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Six Line and Pod Relationship - 01/24/06 I have a 40 gallon reef tank (2 years old). <Cool.> I recently added a small Sixline wrasse (approximately 1 1/2 inches) which is the only copepod eater in the tank. Tankmates are: hermit crabs, corals, 1 pair of Percula clowns, and three bar gobies. I am wondering how often I need to replenish the copepod population? I have found a couple places that I can order them online. Any advice on this would be greatly appreciated. <Six-Lines are skillful pod hunters it could easily destroy your population every few weeks. The bottled products are great to seed tanks but they are expensive for regular usage. At this rate it will be quite pricey to keep buying culture pods, so why not spawn your own? Look into a refugium, a small hang on variety such as those offered by Eco-System and CPR would be a great addition for your tank.> Thank you, Pam Vlatas <Adam Jackson.> Six-Line Wrasse and Expensive Meals 01/22/06 To the esteemed wet web media crew: <<Hello - Ted here>> I have a 55-gallon FOWLR tank with approximately 70 pounds of live rock, a 1-inch crushed-coral bottom, an external Magnum 350 canister filter, two powerheads, and an Excalibur skimmer. I also use a small HOB refugium with an opposite light cycle. The tank and refugium both have Chaetomorpha macroalgae, and have been up for about a year. The stock includes a flame angel, two true Perculas, four yellow Chromis, 1 cleaner shrimp, and three peppermint shrimp. I also have an assortment of snails and hermit crabs. I thought about adding a six-line wrasse as the final fish, but noted in your FAQs they may eat the shrimp.<<They will also eat snails and hermit crabs.>> Should I pass on the Six-Line and try for a fairy or flasher wrasse?<<Pass on the Six-Line if you value your invertebrates.>> I've not seen either a Flasher or Fairy wrasse for sale in three fish stores I frequent.<<Virtually all wrasses are capable of eating snails, hermit crabs or shrimps. Fairy wrasses may not be as inclined but you should be beware of the risk.>> I like the shrimp (although the cleaner shrimp is the only one routinely seen without searching), and can think of less expensive meals for the fish. Thank you for your help. <<You're welcome - Ted>> Evil Sixline Wrasse - 08/08/2005 I added a Sixline wrasse to my 29 gallon reef a few months ago that contained a common clown, two skunk cleaner shrimps, an emerald crab, a handful of hermit crabs, some Cerith snails, etc. <Sounds good.... so far.... The word "evil" in your e-mail's subject leads me to believe that all did not *stay* good....> Earlier this summer, when I returned from a week's vacation, I discovered that the Sixline, after being in my tank for only two weeks, had killed both cleaner shrimps, the emerald crab, and most of my hermit crab population. <Yikes! Though, I have heard/read of them taking out shrimp, on occasion.... I personally prefer the Fourline, P. tetrataenia, which is reportedly less apt to mess with your crustiest.> Also, my "pod" population has dramatically fallen, <Very much to be expected.> as well as the Cerith and dwarf Brittlestar numbers. <I'm a touch surprised at the snail, but the little brittles - yeah, I imagine they might be snacked upon.> I have seen my Sixline nipping at snails and the surviving hermits and am sure that this other decline in microfauna can be attributed to him. These fish are supposedly reef safe, <Well, to a degree, yes. Mandarinfish are "reef safe", as well, but will consume enough pods and such to wipe out all but very large systems in rather short amounts of time. I think what is commonly meant by "reef safe" is that the animal is unlikely to harass corals.> and I have only heard of one other "bad" Sixline that kills fish. <They do seem quite fish-safe.> Is it safe to say that my fish cannot be trusted around any other invertebrates? <I would say this is a correct assumption.> Mine seems to be best of buddies with my clownfish.... <And should continue to be so, should you choose to keep him. I doubt you will see any aggression between these two.> A reef just isn't the same without invertebrates running around.... <Agreed. For this reason, I am not considering a Sixline in my system.> Thanks for your time. <And thanks for writing in. Next time, do be certain to read as much as you can about a potential addition to your tank prior to adding it; there is much information on the web and even on WWM about this and other Pseudocheilinus' tastes for inverts. Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Wrasse And Gramma Compatibility - 08/04/2005 Would a Sixline wrasse and a royal Gramma likely be compatible in a 90 gallon tank? <Yes, highly likely. I have a pal with a Fourline and a royal Gramma in a 55g, and over the past year that he's had them, there have been no compatibility issues whatsoever. There are, however, exceptions to every rule.> Thanks. <Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Fish Compatibility 8/4/05 Would a Sixline wrasse and a royal Gramma likely be compatible in a 90 gallon tank? Thanks. <Hi Jon... Provided your fish load is low, you shouldn't run into any serious situations with these two particular fish. Both do have the potential to be somewhat aggressive, therefore it would be best if you add them as juveniles simultaneously. - Ali> Six-line wrasse and crab compatibility 8/4/05 Hi, <Hello, Jed> I recently inherited a six-line wrasse from a friend getting out of the hobby. Being the fool I am I happily took the wrasse knowing little about it other than it was reef safe and moderately aggressive. The aggression should not be a problem but I now have learned that a few lined wrasses will eat hermit crabs. Now here is my problem I have a small number of scarlet hermit crabs (five to six) and I am worried about them being eaten. I can't give the fish back because it means a lot to my friend that I keep her favorite fish, and she wants visitation rights. The wrasse is only two inches long but I am still worried that the wrasse may eat the crabs which I also want to keep. So do you think a two inch six-line wrasse will pose a threat to my scarlet hermit crabs? <Jed, the six lined wrasse should be just fine with the crabs, they are reef safe. James (Salty Dog)> Thank you very much,<You're welcome> Jed New Six Lined Wrasse...What and How much to feed? Hi! <Hi Kristin, Leslie here this morning> I just bought a six-lined wrasse, it is the only fish in my tank and I don't plan on getting more fish. I have a large population of copepods right now. Since the wrasse doesn't have competition do I still need to supplement his diet with other foods? <Yes I would. Unless you have a plan to replenish the pod population or have a refugium where they can reproduce at a good rate. Scott Michael recommends feeding these fish at least 2 times a day, less if kept with live rock.> I don't want to overfeed since I have read on your site that they can eat and eat. I have frozen Mysis shrimp, frozen Prime Reef, Ocean Nutrition brine shrimp plus (flakes) and New Life Spectrum all-purpose pellets available to feed it right now. I guess my question is, which of these foods are best for the wrasse and how much/often should I be feeding it considering the copepods? I would supplement with feedings once a day. <They eat meaty foods, so any finely chopped meaty seafood would be just fine. The Mysis and Prime Reef would be good place to start. Varying the diet is very important, so be sure to offer other meaty seafoods. How much to feed is a good question. I have seen it answered many ways. I read somewhere most fish have a stomach about the size of their eye so you can estimate the quantity like that or just watch him during the feedings give a little when it's gone give a little more. Start with a couple of pieces of Mysis. Usually what they can consume in a minute or 2 should be plenty.> Thank you! Krystin <You're most welcome! Best of luck with your new charge. HTH, Leslie> Eradicating Bristleworms with a Sixline Wrasse Hey we recently bought a rock with a variety of corals on it and last night realized that it was infested with Bristleworms I would like to keep the population in check and heard that six-line wrasse would help. <Sixline Wrasses indeed will consume a quantity of Bristleworms. However, I see no reason for you to remove any. Bristleworms are extremely beneficial to the reef aquarium, and I would recommend 1 Bristleworm of 5 hermit crabs any day. As for keeping the population in check, Bristleworms will die off or reproduce to adjust their numbers depending on how much uneaten organic debris (Bristleworm dinner) is available in your tank. If you do not feed a lot, chances are that the population will die down on its own. The opposite is true if you overfeed.> But we have beautiful (unidentified) feather dusters (the fan is no larger than a nickel) and wonder if the wrasse will eat them as well. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you so much for your time. <Your Wrasse will very likely consume your feather dusters. There are certainly individual wrasses that will not, but it is a hit or miss chance. Hope this helps, Mike G.> - Six-line Wrasse Question - Hi, just a quick question ... ( I know, they all start out quick) - anyway, I have a 90 gallon set up with good water parameters that has been up for 3-4 years. I thought I was set - was happy with my little wet friends (and they with each other so I thought) and had no plans on changing/adding anything. I've been reading about the six lined wrasse - and was wondering if mine could have killed my small blue tang and dwarf angel? I've read that they are normally "peaceful" with other species if not very outgoing and active fish (and really pretty too!) and recently learned can be a little crappy at times <Do you mean "crabby" as in grumpy? Then yes... six line wrasses can seem a little vindictive at times.