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upgrade to reef octopus bh100 skimmer? 1/9/12
Protein Skimmer Help: Skimmer adjustment After moving from
HOB to Sump 10/7/2009 Sick of my SeaClone! 3/16/09 How to improve Seaclone100 effectiveness 6/12/08 Dear WetWebMedia, <Hello!> Since I was not satisfied by my Seaclone100 nor by the improvements suggested on some web-sites, I planned to modify my poor skimmer in a different, simple and, I suppose, original way. <It is much needed with this model.> With the help from friends of the A.I.A.M. (Italian association for Mediterranean aquarium www.aiam.info), I decided to: - cut off the J-pipe in two points - connect the skimmer base to an external pump and the pump to the formerly J-pipe and the skimmer "My" changes can be seen at: http://web.tiscali.it/DavideDiGregorio/acquari/tecnica/seaclone100.html Sorry for the not translated text but I think that pictures are quite clear. <The pictures do show what you did very clearly.> The skimmer now is: - more effective - much less noisy - almost totally external, allowing a free placement for rocks etc. Greetings from Rome, Italy, Davide Di Gregorio <This does make sense, injecting the air more directly into the skimmer, a higher quality bubble in the body. Thank you for sharing this, Scott V.> SeaClone Cleaning? And not a fan of proper English - 4/9/07 I have no idea how to clean my Seaclone100. There is the basic care they have put on the manual, but after a while, junk builds up in-between those tubes, (you know, that tiny space that's impossible to get to?). <I used to have one also, and did not have any luck getting it apart for thorough cleaning.> Well, I have been running it on my 40g stretch hex and my dilemma is whether to switch to another skimmer, or to buy a new one, or to deal with the crud, or to not run it at all, or what! Space is limited on the tank. <I would replace with another, perhaps an Aqua-C Remora. Here is a nice comparison of several: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/proskimrart2.htm > I was able to squeeze the SeaClone on by cutting out a 5 in. piece of glass on the lid, but I can't find any other skimmer with dimensions that would fit, and I am afraid cutting any more of the glass wouldn't leave enough support for the equipment, e.g. the lighting. <My Remora needs 5.5 inches of space for the tube coming from the pump and for the return. That is close to the space you have.> I'm trying to avoid a submersible skimmer, as it wouldn't look too attractive and, again, space is limited. Is it really necessary to have a skimmer in my case? <A skimmer is never a bad idea. And a better skimmer might surprise you with what it will pull out of the tank.> Running on an Emperor 400, it currently houses: 1 maroon clown 2 cardinals 1 neon goby 12 snails 4 blue hermits 2 sand sifters 1 Brittlestar 1 long tentacled anemone colt, mushroom, xenia, trumpet, and vase coral Also have an Aquaclear powerhead 50 hooked up. If you have any suggestions, that would be great. <This is a fairly low bio-load, so if you change water appropriately, and are not having any problems with algae or any of your corals being unhappy, you could try it without a skimmer for a while. But I would be prepared to get a Remora, or some other small quality skimmer if you want to keep your water quality up.> Thanks! <You are welcome!> Just as an fyi, proper English isn't stressed when you are on the internet. Just in case you haven't gotten around the web. Brooke <Well, we are aware that most of the web does not have any standards about typing shortcuts and poor English. However, we don't ask for any payment for the hours of volunteer time we dedicate here, except for a little effort to make the posts readable. We answer many messages each day, and it takes a lot of time to correct every one. We try to have respect for our language and expect others to try a little. The queries here are posted for posterity, and we try to make them as correct as possible. It is hard enough to gain clear understanding when correct English is used. Thanks for correcting your original query. Alex> <<Well-stated Alex... am caused by vain memory to re-call my mothers frequent admonition re "if others are/were jumping off of bridges"... I care less what others do... this is our site... And should you want our assistance, you will write us in proper English, or not waste y/our time writing period. BobF>> Re: SeaClone Cleaning? And not a fan of proper English - 4/10/07 Thanks! I'll be sure to check out the Remora as soon as I click send. <You will be amazed at how much more gunk it will get out of your tank than the SeaClone. And it is so easy to set up - nothing to adjust!> And my apologies for my first message. <It happens. Thanks for trying again. Enjoy your tank… Alex> Success with SeaClone Skimmer - 4/7/07 Hello all, <John> Just thought I would share this. If you think it will help some of the people who have the SeaClone, please post: <Will gladly do> I bought a SeaClone 100 in December of 2005. After several weeks of experiencing the below average performance and above average adjustment issues, I decided that it was not the right skimmer for me. I put it away, thinking that I might be able to us it at some future time and went back to my DIY air driven skimmer. About 4 months ago, I set up a new tank and decided to put the SeaClone back in service until I could get a better skimmer. However, I realized that I had already used the MaxiJet pump it came with to feed my other skimmer and I could not find my intake (or as Marineland calls it, J tube). Here is what I did. I ordered a new MaxiJet 1200. These are great water pumps, if you don't mind going to the hardware store for a new O ring every year. I then made a new intake out of I/2 ' PVC and 3 elbows. I wanted something that I could disconnect from the skimmer body without a large spill so I added a PVC connection collar to my intake tube with a shut off valve on each side. At the end that connects to the Skimmer body is a threaded fitting to clamp a hose on. I ended up with an L shaped intake that has about 36 inches of linear PVC tube between the pump and the skimmer body. I connected this to the pump and skimmer body with a couple small piece of 5/8 hose (and a couple stainless water clamps to connect the PVC to the skimmer body input). I also replaced the standard air adjuster with a lime wood air diffuser controlled by a brass gang valve. <Mmm, this will have to be serviced quite regularly... likely best every week or so... let old ones air dry... perhaps bleach them, dechlorinate, air-dry... occasionally in batches> This skimmer now performs 10 times better that the original configuration. I think a large part of the reason is the added air to water contact time in the longer intake. Now, instead of constant adjustments, I only have to adjust temporarily after a large water change. I get a very dark green, almost black liquid as opposed to the Lipton tea colored liquid the skimmer used to produce. Volume of liquid is still less than I would like, (about a cup every 5-7 days on average) but I do have a low bio-load with other supplemental mechanical, and chemical filtration. I just thought I would pass this on. I spent about seven dollars on PVC tubes and fittings and another seven dollars on a lime wood air diffuser and a brass valve. Thanks for everything, John <Thank you John... you've very likely saved a bunch of folks much grief and angst! Cheers, Bob Fenner> Less than Quality Protein Skimmers....to replace? (YES!) 3-13-07 Hey All. <Hello Eric.> I have a question about protein skimmers. <Sure.> I have a 75 gallon reef tank. I recently replaced my Excalibur protein skimmer with a SeaClone 150, <D'oh! One clunker for another.> in large part because I had to replace the impeller in the Rio 10hf once every few months. <Yeah these pumps....well let's just say there are others I prefer.> Now the SeaClone is spewing microbubbles into the display, and everywhere they are sticking to the rock I am getting a funky algae. <They aren't of great or even mediocre quality to be honest.> However all other parameters, including phosphates, seem to be well within range. In your opinion, should I get a new skimmer, <The real question is should you get a skimmer at all...because in effect right now you don't have one....to be honest the ones you have now are no more than expensive aeration devices. So in short yes I would get a new one.> perhaps an Aqua C, mod the SeaClone, or find a different pump for the Excalibur. <The mod.s I have seen for the SeaClone help but they definitely don't turn it into an A quality device in my opinion. The Aqua-C is the best choice of those you listed.> Sorry for the long question. <Oh to be honest this one was short and easy compared to most, thanks.> You guys rock! <Thanks again.> Thanks, <Welcome.> Eric <Adam J.> Re: Skimmer Advice, Cyano 1/28/07 The skimmer is a Sea Clone 100 Instant Ocean by marine land. <One of the most infamous skimmers in the marine hobby, it notoriously difficult to tune this machine to be consistent and reliable….to put it lightly. By having the adjustment valve removed I would assume you are allowing the maximum amount of air/oxygen possible in this machine….but as I mentioned it's just historically not a highly praised piece of machinery.> All water conditions such as nitrite, nitrate, pH., ammonia, Alk etc. are all well. My problem is that I developed a purple slime on my sand and have discovered that is not a Algae but is a bacteria. little concerned. <Search WWM re: cyanbacterium/blue-green (red) hair algae….there is likely a root problem here either dealing with the chemistry (phosphates/dissolved organics) or even improper (old) bulbs lighting schemes…water flow is to be considered as well.> :-( Virginia <Adam J.> > Skimmer advice...but what type? 1/28/07 > I have a 72 bow saltwater reef tank. I find that my protein skimmer > works best if I take the adjustment regulator off completely. Skimmer > becomes a little noisy but works great. Am I hurting the skimmer? I am > using a Aqua Clear 110 for filtration, seems to be fine. I am told that I should be on a sump. > <Virginia I would love to answer this question but without more detail I don't think I can give you the information you are looking for...what type of skimmer (brand? design? size? pump model/size?) Also how is the skimmate production...tank parameters?> > Virginia > <Adam J.> Too many bubbles in protein skimmer... SeaClone 9/19/06 I have a 55 gal marine tank with 1 yellow tang, 2 clowns, 1 royal Gramma and 2 cleaner shrimp. All water tests are in the zero range. <?> My question: this past weekend I added a Coralife Turbo Twist UV Sterilizer running thru a Fluval 205 canister filter. Ever since all of this has been up and running I am getting mass of small micro bubbles coming out of the SeaClone Protein Skimmer - no amount of cleaning or adjusting seems to remedy this, also not a lot of gunk in the skimmer cup. Am wondering if all this added equipment has somehow caused this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, DiAnn <This skimmer is hard to adjust... and really more a toy than functional. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/seacloneskimfaqs.htm Bob Fenner> Poor Skimmer Design Woes/Fromia Sea Star - 05/24/06 Hello, <<Hi Josh!