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Moray success.. thus far Hello, Happy holidays! <And to you> We chatted recently regarding my tesselata eel that died three days after arrival. The replacement is here ( a smaller specimen) and it is doing much better. Much more active, it has done very well so far, even eating the first day it was in the tank. Adding aeration to the tank really helps- when I tried removing the extra-aeration from my powerheads, the eel's mouth instantly opened gaping wide.. with much aeration and movement, however, its mouth remains shut.. Also regarding ammonia levels in the shipping water.. they were off the scale of my test kit ( >8.0!! ).. at the advice of LFS, I added approx 2x the eel's water to the bag, retested for ammonia (now around 6.0'ish) then slit the bag, drained water, and added eel directly to tank.. he's doing great and enjoys life with a cleaner wrasse at the moment.. will let you know of any other observations I make regarding how to make eel's captive lives better... oh, and duct-tape kept him from escaping the first night.. I had to tape down the glass tops and plastic back strip of my aquarium.. he was forcing it all open. I'm hoping for success with this eel, and time will tell. Am working on getting a digital camera still to share my eel-habitat with others :) Thanks for all your help preparing for the new arrival. Bill H <Good to hear of your success. Bob Fenner> Eel name.. Hello again, The eel I've been referring to as a tessellated moray eel, when looked up at fishbase.org comes across as G. favagineus, which on your own moray section is referred to as a Leopard moray.. but under Fishbase it's called a Laced moray.. are there just a lot of names for the same eel, or is there a mis-identification somewhere? Maybe that's why I've had such a time finding information on Tessellated moray's.. <The a priori argument for scientific naming is illustrated here. There are many common names for common animals/plants/things... Bob Fenner> Bill H. Re: Tesselata Eel When you say "not if sufficient aeration added.." do you mean that I should add an airstone to the Eel's bag while acclimating? <Yes> I heard once that this will peak ammonia levels, certainly killing whatever is in the bag.. is this false ? <Not totally false, but highly unlikely... aeration may raise pH and if there is much ionized ammonia, convert it to a more toxic format... Best to add something to the protocol here: Check the ammonia concentration in the bag, if small (less than 0.25 ppm, to undetectable, add aeration... if more than a quarter of a part per million, keep changing out shipping water for new acclimation water till it is lower than 0.25 ppm and then add aeration...> Should I aerate the bag while adding water? <Same criterion> Thanks again, I go to pick up the new eel in an hour. (Hope you're near the pc, :) I'll acclimate it without aeration until I hear from you.. and will ask LFS if it is a good idea, perhaps they know. Bill Hammond <They should. Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Tesselata Eel Hello again friend, I hope this email finds you well. <Yes, thank you> I've conversed with you recently regarding eel-keeping. I finally located the eel I wanted (a Tesselata moray.) Upon acclimating it to my tank (which took about 1.25 hours) it seemed happy enough, careening around, looking for a way out. The second day he was in the tank he laid on the bottom most of the day.. rather common for eels I've heard. <Hmm, not really...> The third day I woke up and he was dead. <!> I was shocked, everything I've heard says that eels are hardier than damsels. What could have caused this? My LFS has another on order and is replacing it for no charge, but is there something I should do to prevent it from happening again? <Do check your dissolved oxygen levels if you can, look for "tramp" metal in the system, a clamp on a hose... Test the system with a few damsels...> My water tested perfect at the LFS. Spg is at 1.024 .. The only thing I can think is.. perhaps it was stressed from shipping? damaged maybe? <Yes, most likely possibilities> The only other thing I wonder about is oxygen. I have an AquaClear 802, and two ac 302 powerheads, as well as a Fluval 404 canister all outputting strong current.. but I don't have air hoses on any of the power heads.. should I? <Ahh, yes... and a protein skimmer... hopefully you have... messy fishes and the skimmer adds a great deal of gaseous exchange> Do eels require more oxygen than a community of fishes, given their large size? <Yes> I thought I had done my research, checked and triple checked all possibilities, but still I failed to achieve success. Any input you have on this would really help, are there certain things I might have missed? <Don't think so.