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Re: Exploding Skunk Cleaner Shrimp Population... Doubtful, Likely Mysis Shrimp 9/5/07 Morning Mitch, <Hi Pat, Mich here again.> Thanks for your prompt response. <Welcome!> I originally thought they were Mysis Shrimp, but could only find pictures on the net of white Mysis Shrimp. These are clearly pink in color and I assumed it was the coloration of the Cleaner Shrimp. Looked on the net again this morning and found a picture of pinkish colored Mysis. Would never have bothered you if I had found that earlier. <No worries, is not a bother.> Thanks again! <Welcome as always! Mich> Pat Not everyone wants a partner….lone cleaner shrimp with eggs 10/3/05 Hello guys. <Hello James, Adam with you.> I came home today and am really shocked. I noticed what looks like and I hope 'is' roe on my cleaner shrimp. However, he/she is the only shrimp in the tank and for that matter any of my tanks. Is this normal (obviously it is possible as I am seeing it)? <Its not unheard of.> Having only one shrimp I never expected to see this sight… Please respond as I am confused by what I see. The stuff looks like greenish-blue tiny little eggs clustered on the abdominal area. <As I said above its not unheard of though "usually" it doesn't happen. The eggs may or may not be fertile, chances are they are not. In any even when the shrimp does release the eggs it will make a nice snack for your microfauna and any other inverts or small fish you may have.> Thank you., James Zimmer <No problem, Adam J.> Scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp spontaneously breeding 8/9/05 Hi, I've had my 125 gallon reef tank up and running for about 4 yrs. now, and today noticed something very unusual. Among my various corals and reef-safe fish, I have had the same scarlet skunk cleaner shrimp for about a year. This shrimp (I assure you) is the only one in my tank. I noticed that, in retrospect, it has been hiding out almost completely underneath my large leather toadstool coral for about a week. I don't honestly pay that much attention to it disappearing for a few days as it molts about once a month. Anyway, today in the back corner of my tank (sheltered by live rock) I see around 50 miniature cleaner shrimp, each about 4-5 milliliters long! I used a feeding tube to shoot some "Cyclop-Eeze" back there to see if they would feed and they devoured it all quickly, there "bellies" showing red after they ate. Is this scenario even possible??? <Yep> With every site that I've been searching today, I can only learn that they are hermaphroditic, but that there still needs to be two shrimp to fertilize the eggs. <Cross fertilization is the rule, but...> I am positive that these are baby shrimp, and my cleaner shrimp is the ONLY shrimp at all in my tank!!! Please help me understand how this could have happened (especially since the shrimp look bigger than I would have expected had they just hatched today or yesterday) and please give me any advice on possibly raising them to maturity. <Happens. Please read here re references, input for rearing the young: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/shrimpreprofaqs.htm and: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clrshrpreprofaqs.htm Bob Fenner> Peppermint shrimp breeding 2/4/05 I have a 58 tank, it look as if one of my peppermint shrimps have eggs, I took her out should I take him out as well, she is in a 10 g tank with sand and live rock, will he need to be with her after the eggs are out??? <these shrimp are asexual, and the larvae do need to be separated from the parents to survive in aquaria. There is an excellent book describing how to do this: "How to train and raise peppermint shrimp" by April Kirkendall see it on Amazon.com and other booksellers. kindly, Anthony> - Appearing Shrimp - We've had our 150 gallon salt water aquarium up for about 2 months now. We acquired a Blood Shrimp (Lysmata debelius) about 4 weeks ago and it has adjusted beautifully into the tank. It claimed it's habitat promptly, and took right away to setting up it's cleaning station for our Pacific Blue Tang, Clarkii Clowns, and Yellow-tailed blue Damsels. It also molted about 2 weeks ago. Yesterday, during the nighttime feeding I noticed on the opposite side of the tank under a rock ledge, a Blood Shrimp baby! I thought maybe it was our red legged crab outside it's shell, but it wasn't. It's about an inch long, has it's claws and it's long white antennae. How did this happen? Can