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Re: Trachyphyllia.. nutrition, health... RMF career 7/22/05 Good day Bob or whoever I may be speaking to today....I hope all is going great today... I have several things to throw your way today...I'm sorry if I've got a repeat question thrown in here. In regards to my Trachyphyllia: When food is offered to it, the mouths close up. Except when I offered plankton. I haven't ever seen sweeper tentacles come out (even when it was doing normal cycles), Do you think it may be getting the nutrients it needs by me taking a plastic syringe and gently directing fine meaty foods at it... even without the presence of the tentacles? <Possibly, yes> The algae that is forming on small parts of the skeleton... could I try to gently remove it somehow or would this be advised against? <Directing a stream of water... as with a powerhead or small submersible pump is all I would do... don't physically touch> Is Iodide harmful to any marine animals or corals if used properly (that you are aware of)? <Not unless overdosed> I've got a rock that had several mushroom corals growing, a piece of the rock broke off leaving one of the mushrooms attached to the original rock as well as the broken off piece. Is it best to let it be (it is hanging, I've propped it back up but it wont stay) or someone recommended I should just tear it off the original rock :( sounds painful but I'm not sure it feels pain like that? :) <I would "tear it off", move it to someplace safe, stable> Thank you in helping me on my journey, I swear I'm not trying to be hand fed... I just need a little help with this predicament (the brain). And the other questions are just thrown in there... my main concern is my brain though! On a bit of a more social level...what is your favorite dive location? <Mmm, there's a bunch... overall, the Red Sea likely> Bob... do you go and speak at seminars <Almost every month... for the last few decades... to hobby groups mainly, in the pet-fish and dive/adventure interests> or am I interpreting some info wrong.... at one point in one of your responses to someone's questions it sounded like you do seminars, if you do...have you ever found yourself in Indiana? <I think so...> One more personal/social question... what is your career... How do you make it possible to go on all these wonderful diving journeys? Thanks guys!!! Codie S. <Good, friendly questions... I do five "things" for money, including two that are petfish related... am a content provider, selling writing and photography... But really, am retired in terms of having to "do" work... invested a part of what I earned, in stocks in good companies, real property... so I can/do travel about half the year. And I do encourage you to take up the dive, travel habit as well! Thank you for asking, sharing. Bob Fenner> Trachyphyllia pic 7/5/05 Dear Sir or Madam, we would like o ask for permission to use one of your pictures of Trachyphyllia for an article in a German science magazine, which is about corals and fluorescent proteins. Thank you very much, Daniel Veith University of Marburg <Mein Herr: My content is free to all non-commercial interests per our content use policy: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMUsePolicyStmt.htm Robert (Bob) Fenner>
Open Brain Sliming Good Morning! <It's evening! Trying to trick me, eh...> I purchased a green/red open brain a couple of weeks ago. It looked good, has expanded more in my tank than in the LFS, but yesterday morning I noticed a bit of a translucent slime around one edge. This morning it had extended to enshroud approx. ? the coral. There is a bit of skeleton exposed on the edge that first exhibited the problem. The edge where this started is up against some live rock (wasn't touching when I placed the coral, but it has since expanded and now touches a bit - is that a problem???) <I would not allow the extended tissues to touch the rock, as it will become abraded in the extensions and contractions these animals perform day to day> Is there anything I should be doing other than wait and watch? Tank params: 52 g - 20 in. tall Lighting: 2- 96w PC actinics, 2- 175W 20000k MH Ca/Alk: 405/2.9 Temp: 78 - 78.5 pH: 8.2 NO2/NO3 both 0 <If you have a coral of the genus 'Trachyphyllia' then the "sliming" behavior is perfectly natural. These corals excrete a mucus coating to trap floating particulates, and then ingest the entire coating. Make sure you keep it well fed - M. Maddox> Re: Open Brain Sliming - Brown Jelly Disease Well, it turned out to be brown jelly. By this afternoon there was very little living tissue left - probably 2/3 of the skeleton was fully exposed and what little live tissue was left was breaking down and melting away. <Ack! Remove that coral ASAP! It may be possible to frag and save the healthy parts of the coral, but you do NOT want the 'brown jelly' (a protozoan) spreading!> Are any of the following organisms at risk from loose "jelly" being blown around in the tank (GSPs, mushrooms, hammer coral, trumpet coral, pearl bubble coral)? If so, is there anything I can do to lessen the risk? <All LPS are at risk - remove the coral ASAP. If you don't have a QT tank, just ditch the entire coral> I've started running charcoal - don't know if that will help, but I guess it couldn't hurt... <Never a bad thing, but it won't kill protozoans. Make sure to remove it ASAP, and keep a very close eye on your other LPS. In the meantime, set up a quarantine tank if you don't already have one!