FAQs about Zoanthid Health, Pests, Predators
FAQs on Zoanthid Disease:
Zoanthid Health, Pests, Predator 1,
Zoanthid Health, Pests, Predators 3,
Zoanthid Hlth., Pests, Pred.s 4,
Zoanthid Hlth., Pests, Pred.s 5,
Zoanthid Hlth., Pests, Pred.s
6, Zoanthid Hlth., Pests,
Pred.s 7,
FAQs on Zoanthid Disease by Category:
Lighting...), Nutritional,
Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
& Zoanthid
Related Articles: Zoanthids, Sea Mat: An
Ocean Of Color For The Aquarium by Blane Perun,
Related FAQs: Zoanthids, Zoanthids 2, Zoanthids 3, Zoanthid ID, Zoanthid Behavior, Zoanthid Compatibility, Zoanthid Selection, Zoanthid System, Zoanthid Lighting, Zoanthid Feeding, Zoanthid

Seltzer dip... on Zoanthids?
12/8/08 Dear WWM crew, <Dave> Thank you for your
valuable advice and web site. <Welcome> I have a 65 gal w/ 20 gal
sump, 4PCs (2 actinic, 2 10000) that has hermits, snails, 2 Zoanthid
colonies, a small mushroom, a 5" toadstool leather and a hand full
of Chaeto. It's about 10 weeks old. The water chemistry seems
pretty stable 76F, 1.045 salinity, <Mmmm... do check... am pretty
sure you mean/t 1.025> nitrates 10, nitrites 0, Alkalinity 180, pH
about 8.0. I'm doing about a 3 gal water changer per week.
<Mmm... I'd change out a larger percentage> In my reading
(here and elsewhere), I read about the necessity of giving the Zoas a
dip. <?> I posted a few places asking for advice on the seltzer
dip (which sounded the least stressful) but didn't get answers
until after I went ahead and dipped them (I waited a week, but it was
the holidays). The Zoas did not like the seltzer at all. <Not
surprising... stings, burns... even the routine, exposure to air is
harmful> They closed and started producing a layer of mucus.
<Dangerous> I put them at the top of the tank in the high flow
area to wash the mucus off and left only the actinic lights on. I left
them there for 3 days. Now I've moved them to the bottom of the
tank and restarted the 10000 lighting. They haven't opened for a
week and still have mucus on them. What should I do? Are they OK?
Thanks for the help. Dave <I would not "do" anything
further... and I do hope they, your Zoanthids are okay... hopefully
they will recover. As a point to browsers/others, I would NOT routinely
dip or actually handle Zoanthids much at all... they are amongst the
most deadly toxic of marine animals aquarists come in contact with...
to their livestock and themselves. Dave, please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/zoanthidcompfaqs.htm and the linked files above.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Seltzer dip Thanks for the response.
<Welcome David> I'm sorry about the salinity. Yes, it was a
typo. It's 1.0245 <Ahh!> As for the dip, I never did a QT dip
on the way in, so I was rectifying that. <Mmm... really... can't
be done... i.e. no way to rectify once animals are placed, mingled with
others in display systems...> I did seltzer but should have done the
dip in Lugol's. <I see... such Iodine related baths/dips are best
done "enroute" twixt moving Cnidarians about... not really
advisable as a routine once they are permanently placed. Cheers,
BobF> But, anyway, thanks for the advice, Bob.
Zoanthid and mushroom failure in nano tank
11/25/08 Please Help!!! I have a 24g nano tank that has been
running since May 08. Several large pieces of cured live rock with
2" sand bed. I added 1 small powerhead for additional water
movement. I ordered a small nano polyp/mushroom pack from
DrFoster&Smith online after my tank thoroughly cycled. polyps and
mushrooms were doing very well for about 3 months, opening expanding
etc, then one day they started staying consistently closed and started
dying. Water Parameters. I have tested, double tested, triple tested,
had LFS test and all my water parameters and all are pretty much spot
on. Water changes done weekly of 5g using Instant Ocean Reef Crystals
aerated for 24 hrs before adding to tank. Lights are on for about 12
hours. Lights are new with aquarium bought in May, but as a safety
measure bought new lamps a month ago. Add B-Ionic and Iodine. Again
double, triple checked I was dosing correctly. Livestock (Nitrates 0)
percula clown 2inches 1 blue damsel 1 inch 1 blood red shrimp 1
bi-color Pseudochromis 2 inches 6 red legged hermit crabs and 2 turbo
snails as a cleanup crew Here is the catch, I also have a 90 gallon
FOWLR tank that I'm converting to a reef tank. Once I got the fish
sold to LFS and the Nitrates down I started adding polyps/mushrooms.