shrimp spontaneously give birth? We never noticed any larvae or anything and we've only had the adult shrimp now for 4 weeks. Any insight would be appreciated. Jodi <Jodi, to answer your question directly, no... these shrimp [and in fact I don't think any shrimp] do not give birth to fully developed shrimp. Instead they lay eggs which take quite a while and specialized food stuffs likely not present in your tank to develop into adult shrimp. What seems more likely to me is that your shrimp has molted its exoskeleton. This is a fascinating process that leaves behind what seems to be an exact replica of your shrimp - claws, antennae and all... only difference being that they don't move very much. This is perfectly normal and also fairly regular; the shrimp will molt every one to several months. An easy way to check would be to stick your hand in there and try to catch it... if it moves away, then it is in fact a spontaneous shrimp and perhaps a stow-away on your live rock. Cheers, J -- > Raising cleaner shrimp Hi Blundell, I purchased a cleaner shrimp yesterday and noticed that it's belly was kind of distended. I kind of thought it was pregnant but I never thought it would actually give birth. Now I have hundreds of little cleaner shrimp...whatever they are swimming around my tank. I was able to put some in a small plastic cup which I suspended over the tank. << Cool >> My question are: 1. Will I be able to actually raise these critters? << Unlikely, unless you do give them a separate tank and really put forth the effort into raising them. >> 2. Has anyone ever been able to breed and raise them? << Oh yes of course. I'd start by searching the Breeder's Registry on line and then if you don't get all the info I'd contact Andy Rhyne. >> 3. What do they eat? << Crushed up flake food is popular. However baby brine and phytoplankton are probably a better way to go. >> Thanks again and Happy Holidays! << This isn't the best thing for new hobbyists to try. I'd recommend a lot of reading before really committing to this type of project. >> Martin << Blundell >> Cleaner Shrimp Mating and eggs Hello, <Hello!> I have a question regarding a pair of cleaner shrimp I have in a 55 galloon fish only tank. I recently noticed that both shrimp have been "hiding" together and when I looked closer I noticed that one of the shrimp had what looks like eggs in the belly. The reason I think they are eggs is that the area is below the stomach and just looks like eggs. What I also noticed was that some of the other fish (yellow tang, regal tang, 2 clownfish, yellow tail damsel, flame angel, purple sutra) are starting to "nibble" at this area, and I can only assume they are trying to get the eggs. What coloration are the eggs? <Only green eggs are fertile.> IF I quarantine both shrimp, are there any special things I should do that would increase the likelihood of the eggs surviving. Is it ok to quarantine both shrimp along with some rocks for the eggs to hatch. Other people I have talked to have never heard of cleaner shrimp mating before, is the just luck. <Actually, this is extremely common. If you have a pair of shrimp, it's very likely that both will become pregnant with eggs, provided you give them good conditions. My shrimp are almost always carrying eggs. I have almost a dozen Peppermint Shrimp which are all carrying eggs. They do eventually hatch, but I leave the fry to become food.> I have a 3 galloon hospital tank, would this be ok for the QT and how long should I leave the 2 shrimp in there, should I remove them after the eggs have been set, is there a chance that the shrimp will eat the eggs? <Raising the shrimp eggs is extremely difficult, not to mention very time consuming and costly. I should mention that the eggs are never set onto a rock. Instead, they're carried within the tail of the shrimp. When the eggs are ready to hatch, the shrimp will move its tall very quickly, dispersing the young. You will also need to make sure that there is no pump in the tank -- any intake is likely to suck the fry up and kill them; therefore, an air pump will bee needed. Any corners on the tank are also likely to kill the fry. It would be best if the tank were like a bowl. You will also need extremely small foods to feed the fry. I would guess that only a few shrimp will make it to maturity. Please let me know if you're still interested in raising the fry and I will hook you up with some excellent information about raising cleaner shrimp.> Thanks for your advice and help. <Take Care! Graham.