> Thanks, -Brian <Good luck - M. Maddox> Re: Open Brain sliming & Brown Jelly Disease Follow-up I took it out a few hours after my last post - there was no healthy tissue left, but some of that stuff did get loose in the tank, some when I was removing it and some due to my peppermint shrimp slicing and dicing at it, so ... <Too bad :\ Quarantine next time!> I found an article that suggested as a follow up to dealing with an infection adding Vitamin C to the tank for 14 days according to some instructions but the link to said instructions was dead - how do I do this? How much and what form? Ground up C from the health food store?? An additional recommendation was good flow to reduce the chances of the jelly being able to collect, which I have. <Do not add ascorbic acid directly (i.e. don't use human pills) as it will drop your pH drastically. Instead, use a liquid\buffered supplement that can be found on any online retailer's site> Thanks, Brian. <Anytime - M. Maddox> Open brain question Hi WWM crew - love your website; what a wonderful resource of information! I have searched the archives, FAQs, etc. but not found enough specific info to answer my question . . . so here we go: I was recently (10 days ago) given an open brain coral (Trachyphyllia geoffroyi) by a well-meaning (but lacking any aquarium experience) friend. I have a 125 g reef system, up and running for 18 months. Current creatures include: 4 clowns sharing 2 BTAs, 1 yellow tang, 1 royal Gramma, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 coral banded shrimp, and usual assortment of snails. Corals include 1 hammerhead, 1 Galaxea, a small stalk of xenia, and 2 gorgonians (Diodogorgia nodulifera & Swiftia exserta). The BTAs are on one side of the tank, anchored mid-way up the rockwork and happy campers. The hammerhead and Galaxea are on the other side of the tank, about a foot apart and 8" from the top of the tank. The gorgonians are on the sand, one at each end of the tank. I placed the open brain in the sand at the front center of the tank, where it gets light and low/moderate current. (current provided by 2 opposing Maxijet 1200s in the two back corners of the tank and inflow from a Rena XP3 (used for mechanical filtration), a Mag3 and no-name powerhead rated at 500gph also provide circulation (the Mag3 runs an Aqua C Remora protein skimmer) (total circulation = 15x tank volume). Water parameters all test fine (0 ammonia, nitrates, nitrites, phosphates) with alk of 3.5 meq and Ca 300-350ppm range, depending on water changes/bi-weekly dosing. <Okay> Anyway, I didn't know anything about brain corals before receiving this one, so read everything I could find about them on your website. This coral doesn't have good polyp extension, the swelling barely covered the skeleton when I got him, so I figured he was probably hungry, and after several days to acclimate, I attempted feeding him finely diced shrimp & mussels (same mixture I feed the anemones). I have gotten him to eat twice, but he doesn't have long or large feeding tentacles - they only raise like tiny bumps. It is a slow process that takes about 1 hour to accomplish, and I have to fend off my cleaner shrimp to keep him from trying to steal the food while the brain is working at engulfing it with the polyps/tentacles. I was guessing that maybe he is just starved and has tissue recession due to capture, lack of feeding, etc. <This is my guess as well> But after the second feeding two days ago, he seems to have gotten worse. The skin seems to be tearing and ridges of the skeleton are poking through on two of the polyps. He is not even swelling at all during the day. The polyps are deflated and looking thin. Upon careful inspection I noticed that it appears he has had a slow tissue regression for some time. Can it be saved? <Yes> If so, what is the best approach? I have noticed what appear to be grains of sand in the skeletal parts that are exposed. Any suggestions? Thanks, Kevin <I do not see that you add iodine/ate here... I would definitely dose this at near maximum... I would re-direct your circulation to this animals vicinity and if possible increase the lighting directed toward it... other than this, I would not move it, would keep offering foods... Bob Fenner> Brain reproduction? Greetings Crew! <Happy Holidays Ray,
MacL here with you> Hope you are in a warmer climate than I am right
now (10F with wind-chill of -15). Makes me want to climb
into my reef tank where it is nice and warm! <Its not
quite that cold where I am, and Bob is in Hawaii.> OK, done a quick
search and can't find the answer to my question. I have
an open brain coral in my reef tank
Wellsophyllia/Trachyphyllia). Anyway, been in there for
about 8 months and has nearly tripled in size, grown 2 new
"mouths" and developed several new folds. Lately I have
noticed that two folds are growing towards each other so that if they
keep going, they will divide the entire coral in two equal parts with
several "mouths" on each side. So my question
is: how do they reproduce? By
fragmentation/division or by sexual reproduction? <It's asexual
reproduction, usually by budding just like what you are seeing.>
Everything else in the tank is doing great so I am sure it is not an
environmental thing. <No its a good thing, you should be proud.>
The only oddity is that after a year, my yellow-tailed damsel has
chosen a new rock to claim as his own on the opposite side of the
tank......and all the other fish inhabitants (mostly my yellow tang and
coral beauty) still ignore his little fits to defend his territory
(small guy in the tank). Thanks again for all your help in the past!
