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Purple tang growth rate discrepancy
1/6/19 Sail in discoloration. Tang beh., no info.
7/21/14 Sailfin Tang/Behavior 2/17/11 Question: Black Tang is spinning. Hlth., env. 9/27/08 Hi, I have had a Black Tang (Z. rostratum) in a 60 gallon <Too small a volume for this species> reef for two years. I grew him from 1.5" to 3.5". I wanted a bigger home for him to grow out, so I very carefully drip acclimated him to a 175 FOWLR tank that houses a Bird Wrasse, Chrysurus Angel both 7" along with 6-7 small "dither" fish. The tang did fine and was eating for 3-4 days, then I noticed he was hiding for a couple of days and not eating. Apparently, the Wrasse was bulling the Tang into hiding, and not eating! <Happens> I thought the only thing to do to save the Tang was to carefully acclimate him back to his previous home, which I did. The Tang was swimming well when I took him gently out of the 175. After he was back in the 60, he began swimming erratically for the first day, then for the last 4 days, he has swimming in tight even circles under an overhang in the back of the tank during the day, but he does seem to sleep peacefully at night. He is not eating, and has light whitish discoloration, over his eyes, and front third of his body. No ulcers, redness, parasites, ragged fins. He is getting a little thin. The other peaceful fish in the tank are fine, nobody goes near him. Water parameters in both tanks are 1.023, 20 nitrates, <I'd be reducing this> 0 amm., 0 nitrites, light cycle 11hrs, temp 77F, plenty of water movement, and dissolved oxygen. I have made two 35% water changes in the last week. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Does this sound like an over stressed fish? <Yes... the best single-word description> I'm stumped after 40 yrs. of fishkeeping. Thanks, Jack <Mmm, well... this fish still needs larger quarters... Bob Fenner>
Sailfin Nipping at Corals 8/15/06 Dear WWM crew: <Hi> I have a Zebrasoma Desjardinii that has started picking at my Devil's Hand Leather, one of my Favorites spp., and a couple of my Xeniids. <Not unheard of, but not very common either.> I keep my fish well fed with various foods (Nori, Spirulina enriched brine shrimp, Ocean Nutrition's Formula 2, and live brine shrimp gut loaded with phyto/Selcon/Cyclop-eeze, etc.), so I'm at a loss as to why my prized, mainly-herbivorous, "reef safe" tang would start eating my corals. <Forget the brine, even gut loaded. Still not very nutritious, will probably be better off using Mysid.> I don't want to have to relocate the fish, since I have had him for over a year, and have grown attached, if you know what I mean. <Sure> I was hoping you could give me your thoughts/recommendations regarding my situation. <Well, you're battling instinct here, so it's going to be hard to change his behavior. However this behavior could indicate a nutritional deficiency here, I would try switching up his diet some, forget the brine, switch to Mysid, and maybe try a few different brands of food, New-Life being my personal favorite, and see if it helps minimize this behavior.> Thanks in advance, Adam 72 gallon 80 or so lbs. live rock pH 7.9-8.0 ( I know... :( I'm working on this) NH3 - zero NO2 - zero NO3 - zero to trace Ca - 450 Alk - 4 meq/L PO4 - less than .1 Fish - 1 Red Sea Sailfin about 4'', 3 yellow tangs around 2 '', 1 blue throat trigger 2'' Corals/Sessile inverts - 3 Xenia spp., 1 Frogspawn, 1 favorites spp. brain, many mushrooms and Zoanthids, 1 long tentacle plate, 1 devil's hand leather Other - 1 brittle star, 1 serpent star, 1 sand sifting star, 1 sally lightfoot crab, 10 or so blue leg hermits, 30 or so Astrea snails Lights - 260W Coralife PC's, half 10K, half actinic Filtration- Sealife Systems model 125 wet dry, Sealife Systems NV150 skimmer Pumps - Wet dry - Surge M5000 (around 650 g/hour), skimmer- Rio 1700 (around 350 g/hr), and a JBJ 2500 powerhead in the tank w/ a Hydor spinning nozzle on it (about 530 g/hr). <This tank will quickly become overcrowded with the current livestock you have. The stress of this environment may also be contributing to this undesired behavior.> <Chris> Tang throwing up 12/16/05 Hi, <Hello there> I have been very grateful for the answers you have provided with me before and the quick responses in the past so thank you. But now I have a new question that I am sorry that I did not look thoroughly for in the already answered questions because I feel that time is of the essence. <Mmm... faster than writing and waiting for a response...> I have a sailfin, about three inches, who used to eat like a hog. But last night I saw him throw up the seaweed and food that he had at about five minutes before. <Happens...> So I gave him a closer look and it seems like he is getting pretty thin. Do you have and idea of what this could be and or possible cures? <If you've had this fish only a few months it is probable that gut-based parasites are at work here...> He is not breathing heavy and seems calm and their are no visual infections on him, not to say that there aren't any internally. <Bingo> Also I was at the closest pet store, it seems like all of the good ones are at least an hour away, and they had a medicated food by Jungle, I was wondering is this does anything and/or if it is considered an actual medication where LR and inverts can be harmed? <Marginally harmed... and worthwhile. Do seek out one of these medication-laden foods or make your own... that contains the anti-protozoal Metronidazole, aka Flagyl... Covered on WWM.> Thanks for all of your help. And happy holidays. - Dave <And to you and yours. Bob Fenner> Zebrasoma Aggression 10/21/05 Hi all <Hi
Ignatio.> I have an established 100 gallon reef tank with 8 juvenile
fishes <What type of fish? Could be a little could be a lot. Big
difference between juv. Chromis compared to juv. angels or juv.
