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Confused about water chemistry in freshwater tank; Pomacea sys.
9/12/15 Zeolite and aquatic snails 6/14/14 calcium source for Nerite snails
2/28/12 apple snail,
sys. 10/28/11 apple snail... sys. 1/27/10 Mystery snails, sys. water quality
11/10/09 Nerite snails and shrimps
10/15/09 Vase Environment, Snail. sys.
Freshwater snail 05/29/09
Want to check with the experts...
9/19/08 Ich (y) tank and tankmates? 9/19/06 Dear WWM Crew, <Amanda> I have several questions that I have Googled, but don't seem to find the answers that I seek. (I am an amateur 10-gallon tank owner.) I have a planted tank with : 2 Sunburst platys 2 female Bettas 4 neon tetra 1 yellow 'mystery snail' ...and a snail problem. My first question is this : how can I rid my tank of all the little brown snails that keep popping up out of (seemingly) nowhere? <Mmm, posted: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsnailcompfaqs.htm> My second question has a bit of background to it. My 2 lovely lady Bettas were purchased from a major pet retail store, and were immersed in blue medicated water. I believe I introduced 'ick' into my tank when introducing these fish. What are some 'Betta-safe' measures that I can take to rid my tank of these parasites? <Mmm... Copper and Malachite Green containing remedies (almost all the effective chemical treatments contain one or both) are toxic to your plants and snail... I would try elevated temperature alone... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwich.htm and the linked files above...> My third (and final) question also deals with 'ick'. Are snails susceptible/possible carriers of this protozoan parasite? Thank you very much, Amanda <Ah, no. Bob Fenner>
Snails and Sand - 05/10/2006 Hello, I have
learned so much from the information you provide on you
website. Learn something new everyday they
say. Wow!!....that's an understatement.
<Excellent! Thank you for these kind words.> My
question is this... I came across a bag of Bone Aid Calci-Sand, T-Rex
brand, pure natural calcium carbonate substrate. Would this
be something I could add to my snails tank? <I
wouldn't. This will significantly change the pH and
alkalinity of your water.> It appears to be for
reptiles. If it is alright for my freshwater tank, how much
should I add and how would I add it to the tank? <Unless your
tank's inhabitants want/need a very high pH and alkalinity, this is
not a good plan.> I have a very handsome Golden Apple Snail,
Dale. I take very good care of Dale and his 10 gallon
aquarium. Dale has a heater, filter, bubbler (which he plays
on), and a pump. <Sounds great!> His shell is growing
so much, I'd say about a half inch of new so far. He
amazes me. <Sounds like he's a pretty happy snail.> I'll
look forward to hearing from you. <For now, I'd suggest to leave
well enough alone, and not add this to your tank. Sudden
changes in pH are not good for your critters.> Thank you for your
time and expertise, -Jill <And thank you again for your
kind words! Wishing you
well, -Sabrina> Dropsy? Epsom salt and mystery snails? 4/9/06 Hi, <Ki> I have been reading your website on a fairly regular basis for about three months now (from the time we discussed purchasing an aquarium & since then--especially before purchasing any new species). Currently we have a 10 gallon tank with 4 platies, 4 Cory catfish, 3 snails (gold mystery, black mystery, and blue mystery), and 2 glass shrimp. The platies have been with us about 6 weeks. The Cory cats about 2 weeks. The golden snail-6 weeks, the black one-4 weeks, the blue one-about 2 weeks. The ph is 7, the ammonia is 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 20. <Take care to keep those nitrates no higher> We do not plan to increase the community, though I am aware that the platies might make that decision for us, in which case we will get another tank. First, while this did not seem overcrowded to me based upon what I have read, I am starting to have doubts. Namely, do we have too many snails? <Not yet... and these are not "bisexual" species listed... so, easier to monitor...