The water parameters of my 90g match that of my 24g...but my nano is
failing. So as a drastic measure I took polyp/mushroom frags from my
24g and placed in my 90g and they are doing just fine and in fact
opened within a day!!! I'm at a complete loss of what the problem
is with 24g tank. My only theory My 24g tank is at my office. The
building is pretty old and I'm using tap water to mix my salt. Is
it possible that copper or some other metal/crud from the old pipes
could be affecting the outcome of my 24g nano? My 90 gallon resides at
my condo that is actually a brand new hi-rise in downtown Chicago...all
new pipes etc. One other small issue, I seem to have a little extra
algae growth in my 24g nano than my 90g....phosphates of both sources
are 0. I just attribute the extra bright green algae growth to a
shallower tank with good lighting. Oh, and one last thing, there was a
8-9 hour power outage around the same time that these polyps/mushrooms
in the 24g stop opening. I just figured several months later should be
more than enough time if they were shocked to re-open....but it took
moving them to my 90g to get them to open again. Well hopefully this is
enough info...if you need specific numbers on my water parameters I can
email a pdf of a ongoing chart I keep of all water parameters.
<Obviously, there may be something going on with your nano although
the setup of your nano sounds good. I would cut back the time the
lights are on to 8-10 hours. That's probably the reason for the
algae growth. You mentioned you are using city water. Are you putting
in any water conditioner to remove chlorine and chloramines? Secondly,
you mentioned the possibility of copper in your water coming from the
olds pipes in your office. I would highly suggest you getting an RO/DI
unit to eliminate any possibility of this. You can use it for your home
and office tanks, the best way to solve water quality issues are to
start with good clean water. Of course you saved the best for last, a
power outage!!! These are terrible events for an aquarium. Your polyps
could have been shocked from the lack of circulation when this outage
occurred, its a normal sign of stress and usually they will be back to
normal within a few days. How long was it before you transferred your
corals from the 24 to the 90? What kind of test kits are you using?
Have placed anything in the 24 since? Also remember that as live
animals, corals go through stages just like every other living
creature, there are going to be times when they just don't feel
like opening. If you stay on top of your system, watch it every day,
you'll get a feel for the tank and be able to recognize these
stages. You'll be able to immediately tell when something is wrong
and you need to take action, or if its just a normal thing that your
corals are going through.> Thanks, Brian <You're welcome and
good luck!!! -- BrianG>
Brown coating on Zoanthid - polyps not opening
-08/13/08 Good afternoon. I have been doing a lot of research
on my current problem but I can't seem to lock it down. I have
some Zoanthid polyps that are no longer opening due to what I would
best describe as brownish green algae growing on top of it.
<This algae (which looks like Cyano- or a combination of algaes)
is more a symptom than a cause. It does not grow over strong,
healthy Zoanthid colonies.> However, I am unable to scrape it
off of one test polyps. Someone told me it could be brown jelly,
but it doesn't look like it. <Nah, not brown jelly. Brown
jelly is unlikely to be found on a soft coral.> Attached is a
picture of what the algae like substance is. Sorry for the quality
of the pic. You can see the unknown substance growing on the closed
polyps. I took a fellow reefer's advice and tried a Lugol's
dip, but it did not fix the problem. <I do think this is likely
a water quality problem (might also be a lack of water flow).
Please see: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/watrqualmar.htm (and
associated FAQs, algae control, etc.)> The unknown pest is not
affecting anything but my Zoanthids. Everything else in the tank is
thriving, and it is slowly spreading to this colony as well as
others. Water parameters are all normal. I was wondering if I will
be forced to start trimming the bad stuff out or would it hurt to
try using another type of dip? <I would first increase water
flow to the area, see if that helps.> Thank you,
Sara M.> |

Possible bleaching of Palythoas... feeding, gen.
care, reading 8/8/08 Hello!
