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Help... Star(fish) Trekkin' Across the Universe...its Worse Than That He's Dead Jim 7/29/07 <Hi Joe, Mich here.> My red starfish I got yesterday hasn't moved <Mmm, not good.> so I put a bag on my hand and lifted him up in the water never taking him out. <Good.> He is still bright red but has a brown substance coming from his mouth. <Mmm, not good.> I put him on his back and nothing I think he's dead <Me too.> but don't want to take him out and flush if he isn't <No, that wouldn't be good either.> any help would be great thanks. <Seastars will usually upright themselves relatively quickly when placed on their back, if there is no movement he is likely dead I'm afraid.> PS I acclimated him for 2 hours by adding a cup of my water to the stores water every 5 to 10 min. Also let him just sit in bag for 20 to let the water temp be the same. <Generally the slower the acclimation period the better... drip acclimation is more gradual.> Thanks as always JOE <Welcome as always, Mich> One more Q... dead Star indications... 7/25/07 Hi again thanks for the info on my blood shrimp. I am a little worried about a Red Bali Starfish. How con you tell if it is dead? It is still stuck to me live rock but doesn't move at all like my chocolate chip star fish. Is that normal? Is it true you don't have to feed a Bali starfish? Thanks again you guys are great! Joe <Please... read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/seastars.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Growth on the back of my star fish... "she not slimmie, she move around the tank, she eats," 7/7/07 My red general star fish was attached to a off white feathery like worm that came out of my new live rock.? <What?> I tried to pull the worm off my star fish but it was inside as well. <I'm trying to decipher what you've written here... You saw some sort of whitish growth on your star? It might have been part of this animal...> My star fish is doing fine I think, however one day a growth was on it back so I remove it, it was like hanging and hard so I removed it. Now there a half inch growth yellowish, red around some side. <Huh?> The growth is lodge in between the peck <?> around the center of the back of the star fish. The same place where the worm went inside. <Likely more of the star...> As I look to the side it look like eggs and than when I look down on it could be pus. What should I do? <Read, understand, act...> I do not have another tank to put the star fish in <This would be best... to move it to (hopefully) better conditions... but it is likely doomed> and I'm worried about the other fishes <Say what?> in the tank. Two clowns, and one shrimp. The star fish color is fine, she not slimmie, she move around the tank, she eats, <Sounds like a new wave-oh music refrain> This growth was not on her two days ago, now it big and look like it what to pop. I've being going thought this with her for about two and a half week now. Since the worm went inside her, I though I killed the worm when I pulled it off. Does anyone know what I should do. Sheila Reed <Read, and quick; here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/stardisfaqs.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Help. sick chocolate chip starfish. Using WWM 6/13/07 Hello. I've had my CCS for a little over than a month, and he has always been good. But the past week for some reason the nitrates in the tank have gone up to around 20ppm. <See WWM re...> I've done many water changes, god rid of all the algae on the side of the glass, and off the sand on the bottom, and still the nitrate is high. i <I> have one damsel also and he doesn't bother the starfish at all. Today i noticed that near the stomach of the star fish, that his skin was falling off, and i could see these white bump like things, where the skin no longer was. and the little tentacles around that area were dead like. I've looked all around the website and i cannot figure out what is wrong. please help! Olivia T <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chocchipstars.htm The linked files above. BobF> Sand-sifting Starfish...
dying 5/12/07 Hey <Hello! Mich here.>
Have a problem... <OK.> Got a sand sifting star fish from the LFS
about two weeks ago. <Mmm, these typically don't do
well in captivity, often dying from starvation.> He has a hole in
his back now!? <Uh-oh, not good!> Whitish greenish
stuff is coming out of it! <Yikes!> He has been
acting normal until this morning, still alive but not very
active. What is wrong with him? <Sounds like he's
dying.> Is there anything I can do? <It is likely too
late. I'm sorry. Mich> Fromia Star
question -- 4/26/07 Dear crew, <Hi Kris, Lynn here.> Thank
you for your reply identifying my batik star as a Fromia. However,
I'm still not sure what to feed him. I haven't read any
clear-cut messages that these stars are meat eaters or algae eaters or
just detritus. I read one description that they feed on the
fine algae film covering the tank. Since it's in a
q-tank without any substrate what should I feed him? <I'm not
sure which species you have but they're generally omnivorous. They
could eat anything including sponges, detritus, film algae, sessile
invertebrates, to meaty foods such as bits of clam, shrimp, krill,
etc.> Last night I tried small pieces of chopped up fresh shrimp,
but there didn't seem to be any interest. Would pieces
of Nori be better? Help, I don't want him to starve!