> Joey Cleaner shrimp reproduction 11/7/04 Hi, I was looking in my 5.5 gallon nano tank today and noticed that the larger one of my scarlet cleaner shrimps had neon green eggs under its "tail" I was wondering if I should bother trying to actually hatch and grow the young? <they are hermaphrodites, so the eggs may well be fertile> Is this something that's close to impossible to do? <not impossible... but impractical in small aquaria> If not could you please give me some advice or lead me in the right direction...thanks <there's a fine book on breeding shrimp of this genus Lysmata called "How to train and raise peppermint shrimp" by Jill Kirkendall. Do seek it on Amazon.com... Anthony> Shrimp breeding and halide lights Greetings Crew! << Blundell here today. >> I just can't say this enough, but thanks for putting up such a great site! I love reading the daily FAQ's and surfing through the archives. Got two questions for you today. 1. I have a 55-gal reef system (corals, fish, inverts, etc.) and I have one red skunk cleaner shrimp. Today I noticed that he is actually a she as her belly is full of what I can only assume to be eggs!!!! Now, I lined up the suspects in the tank and the only ones I can come close to thinking of are my pair of Fire Shrimp (one of which had eggs last week). Is it possible for a fire shrimp and skunk cleaner to mate? << I would have said no, but maybe you are proving me wrong. >> Or will shrimp produce eggs in absence of a mate and just hope they get "lucky"? << I wouldn't be surprised to see this happen. Especially being hermaphrodites (well some shrimp I should say). >> The only other suspect would be my Coral Beauty, but I think his love affair with my cleaner is just related to the cleanings! << Agreed, at this point I'd be suspect, but potential cross breeding may actually be taking place. >> 2. This is relating to metal halide bulbs. I am totally familiar with wattage and degrees Kelvin (planning to construct a custom oak suspended canopy with 2x250W of MH). I have a friend who works in an industrial supply company and they have hundreds of different MH bulbs in stock. The problem is that the bulbs are rated in Lumens and color temp. Is color temp the same as degrees K? << Yes, that basically means what colors of light are being given off. In other words how much of the light is red, how much of it is blue and so forth. >> What are Lumens? << Lumens is how much total light is given off. For instance you can have a very blue bulb that gives off only blue light. But that light may be very dim like a moon light (low lumens) or it may be very bright like a search light (high lumens). >> Is there a way to compare these bulbs with those used in the aquarium industry or am I comparing apples and oranges? << Well with a PAR meter you can really compare bulbs well. But for the average hobbyist I think that comparing visual colors to you, and also Kelvin ratings is good enough. >> Thanks again and have a happy Halloween! -Ray << Blundell >> Shrimp Hatching (10/23/04) Hello! <Hi. Steve Allen today.> I have found out the gestation period for Coral Banded Shrimp is 6 weeks. I think. Anyways, I have noticed since yesterday the female is staying put on the back of my Pagoda Cup and the male will bring her food. How long do you think she has left? <Really no way to know.> We noticed the eggs about 3 weeks ago but we don't know how long there were actually eggs present. <Which is why we can't know how long is left.> Any help would be greatly appreciated. <What I can tell you is that it is extremely unlikely that you will succeed in raising any of these. Most will die or be eaten shortly after hatching. You might want to search the web for info on shrimp-breeding set-ups, but I've not found anything about successful raising beyond a fraction of an inch in size. I saw you left a thread on the chat forum. Perhaps that will yield something.> Thanks! <Sorry to be unable to be of more help.> Plankton for raising shrimp G'day there .. have been reading your section on shrimp breeding . unfortunately down here in NZ we can't get peppermint shrimps which sound easy to breed. <Great to hear you are going to try though.> our only types are banded , cleaner and fire shrimps. it appears that the main hurdle is the foods to feed the juv's ...... now my questions, phytoplankton and zooplankton, I presume they would be able to be collected in quantities from the ocean on a regular basis to keep the numbers alive and stocked up? <They should be.