triggers.> healthy and one of them is yellow tang. 1 week ago I add
1 purple tang and unfortunately the size is smaller than yellow tang
<Too small of a tank volume for these 2 fish, both psychologically
and physically. Also in the same genus (Zebrasoma) a genus which has a
nasty disposition to each other I might add.>, up to now the yellow
tang is always chasing the purple tang <Expected.> but
fortunately no sign of torn fins in the body of purple tang and up to
now the purple tang wants to eat and fat (I feed them twice a day).
<Still not 'healthy' for the purple to be subjected to such
aggression.> Note: when I feed them, the yellow tang is not
bothering the purple tang, he just allowed the purple to eat together.
<During this short time the purple is not the priority to the
aggressor.> Do you think this problem will disappear between a
month? <No, if you're a gambling man you would bet on this to
get worse with time.> what should I do concerning it is very
difficult to capture the purple tang. <Monitor them, if the
aggression persists ultimately you will have to separate. Two adults
Zebrasomas will likely not get along in this tank size, especially
since one has been established for so long.> Thank you & best
regards Ignatio <Your welcome and good luck, Adam J.> Tang Conflict Hi Bob, <Anthony Calfo in your service while Bob prospects in Australia to find a place to hold the wildest "fish nerd" parties this planet has ever seen... which shouldn't be hard to find. How much space do you really need for six people, a book of Mad Libs and a half gallon of Jack Daniels?> I have 65gal tank with about 100 lbs. of live rock. Currently I have four fish in the tank: A yellow tang 4.0' A blue tang 3.5' A flame angel 2' A coral beauty angel 2.5' I would like to add a purple tang(3") to this group, however my LFS guy told me it is not such good idea to add purple tang, because it will possibly kill the yellow tang. Is this true? Always appreciate your commons and suggestions. Thanks, Wayne <I agree...it is good and conservative advice. Mixing Zebrasoma species is done successfully, but just as often ends up in sever damage or fatality from aggression. You are fortunate enough having the two dwarf angels not killing each other. Diversify my friend with very different fishes to reduce the chance of aggression. How about a colorful wrasse, instead? Many nice species that stay small... do review the family in the WWM archives. Kindly, Anthony> Zebrasoma Tang compatibility I think I just read that purple tangs and yellow tangs do not get along, Is this true? <Yes, it is difficult to mix various species of the genus Zebrasoma; yellow tang, purple tang, Sailfin tang, desjardinii tang, etc.> I have a 135 with 175 lbs of live rock and various small fish and corals and a yellow tang that my wife says needs a purple tang buddy! is this going to be a problem? <Quite possibly. It would have been better to introduce them both at the same time, but even then can be a problem. The yellow tang has already claimed your tank as his territory and will attempt to drive off other similar feeding competitors. -Steven Pro> Tang Aggressiveness Hello. I have a few questions about tangs. If I were to get a purple or yellow tang, it would go in my 55g tank. If I want to add a copperband, an Anthias, or a partner for my clown, would the tang beat the new comer up? <Quite possibly. Are you aware of how difficult the Anthias and copperband are to maintain?> The tang will be about 3-4", while the copperband will be about 2-3", the Anthias 2-3", and the clown like an inch. Do you see any problems in adding these fish in down the road after the tang? <Better to add the tang last.> Thanks. Also, on a side note, how big does a cubicus boxfish need in terms of tank size? <150 gallons would be good.> Would a 20gal long or high be enough for it, <Not even close.> and maybe one more fish? Any boxfish good for a tank this size? <Do not put anything in a 20 that will grow larger than 3". -Steven Pro> - Desjardini Tang Coloration Question - Hello WWM, I have had a Desjardini tang for about a year. He is approx. 5"L. Anyway, the last couple of months after I feed sometimes he develops a large dark brown spot at his anal area. One time he had a spot that was very large covering 1/2 of his eye area. He has no health issues that I can see, he is always very active, hungry & parasite free. In the morning I generally feed formula 2 & Spirulina flake food. For dinner I feed a diet of frozen pygmy angel formula ( 3 - 4 times a week ) for the greens, frozen "Prime Reef", cut squid . and frozen angel formula( for my French angel as well ) & Mysis shrimp. I also use Selcon 2 x a week. I have not found info related to this issue & I hope you can lead me in the right direction. <Is likely just a mood-affected change in coloration. Many fish can do this, and what is typical is called a night/fright pattern that can be observed in the middle of the night or when the fish is under excessive stress/fright. Sometimes these color changes mean other things, but what that is specifically, no one knows yet. I wouldn't be concerned... your tang is likely expressing a preference for food.