> He had a good hiding spot to get almost nearly out of view.. had the whole 75g tank to himself.. was about a 20" long specimen.. Thanks in advance for your advice as always <Damage in collection, handling most likely led to the demise of this specimen... given the data supplied. You are likely to have success with the next one. Bob Fenner> Bill Hammond Re: Tesselata moray I almost forgot, I have PowerCompact lights on the aquarium, 110 watt 2x55 system.. both using full spectrum daylight 10k bulbs... should I downgrade this? Bill <No... should be fine, functionally, esthetically. Bob Fenner> Re: Tesselata Eel Thanks for your encouragement, and yes I have a Prizm protein skimmer, and am looking to upgrade to an AquaC skimmer.. as far as testing the system with damsels.. until the day the eel arrived, I had a Scopas tang in the tank... the only survivor that I didn't take back to my LFS for aggressiveness. The Scopas is now in my 58g reef tank, happy as a lark. That's why I thought it was damage in shipping.. if a tang (less hardy than an eel) could survive just fine in the tank.. I figured the eel would do great... No metal parts in the tank at all, and have added air intakes to the two 302 powerheads (tried the 802, but it made my tank almost not visible with so much air. Hoping this will make the habitat better for the eel. <Mmm, thank you for all this... Am more convinced that transit trouble was the root cause of mortality here. Bob Fenner> Thanks again, Bill Hammond Re: Tesselata Eel Hello yet again from Atlanta! One last thing about the eel (sorry for too-many questions, I just want to do everything I can to help the next one) For acclimation.. I originally took 1 hour 15 minutes to acclimate the first eel, adding slowly 1 cup of water to its container every 5 minutes until the water amount was twice what it originally was. Is this too long ? <Not if there was sufficient aeration added...> Not long enough? With all my other fishes I do the same, but only take about 30 min.s. worth of adding water... LFS said to stretch it out very long for an Eel. I added a blue damselfish at your suggestion in one of the prior emails.. just incase some chemical/metal element was added to the tank during the eel's stay.. <I do believe in such bioassays... "canary in a cave" testing.> blue damselfish is holding up just fine and will be in until I get the next tesselata eel tomorrow. I will let you know what happens with my next eel encounter. I am also working on cataloging my set-up (per your suggestion :) and working on getting a digital camera to make a website on eel husbandry (assuming I have success enough to share!) as there is relatively little information on these mysterious creatures out there... <Great! Do count on me to help in whatever way/s I may, can to help. And do consider sending this work into the hobby press for publication, sharing with others> Thanks again friend, <Ah, the pleasure. Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Bill Hammond ? on Gymnothorax Permistus/Favagineus Hi Bob! First let me say Great Site! Second, BIG Problem with my 4 foot "Leopard Moray Eel". I have had this critter about 3 years now and it's been an absolute kick, except for the hundreds & hundreds of dollars worth of "other" inhabitants I've tried to introduce into it's domicile, that it's consumed, not to mention his constant ration of shrimp/squid etc. <Yikes, well-stated> I finally, was able to introduce a larger Lion Fish ( Red Volitans) and BOTH respected each others territory been together for about 5 months). Several days ago I noticed a clouding of the Lion Fishes eyes and definite lethargy. I let it go for one day and decided to do a fairly substantial water change in the 150 gallon tank, the next day. <Good idea... and for the record, I would have added "a box" (a pound or more) of sodium bicarbonate... baking soda, dissolved in system water.> This AM (12-15-01) the Lion Fish was NOT doing well and was resting at the bottom. The Problem: The Lion Fish is now GONE and one can only assume that the Moray ate it. <Probable> I have heard of whole tanks being decimated with the toxin from the Lion Fish, BUT more importantly, what's the prognosis for the Moray? <From ingesting the Lion? Pretty good... Muraenids are tough in this category as well as so many others> Probably doesn't make much difference, but the Lion fish was about 8-9 inches (head to end of tail) in length. What can I expect? Is there any thing I can do, except wait 48 hrs. and simply "see what happens?". Anyone else have this happen? Any info will be most appreciated. Thanks in advance for your time and Happy Holi-daze....I think. <Mmm, more a concern is whatever declining water quality led to the Lion's eye cloudiness... I would check, modify pH, alkalinity, and maybe add a pound or five of activated carbon to your filter flow path... otherwise, not much else to do. Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Cordially, as always, Rich Waters Moray eels I found your site @ http://www.wetwebmedia.com/morays.htm and found it very informational. I do have one question for you... does a complete list (along with pictures) of all known moray eels exist? I'd really like to have a "picture book" if one exists. Thanks! <No complete one as far as I'm aware. Scott Michael's v.1 Reef Fishes has about the best, most complete listing, image collection that I've come across for hobbyist/husbandry use. Fishbase.org has a list of all valid and nominal species, and many collaborator's images... family Muraenidae... Bob Fenner> Moray eel question How big is the largest moray eel? Do they get like freakishly big like giant squid. because this kid in my biology class said that its rare but some can get up to 50 feet long and have a head bigger then my waist! it would be really cool if your write me back and let me know =) thanks, Leah <Mmm, there are a few species that get close to ten feet in length and as big around as your leg... Here's our coverage, size data on Morays: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/morays.htm Bob Fenner> Is a he or a she??? Hi Bob, love your site. I am very close friends with (the semi world famous) Jeff Macare and he suggested in a recent conversation that you may have the answer to my question. <Ah, glad to see the rock n' roll world didn't end up with our friend... at least not yet> Is there any easy way to sex Tesselata eels by appearance? I recently acquired a small one with lots of yellow in him/her and the wife wants to give it a name. Thanks, Jim <No way to sex these Morays externally as far as I'm aware. Suggest a "non-gender" name... like Jerry, Max... Bob Fenner> Re: lionfish/porcupine puffer compatibility Thank you so much for the info! I will have to refrain from getting a lionfish, as beautiful as they are. And I also really appreciate the information on my peppered moray eel -- I've been hunting all over the place for info. One last question -- why doesn't any sell these beautiful eels? Are they rare in captivity or is there something important I should know that would explain their absence in the trade?? <Mainly a "founder effect" likely at work here... Because there is no established market for this species, divers don't collect them... and the Catch-22, people don't order them because of lack of exposure!> He is an easy feeder and isn't real picky (gets a diet of snails, small crabs, shark meat, krill, silversides, beef heart as a treat, scallops, squid, etc...). Thanks again, Bryce. <Folks do go out of their ways (night collecting for instance) for "desired species" of Morays like Dragons... can be found. Bob Fenner> Hello (image use request, morays) Hello, I have a question, pertaining to your morays section. My I use your pictures for my website? I have no other photos of eels, and yours are the best. Thanks. <Is it a non-commercial site (that is, not one made for profit)? If so, you are welcome to use our content. Will be adding to, spiffing up the Morays area soon... as it is very incomplete presently and have much more image work to add. Thank you for asking. Bob Fenner> Lionfish/porcupine puffer compatibility (and one of many rare in the trade morays) Hello Do you happen to know if my porcupine puffer (about 6 inches long) would pick on a lionfish? <Yes... a very real, and frightening possibility. Puffers can tease, nibble Lionfishes mercilessly> The Volitans type. NOT a dwarf lion. One of my LFS said the puffer absolutely would constantly pick on a lion, darting back and forth and nipping on his fins. Another LFS (just as reputable, if not a little more knowledgeable), said the two would be fine together. All of my resources (book wise) say nothing about keeping the two together, but most everything says lions are fairly docile, as are porcupine puffers. <The operative term here should be "can". They can get along or not...> And if it helps any -- the tank is 75g's and is fully cycled. It houses a 2' 3" peppered moray eel and a 6 inch porcupine puffer. I do 30% water changes every two weeks or so, and the ammonia and nitrite are zero, always. I'm very diligent about cleaning. :) Another question, if you have time -- I lucked into my moray eel, and am having a lot of trouble finding any info on them. I did find one page with a few small paragraphs about him, but otherwise...no one seems to have heard of my eel. He's commonly called a "peppered moray," but the scientific name is "Siderea picta." He's got beautiful coloration, all white with tiny black speckles all over his body and light blue circles around his eyes. Very bold...not shy at all. <Mmm, a very nice species... the name has been changed, to Gymnothorax pictus... you can find some info., pix on www.fishbase.org on this Muraenid... and in Scott Michael's fab v.1 Reef Fishes book... Bob Fenner> Thanks, Bryce Re: Being in the Mood, for A Moray Hi, thanks for the help on my tank set-up, It's working great!! <Ah, good to hear/read> My biggest problem now is fish selection, <And biggest opportunity!> I think we are having too much fun!!! <Is this possible?> I have a 90 gal tank and we have: Porcupine puffer Valentini puffer Dogface puffer Snowflake eel Black Lionfish Cowfish 2-Damsels They are all 2 to 3" in size, very friendly with each other. I would like to add a trigger, especially a clown or Huma Huma, what are your thoughts? <Hmmm, well not the Clown (gets too big and rambunctious)... Any trigger, even a generally easygoing species may cause trouble here (vying with your Lion to see who will eat the damsels first, pestering the puffers, lion, the boxfish to the point of poisonous secretion... Starving the Eel by eating all foods...