> - I did notice that their fins were pretty chewed up just before my crabs got to make a meal out of them but have been trying to figure out why - no signs of disease (eating well, very active) - and since I do watch them off and on during the day (I work from home) - there didn't seem to be any conflict problems (though, who knows at night). The tang was very small (the newest and was my planned last addition) - smaller than the six line ... but my dwarf angel was larger (about 4 - 4.5") and had been in the tank for a about 5 months prior to the addition of the six line. <It is quite possible... certainly for the small tang, have seen six line wrasses hassle other fish to death, although never a pygmy angel. I suppose it's possible, but could have easily been from other causes.> I have a good amount of live rock - (not really sure just how much in lbs - but covers a good portion of the tank) - I just replaced the angel (it was a really nice multi-colored angel - silvery white with bright blue & yellow on it's head and fins...but don't have the funds for another one - a little pricey) - with a coral beauty. Anyway, could this little guy (about 3" so about full grown now) - be the trouble maker? <At this size, very possible.> Suddenly deciding that he's "a grown-up" now? <Or perhaps just not to be trifled with.> One of my two Percs seems to be in the same boat now (the smaller of the 2)... I suspect the answer is yes, but just wondering your opinion and any suggestions if you feel he is the problem. <Would spend the weekend watching the tank from a small distance so you have a scope of most everything going on - being there with your face pressed against the glass may not reveal the behavior. If you see the aggression, then you'll know the truth.> They were all in the tank together for a while before any problems started to sneak up. <Attitudes change over time.> Thanks I currently have: lots of hermit crabs / snails 2 cleaner shrimp (I know - could be food someday ...) 1 blue damsel 3" 2 false Percula clowns ( 1 @ 2" the other at about 3.5" ) 1 six lined wrasse (about 2.5 - 3" ) 1 yellow Coris (4-4.5") (not really the Coris species - and yes, the do get along just fine) 1 fridmani (??) Pseudochromis (about 3") 1 Coral Beauty (newest addition) (about 4") (PS - your site has helped me greatly in the past in my selection of fishes and really helped curb that impulse purchase before researching - so my many thanks !) Oh, and what would you think about a Christmas wrasse in this mix? I've read that they are also generally on the "peaceful" side - (the Halichoeres ornatissimus). <Yes, but they need space - tend to zoom from end to end of a system and will likely be cramped in this system. I would recommend against it.> I love their color and really like wrasse, but know that compatibility can be an issue with multiple of the same genus. <I have three wrasses in my tank - they don't cause each other any trouble, but still... space is a factor. If I were you I'd pick a smaller wrasse.> This will definitely max out my tank - :-) <Cheers, J -- > Tanks for the Marine Answers Thanks so much for your quick response and advice! I will definitely watch them more closely (from a distance) to see if there is a problem. Though I have noticed recently - which is exactly what you've said - that the little six line does seem to have the attitude of "don't mess with me!" but not outright harassing - anyway, many thanks - again! < Not sure who helped you, but on their behalf I'll say "you're welcome" and we hope we helped. > < Blundell > Stirring the.. SUBSTRATE! Watch your Wrasse >I was looking through the articles on your site trying to find out if six-line wrasses tend to dig a lot or otherwise excessively stir the substrate. >>Not really. Like many wrasses, they do bury themselves, but they wouldn't be as taxing on something like a DSB as, say a C. gaimard. >I would like to add one to my 120gal tank with DSB but I would like to make sure that they are not going cause any problems. >>You really shouldn't, especially in such a generously sized tank. >I had problems in the past with a maroon clown digging holes as deep as 5 inches and causing some heavy sedimentation on the corals in my tank. >>NOT at all surprising with the clown, though it's often not mentioned that they'll move large quantities of substrate. >Please let me know if you have heard about these guys digging too much. Thanks, Petr >>No worries, Petr, you should have a six-line wrasse in that tank. Or maybe some neon gobies (though not as colorful or active)? Sorry, it's just too easy to stock other people's tanks. Marina - Sixline Cocoon - Hi, thanks for the great website. Today I woke to observe something very strange to me. A 6-line wrasse I just added to the tank has a jelly like bubble surrounding it. The fish has his nose pointing out. The bubble has consistency and small whitish specs on it (these may be stuff from the water caught) in it. Any idea? <Yes, it's a mucus cocoon, similar to those made by many wrasses and Parrotfishes when they sleep. Is normal and nothing to worry about.> I don't know what to do. <Nothing to do except not worry about it - is normal.> It is almost egg shape in size. <Cheers, J -- > - Six Line, Eight Line, Who's Counting? - Hi crew, <Hi.> A few weeks ago, I bought what was supposed to be a 6-line wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia) from my LFS. After closer observation and a quick review at fishbase.org, it appears that this fish was actually an 8-line wrasse (Pseudocheilinus octotaenia). Unfortunately, the wrasse died mysteriously after 2 week in my QT so I was never able to see it swim in my 180g reef tank. Bob suggested a shorter QT period for wrasses (with a FW dip) in one of my previous emails so I will try this next time. My questions now are: 1. Are there advantages/disadvantages of an 8-line wrasse vs. 6-line? (I have read several WWM postings about aggressive 8-lie wrasses, but 6-line wrasse comments seem to be generally positive). <Not really... they both fill a very similar niche. Personally, I've found Sixline wrasses to be just as pugnacious as eightlines... typically once they've been in the tank for a while. Either way, with some larger fish around they tend to stay in line, pardon the terrible pun.> 2. I would also like to add a flasher wrasse, such as a Paracheilinus carpenteri and a canary wrasse (Halichoeres chrysus). Would these wrasses live peacefully with a 6-line or 8-line wrasse? <I think so, sure. I have a mix of wrasses in my tank... they tend not to bother each other, although my Tuskfish does have its grumpy moments and chases the fairy and mystery wrasses around, nothing ever results from it [no damage].> (I also have a mixture of several tangs, a pair of maroon clowns, Banggai cardinals, mandarin and Firefish - all established for nearly 2 years). 3. Since carpenter wrasses are difficult to find, could you recommend a similar flasher wrasse that would live peacefully in my tank? <Seems to me that these aren't all that hard to find... when working in a fish store in San Diego, we used to get these in pretty regularly and on demand. Depending on where you live, you may end up having to use The Marine Center or similarly well connected online supplier.> 4. Since the QT period should be cut short, how much QT time is adequate to catch any problems yet not over-stress the fish? <With these fish, you'd almost do best to just give them a pH-adjusted, freshwater dip and put them directly in the display. If you do quarantine, a week should do... would give the fish time to relax, not be hassled by other fish/competition.> Is iodine helpful in a dip for fish or is this only useful for corals? <Really best left to the corals.> I typically use Methylene blue for freshwater fish dips but, considering this reduced QT period, I am not sure is this is adequate. <The Methylene blue doesn't really provide much in the way of direct therapy in a dip - it's dark color and oxygenating properties help calm the fish, but you could just as easily go without this additive. A good long dip - five minutes plus should do the trick.> As always, thank you for taking the time to help all of us with our questions - There is a wealth of invaluable information on wetwebmedia.com! <Cheers, J -- > - Six Line, Eight Line, Who's Counting? Follow-up - Thank you for the advice regarding wrasse selection for my tank. <My pleasure.> So it sounds like there should be no difference in aggression between a 6-line and an 8-line wrasse but I forgot to mention one other key consideration... I was also considering the 6-line wrasse to help control flatworms. It seems that 6-line wrasses are always mentioned to help reduce flatworm populations but I have not noticed 8-line wrasses mention for such use. Are 8-line wrasses equally efficient at reducing flatworm populations (as 6-line wrasses)? <While I've heard that Sixline wrasses "can" control flatworms, I've yet to actually see one do it. That doesn't mean that your Pseudocheilinus wrasse won't eat flatworms, but I also wouldn't bet the bank on it. I would guess, however, that the sharp eyes and diet preferences would be similar throughout the genus.> Thanks again for the help! --Greg <Cheers, J -- > Mysterious 6-line wrasse death Hi Crew, <Greg> I hope you enjoyed a wonderful holiday season! <Yep, lots of projects, visitings...> During my vacation, I took the opportunity to purchase a 6-line wrasse (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia) and two Firefish for my 180g reef. These fish have been in my 20g QT for 2 weeks and all appeared to be doing well (all eating flake food well) - that was until this morning when I discovered the wrasse was dead. <Mmm, well, one thing... flake food of any sort is not "that" nutritious...