bump on the back of the fish. Today I found 4 new bumps on the left side of the fish. These bumps are white and about 1-3mm wide. I have no clue what is going on, but I did take the Platy out of my tank and put him in a separate one by himself. Tell me what's going on; is it fish lice? <Your Platy almost certainly has Ich. Fish lice are quite a bit larger than you describe (visible to the naked eye) and are dark (brown or green) in coloration. Frankly, that's not all bad since Ich is much easier to treat. You do want to be prompt with the treatment, however. Lots of information here in WWM on the course of treatment. I'd highly recommend heat and aquarium salt as your Platy will be very tolerant of both. Tom> Fish Lice Causing Major Problems 3/27/06 Hello. I came upon your site by accident--researching copepods. My problem is grave at best. 3 wks ago noticed my Oscar was very lethargic. I looked closer and found what I now know to be copepods on all over him. An appraisal of tank revealed millions!. I have the Oscar- 10", 4-line catfish, 6", Trinidad Pleco 6", and believe it or not, an Opaline Gourami 3". These fish are all 2 years old and are in a 68 gal. tank. They have always been together in progressively larger tanks. I called my fish store, and was prescribed (!) CopperSafe (Mardel) . This seemed to work, but a week later they were back. My fish store prescribed Maroxy (Mardel). Knowing what I do now after what seems years of research, I don't know why. Same results. So I went to the store again and they said to try one ANOTHER medication; Quick Cure (Aquarium Products) This got rid of them, but made my fish have a bluish-white covering (slime?) even their eyeballs! After a 5 day stay in a hospital tank and a MAJ OR tank cleaning and sterilization--new gravel and decor-- They were home again. One week has passed and I saw the aggravating bugs again today!! I wouldn't care if they did not make my fish miserable--they fly into the walls and rocks to scratch. The Oscar cut his head open (2" gash!) My fish are my babies and I hate to see them like this. I feed live goldfish to the Oscar sporadically, about 3 times a week. The goldfish have their own tank especially for this purpose, and I never mix a new batch with old one--even if its just one or two. No other type of fish has ever been in feeder tank. I guess this is where the pods came from. <Bingo> Nothing has been introduced into the tank besides TetraMin food, Wardley algae discs, Old Roy dry dog food (only twice--I felt guilty! This was at least a year ago) and not more than 4 months ago, some live red worms I had been feeding to an African dwarf frog and some glass catfish. When I did a thorough tank cleaning about a month later, there were thousands living in the gravel! (worms that is, Texas Tea, Black gold.) I eradicated them all with a bleach sterilization of tank and all equip. because frankly it freaked me out to have those things (so mmmany!!!) in with my fish. Now this. Sorry so long-- Your site is the bomb! ANYTHING you can suggest will be greatly appreciated and your likeness carved from stone to place on my tank----... Muchisimas Gracias, Kristan < The copper medications that you have been using to get rid of the fish lice are not the best way to go. many times the copper levels to kill the parasite are the same levels that kill the fish. I recommend Fluke-Tabs for lice. Follow the directions on the package and retreat as recommended to kill of any new lice that have hatched from eggs. Sometimes medications cannot get to the lice in the egg stage. These lice actually carve holes into your fish as they feed. When the lice are gone you fish have many little wounds that got infected. Treat with Erythromycin or Nitrofuranace. Stop feeding goldfish to prevent further infection. when the medications are finished add carbon to remove any excess medication. The n ad Bio-Spira from Marineland to get the biological filtration going again.-Chuck> Goldfish and Anchorworms, Continued - 11/19/2005 Sabrina - <Jen> Thanks again for the advice, things are going much better for my goldfish (he thanks you too :) <Ahh, great. Tell him I'm glad he's feeling better.> I ended up purchasing Parasite Clear Tank Buddies by Jungle and it worked great... <I've had a few correspondences on Anchorworms in the last few days; can't recall if you were one that removed the parasite with forceps. If not, I feel obligated to mention to you that the parasite can and will drop off on its own when it becomes reproductive, so if you did NOT remove the parasite, consider getting the goldie out of the quarantine now while you can, and go ahead and break down the quarantine just to be safe.> possible suggestion to anyone else who runs into Anchorworm visitors. <Good deal, thanks for this.> Every one else in my larger tank seems to be doing well, no signs of anything yet. <Excellent. Just keep your eyes open.> I believe that the Anchorworm may have come from a neon-tetra (since 2 of them have died in close proximity to the parasite popping up). <Mm, rare that a tetra will bring them in.... more likely that a goldfish brought it with, if you've had any recent introductions. Could even be from plants, substrate, or decor from an infested tank. But it's certainly not impossible that it was the neon/s.