> Also, until tonight we had 5 platies, but I found one of them dead this evening. She ate fine in the morning, but then died at some point in the afternoon/early evening. Her abdomen looked somewhat swollen, but not at all "pinecone-like." Her scales were still flat against the body and only the underside of the abdomen was swollen. Still, because of the swelling, I am wondering if it is some form of dropsy. If so, are the other fish in danger? <Not likely> I have read that many dropsy conditions are not contagious, but I am still worried. Now I am paranoid that the other platies look swollen, though my husband says I am imagining it. Also, would it be safe to do a treatment with Epsom salt to be sure? And would the Epsom salt kill the snails & shrimp? <Too likely so> I have seen a reference to the safety of Epsom salt with invertebrates, but the ones listed in that person's question were all saltwater creatures, not freshwater ones. I just want to be sure before I do anything. I apologize if these questions are all answered in obvious places on the website that I missed. Thanks, Ki <No worries. I would be conservative here re adding anything... Likely the system, fish being "very new" and this being a "first batch" of young, some have died more easily. Bob Fenner> Weekend feeder / snail shell erosion 12/30/2005 Hello! I have been doing some Google searches trying to figure out what was wrong with one of my snail's shell and read some of your responses. I have two apple snails, two tiny goldfish and a Ramshorn snail in a 6 gallon aquarium. I believe the Ramshorn has shell erosion from some form of nutritional deficiency or soft water. <These are the most common causes, yes> The apples are fine, there shells look pretty good actually, and everybody eats sinking algae pellets and goldfish flakes. If it is because my water is too soft, how can I make it harder? <By adding a source of alkalinity... the simplest? Likely sodium bicarbonate (Baking Soda)... a level teaspoon per ten gallons of new water, mixed in, allowed to set for a day or more before use> Will doing this hurt the fish? <Not if done in moderation, with pre-mixed water> I read on another website that adding a weekend feeder may help because of the plaster of Paris, <Yes> but I don't know of that was a joke. I went to my local aquarium supply and the woman behind the counter suggested a salt bath or antibiotics!!!! <Mmm, no> (Also, they did not carry the marine iodine) I need some real help, that won't kill my snails. Thank you so much for your time. Sorry if these are elementary questions. Sincerely, Kuniko <You're welcome. Bob Fenner> Bettas, Snails, and Glass Cats - 08/04/2005 Hello, WWM Crew!! :) <Hello, Stella and Jared!> First off, thanks so much for all the work you put into getting this info. out there! I spend *way* too much time reading things on this webpage. <And thank you very much for your kind words; this is much appreciated.> Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find answers to everything I was wondering-- maybe I just didn't look hard enough. <No worries.> Currently, my husband and I have two tanks set up. One is the Eclipse 3-gallon and it houses a happy, fat Betta fish, 3 Ghost Shrimp and various live plants. <Sounds perfect.> I was thinking about adding some Java Fern and getting a Golden or Black Mystery Snail for this tank. The shrimp do a fine job cleaning up, but I think I'd like a snail, too. Would that overload this tank? And how can I make sure that the snail won't come with a bunch of baby snails? (I suppose I could get a male...?) <Mm, honestly, I would not add a mystery snail to this small system. Too much potential for pushing out more biological waste than the tank can easily support. Do-able, though, if you are very meticulous about testing and changing water. Do please take a look at http://www.applesnail.net , though, for lots of snaily information.> The other is an Eclipse Hex 7, which has... one Glass Catfish and various live plants. (The other Glass Cat we bought died the morning after it was brought home.) Normally, there is a Betta in this tank too; unfortunately, he seems to be sick. I pulled him out, placed him in a vase (I don't have an "official" QT tank yet), tried to get the water temperature a bit warmer than his water (82F) and a little extra salt. I also added a half dose of CopperSafe. The sick Betta has feathery stuff flaking off of him, almost from beneath his scales. He seems to be doing much better, blowing bubbles and swimming around happily. Maybe he prefers having no tankmates... He's been quarantined for 2 days now-- how much longer should I keep him out of the 7 gallon? 