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Freshwater Pic
of the Day Link
The Spotted Cleaner Shrimp, Periclimenes
yucatanicus in its host anemone, Condylactis gigantea
off of Cozumel. 3/4-1 in. overall. Also found in association with other
tropical West Atlantic anemones. Bonaire 2019. |
Diadema antillarum, the Long-Spined Urchin. Tropical West
Atlantic. 4-8 inch diameters with spines. Come out at night to feed,
hide during the day within rock crevices. Younger ones with white banded
spines. A juv. out at night in Bonaire 2019.

Ophiothrix suensonii, the Sponge Brittle Star. Tropical West
Atlantic. 2 1/2- 3 1/2". Live principally on sponges. Also found on fire
coral and gorgonians. Arms bear a dark line running down their mid-line.
A darker colored specimen out at night in Bonaire 2019.
Parribacus antarcticus, the Sculptured Slipper Lobster.
Circumtropical but mainly caught out of the tropical West Atlantic for
aquarium use. Nocturnal, and wary of humans. Capable of great bursts of
strength, speed in swimming backward. One out at night in Bonaire 2019.