> Yesterday I did notice the wrasse was very still (but still very alive), under a piece of PVC tubing. I do not understand what would have caused this fish to die. <Stress is easily a component here as well> It had no visible spots, fungus, worms, etc. and it had a good appetite. It had no nipped or cloudy fins (or eyes) and it did not appear at all emaciated. Do "special" considerations need to be made for 6-line wrasses in QT? <Best to supply with a bit of live rock, some live and/or meaty food> This is a bare-bottom tank with only a few 1" PVC pipe fittings and some red Gracilaria for cover. Although the Firefish did occasionally swim at the wrasses with its mouth open, I never noticed actual contact and they would typically even share a flake of food. I would really like to add a 6-line wrasse to my reef tank to control flatworms and because I really enjoyed watching this fish in my QT but I am concerned about the cause of this death after two weeks in QT. A secondary concern is the effect this fish could have on the 'pod population, since I already have a mandarin in my main tank. I do have a 50g refugium (5" DSB + LR. + Caulerpa & Gracilaria) attached to the 180g tank to help with 'pod stocking. <This size system and refugium can easily support both/all these fishes> My main tank also contains about 200 pounds of LR. and 2" of aragonite. Considering this, do you think it would be a problem to add a 6-line wrasse to my main tank (assuming I can get it through the 4 week QT period)? <I am inclined to suggest an extended bath/dipping procedure in lieu of actual quarantine. There are other folks here that are staunch four weeks or heck re quarantining, but I am of the opinion and experience that many smaller, shyer species of fishes are worse off for the experience... gobies, blennies, small wrasses included> Lastly, I would also like to add a H. chrysus or a H. iridis. Would either of these fish live peacefully with a P. hexataenia in my reef tank? <Yes, both these Halichoeres species are fine here> Would two wrasses begin to cause the 'pod supply to dwindle for the mandarin? <Would put a dent in it, but I say go ahead> As always, thank you (in advance) for the terrific advice! --Greg <Happy to proffer it. Bob Fenner> Sixline wrasse to consume bristle worms Hi, I know bristle worms attack clams, so I intend to put a 6-line wrasse in the tank to protect it. Will he try to feed off from the clam also? << No, six line wrasse are very clam safe. You may want to keep the clam off the bottom of your tank if you are worried about worms. >> << Blundell >> Sixline Wrasse Hi Bob, <Hi Pam, MacL here with you today.> We have a 20 gallon salt water tank, new to us (we have had it maybe 2 weeks) but the guy before us had it for 3 years. <Marvelous, Sounds quite lovely.> It contains a 4 inch long maroon clown, a small green Chromis (spelling?), a HUGE brittle star (8 inch legs on a half-dollar sized body),<What color is the brittle star, if its Green that could be a potential problem.> 1 red legged hermit crab, 2 black/white stripped leg crab, a few mushroom corals, and some other "stuff". We were having a problem with flatworms on our coral, so we purchased a Sixline wrasse two days ago and tossed him in to take care of that. We also have an abundance of Bristleworms and hoped he would take care of that too. Ok so, problem is this -- The little cubby that the wrasse sleeps in at night... the Bristleworms attack him!! We watch them sting him and he flinches and writhes, but he never moves to another spot. <Dang, how big are the bristles? Is he large enough to get them? I know Dottybacks will eat bristles but I have never heard of a six line eating them. I know that they will eat flatworms at leas some types. Most of the time the six lines will choose a place to stay for a night and then they will move the next day after finding another safe place.> We are afraid the worms will kill him. He looked so haggard this morning. Any words of wisdom? <An arrow crab will also eat the Bristleworms. Or you can catch them with tweezers and remove them from the tank. Normally Bristleworms aren't bad creatures, they clean and remove detritus.> Thanks, Pam Wrasse Behavior Question Hi:) A quick question about the eight line flasher wrasse. If I order a male and a female can they be introduced together to the same tank without aggressive behavior? In other words do they always get along or could one pick on the other? Thanks for your time....... Janey <Hi Janey. In any captive system, certainly the smaller ones (100 gallons or less) there is a chance that ANY fish can be tormented by another. But, however, male and female wrasses can pair up. I have kept a small harem of flasher wrasses myself. In 150 gallons, one male and 5 females were peaceful. I'm not sure how large your system is, but I'd arrange the ratio similarly. Thanks, Ryan> Will His Hermits Become "Feeder Crabs?" (9/8/04) Hello All, <Hi. Steve Allen Today> Question as it is simple... I love my 100 plus blue leg hermit crabs. They keep the hair algae in control... well actually they removed it all. I wanted to buy a 12 line wrasse (looks like the 6 line but green in color) what will be the chance that it we decide that blue legs are taste? <Members of this genus are well-known as predators of crustaceans. I'd say there's a pretty good chance it will enjoy a hermit crab banquet over time.> I know anything can happen with fish... My Lemon Peel Angle suddenly took out my cleaner shrimp, weird hey? <Edible is edible.> Took me awhile to figure out what was killing them until I purchased another one and "BAM" took the eyes off <ouch!> and the dinner was served. I would like to know if I get the wrasse will the hermits days be numbered? <Quite probably.> Or am I better not going there and let my hermits keep the hair algae out of my tank... <If you love your hermits and appreciate their handiwork, why take a chance? Go with something that has a much lower probability of munching them.> Thanks much, Paul Six-Line and Micro Diversity I bought a JBL nano reef for my office and cycled it with live rock and live sand from my display tank. The rock was teeming with 'pods, bristle and other worms, and Mysis shrimp. The cycling is over and I have survived the cycle and the diatoms stage so it is time for stocking. Other than the above, the tank has some red mushrooms, assorted snails, and a peppermint shrimp. I purchased a tiny Percula and six-line for the tank and they have finished their 5 week quarantine. I just moved the Percula into the nano tank but am having second thoughts about moving the six-line. My question is simple will he/she wreak havoc on my micro-diversity or can some of it survive with him/her in the nano. The Percula and the six-line got along well with each other in the quarantine tank so I am pretty sure that they will get along in the nano but I am concerned about a loss of micro-diversity. My other option is to putting him/her into my display tank. What do the WetWebMedia sages recommend??? Thanks. Mark ***Hello Mark, The short answer to your question is yes, a Sixline can and will wreak havoc on the creatures you mention. In a larger tank this is not always the case, however in such cramped surroundings it's a given. This fish is a micropredator! Secondly, I wouldn't put a six line wrasse in such a small tank due to space reasons. It may be a small fish, but it needs swimming room. Mine uses every inch of his 48x24x24 tank. 12 gallons is a bit to cramped for this fish, especially as an adult. Cheers Jim*** I would like some advice about the impact of a six-line wrasse on the worms, 'pods and Mysis shrimp in my nano reef. Shrimp vs. wrasse 6/30/04 Hello-Question? My Sixline wrasse ate most of my cleaner shrimps legs. This all started right after he molted. <Shrimps and wrasses are like sheep and wolves. Also, shrimp are very vulnerable post molt.> I have him in a net box to keep him out of harms way, but I was wondering-will the shrimps legs grow back? I been trying to feed him by my hand, which is not working. So I don't know if I should just keep him till he dies or take him back to the fish store. <If the shrimp is able to take food, it may grow some of the legs back, but you won't see them until the next molt. I don't see any benefit to returning it to your LFS.> Also my Firefish, although he is active and eats a lot, looks very malnourished. I feed him formula one frozen food. Is there anything else I can do? I am guessing that my wrasse is a very aggressive fish and my tank may be just too small. <Firefish really benefit from several feedings per day. They also don't compete well with aggressive feeders like wrasses. You may have to give one or the other up. Best Regards. Adam C.> What's That Spot On His Wrasse? Hello, <Hi! Scott F. here today!> I have a small Sixline wrasse, maybe 1.5 inches in length. When I got him he seemed fine, then I noticed a small white, raised dot above the false eye on his tail fin. A day or two after, he and the clowns with him got ich. <Grr...Frustrating. Did you quarantine him upon purchase? Be sure to do this in the future if you aren't engaging in this practice now, okay?> Well, I treated hyposalinity for 6-7 weeks, the clowns and wrasse cleaned up nicely, except for that one spot which seems to disappear sometimes, but always returns to the exact same spot . I have raised the salinity in the hospital tank from the hyposaline 1.007 to 1.015, and will be moving it up further to transfer my clowns back to the tank. However the spot on my wrasse remains, although he is eating well and looks very healthy otherwise. So my question is, is this spot actually ich or just a raised coloring of some kind? I've noticed the same spot on other pictures of Sixline wrasse. <Funny you should mention this. I had a Sixline for years that always had a similar bump on this spot. It never went away, and never got worse. Does that mean it was nothing? Probably not. On the other hand, it was not contagious, nor did it annoy the fish in any way. I'd keep a close eye on the fish anyways, just to make sure that things don't decline> Anyway, my plan is to maintain the hospital tank at full salinity for another week or two with just him in it, and see if he develops ich, if he doesn't then I will transfer him back to the main tank. <I won't argue with that strategy. Better to be safe than sorry, and certainly better to make sure that the fish is, indeed ill before "treating" him> Do you have any ideas or suggestions regarding this spot? <As you are doing: Observe carefully, and treat only if it becomes a problem. Take care! Regards, Scott F.