3 weeks? <A week or two after he has regained health completely is probably sufficient. A side note - DO NOT add CopperSafe (or ANY other copper-based medication) to aquaria with invertebrates, as it is highly toxic to them.> As for our lonely Glass Cat (who still won't eat much!!), <Try offering frozen meaty foods, such as frozen bloodworms, or live foods like mosquito larvae, just after lights-out on the tank.> how many more Glass Cats can we put in the 7 gallon tank without overloading it? I know they do much better in a shoal/school, but I'd really rather not make them all miserable in a small space. <This animal is easily capable of reaching six inches in length.... In all honesty, I would plan on a larger tank (20 gallons or more) and aim for at *least* three of these fish; shy schoolers like this really seem to be more "at ease" in numbers. Please consider the 7g tank a very temporary home.> By the by, I was also considering getting a Black or Golden Mystery Snail for this particular tank. Would having snails mean less gravel-vaccing? <No. Snails, like other animals, produce waste; you'll still need to do the same regular maintenance. I see no problem adding a snail or two to this tank.> We're still set on having 10-15% water changes/testings once a week, but we're afraid too much gravel vacuuming is bad for the plants... <Well, yes, there *is* a happy medium. Try not to vacuum too much at the plants' roots, but in areas absent of plants, vacuum all the more.> Lastly (I'm sorry! So many questions...!!), <Really, no worries! I'm glad you're asking, rather than not!> since we have smaller fish, what size tank would be adequate for a QT? <As above, I would like to encourage you to think about a much larger tank for the glass cat(s).... They might be "smaller fish" right now, but they won't stay so. Ahh, in fact, here's the Fishbase entry on 'em: http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/speciesSummary.php?ID=10920&genusname=Kryptopterus&speciesname=bicirrhis . If you do a much larger system, the 7 would make a fine QT, or a cheap 10g setup would serve just as well.> It's been difficult finding a heater that works well for such small size tanks. <A small, 25w heater would be fine for the 7. I even use a 25w in my own 3g eclipse; works great.> Thankfully, we live in San Diego, so the temperature of the tank water rarely drops below 77. <Ahh, very good indeed.> Thank you so so much in advance! Look eagerly forward to a reply :) --Stella & Jared <Thank you again for your kind words! Wishing you and your fishes (and future snails?) well, -Sabrina> Snail Waste 7/18/05 First, I love your site and find myself reading for probably way too long. However, it has provided me with a wealth of info. I recently went through my first fish tank "live and learn" scenario. My daughter won a couple of goldfish from the fair and they did great with daily water changes during the cycling. Then, everything died from a pet store fish with Ich. Ick! Bad advice from a (loud cough) PetSmart person. I am starting over. I've been an online fiend about everything I need to know now. I'm currently in the middle of a fishless cycling. I have plants planted. I'll be adding CO2 at the end of the week and all my equipment ducks are in a row. Now for the long awaited questions. I want to start a platy tank because of their hardiness and their colors are great. The only thing to survive my poor goldfish was a mystery snail I'd removed from the tank while medicating. Since his separation I've learned just how much waste one snail can make. What can I put in with everything that will eat it (the poop)? any shrimp? will shrimp bother the platies? or their fry? I don't want to vacuum too often because of the plants. Or will the plants and substrate be enough to break it down and use it? Okay, I think I'm done for now. Looking forward to a response. Thanks for your help, Osh Leveque (yes, like osh kosh b'gosh. geesh) ; ) < The snail waste can be utilized by the plants. Lightly vacuum the upper portions of the gravel when you do you water changes so you don't disturb the roots and you should be fine.