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Snowflake eel acting weird; bouillabaisse --
09/14/09 A few behavioral questions, Snowflake moray --
04/03/09 Behavioral Issues with Snowflake Moray Eel... no useful info., reading -- 07/21/08 Hi, I have a snowflake moray eel that has been shaking his head around alot <... no such word> for the past week or so. I didn't really think much of it at the time. Two nights ago he regurgitated some of the food I had fed him a couple nights previously. Now for the past 24 hours or so he has been hanging out of a crevice in the rocks almost limp. He's not looking around or even breathing a whole lot it seems. I do regular water changes and tests and everything is right on point. <Okay... what does this mean?> it is confusing because he is normally very active for an eel. I have had him for 3 or 4 months now, and he has grown a couple inches. I feed him 1 or 2 times a week. I try to vary his diet with a mix of frozen krill and squid. <Mmm, not this last> Could it be a nutrition thing? <"It"... yes> His only tank mates are a Yellow Tang, another eel (Gymnothorax tile I think), <... need to determine this... Might be a source of trouble here> a banded shrimp, and a couple Chromis. the other eels behavior has not changed at all, but I have noticed a couple spots of discoloration around his head. they are lighter colored areas about 1/8 inch across. Could I have parasites in the tank? <? Yes> any help would be appreciated. thanks, Jeremy <Real data please... for a real answer. Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/snowflakemoray.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Snowflake moray eel question -- Head shaking -- 07/14/08 I have had this eel for about a month. His appetite and appearance has been very good until a week or so ago. <Food? Water parameters? Tank size?> Though he still looks excellent, he has developed a rapid side shake of his head. <For how long?> Not constant but every 2-4 seconds or so. <Without more background information some guesses: Possibly problems with something stuck in its throat (Food, parasite, fireworm, anemone arm). Problems with its slime coat (do you see white stringy stuff coming off?). Neural damage, often due to a lack of vitamin B (feeding too much frozen/dried food without vitamin additions. Try to clarify if any of the three possibilities can be confirmed. Also check your water quality (nitrates < 30 ppm and pH around 8.0) and correct them with a series of partial water changes if necessary.> Seems this has coincided with his loss of appetite. I have searched the web constantly and read all the health questions on your site but none address this issue. Thanks and regards. Bill. <I hope the suggestion above help. Cheers, Marco.> Re: Snowflake moray eel question -- Head shaking -- 07/14/08 I've had him only about 3 weeks. Still looks excellent. <Good to hear.> Water is excellent. Trace nitrites. Ph 8.3. Kh13. Salinity 1.022 <Sounds okay.> Looks excellent. No slime. No anemones or urchins in the tank. Others are two lion fish. Eel shows no evidence of injury. <Maybe stung inside the mouth.> Doubt anything in his throat. <Throat or possibly nasal organs (run from the nasal tubes on the snout through the head and end at two holes above the eyes). If none of the things you can treat appears to be the reason of the head shaking, there is not much you can do, except wait until the situation resolves itself or another symptom occurs. Cheers, Marco.>
Re: Stocking An Angel, now Snowflake Moray beh., and Moorish Idol sel. 8/21/07 Thanks, I think on your advice I'll stick with the Hippo... Bob, I obviously thoroughly read your FAQ's and information on Snowflake Moray's... And I've had mine for almost a year now... He's a little over 2ft. In the past 3 weeks, he's started 'wigging out' and jumping. My water level is a good four inches below the top of the tank, I have egg crating over each of my three top openings weighed down with 2x4's that support my PC lighting. <Good> In both instances there was food present (the kind he'd be after... i.e not flake or pellet). Instance one, he went for a piece of scallop and instead decided to wrestle with the feeding stick... After a few seconds he just flew to one side of the tank and back and then out of the tank, up the wall... Luckily falling back into the tank. The second instance was just last night where I dropped a few tank thawed krill into the tank. My Harlequin Tuskfish went after the same piece the Snowflake was after... The eggcrating was on (secure I thought) and when he jumped he managed to wedge himself in between the egg crating and the glass top. A few squirms and he was up n over and onto the floor. I scooped him into my largest net and placed him back in the tank and he quietly returned to his hole. <Happens... this is not atypical behavior for Echidna nebulosa in captivity> I'm a little worried that he is so peaceful and well behaved, but if I add perhaps a Trigger or Angel... That they may compete for his feeding stick dinner, thus repeat jumpings. I know that they are notorious escape artists... But is it common for them to scare like this? <Yes and yes> On a side note, I'm worried that my favorite fish retailer has disappointed me this past weekend. 