<Ray, congratulations you are obviously doing great.> -Ray Can
I feed my brain too much? Hi there- May I say again how much I love
your site? <Sure!...and Thanks!> I really appreciate
the resource. I actually have five questions for
you. My tank is about 5 months old, 46 gallon, protein
skimmer, Eheim filter, halite lights. I do weekly 10% water
changes. Ammon, nitrates, and nitrites are 0, salinity is
1.024. I have two perculas, one magenta Dottyback (eats my
little Bristleworms, by the way), a cleaner shrimp, and various
blue-legged hermits and snails. I have a frogspawn and a
hammer and a brain and some star polyps. They have all seemed to have
adjusted well, and colors and extension are good, and they have all
grown a little bit. Here are my questions: 1) My brain coral
is a pig. I feed the corals Mysis shrimp weekly, and I'm
not sure how much the brain would eat at one sitting. It is
about 4" in diameter, and I give it about a dozen
shrimp. Should I keep feeding until it stops
engulfing? It is growing the most. <I would err on the
side of caution here, and underfeed. If it's growing,
it's happy, and overfeeding can pollute your tank.> 2) I had not
been feeding my star polyp shrimp because I thought it was a
vegetarian. I accidentally dropped one on it a week ago, and
it snatched it up, so I gave it about 3 more. Now it
doesn't look so perky. Did I make it sick?
<Doubtful. GSPs go through cycles of closing up for no
apparent reason sometimes. If it stays closed up for long,
then start to worry.> 3) My cleaner shrimp has molted 4 times in two
months. Is this bad for its health? <Not at
all. Good sign that it's growing and thriving.> I do
supplement with iodine and the calcium level is about 600 (high, I
know. Trying to solve) Should I be doing anything
else for it? It eats like a pig, too. I thought these guys
were supposed to by shy... <The iodine addition is completely
unnecessary IME, but it could be helping. If paired with
another shrimp these guys can molt as often as two weeks after they
spawn. Just need to feed them well.> 4) The tank has
developed a bad hairy algae problem. Do I have room to add
something that would eat it, and if so, what would you recommend?
<Rather than adding something to consume it, consider fixing the
root of the problem--nutrients in your water. Do you use
RO/DI for top off and water changes? What size skimmer do
you have? Are you overfeeding?> 5) My tank
evaporates almost 2 gallons a day (probably because of the hot
lights). Does this replacement water count towards water
changes, by chance? <Nope. Are you adding any type of
calcium/alkalinity supplement?> Thanks again. By the way,
my frog spawn continues to excrete brown goo after shrimp feeding day.
(I asked earlier if it was coral excrement) It seems to be doing really
well, too. My perculas have started to host with it.