<If the star was just introduced into QT, it might still be
adjusting. I'd continue to offer various meaty foods (as mentioned
above), just be sure to remove anything the star doesn't eat. As
for the Nori, I'm not sure if it'll eat it but I'd
definitely give it a try.> Thanks, Kris <You're welcome and
good luck! -Lynn> Sea Star Help...but what kind?
4/26/07 Hello, <Hi.> I'll start off with some specs:
<Okay.> 29 Gallon FOWLR <A bit cramped for most sea-stars.>
30lbs Live rock My levels are: Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 10 ppm <Needs to be lower.> S. Gravity: 1.022 <Needs
to be higher for invertebrate life...1.024 at least.> pH: 8.2 I
purchased a red sea star from LiveAquaria.com the other day and
received it yesterday. <What species?> After about an hour of
drip acclimating it, I finally decided it was ready to be
put into the tank. <No quarantine?.. and I prefer to
acclimate Seastars longer, they are very sensitive to differences in
water quality.> Everything seemed well, but when I woke up this
morning it looks as if all its insides have come out. <Not good.>
I looked up the articles on starfish but I really didn't know what
to search for with this. It is still alive and moving, but
why has everything "fallen" out of it? <Hard
to say without knowing what species this is...> Its only tankmates
are a Percula Clown and a Serpent Sea Star which hasn't even come
near it as far as I can see, it tends to stay in its cave at the
complete opposite side of the tank. Is this normal? <See
above comment^^.> I'm rather new to the hobby and my tank is
only about 6 months old, but it doesn't seem like
something that would be normal for anything, to have its guts fall
out. <Good be a reaction to the shift in water quality;
I would like to give you a more detailed answer but first shoot me a
response with the species (Latin/scientific...if you have it) name.
Should be on the LiveAquaria site or on your invoice.> Thank you,
Red Fromia star has hole in its
head! Help! 4/1/07 Hello all, <Hi Luis, Mich
here.> Thanks for all the incredible info on your website. I just
bought a red Fromia star about 4 days ago. Everything seemed to be
fine, but this morning it's there is a hole right in the middle of
the starfish, opposite of where it's mouth would be. It looks like
something attacked it overnight. <Possibly, but often these stars
just don't acclimate well and promptly begin to disintegrate.> I
have a skunk cleaner shrimp, a fire shrimp, six Mexican hermit crabs, a
wrasse, an ocellaris clown, a psychedelic mandarin, a purple Firefish
and a teddy bear crab. When I added the starfish to the tank I also
added 2 different sponges to the tank (the teddy bear crab hitch hiked
in on one of them). <Oh! Do watch these sponges, if they
decide to die they can take out your whole tank.> Do you think that
one of these could have attacked it? <Teddy bear crabs are not reef
safe.> The starfish has been hanging out on the glass on the top of
the tank, so I don't think it could have been one of the crabs.
<May not have been.> Could one of the shrimp have done this?
<Also a possibility, but I think is more likely a
transport/acclimation issue.> Also, do you think the starfish can
live through this? The hole is not pretty, it looks like its tentacles
are coming out of the top if it's "head". <Not likely,
but is possible.> It is still alive right now, but don't know if
I should just take it out of the tank so that it doesn't end up
fouling my water. <I would give it a chance but keep a close eye on
it. If it stops moving remove it.> Any insight would be
appreciated. <Hope this helps.> Thank you!
