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Clownfish problem 12/1/07 Hello! <Hello.> I have a saltwater tank that can only support up to two fish. I used to have a pair of small clownfish, however, the male died because the female was basically bullying him. So as of now, I have only one clownfish remaining. I was wondering if you could tell me what other fish would work well with my lone clownfish. I would try another clownfish, but it seems my female is too aggressive to keep another clownfish. <Sounds likely.> Please help! Thanks! <This question depends entirely on the size of your tank and the particular type of clownfish you have. A quick read through the clownfish FAQ's and articles (as well as those for other fish you have in mind) will help you select a new tank mate. Welcome, Scott V.> Mixing Percula and Ocellaris, Clownfish Aggression -- 11/21/07 Hello, <Hello, Brenda here> First of all, I am a frequent reader and I think you all provide a wonderful service! <Thank You!> I have a problem with two of my fish. I have an Ocellaris and a Percula clown fish. The Ocellaris has been in the tank for almost a year and the Percula was added about 2 months ago. <The Ocellaris is likely female now.> I wanted a mating pair and I didn't know the Percula wasn't an Ocellaris until a few people told me and I can now see the difference. My LFS told me that they still may breed since they are both young and were getting along fine at first. <Yes, a Percula and Ocellaris can mate.> Well now the Ocellaris (who was hosting a coral) is venturing into the Percula's anemone and is nipping and chasing the Percula (who is a little smaller). <Do you have any idea how old the Percula is? I'm concerned that you may have two females, which would likely result in the death of one or both of the clownfish.> In fact, today he nipped off some of the Perc's fins. <This does happen. I've seen this in 73 day old clownfish which were from the same hatch. The aggression started after they were moved to a new environment. Any stress or change can cause aggression, but likely temporary. If one of your clownfish is a male, or still a juvenile, they will likely work it out.> I think the Ocellaris is trying to host the anemone. <It is very possible. Is the anemone new to them?> Both of them were "wiggling" at each other and I am not sure what that means (I know that normally it is a mating ritual). <This is usually the male surrendering to the female, not necessarily anything to worry about.> I know I probably need to remove one of the fish. However I cannot catch either one without disassembling my entire 130 gallon tank. Would adding another anemone for the Perc help since the tank is so big? <I do not recommend mixing anemones, unless of the same clone. What species do you have? If you have an E. quadricolor, you may end up with a clone someday.> Is the Perc doomed if I don't remove him? <Not necessarily, but without seeing it for myself, I can't make that decision. You will have to be the judge here. It is common for the female to be the boss, and to dominate the male. I myself have a mixed pair. The female (Percula) only lets the male (Ocellaris) into the anemone when she wants him there. Any signs of stress such as water changes, me adding or moving things, the male is quickly kicked out of the anemone. The behavior you are seeing is not caused from mixing Percula/Ocellaris. It is the female/male relationship in clownfish, or possible the relationship of female/female. Keep a close eye on them both. If the Ocellaris gets too aggressive look into getting a fish trap and remove one of them. I personally would not be overly concerned with a few nipped fins. Is your anemone attached to a rock? Sometimes when moving the rock with the anemone on it the clownfish come with it, and are much easier to catch. Just be careful when handling the anemone.> Thank you so much for your help! <You're welcome! Brenda> Maroon & False Percula Compatibility -- 11/13/2007 Hello, <Hi Frank.> Currently I have a 28 g tank that has a large (from the wild) Maroon Clownfish that I've had for the past 10 months. I then have a small False Percula in a 12 g tank. I just bought a 55 g long tank and was planning or hoping to include both of these fishes at the same time to this new tank. Since the 55 g is replacing the 12 g & the 28 g.......would it be better to put the False Percula with the maroon in the 55 g tank or would my chances be better to put him in with another False Percula of the same size in my established 37 g tank? <The latter, with caution.> The other clownfish in my 37 g has been in there for 11months if that makes a difference. <It does.> Thank you very much. Always appreciate all the helpful literature on your site. Frank. <Mixing different Clown species is a gamble that often results in violence and bloodshed. The Maroon is pretty large and aggressive, will dominate the 55 gallon you intended for him, and he will probably not accept any other Clowns in there in the long run. Even when you put your False Percula into your 37 gallon tank with its possible partner, they may start to fight. So, if you should decide to try, watch them for a while and be prepared to separate them, if necessary. It will certainly help to remove the current inhabitant from the 37 g tank, change and move decorations, if possible, and re-introduce them together. Please also read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clownfis.htm (scroll down to territoriality), http://www.wetwebmedia.com/maroonclnart.htm, and the linked files on compatibility, there is already lots of information available. Cheers, Marco.>
Blue Tang and Clownfish as Tank Mates -- 9/30/07 Hello, <Hello Coleen, Brenda here> I would like to know if a blue tang and a clown fish can live together in peace. <Yes, if a suitable environment is provided. Make sure you have a large enough tank for the tang.> Thank you for time. <You're welcome! Brenda> Coleen Fighting Clownfish 9/23/07 Hi Bob, <Jon> First, thank you for the wealth of knowledge on your website, and within your book. I loved your book, and refer to it regularly. This website is my first place to look whenever I am looking to add a new addition to my tank, or if I ever encounter problems with my aquarium. <Am glad our efforts are of service> I have a 55 Gal. with aprox. 60 lbs. or live rock, some sponges and SPS's. I also have two aqua cultured Percula's, a Six Line Wrasse, Scopas Tang, cleaner shrimp, and various snails and crabs. I have had the two clowns for at least 5 years, and they were the first in this tank (being moved from a previously smaller set up). They have been in the 55 for about 1 year, and just recently the larger one has begun bullying the smaller one. <Typical behavior...> I haven't had any problems with either of them for the past 5-6 years, but now the larger of the two has forced the smaller clown into one corner of the tank. The smaller clown now resides within a cave in the corner of the tank, and any time it swims "too far" away from that area, the larger clown will bully it back to the corner. I know that sometimes two fish will just not get along, but any suggestions for allowing these two to live together peacefully? <Remove the larger fish... to another system if possible, or to a floating colander (all plastic natch) for a week or two... Move the hard decor about... this will likely "do it"> They have lived together without issue for at least 5 years, and I didn't notice anything like this until about 1 week after the Scopus Tang took residence. <Mmm, likely coincidence re the Tang... the smaller system kept the two from developing behaviorally> I've moved some of the rock structure around, and caused some commotion in the tank, but still the same actions. When I say they have lived together without issue, I should probably mention that they seemed to be a pair for all that time. They would hide in the same area at night, and generally hung out in the same areas during the day. Anything you can think of to explain why this is happening, and/or to remedy the situation? Thanks so much, Jon <Do write back if this doesn't solve the territorial issue. Bob Fenner> Clown fish and clam comp. 9/23/07 Hi-- <Hello> My pair of clown fish have decided to host in my clam. He has put up with it for months but now he is not fully opening during the day. Any suggestions for how to stop the clowns? <Mmm, to separate them, or offer a suitable substitute host...> I heard there might be a breed of fish that would "guard" the clam? Thanks for your advice. <Mmm, not as far as I'm aware. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clnfshanmfaq5.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Denise LaForte Clownfish conundrum! Comp. -- 09/08/07 I'm sorry to bother you guys with this but my mind won't let it go. It's not really a problem but more of a question of who done it! So here we go... I inherited a nice big reef tank from a friend of mine who had to move in a hurry. I took down my tank and put hers in it's place and was torn about which fishes could stay and which ones had to go back to the store (for 1/3 credit.) <Man! We used to give half> So I decided that since there were two anemones and it was a large 80 gallon long tank that I would place the anemones at opposite ends of the tank and attempt to keep both Clownfishes. <Mmm, what species of both?