<Possibly 'coral poo', yes.> --Jill
Brain Meltdown Hi, <Hello, Ryan Bowen with you today> I'm sorry if I am bothering you. <Not at all> I can't find the answer to this. I have a 46 bow, water, temp., etc. good. I had a small pink and green brain in my tank for a few days and it looked to be doing fine. I went out of town for a few days and had a house sitter here taking care of everything. When I got back, the brain was all white and a hard coral. <Do you mean that his skeleton was exposed?> I don't know what went wrong. I also have a colt coral and it's fine. <A much hardier specimen> Tank mates include clown, mandarin dragonet, Kole tang, humbug, coral beauty, emerald green crab, blue legged crab, yellow tang,, and things growing on live rock. All fish are small right now. <Yes, but they grow!> If you can help me it would be great. Thank you. <I'm not sure that you have adequate lighting for this coral. What are you using? Also, the coral beauty is a notorious nipper at clam and coral of this type. Other than that, I'm going to need more specifics (Not just water's good) to get to the root of this problem. Good luck, Ryan.> Kris Coral names, questions 6/1/04 I have a couple questions and can't find the answers in your FAQs. The first one: I have read about open brains and different scientific names. I have a Wellsophyllia; is this an open brain? <yes... but that scientific name is not valid anymore. All such brains are Trachyphyllia, a monospecific genus> Also, does my Wellsophyllia need to be fed, and if so what? <yes, feed finely minced meats of marine origin weekly or more often. Whole foods like Mysid shrimp and pacific plankton from your pet stores freezer are also quite good> Another quick question. What do you recommend to feed Fungia and what do you find to be the best method. <the same as above... and feed all such LPS corals by adding a little bit of food or juice to the tank 15 minutes prior to feeding to stimulate a feeding (tentacle) response> Do frogspawn need to be fed as well or is good lighting sufficient (I have 1 250 watt metal halide and two 36 watt actinic bulbs in a 75 gallon corner tank). <they also need fed, like most all large polyped corals. They have these large polyps for a reason! Form follows function as they say. As a rule, most corals need to be target fed unless the fish/feeding load otherwise is very heavy (rare)> Thanks!! Andrew <best regards, Anthony> Coralline Algae Growth Hello Crew! <Hello, Ryan with you today> Just can't seem to find the answer to these in the FAQ's (sometimes TOO MUCH good information to find a specific question). <I know! It's a bit overwhelming at times> 1. I have an open brain coral that I feed meaty treats (shrimp, clam, squid) 3 times per week. I noticed that it has 3 mouth-like structures that I put the food directly into and it gets sucked in. I have to stand guard else my ever hungry clowns will snatch the food up. Is it necessary to feed each mouth? Can I just feed one or two of them and the nutrients will get shared to the entire organism? The third is a little hard to see/reach and this direct feeding method is the only way I have found to feed it without others in the tank (clowns, shrimp) snatching the food for themselves. <The more each mouth eats, the better the entire colony will grow. Corals grow in a very deliberate way; To make the most of a certain environment. This said, I would either move the brain so that you can feed the entire thing, or make the extra effort. As for snatching, it's highly frustrating. Will a fish feeding just before will keep them distracted long enough?> 2. On my live rock, I have tons of coralline algae growing. Colors of purple, maroon, red, green and pink. On my glass, pumps and base rock (Tufa), I only have one shade of purple growing. I would really like a mix of colors. Any ideas on how to encourage this process or why only one is spreading from the live rock to other areas? <One is outperforming the others at this given time. What's your calcium level? Some varieties of coralline won't grow unless high calcium levels are met. It's just a matter of luck, time and patience. Perhaps you could graft the variety you like to unclaimed territory before the more aggressive types have the opportunity?> Thanks a lot. You guys are a real credit to the hobby and I would be lost without you (or it least I would not have such a wonderful tank). <Great to hear! Hope this helps, and good luck- Ryan> -Ray Coral questions Hi, <Graham at your service.> I have a couple questions and can't find the answers in your FAQs. The first one: I have read about open brains and different scientific names. I have a Wellsophyllia; is this an open brain? <Yes. Most likely your brain coral is in the genus Trachyphyllia.> Also, does my Wellsophyllia need to be fed, and if so what? <The Brain coral will benefit from regular feedings, however, it's not needed. If you wish to feed your coral, you can try to feed the coral at night when its feeder tentacles are out. Once these tentacles are out, you can place several small pieces of krill within these tentacles and the brain should consume the food. Silversides and lancefish may also work.