>> I am pretty new to the marine environment. <<Much reading/researching ahead of you then>> Right now I have a nice 20 gallon tank set up and everything is doing fine. My ammonia level is at zero and everything else checks out too. Today I just installed my Sea Clone 100 protein skimmer, and I tried adjusting the venturi valve and I get massive amounts of tiny bubbles. I read their tech documents and they mention that some de-chlorinators are gel like and also serve as a protective slime coating for fish and that to run the skimmer for 1 day or up to 3 weeks with the venturi valve off. <<Mmm, defeats the purpose of having the skimmer doesn't it?>> The de-chlorinator I use is TetraAqua AquaSafe Water Conditioner. I am wondering if anyone has had experience with this product and how long it should be until the AquaSafe is broke down enough that when I adjust the air intake I don't have any micro bubbles flowing into the tank. <<Though it is true that some water conditioners will cause a skimmer to "foam" excessively, "micro-bubbles" entering your tank does not sound like this is the problem. It seems to me this is more an issue with trying to tune a poorly designed skimmer. You will likely need to contrive some sort of bubble trap...or better yet...get a better skimmer>> Normally I would not mind but I am afraid of too much oxygen in the take may harm or kill my starfish. <<Too much oxygen is not an issue...but excessive micro-bubbles can be problematic to some organisms>> I am not sure of the type of star it is. It's red with black tips; I think it's a Red & Black Sea Star (Fromia milleporella). <<Hmm...these are "all red" in my experience. Perhaps a geographic variant...or a different specie altogether>> The guy at the fish store told me this star does not so well with salinity changes, too much air and other stuff. <<Mmm, can be said of many things>> Also any advice on feeding this star and caring for it would be great. <<Please start reading here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fromiastarfaqs.htm >> The fish store told me to feed it some zucchini. It will go to it and lay on it but after removing the zucchini after 30 minutes there is no evidence that the star is feeding on it. I also purchased some frozen food the recommended Formula One. Any suggestions on these topics would be much appreciated. <<The Fromia sp. sea stars are generally considered detritivores but will benefit greatly from supplemental feedings of marine based "meaty" foods (shrimp, krill, mussel, clam, etc.). Thank You Josh <<Regards, EricR>> Skimmers/SeaClone 100 and 150 Help? Here's an Answer! 5/9/06 Hey Everyone! <Hello> I don't really have a question for you guys this time but instead am offering some helpful advice. I see a lot of posts all over the Internet from people who cannot get there Sea Clone protein skimmer to skim properly. Well, I was shown a method over this last weekend that worked so great that I had to share the info. So here goes, first, ignore the instruction that come with the skimmer pertaining to adjusting the air valve. Instead, remove the air valve completely, let the skimmer run for at least 30 seconds with full air flow, minimum water flow (about 50gph). Then slowly screw the air valve back into place until first resistance is felt. From here on its a matter of making 1/4 turns at a time, pausing for a moment to let the skimmer adjust. When you first start to notice micro-bubbles entering the tank stop the 1/4 turns and make fine, minuscule adjustments. It take some practice to get it working just right but I tried this out on my new 55 gallon Reef tank, added 4 inch sand bed, 60 - 70 lbs L/R, water, let sit for a week, then added the Sea Clone and within 24 hours I already had 1/2 the collection cup full of nasty, stinky, green sludge. I tried once before to get a sea clone 100 to work and finally returned it back to the store, frustrated as all get at, but after having someone come over and show me how to set it up, I've been nothing but impressed. Hope this helps many of you out! P.S. This website Rocks! <Thank you for sharing. Your information will be posted and I'm sure many SeaClone owners will benefit from this. James (Salty Dog)> SeaClone 100 Skimmer 12/30/05 Hello I just got a SeaClone 100 skimmer, I was wondering how is the funnel in the middle suppose to look when I dial it in. Also should there be any bubbles coming out of the pour spout into the tank. <Shawn, I'd talk to the horse. Aquarium Systems Technical Support line is 1-800-822-1100. James (Salty Dog)> Thank you...Shawn! <You're welcome> SeaClone 100... 12/17/05 Hey guys how's everything? I just recently purchased a SeaClone 100 for my 90 gal. I have the air valve open enough so that the foam is just below the bottom of the middle tube where the collection cup is. So basically right where the water flows back into the tank. I was wondering, is it normal to have so many little micro bubbles coming out into the tank. I <I> was told its because its a new skimmer. I wasn't sure if maybe I was letting in too much air or if it is indeed because its a new skimmer. If am doing it wrong just let me know how much air I should be letting in and such. I really appreciate the help. Sam <... please learn to/use your spelling and grammar checkers, the WWM Google search tool... and read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/seacloneskimfaqs.htm Basically, this product is feeble.... I would trade it in. Bob Fenner> Marine cycling question, SeaClone improvement, 9/28/05 Hello Bob Fenner. I have a question for you guys maybe you can help me figure it out. 55g saltwater tank 30 pd.s of base rock 7 - 10 pd.s of live rock (give or take a few) 1 damsel 1 fire shrimp 1 cleaner shrimp 1 emerald crab I run a SeaClone 100 on this tank. I have figured out the problem with this device. I have replaced the air controller that came with the device and instead put in a check valve from an air pump instead on it. For some reason this makes the SeaClone work a hell of a lot better. I get 1/2 cup of brown goo every 3 days. I would suggest people that have a SeaClone to do this if their SeaClones are not producing any gunk. Results will vary of course!! ammonia is .25 <Should be zip> nitrite is 0 nitrate is 0 calcium is 350 Alk is in the normal part. I use a Red Sea test kit. Ph is 8.0 - 8.2. It depends on which test kit I use. <Fine> Fluval 304. Since this one has 6 chambers I use polyester filter fiber on the 2 bottom ones. On the middle 2 I have one side for activated carbon and the other side some more filter fiber. On the top I have BioMax in each chamber. Any suggestions to the best way to achieve the best filtration from a Fluval 304? <You (obviously from your readings) have it> 265 watts from a 48" USA orbit PC lighting. Blue lights on from 9am till 9pm and the white lights on from 1pm till 5pm. Is this lighting schedule decent? <I'd extend the whites in both directions> 1 Aquaclear powerhead 402. It is rated at 270gph. I know the tank needs about 10x - 20x the tank volume turnover. I'm still working on that. I use 2 part B-Ionic calcium buffer system. 7.5 ml of Alk in the morning and 7.5 ml of calcium at night. Does this schedule seem ok? <Yes> Now to the past. I had a bad outbreak of BGA awhile ago and removed everything from the tank. I just let the Fluval move the water around only. I also turn the lights off during all this. I didn't feed the tank. This lasted for about 2 months. Eventually all the BGA died including the bacteria. I then returned everything back into the tank and put it back on its normal schedule that I have it on today. I figured it would go through the New Tank Syndrome. I cant figure out why the nitrate isn't showing up on the test. <Anaerobiosis... not to worry> Nitrite is also not showing up on the test kit. I have not changed any water as of yet to the tank because I figured it is still cycling. <Chemical, biological...> What it boils down to is I want to know if what I'm doing is correct. The diatoms is not getting better. I use tap water with StressCoat in it in stored bottles underneath the tank for top offs and I dose the tank with 25 ml.s of stress Zyme a week. FYI, it has been 3 months since I have placed everything back into the tank. Wouldn't the tank have cycled by then? <Is cycled... and "just balanced" in favor of the diatoms... following the BGA...> I have attached a pic to show you what I have so far. I know it isn't the best looking tank but I would like to hear some suggestions into making it a better looking tank. Also I don't siphon the bottom of the tank cause I have aragonite sand and it just sucks it all up. <Mmm, stir it first... with a wood or plastic dowel... let settle for a few minutes> I also don't clean the back glass also. For some reason I just don't. The water is clear though. Thanks for taking the time to read this. The reason I'm sending you this is because I couldn't get a response at WWM. Teddy <... there may well be something wrong twixt our email systems... We get a few "blank" messages per week, and some with no "tray" to respond to with the general note from our server that there is/are "errors on page"... If all would include their email addresses in the text... we could at least respond to them. Your system is still "settling in"... with time, the improved operation of your skimmer, you should see improvement in lessened algal growth... however, if you want "real help", it would behoove you to read re marine filtration on WWM, consider switching some gear, adding a live sump/refugium... Bob Fenner> SeaClone, algae and Flying Peppermint Shrimp Good day. Know you are awful busy and will be as concise as possible. <Appreciate this> 1: SeaClone 100. Not bad, not good. <Bad enough... just suitable for small systems that are otherwise well-maintained> Have not been able to produce foam yet. Not all of us are handy with tools and I should not be trusted with sharp objects. Most of us can't afford an Aqua C. There are lots of posts with mod.s and partial success stories but let's face it, you all are the ones we are asking, not the posters. So, I would appreciate seeing you and the WWMedia crew really dive it here, buy or beg a dozen and come up with an authoritative advisory on how to make it at least function for 30-40 gallon tanks. <Good idea> Then you won't have to answer so many questions. <I wish... but not for the foreseeable future> Personally, I do find it hard to believe that a company with a good rep like Marineland or AqSystems would produce a product that simply doesn't work right. That is why I am trying one (and partly because I have no other means or options) <The re-do of this gimmicky product is no better than its predecessors... Agree with your opinion/speculation re the maker/s> 2: One day, small amounts of algae and growth. 18 hours later, a veritable carpet of brown green algae on the substrate. <Happens... likely a good deal of BGA involvement> Vacuumed fully. 