> I am curious though, how long should I keep the goldfish in quarantine? <If there are no parasites currently on him (Anchorworms are quite visible), he's fine to come out of quarantine now. Though, I still urge you to keep your cool water and tropical fish separate.> I know that he's looking much better, but I know that could be misleading. <With very large ectoparasites like these, you can usually tell visually if "all is well". I think he's probably all set. As long as there is no significant wound left from where the Anchorworm was attached, you're good to go.> As per the directions from the Parasite Clear it says that I could medicate up to 3 weeks with a 25% water change to treat Anchorworms. <The fish is fine; it's the system you should have concern for, and then only if you weren't able to remove the parasite from the fish, as it might be reproducing currently.> After this time, should I keep a longer quarantine? <Only if there is cause for concern of a secondary bacterial infection from the wound the Anchorworm left.> Thanks again, you have been much help since I have never had anything like a parasite infection before in many years of having fish. Now I know where to come for great help! <As always, glad to be of service.> -Jen <Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Goldfish, Anchorworm - 11/14/2005 I have a large
silver/blue 2 yr old goldfish. I noticed a red spot started to form
where the body meets the tail fin. There now is something that is about
the diameter of a human hair, white, and forked on the end of it coming
out of the infected area. <White.... aside from that, I would
guess undoubtedly at Anchorworm.... though there are other copepod
parasites of fish that are white(er), Anchorworms are usually brownish
or reddish.> With this going on the goldfish is still swimming and
eating normally. Today I noticed there is a blood red color descending
down the fins from the body. <Be testing your water quality....>
This sounds like an anchor worm, but I just want to make sure this is
the illness. <Could very well be.> If this is the case, will I be
able to treat the goldfish with out removing it from its tank buddies.
<I would just remove the parasite with forceps, if you become
confidant that this is in fact an Anchorworm.> It is housed in a 20
gal tank with tetras, male guppies, dwarf frogs, and a
Plecostomus. <Entirely incompatible.... goldfish really fare
best with water temperatures much cooler than tropical fish can
tolerate.... please take this into careful consideration.> Please
let me know if any photos would aid in this diagnosis. <A photo is
worth a thousand words, as they say....> <<I thought it was
a thousand bytes.... sorry. Marina>> Thanks.
<Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Goldfish, Anchorworms, Environmental Disease - 11/12/2005 Hi,
<Hello, Ashley; Sabrina with you, today.> I have a 58 gallon fish
tank, Fluval 404 canister filter, UV light, and I do weekly water
changes with Stress Coat, StressZyme, and a tablespoon of salt for each
10 gallons. Currently in the tank are 4 fantail goldfish. Recently it
was only three. At a pet store I went to a saw the largest white
fantail goldfish I have ever seen and I had to have it. At the time it
had anchor worms so I put it on hold until the fish was treated and
better. When time came to pick it up the fish was all white and some
red streaks in the tail and I asked if it was fin rot which they
responded that in white gold fish you can see the red streaks sometimes
and the fin rot would not be contagious. Is this true? <Mm, to
an extent.... but I feel it is more likely that the medication that
they used for the anchor worms may have left the goldfish slightly
damaged.> It (Samurai) has been a very energetic and happy goldfish
until today which is exactly a week later he has been laying on the
bottom. He has achieved orange spots which I am guessing is normal.
<Possibly, possibly not.> But today I noticed on the big tail fin
towards the tip is a white fuzzy spot (which I thought at first to be a
scab from the removed anchor worms) and the ends looks a little tore up
and he is hardly moving. Also my other fish have their top fins down
and one of the others tail is starting to look frayed maybe from
nipping or from the fin rot if is contagious. I put in MelaFix
<Useless, IMO> and added 4 tablespoons of salt. What could this
possibly be and what should I do? <First and likeliest things first
- test your water for ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate; maintain ammonia
and nitrite at ZERO, nitrate less than 20ppm, with water changes. If
you find that your levels are currently perfect, then you might
consider treating with a broad-spectrum antibiotic such as Kanamycin
sulfate. I suspect, though, that this is all related to water
quality.> I have had my gold fish for about 3 yrs and I don't
want that to change. Thank you so much for all your time and effort.