<John> Pictured below is a colony of what I believe are
Palythoas I bought in June 2007. The photo was taken in my tank in
March 2008 so at that time it had been in my system for 9 months: I
have an AquaPod 24 that had the original measly 64W PC's so I
got the hood upgraded from Nanotuners.com to 150W PCs (a
combination of different bulbs, I don't know the exact combos
now but I can check and get back to you if you need to know. This
coral continued to look this vivid for a few weeks until I noticed
that it started to get a little whitish near the "mouths"
in the center of the polyps. Sorry, I don't have a recent photo
but I can also get one if you need it. <Please do> Anyway,
within the last few months a few more of the polyps looked like
they were "bleaching" so I moved the colony away from the
light (it was about 4" from the top, now it's on the
bottom). <Good> A few weeks after that it started to look a
little better but only in a few polyps. Some of the polyps
retracted their feelers and now they're only little stubs.
Either way, I believe that the ones that are recovering had too
much light, however: Question: Is bleaching irreversible in some
cases? < If the colony is otherwise healthy, can almost
always be reversed> If not, what should I be doing while these
polyps are recovering? Should I be manually feeding them?
<Yes... need to be fed... See WWM re... you do periodically add
iodine/ide?> Also, if bleached polyps are irreversibly damaged,
would I be better off just clipping off the bleached ones and wait
for new ones to sprout? <Mmm, no... I would NOT do this... Do
please see/read on WWM re Zoanthid troubles for humans...
dangerously toxic if cut into, otherwise disturbed...>
<Keep reading, Bob Fenner> |

Re: possible bleaching of
Palythoas 8/8/08 Bob, <John>
Thanks for the reply. Yes, I do add iodine periodically, have
been doing so since July 2007. <Ah, good> As far as feeding
goes, the polyps that have NO bleaching at all have very long
"feelers" and are very "agile", i.e., when I
squirt a little Cyclop-Eeze into them with a Sea Squirt they
close right away (same with defrosted Mysis). <Bueno>
Unfortunately, the ones that have SOME bleaching are much slower
to close, and the ones that are more bleached hardly close at all
except at night. In other words, the worse the bleaching, the
less they seem to even WANT to feed. However, I'll keep
trying. <Bien> PS - Are Palys a community of sorts or is
each polyp an individual animal (like a sun coral?) <Are
interconnected... at their bases... see... what's that
site?> Regards, John <BobF, trying to finish up minimally
here... to cook Ramen, onion and chicken for all, get on out
diving at the "Pines"... Aloha>
Odd Zoanthid illness... 07/28/2008 I posted
this on my DFWMAS forum, but thought I'd send a note to you as
well. All of my research leaves me at a loss (including two LFS
consults with the owners that are well-known in the DFW area). For
background information, my tank is a 120 with a sump/fuge,
TurboFlotor skimmer, PhosBan reactor, <Stop! This is likely
a/the cause here> ATO system and has been up and running in much
the same state for nearly 2 years (fuge added and lights upgraded
January 2006, before that, up and running two years, in the hobby
since 2001). I work from home, so I monitor the tank daily and
can't think of any changes in the past few months (other than
my "temp chiller" that I start around 5pm and stop before
bed in order to keep the temp around 80-81 - we live in Dallas,
after all - the high today was 107!!!). <Yowzah!> A few days
ago, a section of my teal Zoas closed up - but it looked like a
hermit or something had just walked over them. Few days later,
still closed, but not "closed Zoa syndrome" not
spreading. The ones that are closed on the left in the picture now
really ticked off - they don't look normal anymore (in terms of
their stalks are skinnier and their heads are smaller). There is a
kind of odd "skin" on them that can be brushed off - but
it's hard to get it on the stalks and bases.
http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f249/mjgibbon/SickZoas007.jpg The
pic was taken while they were in the iodine dip, but you can easily
tell the "healthy" closed ones (on the right) vs. the
"sick" closed ones (on the left). BTW - put them back in
the display after the dip and all of the healthy ones are open
again. No known Zoa predators or past issues in the tank. No
changes to placement or chemistry. Skimmer working fine. Temp
79-81. Salinity 1.025. All other Zoas in the tank doing well. This
colony has been a fast grower and is over two years old now. Any
thoughts? <Mmm, too likely an outright lack of essential
nutrient (phosphate) or poisoning from the filtrant therein. Give
up on its use for a month or two and see. Bob Fenner> Kind
Misty Johnson, DFWMAS |

Re: odd Zoanthid illness...