> One being my Tomato Clown that has been with me since day one and the other my friends Black & White Ocellaris. About the same size - I figured I'd give it a shot because she really wanted me to keep hers. So I introduced them at the same time - lights off - and they were good to go... The tomato clown did let him know who was boss but no nipping or picking. My Tomato took to one of the anemones right away, the Ocellaris didn't... just swam near the other for a few days... then I noticed the Tomato Clown was spending time with the other anemone also - when his own was closed up. Not for long periods of time maybe brief 5 seconds here and there. I figured there wasn't much I could do about it and since the Ocellaris was not being harassed and didn't need the anemone for survival... oh well right? <Not all right> Well I woke up yesterday and the Ocellaris was gone! No signs of foul play no signs of his remains... nothing! Still no parts of him have turned up and the only thing I can figure is that he decided to finally give his anemone a try and since the Tomato had already spent some time with him - the anemone didn't recognize the Ocellaris and mistook him for food. Is this possible? <Yes> The only other possibilities are a large bristle worm that I have been trying to catch but that would be quit a long shot wouldn't it? <Not necessarily> I heard that large mushrooms could swallow fish whole but that sounds crazy too! Again sorry to come to you guys with this but I really like to know what may have happened to him so that in the future maybe I could avoid such a tragedy! Thank you so much for you insight. Beth <Read on Beth, read on... WWM. Bob Fenner> Coral Beauty Bullying Ocellaris 9/6/07 Hi WWM crew, <Hello> Thanks for the fantastic website. I have a 55-gallon overflow setup with a wet/dry trickle filter (sump) and a Bak-Pak skimmer. I have about 50 lbs of live rock with a few assorted mushrooms and polyps, as well as a few turbo snails. My substrate is a mix of crushed coral and live sand. The tank's been up and running for about 2 years (before the move, see below). After a big ice storm last winter (we are now the proud owners of a generator), we had to do some restocking after losing a few of our beloved fish pals. A yellow Tang (had him for about 7 years) survived, and we added two small Ocellaris after the tank settled down a bit. They are now a mated pair. We also eventually (not all at the same time) added a cleaner shrimp, a banded brittle star, and a Scooter Blenny. <The blenny is going to be tough to keep in this sized tank.> This spring we made the final addition with a Coral Beauty. Initially, the Coral Beauty was being harassed by the yellow Tang. This ended after only a few days (thank goodness). However, within a month or so the Coral Beauty began "rushing" the two clowns and (I swear) laughing as they scattered. Periodically, the angel will nip at the clowns, but generally he just likes to keep them corralled near the top of the tank near the overflow. We recently made an 800-mile interstate move (happy to report no losses and no new-tank syndrome). When the fish were first placed back in the tank after the trip, the perculas were swimming all over the tank and playing in the current from the powerheads. Now that the Coral Beauty (apparently) feels comfortable again, he is once again bullying the clowns and keeping them in their corner. They are no longer frolicking in the rest of the tank as they were in those first few days after the move. My tank parameters are generally fairly good: no ammonia/nitrite, a fairly low nitrate level (largely managed by bi-weekly water changes), and a pH between 8.1 and 8.3 (I have to add buffer regularly to maintain the pH). <Most people need a buffer to maintain proper pH.> These values are stable (have been like this since the system first cycled). I am wondering whether you have any suggestions about how to stop/prevent/mitigate the aggression toward the clowns. I am extremely wary about adding an anemone, and am not even sure whether this would help. <Most likely would not, and just cause problems down the road.> I initially thought the angel might be nicer if fed twice per day, but that hasn't really helped. I am afraid my only option may be to trade in the Coral Beauty, but thought I would solicit any advice you might have first. I apologize for the lengthy email, and appreciate any suggestions you might have! Warm regards, Dia <Not much you can do here, this is how angels often behave. Sometimes redoing the rockwork helps since it forces the fish to re-establish their territories, but your move covered this. At this point I would say that this is just this particular angel's personality and will most likely not change.> <Chris> Mixing Clowns -- 08/17/07 Hello WWM Crew, I have a 70 gallon reef tank that has two clowns: a true perc and an osc. ( long story as to how I got one of each) and other fish. They seem to get along fine and hang out together. I have a friend who is looking for a home for a black and white osc. Can I put him in my 70 gallon with the other two. <Can... but two may pair up and not accept the third... hopefully there is enough space here for this> If not, I have a 30 gallon reef with a small clown that popped out of a long tentacled anemone at the LFS and they sold him to me with the anemone as he was so tiny. They thought he was a Clark or Sebae but is too small to tell. Can I put the black an white in that tank. If not... can he go into a FOWLR with damsels? Thanks in advance. <Might be able to go in any of these. Too much variance in behavior to be sure... Bob Fenner> Damsel Fish, Chrysiptera, Amphiprion, gen. comp. 7/30/07 Hi <Hello> I am writing to ask about my damsel fish, I recently started using a different fish store after the old one was not very helpful and to be honest not too good. I lost the first set of clowns I put in so I let the tank cycle longer ,added a few new bits it did not have like extra power heads etc. I went to the store to get new pair of clowns but I also wanted some think <something> different, although the old fish store had said not to get damsels because of aggression, the new one recommend a yellow tail which they had in their tanks and recommended it as a hardy fish which was less aggressive than the others. <They are a little less aggressive, but can still be troublesome to timid fish.> He was fine at first but then he started to bully the clowns at first to the point they would not eat, but now they are fine, and have been in the tank for around 5 weeks now and eating normal. But he is still being very territorial doing the normal territorial things -rubbing up against them, charging at them, pushing them back when they swim else where. <Normal behavior for these guys.> The tank is not a large one, it's around 27 gallons so I'm limited on what I can put in. I'm getting a yellow goby in the next week or so but my question is will the damsel fish calm down when there are more fish added and realise that its not just his tank or will he be the same to all fish and keeping all the swimming room to him self? <His behavior shouldn't change.> He has no main territory apart from behind one rock where he sleeps. And my second question is my clownfish front stripe sort of looks cracked on top I've seen this on other clowns before I was wondering if it was just a normal thing or if their was something wrong? <Normal. As to the damsel, I'd be returning it. I'm not fond of having damsels in a community system for the same reasons you state. James (Salty Dog)> Hope u can help More Than One Clownfish Pair per Tank _7/26/07 Hi, <Hello, Brenda here!> I am sorry if you received this twice, and I am just being impatient. As I know you often read, thank you so much for all your dedication. <I'm not sure if we have received this on not, I've been in and out a lot lately, but will try to help.> I have read for hours trying to answer this question but nothing quite fits. I currently have two small O. Percula clowns that were purchased about two weeks ago. They share a 75 gallon tank with one small yellow tail damsel. I have about 100 lbs of live rock. <Good!> My question is I have heard that Ocellaris clowns are the most peaceful (if you can call it that) and often times can be kept in small groups. <Peaceful, yes, kept in small groups, No. Only if you have a tank of a few hundred gallons should you attempt more then one pair. As juveniles, you can keep them together, as they mature and pair disaster will likely strike. They can fight to the death of one or more.> I was at the LFS and they had a "pair" (not so sure both were small and about the same size) of black O. Perculas that the family fell in love with. Am I past any window of adding these two clowns to my tank? <Yes, the day you added your first pair.> Any chance the four clownfish will get along decently enough? <Your chances are slim to none in that size tank.> I am hoping you will tell me that after establishing a pecking order they will be fine. <Wish I could, I would have more pairs in one tank if I thought they would get along! All of my pairs are separated for the same reason that I am suggestion you separate yours.> Still I need advice as I don't want sure failure, thanks you all rock! -Craig <If your heart is set on them, you will need to return or find a new home for the first pair, or set up a new tank. Brenda> Adding clowns, comp. 7/26/07 Hello! As I know you often read, thank you so much for all your dedication. I have read for hours trying to answer this question but nothing quite fits. I currently have two small O. Percula clowns that were purchased about two weeks ago. They share a 75 gallon tank with one small yellow tail damsel. I have about 100 lbs of live rock. My question is I have heard that Ocellaris clowns are the most peaceful (if you can call it that) and often times can be kept in small groups. I was at the LFS and they had a "pair" (not so sure both were small and about the same size) of black O. Perculas that the family fell in love with. Am I past any window of adding these two clowns to my tank? <Mmmm likely an okay mix... given the size of this system> Any chance the four clown will get along decently enough? I am hoping you will tell me that after establishing a pecking order they will be fine. Still I need advice as I don't want sure failure, thanks you all rock! -Craig <Welcome! Bob Fenner> Mixing Multiple Clown Species...Not a good idea. -- 06/28/07 gud <Good> day to the crew of wetwebmedia! <Hello there!> i<I> have a 50gallon FOWLR that has one small (half inch) and about 1.5 inch false percula, and one skunk clown (1.5in)... the three are doin fine, <For now...all are still relatively small, the odds are not in your favor that this will be a lasting peace my friend.> my <My> setup has lots of rockwork, is it ok to add a clarkii clownfish, about 1-1.5 inch, to my setup, <No, you're already taking an ill advised risk as it is.> i <I> know that this is more aggressive than the three, but since they will just be the occupants in my tank, and he'll be the last to go in, will it be ok to add? <See my last comment.> thanks <Thanks> in advance! ... btw, will adding a smaller clarkii be better? <Adam J would not do this period...keep reading and see WWM FAQs re:> tnx <Thanks> <Welcome, Adam J.> Adding Clowns 6/14/07 Hey WWM guys! <Hello> I bought a clownfish (false pair) and introduce it to my other clownfish I had 3 days before, and in 24 hrs they started to hide in the same place and sometimes hangout together, but not all the time but the keep a close distance to each others, the new one is larger then the old one ( the old one is 1.2" the new one about 1.5")! <Best to add smaller specimens in these situations, makes it less likely to end up with 2 females which can be problematic.