> Pseudocheilinus hexataenia Question: Hello, <Hi! Ryan Bowen helping you today> I'm new. <Great! Welcome> I've been reading a lot of your advice today. I noticed that someone contradicted something and now I'm not sure what's right and what's wrong. <So common in this hobby!> We need to buy a Sixline wrasse to save our clam from Pyram snails. <Or you could quarantine your livestock prior to introduction!> The problem is Scott F. says their great fish usually very safe in a reef tank and may pick on shy fish like Firefish, however; one of the other guys said they are ferocious. So who is right? <Both, because they owned different wrasses. Wrasses have lots of personality, and each fish is truly an individual. Perhaps some careful observation of your new tenant prior to purchase will lend some insight into his personality. With this fish, and some other marine fishes, you've just got to have a little luck with a good specimen. I don't see this becoming a huge problem, but buy a youngan' to be certain. Good luck, Ryan> Thanx for any help you can send our way. Keep up the good work. Rina
Sixline Wrasse Questions (6/2/04) Hello- <Steve Allen tonight> I just got a Sixline wrasse a few days ago, and I noticed that my Firefishes tail has been pretty well chewed up a bit. I was wondering if the Sixline wrasse was going to create a bigger problem for my Firefish? <Sixline can be rather aggressive at times, and Firefish, being shy, are easy victims.> The strange thing is, I haven't seen them fight each other, they seem to kind of ignore one another, so I don't understand why this happened. <You never know what they're doing the 23 hours per day you're not watching them. You may need to watch for longer periods ad different times of day and in different light conditions to know what's really going on.> Another thing I noticed on my wrasse was one small white dot. could this be ich? <Unlikely if only one spot, but watch or more.> My other fish doesn't have anything on it. The white dot is on the tail and seems to have come loose a little bit, it kind of moves when the wrasse moves-i-s this ich, or something I should be concerned about? <Could be Lymphocystis--read about this on WWM & look at some pictures.> Thanks, Heather <Hope this helps. Steve Allen> Six Line Wrasse - MIA? >Hi, I bought a six line wrasse 5 days ago. It was doing great, very active. I heard they bury themselves but for how long?? >>Nightly, they tuck themselves in. >I haven't seen it in 2 days. Should I be concerned? Kris >>I would definitely start searching for it, you may have a crispy critter somewhere. You might also want to keep the lights off for a day, see if he's hiding because he's feeling a bit shy. Marina Where'd it go? >I swept through the sand gently, nothing. I only have a "Nemo", humbug damsel, domino damsel, feather duster, 1 decent size live rock, 1 live rock with little mushrooms on it (which I bought 5 days ago and they still haven't opened). >>Uh oh, it's quite possible that either ONE of those damsels (you've got two of the more, nay, MOST, aggressive species I've ever worked with) may very well have driven the wrasse right out of the tank. Care MUST be taken when establishing and stocking these systems, least aggressive fish must be established first, and some fish simply cannot be housed together at all. >And one dying black spiny urchin. >>I have a feeling you're going far too quickly with your stocking of this system. >Almost all of its spines are down but haven't fallen off, I've had it also 5 days. >>You are DEFINITELY pushing things too fast. You've got to test your water (with GOOD test kits) for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH, and salinity. You've got to wait at least a month between adding fish (and I still have no idea of the size of this tank), and that's AFTER a 30 day quarantine to avoid diseases. There's much to go over, so I'm going to point you towards the bulk of our site. >Should I assume it's dead?? >>No, only if the spines are falling off. I have a feeling you should do a very large water change here. You may also benefit the animals by adding some Bio-Spira according to directions. Then, STOP adding fish until everything's settled down, and NO more inverts. >It's got about 15 long spines still standing. But, has not moved. Kris >>They do this, but it doesn't sound good. There's too much information I don't have to help you any further. For an idea on what we need, follow the "tips on asking questions" or "tips on FAQs" link on site. Marina Introducing an 8 line wrasse to a new tank Aloha! <Leslie here> I am a beginner at the world of tropical aquariums. < Welcome to a wonderful and wet world!!> I thought I read all the right material in insuring that I establish my new 30 gallon tank. I set it up, let it cycle for three days < Otto> before introducing my first fish, a Clark clown fish. < Cycling is a process which requires more like 3 to 4 weeks and perhaps 6. Please have a look at this article on biological filtration http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/setup/filtration/biological/biofiltr.htm He is doing great. < He's lucky> after two more days, I introduced a flame angel. <Otto> He is doing great also. <He is lucky as well. > Three days later I pick up a 8 line wrasse who looked pretty active and was eating at the pet shop. I floated him for 20 minutes, added water from my tank and floated another 15 minutes and in he went. He was fine. By morning, he ate a bit with the others. I thought all was well. Came home this evening and he's swimming on his side, getting ready to belly up. Not sure what happened. < Well, sounds to me like the combination of an inadequately cycled tank and being picked on was just to much for the poor little guy.> The angel was a little aggressive when he first entered but it seemed to be nothing, once he realized he was too big to be food. < Yes , they can be aggressive toward fish of similar shape or behavior and should be the last fish added to a relatively peaceful community environment. > Do you have any words of wisdom for me so I do not repeat this disaster. < Well I would say lots of patience and in addition......Read and then read some more, plan, research, never impulse buy, ask for help before hand next time, here in the chat forums or by writing in again.> Bob's book the Conscientious Marine Aquarist is an excellent reference and I highly recommend it. I hate to kill any more unnecessarily. < My sentiments exactly. The 2 fish still in your tank are at risk. I would recommend returning the 2 fish you have to the LFS and properly cycling this tank prior to adding livestock.> Mahalo for your time! <Be chatting, Leslie> Introducing an 8 line wrasse to a new tank (5/26/04) Thank you very much for taking time to help educate me! I do appreciate it! <You are most welcome!> I'll be running out to purchase the suggested reading material and <Great! It is an excellent book and I think you will enjoy it as well. I most certainly did. It is one of my favorites and I refer to it on a regular basis. Bob has a light easy writing style that makes the book very easy and fun to read while delivering valuable information. > Much wiser because of it. <Always a good thing> Mahalo nui loa, thank you, as we say here in Maui! <Your Welcome, Leslie> My Big, Fat Sixline Wrasse! Hi, I have a 3/4 grown 6 line wrasse. His behavior is normal, but he gets quite a bulging stomach, I am not sure if it could be because he is the only pod eater in my 55 g tank, and he spends all day picking over the rocks, but I also wanted to check if it could be worms or similar, anything I should be worried about? Thanks, Alastair <Well, Alastair, one thing that you'll find is that these guys tend to eat as much as they can, as often as they can! As long as the fish appears to be eating well, and the stomach does not appear to be deformed to one side or another, then you're simply looking at a really well-fed wrasse! If you are still suspicious, do observe the fish carefully for a while to assure yourself that the fish is behaving normally, without any potential symptoms that could indicate disease. Hope all works out well! Regards, Scott F.> Vietnamese" Sixline Wrasse 3/3/2004 Dear Crew Member: I was at my LFS yesterday, and they have now added the prefix "Vietnamese" to their Sixline wrasses. I do not currently have a world atlas, so I would like to know if this counts as Indo-Pacific or what? Either way, is this location considered ideal for this species, or can you think of any other reason why they would indicate it's location? They do not mention it for their other fish. Thanks, Rich <Hi Rich. livestock sometimes carries the country of origin as a way to imply quality since some areas of collection have better reputations than others. I don't know that Vietnam has a particularly good reputation, but livestock from Vietnam is a relative novelty in the trade (but becoming more common). In most cases, by the time a fish gets to the retailer, there is no way to trace where it came from, and that is why it is uncommon for the country of origin to be listed. Best Regards. Adam> 6 line wrasse I have recently purchased a six line wrasse. On the second day he was in the tank, he started to swim head down. He still has lots of energy, eats, and has spats with the other tankmates periodically. Is this normal behavior? I was trying to wade through the FAQs on wrasses, but was unable to find specifically. Thanks <It may be that this fish is "adjusting" from the effects of capture, specifically that it has suffered internal damage from too-rapid ascent or being "poked" by its collector in the wild. Could be symptomatic of a "gut" blockage possibly... At any length, not "natural" or desirable. All one can do is hope and watch at any length. I'm rootin' for your wrasses recovery! Bob Fenner> Sixline With An Attitude! Hello to all WWM Crew from a rather cold UK!! <Hi there! Scott F. with you today!