<And thank you for these kind words.> Ashley <Wishing you
well, -Sabrina> <<And as an afterthought....>> Sorry I
made a mistake I don't use tablespoon I use teaspoons. Very sorry I
am just worried about my fish! <<Three teaspoons make a
tablespoon! MH>> <Oh, no problem. Even at
tablespoons, that wouldn't be "too much" salt. All the
best, -Sabrina> Fish problems, goldfish, Anchorworm 11/9/05 Hi, I'm hoping you can help me because I'm pretty much at my wit's end with my fish keeping experiences. I was given a c.50 L aquarium last Christmas which was bought second hand with all gadgets etc included (filter, heater, potions and lotions etc). <Heeee!> I started off, I realize now, a bit ambitiously, going out and buying a tank full of little tropical beauties. All went well for about 2 weeks but then one by one they ALL went through a period of distress and eventual death. By the time I found a website (not this one) that I thought could help me, it was too late. Empty tank and extremely guilty/unhappy/distressed fish owner. I printed out a small novel of paperwork telling me what and what not I should do. I realized I'd broken virtually all the gospel no-nos - over feeding and leaving the uneaten food in the tank, not changing water often enough, panicking when the fish looked unwell and tearing apart their home to try and make it beautiful and clean, too much gravel in the tank. So after a month of psyching myself up again, I decided I'd discovered the reasons for my lack of success and if I tried again, all would be well. This was two months ago. I started off slowly and, as the website suggested, I bought three very very ordinary gold fish and put them into an aquarium I'd set up two days previously. <Mmm, was this system cycled?> I followed all the rules and looked after them really carefully. They flourished and were really happy and healthy for a good three weeks. So then I decided it was time to add one more gold fish - this time a little bit fancier (a red and white Ryukin I think). All fine for maybe a week until the new guy just suddenly got sick and died over the space of about 3 days. After that the three gold fish all started to act strangely - clamped fins, erratic movements, loss of appetite and eventual crashing on the bottom. <Likely from "something" brought in with/by the new fish> Two have died and the third, though staying quite perky, is still not well. The thing is, I've just noticed that he has some sort of parasite on him - little strings about 4/5mm long hanging off him. <Ahh! Likely the crustacean parasite "Anchorworm", Lernaea> I'm completely gutted as I just feel that everything I do is wrong. I'm pretty much set on never keeping fish again because at this rate, all it has cost me is a lot of disappointment, distress and money. So. Any ideas as to what on earth I'm doing wrong - could it just have been an infected tank to begin with? <Yes, for sure> I'd really appreciate your feedback and thank you for your time! Gemma <Go to the Google search tool on WWM (on the homepage or the indices) and put in the terms, "goldfish" and "Anchorworm"... Treatment at this point, and careful selection, quarantine and acclimation going forward will help you avoid these sorts of troubles. Bob Fenner> Few questions about fish lice and quarantine 10/30/05 Hi there, <Howdy> I am looking for some advice and would appreciate any that you could give me. I have a 25 gallon tank that was home to one fantail and one lionhead goldfish. I have had it for 2.5 years (the fish are about the same age) and change 30% of the water every two weeks. According to my testing kit all the water parameters were fine and even when we moved home, they remained stable. I keep a base level of aquarium salt in the tank ~2g per gallon. A couple of weeks ago I was stupid - I purchased my very first "new fish" (an Oranda) and some plants. I did not quarantine properly (never again!) - I have excuses but I'll spare you apart from not knowing/reading enough. <Okay> The tank got Ich and despite attempts to treat it with salt (7.6g per gallon) and medication - <Which?> it got just got worse (temp is low and I was scared to raise it for them). After a week and my fantail becoming riddled with every new outbreak (and his tail basically being shredded by it) I set up two new aquariums (one to hold the very sick fish and one for the other two). Salt, treatment and daily water changes and one week later they are all alive and the fantail seems to be improving (they have remained active and eat fine). However I have noticed that the new Oranda also has lice (or at least a louse) of the type Argulus. <"When it rains..."> I have read that the reproduction cycle of these things can be 30-100 days and I firstly am unsure how to treat it and secondly terrified that it has contaminated my big tank (which has now been empty of fish for two weeks). Since this email now seems a bit wooly - I have a few specific questions: <... Mmm, there are mentions of how to treat (organophosphates... Masoten/Dylox/Neguvon, Dimilin... such crustacean parasites...