> Thank you ! D. Mack <Cheers, J -- > Scopas tang Hello, <Hey Rob, MacL here with you tonight> Just a quick question about the Scopas. I did a search and couldn't find exactly and thought that I would ask the question directly. I got my Scopas about 2 months ago and noticed recently that he was changing colors from a dark brown to a sort of light grey color. <Scopas do change colors, so it could be just normal. However I always caution people because there are things that stress the fish which can make it change colors as well. Its best to make sure there is nothing else causing him stress and then keep a close eye on him.> Is this normal? He eats fairly well (Mysis, emerald entree, zooplankton, Cyclop=Eeze and sushi Nori). All water parameters are good, and I do water changes twice monthly. He is in a 90g with a coral beauty, royal Gramma, 2 clowns and a Klein's butterfly. I appreciate you taking the time to answer the question....Thanks! Rob Sailfin that doesn't seem to sleep Hello, I am new to the
saltwater world and have a question. I have a 75 gallon saltwater tank,
lots of rock and places for my "New Friends" to hide. I have
1 hippo Tang, 1 mimic Tang, 2 small clowns, 3 small green Chromis, 1
red knob star, 2 cleaner shrimp. All the fish will go to sleep and rest
when I turn the lights out except the sailfin. She/He is new to the
tank about 3 days now but I can see her swimming in the dark tank. I
turn the lights out in the room the tank is in also, so it is dark, but
she seems to not sleep like the other fish, is this normal? She is fine
all day eats like a pig, mixed diet swims all day seeming very happy.
Also how many fish can you have in a 75 gallon tank, and does size
matter of the fish added, [example] do three small fish equal 1 larger
fish. Thanks in advance for your help. I am trying to learn as much as
I can, I always ask as many questions as I can at the store that I get
the fish from, but sometimes they do not know the answers and I hope I
getting the correct information to keep a healthy happy tank.
<There is no rule of thumb for stocking levels. So much depends on
the activity of a fish and how large the fish can get along with
surface area of the tank and so on. I pasted a link that you can read
on this subject. As far as the tang not sleeping, I've also had a
couple tangs that displayed this behavior. It went away after four or
five days. I left a "night light" on so the tank was not
completely dark. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/morestkgfaqs.htm
Good luck. (Salty Dog)> Sailfin Tang Harassment (6-14-05) Hi guys, <Hi there, Leslie in for the guys this morning> I have recently finished setting up a 60G marine aquarium, and have gleaned LOADS of useful advice from your site over the past few months, so many thanks! <Glad to hear you are finding the site helpful and you are most welcome.> I've read your FAQ's regarding tangs, and am hoping you can perhaps confirm my suspicions about recent behavior in my tank. <Sure, I will be happy to see what I can do.> I have a couple of Percula Clowns, a Spanish Hogfish and a Flame Angel, all of whom seemed to be getting on fine. The water parameters are fine. The SG is a bit low at 1.021 at the moment but tends to fluctuate with evaporation and water top up. <1.021 is OK and some fluctuation is to be expected> Had an outbreak of Hair Algae, and bought a Sailfin Tang to attempt to battle it. <Algae outbreaks are common in newly set up tanks. Have a look at the Algae Control in Marine Systems article and associated FAQs here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/algaeconMar.htm> Anyhow, recently I haven't seen my Flame Angel much, and his fins seem a little torn. Also, the previous king-of-the-castle Spanish Hogfish is NEVER to be seen, and is very very timid. He hides under rocks all of the time and also seems to have what looks like a small red injury near his tail fin. <Please do keep a close eye on these fish injuries for any signs of infection. You may need to medicate them. It would be a good idea to boost their immune system as well as keeping their tank very clean. I would recommend doing some extra water changes until the injuries have healed. In terms of boosting their immune system the addition of an immunostimulant like Beta Glucan and some vitamins like Vita-Chem Marine would be beneficial. Here is some info on how the Beta Glucan works and how to administer it'¦.. http://www.marineaquariumadvice.com/beta_glucan_biological_defense_modulator.html> Am I correct in assuming that the Sailfin Tang could be randomly bullying the others? <Yes, I would tend to agree.> I am tempted to remove him since the strange behavior seemed to have started around the same time that I added him. <I think that is a good plan. The tank is really too small for a Tang > When I asked my LFS if he would be OK in a 60G aquarium they said he would be OK but after reading some of your FAQ's I am not so sure. Any help that you could give would be greatly appreciated; I think I want to remove him in the next few hours! Chris. <I think you have made a good decision Chris. You might want to consider an algae eating blenny like a Lawnmower Blenny to help with your algae problem. Suspicions confirmed :)! HTH, Leslie>
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