> Just a quick question if you can spare a sec to advise. <Glad to...> I purchased a six line wrasse from my LFS about two weeks ago and he was fine, a nice peaceful addition..... Until now. <Uhh-Ohh...> The tank consists of a Coral Beauty, shrimp goby and his Tiger pistol shrimp pal and a Firefish in addition to the Wrasse. The tank is 40gallons with Live Rock, a cleanup crew of a few snails and hermits. <Sounds like a neat mix!> Up till about Sunday, they were all getting along fine, but now the Wrasse has taken a disliking to the Firefish. Whenever the Firefish moves he darts at him and chases him. I'm worried that the stress is going to tip the Firefish over the edge!!! My LFS said the Wrasse was a fine addition to the tank and was not bothered about having any territory (so not aggressive), but I'm not so sure? <Well, I love Sixline Wrasses! They are a lot of fun to watch, are gorgeous, and have great personalities. Unfortunately, you may encounter an individual (like you did!) who takes a disliking to another fish (usually a more docile species) and pesters it relentlessly> Can you offer any advice to try and curb his aggression? I've tried re-arranging the rock but this doesn't seem to have had any effect. The next course of action is to fish him out and take him back. The only problem is I do like this fish and I'm really happy with the way the tank is looking so it's a shame to have to re-arrange the rock to try and catch him stressing all parties concerned. But the Firefish comes first and he was the first in the tank so please any help on my dilemma would be much appreciated. Many thanks Martin. <Well, Martin- it certainly is a difficult dilemma! I'm afraid that I don't have any new and unique secret techniques for this problem! A thought here is that you could add another Sixline, as this could "distract" the resident Sixline. On the other hand, if could prove to be disaster, particularly for the newcomer. My other tried-and-true solution is to (gulp) re-arrange the rock. Not a fun thing to do, but it often works. On the other hand, if it doesn't- you will have gone to all that trouble, only to have the same problem, and an aquascape that you may not like as much! In the end, removing one of the two parties may be the only ay to restore some sort of peace in the tank. It's your call, so do consider the alternatives carefully! Good luck! Regards, Scott F.> Sixline Wrasse -A Real Gas! Hello Scott, <Hi there!> Before I buy a 6 line wrasse, I would like to know if my inverts are safe??? <Well, these fish are generally model citizens, and real characters! However, larger ones can occasionally munch on some of the smaller shrimp that we tend to keep in aquaria from time to time. On the whole, I would not be overly-concerned here, with these caveats. Enjoy! Regards, Scott F.> Pass On The Wrasse? Dear Scott, <Hey there!> Thanx again. Just wonder, as you didn't mention in your reply, about the 6 line-wrasse. <Oops- must have been sniffing too much coral glue last night! Sorry..> Do you think it will be a problem with the hermits and snails?? <Not to the extent of other wrasses. In fact, Sixline are good fishes to have if you keep clams, because they are known predators of snails that can bore into clam mantles, causing damage> Basically, wondered how the wrasse would work out with hermit crabs and snails and if it could get along with a goby as they both seem to like the substrate areas. <They might prey on smaller snails and hermits, but are usually very peaceful with other fishes. You'll just have to consider the possibilities and decide what works best for you> If you have time let me know what you think. If you're too busy I understand. <Never too busy!> Actually, I'm not sure how you manage to answer so many emails in one day! You must be a quick reader or typist! <Well, there are about 20 of us crazy fish nerds on call, so we manage just fine! Besides, this is FUN!> Regards, Greg <Any time! Take care! Scott F.> ps If what is a "Sea Swirl"? (I'm a Sea Swirl man, myself) If I want the sinusoidal wave thing here could you send to China and could I call to give a VISA number so it's not going out over the internet (not sure yet if I want to get one now, but just in case). - Sixline Problems - Hello gents, everyone out there had a wonderful Thanksgiving. <I did, thank you for asking.> I've had a six-line wrasse in QT for about 3 weeks now. It's eating good and seems to be active. The problem he has developing is that his mouth is receding back on his top jaw. <Likely from an injury.> It is an increasing thing, he still can and does eat very well, but I know from having one before that is not how they look, clearly not the normal pointed snout that this wrasse should have. Does this sound like anything to you guys and do you have any remedies for it, thanks <It could be either an injury, which will heal in time or it could be a genetic defect which happens from time to time, and won't heal - you'll just have a unique-looking six-line wrasse. As long as it is getting along and eating well, I say no worries. Cheers, J -- > - Sixline Problems, Follow-up - Thanks, I would probably agree that it is a genetic defect, but it has gotten worse from the day I got him, he almost has no upper mouth lip. <Well, again... as long as this fish is eating and staying out of harm's way, this will/should heal - it sounds to me more like a wound, but had to throw out the genetic defect because these things do happen often enough. Still, these fish are pretty tough customers for their size and should fare well given a good diet and enough quiet time to recuperate. Cheers, J -- > - Six line Wrasse - Hi all... I've posted this on the chat forum but haven't really gotten much of answer. <Let's see if I can do any better...> I'm hoping someone can help before the kids ask to go fish shopping this weekend. I moved my 2 false Percs and yellowtail into the main tank this evening after going fallow. My yellowtail didn't make it. I uncovered the tank to check on them and he was being eaten by the shrimp and hermits. So sad to see that. I'm guessing I screwed up on the dip during transfer although the clowns appear to be fine. (Swimming normally now). Anyway, I don't plan on replacing him unless hubby really wants me to. (Especially after having most of you tell me I shouldn't even have him.) Here's my question: I know that a lot of wrasses are known to be jumpers. Is the six line one of them? <I'm afraid so.> How much of an opening do they need to jump? <Smaller than you would think.> Would it be compatible with the following: 2 false Percs, 1 strawberry Dottyback, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp, 1 turbo snail, 3 hermits? <Sure, although it 'might' take out your shrimp one day.> Also, a yellow fish is very much wanted do you have any suggestions that would work with this crew? <How about a Citron Goby?> My tank is a 29g with live rock/DSB. No corals or anemones although I would like to have some mushrooms. I think I have enough light for those. (2 Coralife 20 watt 20,000K bulbs) Do you think my light is still too poor? <Not for mushrooms and polyps, but it might be rather tight quarters for all these fish - do consider something a little larger - perhaps a 40 gallon tank if you want this mix to persist. The extra size will also lend some stability to the whole system too so it's a double bonus.> If so, then mushrooms will come off the Christmas list and have to wait for a lighting upgrade and or larger tank. <Get the larger tank first - your fish will thank you.> Thanks. Carla <Cheers, J -- > -6-lined wrasse problem- <Good morning, JasonC here...>
Thank you for your time reading my mail, I have a question, couple days
ago I bought a 6-lined wrasse from a LFS, very good looking (they all
look the same, I know) and healthy, I bought him is because I have an
outbreak of LOTS of little worms, looks like little brittle worm,
around 5mm or so, and I caught 2 big brittle worm recently also. He is
intended for my 2 months old 10G tank, all water parameters are normal,
there are couple corals, a yellow watchman goby, a cleaner shrimp, an
emerald crab, 2 red-legged hermit crab, and couple snails, all these
are doing very good. My problem is, when the wrasse was introduced, he
always like to swim near the goby's home, which is a LR cave, and
the goby always come out to defend and I have seen the goby dash to the
wrasse to try to bit him, after 3 days, I think they finally settle
down, the size of the goby and the wrasse are pretty much the same,
around 1.5"-2". But today I notice one of the eye on the
wrasse have popped out a little bit and both fins have rot a bit also,
looks like bite marks, so I believe those are caused by the fighting
between both, btw the goby is totally fine, the wrasse still eat and
swim around like normal, he likes to swim around the coral a lot. So I
am wondering do I need to take him out and put into a QT tank and let
him recover? <That is the 'best' choice but if things have
genuinely settled down, would heal about the same speed in the tank
where it is now, provided it's not getting picked on. You do
understand that this system is small... perhaps too small for two
territorial fish.> or just let him in there to recover slowly? I
have read through your site about aggression and pop-eye symptom, and I
know I can use Epsom salt to treat the eye, but is it necessary?