6 hours later, splotches on about 2/3s covering the substrate (with the lights OFF). Light spectrum is ok and it is not slime algae (at least to me). I have lots of nutrients in the medium and that's why I bought the SeaClone I could afford (and return if a problem). What the heck is this algae and is it a mutant to grow that fast and pervasively? <A mix of organisms, and though not slimy, as you state, very likely a good deal of Cyano> 3: While watching a movie with the lights off, turned on the lights after the show and found a tiny, curled cocktail shrimp on the carpet. It was Peppy the shrimp, who evidently committed suicide and leapt out of the tank. I just need to know if this is something you have seen - everyone else appears fine for the past week or so, aside from his buddy the Domino <Not his buddy if this is a Dascyllus trimaculatus> who still looks around for him. Only thing I can think of is that he liked to cruise around the top of the tank and another fish might have bumped or startled him into jet propulsion tail action mode and he went out of the tank, since he cruised the rim a lot searching and exploring. <Maybe. Rare they launch themselves out, but does happen> He never allowed himself to breach the water before even during maint. when exploring my hand while I was doing something, he was very friendly. I also don't think he was trying to get my popcorn although I am sure he was inquisitive enough to have given it a shot. Thanks and take good care. Bill <Bob Fenner> UPDATE: Re: SeaClone 9/16/05 Bob, crew, <Tirion> The SeaClone. Two days running now, and I have a column of foam in the riser and it is gunky. I am fairly pleased so far. <Good> I have spoken with manufacturer support on several topics and have some input to share but would appreciate Bob and crew to review and ensure I am not providing info that is unwise. <Will do so gladly> My setup is a 40g tank, 30lbs reef Arag, clone canister filter, one powerhead, 6lbs live rock, some polyps, two huge decorative caves (Ick, plastic), clone 192w actinic/12k lighting, 2 damsels, two snails, 1 shrimp. And now the SeaClone which appears to have a good chance at working, Based on reading the mod.s and having the newer unit, here are my thoughts; - the MaxiJet 1200 is adequate - if anything I would use a lesser pump to aid contact time with the stubby chamber. I get more column foam at this time with about 100gph flow. <Okay> - the inner body column (vortex) might need trimming but since I am getting a foam column, we will hold on that one. It is slightly shorter than the original. <The longer, the more mixing, contact time... the better> - The collection cup column needs trimming of about 1.5 inches but am waiting until I decide to keep it before monkeying with it. I actually think it if were tapered at the top instead of straight, it would be even better at any height. <Agreed... modern designs are> Might be able to do this by gently heating and pressure but am not recommending it to anyone else. <Mmm, not easy to do...> - Note. Disregard the instructions somewhat as to achieving the optimal air/water flow. The optimal air water balance is achieved by ensuring that the J tube has no air pocket in either side of the curve (where the air pocket appears is dependent on the depth of the pump). You can approach tuning by taking the top off the valve as the manual states but instead of closing fully and opening it in stages, I recommend simply closing from full open in small stages. I have tried both methods and this is faster. Either way, adjust in stages until the pocket disappears. I spoke at length with AqSys on this and they are in process of putting out a new manual but it is not approved yet. On adjusting the venturi, It takes about 20 seconds to a minute for each minor adjustment on the air intake to take true effect so, tune slightly and walk away, be patient for a moment, then recheck. - I do not agree that one must spend more dollars on a finer air intake gauge as I have one and it did no better, just less wait time per adjustment. - One should also note that to achieve the optimal air/water mix and have no air pocket in the J tube, there is no way that I have found to stop bubbles entering the tank. If adjusted so no bubbles escape, the water flow is too high to achieve any column. So, if a small amount of bubbling is not acceptable, trim a foam pad from something you are throwing away (something that is not harmful such as a worn canister or HO pad you are replacing) and glue or otherwise affix in the path of the water return as a diffuser and voila, no bubbles. I plan on using a foam block with a 1" deep slit I will cut in that I will slide over the end of the return tray so that it can be removed for rinsing. However small amount of bubbles don't bother me very much and help the surface agitation. <Well-stated... thank you> Bob, crew, regarding the algae, you are wise and I will consider this to be a form of Cyano - it is very pervasive but have also noticed that it is NOT growing inside the deco landscaping that my fiancé? had to have in place of where I wanted more Live Rock (although with the new polyp colonies that have grown by 1/3 in less than a month and with the pretty coralline colors starting to appear - albeit now covered in ALGAE - she is starting to like the rock so my filtration issues might not be as long lived as I was fearing). I will have to recheck the lighting spectrum I think, as well as the nutrient content after the skimmer is producing more. <Yes> Thanks for the tag on the peppermint shrimp - just to let you know, the Domino is an Albisella, not Trimaculatus and it is about the friendliest fish I have ever had. <Keep your eye/s on this Hawaiian endemic... has about the same propensity for developing aggression...> Might not be typical of the species, but he used to follow the shrimp around and keep everyone else at bay while shrimp was exploring, eating, etc. Even tried posturing and shoo-ing me away when I was close to the peppermint shrimp, very cute. He does not, however, feel the same about the skunk cleaner shrimp, he is tolerant but appears crept out when the whiskers (longer than him/her?) touch him/her?. <Not possible to sex externally> I have no desire to sex my fish at this time. Take care, Bill <Thank you my friend. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Re: SeaClone... 9/17/05 Bob, crew, compatriots :) On the SeaClone, I now have about 1/3 cup of gunk and the skimmer seems to be performing the initial break in well with the adjustments I mentioned on the intake. I am actually pretty stoked with the results compared to the Red Sea, Won Brothers, Weitek and older AquaC so far so not sure why the general view seems so negative - as I was prepared to end up sharing that view but so far, I do not. <Okay> On the algae issue, does anything eat this stuff (consistently, not out of starvation or lack or other food) or am I doomed to suction it out for an unknown period of time. <All manner of life "filters" out dissolved organics, suspended particles... the vast majority of SeaLife...> I would need the fauna to be pretty hardy for the initial time period as the nitrate issue is still looming and that is part of the reason for the skimmer. Yet another water change and siphon cleanup tomorrow ... sigh.. And taking out another 1/8 of the bio media from the canister. Additionally, on the lighting, I checked the bulbs, they are pretty new and they are not darkening on the ends near the ballasts (which is somewhat indicative of the whole spectrum not being put out) so are there other lighting tests or methods I can perform? <Require specialized gear... but there are devices that can measure photo-strength, quality... utility for photosynthetic life. You might want to check with your LFS to see if they have such meters> Thanks and have a great night all. <A note re practical comparisons of skimmers... a "dumping" of water from one brand into the next will/would show you the limitations of the SeaClone line... there is much more to remove... and it should be. Bob Fenner> Collecting sand, water, flora and fauna from Carolina Coast 10/13/05 WWM team and friends, Good day and hope you are all well. I want to first state for all of us out here in apprentice/journeyman land, appreciation for your patience and expertise. <Thanks for the kind words! We are truly happy to help and contribute!> Item 1: Unrelated to topic but have to state to Bob the last status on the SeaClone 100 skimmer (my pc crashed, lost all mail so thread is not intact). It has been up and running over a month now and contrary to most popular opinion, working rather well. I recommend it. The new revisions seem to be fine-it could still be improved but can't everything? I am getting dry foam and about 1 1/2 cups a week of green/black stout from a 38 gallon tank with 27 gallons of actual water (yes, I was anal about ensuring I knew how much water for dosing, changes, etc.. :) ). So if you like, feel free to post this part with the other thread on the skimmer section. Only issue is that for the money, I should have gotten the 150. Local P*TSm*rt stores here honor their online web price that is generally $30 less than their actual stores and other LFS in the area wanted $130 and up for this skimmer - not a good buy then :). Only question on skimmers in general is do ya have to use a prefilter sponge? When you take it out to clean it, half of the stuff it filtered leaks into the tank anyway so what's the point? <I am glad to hear that your SeaClone is working. Your experience is truly and exception. Prefilters are not necessary.> Item 2: The meat of the questions. I have the opportunity to get a gently used 75g glass/stand/canopy with darn near everything including canister, lighting and Magnum HOT for CHEAP. I would like to use my knowledge acquired from YOUR brains to do a better job this time, however, I am still a cheapskate soon to being out of work. <It is nice to find good deals! I am not a fan of canister or HO filters for marine tanks (see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_2/cav2i5/Filtration/Filtration.htm). I would suggest selling these filters an applying the proceeds to live rock and a skimmer.> Since I live a couple hours from Wilmington, NC and my brother has a beach house one block from the sound, intracoastal AND TopSail beach that I have access to (he is the comfortable one in the family), I would like to know if it would be an okay mix to use sound/surf sand and water and perhaps plant life, yet, stock with the typical tropical flora and fauna like damsels, crabs, corals, etc..? <There are many issues with this. Any temperate life (brought with sand or intentionally introduced) will not survive for long at tropical temperatures. Some tropical species make their way up into the Carolinas during summer months, but you have to really know your stuff!> The water tests well for sg and basic tests. The sand is fine, brown Atlantic sand, not aragonite. Not sure if it has silicates but have to imagine it is as good or better than the Home Depot sand so many people seem to rave about that looks like someone swept up sand blasting sand after use and put it in a bag for sale.... Additionally, I do find small rubble rock and would like to know if this is appropriate as well. <This sand is surely high in silica, although I am don't believe that this is a significant problem. I would be more worried about pollutants (sewerage, fertilizers, pesticides, boat fuel, etc.) from sand collected on or near shore. "Live sand" is generally collected from areas around reefs in at least a couple of tens of feet of water. The same applies to the rubble. Using natural sea water for water changes has many benefits if you have access to it, but it can also introduce pollution or disease if you aren't careful.