-Chuck> Snail I know it seems silly to ask about a snail, but I'm curious.. My husband recently took over my old tank when I got a new one. He has a silver tip shark and an Oscar (It was against my advice to get the Oscar!!!) We had a storm that knocked out the power at about 12:45 am (which sucks since I work for the electric comp!) I stirred both tanks w/ a wooden spoon before going to bed to oxygenate the water. Power came back at about 3:30 am.. In the morning I poked my head in to ck on my husband's fish and they were fine.. Don't remember seeing the snail.. That night when I went to feed them, snail was dead.. Are they that sensitive to outages.. <not at all! Quite the contrary... many tidal, shore dwelling species... leaving, breeding even feeding out of water and living in not so pristine conditions. Its death may very well have been coincidental.> The house was around 76 deg which is what they are used to. <best regards, Anthony> Snails, calcium supply for same Yes, i have a question my snails shelves look really ugly I have mystery snails and i guess they need calcium. what kind of food do i give them the has calcium? thanks -----Jeff c. <Many choices here. A bit of a "feeder block" made for vacations for freshwater systems will do a good job for you here. Bob Fenner> Snail Stuff Hi Scott The pH reduction was on the advice of the fish shop man. but he said he didn't have a book to look up in so he was guessing. What should pH be for a Ramshorn? Liddy <Well- no specific pH. Like with other aquatic creatures, stability is what works best...Make sure that the snail has plenty of food, a stable water temp, and he/she will be just fine! Good luck! Scott F.> Re: snails-Ramshorn Thank you in regards to the question of sex of the single birthing mother snail. Now another for you please. I have 3 large goldfish or carp now, and was wondering if I can put snails in the same tank without them getting eaten. <This should work out fine. These minnow fishes don't generally eat snails> Also, I do not use a heater in my carp tank, just room temperature, and do have snails born in another tank I have that have a heater, will they survive the temperature of room and if yes or no, can you tell me some names of snails that can survive with my carp in room temperature. tanks, Paul <This also should be fine. Please see here re your last question: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pdsnails.htm Most all of the larger species of snails sold in our interest (particularly of the genus Pomacea (= Ampullaria) will do well. Bob Fenner> Red Ramshorn snail Hi <Hi there! Scott F. here today> My friend has a single red Ramshorn in her tank (no other inhabitants). The shop she bought it from had no idea about giving info on how to care for it properly. She has had it for several weeks but over the last month it's shell has been getting very dark (almost black). He spends his time lying on his side in the tank (he is not dead). She checked the pH it was 8 but is now 7 Any suggestions? Thanks, Liddy <Well, Liddy- the Ramshorn snail is a remarkably adaptable animal (just ask anyone who has them in their planted tanks!). They do eat a large amount of vegetable matter, can eat uneaten food, etc. Snails do spend a lot ofttimes just "sitting around". I know that you've heard the term "slow as a snail"...It's for a reason! I would keep an eye out on that pH. A downward shift in pH is a call to re-examine husbandry procedures (i.e.; water changes, etc.). If this pH reduction was intentional, please disregard this! Good luck! Scott F.> One of Millions of Questions from a Novice >Please don't laugh. >>Oh, alright. ;) Marina here today. >I visited your site and have learned much. I don't come anywhere close to the serious care of fish and other aquatic animals. My wife gave my daughter Aquababies two years ago. Of course the fish have died. However, I have been caring for snails that started with two. This is the third year of caring of what the LFS referred to as Tiger snails. >>Fairly easy keepers. Though they can be somewhat prolific. >They are small dark brown with a spiral cone and have never gotten larger that about three quarters of an inch. >>Sounds like the animal to me. >I don't have the heart to let them die. So I've tended to cleaning the little tank and cleaning the stones once or more a month. They float upside down and suck what ever they can from guppy fish food. I have been curious as to what would be normal for life cycle, what do they normally eat. >>Don't know their life cycle, and they're very common in planted systems. If you want to add some easy to grow plants, Anacharis and the like are good, though you'll have to pull a lot of die-off out. You can also try weighing down stuff like zucchini for them, too. Of course, good old fish food works, just don't give too much. >I noted that if I