<Not necessary... will just speed healing.> can I put the salt
into the main tank without affecting the corals? <Hmm... again due
to tank size, I would lean towards not adding any additional salts.>
I don't want the wrasse to get worse, or with any secondary
bacterial infections, but I was thinking if I take him out right now it
will stress him out even more, coz I just bought him from the LFS
couple days ago, and even if he recovered in the QT tank and once I
introduce him back to the 10G tank again, will the goby attack him
again? <Probably.> the wrasse seems don't even fight back,
don't know why, and is there anything I can do to prevent this from
happening? <Get a larger tank.> coz I am thinking to get a small
clown also, I want to get this solved before another fish (last one) is
added, I don't want it get into a war zone between them. <The
[right] clown would be a safer bet as far as aggression goes, but this
system is too small to house more than two small fish -take your
pick.> Thank you for any suggestions that you can give and really
great site that you have there, I read it a lot and I have learned a
LOT, thanks again. Michael
Mystery Wrasse Bob <Hi Ian> I have a question for you. I was told that female mystery wrasses (Pseudocheilinus ocellatus) don't change to males. I thought that most wrasses were hermaphrodites. Is this true? <As far as I know yes> And I have never seen the mystery wrasses labeled as male or female. Is there a price difference? <Don't know, but may be that all sold are actually (better looking) males> I was told today by the owner of my LFS that he has seen plenty of "female" Pseudocheilinus ocellatus at the wholesaler(s) in Tampa. And they were only 50-60$ while the "males" were around 200-300$ and that all of them were from Vanuatu. I thought these species came from the Marshall Islands exclusively. <Mmm, no western Central Pacific en toto> And the other tidbit of advice that he gave me was that the females will not change to males unless many are housed together. I thought if you keep one specimen by itself that it turns to male coloration. <Much more likely to do so with the company of other females> I don't even know that male and female Pseudocheilinus ocellatus look different. Can you please help me. I want this fish, and there absolutely NO information anywhere about it and I don't purchase ANYTHING without knowing as much information as I can get about it. Thanks IanB p.s. does anyone in the crew have a mystery wrasse? thanks again <Actually, at least Jason Chodakowski does. Am sending your mail to him. Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Bloated 12 line wrasse 3/20/03 Please help. I have a 12 line wrasse that I have had since tank inception in Oct. of last year. It is a 55 galloon tank, with plenty of live rock. He/She survived a bout with some parasite which knocked off everyone else. He survived for 4 weeks in our quarantine tank as we recycled the big tank. He survived the introduction of other tank members into the quarantine tank, as well. This guy is usually pretty tough. <agreed... a durable species and genera> Three days ago he bloated up like crazy. Fins sticking out, the whole nine yards. <did the scales distend as well (looking like a pinecone) or was it simply bloated. If it looked like a pinecone, there may be more serious consequences (Dropsy). Either way, please dose the QT with Epsom salt (as from the pharmacy) at the rate of 1 Tablespoon per 5 gallons. Repeat with a half dose on the third day. If no improvement by then, you may need to run a broad-spectrum antibiotic> It has not affected his eating or buoyancy in the least. I see no signs of eye popping, either. I found him sitting on the bottom once in the past few days, but he doesn't seem to need or want to stay there. As usual, he goes to bed (believe or not) before the other fish (around 9 pm) and comes out to eat around 8 am. He looks horrible, but doesn't seem to be bothered by it. <the main display can be dosed with Epsom salt just the same if need be... its a common element of foods and sea salt (hardens water too)> We quarantine tanked all of the other members of the tank - two clowns, one Kole tang (who eats like crazy), one long nose hawk, and one fridmani Pseudochromis - before we moved them all to the big tank. We feed a combination of frozen blood worms, Emerald entree?, Mysid shrimp, brine shrimp (which I recently read is pretty worthless), <low nutritive value to be sure> and some seaweed for the tang. I am concerned about the wrasse, but obviously about the other guys as well. Any suggestions? <do try the Epsom salt and use the Google search tool with that word/phrase to search our site for other FAQs on it for perspective> We haven't moved him back to the quarantine tank because the last time we did that we had to break down the entire tank to catch him. Additionally, the tang and fridmani are two week old additions and we don't want to freak them out. Please advise. Pamela <the Epsom salt helps many animals (including people... used as a laxative) regulate body fluids. If its going to work, you should see improvement by the third day. The are many causative agents for bloating. Best of luck... and do let us know if it works or if you need more advice. Anthony> 6 line wrasse I have a question........ I have a 6 line wrasse that puts some type of mucus surrounding around him at night. I am not sure what this is but I have seen it repeatedly. I have asked friends of mine and also looked for information regarding this and have found nothing, most people barely ever see theirs. Can you please help, thank you. Tracey Hough <Interesting observation. There are a few genera of the closely related (same suborder) Parrotfishes that build/sleep in mucus cocoons at nighttime. Please see here re: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/parrotfi.htm Bob Fenner Re: 6 line wrasse That is what it is, a mucus cocoon type surrounding, the thing is most people never see theirs. I did all my hiding spaces (openings in the live rock and so on) towards the front of the tank, so I would still be able to enjoy my hiders and them feel safe at the same time. Thank you very much. Hope this also gives you something you would like to look more into, considering, I do not think this is known by many. Thanks again, Tracey Hough <Thank you. Bob Fenner> Pseudocheilinus ocellatus eating shrimp - 2/15/03 What should I do with a Pseudocheilinus ocellatus (5 bar mystery) wrasse that has an appetite for shrimp, particularly cleaner shrimp. <Yeah. A little research would have helped here as this is not uncommon with this fish. In any event, I think someone has to go.> I'm not sure he's worth it now after ordering it. <Sorry to hear that. Such a beautiful animal> Anyone at WWM possibly interested in a donation for the cost of shipping? <Wow. That is very nice of you. What about a nice LFS or a local aquarium which in turn might really need the donation? Maybe you can get money or credit for him? Maybe try trading him at a local reef/fish club? Thank you much for the offer, but I would definitely check around locally first. Make lemonade since you have a lemon, so to speak! If not, let us know maybe someone on the crew might want it. Thanks again, Michael.> Wrasse And A Bass(let)! Would I be successful trying to put a Basslet in the same 75g reef tank with a Pseudocheilinus wrasse? I'm worried about potential conflicts, although the Basslet doesn't get out much! At times, the Pseudocheilinus wrasse seems to be somewhat of an aggressive little one. <Yep-some of those little P. hexataenia (Sixline Wrasses) can be feisty little guys! Make sure that the Basslet that you're putting in there, however, is one of the more "sociable" ones...As long as there is sufficient "territory" for everyone in there, things should be okay, in my opinion. I've kept this combination of fishes before without incident...Also, make sure that the fishes are within similar size ranges, this usually keeps a "balance of terror"! > Thank you so much for lending us aspiring wannabe marine biologists and zoologists a hand! <And thanks for thinking of us fish nerds! Hope that things work out great! Regards, Scott F> Wrasse and Shrimp I recently purchased a Pseudocheilinus ocellatus and he is attacking my two cleaner shrimp. Is this normal? <Not uncommon> I expected cleaner shrimp to have anonymity from all fish. <Not so> Did I make a mistake by feeding him fresh cut up shrimp to start him feeding? He just bit one of the feelers off of one, and they are both hugging the side of the tank. <They should be separated post haste. Bob Fenner> - Mystery Wrasse - <Greetings, JasonC here...> Just purchased a 5 bar mystery wrasse from Marine Center. The only other fish in the 75g tank is one Percula clown that could care less about the wrasse. He's been in the tank for 48 hours now, and shows himself more now than then. However, I can only get him to eat Mysis shrimp, and only 2 at that. Otherwise, he let's the shrimp go right by. If I can't put it right in his grill, he won't chase it. He also has a white spot on his tail, only visible from one side. Doesn't look like ich because it's too large (I believe). How do you start a bottom dweller eating? <Give it time... there's a lot of stress related to capture, shipping, holding, more shipping, and then final placement in your tank. It's going to take a week or four for this fish to feel at home. The fact that it eats anything at all is in you favor.