07/28/2008 Hi Bob, Thanks for the response...I'll give
it a shot and let you know. Should I discontinue use of the
Phosban reactor entirely? Something else I could run in it that
would be beneficial? <Worth trying on a punctuated
basis...> Looking forward to MACNA. Cheers, Misty <See you
then, there. BobF>
Button Polyps suddenly retracted for a week -
06/02/08 Hello WWM crew! <Chris> I've had a 75g FOWLR
tank set up for almost 2 years. About a year ago I turned it into a
reef tank. Everything has been going extremely well. I had been dosing
with Coralife Calcium Supplement, Kent Strontium & Molybdenum, and
Kent Iodine Supplement. <Mmm, how... am asking if you're adding
directly or dissolved through water changes> Recently my Iodine ran
out, and while at the store I saw Kent Tech I which I purchased instead
of the Kent Iodine supplement that I had been using. The instructions
say to double-dose for the first 3 weeks. Since I had already been
using an Iodine supplement, I didn't double-dose as instructed.
I've been using it 2 weeks, with just a single dose per week.
<Mmm, I would not "dose" anything that you
can't/don't test for> About a week ago one of my button
polyps - which had been one of my most gorgeous corals, very large,
very lush and hearty - started to retract. What once was hundreds of
polyps on a rock, is now only about a dozen open polyps, the rest have
been retracted for about a week. Even the ones that are open when the
lights are on, don't look too healthy. <Mmmm> Could the
change to Kent Tech I have something to do with it? <Possibly>
Nothing else has changed in the last 2 weeks. I do have another type of
button polyp and it actually looks unchanged, and everything else in
the tank still looks good. <I DO want to make the fact that
Zoanthids are extremely toxic (to other livestock, and you!)
emphatically clear... and the bit of data that they can/do often modify
their own environment to their own means and detriment at times> I
tested for Iodine thinking maybe I should be double-dosing to
start...and then remembered the label says that test kits will not read
the "timed release iodine", and that testing is neither
required nor recommended. <... I don't agree> Well that's
kind of unnerving. How do I know if my Iodine levels are within range
if I can't test for it? <Got me... nor do I understand, accept
some sort of "timed release" claim here... try testing this
material in static ocean water. I smell a rat> Thanks for your
insight. Your Pal, Chris Mal <I'd hold off on using any Kent
product period, do a series of pre-made water changes, spiff up your
skimmer... and be patient. Bob Fenner>
Zoa trouble…A follow-up Email
Requested 3-30-08 Hello Crew <<Kyle.>> I have a
problem I was hoping you could help me out with? <<I will
attempt to.>> I have been in the hobby for about 4 years
now. First off I have a 65 gallon aquarium with a 20 gallon sump
and 250 watt medal halide. My alkalinity is 11 dKH, my Calcium is
450, 0 Ammonia my nitrates and nitrite within normal parameters.
<<Sounds good thus far.>> When I started collecting
coral I read that mushrooms and Zoas were very hardy corals and a
good way to get started. <<A good but general
direction.>> That was about 4 years ago. I have a great
collection of coral that all thrives in my tank but I have NEVER
been able to keep Zoas. I have tried several types, colours and
sizes but still they all die. I acclimatize them for
approximately two hours before placing them in my tank. I have
tried Zoas from friends, LFS and random people but every time
without fail I get the same result. Recently I was given some
electric green Zoas. For about a month they were thriving even
growing new polyps, but for the past 3 or 4 days they have not
opened or at least half opened and it's the same old story.
They look like they are on the way out. I am at a loss. The Zoas
are near the bottom of the tank in medium flow. I have tried
several different placements with all of my Zoas. I keep them in
the same area for usually a month and then try another area if
they are not doing well. I am currently successfully keeping blue
candy cane, several different mushrooms, elegance, 2 clams, red
Monti, finger leather and frog spawn. I do a 10-gallon water
change every week (well sometimes week and a half depending on
how lazy I am but at least every week and a half.) I'm
wondering if you have any suggestions? <<Kyle usually with
Zoanthids varying water quality is the culprit in regards to
failure with them but that does not appear to be the case with
these…By chance are they getting white spots/bumps on the
oral discs? What type Kelvin is your bulb and how
"direct" is the light the Zoanthids are receiving? What
type of lighting are on the tanks you usually do your purchasing
from? DO you does or test for iodine? Any potential predators in
the tank; snails, crabs, urchins, fish (what type do you have)?