> secondly would they handle a gradual increase in temperature to tropical without massive die off ( the water here is......how shall I say ...... brass monkeys !! )<You might be able to raise the temp gradually but I do think you would experience a die off. You might consider culturing some yourself, take a look at this article http://www.reefs.org/library/talklog/r_toonen_102500.html and this one as well. http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2002-07/ds/index.htm> In the garage I have 6 x 4ft tanks (easily compartmented) with overflows , w/d towers /sumps and a mixture of coral rock and local stuff collected from high rock pools (the best to adapt to tropical) <I agree it should adapt temp wise easier but my concern is how polluted will it be that close to land?> and want to try marine invert breeding. I live 5 min's from the west coast so water isn't a problem. any thoughts or comments would be much appreciated , <Klay I'm excited that you are going to try this. I would encourage you to definitely give it a shot. Please let us know how it goes. MacL> cheers Klay. Plankton Hey thanks for the reply MacL <Hi Klay!!!> We are fortunate down here that there are no pollution problems when it comes to our coastal waters (especially the west coast which is 90% rugged) something I think most reef aquarist worldwide would like. <Definitely.> The reef and garden reef tanks enjoy the added " bugaboo's" that come with the water, so I will try the constant new water system which isn't a prob...( as well as the cultures to be safe)... have experimented with various life forms ( macro algae's, crustaceans, seahorses, pipefish, leatherjackets/triggers etc ) from our waters and a surprising amount can handle 24-27c degrees compared to 12-18c degrees local, not just living but growing , breeding and generally enjoying not freezin' their "tra la la laaa's" off.... :-)<Very nice way to put it. I do know of some creatures that have been taken in and the temperature raised and them seeming to thrive but my question becomes do they thrive in the long term? Over a year or so? Its amazingly fascinating what you are doing please do tell me more.> do recommend sea cucumbers ( excellent sand vacuums ). <I have quite a few sea cukes myself. Enjoy them immensely but not something that I recommend a lot because they can pollute a tank.> anyway I digress , will keep you informed as to my attempts/success with shrimp breeding. <I'll be watching for it. MacL> cheers Klay. Lonely Shrimp? (9/7/04) Greetings all. <Greetings to you. Steve Allen tonight.> I have a Skunk cleaner and two Camel shrimps in a 75 gallon system, with about 70 lbs. of live rock. The Cleaner has been in there for about 2 1/2 weeks and is finally starting to show himself more often. When I reached in the tank today to move some things around, he got all excited and started trying to clean my arms and hands. Is this normal? <Yes. Tickles, doesn't it?> I am not too worried, as he only tried to bite the scars once or twice, but is he that desperate to clean something? <Simply engaging in natural instinctive behavior. Mine do it all the time too. I doubt such neurologically-simple creatures experience or act on "desperation."> I am guessing that he or she would probably benefit from having another companion Cleaner, but should I get a fish or two for them to clean? <Again, there is no reason to believe that shrimp would experience loneliness. Although they are usually peaceful, there is some risk of territorial aggression if you introduce another. As for needing fish to clean, these shrimps eat just about anything, including flake and pellet foods.> The only fish in there are two small (3") surf smelt I brought home from work to start cycling the tank a month ago, and they will not let the Cleaner clean them. If it matters, Ammonia levels were 0, Nitrites almost 0 (like .1 ppm), and Nitrates were 10 ppm. (The elevated Nitrites were probably due to the addition of some small rubble-sized pieces of live rock added 4 days ago.) I am not particularly worried, everything seems healthy, just wondering if having a companion and/or cleanable fish would make his "stay" that much more comfortable. <Neither of these are needed. However, since cleaners are hermaphroditic, they will likely mate on an ongoing basis in your tank, thereby supplying live food.> Thanks for your time. <You're welcome. Hope this helps.