> Is it possible that they are pairs now in less then 2 days :|? <Yes> Thank in advance! By Ahmad Zein <Chris> Dangerous Combination? Mixing clowns 6/6/07 Good evening, <Good morning now.> I love your site and have spent many hours reading through the entries. <Thanks> We have a 95 gallon reef tank. The only fish in the tank are three small damsels, a mated pair of Premnas biaculeatus and a Sailfin/Algae Blenny. We have over a hundred pounds of live rock and LPS corals in the tank. My question is about adding an Amphiprion ephippium (the Red Saddle Anemonefish) into the mix. <Mixing clowns is always risky.> We have witnessed the aggressiveness of the maroons firsthand when, one of the pair died in shipping and the replacement was introduced into the tank. In the end everything worked out and the group is very peace loving. I value your opinion, Kat <If you were dealing with something other than the Maroon clown/Premnas biaculeatus it might be worth a try in this sized tank, however I would not attempt it with the current livestock. Maroons are just to aggressive, and get more so as they mature.> <Chris> Another Question about Mixing Clowns 6/5/07 Hi everyone, <Jason> I've been reading through the other posts and haven't seen an answer that matches my current circumstance, so here goes: I'm getting ready to stock a 24g AquaPod that's been up and running for a while with only 25lbs live rock, 20lbs live sand and a small clean up crew. The water parameters are steady and I'm doing weekly 10% water changes. I'm starting to think about fish, and only plan to add three total. I would like to have two clowns, but of different varieties (I know a lot of people frown on this). I'm not necessarily interested in having a mated pair, just two that will get along. <Even if different species... may well develop into a pair... Met a young fellow this past weekend who had bred/crossed Premnas with Amphiprions...> My LFS has a tank of small Black Saddleback Clowns mixed with Orange Perculas (although they look more like Ocellaris to me.) If they came out of the same tank and were introduced to my tank the same time should they be OK? Is it possible for them to get along without forming a pair? <Is possible> Would they form a pair? <This also> If I do it, should they be about the same size or would it be better for one of them to be slightly larger? Does it matter which one? <Good questions... best to have both be small to start with... they will sort out whatever it is they are going to do. BobF> Thanks in advance, Jason Two Pairs of Clownfish in a 125 Gallon -- 5/14/07 Hi crew, <Hi James, Brenda here.> Love the website, <Thank you!> I searched the website and have seen different responses to this question. I want to mix a pair of true perculas and a pair of tank raised black perculas in my reef tank. The tank is 125 gallons, with a 30 gallon refugium underneath. <It is not a good idea in this size tank.> There is at least 80 pound of live rock, some mushrooms and polyps and small leather. Currently the tank houses: 1 purple tang, 1 mated pair of true perculas, 1 sm/med hippo tang, 1 blackcap Basslet, 1 lawnmower blenny, 1 filament wrasse, and one neon dotty back. Can I mix the two pairs? Is the tank two small? The true perculas hang out on one side of the tank, and when I added a false percula, they picked on him briefly but left him alone. I took him out and returned to LFS. <As the clownfish mature the aggressive behavior will get worse. You will likely end up with two female, who will usually fight to the death of one or both of them. A few have been successful with keeping two pairs, however it is usually in systems of a few hundred gallons or more.> As always, thanks in advance and great website. Regards, James <You're welcome! Brenda> Mixing Clownfish Species 5/12/07 Hey Guys, <Hi, Jeni/Pufferpunk here> I had a question about my tomato clown. I have a 55 gallon system, 110 watts of blue actinic and 100k, a yellow tang, blue tang, 3 Chromis, hawkfish, diamond goby, cleaner shrimp, fire shrimp, florida Condy, green zoos, leather toadstool, mushrooms, and Percula as well. <Percula clown, although some of them may have Percula antics! It is recommended 1 tang per 90 gallons.> All my water conditions are perfect, except I do have high alkalinity which I have been trying to bring down a bit. Anyhow, my issue is with my Percula clown. He just sits in the upper right corner next to my powerhead all day and night, never comes out from behind it. I am pretty sure it is because of the tomato's aggressive behavior towards him. Is this typical of the tomato? <Absolutely. It is not a good idea to mix clownfish species in a tank, especially a tank that small. Tomatoes have a bad rep for aggressiveness. I had one with very aggressive puffers & it chewed their tails down to the bone!> I am wondering if I should get rid of the tomato, because in the future I plan to bring another Percula in and try to mate them and also get them to take an anemone. <Definitely re-home the tomato clownfish.> Also my tomato clown has a nice set of chompers on him, I can see his fangs easily. Is this normal? Should he be getting something to keep them ground down like a puffer would? <Not necessary. Puffers have a fused "beak" that continues to grow, unless constantly eating crunchy foods. Totally different set of teeth.> Thanks for the help! <No problem! Be sure to look up the many available resources on breeding clownfish. I'd also get rid of that Condy, before adding an anemone for the percula clowns. ~PP> Crypt, Clown comp. 5/3/07 Hello Crew, I have what I hope will be a quick question. I have a 100 gallon display tank that recently came down with ich. I'm sorry, I wasn't quarantining, but didn't know better, honest! I do now, and will from now on, promise! Currently all fish, including a pair of Ocellaris clownfish, a pink spot goby, 8 Chromis, and two fire fish are in a spare 40 gallon recovering. All have been ich free for approximately 2 weeks. I am now returning the specific gravity back to normal through water changes, and I hope to be at 1.025 by the end of this week. <How were these fishes treated? If only by manipulated spg, they almost certainly are carriers still...> The fish will spend another four to six weeks in the hospital tank while the display goes fallow. Here is my question. I have always wanted a pair of black Ocellaris clownfish. While looking through your website, there seems to be some dissention between the crew as to whether or not Ocellaris and Black Ocellaris will co habitat. On the page http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clnfshcompfaq3.htm James Salty Dog) says in a 135 the fish will be fine, but later Brenda says you can't mix them at all. I should also note I have two anemones <What species?> in the display, separated by a rock outcropping. They seem to be flourishing, in fact both have deepened in color and grown since I've had them. I'm figuring that now would be the best time to add the black Ocellaris, as there is nothing in the hospital tank to be territorial over, and the current pair are away from their host anemone. I know my current clowns are pretty docile, as they often share their sebae anemone with my pink spot goby, which freaked me out more than a little the first time I saw him perched on it. Thank you very much for your opinion, and any advice you can give. Vince. <In a hundred gallons... I give you good odds of compatibility here... But do read re Crypt, Hyposalinity... on WWM. Bob Fenner> Re: Crypt, Clown comp. -- 5/4/07 Hello Bob, Thank you for responding to my query. I did not want to treat with Copper, since I originally had a Kole tang, which unfortunately succumbed to the ich. I did treat with Formalin-3, as dictated on the bottle. Unfortunately I don't know of a test for Formaldehyde, so I've been doing 10 gallon water changes every other day. <Good... is very toxic. A biocide.> I know Formalin is some pretty noxious stuff, and I'm hoping I have the vast majority out by now. I also raised the temperature in the tank to 84 degrees, hoping to speed up the life cycle of the ich, and reduced the SPG to 1.012. <All helps> I vacuumed the bare bottom every day, and currently all the fish are spot free and feeding very well. I have in my display tank a Sebae, which is approximately 10 inches across, and a Corkscrew LTA which is about 6 inches across. I had the Sebae first, and have since nursed it back to full color and expansion from the bleached white it was when I purchased it some two years ago. <Ah, good> I had often heard that you should not mix anemones, but when I was at my LFS in the tank I purchased the LTA out of there was a mix of Sebaes and LTAs. <Some species, individuals do get along better than others...> Most were in fact touching each other. <Temporarily...> I asked the owner, and he told me Sebaes and LTAs are compatible with each other, and that I as long as I didn't add a bubble tip or carpet I should be fine. I also run a carbon reactor, which I believe helps keep down any chemical warfare. <Yes> Do you think I should add the black Ocellaris to the QT tank all the other fish are in now, of would I be better off QTing them separately, and adding them and all other fish back to the display tank at the same time? <I strongly urge waiting... doing separately later> Thank you for such a great site, it has guided me in the right direction on more than one occasion. Vince <Very happy to assist you. Bob Fenner> Extreme aggression Between Fire Clown and Maroon Clown. Mixing Clownfish -- 4/26/07 <Hello> I need your help again and immediately. As I am new to the hobby. <And a wonderful hobby it is!> My tank has been up and cycled. <You're on your way!> During cycling I introduced 1 Fire clown to help me with the cycling. <It's really better to cycle without fish. They're not actually necessary to the process and are exposed to unnecessary stress. Many simply don't survive it, but I'm glad yours did. Lots of good information re: tank cycling at WWM.> He is the oldest resident of the tank. Now last night I added following: 4 Dominos. 4 Yellow tail damsel 1 Maroon clown (My Fave) 1 Common Clown. <Depending on tank size, that's more than likely too many to add to any new system at one time. Be sure to keep an eye on your water parameters. Also, were any of these fish QT'd? If not, please consider it in the future. Take my word for it, I'll save you much in the way of livestock and peace of mind! http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_3/cav3i4/quarantine/Quarantine.htm > Now the problem is the Fire Clown is bullying the maroon clown and chasing him like anything. <Totally normal. Different species of clowns do not get along!