> He's about 2" long, and my tank parameters are all zeros. <Cheers, J -- > Six line wrasse compatibility Hello, I have a question on Six Line Wrasse compatibility. I have a 29 gal tank with two False Percula clowns, four Nassarius snails, 4 Blue Legged Hermit Crabs, a Emerald Green Crab, a group of small Star Polyps, one False Anemone, one large Feather Duster, and several small feather dusters and white worms with red plumes. <all fine... but keep an eye on that crab as it matures and make sure to keep it fed if microalgae wanes ... or murders will occur and it won't be the butler who did it> I like the small dusters and worms that came on the live rock and am concerned about their well being. Will the Wrasse eat any of the aforementioned? <possible, but not a huge risk> I wanted something small that would swim around the rock that I've taken great pains in setting up to provide hiding spaces and good current flow. <Hmmm.. a fairy wrasse (many species) would be a much safer and peaceful choice here. Six-lines are wonderful but ferocious. There's a greater chance it will kill your clownfish than Featherdusters in time> My clowns swim close to the top and the tank needs something swimming around the rocks. I am also concerned about a few smallish Bristle Worms in the tank that at some point may go after ......anything. <no worries... bristle worms are great for sand ecology. They only flourish if you overfeed, under skim, lack of water changes, etc> Wrasses should keep these in check. <correct> If not a Wrasse, have you any suggestions? <besides Fairy wrasses, Firefish and delightful for the aesthetic> Tell Anthony, that the folks at Elmer's Aquarium say " Hello". Thanks! <excellent to hear! Cheers, my friend> Steve Scott( A frequent Customer at Elmer's, and dedicated reader of your fine website!). You folks saved me a lot of frustration and probably many a fish life! <great to hear it... kind regards. Anthony Marine Livestocking (Lined Wrasses, Angels) Hi guys, <Hello> I'm setting up a small reef tank in a 50G Uniquarium. I'm planning on making it a clownfish habitat minus the anemones. I'll be using leathers or hairy mushrooms as surrogates. My question is around fish compatibility. I'll have 3 ocellaris clowns and one small yellow or purple tang (he will be transplanted to a 125G later). Could I keep a four lined wrasse, a six lined wrasse, and an orchid Dottyback together? I'm using Live rock, a deep sandbed, and skimmer for filtration. Please let me know. <Mmm, not a good idea in this size system to have more than just one of these fishes. The Lined Wrasses don't mix by and large (except in very large systems), and too often Dottybacks and they will fight when crowded as well... I would leave off with all three here if your main desire is to have a peaceful "Clown tank", or if set on one of the three, look for a more easygoing tank-bred Pseudochromid species.> Question #2 - I have some smaller Bristleworms in the Fiji rock that I'm not concerned about, however I spotted a larger one the other night- 3-4". Does he need to go, or do I leave him in until I find a reason to remove him? <The latter IMO> On a similar note, I have a hairy crab that came with the rock, and I don't believe he is an emerald. All he seems to do is graze algae. Go or stay? <Hold off on its removal for now as well> Final question, I'm setting up a FOWLR - 125G - 72X18X23. I'm looking for a large angel to serve as the center piece for this system. I'm evaluating scribbled, Map, Asfur, Imperator, and French. Which of these would I be able to keep, and which would grow too large for the system? <All listed could be kept for a while as young (till about six inches or so), the French the longest, but none could, will live to be full-size, age in this size system (need at least twice the gallonage). Look to the Angelfish genera Centropyge, Genicanthus instead> I will most likely set up a 30G refugium in addition to the existing Wet/Dry which I will convert to a plain sump. This should give me ~180G of capacity. <Lots of good ideas here. I encourage you to do a bit more delving, thinking over the stocking mix. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Chris Wrasses Are there any wrasses referred to as '12-line' wrasses? If so do you have any photos or tips on identifying them? <Lots of lined wrasses of the genus Pseudocheilinus... here's our coverage of the genus: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pseudocheilinus.htm but not twelve... maybe try "lined wrasse" on fishbase.org (I did). Bob Fenner> Pyjama/Six line wrasse Hi Bob I wonder if you could offer me some advice. I have been reading your website articles since last December when I setup my very first marine tank (I have been a tropical freshwater fishkeeper for about 5 years) and would like to say (like most people do) that I appreciate the time you put into sharing your knowledge. It is very helpful. Back to the tank, here is what I have: Juwel Trigon 350 litre with internal filter box/heater etc -replaced the standard tubes with 3 Triton HO and 1 actinic Eheim 2226 canister filter Eheim 1060 pump powering Remora C Pro skimmer Vecton UV15 fed from 2226 <Nice gear> it was cycled for 10 weeks and tested religiously and after that period I bought my first fish: 2 Yellow Clarkii Clowns 1 Pyjama/Six Line wrasse <Good choices> The fish have been living in the tank for almost 2 months now and all appear very well and colourful, feeding well, becoming more and more confident and I am very happy with their progress. I do weekly 10% water changes and water tests and the parameters are so (at each recorded test): Salinity 1.022 Temp 25c Nitrite 0ppm Ammonia 0ppm Nitrate <12.5ppm PH 8.3 As I said everything is going well but I have one concern about the PJ wrasse. Although he appears fine in every way I can see he occasionally rubs against a rock. By occasionally I mean like 1-2 times per day, when I am around (normally for 6 of the 12 daylight hours). <This is normal. Not a worry> I have inspected all of them (and continually do so) and can see no spots, dust like films or anything out of the ordinary. The only thing I can see on the wrasse is 2 small patches on one side which are very slightly less coloured than the rest of him. These don't seem to get any bigger and could be described as neither ich or velvet symptoms (at least from what I can see). By that I mean they aren't spotty, couldn't really be described as white or gold or even dusty. <Natural coloration likely> Do you have any ideas or am I worrying about nothing? I did read the parasite FAQ on your site but couldn't really find anything that fit the bill. I am preparing my quarantine tank to buy my next fish but don't want to buy it until I am sure of the main tank being problem free. <Your relating shows nothing of danger, error. I would proceed with other livestock additions if you so desire. Bob Fenner> Thanks Andrew Re: Pyjama/Six line wrasse Hi thanks for the very quick response and reassuring words. I will monitor him this week and then buy my next fish. Thanks! Andrew <Excelsior! Bob Fenner> Pyjama wrasse Hi again Bob <Hello> you may remember I
wrote about an "itchy" pyjama/six line wrasse the other day.
I told you that at the time I could see nothing whatsoever on him apart
from some slight discolouration which you believed to be natural.
<Yes> Since then I have been away on a business trip and returned
for my girlfriend to tell me that he had a swelling and raised scales.
<Not good> On looking very closely, in fact he had a patch
(reddish colour, like a blister) which could be described as a lesion
(maybe from rubbing against the rocks?) and his scales are a little
raised. This patch is about 1/2 inch square on his side. Since then a
small white "thing" (technical term :-) ) has grown out of
his scales. It is not a spot as in ich or anything like that and from
all my site searching (including WetWebMedia) I have concluded that
this is Lymphocystis. It appears like a small piece of shell stuck in
his side for want of a better description. <Yikes> My question is
(sorry about the long winded description), am I right with my
diagnosis? Also what is the best thing to help him along to
recovery? <I do suspect this is resultant from a mechanical
injury (a bump or bite...)... perhaps some sort of secondary bacterial
involvement> I know there is no direct cure but that good water
quality (everything is stable at sg 1.022, ph 8.3, temp 25c, nitrite
0ppm, nitrate <12.5ppm, tested weekly with 10% weekly changes) and
feeding antibiotic food additives is helpful. Any specific feeding
suggestions? I am based in the UK so any internationally sold brand
recommendations would be gratefully received. <I would likely
continue as you are doing... perhaps add a cleaner organism to the
system, (see WetWebMedia re choices) augment the food with Microvit,
Zoecon soaking, otherwise keep the system stable. Of the "lined
wrasses" the hexataenia can be easily lost through manipulation
(compared with four, eight... lined species). Bob Fenner> Thanks