4 x 10" Moorish Idols for sale for $110/each. Listed as a 'medium' to care for fish in a minimum 150 gallon tank. <Good luck... trace these specimens for a couple weeks...> I asked him about them and he said that one of the other owners has had a Moorish Idol for 8 months and is doing well in a 220gallon. I dunno, beautiful fish it's a shame that these will be sold and will likely perish. Have you heard of anyone keeping these successfully? <Yes... to sing its praises once again, Spectrum pelleted foods really seem to be a/the "trick" here... Accepted readily and completely nutritious. BobF> David Brynlund Fish fanning my eel 5/12/07 I have a 200 gal. saltwater tank with various fishes and a snowflake eel. We have watched the various fish "fan" themselves along side the eel and we are wondering what this is all about? Any ideas? Thanks. dtgeneral <Have often wondered at this behavior myself... Are the fishes making obeisance? Are they seeking protection from predators that these eels might "scare away"? I don't know. Bob Fenner> Snowflake Moray Paranoia? Morning fishy folks, <David> Hey, what do you know after trial and error setting up a new tank and being new in the hobby 5yrs ago I setup my 200g FOWLR tank with no signs of Cyano and no critter deaths *knock on wood* after two months of operation. Here's my concern today. I have about a 14" long and fairly thick Snowflake Moray Eel (hmm, that started out like I could be posting on some other board. Hehe). <Watch this...> I have a 5" Foxface and a 2" yellowtailed blue damsel fish. The eel over the past 6 weeks has been fairly well behaved and leaves the fish alone. In fact, all 3 more or less hangout together. <Not a piscivorous species> The eel in his hollow, or under the rocky cave with the fish hanging out in front. When approaching the back of the tank, the eel would always come out to greet me looking for food. 4 days ago, I offered food and he swam out and it almost appeared as though he didn't have a full range of swimming motion. It could be totally my imagination and maybe I'm paranoid but it looked like he tumbled awkwardly out of a rocky hollow towards the top of my tank down to the sandy bottom with his food, whereas usually he's very graceful. Anyhow, the past 3 days he won't come out to greet me and yesterday he refused uncooked tiger prawn wn. In 6 weeks, he has never refused food and never hidden in his cave when I approach the tank. He's always curious and outgoing. His breathing pattern seems to be fine and although it's tough to see, I'm about 70% sure he doesn't have any cuts, bruises, rashes, or other physical abnormalities on his body. My questions I realize Snowflake eels can go weeks without feeding, but would it be somewhat normal for a sudden change in behaviour? <Not unusual for this, other Morays> I feed every 2nd or 3rd day a mixture of uncooked scallop, krill, shrimp, or tiger prawn and he's readily devoured everything offered until late. <I'd cut this back to maybe twice a week> Would being envenomed from the rabbitfish kill a decent size Snowflake Moray? <Could, yes> Or would it temporarily make him feel not so well? <Mmm, you'd see some evidence... reddish pinholes... languishing behavior...> I've heard that being pricked by the spine would be equal to that of a bee sting, or two bee stings. <Worse for most folks> Not sure how this would relate to the eel being envenomed. If this is what happened, it'd almost look like the eel has very slight paralysis in the body and isn't feeling 100%. Again though, he is breathing at what appears to be a normal respiratory pattern. I've been testing pH, ammonia, nitrate, nitrites AT LEAST weekly and there are no traces of ammonia, nitrite, and minute traces of ammonia with a pH of 8.2. Salinity in check at 1.024 and a water temp of 79F. What are your thoughts? Am I just being paranoid? I mean really, he hasn't eaten now in 4 days but putting two and two together with his awkward swimming motion, I figured maybe somethings wrong? <Mmmm, no> I will try a bit of food again today and maybe even throw in a $6 camel shrimp early next week if no success. <Try the oh so many per dollar Ghost Shrimp... yes, can be adapted to SW> Regards, Dave Brynlund <I wouldn't worry just yet here... Morays do "spaz out" at times, go on hunger strikes... if all else is checking out water quality wise and the other fishes appear okay... Bob Fenner> Snowflake eel question, beh. 1/19/07 <Wes, I'm sorry for the delay in response. Your query arrived to our mail system in a format that is unreadable by most members of the crew, and I was inaccessible due to winter storms. This problem is nothing that is of your own doing, mind you, it is a known problem with our mail systems. I am re-sending your query to you and the crew as to allow someone with more Echidna experience than myself the chance to respond. Original query is as follows. -JustinN> Hi Bob, love the site. The wealth