> The maroon clown on the other hand is new to tank and is stressed due to long shipment and new environment. <And not too crazy about getting picked on either, I bet!> What should I do so the Stupid fire clown keep the maroon clown at rest. <I'd decide on one clown species and remove the others. Perhaps have a pair of the type you prefer.> Thank you for your Help in advance. Your early replies will help a lot. Warm Regards Rafaqat Javed <You're very welcome and good luck! --Lynn> Clownfish jumped, should I replace her? 4/23/07 Hi, <Hello, Brenda here> We have had a pair of Perculas for about three years now. Unfortunately, our female jumped tank a couple days ago. <Yikes! Sorry to hear that!> We thought the male died too but it turns out he was hiding. He finally started coming out today. We are wondering if we should leave him on his own, or get him another clown-friend? <This is a personal choice. He does not need a mate to survive. He will be fine without. The male will likely become female, so if you do decide to get him a mate, try to get the smallest you can find.> The tank is a 72 gallon. It has a pajama cardinal, a scooter blenny, 4 blue-green chromis, and a mandarin goby. Thanks for the advice! <You're welcome! Brenda> Clownfish Not Getting Along 4/23/07 Hello! <Hi> I recently purchased two small clownfish about 2 weeks ago. They are eating healthily and look quite happy. However, I have an issue with their current behaviour. Of the two clownfish, there is one that is slightly bigger, and I'm concerned with the bigger one's behaviour. He seems to constantly chase the smaller one, it almost looks like he is biting the fish in the tail. <Not a he, a she.> He is not actually taking bites out of his tail though. He even once drove the smaller fish to jump into the filter in the back of the tank, luckily I was there to rescue him. Now the smaller fish generally hides in the midst of my bubble tip anemone. I was wondering if there is something I can do, or if there is a serious problem with the larger fish's behaviour! Thanks! <The larger clownfish has become or is becoming the female and establishing dominance over the smaller male. Usually over time this behavior will lessen, although some continuing harassment is not uncommon. If it continues at its current level it means the female will not accept this particular male and they will have to be separated, however this is pretty uncommon with most types of clownfish (maroons being the main exception) and I would guess that eventually they will able to live in relative peace together.> <Chris> Clowns, Mixing and Overcrowded -- 4/15/07 Hello!! <Hello.> I have a couple of questions about our clownfish... <Okay, let see what I can do...> first let me say that I just recently (i.e. tonight) stumbled across your website, and from what I read I've found it very enlightening. I'll refer to it often, I'm sure. :) <Awesome!. > My husband and I are new to the saltwater hobby, and we've got a 30 gallon tank set up. We've got a maroon clown, 2 perculas (true or false, I'm not sure yet), a coral beauty, a lawnmower blenny, and a yellow tang (who is moving to a larger tank within the week), along with some blue-leg hermits and a few snails. <Hmmm, there are a few issues here. First the clowns, mixing species is sure to result in well...negative results. They will likely, eventually fight to the death. The maroon is the favored one in this fight, choose one or the other but you can not house both species in this tank. Second is the angel, Centropyge angels need much more room to roam and feed...typically a space of 55 gallons or larger, when you move the tang consider giving the angel the boot as well.> At first, the maroon was nipping at the perculas, but seems to have settled down somewhat. <Will ensue again, especially as the maroon gets larger.> My question is this: lately the maroon has taken to a certain spot underneath the heater, and we've watched it flip its tail back and forth rapidly, brushing the crushed coral away at the bottom of the tank. <She/He has found a "home" spot it likes/favors.> its made a semi-circular bed of sorts, and its tearing up its tail fin. it doesn't come out of that area very often, and it has gotten along well with the other fish, but now it nips at one of our perculas. <See my above comments.> I know that maroons are aggressive, <Very.> especially toward other clown species, but its only going after the one, and not the other. <One them the other...is to be the case.> I think that the one its going after is (possibly) the female of the two perculas, as it seems to have gotten bigger than the other (they were the same size when we purchased them), but I really have no clue. <Going after the clown it probably views as more of a threat, competition of sorts.> Also, the percula that the maroon is attacking seems to be changing color-both were very bright orange when we bought them, and now the larger of the two is starting to get darker along the top. Is this normal, or is the maroon stressing it out? <Probably a little of both, color is also dependant on diet as well.> I know its kind of hard to understand in writing, and if I am able to get a decent picture, I'll send one. <I believe any problems you have are coming from improper mixes and crowding.> As I said, we're new to the saltwater game, and any tips or suggestions would be appreciated. <Try reading here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nanoreefsysart.htm .> Thank you, <Welcome.> A. Jackson <Hey! Those are my initials and my last name! A. Jackson - but you can call me Adam or AJ or Action as my friends prefer.> Re: Mixing Clowns -- 04/16/07 Wow, that was quick! <Yes, we try to respond within 24 hours if not sooner to all e-mails, well except spam... we delete that.> Truth be told, I don't care much for the maroon, but it was the first fish my husband spotted and he wanted it instantly. <They are great long-term pets, you just have to be aware of their potential size and aggression.> Much the same way a child spots a cool toy and throws a fit if it doesn't get it? Insert husband, the cool toy being the maroon. <I won't tell him...> I don't think it goes with the tank, but...maybe now I can get it out of there-"the experts say.." hehehe. <Yes I'm willing to be the "bad-guy."> Ok, let me ask you this- I know that clowns are territorial, but do perculas "get along" with any other types of clowns (clarkii, for example)? <No; generally, you don't want to go mixing clowns of any species.> Or are we just asking for trouble there, too? <Trouble.> Thanks for the rapid response, <No problem.> A. Jackson <Adam J.> --kind of creepy about the name thing...lol <Honestly I thought someone was teasing me at first...AJ> Dendrochirus and Amphiprion Mixing -- 4/9/07 Hi crew. <Hello.> Love the site, its very helpful. <Thank you.> My question today is whether a Fu Manchu Lionfish would be compatible with 2 True Percula Clownfish w/ Bubble Tip Anemone. <Even though the Fu Manchu is considered a dwarf species, it can still attain roughly 5' in length, and is more than capable of swallowing fish nearly half this size. The clowns would be at to much risk for comfort in my opinion, especially in a tank of this size.> My tank set up is a 40 Gallon, Aqua C Remora Skimmer, Marineland Penguin 200 Power Filter w/ Bio Wheel, a powerhead and 300w metal halides with 35 lbs. <Lots of light, a shallow water bio-tope?> of live rock, 20 lbs. of live sand, assorted corals, and a crocea clam. I know FML's grow quite small for lionfish and my clownfish are getting up there. I also heard that lionfish can get blinded by too much light and I have my metal halides on twelve hours a day, is that going to effect the lionfish. <I wouldn't go as far as to say it will blind the animal but it will cause it to be much more reclusive, I would prefer less light w/ this creature.> Thanks for the help. <Of course, Adam J.>
Clownfish Fighting -- 2/25/07 <Hi Jon, Brenda here> About three months ago I bought a couple of clowns for my 16 gal nano. They've been doing great, hanging out together, etc. About three or four days ago one of them has been chasing the other one around. It's now to the point where the other one is scared and constantly hiding. He (or I guess she) is even starting to look a little tattered and losing color. <Could be two females, if so, they will likely fight until the death of one. My guess is they are determining who is going to be the dominate one, or female. I am concerned with the loss of color.> I'm afraid I'm witnessing a murder. <You may be. You are going to have to use your best judgment. They may work it out. Keep a close eye on them.> I thought about getting one of them out of there and putting them in a quarantine, but then what? <Return to LFS, trade in for a much smaller clownfish or offer one to a local hobbyist.> I searched for some answers but didn't really find anything that suited my needs. I appreciate the help. Jon <I hope this helps. Brenda> Clownfish Stocking Density.....Movie that won't go away...... 1/29/07 Hi, <Hello.> I need some information on clown fish. I have a 65 gallon tank and I was wondering how many Nemos <You kidding? Please tell me you're kidding.....still scares me a lot of people refer to them that way.> (don't feel like trying to spell the real name) <Doesn't take longer to write that last phrase than....percula clownfish.> I can have in that tank I've heard you can have a pair in a 20 gallon so could I pull off 5 or 6? <If they were the lone inhabitants it could work while they are juveniles but in the long -term only pair may be compatible, as a dominant female evolves out of the bunch....she may not take a liking to the rest. Do read WWM re: clownfish behavior.> Thanks, <Anytime.> Morgan <Adam_J.> Mixing Clownfish 1/29/07 My questions revolves mixing black and white percula's with false/ocellaris percula's. I was planning on either having a pair of each or what ever combination you guys thought was safe. The tank in question is 125gallon FOWL with 1 Hippo Tang, 1 Yellow Tang, 1 pygmy angel. I have read on the site that mixing different clown species is a no no... but they seem so close, and I read that the black and white's can be mixed with other clowns. <Mmm, just had a similar question a few days back. In a large tank such as yours, there shouldn't be any problems in mixing clowns, outside of a few standoffs early in the acclimation period. I'd make sure there were at least two of each specie though. Thanks, <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> James Firefish attacked by Black Perc. 1/26/07 Hey guys, how are you today? <I am well, considering the 10-degree day outside. Thanks.