All of these questions may seem remedial or unrelated but they
will help to diagnose some issues as well as eliminate others. In
the meantime check out the articles I linked below.>> Thank
you for all your help
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i1/blane-zoanthids/zoanthids.htm >> Kyle <<Kyle I look forward to your response and
assisting your further, Adam J.>>
Re: Zoa Trouble 4/1/08 Thank you Adam for your quick
responds. <<Anytime.>> (sorry I sent one this morning
but I was in such a rush I called you Kevin. My bad)
<<It's okay, Adam's not my real name
anyway…sort of a stage name like those gals at the adult
bar near the airport.>> There are no white spots/bumps on
the disks. ( I read that can be caused by overexposure to light
?) <<Affirmative.>> Some of the polyps are 1/4 open
it looks like they are squinting. But a lot of the polyps are
brown and look as if they are rotting. I can send a picture if it
would help just let me know? <<Wouldn't hurt…send
it along.>> I have 14,000 HQI Phoenix Electric bulbs and I
purchase them from Reef Perfection in London, Ontario. I have
placed some Zoas directly under the light. I have placed some in
caves to give them less light. <<Moderate light about
halfway down…to the bottom of you tank would be
appropriate.>> These Zoas that I have now are the closest
Zoas I have had to living and they are on a rock near the bottom
corner of the tank. I do use Iodine but I just add it here and
there and I have never tested it, could this lead to Zoas not
opening? <<If you are dosing properly and doing regular
water changes I doubt this is the problem, however you should be
testing for every chemical/mineral that you add to your
tank.>> As for predators I have 2 clown fish, a six line
wrasse, yellow tang and a bi colored angel. Lucky none of the
fish pick at the coral. The Bicolored angel and the clown fish
sometimes have minor scuffles but nothing serious. I used to have
several hermit crabs but I am now down to just one. He
doesn't seem to bother the coral just wonders around
aimlessly. I also have an emerald crab (I think but I haven't
seen him in a month or two). <<I wouldn't have the
funeral quite yet.>> I have done a lot of reading on Zoas
in the last several months; I was reading an article about tiny
predators eating the Zoas. <<Likely this little attractive
but very predatory guy;
.>> Is there any way to detect this ? <<A small,
preferably red, light during night time hours…moving the
colony (if possible) to a controlled/quarantine environment would
be a good idea as well.>> Also if the rest of the coral is
opening and thriving is there anything that would only effect
Zoas? <<The Heliacus snail image I posted above would fit
that that description and they are nocturnal, however I doubt
that just one would cause the behavior you describe in your
colony during day time hours. I'm still concerned about
environmental issues here as well.>> I bought a yellow Fiji
leather 3 weeks ago but it melted down about a week ago.
<<Now I am definitely suspecting something environmental,
though the yellow Fiji leathers are much more sensitive than
their hardier cousins. Is there any chance you have any metal
compounds making there way into the tank?>> I have been
running carbon attempting to remove any toxins left behind from
the leather. <<That along with a poly filter and lots of
water changes would help, and do consider the benefits of not
just quarantining fish but inverts as well…and while your
at consider the consequences of not doing it.>> I really
hope this helped please let me know if there is any other
information I can offer. <<At this point I am still making
educated guesses, it's difficult to pinpoint something at the
moment. The picture may not help for sure, but it will certainly
not hurt…do send one along to me if you can. Zoanthus are
more susceptible to disease when placed in turbid water near lots
of sedimentation/substrate which can irritate the
colony…imagine getting rocks in your mouth when your
expecting a steak. In the meantime, take a look at this article
as well; http://www.springerlink.com/content/jr2lhp1g5l257418/ ;
-Good luck, Adam J.>> Re: Help with Zoas 4/1/08 Hey
"Adam" <<Kyle.>> Thanks again for all the
information. <<No worries.>> I love to read on any
thing Salt Water and although I have already read many of the
articles on WetWebMedia.Com they are very helpful. <<Yes I
think this is true with many things, you don't catch it all
the first read through.>> I have never seen a snail like
that in my tank before so I'm assuming its not that.