> Jeremy Pregger CBS G'DAY MATE I have a pregnant coral banded shrimp, I can tell by the big blue lump under her. She has a 400lt mini reef all to her self. I was told that she will need a male in the tank to make this a successful birth, due to the male looking after the new born, and to fertilize the eggs when they pop out. TRUE OR FALSE << Well, I'll say true. I don't see many things ever reproduce without one. >> Is the info I was given true or false. Have you got any info as I have searched the net. I have set the tank up already, so I don't lose the babe's down the filter. I would love to make this a success , any info would be great as I am doing this blind so to speak. << If you really want to breed them, then I recommend putting them together in like a 10 gal tank with live rock. Then when the eggs are visible be ready to siphon (or scoop) them into another rearing tank. >> TA MATE << Have phyto and zooplankton ready to go. Also many large shrimp can be easily raised using baby Artemia. >> CHRIS from oz) << Adam B. >> Shrimp larvae release 6/30/04 G'DAY GUY'S. My Coral Banded Shrimp has just given BIRTH, I cant get her out of the main tank, she just wont have a bar of it. The main tank has no animals apart from corals and a Abalone will the babe's be alright or what. I have put stockings on the over flow out lets to stop them being sucked out. what else can you suggest. TA Chris (OZ) <Hi Chris. Although it may be possible to rear the larvae, it is probably beyond the capabilities of most hobbyists. They would require phytoplankton as a first food and possibly rotifers as a second. The best thing to do is to be happy knowing that other critters and corals will get a very nutritious meal! Best Regards. Adam C.> Assorted Crustacean Questions (6/2/04) Hi Crew <Steve Allen tonight> I have a 90 gal reef tank with a 25 gal sump refugium. I have a couple questions. I have noticed in the tank at night I have a ton of copepods small shrimp which I am sure are larva from cleaner shrimp spawns and peppermint shrimp spawns. <Most likely Peppermints. From what I've read, no one has successfully raised cleaner shrimps. Could also be Mysid shrimps that stay less than a few millimeters for life.> I have had a scooter blenny for almost a year now and he seems very happy and healthy. <Good> One question is will some of the cleaner larva survive?? <This has never occurred elsewhere, so very unlikely. Peppermints, on the other hand, have been raised by many folks.> There are a bunch in the refugium. Some of the more than a quarter inch long. <If you succeed in raising a cleaner shrimp from larva to adulthood, it would be a publishable achievement, especially if you can document the conditions/actions that led to it.> The second is with all the critters in the main tank, even with scooter in there, there is a ton of assorted critters still sustained in the system and I would like to possibly get a mandarin dragonette. would they get along?? <Probably so in your size tank.> The scooter and the mandarin. and do you think there is enough food for both?? <this is a big concern, because Mandarins usually get quite a bit bigger than Scooters--it might throw the whole microcrustacean balance out of whack. Probably not, though, if you have hundreds/thousands of visible 'pods.> Cleaner Shrimp Mating (4/29/04) I have 2 cleaner shrimp in my tank and have just noticed that one has a large sac on it's side, it actually looks like it is filled with something...could it be eggs??? <Eggzactly. Lysmata amboinensis are hermaphrodites and two of them will usually mate. The other one will eventually have eggs too. These eggs & the resultant larvae make great live food, so don't expect any baby shrimp. Steve Allen.> Kelly Aiello Shrimp sex ID 4/6/04 Hi Crew! <howdy> Just can't seem to find this one in the FAQ's. Is there any way to determine the sex of Fire Shrimp? Thanks <shrimp in general if gonochoristic (dedicated sex/gender) can be distinguished by the presence (male) or lack (female) of modified swimmeret's (last paired legs) where the thorax meets the tail. Lysmata are hermaphrodites though. Read more about the congener Peppermint shrimp in "Breeding and Training Peppermint Shrimp" by April Kirkendall for insight to your L. debelius fire shrimp. Kindly, Anthony> Peppermint shrimp (Breeding on own) 3/18/04 Not sure where to start. I have a 60l reef tank using the don't touch method (don't change water don't clean don't feed) <"why?!?" is the first question that comes to mind... unless you are conducting an experiment on how long aquatic species can live in their own dissolved excrement> contains: way to many minute flora and fauna to list here, tank has taken approx 2 years to stabilize, constant little war of the world between different species. Well 8 months ago I developed a little (HA!) problem with glass anemones :-( <imagine that... some nutrients in the system I suppose. Doh!