> I am not a naturalist and don't know the micro flora/fauna indigenous to my region but imagine that in using the sand/water I will likely find out and want to ensure that it is ok. I have refrained from using local saltwater to this point not for fear of contaminants or pollution (NC is actually highly stringent in enforcement since we are a shellfish producer) but for fear of it not being correct in some way from the normal environs of the stock. If that is not an issue, I much would rather trek down to Wilmington for a weekend or two a month at the beach for free and stock up on water than continue to spend $$$$$ on RO and salt mix. And spend those dollars on caring for my marine dependents in other ways like a refugium and such. I would imagine the local water has good bacteria strains as well that the mix does not. I would also imagine that cycling should be much more effective. Your thoughts? Sincere appreciation and regards, Bill <While the use of NSW is inexpensive, the risks are also high. It may work well for a while, but it is a game of Russian roulette. Facilities that use NSW usually filter it aggressively as well as ozonize it to prevent introduction of pathogens and pollutants. This process is only cost effective on a large scale. Best Regards. AdamC.> Posting about SeaClone 100 (protein skimmer)......... 07/01/05 I'd like to post useful information about tuning the SeaClone 100... To quickly and accurately tune the SeaClone skimmer, one should unscrew the stock air adjustment cap FULLY from the air tube stem, allowing maximum airflow. When doing this, the bubbles stay in the correct chamber, as the reduced current does not "drag" the bubbles out into the overflow chamber and into your tank. Slowly replace the cap/adjuster onto the stem, turning SLOWLY, * Notice how all of the bubbles stay in the inner chamber, as the tornadic action of the bubbles maintains a consistent shape at the base, promoting upward flow in the desired collection chamber. Now adjust your skimmer to desired action level. You should have absolutely no bubbles flowing into your tank. Now you will get the most efficient operation that the SeaClone 100 can offer!! Good luck... <Thank you for this input. Will post, share. Bob Fenner> Impulse buying -- Someone hand me the consumer magazine review on skimmers, please.... (02/26/03) <Hi! Ananda here today...> I am now impulse buying to combat the ill effects of prior impulse buying. The latest example is my new skimmer (yet to arrive in the mail) - SeaClone 150. I am trying to break my wife in slowly and therefore money and timing are a constant concern. <Understandable. I have had to go through the same thing with my husband.> Now that I have made the mistake of adding fish too quickly and suffering a tragic loss, I bought, what seems to be, your book. <Bob's book....> It strongly recommended the use of a skimmer throughout. I do appreciate the lack of endorsements of specific equipment as I felt like I was getting straight talk on the subject. <Not only that, but Bob wanted to avoid mentioning specific brands that might have been around at the time of writing, but gone by the time you or I read the book. And several new companies and brands have come into existence since the text was written.> My closest local dealer (40 minutes away) had a SeaClone and strongly recommended it. <Hmmm. I wonder what else he had on hand.> I found one on the net at a third of the cost and promptly bought it sure that it would cure all my woes. <There is no such thing as a cure-all in this hobby....> Now while waiting impatiently for it to come I decided to read the articles to get some idea of how to set it up and I find a bunch of negative stuff written about it. Yes I am doing things backward. <At least you have realized that.> Now for the question. 30 gal tank with SeaClone 150. I have heard you say you can't over do it. Is this enough? Should I throw it out? <I would not throw it out if you have already received and unpacked it, but if not, I would return it.> Will the extreme overpowering compensate for the lack of efficiency?...... <It might, somewhat. I have no direct experience with this particular skimmer, so can only go by what others have told me.> What's this about using a bigger pump? <With some skimmers, using a bigger pump will result in better performance.> Now for the suggestion. Lets all donate/lend one of each skimmer to one willing and trusted individual to do the real research of comparison with controls. <I would love to see an aquarium-specific issue of a consumer goods ratings magazine. The topic has come up (fairly recently) on the WetWebFotos chat forums.> For example: five tanks with the same water, with the same measured substance added. Add five different skimmers and compare results. (It took skimmer A , 1 hour to remove 3 grams of substance B, when added to tank C. Tanks had same temp, measured with same thermometer, used same source of water….) This is the only real way to compare these things. <I have read a study where something very like this was done... though only a few skimmers were compared. I just found another one, more appropriate for your tank size: http://www.thereefweb.com/protein_skimmer_comparison.htm ...note that while they are using a Remora Pro here, your tank is well within the capacity of a standard Remora.> I want so very much to learn about this hobby, but I am bombarded with the combination of folklore and salesmen. (now the power of nature used to remove the … with more efficient use of the … makes water cleaner than ever - truly a revolution). Who cares if it is up back nozzle induced vortex back flow. <Not I -- especially when I don't know the translation from Marketing-speak to English! Wait -- the little voice in my head has provided a translation: "That means it doesn't work well." (I hereby disclaim all responsibility for that little voice.)> Measure what it does. Another approach might be to come up with a standard experiment that we could each do on our own and report results. This approach would require many more data points to eliminate error. <Now that's an interesting idea...though error could never be completely eliminated from such a semi-scientific study.> You might need 10 people to measure their SeaClones to account for differences in (perhaps) water quality. This would not be ideal but would be more practical. I would be glad to hear any suggestions and be heavily involved in the effort. <Do go find the thread on the WetWebFotos board... perhaps you can drum up sufficient interest that a procedure/protocol is established. It would be a worthy effort. Meanwhile, do check out the skimmer FAQs.... --Ananda> Puny SW Filtration Hi Bob...another question for you! I have an AquaClear 300, hot magnum, SeaClone (modified) skimmer, UGF w/ 2 powerheads. The 60 gal. tank is stocked with a tomato clown, Percula clown, clarkii clown, algae blenny, 2 sea urchins, and a few hermits and snails. I have 2 Trichromatic bulbs and 2 actinic bulbs for a total of 160 watts. 1.)Is the UGF not worth the risk of having in the system? I put it there to increase water circulation and hopefully reduce thick algae growth on the gravel. I was considering doing water changes with r/o water to see if that eliminated the brown carpet that can't seem to be rid of. Fish are doing well. <I wouldn't remove the undergravel filter at this stage... unless you're upgrading the major components of your filtration otherwise... the brown algae should be gone... Do you have any live rock, macroalgae?> 2.) What additional filtration would you recommend? I was thinking about a Fluval 404, or another skimmer. What do you think? I want to keep the tubes limited, but algae looks worse than tubes! <Both of these are good ideas... along with the live rock...> thanks again! ps...the mod I found for the SeaClone seems to be effective for those who already own one. It involves cutting down the innermost tube so that the surface area of the intermediate tube becomes the reaction chamber. The skimmate is produced more rapidly, and there are a lot more micro bubbles produced in the reaction chamber this way. I wouldn't say it is a reason to buy a SeaClone, but for those who have one it will help! >> <Thanks for the tip... sounds like a worthwhile modification. Bob Fenner> Final Solution for SeaClone Hello to you WWM, After scouring the internet and pulling out my hair about what to do with my SeaClone 100, I have finally found a solution that will hopefully salvage a few protein skimmers. This information on my modifications will provide a much more efficient skimmer that actually works. The following modifications have been adopted or improvised from other advice on the internet or in books. 1. First you MUST cut the inner tube that directs the "clone" of air bubbles. (even in the newer SeaClones, this is still too high) Aim for about 2 inches high. To accomplish this, use a Dremel tool and remove the melted acrylic. This step is tedious but definitely worth it. 2. Next cut down the riser tube in the same way so that the bubbles need not travel so far. It is only necessary to remove a half an inch. 3. The most important improvement...Get a Limewood airstone and a decent air pump. <And plan on changing out this wood airstone about every week...> Using a rigid airline, drop it through with the existing hole in the cap. (Note: an additional hole must be drilled off to the side in order to allow it to breathe) 4. Drill a hole in the side of the collection cup towards the bottom. Insert airline tubing and run it to an old water or milk jug. This is to collect all of the massive amounts of foam you will soon be producing! Hope this will save some frustration and money in a new skimmer. There are obviously a lot of people like myself that found out too late what an inferior skimmer this is. But, it can still work! For those with some ambition I strongly urge you to try these things. If you are going to do nothing else, the addition of an airstone will help immensely. Thanks again for the great site, John <Thank you for this John... good modifications... for a poorly designed product. Bob Fenner> - AquaC Prize Winner - Good day to all of the WetWebMedia
crew. No question here, just a simple thank you. I currently run a
SeaClone skimmer on my 29 gallon tank which is in the process of
becoming a reef tank. Needless to say I have not been very impressed
with the Aquarium Systems skimmer, which is unfortunate because they
are an otherwise quality company. I had purchased this skimmer prior to
my discovery of your website. I saw that Aqua C was a sponsor of your
website, so I decided to visit their site. I noticed they were doing a
raffle with a chance to win a new Aqua C skimmer. To my amazement I was
picked as the winner (out of over one thousand entries)! No longer will
I have to struggle with an under performing skimmer. I would like to
wholly thank the crew for their insight on Skimmer Impressions
(especially Steven Pro). Once again your insightful advice has led to
another positive influence on my behalf as well as countless others.