of info has been very helpful to me. <Ah, good> I had a question about my snowflake eel, which I just bought several days ago. He's about 9 or 10 inches. He's pretty active, appears healthy and has started feeding (quite eagerly) already. The problem is that he occasionally shakes his head, sometimes quite violently, for no apparent reason. I've seen him do it several times ranging from as short as a second to as long as 4 or 5 seconds . This is not during feeding, but when he's just sitting there. <Have seen this in wild and captive Echidna specimens as well... Maybe a behavior of some self-preservation value> I don't know if you can really diagnose the problem from this description or suggest any remedies, but I thought I'd ask anyway. <As stated, don't know that this is a "problem"... may ward off predators...> Superficially he looks great, so if there is something wrong with him, I'm guessing it's internal. Water parameters are 1.025sg, 78 to 79 temp, 8.0 to 8.2 pH, 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite, 5ppm nitrate. 0.25ppm phosphate, 240ppm calcium, 7dkh alkalinity. Those are all the parameters I can check for. He's in a 50 gallon FOWLR tank w/ 20 gallon fuge . His only other tankmate is a 3-inch blue-spotted grouper, which I got at the same time. They don't ever fight and sometimes even hang out next to each other. Both fish were acclimated over the course of about 90 min including a 4 min FW dip of RO/DI w/ matching pH and temp. Any thoughts? Does he have something caught in his throat? <Possible, but not likely> I have yet to feed him anything with the shell on (like shrimp) though I was planning on doing so. Should I not? Thanks much, Wes <I would not be concerned here... Bob Fenner> Snowflake eel life-span 12/1/06 Hello Michael, Michelle here.> My snowflake just died today. <I am so very sorry for you loss. It is always hard to lose a friend.> I was wondering if you know what their lifespan is supposed to be in captivity? <The record is near 20 years, but certainly not the average.> I got him as a baby and have had him for over 12 years. <Wow! You must have provided excellent care! I feel silly but I cried like a baby tonight when I had to bury him. <Do not feel silly. Cry when you feel like crying. It is the only way to truly heal.> I'd just like to know if he lived a long life or not. <He lived a good long life. You should feel very proud of the home and life you gave him.> Thanks guys, <You are welcome.> Michael. <My condolences to you.> Snowflake Moray Eels... beh., comp. 2/14/06 Howdy, <Hi there> I have two juvenile snowflake eels. They are about six to eight inches long and about as big around as a pencil. I purchased them at the same time. All of the eels were kept in separate hamster balls at the fish store with their own bits of stuff to hide in or under. I have lots and lots of hiding places ranging from PVC. to dead coral to live rock to some macro algae. One of them has two dark spots on its nose, these spots appear two be part of the nasal cavity. I have seen similar spots on other snowflake noses, but none this dark. Mine are almost purple-ish black. Why are they much darker than any other eel's? <Individual color variation likely... not to be concerned> This eel also has a head twitch. i have seen the head twitch on other snow flakes that did not have these dark spots on the nose. The eel looks neurotic. What causes this head twitch? <Perhaps neurological damage, maybe a genetic anomaly> The one with out the nose spots changes color or tint some times. Most of the time its back ground color is a creamy white like its tank mate, but some times it turns to a pinkish color. It was this pinkish color for the first week i had it and now will randomly change for just a half a day. I know that an eel can change color if water conditions are poor, but mine are fine; 1.024 salinity, 8.3 ph, no ammonia, no nitrites or nitrates, steady 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Plus, the other eel never changes color. Why is this one randomly turning pinkish? <Other factors... perhaps psycho-social> Also, the one with the nose spots and head twitch hides a lot, will eat from my hand, and even slithered into my palm and around my fingers a few times, but avoids the other one. The one with out the nose spots is scared of my hand but out and active a lot, it has claimed ninety percent of the tank and will attack and chase the one with the nose spots. This is so bad that the one with nose spots is only allowed in one corner of the tank with out being harassed. I have been told and read that these snowflake eels should get along fine. I have even seen snowflake eels laying together sharing a piece of PVC. piping many times in many different fish stores. Why do mine not get along? I really want at least two. Which one should i replace if they don't work things out? Thank you for your time Joe <I would leave together, not be overwrought re these differences. Bob Fenner> Snowflake Eel Lifespan 01/27/06 Hi. We have a Snowflake Moray that we bought when he was only about 10" long and only as wide as a number 2 pencil. We've had him for about 6 years now and we are wondering as to exactly how long he might live. Did we buy ourselves an aquatic parrot? Lol. Well please get back to us, we would appreciate any information you could give us. <<Hello Cory. I searched WWM using "Snowflake Eel Lifespan" and found the answer at this link (http://www.wetwebmedia.com/snoflkeeldisfaqs.htm). Happy reading.