> Another quick question. What do you recommend to feed Fungia and what do you find to be the best method. <If you feed your fish regularly, most likely the plate will be catching food particles. You can also place small pieces of meaty foods (krill, silversides, squid, etc.) within the plates tentacles. The tentacles should then push the food towards the central mouth where the food is then consumed.> Do frogspawn need to be fed as well or is good lighting sufficient (I have 1 250 watt metal halide and two 36 watt actinic bulbs in a 75 gallon corner tank). <As I stated above, they will benefit from regular feedings, although it isn't necessary. If you choose to feed the coral, do so the same as you would as I described above with the plate coral.> Thanks!! <Take Care, Graham!> Andrew Burned Tissue hello crew, <Hi, Ryan with you> I have this awesome green Trachyphyllia that was in contact with one of my Favias sweeper tentacles, <Yikes> I have moved the two of them further apart. The Trachyphillia's tissue is damaged in one area, skeleton showing , about 1/4" on the bottom ridge. Is there any thing I can do to prevent further loss and possibly help it grow back? <A nice large water change of 20%. That's about it> I have been feeding the other areas of the coral heavy with Selcon soaked Mysis shrimp, I've been trying to get the damaged polyp to eat as much as I can , the end mouth won't take in the food but the others next to the damage will eat. <Leave him be, it will re-grow> Iodine dip??? Coral dip??? <Nope> Kinda in a hurry , thanks a lot all...<no problem! See ya, Ryan> Quick Trachyphyllia/Wellsophyllia question 4/23/04 Greetings! <cheers> Thanks again for a wonderful site. Got a quick question for you that I can't seem to find in the FAQ's. I am researching my next coral purchase (almost bought it out of impulse, instead put it on hold and decided to research it.....lessons learned reading daily FAQ's). <very good to hear :)> I am almost decided on getting an open brain coral. I am almost certain it is Trachyphyllia radiata. <the genus is monotypic... all such open brains are Trachyphyllia geoffroyi. T. radiata and Wellsophyllia radiata are not valid> It looks healthy but I will examine it again when I go back to the store. Here is my question. I do have bristle worms in my tank. <good. Seriously. They are helpful in small quantities (excellent for DSB health). If they are in excess numbers (enough to harm coral), then there is a nutrient control problem in the tank (overfeeding, inadequate water flow, poor skimming, weak water changes, etc). But rest assured, they are wholly limited by food/nutrients and well within your control> None of them are too large (largest I have seen is about 2" long). Will this coral be harmed by them if I put it on my sand substrate? <the coral must be placed on the substrate to live/survive. Never place Trachyphyllia on rock> I have the perfect location picked out already. Plenty of light, not a lot of current and away from other corals. The worms are my only concern at this time. Thanks -Ray <Be sure to feed this coral several times weekly with very fine minced foods. Crucial for this hungry coral. Anthony> Open brain coral 2/9/04 Hey all I am hoping you can answer this question for me. I have had an open green brain coral for about two months and it seems to not want to expand like it use to. It stays pretty small during the day. I have noticed it open once at night but I have monitored it lately and it doesn't want to open. It isn't expelling any matter from its mouths and it isn't accepting any food. please let me know if you have any clues. <inadequate feeding is a common cause: not enough food (3-5 times weekly) or food bits that are too large (over 1/4" minced chunks) which get taken in at feeding but regurgitated at night leading to starvation to the aquarists surprise> reef setup is a 72 gallon aquarium with duel 175 watt 10k Ushio bulbs and two fluorescent actinic bulbs. <very nice lighting> Other corals include frogspawn colt coral long tentacle anemone pumping xenia finger leather and green star polyps. All other corals are doing fine. Thank you Stan. N <not fair to compare such unrelated corals and their health to the open brain. My other wonder is if this open brain has been mistakenly set upon rock? They should always be nestled in the sand and will often suffer if placed on rock for some months. Anthony> Trachyphyllia anomaly Dear Crew <cheers> I have recently discovered what can only be described as a hard calcareous nodule on the base of my Trachyphyllia (please see photo). I have tapped it very gently with some plastic tongs and have got some definite resistance from it. <hmmm... tough to see from the photo, but could simply be a daughter satellite. Many stony corals reproduce by forming a