> I purchased a Firefish about 3 days ago and placed him in my 50 gallon tank with 2 Perc's, a Royal Gramma, and a Hot-pink Pseudochromis. <Two issues here, Tom: 1) No QT. New introductions should be qt'd for 3-6 wks for inspection, etc. 2) This ultra docile fish should not have been added lastly to this (or any) setup. I am not at all surprised by this outcome, given his tankmates.> He should have been the last <First, actually...> piece to the puzzle, but of course when you're dealing with fish you're dealing with personalities no matter what's said to be compatible. He seems to have a problem being welcomed to what was a "Peaceful Community". My smaller Orange Perc. seems not to mind he's there, and neither does any of the other fish either, but my larger Black Perc. hates! him. He <"She" is probable...> nips at him every time he comes out, whether it be for food, a swim, whatever. I understand the Black Perc. may be territorial and is known for being aggressive (damn damsels), but geez! Is he going to chill? <Probably not.> I'm afraid for the Firefish and if I could get him out I would but he's too fast. <You can see where planning in advance would've been prudent here?> My Black Perc's easier to catch if I tried but he was the first fish in there. Not even his Orange friend was welcomed like this, in fact he LOVES him. They are a true pair no matter what color each is, inseparable. I want my Firefish to be free from harm, not starving. Help! <I can recommend a few paths for you to follow here. Remove both clowns to a separate system for a while, as the firefish gains confidence in his surroundings. Rearrange the decor while both clowns are removed, and after a few weeks, you could reintroduce the clowns to the 50gal. Another route would be to remove (permanently) the clown or firefish. -GrahamT.> Clownfish Compatibility 1/24/07 I have a 155 gal. tank and wanted to know if I could keep four to six different types of ocellaris clown fish. I just bought two black ocellaris last week and wanted to add two to four orange ocellaris clowns this week or soon. Is this something I could do? <I see no problems my friend, outside of a few threatening gestures at introduction, you should be fine. James (Salty Dog)> Two Pairs of Clownfish Together? - 1/15/07 <Hi Shane, Brenda here tonight> I put two tank raised orange/white Ocellaris Percula in two days ago and want to add two more black/white tank raised Ocellaris Percula. <Not recommended> Since the establishment time for the first two has been practically non-existent, do you think it will be a problem? <Yes, eventually> I have a 55 gallon tank, 45 lbs of LR. I will rearrange or add some LR to force the two currently in there to find a new home if that's all it will take. I figured since neither group of fish has ever been exposed to an anemone, and were raised with other clowns that there would be little trouble with territorial aggression. <Your tank is too small to have two pairs of clowns. You may not see any aggression for a while, but as they mature it is likely. There is no guarantee that there will not be aggression even with a much larger system.> Thanks for your time -- Shane <You are welcome! Good luck with your system! Brenda> Aggressive Tendencies Hello Everybody <Hey Travis, JustinN with you today.> I have been reviewing the site for a while and I just have to say that you all do a great job. <Thank you for this> I recently came into a dilemma. I have had a pair of ocellaris clowns for about 4 months now and they have been getting along great. Two days ago the male has started getting attached to the long tentacle anemone that I have in my tank. <Wonderful! This is such a pleasurable association to witness, especially in your own home!> He is constantly in and out of it spending most of the day in it. The female on the other end did not want anything to do with the long tentacle. That was until today. <*in a menacing tone* Dun dun dun!> The female now has taken over "control" of the anemone and whenever the male even looks at it the female darts out and nips him on the side. Is this normal for one ocellaris to take over the anemone and not let the original one into it. <Absolutely> I assume that it boils down to a dominance thing. <You are correct here.> However when neither of them are in the anemone they are inseparable and swim around together. <All is fine here, just part of typical mated pair behavior here. Give it time, and she may allow him access to the anemone more readily. though this may take an extended period as the clowns inhabiting the anemone did.> Another question I have is about my Cleaner Shrimp. He (presumably) grew from around 1" inch to the now current size of about 3" 1/2 inches (body length) in about 3 months. He tends to hang out in the back corner of the tank and when a fish swims by he darts at them aggressively. <Not so much aggressive as instinctual. This is the job of these shrimp on the reef.> He has no problem and cleans my yellow tang on a regular basis. He gets a good amount of food because whenever I feed flake to the aquarium he skims the top and grabs some for himself. I am just curious if this is common to be this aggressive. Thanks for all your help. Travis <I wouldn't consider the shrimp to be outwardly aggressive, just eager to clean. Consider it a testament to your good husbandry skills. All your creatures as you describe, read to be living in a happy and comfortable home under your care. Good job, Travis. Hope this helps you! -JustinN> Evil Clownfish! 1/6/07 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> Have been a big fan of your website! <Thanks, me too!> I just recently introduced a stars and stripes puffer about 3 weeks ago. I also have a tomato clown that does not seem to want to leave him alone. The tomato will charge at the puffer and hit him and then the puffer will roll over to his side and this just keeps happening all day long. What should I do to make the clown leave the puffer alone? I don't want the puffer to get to stressed out to where he gets ich. Please Help!! <Not only will this effect your puffer's immune system by stressing it out but it will probably stop eating (if it already hasn't). I had a clown with my puffers & it chewed their tails to a stub! I suggest finding another tank for the clownfish to live in, if you want to keep the puffer. For more info on puffers, go to www.thepufferforum.com ~PP> Clownfish Troubles 12/7/06 Hi WWM crew <Hi> For start I would like to say that I love your website. I have a 70 gallon tank with deep sand bed and about 100 kg of live rock, the fish that I have are 1 tomato clown(4 inch), baby hippo tang(3 inch) <Rapidly outgrowing that tank.> and a bicolor Pseudochromis. Yesterday I add mated false percula in to the tank <QT?> and the tomato started to pick on them if they came out of there hiding spot, So I caught the tomato and isolated him in the same tank for 15 min and when I let him out again he didn't pick on them anymore. So I was wondering will he be peaceful towards them later or was it just a normal act the tomato took because of the new fish. please help me I'm really worried about them that he may start picking again. thank <While I can not guarantee a fish's individual behavior, most likely you will run into trouble in the future. Best not to mix clownfish.> <Chris> Clown fish Q 11/16/06 Hi, I have a 40 gallon tank with 100 pounds of sand 200 lbs. of live rock <And no water> a sally light foot crab and a 2 claw shrimp. I also have 2 damsels. I just added 5 False Percula clowns to the system will the pecking order take longer because there are 5 clowns? <Trouble...> Because there all split into different areas of the tank ex. 3 in left corner and 1 in middle and 2 on right side. <Need to move, remove all but two... and even then, keep an eye on the other two damselfish/es (Clowns are Damsels as well)> I don't know what to do. and what type of anemone should I look to get for them? <You're joking? Please see WWM re> Is it better to keep them in smaller groups? Thanks, Morgan <Read my young friend, read. Bob Fenner> Re: Clownfish Q 11/16/06 Hi, again well to my surprise I came home from school today to only find three of my clowns! I don't know whether to go in and look after just one day but I checked my nitrate and Ammonia (Sp) and there both at .25 but my dad said that could be because of just adding them. <Yes, this is so> I ran my Skilter for about 5 hours with no waste being pulled. <Takes a while...> should I tare through the whole tank just yet or wait for a day or two? <Mmm... better to wait given the circumstances you list below... large enough volume for dilution, biologically active surface area for rendering metabolite/dissolved tissue reduction> and I'll send in a pic of my tank but it only has 100 pounds of rock and 50 lbs. of sand (dad doesn't do estimations really well haha) but if u <... you> would still like a pic I can send one. Do you know anything about hatching shark eggs in tanks? <Yes... is posted on WWM> I've had one for about 3 weeks but no one can really give me much info. Thanks Again, Morgan <Mmm, "Man of the sea" (one definition of your name)... I do hope/trust this shark and the clowns are co-habitants. Bob Fenner> Clownfish Aggression 10/12/06 Hi. <Hi> I'm hoping you can help me with a little problem I had with my clownfish. I have a little 24 gal fish only tank (JBJ nano cube) with 26lbs of live rock, a few feather dusters that hitch-hiked in, and a few blue-leg hermit crabs. I added a purple firefish (N. Decora) and then a clownfish (A. ocellaris) about two weeks later. Everything went good for about 4 months before my purple firefish died. About three weeks later I tried adding an orange firefish (N. magnifica) and my clownfish ripped it to pieces. Within an hour the firefish had no fins (due to the clownfish biting them off) and was gasping on the bottom. Is this normal behavior for clownfish or did I just get an unusually aggressive one? Are there any suitable tank-mates that my clownfish won't kill or any tips on acclimating a new fish that will curb my clown's aggression? Any advice would help. <Clownfish can be quite aggressive like all damsels. Best tank mate would be another clown, smaller than the first. The tank has now been claimed by the clown as its own, so other species will most likely have problems.