> I tried a threadfin, no joy (liked every other organism in the tank though) 2 peppermint shrimp (crabs enjoyed pulling them limb from limb)1 cleaner shrimp (no chance, crab bait!) Recently I thought I would over indulge the crabs and dump 5 peppermint shrimp in the tank, with the hope of one surviving and getting the run/hide instinct. <humor aside... your style of aquatic husbandry is insensitive if not un-conscientious> At purchase 2 of the shrimp contained eggs (no problem had this before) erm, all of them hatched healthily. But I seem to have missed a stage in their development, they all seem to be perfect copies of their parents (although miniature and clear) didn't see a larval stage just mini shrimp. What should I do to care for these? <buy, read and heed the information in the book "How to Train and Raise Peppermint Shrimp" by April Kirkendall available from your UK bookseller "Midland Reefs"> Currently there is no outside influence on the tank, except fresh (RO) water top off. There is a 5-6inch sand bed in the tank and lots of macro algae and other flora, along with numerous other organisms planktonic (from DSB no doubt) to miniature shrimp that crawl around on their sides. Equipment: protein skimmer on every 15 minute for 15 minutes, heater 2 power heads (nil filtration, all natural by DSB & LR). BTW: all five shrimp still not crab food yet. NO FISH in tank. Shrimp are between 1mm and 10mm in length. Just be nice to save some. Alex Outten <do consider water changes my friend and overall more responsible species selection, husbandry and regard for their lives/success in your care. Anthony> Peppermint shrimp eggs - artificial hatching 2/12/04 I bought an egg-bearing peppermint shrimp a day ago (I had not known it had eggs until later). Just recently it died (probably from the shock of the 5 hour drive). Is there any way I can hatch the eggs? Thanks so much for helping. dKH johns <the artificial hatching of Lysmata eggs is entirely possible and not unlike techniques used by FW African cichlid breeders that "strip" brooders and tumble eggs in a gently aerated DIY egg-tumbler. You need a lot of information to pull this off though that you don't have to make predictions on when the eggs will hatch and when to stop aerating and when to begin feeding. Let me strongly suggest you buy and read April Kirkendall's "how to Train and Raise Peppermint Shrimp" (look on Amazon.com and other booksellers). It is a very concise handbook that will prepare you for your next breeding attempt with these shrimps. best regards, Anthony> Coralline algae growth and cleaner shrimp breeding- 2/4/04 Hey guys, was wondering if the steps to coralline algae growth is as follows: rock turns a slight green w/ "web patterns", then spots of pink, and then purple......the purple stage seems to have the same "webbing", but comes off later, looks like it sloughs off which reveals a darker purple underneath....this happens in the course of a month......calcium is 420ppm....just wondering. <Well, not having watched the stage carefully, I would have to say that at a glance this was the stages my live rock went through. Not too sure though> 2nd query of the day is: has anyone successfully raised cleaner shrimp? <We have at the Monterey Aquarium> Lysmata amboinensis.....my two shrimp in my 55 are always gravid, which they release the larvae in succession. <Correct> I managed to sieve some with my net the last time, <Beaker them out to prevent damage to the larvae> but they only lasted 3 weeks in a 5 gallon refugium that I setup for them. <Sorry to hear> I fed them marine phyto, but to no avail....any recommendations? <We have had success with Selcon and quality phytoplankton enriched brine nauplii. The have a long larval period of about 1 1/2-2 months long before they look like miniature versions of the adults> They're gravid again.....they seem to be after they molt (every three to four weeks) <Sounds about right>............otherwise the larvae will be fish fodder :( <Good luck. Great question! ~Paul> Lysmata shrimp reproduction 1/21/04 My skunk cleaners over the last couple months have been