> Also I have a black ribbon eel in our quarantine tank, we had him in the 90 gal tank, but he has not eaten in almost 2 weeks, so we moved him into the quarantine tank with a bunch of guppies. I now hear ribbon eels are hard to keep, should I send him back? <Yes...> thanks again for the help........Paul <Please read through the "Livestock Selection" parts of our site (www.WetWebMedia.com) and the Morays: http://wetwebmedia.com/morays.htm and Triggers: http://wetwebmedia.com/TriggerArts.htm and associated FAQs files... Bob Fenner> HELP!!! I have been a very bad hobbyist. I usually make an extra effort to check and recheck my facts before purchasing a pet. However, this time I got all mixed up and messed it all up. I have been doing a lot of looking into eels. I had previously had a snowflake and knew that I wanted another. So I did my studying then went to the LFS to see what they had in. I either wanted another snowflake or a zebra for my empty 180 gal. All they had in was a Chainlink. I was thinking (this is where the problem started) this was a banded and, as impatient me as always does, I bought it. Now I know nothing about this creatures habits. I.E. what to feed, how often, how large it will grow, swimming habits, suitable tank mates. Please help. Thank you very much, Andrew Holmes <Yikes: Please read through our Moray materials: http://wetwebmedia.com/morays.htm and either get ready for a bigger tank in time... or perhaps try to trade this fish back to your LFS. Bob Fenner> P.S. Love your site!! Trapping an eel Robert- Perhaps this is a challenging question for you. We have a 460 gallon tank with live rock. Up until now, our cleanup crew and a snowflake moray eel have been coexisting peacefully. That is until now. Keeping our eel "fat and happy" is no longer working. Any ideas/designs on trapping him? <There are commercial "eel traps" that utilize fykes, cones that get smaller leading into a "box"... you can trap your eel out at night with such a contraption, baited with a shrimp or small crab> Also, we have two Brittlestars. Should they go as well? <Perhaps... some of the larger species are a bit too predatory for many home hobbyists... these can be baited out, to the front of the system toward night/lights out... and netted. Bob Fenner> Any info you can provide will be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks, Doug Thanks (Still looking for eel info.) Dear Sir, Thank you very much for your quick and advisable reply but my problem is still the same. I searched so many websites including Fishbase also but I couldn't get the basic information on eels in details. If you are having some literature based on the taxonomy, distribution and characters of different species of eels then please send me a copy of that...or suggest me another fish based sites having this information. It will be the most valuable help of me by you. <What? Fishbase.org has the most complete, up-to-date information on all these aspects of the Anguilliform fishes. FISHBASE.ORG. Key in the Order Anguilliformes, or some of the families of true eels... e.g. Muraenidae, Ophichthyidae...> With best regards, Vishal <For an older reference, and what I use for a master overall view of fish taxonomy, you are referred to Joseph Nelson, Fishes of the World, 3d edition. Bob Fenner> Yellowmouth Moray Hi Bob, I have a large 4 foot aquarium which has a Yellowmouth moray (Gymnothorax nudivomer) which my dad brought home from fishing. He caught the eel in a lobster pot just off Kalbarri in Western Australia. <Neat> I have had this eel since the start of the year at around the middle of February to be precise. And since then the eel has been losing its colour or changing colour. <Unfortunate. This is a beauty> The aquarium is currently stocked with: 1" Damsel Fish (don't know what one) 2" Domino Damsels 3" Scissortail Sergeants 2" Clarks Anemonefish 3" Bubble tip Anemones 2" Snails 2'' Nudibranchs 1" Hermit Crab 3" Crabs 1" Dancing Shrimp Everything is getting along fine except the 2 Dominos, but that's probably normal. <Yes> My Nitrite, Nitrate and pH levels have always been perfect. I have been feeding my eel Octopus and Fish which the eel enjoys. I used to feed the eel on a metal wire thingy but now I feed him on a skewer made of wood. <Better> He ate fine off the metal wire but after a while it started to rust and you could see it coming off when I wiped it on a towel. Sometime the rust would come off onto the eels food, this is probably why he stopped eating off the metal wire but he then ate fine without the food being on it. The eel would sniff the food and then turn its head away. <Smart fish> In the section on the WetWebMedia site about moray eels I found this bit of information about colour change: "Morays have a highly developed sense of smell; if there is too much organic or metallic matter, they will show it by behavioral and color changes." <Yes, this is so> (Water Quality has always been fine and I have an under gravel filter) Could there have been any way that the rust has fallen of the metal wire and into the tank? <Of a certainty if there was obvious rust, "some" did get into your water via the feeding stick.