> <Chris> Twitching clowns... Lots of cute names... for incompatible, over-stocked, soon-to-be-dead marines. Ho-buoy! Almost past-time to read 10/3/06 Hello Bob I'm a new comer with a query. I have a small tank of 38 litres, 2.5 kilos of live rock, 1 anemone about 3inches circumference (called Fats), 1 bubble anemone 1 1/2 inches circumference (called Mr. Willys) <Anemones are largely incompatible cross-species... no matter what they're named> 1 star fish (called Miss Movie Star) 1 ocellaris clown (Snoopy 2.5cms long) for this time. but only 2 months ago added Fats because he never went in to the Mr. Willys). Once I got Fats he seemed happy and complete so after a couple of weeks I added one tiny domino damsel (Spots 1cm long), <Let's call him Mr. Biggee, the Terminator> which he constantly chased around the tank. Snoopy was getting more and more aggressive so I purchased another ocellaris yesterday (Tony - 2.5cm long). <Too much...> Now Tony is the boss of the tank chasing snoopy away from Fats, they locked jaws fighting for the first few hours on off yesterday. Today doesn't seem as bad but Tony chases Snoopy constantly and they both do this twitching movement on there side (Snoopy does it more) Tony is forcing Snoopy behind the rock and then returns to Fats only for a few seconds then hangs around Snoopy and back and forth it goes. Snoopy is a bit ragged today and doesn't look happy. Snoopy tries to return to Fats but Tony is on to him and doesn't let him stay for long and then with the twitching again. Is Tony going to get him or what's going on. Thanks Terri-Anne <You have too much and incompatible life here... Please read re Anemone Compatibility: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemcompfaqs.htm Clownfish Compatibility, Dascyllus Comp.... look these up for yourself. You need to either have a much larger system (tens of times what you have), more systems... or to return some of this livestock. BobF> Clownfish Compatibility...Another Shift Key Went Kaput 9/29/06 Thanks again for the best information on marine aquariums. <You're welcome.> I am consolidating some tanks and would like to relocate a Tomato Clown and Bubble Tip Anemone which have formed a nice relationship into a 75 gallon FOWLR tank with 2 Ocellaris Clownfish. I am a little reluctant, but wanted to get your input before I move them. My concern is that the tank size may be too small. I have seen this work well in a 125g. Thanks again. <I would not mix the Tomato Clown with the Ocellaris Clowns. The Tomato Clown will defend a good size area around the anemone, and the Ocellaris' will not be happy campers. James (Salty Dog)> Clownfish Compatibility 9/27/06 Hello Bob, <James today.> I have a Maroon Clown also known as [Premnas biaculeatus] he is roughly one inch and a half, also, I have a large ritteri Anenome, but my clown does not go near it. I know clowns don't get along with other clowns, but what if I get a similar size clown that is compatible with my ritteri anemone, like a Percula Clown or a Skunk Clown, normally these clowns hardly ever leave their anemone. So my question would be, if I add a percula clown, will the Maroon Clown fight with the other although one type clown has the advantage of an anemone such as my ritteri? <More than likely, your Maroon Clown was tank bred, and doesn't know what an anemone is. As for adding a percula with the maroon, I wouldn't recommend it. The Maroon Clownfish are semi-aggressive, and fighting would more than likely break out. Would not matter much whether the percula was in the anemone, the maroon would still go after it. Their aggressive behavior increases with age, and, maroons will generally fight among themselves unless a mated pair. James (Salty Dog)> Mixing Clownfish 9/24/06 Hi guys <Hello> I was just wondering if it were possible to mix a pair of Percula clowns with a pair of Skunk clowns in a 58 gallon tank with 300 watts of light and three bubble anemones. There were originally two anemones then one split, Thanks Ron <Not a good idea due to the lack of space. They will definitely fight and kill each other. Cheers! -- Dr. J> Blue Tang... beh. - 09/14/06 Hi Bob, I write you again for some help. I have had a blue tang in my 55 gallon tank for a month now along with a saddleback clownfish. Everybody had been fine until a couple days ago, I noticed my small blue tang laying on the live rock that he usually lies on at night, but now he's doing it all day and all night. <Not good> He is breathing fine (not rapidly) and still moves sometime but always laying on the rock and not eating. I tested my water and all is fine except 10 ppm of nitrate, but that is fine. I did do a 10 gallon water change yesterday and I thought he'd be dead today but he is still alive. Just laying there. I happened all the sudden. No physical signs of sickness. Please advise me again. Thanks Aaron <Mmm... well... a fifty five gallon volume is actually too small for a Paracanthurus... but if it were my guess, there's something in the way of negative interaction (though not necessarily extroverted enough for you to observe easily) going on twixt the Damsel/Clown here... I would separate these two... pronto. Bob Fenner> Re: Blue Tang... beh. no more 9/15/06 Thanks for your advice. My tang died yesterday. Is that my underlined problem that I am not seeing. <? Underlying?> Do I need to go with a 75 or even 90 gallon tank. <Or bigger, yes> I have always had luck with my clowns but nothing else. <Telling> Every time I get more than three fish in the tank they end up dying off. <More likely being harassed to death...> Except for the clowns. I have a 55 gallon with 60 pounds of premium Fiji live rock, a SeaClone 150 skimmer, a turbo twist 18 watt UV, and an emperor 400. But is all that not enough for just a 55. <The fifty five itself...> I want to go bigger anyway but I'm afraid of going that big and still not being able to keep more than 3 fish alive. <Try other species perhaps... not Amphiprionines... and if these, only tank-bred/raised specimens... easier-going by far> Do you have any link about hooking up wet dry filters (All Glass Mega overflow sump) and tanks being drilled for it and the plumbing. <Oh yes... Please scroll through here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marsetupindex2.htm> I never dealt with that I've always bought hang on equipment. Thanks Bob <We also once never rode bicycles, drove cars... someday, spaceships. Bob Fenner> Triggers, Anemones, Clowns? Not tog. 9/6/06 One other question. I did not find it on your site, but may not be looking hard enough. What is compatibility with Pink tail trigger 3", Humu (Picasso) 2.5" and 2.5" niger and an anemone? <... usually zip> If I am having a chemical war I would like to move my anemone and 2 Percs to my other tank which is a fish only. <The Clowns likewise would likely be consumed in time here> Right now my Percs keep laying eggs and would like to see them continue but seem to have a very happy life in my 72 bow front. I do not want to send them to the fish tank in the sky by moving them to my fish only tank <Me neither... perhaps another tank, or two? Bob Fenner> Percula Pair Going Through Divorce? Small, mis-mixed cnid. system, Tube Anemone... 9/2/06 Afternoon, <Yawnnnn! AM here now> Thank you for being a resource for me! I've searched through the FAQ's and Daily Q&A for an answer but I've only found bits and pieces relative to my clowns' situation rather than the whole story. They've been a pair for nearly 8 months, 6 of which in my 12gallon nano tank with an appropriate watt Halide looming over it. The environment is littered with coral -- neon green star polyps, leather coral, devil's hands, bubble coral, frog spawn -- and presently has a single tube anemone. <Too crowded... and a Cerianthus? Toxic> My tank is not a good supporter of anemone's such as carpets, bulb, and long tentacles, or rather, I'M not a good supporter of them since they don't live longer than a couple months. <... agreed... small marine volumes are unsuitable for actinarians period> My guess is a lacking food supply since my clowns don't feed their anemone like the clowns I've had in the past. I'm now trying the turkey baster with brine method. <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/tubeanem.htm and the linked files above> The problem (aside from my inability to keep an anemone besides the tube anemone) is that my pair aren't much of a pair anymore. When I had my last anemone -- which I just netted out of the tank today and tossed to the garbage men, <...> my pair started going through the mating motions -- which i identified by the smaller having the little seizure spasms near the larger. Now that the anemone is gone the two aren't getting along. The smaller will chase the larger into a corner, leaving the larger gasping at the top of the tank. <... too crowded... no where to get away... the cnidarians, incompatible, warring with each other... will take out any/all fishes> I'm worried because I absolutely adore these two clowns, <If you do... then grant them a decent habitat... Please... Read re the needs of these fish, provide them... A feeling will not support their health... only action, with knowledge can. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clownfis.htm and the linked files above> they're incredibly hardy and eat like triggers, and now that they're fighting as they are I'm pretty much just waiting for one to get too stressed out and end up being an offering to the porcelain gods. They're about an inch and a half and inch and three quarters long, the larger being thicker; they're a bright orange with three white stripes connected by two large black patches. The colors are immaculate and I haven't seen another like them in my LFS so I'm unable to attempt to find a like male to replace the one who's pissy now. Thank you for your time! Ian. <Translate your sentiment to focus, attention in gathering useful information re the life in your care. Read! Bob Fenner> False Percula...Compatibility 8/21/06 Hi Bob <James today, Kim> Great site! <Thank you.> Hey, wondering what to do about a False Percula in my 46 bow front, who is now the tiny guy amongst my others...Flame angel, Fox face, Blue Regal Tang, Lawnmower Blenny, Sand Star, Coral Banded Shrimp, Cleaner Shrimp. (Feeding is a bit of a problem because he runs when the other guys get near.) <Not a good mix, too many aggressive feeders here, and soon, your tank will be (if not now, depending on size) too small for these fish.> Q's: a. Too late to add another False Perc? (he's been in a month or so) <Would not add any more fish to this tank.> b. Feeding options? <Might try a small turkey baster and squirt a little food near the clown. Perculas belong with less aggressive eaters, may want to find a home for him.