They are giving me a choice on the model options: Remora, Remora-Pro,
Urchin, Urchin Pro, or EV-120. Not yet sure which one would benefit me
most. <Depends on the size and set-up of your tank. If you have a
sump and the room for it, I'd run the EV-120.> Happy reef
keeping, Eric <Thanks for sharing. Cheers, J -- >
Mis-matched Marine Set-up -II ... (file under skimmer and angel selection) Thanks for your quick response and vital info. Three last questions please. You suggested to get a better protein skimmer for my 125g tank when I set it up for the fish transfer. SeaClone makes a larger model for up to 150 gallon tanks. Is it just an inferior design versus other makes? <Yes... read on re... get something better> Secondly, if I were to upsize to a 150 or 180g would it still be unadvisable to add a large angel, or any large fish, to the mix of Hippo Tang, Purple Tang, Foxface, Clown, Gobies, Cherub Angel, 6 line wrasse, Royal Gramma and Orchid Dottyback? <Mmm you could add a "larger" species of Angel... at least for a period of a few years in a larger system...> And if not, what type of large angel would have a better chance to mix, a blue face, blue girdled, or imperator ? Thanks for the help. <Of these, the Emperor. Bob Fenner> SeaClone discussion Hey there, How are you guys doing tonight? <Okay> I have a 30 gallon tank stocked with a coral beauty angel and one blue damsel, plus crabs, snails, and Corallimorphs. I am using the SeaClone 150 on it right now. I don't get a lot of the beer-coffee skimmate out. Instead I get a dark black-green sludge that is chunky and flat out gross. I get about 1/4 cup of this a day. My question is if the skimmate I have now just a more concentrated form of skimmate? <Actually, a less-concentrated one... but likely fine for your size, type of system> Since the collection cup tube is very tall in it the foam has a chance to concentrate while rising. Any input would help. P.S. All my dissolved organics are undetectable. my pH is 8.3 -8.4 my Calc is 450 ppm and Spg. is 1.025 ppm. I also have 20 lbs LR and 15 lbs of base rock. <Help? There isn't much you can/should do with this unit... It's just an inferior design. If you get a much larger system, look into a better make/model. Bob Fenner> Protein Skimmers Hello <Hi Todd> Yesterday I got the SeaClone 100 for my 10 gallon Nano reef. It works but the intake assembly is HUGE. It overpowers the corals and tankmates. I was thinking about getting a Bak-Pak 2R but people say that microbubbles enter the aquarium and wont stop until it's been 1 whole year. Do you know any hang on skimmers that aren't very wide, up to 20 inches high, and in the range of $120 and $160? Should I get a Bak-Pak r2 and experiment with it? I heard that besides the bubble problem, it is a very good skimmer. <Todd, CPR makes a bubble trap for that skimmer that usually sells for $20.00 on line. Might consider that. James (Salty Dog)> Thanks From Todd Sea Clone 100 - Making one work Good day Wet Web crew. <And thou> I am writing this email for people who are having problems with the new and improved Sea Clones. <Thank you> First off I do not recommend buying this skimmer, they require too much thought and tinkering to make work at all. <Agreed> I have 2 of them, I bought them before I realized or researched them and found out they really are junk. Ok off my soap box now how to modify them to make them work 1. Take them completely apart remove the 2 inch reaction chamber tube to expose the 1 inch diameter tube at the bottom of the skimmer. 2. The 1 inch tube at the bottom of the skimmer is the first thing we need to modify. My tube was about 4 inches tall we need to make it 1 ? to 2 inches tall. Do not try to pull this tube out it is glued in and will break. To make the tube 2 inches tall you will need a Dremel with a small cutting stone on it. I made an extension for my Dremel as my hands were to big to fit inside the skimmer. Use the Dremel to cut the tube to 2 inches. Then use a pair of needle nose pliers to clean out the melted acrylic around the now 2 inch tall tube. 3. Next and this is easy get a 1/8 inch thick rubber sink washer to put the bubble capture cup on. You may need to cut this to fit this takes out all the play in between the reaction tube and the cup. There is play between the cup and reaction tube if you shake the skimmer gently up and down. This is bad it allows bubbles into the tank or sump the washer helps to relieve this. 4. this takes a steady hand and maybe a vice. Take the air adjuster off the air tube and remove the screw put the body in a vice and take a drill bit just slightly bigger than the hole. Drill the hole bigger and then put back together. After these modifications my skimmer makes a ? cup to a full cup of dark green, brown gooey stuff every day. I can live with this and no longer feel I need to have 2 skimmers in the tank nor do I need to buy a new one. Good luck and take your time with this you will be happy with the results. Craig. <Thank you for this Craig... will post/share... FWIW you might want to email this to the folks at Marineland/Aquarium Systems... Bob Fenner> Re: Sea Clone 100 Making one work (Not sure I sent the email as it shows it was still in email outbox if I did I am sorry to resend it.) Hello again WWM crew. Mr. Fenner I will take your suggestion and email Marineland, hopefully they will correct the issues with the Sea Clone. As in general I have been happy with their products. <Me too... with the exception of this/these rinky dink skimmers> I know that you are friends with the former owners of the company and you can check with them to verify that I did email them with my suggestions if you would like. I do have some more suggestion for the modification of the Sea Clone. I have not tried either of these. These are just modifications I am pondering and I will try in the near future. Man I need to get a life. Ok here goes if you think I am off base let me know please. I am thinking that the tube that extends up into the collection cup might be a little too tall and if I cut the tube down 3/4 of an inch it would work better, due to the limitations of the power head that comes supplied with the unit (word of caution to those who say get a bigger power head, it will not work. It will push more water but you will still have to adjust the air to get bubbles to collect enough to rise up the collection tube into the cup and this will be the same amount of water and bubbles as the smaller power head. The more water you push the more it will force the bubbles out the bottom of the reaction tube into the return water. I know from trying this). I think the tube might be slightly too tall to allow the power head to force the bubbles up efficiently. I have not made this modification because if I cut the tube to short, I believe the cup would fill with water easier, not skim mate. (Fluid dynamics for a fish tank, who would of thought we needed to go to college to take advanced math to get a skimmer to work ;-) <Heee!> The other modification is the air inlet valve. I think if I got a stainless steel air valve from a surgical supply store, one that is used to monitor oxygen from a tank I could achieve much better air control into the skimmer. The valve that is supplied is very hard to adjust in minute quantities, that is why making the hole bigger worked well. Anyway these are just my thoughts on how to make my Sea Clones even more efficient. With the other modifications I submitted this skimmer could be the best skimmer on the market for low priced skimmers if Marineland would apply the fixes to their product. Have good day, and again thank you for being here for all of us who want to be marine biologists, or at least for those of us who just enjoy the serenity of our fish tanks vs. the craziness of our busy lives. Craig <We are... what we strive to become, enjoy becoming. Bob Fenner> - Sea Clone Question - Hey WWM crew! I just wanted to start by saying that your site has been a great help getting me started in this hobby! I just bought my first saltwater setup last month. Just finished cycling and everyone is doing great! Setup is as follows: Tank: 50 gal. 3.5" sugar-fine aragonite sand bed, seeded with 20lbs Arag-Alive 30lbs Fiji live rock 60lbs base rock Cascade 300 power filter Circulation provided by a MaxiJet 900 and a Rio 1100 (angled for turbulent flow) 48" Coralife Deluxe Aqualight (2 50/50 fluorescent bulbs; standard and actinic blue) Livestock (1) Sebae clownfish (2) yellow-tail damsels (2) blue damsels (1) purple-striped Pseudochromis (the queen of the tank's lower regions) Now I just recently bought a SeaClone 150 skimmer (I know, I know, but stick with me for a sec) because my LFS had a sale on them and, being a great fan of DIY projects, decided it would be fun (and cheaper) to grab one and modify it according to plans I've found on the net (i.e. cutting down the riser tube and adding an o-ring to the skimmer cup). I even had an old air pump and tubing lying around that I could use to improve bubble production with the addition of a wooden airstone. So I unpacked the SeaClone and got some tools together to cut down the riser tube when I noticed that the tube was already much shorter than I had seen it in pictures. The photos I had seen showed the riser tube was almost as tall as the entire reaction chamber, but my SeaClone's riser tube is only about 4-5" high; About 1/3 the length of the reaction chamber. I can barely get my arm down that far, much less pull the tube out or put it back in after cutting it! I also noticed that the skimmer cup already has an o-ring on it. So much for my little project. Maybe I misunderstood the basis for the mod.s, but it would seem that this version of the SeaClone (with "new and improved on the box") has had some of the mod.s done from the factory. So is this really a "new" version of the SeaClone or has it always been like this? <Can't really say for certain... I've only seen these at trade shows, pet store tanks... never purchased or used one. It could be that they integrated some of the modifications that are out there and call it new and improved.> My other question was about the use of a check valve to produce surges in the skimmer like one of the letters I read. What kind of check valve would I use for this? <Huh... not at all familiar with this modification or how it would work, but I would say a PVC check valve - don't use any metal plumbing parts on, near, or around a marine tank.