Related FAQs: Nephtheids, Nephtheids 2, Dendronephthya, Neptheid Identification, Nephtheid Behavior, Nephtheid Compatibility, Nephtheid Selection, Nephtheid Systems, Nephtheid Feeding, Nephtheid Disease, Nephtheid Reproduction/Propagation,
Soft Coral Propagation,
Soft Coral Health,
Related Articles: Dendronephthya and
Scleronephthya, Corals to Avoid, by Adam Blundell, Soft Corals, Order Alcyonacea,
/The Best Livestock For Your Reef Aquarium:
Soft Corals of the Family
Part 4
To: Part 1,
Part 2, Part 3,
By Bob Fenner
Genus Scleronephthya Studer 1887: Mostly small (less than 4
inch tall) colonies that are very contractile (often look like blobs at
slack tides, currents, otherwise non-feeding during the day). Often
uni-planar and multi-branched. One-shape polyps that are found only on
branches. Lack Zooxanthellae, but come in many colors (mostly orange,
but pink, purple, even white.
Scleronephthya sp. Indo-Pacific. Similar to
Dendronephthya, differing by possessing highly retractile polyps
that lack sclerites. Just as difficult to maintain in captivity. N.
Sulawesi pix. |

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Genus Stereonephthya Kukenthal 1905:
To: Part 1,
Part 2, Part 3,