> c. To eventually put in a few corals and/or anemones, which lighting do you prefer-strips with actinics, etc. or halides?-(or combo) Would not put anemones in this tank with non-anemone tolerant fish, or mix anemones with corals. Lighting is going to depend on what kind of corals you want to keep. Read here and related links above. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/acclimcoralslight.htm> Thank you for the input! <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Best Regards, Kim Andrews Compatibility...Mixing Perculas 8/20/06 Hello again, Hello again, <Hi Lisa> I've tried to search through the forums but think it might be best just to go ahead and e-mail all of you directly. My 125gl reef is just about finished cycling. My quarantine tanks (2 10gl) are up and running....water quality is good. I'm ready to start acquiring my first fish for the main tank (which will be in quarantine for 4 weeks) and am interested in a pair of clowns. I love the black and white percula and the rest of the family like the false perculas. I'm looking into getting clowns that are quite young (an inch or less), as we'd like to watch them grow up in our aquarium. The tank will "eventually" house a few small species, a Blue Reef Chromis and Coral or Flame Angel are definite at this time. We may also go with a blenny as we have a DSB and would like to give the inverts some help. :o) My question is, if I buy a black and white and a false that are the same size and quarantine them together for a month, do you think they'd either pair off or at least be able to coexist in the same tank together? <Do consider a couple of sand sifting starfish for your DSB, but would not purchase until your tank has been up and running for a few months. Do search/read DSBs on our site. The perculas should get along fine together and may even pair off > Thanks again!! <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Lisa Clownfish who are anti blue?? Comp. 8/2/06 Hi all, hope all is well with whoever gets this today. It would seem I have another question, which is baffling me as well as most of the other fish keepers I know in the area. I've had some wonderful help from James (Salty Dog) and Bob Fenner in the past and am hoping that someone could shed some light on my newest dilemma. I have a 120G with 2 Amphiprion ocellaris, a Priolepis nocturna, Amblygobius phalaena, Pseudochromis fridmani, Gobiodon rivulatus and Gobiodon okinawae. I also have an Assessor macneilli who I've been attempting to unsuccessfully introduce into this tank. My problem centres around my clownfish pair (the infamous black Amphiprion ocellaris)....again. This time I'm happy to report they are about as healthy as fish can be. They breed exactly every 14 days, like clockwork, (I could set my calendar to them) between 6 and 7:30 at night in exactly the same spot on their beloved standpipe every time. The other fish involved in my problem is my darling little blue assessor. I got him as an engagement present from my fiancé (he didn't just get him, he knew I'd looking one for a while, and organized with my LFS owner who really knows his stuff and is always really helpful, to get a healthy one for me, then sent me to pick him up and do it all my way when it arrived). I've slowly been adding fish after the killer worm spree, and the Assessor was to be fish number 5 back into my 120G. All fish are quarantined for at least 3 weeks, eating and healthy before added to the main tank. After the worm problem I only had 3 fish left, my 2 clowns and my Priolepis nocturna. I then added an Amblygobius phalaena... all was well. Clowns happy, two gobies happy, all eating away and living in peace. Enter my poor little blue assessor. I put him in the tank and it was on, the clownfish chased him everywhere, followed him through the rock work, tore up parts of the tank to get to him and before I was able to get him back out of the tank I thought the poor thing was dead for sure. It was missing its tail (thankfully the peduncle wasn't damaged so his tail has grown back beautifully) they had torn the middle of his dorsal fin out, partially skinning his back in the process, and the poor thing actually willingly swum into the net (the only place the clowns wouldn't follow). He got returned to QT and I had a couple of touch and go days where I thought for sure he'd be a goner, but he survived, and most everything grew back (part of his dorsal fin won't regrow, but it doesn't seem to affect his swimming). So I left him in the 40G QT, now no longer a QT but my assessor only tank. I set up new QT and got my Pseudochromis fridmani. After the assessor debacle I was a bit hesitant to add him, so partitioned the clowns in their corner, <Good> and let the dotty free. The clowns could have cared less. Partition came down 3 days later, still no issues, clowns, 2 gobies and dotty all happily eating and swimming and completely ignoring each other. I thought "well I'll try the assessor again maybe the clowns were just having a bad day" partitioned the clowns this time, popped him in and they bashed the partition till I thought they'd beat their brains out to get him. <Mmm...> So out he came and back into his 40 QT. About 4 weeks ago the Gobiodon rivulatus and Gobiodon okinawae took my fancy and I got them after a bit of research to make sure they'd be compatible in my tank. Did the QT thing, got them eating, then last week partitioned the clowns again and let them loose. Nothing, the clowns didn't care. I took the partition down and everyone was happily ignoring each other. So, (you're wondering where the question is by now I'm sure, I just wanted to make sure I didn't leave out any detail to give you some idea as to why I'm so puzzled) how come my clowns want to kill my assessor, but could care less about any of the other fish? <Something... about its shape, color as you speculate... the part of the environment it occupies... that threatens the clowns...> I don't think it's the shape as the dotty is a similar shape and they don't bother her. My only hypothesis is that it might be his colour as my clowns are black and white and he's blue (maybe see blue similar to black and that makes them territorial)?? <Maybe. Perhaps there is an "anemone predator" that appears similar to Clowns... > I'm happy to keep him in his own tank, I've grown rather attached to him and what's one more tank added to more then 50 already. <Good attitude> I obviously would prefer to have him in the larger tank for his own happiness (bigger, more stable, more room to swim) but as my clowns seem determined to kill him that obviously won't be happening unless any of you have a clue to why they hate him so much or something I could try to sneak him in and have them accept him. Thank you Amanda <Thank you for relating this account. Bob Fenner> False and True Perc compatibility 7/28/06 Hello, < Howdy! > I would like to know if a true perc would coexist peacefully with a false perc in a 60 gallon tank. < Yes, they have before, and will undoubtedly do it again! > (60 gallon UniQuarium with a Aqua C remora pro and 20 lbs live rock rubble in the rear filtration chamber of the tank) I currently have 60 lbs of live rock and 3 inch live sand bed. The live rock and sand where moved in from an established tank that had been up and running for 2 years... All water parameters look good and stable for the past two weeks. My current live stock consist of a cleaning crew and three blue/green chromis... I am currently running 3x96=288 watts of PC lighting. I also have two Seio 820 running for water movement. I will eventually like to add soft corals, LPSs corals, and zoos to the tank. 1. Would these two fish get along in this tank? A false perc and a true perc? < Yes. I have seen much stranger things happen. > 2. Do I have enough lighting to keep a BTA in this tank? < Yes, That should be no problem. > 3. My second tank is 24 gallon Aquapod with the 70watt HQI, would this be ample lighting for a BTA as well? < That may actually be too much! I see the anemone partially hiding under a rock, with only a few tentacles reaching for some light. > Thank you for your time and reply. < You are very welcome! RichardB > Luis Adding a New Clarkii 7/22/06 Hello, <Hi> I had 2 clarkii clownfish for about 8 months. Today one of them died. <Sorry> Would it be possible to add another one to my tank? <Sure, as long as you know why the first one died and how to avoid it.> I think the female died and so I still have the male. If I get another one, should I get a juvenile or a female. <Juvenile, the current male will then most likely become a female.> Thanks, Jimmy <Anytime> <Chris> Adding Clarkiis 07/21/06 Hello, I had 2 clarkii clownfish for about 8 months and today one of them died. Can I put another clarkii in with the one that I have left? The one that I have left is a male I think. If I get another one, should I get a juvenile or a female? Thanks in advance, Jimmy <<Jimmy: Sorry for your loss. Before you add another clown, you should try to understand what happened. Your best bet is to buy a smaller clown than the one you have and put it in QT for 6 weeks. By adding a smaller clown, the existing clown will more likely accept it and they will sort the sexes out. No matter what you have left, the bigger clown will tend to turn into a female. Best of luck, Roy>> Peppermint shrimp and porcelain crabs... and Mantis and Clowns 7/18/06 Hi.. <Hello there> I have a 55 gallon display tank that is being left fallow while my fish reside in a QT tank. I am well aware of the dangers that mantis shrimps pose, and I know that one lived in my tank because I often saw him and he killed my coral banded shrimps. Now, I have not seen the mantis shrimp for over a month and I no longer hear the clicking noises they make. <... may be nothing to "click" about (live food items) present> As an extra precaution I added some feeder ghost shrimps into my tank and they show no signs of being attacked. <Oh! Good move> Is it safe now to add 2 peppermint shrimps? My tank has plenty of live rock and hiding places. <Only trying can/will tell> Also, I had an anemone crab that was kicked out of the anemone by my pair of very aggressive tomato clowns. He lost about 6 of his legs and disappeared. <Yikes, hopefully the legs will regenerate in a molt or three...> Now that my tank is devoid of fish, I was thinking of adding a pair of porcelain crabs. If I let them live in the anemone for 3 weeks before I put the pair of clowns back in, will they co exist within the same large anemone? <Again, only experience can tell...