>> Thank you, Cory <<You're welcome - Ted>> Snowflake eel 1/7/06 Hi, <Hello Monica> I have a few questions. First, I got a snowflake eel 4 days ago, and he has vanished. He is not in any of the rocks, filters, gravel, tubing, or on the floor around it. Literally, it vanished. I've read that they jump, but how far could it go? I have checked the entire room. Do they bury themselves? Doing a water change, I took out all the rocks and siphoned the gravel, but I can't find him. Any suggestions? Unfortunately, I think it will be too late, but I would like to know. Also, I have my water tested often, regularly, my ph is between 7.8 and 8.2, my salinity is 2.2-2.4. I have gotten very good at maintaining these numbers, but for some reason, my fish keep dying. One at a time, they start to appear sick, then die. They first are sluggish, then stop eating, then they disappear, and a day or two later, I find them dead. What could be happening? Is this normal? I have lost a Copperbanded butterfly fish, 3 porcupine puffers, a bi-color angel, a panther grouper, a blue tang a tomato clownfish and a black and white snapper. It has gotten ridiculously expensive to just replace the dead fish. Any suggestions? The only thing living well are damsels, a yellow tang, a coral beauty, and a bi-color Pseudochromis I have a dwarf lion fish and another porcupine puffer in there also that appear to be doing well, but are only a few weeks old. I am so frustrated, I am about to give up, maybe you can help. Any suggestions? <Monica, you should, if not already, be smelling the eel. The snowflake is a notorious escape artist and housing them requires a tight fitting cover. Believe me, he just didn't disappear. As for your other problems please let me know the tank size you are trying to keep these fish in. James (Salty Dog)> Thanks for your time, <You're welcome> Monica Atkinson - Eel Behavior - Hi, I just got a snowflake eel it started to come out but when it tried to the other fish go up to it turn sideways and make it go back under the rock. why is this? <Hard to say, but perhaps some indicator of territory. I think for the most part fish are distrustful of their eel cousins, but could also be [in this case] because the eel is a new arrival. But honestly, there is no way to know the motivations of fish.> thanks, Joey <Cheers, J -- > - Snowflake Eel Antics - Hey Crew HAPPY HOLIDAYS, <And to you as well.> Yesterday I got a baby snowflake eel. He is about 8" long. The guy at the store said that I should feed them one cube of this stuff called Formula one every other day. I put in a cube last night and he seem interested but he didn't eat it. I'm not worried about him not eating but is there any other foods they can eat I saw someone say supermarket squids, shrimp, and scallops but is there anything else. <All of the above -these fish will accept just about any meaty food, but the Formula One should do just as well.> Also the guy told me they were escape artists so we but a screen over the top of the tank and overflow but this morning he was in the overflow! <So now you know from personal experience - they really can find just about the smallest space to slip through.> He looked liked he was doing ok but the water down there was probably really bad. <Nothing to worry about.> I got him out and put him back in and covered the overflow spot better now. If he does it again should I do something different like rinse him in regular water before putting him back in, he's the only one in the tank right now and there was plenty of water for him to swim around in the overflow. <No need to rinse - it's just tank water in there, not like a sewer or something.> And one last question do you know if there is a way to tell if it's a male or female. <Not externally, as far as I know.> Thanks Adam <Cheers, J -- > Snowflake EEL not eating (or anything else for that matter!) Hey gang. How are you? I recently purchased a 6 in snowflake eel for my 120g FOWLR tank. When I first bought it about 3 weeks ago, he found his way to a particular rock that he likes and honestly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,HE HASN'T LEFT THAT ROCK SINCE THEN! <That is odd... maybe take a look at night with a small flashlight...> Now I know that snowflakes like to hide in rocks but he hasn't come out at all. Not to eat, not to explore the tank, nothing. Do you think he'll stay in there forever? Any foods you could recommend to get him to start eating? <Most any shrimp (sans cocktail sauce or cooking) will do to instigate a feeding response... Maybe even some live ghost shrimp or glass shrimp would really get this eel out and going. Bob Fenner> |
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