supply a lot of floating food the eight to twelve come to the surface. A day or so later there appears a cloud or smoke beneath them. >>Snail poo? >I allow one of these cycles but usually clean the tiny tank. Generally the tank will turn brown like nicotine about a week or two later. >>Does it require anything more than a water change? If so, consider a small sponge filter (air driven) to help out. >I may not being doing these guys any favors keeping them in such a small environment not knowing too much about them. >>They truly don't know the difference, don't worry about it. >If I let them, they multiply very fast. Randell >>You're very kind to take heart to these little mollusks, and it sounds as though you're giving them a good home. I wouldn't really change anything. I'm sorry I can't give you more/better information on them. Marina Snail Questions - 06/19/2004 Hi,
<Hello. My apologies for any lateness in reply....> I
have a pretty large happy seeming apple snail, not P. bridgesii but one
of the canaliculata group (plant eaters as opposed to decaying matter
eaters.... she ate a little rotunda plant almost to death before I
moved it to the other tank, and nearly killed my wisteria as well :/
but now she has plastic plants). <Heh,
learning' the hard way! At least the snail enjoyed the
snacks, I'm sure. And after you replant, you can give
the snail cuttings from the planted tank when you
prune. Yum!> She's currently living in a 10 gallon
tank with varying numbers of her offspring and 3 zebra Danios. (The
Danios must eat the eggs & young snails as my tank has not been
overrun, but I have seen eggs and baby snails at various times and even
a few as big as peas) <Mmmm, peas.... Whups,
wrong topic, sorry! It would not surprise me that the Danios
might dine on the eggs of these snails.> This tank was originally
home to a Betta, <Ah, now *he* would dine on very small snails,
too. Another boon to your snails' population
control.> 5 Danios, 3 scissortail Rasboras, and a
Cory. (The Cory and the Rasboras have been moved to the
bigger tank that has also, 6 harlequins and an Oto).
<Corys will eat smaller snails, as well. Well, not in a
separate tank, but if you get overrun, you could consider reintroducing
the Cory.> Two of the Danios and the Betta sadly succumbed to hex,
which I treated for multiple times but could not seem to cure in such
small fish :( <So sad to hear that. My
apologies for your loss.> I have two questions about this snail
(Jaws is her name... it seemed appropriate).
<HAH! Appropriate, indeed! I love it.> How
do I know if she is eating enough? I feed the Danios
every day or two, sometimes three, and about every other time I feed
the Danios I throw in an algae pellet or two. (oh yea, the
snail when we got her was about as big around as a quarter, and now is
more like a golf ball - she's almost completely grown a new round
on her shell since Jan/Feb when we got her!). <Sounds
like she's eating plenty. If you have any concerns, you
might get her some elodea/Anacharis/Egeria and let her munch at
leisure, and just replace these inexpensive plants as they are devoured
- many folks use this plant as an excellent food source for goldfish;
it would taste quite good to Jaws, I'm sure.> Her newest shell
growth seems pretty thick and is a very nice rich golden color, <A
wonderful sign.> although when my brother fed her an algae pellet
every day for a couple weeks she grew a quarter of an inch of pretty
thin looking shell :/ that was shortly after we got her
though. <As you seem to be well aware, it might be best
not to use that feeding scheme ;) Sounds like she's
doing great now, though, eh?> My other question, which I didn't
even think about until I was browsing your forums... Should I be
concerned if she is getting some flaking on the middle few rounds of
her shell? <I would be concerned, yes.> She was completely algae
covered when we got her (the new shell has been growing in a beautiful
gold color and the algae hasn't spread) <Excellent.> and now
about a pea sized area of her center spirals on the outside is flaking
to a creamy white. <Possibly a lack of calcium, perhaps
even iodine.... the few large-ish snails in my shrimp tanks
have very obviously benefited from adding Kent Tech Marine iodine, at a
rate of one drop per ten gallons each week (*not* the normal marine
dose).> Also how do I test water hardness, and other nutrient levels
necessary for the snail? <You can test total hardness (GH) and
