FAQs on Long Tentacle Anemone
Related Articles: LTAs, Anemones,
Tip Anemones, Cnidarians, Coldwater Anemones, Colored/Dyed Anemones,
FAQs on LTA Disease:
LTA Health/Disease 1, LTA Hlth./Dis. 2, LTA Hlth./Dis. 3, LTA Hlth./Dis. 4, LTA Hlth./Dis.
FAQs on Anemone Disease by Category:
Environmental (Pollution/Poisoning, Lighting...),
Nutritional, Social (Allelopathy...),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
Predatory/Pest, Treatments
LTA Reproduction ,
Related FAQs:
LTA Health/Disease
1, LTA Hlth./Dis. 2, LTA Hlth./Dis. 3, & LTAs 1, LTAs 2, LTA Identification, LTA Behavior, LTA
Compatibility, LTA Selection,
LTA Systems, LTA Feeding, & LTA Reproduction,
New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
LTA Anemone Growth on base of foot
Hello Everyone At WWM,
<Hey Anthony>
Happy Holidays! I hope this email finds everyone well. I am relatively
new to LTA's and have had this purple one for about three weeks now. He
wont root,
<I see the reason why... the tear on its basal disc>
and upon further inspection I found this growth
<Mmm; not a growth; actual tissue/mesentery leaking/poking through the
torn body wall>
on the bottom of his foot (see attached picture please). In the photo
there are a couple of pieces of sand, but the main growth almost looks
like an egg sack of sorts. Can you please let me know what this is?
<As above>
I have searched everywhere in the land of Google, and cannot find
anything on it. Your help would be greatly appreciated. Also, any tips
on how to get this sucker to planted would be awesome too!
All the best,
<Mmm... if it's not too late, I'd return this animal (too much chance it
will perish from this injury)... if not... possibly triple iodide-ate
dosing every three days, feeding with a vitamin et al. prep. applied to
the water (e.g. SeaChem's Vitality), small feedings of meaty foods
otherwise soaked in the same... and hoping... These tears are VERY
common, easily done in the extraction from the wild. See WWM re LTAs
period. Bob Fenner> |
Re: LTA Anemone Growth on base of foot
Mr. Fenner,
<Mr. Racioppi>
Thank you so much for the quick reply. It is much appreciated and you guys
are a such a great resource. Due to my ignorance, and let it be known that I
tried to find out on your site before asking this, what is " triple
iodide-ate dosing"?
<What hobbyists, lay folk typically call/label "Iodine">
And while I am at it, in my other 29 gallon tank <Hard to keep (alive) large
Actinarian species in such small volumes... too
I have this LTA for about a month, and today he was acting weird and how is
shriveled up. Should I remove him from the tank or is this a normal thing
for these guys to do (I have attached two pics of him. He was buried and
rooted just fine until
<... not really normal. Again; the reading>
I really wish I knew about this site before I purchased these guys, as it is
an awesome source of information. Thank you all for taking the time to put
together such a great site.
<Certainly welcome. It is for future friends as yourself that it is
Again I appreciate all of your knowledge and time,
<Cheers, BobF> |
Injured anemone 3/2/13
Last night one of my live rocks shifted and landed on my green long
tentacle anemone. I quickly moved the rock once I realized it had
This morning I noticed that the anemone appears to have a tear on its
column. Is there any way it can survive this, or is it doomed for death?
<Yes; if it was healthy prior, the water quality is good, stable...>
Is there anything I can do to help it? Thanks!
<I'd overdose by double a dose of iodide-ate supplement (to the water).
See WWM re. Bob Fenner>
LTA foot torn by Clarkii? Reading...
I found this site when trying to look up information on how to
handle this situation. The LTA we picked up yesterday
<... Anemones are not easily kept...>
was looking good in the tank we got it from, and ours after
acclimating it to our tank. (55 gal. originally in same spot for
9+ years, just moved 2 months ago to different area in house -
took only a couple hours to move it all, 2 smaller lights (50/50?