> Thanks again for your help! -Mike D. <Cheers, J -- > Skimmer/SeaClone 150 Hey WWM crew! I just wanted to start by saying that your site has been a great help getting me started in this hobby! I just bought my first saltwater setup last month. Just finished cycling and everyone is doing great! Setup is as follows: Tank: 50 gal. 3.5" sugar-fine aragonite sand bed, seeded with 20lbs Arag-Alive 30lbs Fiji live rock 60lbs base rock Cascade 300 power filter Circulation provided by a MaxiJet 900 and a Rio 1100 (angled for turbulent flow) 48" Coralife Deluxe Aqualight (2 50/50 fluorescent bulbs; standard and actinic blue) Livestock: (1) Sebae clownfish (2) yellow-tail damsels (2) blue damsels (1) purple-striped Pseudochromis (the queen of the tank's lower regions) Now I just recently bought a SeaClone 150 skimmer (I know, I know, but stick with me for a sec) because my LFS had a sale on them and, being a great fan of DIY projects, decided it would be fun (and cheaper) to grab one and modify it according to plans I've found on the net (i.e. cutting down the riser tube and adding an o-ring to the skimmer cup). I even had an old air pump and tubing lying around that I could use to improve bubble production with the addition of a wooden airstone. So I unpacked the SeaClone and got some tools together to cut down the riser tube when I noticed that the tube was already much shorter than I had seen it in pictures. The photos I had seen showed the riser tube was almost as tall as the entire reaction chamber, but my SeaClone's riser tube is only about 4-5" high; About 1/3 the length of the reaction chamber. I can barely get my arm down that far, much less pull the tube out or put it back in after cutting it! I also noticed that the skimmer cup already has an o-ring on it. So much for my little project. Maybe I misunderstood the basis for the mod.s, but it would seem that this version of the SeaClone (with "new and improved on the box") has had some of the mod.s done from the factory. So is this really a "new" version of the SeaClone or has it always been like this? My other question was about the use of a check valve to produce surges in the skimmer like one of the letters I read. What kind of check valve would I use for this? Thanks again for your help! -Mike Deats <Michael, If I were you, I would email Aquarium Systems and get it from the horse's mouth. To me, it sounds like they have improved this skimmer. James (Salty Dog)> Proper flow into and out of a refugium... Hey ho, go with the gravity flow! Ridiculous water balancing act, AND great revelation re: SeaClowns Hi all, glad you are here to help me yet again. <Let's see> I am trying to get a refugium started, for a salt water tank. I get the basic idea of what one is, and the many uses of them. But I cannot seem to get a good, or should I say a controlled flow into and out of the reef. I either get too much water and it overflows or I get too little and I empty the reef. I have tried siphoning from the main tank; I get too little water that way, so I hooked up a powerhead in the main tank a Penguin 550 and a Penguin 550 in the reef to return to the tank. Now it overflows I have looked in the refugium FAQs and did not see any questions that dealt with my problem. <There are a few> So in essence I am asking what do I need to do to get it to work correctly and achieve balance? Cutting holes in the display tank is not an option for me. <Mmm, then you can drill the refugium, set it higher than the main tank... OR use overflow boxes.... OR a hang-on refugium... OR flow valves, cut-off switches....> I would like to have an overflow hooked up but tank placement forbids this. The 10 gallon reef tank is about 4 feet away from the main tank. Please point me in the right direction. Thanks Craig <Read my friend: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/plumbingmarart.htm and the blue colored links...... and on to the setting up small marine systems sections...> As a side note I have a Sea Clone 100 and I finally got it to work right. I had to change the air inlet valve. I had to buy a check valve from Sears; this actually opens and closes according to pressure. <Good modification> I got to thinking about waves; the foam is produced generally when water crashes in to the beach. Why not use this same principle in the skimmer. <! Great idea> The valve opens after the suction is created by the pump sucking the water, after about 10-12 seconds of pumping the valve opens all the way letting a massive amount of air in until the pressure is equal again. All I have to say is, wow, I got a full cup of ugly nasty brown thick skimmate the first day, it has calmed down since to about every 3 or 4 days I get a full cup of skimmate. The bubbles when I first did it were getting into the tank but I made a diffusion plate to put on the skimmer where the water is reintroduced into the tank, and the bubbles are no longer a problem. I hope this helps someone having problems with their skimmer, and gives them an idea to help correct the problem. <Thank you for this. Bob Fenner> SeaClone skimmer sizing Hey guys how's it goin? <Hi Jeffery, how are you?> I bought me another skimmer it is a SeaClone 150 I know SeaClone is not the best but I only have a 30 gal so that's the thing is a 150 to big or is it good? <The SeaClone 150 is rated for up to a 150 gallon tank so should work fairly decently on a 30 gallon tank. Good luck Jeffery, sounds like you are on the right path! MacL> Jeffery Sea Clone Skimmer Adjustments - Whew! where to begin? 6/10/04 Hello I have recently began a 45 gallon aquarium. It is now cycled and I have all the right gear but haven't started to add fish/ LV / etc.. I haven't been able to adjust the skimmer right so far, its either way too many bubbles, or an excessively large amount of white foam. What is the "Right" settings for the air control? Do I want my foam level to not be very visible or it to stay still or to slowly rise? Thanks <I commend you for your patience and time taken to learn, tune and research in advance. Unfortunately, there is not much to say regarding your skimmer. The feedback from consumers (as evidenced by the message boards and feedback from queries on sites like this) is that the SeaClone skimmer is at best, inefficient, and at worst a profoundly inferior design. Some folks can be quoted as saying they would not take the unit for free. It really is that difficult to get to work reliably or effectively compared to other skimmers on the market. Read more about brands at large in this article in the last issue of CA e-zine: http://wetwebmedia.com/ca/protein_skimmer_impressions.htm you may also want to spend some time reading our extensive archives by beginning here and following the links at the top of the page: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/skimmerfaqs.htm my advice is to return or sell the SeaClone, and invest in a Euro-style ASM, Euro-reef or Aqua C skimmer. Kindly, Anthony> - SeaClone Skimmer - I have read many times on your website the opinion that the SeaClone skimmer is a "complete piece of junk". But I wonder if it is really that bad. <I suppose not entirely... any skimming is better than none, but from the other angle perhaps something should be said about products that are best only at separating the consumer from their money.> The reason I am asking is because I consider my tank to be pretty successful, and I am reluctant to buy a new Remora skimmer because I subscribe to the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" philosophy. <Understood... although my car has a bad control arm bushing at the moment - it ain't broke now, but if it breaks while I'm driving I'm in trouble. If I fix it before it breaks I can save an accident.> Now I have lost a few nice pieces of hammer, torch and frogspawn corals within a couple of weeks after introduction, and I have also lost a few fish, usually within a week or 2 after introduction, and I am getting a few bubble algae her and there so it could be that I need better skimming, or it could be other factors. <Likely a combination of factors.> Tank is one year old. My nitrates are 0.0, ammonia and nitrite are of course 0. My pH is 8.2, Alk=2.5-3.0, Ca=360-375, SG 1.025, temp =79 F. I have 2- 2 1/2 inches of sugar fine aragonite. 50-ish pounds of Fiji LR in my 55 gallon tank. 2 48" VHO bulbs, and a standard 48" actinic blue (260 watts total) on 12 hours/day. I also run a Fluval 303 (I think it's 303) with sponge, floss, and carbon, a couple of power heads for circulation. Additives are one teaspoon each part of C balance calcium and buffer per day, and biweekly iodine and weekly molybdenum. I change 5% water per week. Inhabitants are various LPS corals, softies, a coral beauty, bicolor Pseudochromis, and a small ocellaris clown, a bunch of snails and hermits. If my nitrates remain 0 and I don't have an algae outbreak, should I be OK with my SeaClone 100? <I think so... but I have seen print-outs from a web-site that documents some hop-ups for that skimmer. Might be worth trying one or two and see if that helps... let us know too.> Thanks for answering yet another SeaClone question. Cord. <Cheers, J -- > SeaClone Skimmer failing a 150 tank - 2/12/04 hi, <Hello Alex> I have a 150 gallons fish-only tank, I have an U.V., I have a wet-dry Eheim professional, I have a wet-dry filter with approximately 500 bio balls, I have two power heads, <May need more depending on the power of these well....uh...powerheads> a heater, a sea clone skimmer(150gallons) <SeaClone does not have a great reputation for good skimmers. Be sure that you are getting at least a cup a week at the bare minimum>> ammonia 0, nitrite 0, ph 8.2, and nitrate 20-30, <Keep an eye on this but no need to worry> I don't know if my skimmer is doing well because it almost has nothing in the collection cup, <Well, that is my point about this skimmer> I mean I just have to change the collection cup every 3 weeks because its almost empty, <Not good> I only have one big yellow tang and a small Singapore angel, <Well, it is good to stock slowly> Do you think is there a problem with the skimmer or it could be normal because I just have two fish. <Likely the skimmer is a piece of..... I would look through our FAQs on skimmers and see if there are not some upgrades you might be able to make, otherwise you will likely have to change for a better skimmer> I have it set well and I have done all what the manual says, but it doesn't seem to work, <yeah, I expected as much. Look to EuroReef, My Reef Creations, CPR, or AQUA C. Any of these brands are well respected. I am sure I am leaving some out though> Thank you for your answer, and I'm sorry if is a little confusing with this e-mail, that would be because my English is not too good. <Not a problem. Thanks for being part of it all, Alex. ~Paul> Alex SeaClone help thank you for posting in your FAQs skimmer/maintenance 8 section on the SeaClone skimmer. I have also purchased a SeaClone skimmer, and have been searching the net trying to figure out why it will not work right, as usual I always end up at your site, very helpful! Anyways the tidbit on using a piece of foam to raise the inside cup up worked for me too, it works like a champ now, after fiddling with it for weeks. thank you Tammy <Outstanding. Thank you for reporting your success. Bob Fenner>SeaClone modification 11/3/03 to whom it may concern, this is something you might find interesting about sea clone skimmers that I dug up since due to funds I was limited to the type of skimmer I could buy and have done the modifications recommended on the skimmer and it works great. here's a link to the sea clone modifications http://reefcentral.com/diy/seaclone_modifications.htm . thanks, frank di Gioia <thanks kindly for sharing this my friend... we will duly post this in the archives for all to see/read. Anthony> - Revenge of the SeaClone - I'm curing some beautiful Caribbean LR from FFE in a 31 gal Rubbermaid tank. Following your advice I'm having aggressive water-flow (2 x Rio 1400 powerheads), one small (Fluval 1+) carbon activated filter and a SeaClone/Marineland 100 