carbonate hardness (KH) with test kits available from most fish stores,
or can purchase the kits online from online e-fish stores, like some of
our sponsors. Be sure to get kits for freshwater
aquaria.> I don't really have any money to spend on them now
sadly (and the next cash I get has to go toward plant food for the
bigger tank as half the plants are falling apart and dying)
<Yikes! You might benefit from reading through our plant
sub-web: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PlantedTksSubWebIndex/AquariumGardenSubWebIndex.html
> but when I do have the cash I would like to be able to take care
of all my animals properly. <A good plan, for
sure. Your snail can probably wait for you to get test kits,
I imagine her problem is not imminently life-threatening. I
would, however, try the Kent iodine for sure.> Our town water is
usually pretty hard though (leaves hard water stains on all the
faucets, etc). That's a good thing for snails right? <You
bet. Hard water stains usually indicate high-ish levels of
calcium and other minerals in the water - certainly good news for
Jaws.> Thanks for any help you guys can give. :) <Any time,
Anna. Please feel free to let us know if we can help you
further. Wishing you and your inverts
well, -Sabrina> Anna R. Dunster Snail Questions Hello: <Hi, Mike D here>
I have been trying to locate some basic information on snails. My
boyfriend bought a snail for his son at PetSmart a few months ago. We
were wondering about a few things and was wondering if you could answer
our questions. I guess I should tell you that I don't know what
kind of snail this one is, as far as species goes, but as far as size
goes, it's a little smaller than an egg and it has a brown shell
(don't know if that helps or not)<Yes it does. The most common
large snail in the aquarium trade is the Mystery Snail>. Our
questions are: 1). We keep the snail in water, in a jar
that has an hourglass shape to it (bigger at the bottom with a
narrowing around the neck that is big enough for your hand). Is this
the proper environment for a snail because I have read some things on
the Internet that talks about placing a snail in a jar with soil and
sticks and such. We are really confused!<MY first suggestion would
be to look up "Mystery Snails" on your browser or in the
Google feature here. I'd attach a link myself for you, but
we've been experiencing technical difficulties all day and I keep
losing the entire question when I try> 2). The water gets dirty very
quickly. We change his water (bottled spring water) about every week
now. I was wondering if this causes any trauma to it, transferring it
back and forth and is there something that we can add to the water to
help it stay clearer, longer?<Actually a bowl or small aquarium such
as the 2 gallon complete set ups offered in many shops would be a
better choice for a snail of this size.> 3). We noticed yesterday
when we got home that the water look a light grey. We changed the water
and the snail has been floating ever since. I've read articles that
talk about how snails like to "float". How long should we
wait to determine if the snail has passed or not?? We would like to
replace it before a little boy finds it floating.<I'm truly
afraid that your speedster has gone to the great snail beyond already,
and before long you'll notice an extremely unpleasant smell as
well> I think that covers the main questions or concerns. Any other
advice and info that you could share with us would be great!<Sorry I
couldn't be of more help. If you wish to keep using the same vase
that you're currently using, a smaller species, such as a Red
Ramshorn would work better. I'm almost afraid to ask, but were you
feeding it anything?> Thank you in advance for taking the time to
read my note.<You're so very welcome, and even snails can be a
simple introduction into the wonderful world of pets for a young guy
such as yours. Do just a little reading and your next experience out to