<Welcome! -Mich> Luis Sea Star Fromia disintegrating 3/23/07 Hi, <Hello> I, like many of your readers, have had a Fromia Sea Star for about 1 week and one of his arms is disintegrating starting at the tip. I feel that it is an acclimating issue. <Mmmm, not likely. Perhaps collateral damage (collection, handling, shipping) and maybe unsuitable environment> I need some guidance regarding a couple of treatment plans I've read on your website. First of all, I do not have a QT. One suggestion that I read was to "swab a reef strength dose (of iodine) directly onto the affected portion with the intent to stain it. Questions: 1) What is a reef strength dose of iodine? <As in "straight out of the bottle"... product/s made for supplementation> 2) How do you swab on the medicine without exposing the starfish to air? <Can't as far as I'm aware> Second suggestion: On your site I read that to save such a starfish, consider dipping it in a dilute antibiotic bath. Questions: 1) What antibiotic, 2) How long to dip, 3) Where to dip the animal <Usually Furan Compound/s... e.g. Nitrofuranace... folks use a bit of the system water, dissolve the contents (usually) of a 250 mg. capsule...> Thank you in advance for your help. You have a great website. <I wish I could be more positive here... This genus does better than most all others, in captive settings... but does require matching, stable, high quality water ("reef") conditions... Plenty of established live rock... Almost all, once they show such deterioration, perish soon thereafter. Bob Fenner>
Sand Sifting Starfish, "worms" ID Without Photo - 02/09/2007 <Greeting, Mich here.> My starfish has what looks like green worm's coming from it legs. What is this? <If it's not his tube feet, it is difficult to say without a crystal ball or perhaps a picture. As you may well know, a picture is worth a thousand words. If you can send a photo, someone may be able to help. -Mich>
Damaged Red Fromia Hi Bob! <Q> Disappointed to report that a red Fromia introduced to 40 gal tank approx 4 weeks ago isn't doing so well. Before buying specimen I did all the right things (selected a health specimen, observed for about 2 weeks, closely examined underside of sea star, etc.). Used drip acclimation procedure... <Good> Fromia appeared to be doing very well (moving around tank, seemed to be eating). <Hard to tell with this group and most all other invertebrates... re damage before receiving, internal complaints... the time frame for these is quite delayed...> Last Thursday morning (about 2 days after 10% water change) I noticed that the star appeared to be distressed. It had moved to the top of the tank and "bending" 2 of its legs back so that they were almost parallel with the water surface. <"Trying to get out"> At that point I did 2 things'¦ checked WWM and called LFS. WWM indicated this was most likely a stress response; LFS said this was 'normal' behaviour (sea star filter feeding by dangling its legs). <?... No... Please... have you ever seen such a thing? In the wild, in captivity? This is not a filter feeding species> Not being clear on what was happening I decided to wait it out. The next morning the specimen was in BAD shape. One leg was extremely damaged. Almost looked like the 'skin' covering the leg had separated from inner tissues. (basically the damaged leg had split in 2 -- orange outer skin sheath and inner white body tissue). <Decomposing... I do hope you removed the specimen> Weird thing, damage was completely restricted to that one leg. The damaged leg has since completely dissolved into a small nub. (I noticed coral beauty angle picking at dead tissue). <Not atypical behavior> I assumed this problem was caused by a reaction to the water change but now I'm not so sure. <New water needs to be carefully matched... slowly added... done not too in/frequently...> I find it strange that only one leg was affected. Throughout this ordeal the sea star has maintained its colour and has begun to move around the tank the last few days. I considered moving specimen into a hospital tank but given what it has already gone through I wasn't sure if this was prudent. I honestly didn't think the sea star would make it this long. <Me either> I'm frustrated by the fact that I was aware, prior to performing water change, that Fromia are sensitive to WQ changes. I tried to match pH, temp and sal (in particular) to tank water. <Good> Is the damage to my specimen consistent with WQ 'shock' or could this have been caused by something else. <Either> I'm fairly certain I've got a mystery crab living in my LR. The previous owners of the tank had observed a nocturnal crab. When I purchased the tank and LR, I noticed the body of a crab in a little pocket in the LR. At the time I assumed that this was the nocturnal crab and that it was dead, Since then, I've been through a couple of molts with my cleaner shrimp and now realize how lifelike their molt can look. I also noticed a couple of crab molt fragments in the tank that weren't there a few days ago. The pieces appear to be white with orange dots. The complete carapace I observed after purchasing the tank was about 2 --3 cm in diameter'¦. Could this be attacking my sea star? <Yes, could> Any thoughts on what this crab might be (based on my crappy description'¦). <A Decapod...