spreading larvae in my 90 gal reef tank. I have 2 and they both have been doing it. Now, are they able to reproduce singularly?? <they are simultaneous hermaphrodites which may store sperm for a short while> Because upon close inspection of these teeny dudes floating in the tank after the skunk shakes them loose, they are little shrimp!! Twitching and flicking like a real shrimp!!. If they make it to my refugium will they live?? <not likely at all without segregation and feeding by you deliberately. For better insight to rearing Lysmata shrimp, please do look into Kirkendall's "How to Train and Raise Peppermint Shrimp". Same genus, different species and much insight. Best of luck! Anthony> Breeding Cleaner Shrimp, Attn Mr. Fenner, or anybody who knows Having purchased the Reef Invertebrates book (excellent book by the way. The next one will have anemones right? <Actually, volume 2 is reef fishes, 3 will be cnidarians> Spare us no detail) I came across the brief mention of breeding Lysmata amboinensis. I did some research and dug up as many articles as I could, including scouring the breeder's registry and finding out details about the Waikiki Aquarium success. What I wanted to know is this: What is the current thinking on breeding them? Seems that the last theory presented was that the larvae require an environmental cue, specifically bacterial or microbial in order to settle. Have there been any more recent reports or studies done to back this up? <Mmm, would have to look as you are doing. You can write folks at the Waikiki through their site, and maybe the fine people at Tropical Marine Centre (who developed a good deal of the commercial protocol for culturing this species) to see if they're aware of more recent findings> I would very much like to try and breed my Lysmata but it seems like a casual aquarist such as myself is incapable of doing so. <Yes> If there is any recent literature, could you kindly point me in the right direction. Thank you for your time, Stratos <I would get on down to a large college library and have a science reference librarian help you do a computer search bibliography on this topic. This is the single, fastest means of finding what is out there. Bob Fenner> Please I need help fast... Shrimp Spawn 7/22/03 Ok here's the scoop... I left for work at 4:30am on Tuesday morning (today) and I turned on the light on my 10 gallon nano-reef. All was well- I came home at4:30pm to find my skunk cleaner shrimp has thousands of little tiny eggs under her. it's on the part of the shrimp that you eat, with all the little tiny legs holding them on. <no worries... these shrimp are hermaphrodites... they've spawned before and they will spawn again> the other tank mates are as follows: one fire fish, one scooter blenny, 2 small scarlet crabs, less than an inch long. some mushrooms, and some zoanthids. I have one hang on back filter, 2 power heads. I have called everyone I know in the Tulsa (Oklahoma) area and no one knows what in the world to do. <not much to do with this batch... even if you had been culturing rotifers, greenwater, etc... still unlikely to save eggs spawned in the display. They need a breeding tank proper for easier harvest of fry and protection from the many mouths that will love to eat them in the nano> I would like to hatch them before anything else gets a chance to eat them, but I am not exactly sure what to do . can you help me ?? thanks Sam <no worries Sam... just observe this batch... take notes... during of clutch, time of release, etc. Take pics too if you can. Also order April Kirkendall's "How to Train and Raise Peppermint Shrimp" (Amazon.com) for insight to this congener. Better luck next time. Anthony> Breeding shrimps >Hello Crewperson: Hello Rich! Very all-encompassing greeting, I love it! Marina crewperson to help you today (after great battles with the So big worm.. ARGH!). >I have 2 Peppermint Shrimp in my 55 gallon tank, and one appears to be storing sand in it's underside. Are these eggs? >>Yes! >If so, what should I do? Should I remove shrimp to QT (already running and cycled)? Thanks, Rich >>If you want to try to spawn and raise them, then I suggest first determining what species of peppermint exactly it is you have (there are more than one, mate). Then, Google those babies, see what you come up with. Also, search our site, use our forums (can you tell I've never done this with shrimps before?) to glean what you can. We cannot assume that just because they have eggs means the eggs