be much more satisfying> Carly Super-Short Snail Question - 08/01/2004 Do snails found in the river need to stay in the water at all times? <Without knowing the particular type of snail, or at least the location of the river, the short answer is "Yes". Keep in mind, though, that some land snails will venture into water to absorb moisture and to drink, and some aquatic snails will venture onto land to lay eggs (though this is NOT true of all species). If we are talking about an aquatic snail, then chances are, yes, it must remain submerged to live. Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Iodine and Inverts - Freshwater - 08/22/2004 Hi, <Hello.> You guys recommended Kent iodine supplement for freshwater snails. <Not so much "us guys" as just me, I think - Sabrina here, the freshwater-shrimp-obsessed.> I had the chance to order some and when I received it I discovered that it is a marine aquarium product. Did I get the right product? <Yes.> If so, what's the correct dosage for a freshwater tank with one big snail? :) <I use one drop per ten gallons every week for my freshwater shrimp tanks. This seems to have worked wonders for the animals, despite the *seemingly* insignificant amount of iodine - it has proven the difference between life and death in my tanks.> Thanks!! <You betcha! Wishing you and your snail well, -Sabrina> ~Anna In search of perfect snail water Hi, I know you can answer my question (love your website). I currently have a 75 gallon aquarium with 5 hatchet fish, 5 Corydoras, 6 Pristellas, 2 apple snails, and 1 common Pleco. All water parameters are good - zero ammonia, zero nitrites, 10 nitrates. <Great> My pH is 7.5 but my hardness is 5 degrees GH and 4 degrees KH. <All good> I know that the snails would do better with harder water but don't know about the rest of the fish. <Wouldn't mess with it> The question is if the water does need to be a little harder for all <only the snails will like it harder> how can I go about doing this without raising the pH??? <I wouldn't tinker with the water chemistry here. You may want to dose with iodine to help with shell formation. Kent Marine Iodine is what I use. Add one drop per 10 gallons per week or after water change. This is a tiny amount, no more! Do not add at the strength listed on the bottle. Other brands have different concentrations, so the dose would vary if you try another brand. Your conditions are much the same as mine and my snails have no problems growing and reproducing. They do too well in fact. Don> Thanks for your help. Apple snails and salt Hi! Oh please don't laugh at this question, but I really haven't been able to find a conclusive answer to it: <Okay> Can Apple Snails survive in a tank with salt? I have a fancy goldfish tank with a weather loach (yup, they all get along at 75 F) in a 60 gallon tank. Every time I do a water change I add salt at a concentration of 1 rounded tablespoon per 4 gallons. I use Aquarium Salt. Sill the salt harm my apple snail? Thanks! Mr. T <These and most all other freshwater snails do NOT care for salt in their water, but there IS some salt (in chemistry, ionic combinations of metals and non-metals) in all freshwaters... the amount you list should be okay. Bob Fenner> Canister filter Qs + tank setups Hey WWM Crew,
<Jamie> A big ol' Thank You! to Gwen for answering my last
email (the one below this one). It helped me picture what's
happening with the canister filter. I'm sure it'll all be
crystal clear once I bring one home, lol. I'm also hoping that the
plants won't become snail food, hehe. The snails are Pomacea
bridgesii effusa Apple snails, the ones that do not eat live plants and
safe for the planted tank. They haven't eaten any of mine for the
year or so I've had 'em so I think I'm in the clear, lol.
<We'll see> Anyway, I have indeed pondered more and more
about my setup with the 20Ls. Since putting them together with one
canister filter is not a good idea, I've been thinking what would.
Maybe two Whisper power filters, but I am afraid that the water
turbulence may be too much for both inhabitants and plants, and that
they wouldn't bring up much of the snail mess. <These are
actually a good choice... not too turbulent...> Then I thought maybe
sponge filters would work but wouldn't I be compromising space for
my plants and the snail mess might still pose a problem. Any
suggestions??? I'm open-minded and all ears :) <I would go with
hang-on, outside power filters> Also, I've looked over more of
the Eheim canister filters and found the Ecco Comfort Plus Filter 2232
and 2234. Is this a good one or should I just stick with the Filstar
for either the 30 or 33L?? <I prefer the Ecco products over the
Filstar> Sorry for all the questions, figured that while you're
all available I should ask the pros everything I can ;) And,
as always, thanks for help, it is greatly appreciated :)
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