> What are the chances that my star will be ok? <Not too good> Thanks a lot! q <Welcome. Bob Fenner> Another "Good ol" Linckia question ... health, comp. 11/21/06 Hi Bob, Hope you don't mind being emailed directly, but I'm a bit desperate (and I do realize you must get a LOT of mail) <Mmm, some, some days> I have been reading your pages for years now, but have never actually asked a question before ( your FAQs are so comprehensive, I've always found what I'm looking for, thanks for the years of valuable passive assistance). However, I'm stuck this time and hope you can help. My Blue Linckia (WAIT!! ....please keep reading) <Heeeeee!> who I have had happy and healthy for about 2 and a half years now in a FOWLR 90 litre tank lost a leg last week after I added a Valentini Puffer, a Dragon Wrasse , and a turbo snail (yeah, I know.. I bought the Wrasse on a whim , with no research, just advice of LFS, stupid!), <A Novaculichthys will get too large for this volume... the Toby and it will easily pick the Linckia to bits...> a Domino also died with in 2 days, with a very minor abrasion on one side. The leg was quite mangled and half of it was in the bottom of the tank ( I suspect the puffer , but can't prove anything), I removed him and cleaned the leg up to a tidier cut just at the disc with a scalpel hoping he would grow it back, then put him back in. Then I noticed the puffer having a go at the "Manky bit" and don't know if it's because it is a tempting wound now , or if she was responsible in the first place. <Too likely this latter> So I upended a small 5 litre tank inside the main tank and put him in there with some live rock, because I was afraid she would not let him regenerate. <Not at all probable to happen...> He wandered around inside the little tank for about a week looking pretty good , but this morning I found him curled up and flaccid on the bottom, and another leg seems to be exuding the same white fibrous material from a new small wound that the original damaged leg had coming out of it, and the damaged limb is showing no sign of repairing itself, he looks in bad shape, staying rigid with few "feet" coming out or moving around, can't even feed him because he won't relax over the food , which disappears immediately to a fish . I was afraid he was starving in his small enclosure, so I have put him back in the main tank to "take his chances" with the puffer What should l I do, please help. can't bear to lose him? <... another tank...> My tank is something of a miracle anyway , since it has no skimmer , is only 90 litres with a basic trickle filter, but he has been so healthy for so many years , he obviously finds it ok, <Yes... much preferred to a too-sterile typical reef setting for this Asteroid> as does my clown . Pseudochromis bicolor and other anemones etc. <Other anemones?> The ammonia and nitrites are still nonexistent , PH is fine and so is salinity , only the temperature is varying by about 2 degrees daily at the moment as we are having a very hot spell ( any tips for cooling a tank?) <Posted on WWM> Thanks for the help in advance Cheers, Rama <This Linckia is very likely a goner... your "luck" with this sort of mixing is nearing an end. Bob Fenner> Another Sea Star Gone Missing! - 10/20/06 I need your help
please!!! <<Let's see what I can do>> Hi my name is
Monica. <<Hello Monica...Eric here>> My husband and I have
a 100-gallon tank where we have about 50 lbs of live rock, (2)
anemones, (2) clown fish, (1) yellow tang, (1) Naso tang, (1) blue tang
(yes, my yellow tang is a bit aggressive towards my Naso but is getting
better ), <<Mmm...would suggest you have too many/inappropriate
tangs for this size tank. The Naso can reach 18" in the
wild...the Blue (Hippo?) can reach 12". Both are
robust, active critters and will be susceptible to developmental
retardation in this system...in my opinion>> (2) Chromis, (1)
scarlet cleaner shrimp, (1) Marine Betta which by the way he is the
sweetest thing ever ... <<Indeed, very passive fish...unless it
can get the other fish in its mouth <grin> >> We got lucky
on this one, he just hangs around his cave and comes out to eat,
doesn't bother our shrimp. <<yet>> These are all small
fish, the biggest one being our Naso tang and next comes our marine Betta. We also have red mushrooms, green hairy mushrooms,
spotted mushroom, few bunches of different polyps, a beautiful tree
coral, candy coral, and I think that is it ... oh yeah and a clam...