> Would the metallic matter be the metal wire? <Sure> By Organic matter do you mean algae because there is a lot of green algae on the corals and gravel? <Sometimes algae can exert toxic influences, but not likely much in this case... the animals loss of color is mostly due to vagaries of captivity: restricted diet, water quality, perhaps some degree of metal poisoning> how can you control the algae if it is the problem? <This is gone over under "Algae" and "Algae Control" articles and FAQs posted on the www.WetWebMedia.com site.> If there is rust in the tank can you get it out by using a aquarium gravel vacuum cleaner? <Over time, yes... as well as use of chemical filtrants (Like Poly Filter) even an "Aquarium Magnet" used for wiping algae off of viewing panels will pick up much of this...> The eel has shown Behavioural changes by rolling around in circles and its back fin has been wiggling? and are these even behavioral changes or are they normal? <Likely normal... perhaps out of irritation> (he did this just recently when I did a water change and cleaned the tank and is still doing it some times. He has been doing it since I got him as well) <No worries, or at least not much> HOW CAN I GET THE EELS COLOUR BACK? <Difficult to do... in most cases folks have little success here... but improving water quality (do you have/use a protein skimmer? Activated carbon use monthly, regular water changes, use of live rock...), supplementing/diversifying foodstuffs (vitamin prep. soaking ahead of offering, a wider range)> I REALLY WANT TO KNOW. please help me. Thank You I have already been to fishbase.org and found information on the eel but would they have information on my problem? <Hmm, no. Fishbase is not much directed at husbandry issues. Bob Fenner> Kim Miragliotta. Geraldton, Western Australia Hawaiian Leopard Eel Hi. Can you help me in finding information about this particular eel. The Hawaiian Leopard Eel (Scuticaria tigrinus)? <One of the thirty eight species of Puhi, family Muraenidae found there... and not common though widespread in distribution...> I am led to believe that this eel is rare, pink with black spots for coloring, but size I can't tack down. Could you lead me in the right direction as far as where to find information on this one? Thanks Robin <Try our sites coverage on the family (Morays), www.WetWebMedia.com and the references listed there... and fishbase.org on the Net to start. Bob Fenner> A Moray Eel Mr. Fenner First of all I would like to say I am an avid fan of wet web media and read the FAQ articles very frequently. <Great to read> About 2 months ago I purchased a moray eel from my LFS. He is now about 6 in in length but I can not seem to figure out what species of Eel he is. <There are many Moray species sold as "miscellaneous"... that are hard to identify as very small individuals> My LFS had him listed as an assorted Eels. This eel has given me no trouble whatsoever and is very easy to keep and readily excepts foods but loves ghost shrimp. The thing I am writing you about is a weird behavior I noticed when he is chasing the shrimp. I have a Domino Damsel that is very active in the system but whenever he comes near the eel it is like the eel is a magnet to him and it pulls him to the eels body. What could case this strange force that causes the damsel to be pulled in like this. <They are "friends"... sorry to all re this obvious anthropomorphism, but this term applies best here> I've had no trouble with the eel attacking the damsel and it doesn't seem to affect the damsel when he pulls away. So I guess my question is a matter of curiosity and I thought who better to ask than an expert. Thanks a lot, Jeremy <Have observed similar "kindred" behavior as this with many other fish species... Bob Fenner> Muraena helena Mr. Fenner, I really enjoy your site as a primary informational resource for this exciting hobby. I am really interested in eels and noticed that you mentioned Muraena helena the Mediterranean dragon moray that attains half the length of the Hawaiian dragon moray. I cannot seem to find any place that can obtain this eel, if possible could you point me to the right direction. <Do try the marine livestock etailers listed on the WWM site, particularly the folks at Marine Center... they are ingenious at finding/securing rarities in good health...> Thank you. Also I would greatly appreciate any info on the Viper Moray (Enchelynassa canina) in terms of aquarium suitability and max. size. Thank you so much. Sam <Hmm, fishbase.org lists this monster at two and a half meters in length... and though found widely in the Indian Ocean over to Hawai'i, I have yet to see it in the trade. Bob Fenner> Mixed Bag Bob- It's been a few days. ;) Hope I'm not bothering you. <You will know if so> Here's a few questions. My live rock is still curing. Covered in brown algae. It blows away with a turkey baster though. Anyway, it seems to be killing the coralline as it is turning white and gray/white. Is this possible? <Yes, of a certainty> Ammonia is starting to drop, nitrites are off the chart, pH is 8.3 and alkalinity is at 4.5. <Calcium?