protein skimmer (venturi, co-current) that is not new (used by somebody else before, and hence not in the break-in period). Unfortunately ever since the LR came (3 days ago) I was unable to obtain the nice "gunk", the think solid/semi-solid dark green/light green stuff that's supposed to land in the collection cup. Instead I'm getting about 1 cup-full of watery brownish water in the cup. The skimmer seems to work well -> lots of small bubbles in the skimmer, lots of foam coming into the cup (so much that it escapes through the hole on top of the cup), but once in the cup it does not transform into the nice green gunk but into dirty brown water. I looked in the protein skimmer manual and they said to make sure that the venturi valve is at 2-3 inches below water surface. Checks. Other than that, I tried to adjust the valve at the air intake. The more I open it, the more air gets in and the less water flows through the skimmer (which I think is what I want), so for now it is full open. The skimmer itself does not have any adjustment for the height of the collection cup (I believe that others do). I am not sure if the watery output is due to a poor skimmer design (although it seems by the color of the deposits in the cup that the previous owner was getting green stuff out), or an incorrect adjustment (again, only the amount of air entering the venturi is adjustable), or simply because it's not skimming an established aquarium but rather a fresh batch of LR that is having a terrible water quality (4-6ppm ammonia!). <Your first guess was the correct one... the performance of this skimmer, or lack of it is due to a woefully inadequate design... some have tried to make modifications to it to enhance performance, but the gains are modest at best. It should be noted though that any skimmate is better than none - your rock will cure, no worries.> Thank you again for your time. You guys are doing a great job! Mihai <Cheers, J -- > - SeaClone Skimmer Production - Hi, <Hello, JasonC here...> I must say your site is full of information . . . so much that I'd imagine the answer to my question is in there somewhere, but heck if I've been able to find it. So, here goes! I have a 55 gallon marine tank that has been running for approx. 8 months. It has a Volitans lion (5"), a Huma Trigger (4"), a 2" orange tail puffer, a 1-2" damsel and 4 lbs. of new live rock. <That's a dismal amount of live rock... you'd be well advised to try and get about one pound per gallon in there. Not only will it benefit the biological filter in your tank but will also provide more cover for your fish, who will feel exposed and vulnerable without it.> My flirtation includes a Penguin BioWheel filter, a Merlin biological filter, and a week old SeaClone protein skimmer. I was patiently allowing my skimmer to run for a week so it could "break in" as the instructions said. Then, I fiddled with the air valve and found my skimmer suddenly producing foam and a bit of skim. This went on here and there with minimal foam production. My skim about in just bare drippings at the bottom of the cup after about a week and a half. Today, I noticed no foam production, and an influx of micro bubbles going into the tank (maybe it was already like that, but today I really noticed). I've fiddled with the air valve and replenished a bit of evaporation . . . .yet still do not see foam production the way I find it described on your site. Am I doing something wrong? <Well, not really - there are two issues here. First, the SeaClone skimmer is a really, really poor design, and isn't capable of producing the skimmate you've read/heard about. Second, and perhaps more importantly, statements have been made in the past about what you should expect to see in a skimmer, and I take issue with this. There are simply too many variables to say things like, "If you don't get a cup a day of stout-beer-type skimmate, you're doing something wrong." These statements are gross generalities, and should be taken with a grain of salt, or perhaps a cup of skimmate. Every skimmer and tank combination is different, and individual users will tune their skimmers differently to produce different results.> What can I do about these micro bubbles... are they harmful? <No, they're just a result of a bad design. Get another skimmer, perhaps an Aqua-C Remora.> Is it possible that my tank does not produce consistent skimming needs with what I have in the tank? <No, I'd blame this all on the skimmer - the types of fish you have would normally produce some pretty nasty stuff in a worthwhile skimmer.> Thanks in advance!!! -Dave <Cheers, J -- > SeaClone Noise Hi Bob, Steven or Anthony, <in that order that would make me "Curley".. although Steve looks nothing like Moe> I'm having some trouble w/my loud SeaClone Protein skimmer. It is only noisy when I have the air valve opened.. I recently modified the skimmer, which helped improve its skimming, but it is still loud when the air valve is open. I think the problem is, caused by drawing air in through the impeller, instead of drawing it through the output of the power head, like many other power heads. Am I correct? <not exactly... aspirated air through the impeller can be quite good> If so, I'm thinking of replacing it w/a RIO 1100. It draws air in through the power heads output. It's gph ratio is also higher than the standard SeaClone Pump. I think my skimmer may work better with a more powerful pump. <agreed...may work well> Please let me know what you recommend. <if you do the Rio with a Venturi, place a piece of course foam block on the intake to act as a muffler or simply extend the airline to do the same> As always, thanks for the great advice, Glenn <best regards, Anthony> About the Sea Clone: I haven't been able to get any skimmate at all yet. <you are hardly alone in this dilemma among aquarists> I was assuming it was a little bit of both the fact that the tank is not really developed yet, <even one week old tanks produce skimmate easily with the fresh minerals in the salt mix to spawn diatoms/algae, etc> as well, I'm not really experienced at finding the correct air valve setting. (It's hard to see where the collection cup rims starts in the Sea Clone) <yes.. it really is more of a design problem with this model> I've been told, as well as seen on your site that you need to have the water level meet the rim of the collection cup. Maybe you are aware of other clues I might be able to use to get it right, besides the obvious of actually seeing skimmate ;) Should I hear the gargling of the water through the pump? or is that too much air? and so on. <I am of the opinion with many aquarists that great patience and a lot of luck is required to get this model to perform at all let alone consistently... I would seriously consider a skimmer upgrade or a DIY project to make a better one. A skimmer one of the most important pieces of hardware you will ever buy for a marine aquarium... invest well in it. Aqua C and Bak Pak have some good hang-on or lower priced models, EuroReef and Turboflotor have great higher shelf models. You'll need to spend some bucks to get a good one... As they say, Good things are seldom cheap and cheap things are seldom good!" Anthony> SeaClone protein skimmer I have a 75 gal. LR and fish tank, and bought a SeaClone protein skimmer about a month ago. That was before I knew the specs. Well, it was producing a fair amount of sludge for the first couple weeks, and the past few days it has produced nothing. Is this bad? Is this normal. Also, I have a patch of green algae (it almost looks like blades of moss or grass.) Does this need to be removed? <The lack of sludge is "a good thing" as it probably indicates a "balance struck" between various desirable biochemical reactions taking place in your system... vis a vis the live rock... and the algae you describe... don't remove it...Bob Fenner> Skimmer Problem Hello Bob, Once again, if you don't mind, I need your advice. I have a Sea Clone Skimmer (unfortunately bought prior to me finding your site) on my 40gal SW tank. It used to work rather well but for the past month or so it hasn't produced anything. I tried to replace the air valve (I've read this sometimes helps) but this proved useless. I have heard that oils from human skin may cause the skimmer to stop working, true? <More often from foods... and an easy, neat demonstration/experiment...> While reading your skimmer page I noticed you discussed cleaning the unit with white vinegar, do you think this may help? <Likely not... probably your forty is "cycled" sufficiently that the types of materials available are not easily removed by skimming period...> I know the best answer is to get a better skimmer but my budget demands that I exhaust all alternatives. <Actually, I wouldn't get another skimmer here... unless you go to a larger system, new rock... > Thanks for all your help, I truly appreciate your time. Chris <Glad to offer my opinions. Bob Fenner> SeaClone What do you think of the SeaClone skimmer and do you know whether I will need the extension for a Juwel tank to fit it. <public opinion of them is overwhelmingly negative. Seems to fall under the category of "good things are seldom cheap and cheap things are seldom good". Do consider a Euro-reef or Tunze my friend. You may want to visit our FAQs or the message boards for detailed feedback about various brands. Best regards, Anthony> Sea Clone Questions Hi Guys - <cheers, mate! Anthony Calfo in your service> My daughter bought / rescued a 70 gallon predator tank that came with a SeaClone on it - When I helped her move it from the rather inexperienced lady's house - she had assured us all was fine - it was not functioning at all. With a little cleaning and some tweaking it is producing foam - however it is somewhat to clear for my liking - <yes... some say it is an inherent design flaw> Her fish load (all bought as juveniles according to the lady) Zebra lion, 18" snowflake moray, 5" Niger Trigger, 7" Lunare wrasse, 3" aqua popcorn Coral Beauty and lastly a very belligerent tomato clown again popcorn. I think because they were all introduced together at a young age they coexist "OK" for now. <wow... an interesting mix to say the least> My first order until I can purchase a new skimmer for her is to get this one functioning better <there's an old saying... "You can't polish a turd". Just know that you and all WWM FAQ fans can always count on me for such lucid and high brow wisdoms> (unfortunately for her she caught Dad in process of building a new 55gallon reef $$$) - Would you guys have any suggestions - I went to their website and from the look of it they believe themselves to have invented the wheel (I say that because they only had a few issues/solutions displayed). <heehee... yep> Anyhow Dad is broke for the moment and needs to make this work for a month or so until I can get her a quality Aqua Sea or CPR unit. <agreed on your inclinations... in the meantime, may I suggest careful feedings and extra water changes. Very helpful and will buy you a couple of months easily> This is a priority for me as the guys lived in somewhat abysmal conditions prior to our involvement - When I broke her tank down it stank up her house there was so much excess protein and crap in it. To make it short here all is clean now - I put the largest penguin I had spare on it in addition to the penguin single she had with it and tuned it up - All have responded with improved color and more active behaviors. Remarkably they were all in good health - I politely suggested to the lady we purchased this from to check out Bob's book and WWM site prior to indulging her desire for pretty fish again. <very thoughtful of you...seriously! Good to offer education with the hope of improving/saving fellow aquarists from attrition> Any help you can offer would be great - Thanks in advance. <always welcome... and sorry for no revelation about the skimmer, but I don't believe that it is worth your time to try to modify it short of building your own all new DIY skimmer from scratch> By the way - The new look is nice on the site, my wife can now research things a lot easier. Regards, Ric Raley <yes... thank you, and agreed. Big Props to Zo in particular for many hours spent. Jas, Barb et al too! Kindly, Anthony> Re: Sea Clone Questions I had the feeling that would be the response so no great surprise there. I have heard nothing good about the product. And Yes I thought it a rather eclectic mix of fishes to say the least. The lady we purchased it from was conscientious minded, but rather uninformed and unfortunately she went to the rather unscrupulous (sp.) LFS - <yes... it is too often the problem. Good hearted aquarists that don't have the good fortune to find reliable counsel. If there is a local aquarium society in the area, please to attend and recommend to others> She was sold a single penguin with the SeaClone to be adequate for filtration and base rock as prime - <Argghhh!