again Andrew Are All Six-Lines Jumpers? Hi I enjoy your website and book very much. I was considering getting a Sixline wrasse for my 150 gal. The clams are getting more and more snails on them. <Definitely not good!> I know that they can jump but I wasn't sure if it is rare or frequent. I'd rather not cover the tank with some coming up but I just might have to try it. <Much safer to cover the tank with these fish. All wrasses are known to jump from tanks.> Thanks, Jeff <You are welcome. -Steven Pro> Six-line wrasse in trouble WWM Guys, I wish my own GP physician were as helpful, available and funny as the WWM Guys. My six-line wrasse, who has done so well for 3 weeks, feeding and gliding through the rocks, is suddenly doing barrel-rolls as if he has no equilibrium. The rolling began yesterday. Tank conditions good--90 gallons well skimmed with a Euro-Reef, no ammonia or nitrite, ph 8.4, SG 1.023, temp 78F. Clown, Yellow Tang, Blue Damsel and Heniochus are all well, as are corals, peppermint shrimps, snails, stars and crabs. Just the wrasse. No marks of damage, fins look intact, no bulging is apparent (he has stayed in the rocks and has been hard to examine, but he seems ok). No aggression shown to the small wrasse--even the clown tolerates him in the anemone. No unusual additions to tank--just routine B-ionic dosing weekly Lugol's, weekly 5 gal water change, all (except B-ionic) done 3 days prior to symptoms. Any ideas of what is going on and how to correct will be greatly appreciated. <my friend...please accept our apologies for the delay in reply. Bob is still in Australia and I was out of town for several days at a conference. Poor Steve got stuck with all of the mail by himself for several days there. Please do update us about this situation if we can help... although from the description, I suspect it is already dead... dreadful symptoms. Best regards (and thanks for the compliment about our humor) Anthony> "Hey bob" (Pseudocheilinus) I got a question for you. I have a little 2,inch six-line-wrasse in my 40,gallon reef tank, I have about 45,pounds of live rock in the tank, I was wondering if he can feed naturally on the good stuffs on the live rock or do I have to feed him? thanks in advance, your phish friend Carlos! <Yes to both. The wrasse will feed on the live rock, and you should offer other foods daily. Please read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pseudocheilinus.htm. Bob Fenner> Mysterious disappearance Hello again Mr. Fenner, Hope you've been eating lots sushi lately. <About once, twice a month... a big budget, treat item for us...> I have. I have a doozy of a question for you. Will my 4-5" dia. bubble tip anemone be able to catch an eat a 1.5" six line wrasse? <Oh yes> I fed my 4 fish @ 10am today, ran out for a meeting, came back @ 11:30, sat down to enjoy my tank for a bit, & noticed that something was missing. The wrasse is nowhere to be found. I even dropped a tiny bit of food in the tank to try to entice him out. The anemone does look a little different. His tentacles are a bit longer and there are white marks-(like stretch marks) by his mouth. Do you think the anemone is the culprit or could the wrasse possibly be hiding out in a rock or tanking a nap. <Maybe hiding, possibly jumped out (they're good at this)... or an expensive meal...> The 3 remaining fish in the tank are a 3.5" Red Sea Sailfin, 2.5" flame angel & a 1" tank raised clown. Water quality is excellent. Thanx in advance for you opinion. Craig <Hope it shows up! Bob Fenner> Re: Mysterious disappearance Mr. Fenner, The 6 line wrasse was not eaten by the anemone, but after searching behind my tank, I found him on the floor. <Ah... sorry to read of this loss> I feel terrible. Now that the weather is cooling down in Las Vegas, I will definitely put the glass covers back on my tank. In the summer, the glass covers kept the heat in & it was impossible to keep my tank below 80. Time to buy a chiller I guess. <Maybe... there are other strategies...> I will be back in SoCal, Newport Beach, on the first of November to help my brother w/ his new state of the art 180 gal. setup. As before, you are invited to join us for a sushi dinner-my treat!. <Mmm, maybe I can go see the dentist... and get that free haircut from Sascha!...> Let us know, San Diego is not a bad drive to Newport & I'm sure you would have a great time. Thanx again Craig <Thank you my friend. My mother's birthday is Nov. 1, but do let me know about when you will be about. One never knows. Bob Fenner> 6 Line Wrasse question Hello again Mr. Fenner, <Howdy> After 2 weeks of qt, I just introduced a 6line wrasse & scooter blenny into my 50g tank. My Red Sea Sailfin & flame angel have been giving the little wrasse a hard time by chasing & nipping @ him. I hope it is just a territoriality thing & the attacks are getting a little more half hearted as time goes by. <Yes, should be so... hope you have plenty of cover for this newcomer> I read about the 6lines & couldn't find anything regarding their "cleaner" abilities. Are the flame & sf "biting the mouth that cleans them"? <Hmm, don't know that I've heard that Pseudocheilinus wrasses are cleaners... never observed this in the wild or captivity myself> Will the cleaner clean parasites off of the 2 fish. The fish have been visiting my 2 cleaner shrimp regularly. Thanx in advance again for your knowledge. Craig <Be chatting my friend. Bob Fenner> Twisted Lip Hey Bob, it's me again. You know, the 14 year old who asked that stocking question. I got a really pretty four line wrasse the other day, and now it's lip is twisted or bent a bit. <Yikes. Wonder what happened> I thought the Pseudocheilinus wrasses don't bury in the sand like other wrasses. Is this true? <Yes, they hide in rocks, coral, caves...> I have a coarser substrate than sand. If they don't bury, what could be causing this? Banging into a rock? <Maybe just a bump in the night...> An emerald crab? Do you think it will heal? <Yes> What do you think? Thanks for your help. <No worries my friend. Wish we were diving, collecting these right now! Bob Fenner> Fourline Wrasse I'd say definitely from the injury. When I came home from school my mom said she hadn't seen the wrasse. I found him dead under a rock. Although yesterday he ate fine, he was a little lethargic. I thought that was just from the injury, but it must have been more serious than I thought. It probably isn't a bacterial thing, as I've had a Foxface that after a week with having a gill infection. One day he was eating fine, then he stopped eating for about 3-4, than he died. My LFS identified it as a gill infection it had before I got it. This wrasse, though, more quickly. Of my 5 saltwater fish deaths, they have all been stupid causes, like aggression, sudden Kalkwasser pH changes (don't use that junk anymore), and hidden bacterial infections that were on the fish from rough handling, but not noticed at the store. Sometimes it gets really discouraging, but I suppose it is a part of fishkeeping right? <Hmm, not necessarily.... Your attitude and recollection/study are laudable.> Oh well, that is enough rambling on and on. I'm planning on getting a juvenile Foxface this weekend to help with algae. <Be chatting my friend. Bob Fenner> My Wrasse Oh I'm glad you think he will be fine! Thanks for the quick reply. I think it's so cool how you have the time to answer other's questions about aquariums so quickly! <It is an honor and privilege to be able to choose ones time thus. Bob Fenner> Thanks for the help Bob, Thanks for the help on fish ID. Our club has WetWebMedia as a link on our webpage www.masm.org and I do use it often. <Ah! A pleasure to be of service> I see you have a picture on my Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia, pot belly and all. <Yes my friend, do believe you're correct> I keep two in a 29 g with 2 flame angles and 1 yellow tank and 1 Moorish idol. <Amazing... a twenty nine?> One is big and the other is small. They get along fine. I thought about putting another small one in, but they are hard find that size. See ya around John Dawe the unconscious marine aquarist <Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Wrasse Selection thanks for your advice. I will probably take the arrow crab back to the pet store, and look into buying some of these wrasses: four-line red sea -eight-line, Hawaii -filament -four-line, indo -Sixline if you could please let me know if any of these selections are bad to keep with inverts or crustaceans, or if any of them should be kept singly, or if they can be kept in pairs. thank you <These are covered in the same site... Bob Fenner> Lined wrasses & compatibility Hi Bob, Thanks very much for your help earlier this week. I am broadening my search for my community tank, 65 gallon, (36 long x 18 wide x 24 deep), 40+ pounds live rock, etc as I emailed a couple of days ago. <Ah, good> Instead of Chalk basses, I am considering the Six-line and Four-line (Pseudocheilinus hexataenia and Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia) wrasses. I did not see any specific reference to these here. From what I have read, I should keep just one wrasse? <Yes, good fishes, a section for them (and most Labrid genera of use to aquarists on the WWM site> Would they be compatible with a Coral Beauty Angel, Pearly Jawfish, maybe a Springer's Dottyback? Katherine Steichen Rosing <I would only place one of one or the other. Bob Fenner> Six-line Wrasse in Trouble II The six-line wrasse lasted several more days but has died. If you had given me an excellent solution to keep him alive I would probably have been unable to get him netted--he still could zip back into the rocks. Only after he was pretty far gone could I get a net on him, and he spent 2 days drifting in the hospital tank--but at least he got no more abrasions from rocks. This is the second wrasse we've lost in an otherwise healthy tank. They may have been from the same shipment...but are these fish prone to this illness? Mark <normally they are very hardy and long-lived. Sounds like it may be the wholesaler or batch. A run through the QT tank for 2-4 weeks first should be all that is necessary to get a six-line to begin a long life in your reef. Best regards, Anthony> Four and Six-line Wrasses My Four line wrasse is retarded, he will only eat cleaner shrimps and Trapeze crabs living in my Acros. Can I add a six line wrasse to the same tank? or will the four line wrasse eat him too? <Hmm, no more expensive crustacean meals... No to eating the six line of the same genus... Bob F> Thanks, Todd Redux on the Six-Line Hi Jason, <<Hello>> oh, btw, you were right about the weird behavior...the wrasse is now hiding in the coral as opposed to the top right corner. The pygmy constantly followed it all over the tank to get a "cleaning", so now that the angel is gone, it acts normal now! <<angel's motives could have been otherwise, but the six-line is better, and that's a Good Thing (tm) as Martha Stewart would say. ;-) >> Thanks! -Jack <<You are quite welcome. Cheers, J -- >> |
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