are fertile, so there is really nothing wrong with simply letting them be, and they'll become food for any filter feeders or animals that would enjoy the tiny treats. Best of luck! Marina Re: breeding shrimp Bob, Thank you for your e-mail. I found a site on breeding shrimp. I read in one of the questions to you about shrimp and here is the site address: www.reefs.org, the is neat reading on the shrimp. I hope this can give you some good info. Best regards, Robin <Ah, thank you. Bob Fenner> Sexing Shrimp Hi, you' all are always very helpful. One of my questions has to do with Skunk Cleaner Shrimp. I have two in my 65 gallon marine/reef tank and their very happy but I don't know which is female, male, or both sexes. At least one is and has been filled with young, green and enlarged rear end and has expelled the young in the tank before. I think the other one does as well but I'm not sure. My question is, do the eggs have to fertilized within the shrimp or outside. Could I maybe have two females and they expel unfertilized young? Thank you for your help, Tim <Please take a look at this article, http://www.breeders-registry.gen.ca.us/Reprints/FAMA/v17_aug94/scarlet.htm. -Steven Pro> Shrimp Eggs Hey Bob, Thank you for all your sound advice in the past. I am happy to report that for once all is well in my tank and most of my success can be attributed to your great insight. <And your efforts, for, "thoughts without action are worthless".) Today's question is regarding a candy shrimp (maybe a peppermint not exactly sure). I witnessed the mating of two of these shrimp a few weeks back and I since noticed that one is now carrying eggs in her belly. Can you tell me the gestation period for shrimp and what are the chances of these eggs hatching in my tank. I do have a hippo tang, domino damsel and a few clown fish in the tank. <A couple of weeks generally... do read over the Breeder's Registry, many other accounts of these commonly reproduced species.... and start now on your cultures for feeding them!> Thanks for all your wonderful advice. Chris <For my part, I am satisfied... Bob Fenner> Peppermint Shrimp Mr. Fenner, <Actually, you have Steven Pro returning your email. Bob has asked Anthony Calfo and I to help with some of the daily questions.> Firstly, thank you for all the help you bestow to all of us "regular" saltwater aquarists! My last problem involved Aiptasia, and as a result of your recommendations, I ordered a couple Peppermint shrimp. Within two days, the Aiptasia were gone. Now, one of the shrimp has a cluster of white underneath it's belly. Could these be eggs? <Possibly. These shrimp carry light green eggs attached to the swimmerets under the tail. Think of when you eat a lobster or shrimp. The eggs are attached to the small appendages under where the good meat is. Hmm hmm good.> If so, will the female carry the eggs until hatching occurs? <They usually hatch 10-14 days later after changing color from green to orange/red. The babies make an excellent food source for fish and corals.> Thanks! Samuel Sundberg Larval production problem in Lysmata debelius Hi everyone <Howdy> I have been trying to produce larvae of Lysmata debelius and have hit a wall recently. I remember that you had mentioned that minimum stressed should enable the larval production of L. debelius to increase.. well its been about 4 months since I got 8 pairs of shrimps together and have had no success with them producing larvae as yet....feeding and molting is normal (average of 12-16 days)- one molt contained 61 eggs fertile.. but unhatched.. about a month ago. But that's all.. no larvae in water column or on other molt shells. <Okay> the other two extra pairs.. which I have going for 7 months.. had one pair producing the very few larvae (15-30).... they have however stopped producing larvae over the last two months and I am getting worried... any suggestions.... one of my water heaters broke in the tank that was spawning. That is what I suspect may have resulted in them stopping spawning. Also two individuals died one after another in two different (part of the 8pairs mentioned above) tanks ... but all others seem ok.... could they have hit some nutritional or trace substance deficiency.. <Surely possibilities...> everything seems stable.. feeding.. molting...any ideas...basically any ideas on which larval production rates are so low...if any. Thanks and regards Avinash Singh University of the South Pacific. |
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