> 1.Re the 25 gallon aquarium: I threw out 50% of the water from the old tank, boiled the gravel, tossed the toys and plants, raised the temp to 86 deg and am treating the tank for Whitespot (with medication). I planned to re-establish their filter, new wood etc for a month after this before putting them back. Is this enough or should I throw out all the water, disinfect and start again? Is there anyway to know if the lice survive in this tank? <Mmm, only by seeing them as adults on their (fish) hosts...> 2. I would like to put new plants back in the tank but I am not sure how to quarantine plants (I put new a plant in with the Oranda and saw Ich on the plant) <Are, can be quarantined as per fishes...> 3. I tried to remove the louse with tweezers but this only resulted in the fish (and me) becoming stressed. <Practice... best to remove adults in this way> I put him in a bath of 10mg/L of Potassium permanganate and the louse remained attached to him - it has since 'disappeared' but I am waiting for it to resurface again. Any ideas how to treat this? <Mmm, use the search tool on parts (e.g. the homepage) of WWM> There is no gravel or ornaments in this 'hospital tank' but I am not sure if the Argulus could still reproduce. <Reproduce while attached...> I have had the fish for 3 weeks and he just has the one louse at the moment and I haven't seen any signs on the lionhead who shares a tank with him. Thank you for your time, Karen <Unfortunately the Argulus may have "dropped" young, in the system... I would treat with the organophosphate... Maybe start reading here: http://wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/contrpdparasit.htm Bob Fenner> Re: Few questions about fish lice and quarantine 11/3/05 Hi again, <Howdy> I just wanted to say thank you for the advice. Answering your questions (I just got back from a small vacation) I used two treatments for white spot: "Anti white spot plus by Interpet" (dose every 4 days) and then changed to King British "white spot control" as it required a dose every two days and I thought that may be better (and seemed to be at low temperatures). <Am unfamiliar with the ingredients of these products. Such chemical information is posted by name on WWM for your perusal... look on the bottles re contents> I will have a look at the web pages re: the crustacean parasite (I haven't seen any sign of him since the potassium permanganate episode but as you say there is a chance there are young in the system). I know that we can't get Dimilin in the UK (according to my web searching) but I will search out some medications especially for crustaceans. Your site is a fantastic source of information and I have searched it for many other questions in the past. Thanks again. Cheers, Karen <Welcome. I do believe Masoten and its many other names can be had there... This is what I would specifically use. Bob Fenner> Outside pond fish... possible Lernaeid 10/21/05 <Sabrina, should we post this to the FW goldfish FAQs as well?> <<I sure think so. Likely will go into Koi, Pond Fish Disease, Goldfish Disease, and Crustacean Parasitic Diseases. SCF>>Hi, this is our first time on your web-site, and we have a question. We have an outdoor fish pond with 4th generation goldfish! Today I noticed something on one of the fish. It is gold in color, protruding ( from under his skin)? or sticking out of his skin, I can't really tell. It looks like a thick wire sticking out. He doesn't look or act different, eating as normal. I didn't see anything like this on the other five fish. Do you think this is some sort of parasite? <Mmm, possibly... Lernaea... "Anchorworm"...> What would you suggest we do? <Mmm... place this/these terms on the WWM, general search engines... read... If this is the cause/parasite, removing the adults by tweezing, inspecting all fishes, using a organophosphate to kill intermediates is suggested. Bob Fenner> Thanks Donna Tadpoles, Anchor Worms? - 09/16/2005 Hello. I recently acquired two new albino bullfrog tadpoles from a local PetSmart. Having worked in a reptile store a couple years ago, I know that PetSmart isn't exactly the place to get healthy animals, but because I had successfully raised another bullfrog tadpole that I got there, I thought it would be fine. Not only are these new tadpoles sickly, lethargic, and tiny (about an inch long still, as compared to my frog who was 3 inches or so) but they each have 3 copepods. <Hmm....> I am fairly sure that these are what they are, having skipped my first class of the day (ironically, biology) to do some research. They are about half a centimeter in length, thin, white / clearish yellow in color. They branch at the end. <Could be parasitic copepods called "anchor worms", Lernaea sp. Definitely fits your description.