<<Sounds very nice>> What was my question?
<<Hee!>> Oh yeah, well a few months back we bought a
beautiful star fish it was an orange-red star fish (I think this is its
scientific name "Echinaster" species) it was a small
one. It was very active for a long time maybe about a month
or so ... and then suddenly it disappeared one day. <<This is not
an uncommon tale>> Since it was so small we thought maybe somehow
went thru the filter but we literally turned the tank upside down and
we could not find it at all. <<The scavengers in our systems
usually make quick work of mortalities>> We assumed it really
went thru the filter and decomposed. <<Likely just died within
the structure of live rock...and likely completely consumed in less
than 24-hrs.>> Few months went by and about 3 weeks ago we
purchased another orange red sea star, but this time we went much
bigger it was probably about 5". It was doing really
great, moving around the rocks, we did notice it went up to the surface
a lot probably to get some oxygen, <<No, likely just
"exploring" its surrounding...or...if you have water quality
issues...trying to "escape">> but one day ...actually
couple days ago we notice it was missing and we really don't know
how long it has been missing. We have looked all over, we
purchased a few polyps recently along with the tree coral and we moved
some rocks to have the correct placements of these items recently
purchased and keeping in mind that the star fish might be hiding in one
of these rocks but absolutely nothing ... our 2nd starfish is
MIA. What do you think happen to it? <<These animals
are easily injured if mishandled/acclimated
improperly. Quick changes in salinity can cause injury to
their vascular system, exposure to the atmosphere can cause air
entrapment in same. Some starfish (Linckia sp.) seem to do
very poorly no matter how carefully handled...perhaps Echinaster is one
of these. Even many of the hardier starfish can be
unknowingly starved to death...seemingly doing well only to
mysteriously "disappear">> Where is my starfish?
<<Likely gone/consumed>> Do you think something in my tank
ate it? <<Not before it died>> I know it didn't escape;
we do not have any pets (other than our fish) so if it did we would of
found it on the floor or on top of the tank. So this is a
mystery to us now. If you think you can help us in anyway
please do so. This is the second starfish that goes MIA.
<<Most of the "reef-safe" starfish require a
"mature" system with ample live rock on which to
graze. You don't mention the age of your system but, I
would suggest you add another 25-50 pounds of live rock and try one of
the small "Fromia" species of starfish Thank you so much, The
Garths <<Happy to assist. Eric Russell>> Fromia Seastar Ailment, Sir Paul's Mum ref. 8/7/06 Hello Crew, I am a proud owner of a year old 75 gallon SW tank. Throughout my freshman year of keeping SW fish, I purchased almost all "beginner" <Do like this spelling, instead of beginner... a bit different meaning/intention> livestock (2 Perculas, 3 Chromis, 1 royal Gramma, lawnmower blenny, sm. crabs & snails). I had very good luck with all of these animals and my tank has never, ever had any traces of ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate ( w/ SeaChem test kits). <Wow, no NO3?> So, understandably, I thought it was time to branch out. Last week I purchased (from Dr. Foster) a pineapple tree coral, a green mushroom, and a Fromia Seastar. After absorbing all the info I could off of your site I was confident I could take care of the star. After receiving it, I poured it & it's water in a bucket. I then, over the course of 4 hours, dripped water in through airline tubing. <Mmm, did you happen to measure the spg of the water in the bag? Needs to be near-matched... adjusted over days, weeks if very different> The star looked very healthy and mobile. When it was time to place him in the tank however, I neglected to realize that the water the Seastar was in was cooler than the water in the main tank. <Mmm, not generally much of an issue> I was too concerned with not exposing the star to air to notice this possibly fatal mistake. After being placed in, the star moved around as usual for a couple of days. He climbed the glass up to the waterline where he still is today, 6 days after initial placement. This alone wouldn't be that bad, but the star's central disk is excreting little intestine-looking globs (does not look like a stomach). That's not all- several pores on his front side are bulging out, they're beginning to look like bubbles that are about to burst. <Bad...