small calcareous nodule that drips free once mature. Rather common with such free-living species as your Trachyphyllia> At first I thought it might be a hungry snail. Can you tell me what it is? Could it be reproducing? It has been in my tank nearly 18 months and has thrived in optimum water with weekly feedings all this time. <excellent to hear... yes, the weekly feedings are very conducive to good health, growth and reproduction> It has only come to my attention because the coral has been deflated for a few days. Something I know they do regularly to get rid of water. Your advice would be helpful. best regards, Jim PS the greenish nodule is in the middle just up from the bottom. Thanks <I cannot fathom it being a problem. Nothing of concern here if not reproduction (just a sequestered damaged frag of corallum at worst). Anthony> Strange Bedfellows? (Clown/Brain Coral Relationship) Good evening Crew, <Scott F. with you today!> I've searched the sight and have not seen this question asked. I have a Green Open Brain (Trachy) in my 75G reef. About 3 weeks ago I introduced a Maroon Clown to the tank (after 4 wk QT). A couple days ago I noticed the Clown has taken up residence with the Brain. They both seem to be enjoying one another's company. To date, I've not read anything on Brain/Clown relationships. Is this common or an anomaly? Any enlightenment on the subject would be greatly appreciated. Greg, Chicago <Well, Greg- this is an unusual, but not unheard of behavior for the clown. I've seen and heard of these guys inhabit everything from Feather Dusters to Elegance Corals, and lots of stuff in between. It's pretty cool to see! Clownfish often like to have a "host" of some sort to call "home base". It provides them comfort and As long as the Brain Coral is not being irritated excessively by the Clown, you should just enjoy this strange relationship! Good luck! Regards, Scott F.> Open brain question 12/30/03 I have a Trachyphyllia radiata, <FWIW... the genus Trachyphyllia is monotypic: only T. geoffroyi is valid> and was wondering the placement that is best for it. I saw you say that they are usually attached to something hard. They told me to put it on the sand bottom. Should I do that and put a small piece of live rock rubble by it and maybe it will move on to it? Or can it just be put on the sandy substrate? <most specimens are free living as evidenced by their conical "skeleton" (corallum)... but some like the "radiata" types are cleaved from hard substrates and will do equally well on hard or soft footing. I describe this genus and its care at greater length in my Book of Coral Propagation (pp 268-269 for genus overview)> This is in a 29 gallon aquarium, 18" high with custom SeaLife powercompacts, one actinic and one 10,000 k bulb, a total of 130 watts. Does this light setup sound good? Thank you very much for your help!! <please do a keyword search from our homepage wetwebmedia.com for this coral and you will find many FAQs on this popular animal. Take heed that they are critically needy of weekly (almost daily) feedings. Else they are fairly hardy and can be long lived in captivity. Best of luck, Anthony> Brain Bleaching? Hi I have a red brain coral I have had him for about a year now. I have noticed that his color is fading and he is turning a white color. He's not shrunken or shriveled, he just is turning white like the color is fading out. Any suggestions? <Well, there could be a number of factors at play. Check water quality, lighting (are the bulbs getting old? Too much light?), feeding habits (are you feeding the animal regularly?), current (excessive current?). Any potential allelopathic competition (like from Sinularia or other "noxious" soft corals). Is anyone in the tank "sampling" the coral's tissue? These guys seem very "tasty" to some fish...Lots of possible factors. Do a little checking, and adjust conditions as needed. The answers are out there! Good luck! Regards, Scott F> The Tang That Ate His Brain! (Brain Coral In Trouble?) I have a brain coral (Trachyphyllia) and over the last few days I have noticed a white cotton like substance on it, a little smaller than the size of a pencil eraser. It seems to be getting larger. The interesting thing is that when the lights come on it seems to suck into the brain coral and vanishes. Could there be a bite in the coral caused by my yellow tang taking a nip at it once in awhile or is this some sort of sponge? Thank you so much for your help! <Well, for whatever reason, these corals seem to be especially "tasty" to many fishes. I suspect that, as you surmised, this may be some localized trauma to the coral as a result of someone "munching". The abscess or traumatized area probably seems to "retract" into the animal when the tissue expands in response to "lights up"...Keep a close eye on the animal, and consider removing it if it is continuously harassed by the tang, or declines in health...Good luck! Regards, Scott F>
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