> At first I thought they were small limbs, but unless the tadpoles are infected with Trematodes, this wouldn't make sense. If I look really closely, I can see that there is some sort of "pulse" inside of these things...a very tiny one but I don't know how to describe it other than that. In any case, my question is this: could the copepods, if that's what they are, be parasitically harming my tadpoles? <Yes. And once reproductive, can be of more concern from greater numbers of them attaching....> They have both been sluggish and very very weak-looking lately. In fact, if I didn't think that removing the copepods would somehow harm my tadpoles, I would perform a small operation right now. How do I get rid of them? <Look up some images of Lernaea/anchor worms (many available on the 'net) to verify that's what they are, first. Then, if so, you can remove these with forceps.> Thank you so much for your help. Sincerely, Marisa <Wishing you and your frogs-to-be well, -Sabrina> Re: Bala bailed... "what we have here is a failure to communicate"... FW disease, parasitic? And the saga continues! Let me start by saying I know the importance of quarantining new fish. I have read the horror stories but for some reason, namely a rainy Saturday, a trip to the local fish store and my quarantine tank is occupied by 2 German Rams that I am treating, I ignored the risks and bought new fish and put them directly in my 45 gallon with everyone else. <What?> STUPID MOVE on my part! Everyone is getting along well and new tank mates are happy as little clams when I notice what looks like a bug on my angelfish. So I call the store where I bought the new fish (2 Kribensis, 2 Cory cats, 1 rainbow shark and 1 rainbow). They tried to tell me it must be a Lympho-something or other. I insisted that this showed up immediately after I added the new fish. So they want me to put my angelfish in a zippy bag and bring it to them. I am concerned that this will be traumatic to the fish and would rather treat him at home. Not to mention, what if there are more of these little "bugs" in the tank? From what I have read, I think it fish lice. It actually moved overnight from the top of his fin closer to his body so I know it is some kind of creature. I have read that if the lice is visible that you should remove the "bug" with tweezers. Makes sense that you would want to pluck the thing off, but how do I get my medium size veiled angelfish to be still long enough for me to accomplish this. Is there some kind of dip I could put him to get the thing off? <Mmm, no... just hold semi-firmly in a large net, at the water surface> Also, what, if anything, do I need to do to treat the tank in case there are more of these things? <... this is posted on WWM... use the search tool> All of your help has been invaluable and probably keeps me from giving up the fish keeping hobby all together! <Good luck to you. Bob Fenner> Arowana With Anchor Worms - 08/22/2005 I have a Australian Arowana about 8 inches long and he's got anchor worms popping out all over his fins, mouth underside and around his eyes. I tried to treat him with a product "Life Bearer", a parasite treatment made by "AP PRO" or "Aquarium Products". <Active ingredient is Trichlorfon.... should be effective against anchor worms....> The instructions say not to use on sensitive fish <Indeed, this is a pretty tough medicine!> but the guy at the pet store said that if it's not treated it would die anyway. <Possible.> I live in Hawaii and so far all the pet store people have said that this and "CopperSafe" is the only medications available to treat these worms. <Either of these will do, or you can manually remove the worms, if they are not plentiful.> <<The adults (on the fish) should be removed... with tweezers, help, a wet towel... RMF>> Could you please give me some guidance on to how I can eradicate these parasites without killing my fish? <Praziquantel should work, and is very gentle on fish. If you cannot find this, I would go with the Trichlorfon - but be CERTAIN not to overdose if you use Trichlorfon.... very important.> Thank you, Loren <Wishing you well, -Sabrina> <<Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/contrpdparasit.htm RMF>> Anchorworm, using WWM 7/7/05 Hi, Thank you for creating such an informative website. I learned so much from it. :) I just plucked an anchor worm off the tail of my goldfish. I could not find information of what to do with the goldfish - should I quarantine it or release it back into the container pond? At the moment now, it is in a 1 gallon tank. I don't have space in the townhouse to set up a real QT tank. All the other fishes seem healthy. Thanks, Lai Hwa <... go to the homepage of WWM: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/index.html put in the term "anchor worm" in the Google search tool... |
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