- tired so can't remember) and a 175 halide light,
parameters: 80F, 1.021-1.022
<Too low...>
salt reading, 0 Ammonia, 0 Nitrite, 0 Nitrate, 8.2 pH, 400
calcium last check at local fish store - we don't have a
calcium test at home yet; fish: 1 Clarkii, 1 yellow tail blue
damsel, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 emerald crab,
some snails & hermit crabs). The clown took to it immediately
after it was put in the tank water. Overnight it moved into the
live rock leaving it's tentacles facing out towards the open
front. The Clown was still staying all over it. When I came home
I noticed some white coming off it's foot and since it
wasn't attached to anything carefully moved it to the open to
inspect it. that's when I saw the tear - which was not there
when we picked it up from the fish store yesterday. I am assuming
that possibly the clown beating up on it while it laying in the
live rock unattached might of caused the tear?
I can't think of anything else since it wasn't there
before. The color is still the same, but it's expelling white
stuff out of the foot now where the tear is.
<... this animal is on its way out... as in muerto>
We don't have our quarantine tank anymore (mother- in-law
needed it as theirs ended up with a crack in it) so I carefully
placed it in a bag to float at the top of the tank so it's
still under the light.
<...? A poor idea>
Trying to read online if it is safe to keep it in the tank with
the fish since it isn't losing color and not gooey,
<... dying, dead>
or what other action should be taken. I've attached pictures
starting with how it was yesterday, up until it was placed into
the bag. I'm afraid if I do put it back in the tank (not in
the bag) the clown will continue to beat on it, thus not helping
the situation. (The Petco bag it's in was an extra bag I had
- we did not get the anemone from Petco).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amanda M.
<... read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/macrodoreensis.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: LTA foot torn by Clarkii?... still not reading
Thanks for the prompt reply. As far as the bag it was either
leave it in the main tank and risk losing other stuff or get it
out -
<... this animal should not have been purchased in the first
place... You have not shown evidence of "being ready"
to take care of a large Actinarian species>
I got it out. I did have a friend call me back shortly after and
had a spare running saltwater tank with no fish (their emergency
tank) and they put it in there for me.
<... there is almost no likelihood of it reviving>
They lave the tank running 24/7 and make sure its parameters are
pristine in that tank They emailed me last night that it started
having stuff coming out of it's mouth. So unfortunately it
did pass. Everything in our main tank is doing excellent though
so I think I caught it in time.
Amanda Moore
<Going forward... please seek qualified input... ahead of
purchasing livestock... BobF>
Re: LTA foot torn by Clarkii? 7/25/09
We received it from a friend that sold their tank and the person
was turning it into a freshwater one. Unfortunately we don't
know the full history on it - and it was free. It was either we
took it or the person who took the tank would of probably thrown
it away or dumped it in freshwater. Otherwise we would not have
ended up with an anemone so quickly. I'd rather buy the fake
ones from Foster & Smith and see if the clown plays in those
before buying a real anemone personally. I know it'll be well
over a year before we even consider buying one, and when we do
it'll be through our LFS which are all saltwater
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Amanda M.
<... please read where you were initially referred, don't
write... The basal disc of the animal pictured was torn...
through removal?... One of your pix shows it was put in with a
Plerogyra sp... allelopathy?... Read.
LTA wound pic + bonus, decapod spawn release
Hi Bob,
Once the lights went out I was able to get a shot of the injury I
mentioned in my previous email.
<Good pic>
While I was at it I saw this too. Holy Stomatopod banquet Batman!
Is that an M. sculptus spawning?
<Appears so>
It was standing there like that for about 10 minutes, shakin'
its booty. If so, can I expect lotsa little crabs?
<Mmm, highly doubtful... may not be fertile, and even is so,
the young going through instars/developmental phases aren't
likely to survive recirculation, the skimmer... and what to
By the way, the mantis lives in a small hole just below the
crab's leftmost foot - it didn't seem interested. There
was a note on the hole that read, "out for lunch."
<Me too>
PS - I've got a 6-pack of Tiger here for you the next time
you're passing through Kuala Lumpur. Shoot me an email.