> I pointed her in the direction of some quality dealers and recommended you guys as a source of information. <very well... kudos to you> I try to do my bit for things as I in the last year switched over to salt from fresh - Had great success with the fresh even before there was a wealth of information just from observing the local ponds and things and then transferred that observation over to salt with the help of Bob, Tullock and the rest of the guy's who show no disdain for the newcomer. <as it should be> Fortunately I make semiconductor chips for a living so mechanical, plumbing, chemical, electrical are all in the bag. <very cool... you have great advantages as an aquarist!> I do have a question for you I have been unable to get your book - I have Julian's books and was hoping to find yours - Can you point me in the right direction. <hmmm... yes, and thank you. From vendors here at WWM we have Di's aquatics, Custom Aquatic, Reef Splendor, and Flying Fish Express> Ric <best regards, Anthony> Sea Clone Questions Hi Guys - <cheers, mate! Anthony Calfo in your service> My daughter bought / rescued a 70 gallon predator tank that came with a SeaClone on it - When I helped her move it from the rather inexperienced lady's house - she had assured us all was fine - it was not functioning at all. With a little cleaning and some tweaking it is producing foam - however it is somewhat to clear for my liking - <yes... some say it is an inherent design flaw> Her fish load (all bought as juveniles according to the lady) Zebra lion, 18" snowflake moray, 5" Niger Trigger, 7" Lunare wrasse, 3" aqua popcorn Coral Beauty and lastly a very belligerent tomato clown again popcorn. I think because they were all introduced together at a young age they coexist "OK" for now. <wow... an interesting mix to say the least> My first order until I can purchase a new skimmer for her is to get this one functioning better <there's an old saying... "You can't polish a turd". Just know that you and all WWM FAQ fans can always count on me for such lucid and high brow wisdoms> (unfortunately for her she caught Dad in process of building a new 55gallon reef $$$) - Would you guys have any suggestions - I went to their website and from the look of it they believe themselves to have invented the wheel (I say that because they only had a few issues/solutions displayed). <heehee... yep> Anyhow Dad is broke for the moment and needs to make this work for a month or so until I can get her a quality Aqua Sea or CPR unit. <agreed on your inclinations... in the meantime, may I suggest careful feedings and extra water changes. Very helpful and will buy you a couple of months easily> This is a priority for me as the guys lived in somewhat abysmal conditions prior to our involvement - When I broke her tank down it stank up her house there was so much excess protein and crap in it. To make it short here all is clean now - I put the largest penguin I had spare on it in addition to the penguin single she had with it and tuned it up - All have responded with improved color and more active behaviors. Remarkably they were all in good health - I politely suggested to the lady we purchased this from to check out Bob's book and WWM site prior to indulging her desire for pretty fish again. <very thoughtful of you...seriously! Good to offer education with the hope of improving/saving fellow aquarists from attrition> Any help you can offer would be great - Thanks in advance. <always welcome... and sorry for no revelation about the skimmer, but I don't believe that it is worth your time to try to modify it short of building your own all new DIY skimmer from scratch> By the way - The new look is nice on the site, my wife can now research things a lot easier. Regards, Ric Raley <yes... thank you, and agreed. Big Props to Zo in particular for many hours spent. Jas, Barb et al too! Kindly, Anthony> Re: Sea Clone Questions I had the feeling that would be the response so no great surprise there. I have heard nothing good about the product. And Yes I thought it a rather eclectic mix of fishes to say the least. The lady we purchased it from was conscientious minded, but rather uninformed and unfortunately she went to the rather unscrupulous (sp.) LFS - <yes... it is too often the problem. Good hearted aquarists that don't have the good fortune to find reliable counsel. If there is a local aquarium society in the area, please to attend and recommend to others> She was sold a single penguin with the SeaClone to be adequate for filtration and base rock as prime - <Argghhh!> I pointed her in the direction of some quality dealers and recommended you guys as a source of information. <very well... kudos to you> I try to do my bit for things as I in the last year switched over to salt from fresh - Had great success with the fresh even before there was a wealth of information just from observing the local ponds and things and then transferred that observation over to salt with the help of Bob, Tullock and the rest of the guy's who show no disdain for the newcomer. <as it should be> Fortunately I make semiconductor chips for a living so mechanical, plumbing, chemical, electrical are all in the bag. <very cool... you have great advantages as an aquarist!> I do have a question for you I have been unable to get your book - I have Julian's books and was hoping to find yours - Can you point me in the right direction. <hmmm... yes, and thank you. From vendors here at WWM we have Di's aquatics, Custom Aquatic, Reef Splendor, and Flying Fish Express> Ric <best regards, Anthony> Sea Clone Protein Skimmer First I have a 45 gal tank. I just brought a Sea Clone Protein Skimmer. It is a little noisy, what is wrong with this skimmer? Should I use it? Tell me more about this skimmer, and what you don't like about it. <Be design, lack of engineering this product is more of a gimmick than functional... What is the sense of having a contactor column that is only partially filled with air/water mixed together? To look "neat"? Please read through the "Skimmer Selection FAQs" on our site, starting here: http://wetwebmedia.com/skimselfaqs.htm> After a forty five is set up and operating "properly", with live rock... for a few to several months this puny skimmer should be fine nonetheless. Bob Fenner> Sea Clone I gathered that SeaClone skimmers are not one of your favorites by reading one of the archived articles. Why not? Also, I always hear from local fish stores that Condylactis anemones are fairly easy to keep under low light. Is this true? I have 4 NO 40 watt bulbs (2 actinic, 2 full spectrum) and I was wondering if it would be possible to keep these. I have a clarkii clown, a tomato clown, and a Percula clown (all getting along well) and I know that they will not likely utilize a Condylactis, but I would still like to try one. Thanks for any response! <<Well, I do like the SeaClones for their looks and they are fine on small systems (20-30 gallons), but the product is more show than go.... My acid test for skimmers is rigging them up side by side on the same system... or dumping the water skimmed from one into the next... and seeing which "takes out" the most "gunk"... try this and you'll understand. The genus Condylactis anemones sold in the trade should do okay with your lighting rig... As you state, the Clowns do not associate with these (tropical west Atlantic) species... and sometimes do eat them! Bob Fenner>> Upgrade Sea Clone Hi Bob, William from Puerto Rico again. My question is that I have a protein skimmer Sea Clone in my 55 gallon tank, with wet dry, U.V, chiller and RO. Sometimes it brings a lot of junk, but a lot more it does not. I have seen that when I put additives in the tank it does not bring nothing for almost a week. Is this okay? I am supposed to be checking and changing all the time the pressure of the maxi jet 1000? Should I buy a better one? Which one? Thanks. <<Hey William, regarding that skimmer, no, it's not really okay. Though Aquarium Systems makes many fine products, and several of their people are good friends, this skimmer is not sufficient for any but the smallest of marine systems. I would replace or augment it with a better model. There are many makes and models to choose from, and if it were me, I'd check out the bigger companies websites... and find them through the Internet, and the hobby magazine, Freshwater and Marine Aquarium (who many of us buy, read carefully for the ads!), and then check out sources for the best buy... including e-tailers to the trade. Bob Fenner>> SeaClone skimmer I have read you opinion of the SeaClone skimmer and have found that my research into the SeaClone is conflicting. <The research or the results?> At the store that I shop at they have a 45 gallon reef tank and it is overstocked but the SeaClone is powerful enough though get all the protein in the tank. My question is have you ever used the SeaClone or are you going by other people's opinion. <Both... am very good friends with the folks who used to own, still run Aquarium Systems, the manufacturer... have a few of these units on some of our tanks here... they do work... and are very versatile for other applications (we use the basic unit variously as carbon dioxide infusion devices on planted tanks, have rigged them up to deliver the end products of melted down aragonite materials...), and are fine on smaller and/or well-established, otherwise well set-up and maintained systems... but they (the hang on and in-tank models of SeaClone) are still more gimmick than go in my opinion... from first hand and other experience. Bob Fenner> |
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