> Oh, I've also decided I'm not going to make this tank a reef tank. I don't feel I'm ready yet. I'm going to read and practice for a few more years. <Best to take ones time> Unfortunately, I already bought my lights (halides) and I want to keep lions and a Miniata grouper in here. Although, even with two 175W 10000K halides and two 65W actinic PCs, it still looks less bright than my bosses 125 with 2 96W actinic PCs and 2 96W 1000K PC's. Any thoughts? <Lionfishes do not appreciate/do well in bright lighting... and the Cephalopholis grouper will tend to hide much more... encourage you to try to trade these in for VHO or compact fluorescents...> Second, what is the correct way to pronounce Pterois? <"Tare-Oh-ease"... pter like Pter in Pterodactyl, or Pteridophyta (the ferns), or Pterophyllum (the genus of freshwater angelfishes) (from the Greek meaning "wing"... and the vowels in scientific taxonomy (as in Latin and ancient Greek) are like Espanol...> Does it sound French? <Not to me mon ami> Also, the Sixline Soapfish/Goldstripe grouper. Does it produce a toxic slime, or is it only toxic if something eats it? <The former> My friend and I had an argument at work and I had to run out to my car and get your book to show him. He still thinks exudes means toxic if eaten. I know he's wrong, we just didn't have a dictionary handy. Also, I have a 37g with a emperor 260, AquaC remora skimmer, 8Watt UV, two Rio 600 for circulation, and 65W PC SmartLite, with 40lbs LR. I want to make it into a neat community with as many fish as possible without overstocking. I was thinking some green Chromis, a few banner cardinals, maybe a clown. Any suggestions? <Yes, look for a bigger tank... this one can only hold a few of these fishes> Next, how do I keep the nutrient levels down in my quarantine tanks. They are both 10 gallons, with Duetto filters, and airstones, with PVC pipes to hide in. I occasionally put cured rock in there to help, but I have to remove it when I treat with copper or other meds. Even when I soak the filter sponges in a cycled aquarium or put a piece of uncured rock in a freshly cleaned tank to cycle it, it still doesn't seem to be enough. Especially with fish that produce waste in copious amounts. I would do daily water changes, but this would mess up my treatments and stress the new fish more, wouldn't it? <Yes, please read over the "Quarantine" section on the marine index on our site: www.WetWebMedia.com on this...> Last, can you help me identify this eel in the attached photo? He was sold as a Tessellated moray, or Gymnothorax tesselata but I can't find it in any books or even Burgess's Atlas. He's about a foot long now, maybe ten inches. To me he looks like G. favagineus. <Please read over Scott Michael's coverage of this gorgeous Muraenid in his most recent Reef Fishes (v.1)... they are the same species...> Thanks. Sorry for taking up so much of your time. You are a wonderful help to us all! Jeff Young <Glad to be here, of help, my friend. Bob Fenner> Eel Question My brother in-law gave me another snowflake eel today. He is fighting with my snowflake eel. What do I do to stop the fighting. <Hmm, separate them? Add more cover? Place them both in a larger system?> Also the other snowflake eel is way different than mine. It is a little duller in color, and the top flap starts in the middle of it's back to the tail. Mine eel's flap starts by his eyes which goes to his tail. Sorry I don't know what the flap is called. <Perhaps time to study the Muraenids more thoroughly?> Thank You <Be chatting, Bob Fenner> Gray Moray eels Dear Bob, Thanks so much for your info on lionfish. Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to set up my 55 as early as I would like. Month or two. We have to re-floor basement, where the tank is going- figured to much hassle to move it in about a month. So I'm getting a damsel to keep in a 10 to keep me amused until I can get the 55 going. But my new idea is instead of getting several lions is to get a Volitans and a gray moray. I'm wondering about gray morays. No info anywhere (brief mention in your book) and none in pet stores, I know u say its rare and expensive but this is just long term thinking. My mom thinks she saw one at Scripps but is not sure. Here is what I do know: rare, expensive, from red sea, rare, relatively small and rare again. None in any of my LFS's or on FFExpress or ThatPetPlace or Jeff's or anywhere. Some info would be great. thanks again, Andrew Dillard <Hmm, good plan to wait, keep the damsel... and do live in SD and go to the Birch Aq. regularly... all they have is the local Muraenid, Gymnothorax mordax (Green Calif. Moray) as far as I know. Bob Fenner> |
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