> I guess there is a bright side- no visible signs of necrosis such as white marks or decaying tissue. A reason for the stars demise might be a pH drop in my tank at night. <How much? A few tenths of a point should be fine> I don't have any fancy equipment to help balance this out. I am a realist, and I understand that the situation is pretty grim, but I'm curious as to what I should do now. Should I move the star down to the substrate <No. Will move itself> and trying feeding him some formula one (doubt he's eaten anything substantial while in my tank), should I be like Paul McCartney and let it be, <Good point/comparison... This is what I'd do> or should I dispose of it immediately? And finally (didn't know I'd type this much) should I try my luck again with Seastars with this new knowledge and maybe some new equipment (I don't like serpent stars, may be hardier but I find them creepy). <Can't tell...> Thank you guys so much, without you I would have never gotten into this incredible hobby. BTW: my mushroom and tree corals are doing well from what I can tell : ) Specs--> Emperor 400 gph power filter; Whisper 300 gph filter; Two 200 gph powerheads; 260 watt PC (soon to add another 130 watt); Remora skimmer; 75 lbs live rock; Alkalinity 2.5 meq/ L; Calcium 500 ppm; Salinity 1.025; Temp 81 F. <Mmm, your Alk. is a bit low, the calcium a bit high... I'd look into, allow these to adjust more to "middling" values... and try another Fromia if you should lose this one. Bob Fenner> Night Abductions... Sick red African Star, also dwarf
lionfish Scotter's go 7/27/06 Hello
Bob, <Scott F. in for Bob tonight> I love your book and your
wonderful website. You guys are keeping my fish alive!
<Well, YOU are doing the hard part- we're just along for the
ride!> Here are a few questions for you'¦ <Okay..> I
have a two months old (relatively new) 55G reef setup and green and
brown algae are starting to form. So I ran out and got a sea
star to clean the tank. It turned out to be an (Protoreastor
lincki) African or Horned Sea Star, which I don't know if it is
reef safe. <Not really, IMO.. They can eat all sorts of sessile
inverts.> I guess I may not have gone though the acclimation
procedures long enough (30 min) when I put him in the
tank. A few minutes after it went in, clear, slimy strings
start to floats around it. The body goes from being totally
smooth to slight sandpapery in texture. Although he changes
shaped a little bit, he hasn't moved since I put him in
the tank last night. I also tested the water in the bag
after the fact, and it is at SG .018 and my tank water is at
.023. Is it too drastic of a change for
him? Although it is not moving, I can still see some
wiggling tube feet coming out at the bottom of the star. Is
he going to make it? <Potentially problematic...The
environmental change may have been too drastic. This could be a
response to extreme stress by the animal. Keeping environmental
parameters stable is the best you can do right now.> My existing
serpent star is doing great! Which sea star is right for
cleaning algae in a reef tank? <I'd rely on snails for that job,
myself.> Secondly, I have a 5' dwarf Fuzzy Lionfish (my sea
puppy) which I just love. <Very endearing fish!> He is well fed
(he eats anything I put in front of him) and doing very well except for
a slightly clouded eye on one side. He never hides, always
out in the open (day and night) playing power head surfing by zooming
across the tank. Here is the problem; some of my
other fish (over half its size) are disappearing one after another
overnight. Two Maroon Clowns and three Damsels, along with a
3' Royal Gramma. There is no evidence that they ever get
sick and died and turned into hermit crab's lunch. Yet,
I can't be sure (and refuse to believe) that my cute little
Lionfish could have eaten all these good sized fish. I have
found nothing on the floor. Power head and filters are free
of fish filets. Are we looking at a possible case of UFO
fish abductions? <Before you call out Moulder and Skulley, I'd
think that it is possible for this Lionfish to do some chomping on
fishes that are a good percentage of his own size! You might also be
looking at a Mantis Shrimp, crab, or other predatory live rock
hitchhiker that comes out at night. Perhaps checking out the tank in
the middle of the night could yield some evidence.> Thanks for your
help! -Hosh <The truth is out there, Hosh...Keep searching! Regards,
Scott F.> |
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