> Or should I get another anemone so they have one each? <If this system is "large enough" this might work... It is not altogether improbable that the Clowns will "hog" all anemones...> Thanks for your help. A <Welcome. Bob Fenner> Clownfish replacement, "mixed marriage" compatibility? 7/14/06 Dear Crew, Two weeks ago a purchased a pair of wild caught Clownfish (true Percs). <Wild-caught? Why not captive produced?> Unfortunately, the female died yesterday in the QT after an intestinal parasite not relieved with Metronidazole treatments. Why I bought wild caught fish is beyond me... a complete impulse purchase. <Good to know yourself... better to improve...> The much smaller male (which was also treated) looks great with normal feces and eats almost anything. My plan is to keep the male in the QT for two more weeks and, assuming good health, then transfer him to my main tank (which is now empty except some corals and crabs). Then, I want to replace the female with a tank raised juvenile- which I'll keep in the QT for a few weeks also before introducing into the MT. I have researched that this should work, with the male eventually morphing to a female and the juvenile taking his place. <Yes> Questions: Are there any concerns or drawbacks with mixing wild caught and tank raised clowns? What of possible poor infectious disease immunity in the tank raised? <Not likely problems here... are the same species, will "recognize" each other as such... Tank bred/reared rarely have/transmit parasitic disease> Or should I just sell back the male clown to my LFS and get a couple of tank raised juveniles? <Mmm, up to you> I don't want to do this because I feel I have a moral responsibility to care for this little guy who was yanked out of the wild. On the other hand, if there are down sides to a "mixed marriage" I would like to know. Thanks. Russell in KY. <I'd keep the present one then, add the other... Bob Fenner> Adding Clowns 7/12/06 Hello, <Hi> Thanks again for this great resource! I have a question on clowns. I have a 120 gal tank with about 120# of live rock and lots of corals. Currently a 4"yellow tag, a 2.5" Falco Hawkfish, a 3" Canary fang Blenny, a Peppermint Shrimp, 1" Rainford's Goby, and two 1.5" Pink Skunk Clowns. <Sounds nice.> I'd like to add a couple Ocellaris clowns, I've been reading your site on clowns getting along ( or more often, lack of..) and not sure if my tank is big enough for the clowns to get along or not. I really like the color my 2 Ocellaris clowns add to my 55 gal. <I wouldn't, while neither is as aggressive as some clowns, when the females decide it's breeding time a war is likely.> Take care, Mike <Chris> Adding Clowns 7/13/06 OK thanks, I was hoping I might get away with it in a 120... May need to trade in the pink skunks... Thanks again for the reply, Mike <Best move.> <Chris>Clownfish Fighting 6/11/06 I tried to send this message before, but I don't think it actually sent. <Thanks for re-sending... We do have "mail issues" for sure> If it did, I'm sorry, but here's my problem. After a year and a half, my female Clarkii Clown decided to attack the smaller male. <Very common in this species of Clownfish and a few others... particularly trouble in small confines...> They have never laid eggs, so I thought it might be spawning behavior. <Only partly> The male was pretty beat up, but had found a nice hiding spot under a large rock, so I left him in the tank. <... not a good idea> By the time I got home from work, he was dead. They were fine the night before. They ate together with no aggression at all. All of their fins were in perfect shape. The female would chase the male away sometimes when I would feed them, but she had stopped that months ago. They had not shown any kind of aggression in months. Then she just decided to attack the male. They are the only two fish in a 50 gallon aquarium with a 10 gallon sump. <Still, not that much room...> The tank has five BTA, that started as one, some xenias, hermits crabs, and a shrimp. I haven't added anything to the aquarium in about a year. Both fish have roughly doubled in size. The female is probably about 4 inches, and the male was around 3. It just seems so strange that after so long, she would just attack him so viciously. The smaller male was very dark. <Stress coloration> When I first got them they looked very similar, but after time they really started to look different. The female looks like an ordinary Clark's, but the male was very dark with two wide stripes. Even if they were two species, I don't know why they would be fine for so long. I just don't know what to think. Should I add another Clark's soon? <Likely not possible...> I'm worried if the large female is alone for too long she will become too territorial to add another fish. <Too late for this> She already bites me when I put my hand in the tank. I was even thinking of removing her, and looking for another pair to replace her. <Not this species, please> I actually have a pair of beautiful tank raised Ocellaris <Ahhh! Much better> in another tank, but I think they're staying put. Any ideas on why this happened, and how to prevent it? <Natural behavior, with no room to "run away"> Its so frustrating and sad to put so much time and effort into these fish, and then have them kill each other. Thanks. <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clncompfaqs.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Percula and Ocellaris as Tankmates - 05/24/2006 Hi <Hello.> I have what I think is a Percula clownfish whose mate died a month or two ago (tank overheated but is ok now). My LFS (and I only have the one in my area) only has Ocellaris clowns at the moment and since they have lots of them they probably won't get any Perculas for some time. <You can ask them to order one special for you, many/most stores will do so.> Is it a bad idea to get an Ocellaris to keep my Percula company? <I don't recommend it. Though they would probably get along okay, the two can hybridize, which really is undesirable, at least in my opinion. See if your store can order a percula for you. Try to get one that is substantially smaller than the one you have now so you can avoid aggression.> Thanks, Matt <Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Ocellaris Clownfish Tankmates 5/24/06 Hi <Hi there!> Please help with some recommendations of good combinations of fish for beginners. I have a 100l tank (26 gallons), which I am now ready to stock. I have two Ocellaris Clowns - what fish would do well with these to keep the tank peaceful yet colourful. <Here is a list with the names of some of your options and below links to information about each of the species'¦.. The Elegant Firefish (Nemateleotris decora) or Fire Goby Nemateleotris magnicifica) http://www.wetwebmedia.com/dartfish.htm. One of the Lined wrasses http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pseudocheilinus.htm. An assessor either the Blue (Assessor macneilli) or the Yellow (Assessor flavissimus) http://www.wetwebmedia.com/roundheads.htm. The Orchid Dottyback (Pseudochromis fridmani) http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pseudoch.htm. Don't let the info about this family sway you away from considering this beauty. They are the one exception to the feisty Dottyback family for you to consider. The Orchid Dottyback is one of the most sociable of all the Dottybacks. This is especially true if you choose a tank bred specimen or pair. Banggai Cardinalfish (Pterapogon kaudneri) or the Pajama Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera) http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ cardinal.htm. Several of the Gobies species would be suitable'¦ http://www.wetwebmedia.com/gobioidmars.htm, http://www.wetwebmedia.com/gobiodon.htm, http://www.wetwebmedia.com/neongobies.htm, http://www.wetwebmedia.com/shrimpgobies.htm. Blue-Green Chromas (Chromis viridis) http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chromis.htm.> The pet shop recommends two electric blue damsels but after doing some research I see that they are quite aggressive - is this so or are they safe to keep with the clowns? <I would pass on the electric blue damsels and consider the Blue-Green Chromas instead. > Thanks, Rory <Your most welcome. Best of luck with your wet pets, Leslie> My Homeless Clown/Behavior...Stinky Fins 5/23/06 Hi Crew, <Hello Mickey> Please help. I have a pair of maroon clowns, Sebae anemones, and a long tentacle anemone. This weekend I bought one more long tentacle and two more skunk clowns. The new comer took over ALL three anemones and kicked my maroon out. Is this normal? <Can be, but unusual for the skunks to kick out the maroons as the maroons are more aggressive than the skunks. Mmmm, unusual, especially since the maroons were there first. One for the books.> They all about the same size, maroon and skunk. Could it be the smell that chase my maroon out of their beloved home. <Smell from what?> Thank You, <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Mickey What is the maximum number of false Percs I can safely and
sustainably put in a 25 gal tank? 4/21/06 Hi, Thanks
for helping me with my question. I recently purchased an
Aquasystem Micro Series Nano Model 25 (21x18x16), and wanted to confirm
what is the MAXIMUM number of false percula clownfish that I can put in
this 25 Gal tank? I would like it to be fish-only, with some
anemones, live rock and live sand but no other fish
species. <I wouldn't recommend more than two
here. A mated pair if you can get them. And
I'm not sure I would recommend that. You'd be better
with bigger - at least 40 gal. I would even suggest that
your tank is too small for you to be doing an anemone
tank. Make sure you do much research on these animals before
you buy. They almost always perish in captivity.>
I've read in "Marine Fishes" by Scott Michael (pg. 254)
that Ocellaris Anemonefish "...Can be kept in groups but one
individual will eventually dominate and may pick on the others,
especially if space and shelter are limited."
<True, shouldn't be a problem if you go with only two.> As
well, the following weblink http://forums.fishindex.com/archive/index.php/t-6332.html
cites: "...most clownfish do best in pairs. False perculas though
can be kept in larger numbers. Maroons should be kept by themselves.
Sometimes you can get a mated pair but the female will occasionally
become aggressive towards the male. Also female maroons will get very
large and will not be able to survive in a 55 gal. tank."
<Maroons would not work with a tank this size. Like I
said, I would consider going bigger, or for a tank that size consider
different inhabitants. Jen S.> Thanks, |
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