<<Okay.>> I sent you a picture its not the greatest
but hopefully it will help. <<Thanks but unfortunately
it's a little to unfocussed and distant to be of much
help.>> As to your question about metal, my lights are 8
inches off the water and are being held up by rebar would this
effect the tank ? <<As long as you watch them for rush and
corrosion, I would think not.>> I did not think about the
rebar having any effects because it was so high off the water ?
Is there anyway to test for metal in the water? <<If there
is any it would likely come from your source water, I would
contact the local powers that be for an analysis of
it….that is if you are using tap.>> The only other
metal is a screw on my Mag 7 pump but that was already on the
pump. Is there anything else you can think of that would be a
large environmental hazard ? <<I'm not seeing anything
obvious in this situation.>> I really want to know where
I'm going wrong I wish I could keep Zoas. I don't know
what else to tell you ? Maybe I should try a large 30%-50% water
Change ? <<Perhaps, but I would still be interested for you
to attempt keeping some in quarantine in control system and see
if you still have the same issues.>> Anything you can offer
would be much appreciated. Thank you very much <<Good luck,
Adam J.>>

Palythoa/Zoanthid Malady - 03/30/08 Hey crew, <<Hey,
Scott>> I love what you do and I hope to be as accomplished someday! <<Thank you
for the kind words>> I had an issue that is still haunting me and I was
wondering if you might be able to shed some light on it? <<Will try>> Here's a
quick break down of my tank: Ammonia, Nitrates, Nitrites = 0 pH: 8.2 SG:
1.023 (currently raising to 1.026) KH: 11 Ca: 380 (raising this too!)
Temp: 78 92 gallon with 1 250w Halide and 225 watts worth of VHO's. 20 times
turnover for flow; sump with Chaeto and I'm currently running active carbon. I
currently have two Leathers, two Blastos, chili cactus and some
mushrooms along with several species of Zoanthids and Palythoa.
<<Quite the noxious mix>> I bought a package of exotic Zoanthids and Palythoa.
They all came healthy and happy, some opening up within 10 minutes of being in
my tank. The reason I'm writing is because the one Paly I didn't want to lose
died on me and I can't figure out why. <<Oh?>> It's been about a month now and
everything else is doing fantastic. I placed the Paly on the sand bed 6" offset
from the halide bulb. The Paly opened up immediately and stayed happy for about
a week. I noticed the oral disc turning white and figured it was pretty stressed
so I moved it to a higher flow area on the sand bed. It closed
immediately with the move and developed large transparent bubbles on its body.
<<Mmm…>> I then pulled it out and removed the bubbles (bad move) with tweezers
and placed it back in. <<Ideally…this specimen should have been moved to
quarantine>> It soon had a brown blotchy spot where the bubbles had
been so I assume the Paly developed an infection. <<It likely had some type of
bacterial malady from the start…and it's likely luck that kept it from spreading
to the other colonies>> It was eaten by my wrasse the next day <<..! Strange>>
so I also assume it must have been rotting because my wrasse hasn't touched any
of my other healthy Zoanthids or Paly's. <<Hmm, I wouldn't expect this fish to
eat these organisms at all…perhaps what was affecting the Palythoa was some form
of parasite…and something of interest to the wrasse>> I was also running
Caulerpa in my sump at the time which I now know wasn't very smart. <<…?>> I
have two main questions. What should I have done with the Paly I lost as soon as
I had seen the oral disc turning white? <<Removal to quarantine to segregate the
infected specimen from healthy stock…and possible treatment via "dips." Animals
will behave differently to different methods, and I never feel "freshwater" dips
to be appropriate for corals…best to dip in clean and aged saltwater, with
iodine, or a manufactured coral dip like that offered by Tropic Marin, in my
opinion. Do search our site re "coral dip" for examples/other's opinions re>>
What do you think the clear bubbles could have been? <<Don't know really,
trapped gases maybe…generated by deterioration/decomposition>> It was about 5-6
inches away from an Echinata. <<Ah, Acanthastrea echinata? A clue, possibly>> Do
they have sweepers? <<Indeed…very powerful…and can be far reaching>> Secondly, I
have another Paly that has all the sudden started to act funny. It's body has
shrunk significantly, but still opens up. <<Mmm, do you feed these animals?>>
Should I move it or get it out of the tank? <<If the only symptom/observation is
its getting smaller, no…but do keep an eye on it>> Another case of allelopathy?