<Dang! I was supposed to be there till 6/21... another story,
PPS - I hope approx. 200K is not too big a pic for your
Apologies if so, I wanted to sent fairly resolved images.
<No worries Darryl. G'night mate. BobF>
Re: New LTA question
5/25/07 Thanks for the response
Bob! Yesterday, the Anemone changed from
a ball to a deflated, wrinkled half
ball. Still has it's red coloring <This is
normal, natural> and changes shapes slowly. The
clown fish are trying to get inside of it most of the time.
<You might do well to cover this animal for now, to keep the
Clowns away... they may well be damaging this organism>
This morning it looked virtually the same but had
greenish tentacles coming out of the bottom area. <? Is this
anemone upside down?> (Well, it look like it was
coming out of the bottom but I'm not sure). I took pictures
of it yesterday and brought them with to the store I bought
it. The owner just smiled and said, "That's
what Anemone's do. <... no> He's just getting
acclimated to the new environment. Just leave him
alone." I picked up some silversides and hope to
someday have use for them. I am interested in your comment about
a possible conflict with the corals I have. Currently,
I have the Anemone placed about six inches away from a bubble
coral <I see this... and this is WAY too close for an anemone
to be near a Plerogyra> and, since the Anemone was blowing
around, I moved a piece of live rock in front of him that has
some green mushroom corals on it. <And these too...>
This changed the flow so he's not being blown
around anymore. It was the next day, however, that he
changed into a ball....so perhaps the rock with mushroom coral is
part of the reason? <My friend... please read, investigate
before you buy anything live... Your mis-steps here may cause your
system to crash... Really> I've also re-started two of the
four power heads to keep the tank flowing. They do not
place added flow on the Anemone, so it's been pretty
stable. It seems to be a good compromise for the fish
until the Anemone situation is rectified. After only 1
day with the power heads off I was surprised to wake up to a half
dozen 1/4 inch bristle worms on my front
glass. (I've only seen a couple of 1 inchers in my
refugium in the past). My Copper banded Butterfly was
eager to pick them off for me. Anything I need to
know/do about the Bristle worms? I've placed a
couple of the traps in the water, but didn't catch anything
with the bait they sent with the trap. I've sent
two pictures along. One show's it's placement
in back of the bubble and mushroom coral. The other is
just of the Anemone. (Sorry...Not the best pictures. Darn cell
phone cameras!) Thanks again, and in advance of your next
response. Thanks, Gregory E. <Read re the compatibility of the
Stinging-celled life you have here... and soon Greg. Bob

Re: New LTA question - 05/26/07 Will do,
Thanks. You know what? I think you are right...it
must be upside down as the bottom of the Anemone was red and that's
what's on top now. I think I'll take this
opportunity to move it very far away from the
corals. I'll do the reading you suggested right away.
<Ah, good. RMF> Thanks, Gregory
Re: New LTA question - 05/26/07
Thanks for your help Bob, but it appears
the bad advice I got yesterday from my fish store proved to be
costly. I rushed home from work to find that, as you
guessed, the Anemone was upside down. The red underside
began disintegrating as I started turning it over. More of
the same when I got it right side up and let a small amount of current
pass over it. I then called the fish store and they told me
to "leave it in my tank for a day to see what happens <What?
No!> and they couldn't tell me more unless they saw
it." Umm, I brought a picture of it in yesterday and
they didn't even notice it was upside down. After giving
it a half hour to move, I finally removed it from the tank to avoid an
ammonia problem. <This and worse> It was already
dead. I'm upset that I didn't notice that it was
upside down. Even a little more that they didn't as this
is the premier fish store in my area of Park Ridge, IL....and I was
speaking with the owner.
I bought the clown fish and Anemone as I
wanted that fish/anemone activity in my tank. I would not
have purchased the clown fish on their own. Is it probable
that a new anemone would attract the clown fish or am I out of luck?
<Please... read> Currently, they seem to be hanging around my
bubble and elegance corals. Thanks again, Greg E <RMF>