<<Maybe so…perhaps more carbon is needed on this system…or perhaps what you have
needs to be changed out more often. I think the addition of some Poly-Filter
would prove beneficial here, as well>> Thank you for your time, Scott <<Regards,
Help! Zoa eating nudis -03/16/08 Hi, I hope you
can answer an urgent question- I recently noticed Zoanthids
disappearing. Today lost several bam bams. I spotted 2- 1/4 inch long
green nudis. Googled them and identified them as Zoanthid predators. It
said to use flatworm exit. I have some used it before and a different
tank. I need to know if this will hurt my RBTA. <The problem with
these types of broad scale "medications" is that you never
really know what they're going to affect in a reef tank. It might
hurt other animals in your tank indirectly. It will kill any flatworms
you have (benign or otherwise) and this could also hurt other animals
in your tank (some flatworms are toxic upon death).> The package
material says it is safe for reef inverts but I would feel better if I
got an expert opinion first. <Expert opinion? Hehe... will you
settle for mine?> Need answer quick, those buggers are munching away
at my Zoas as I type. <My advice would be to remove the Zoanthids to
a quarantine tank, and try your best to remove all the Nudibranchs by
hand (with teasers under a magnifying glass) and also find and scrape
off all the eggs (cheap dental tools you can get at a pharmacy work
well). The problem with using flatworm exit for Nudibranchs is that you
usually have to use a dose on the order of 5 to even 10x the
recommended dose. And who knows how safe or not safe such a treatment
is for a whole tank? I wouldn't risk it. If meticulous removal of
the pest doesn't work, I would try the flatworm exit, but only in
isolation (if possible).> Thank you so much in advance Linda Mecher
: ( <Good luck! Sara M.> <<RMF would try the "usual
assortment" of probable small predatory wrasses here as
Losing my zoos! -02/27/08 Hi Guys! <a gal here
:-)> I have a 72 gallon reef with a large variety of corals. I have
frogspawn, trumpets, Acans. lords, toadstool leather, Crocea clam,
mushrooms, zoos, open brain, doughnut coral, other assorted leathers,
green star polyps, and some Ricordea. They all survive happily
together. <Uh huh, ok> I know that it is hard to meet the needs
of all these varieties of corals, but they are all thriving
successfully except my zoos and the inexpensive mushrooms. It seems
like every six months or so my zoos and mushrooms fail to open and die
off. Eventually, they start to come back, thrive successfully, and
multiply. I am wondering if this is a natural cycle of some sort of if
I am lacking in some kind of nutrient. <Or this is the result of
ongoing coral warfare...> I also have an assortment of fish in the
tank. A Tomini Tang, 4 Chromis damsels, blue Fiji devil, pygmy angel,
clown goby, percula, along with 2 peppermint shrimp, 1 harlequin
shrimp, and 1 bristle star and hundreds of tiny nuisance stars. The pH
is 8.2, temp is 75.4-77, nitrates not detectable, phosphates are zero,
calcium is 460, KH is 8 drops. I do weekly water changes of 5 gallons
using RO water and Reef Crystals salt. The nutrients I add weekly are
iodine, strontium, and trace elements. I feed the coral 3-4 times a
week using Reef Bugs, Zooplankton, phytoplankton, and carnivore
pellets. I have a wet/dry filter with a protein skimmer. I use 2
14,000K metal halides and 2 130watt 240/260 actinic 8 inches from the
top of the tank. I have 2 1200 and 1 600 maxi jets for circulation and
a chiller to maintain the temp. <In my opinion, you have too many
different types of corals crammed into too small a space. Eventually,
something has to give... I think your mushrooms and Zoanthids are
paying the price here. Please see here to start:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/corlcompfaqs.htm > I would appreciate and
help and suggestions to keep from losing my zoos and mushrooms. Thanks!
Chris <De nada and good luck, Sara M.>
Bristle worms and Zoanthids -01/29/2008 Hi Guys, I
did a quick search on WWM but couldn't find anything quickly. I
just added a very small frag of Zoanthids (after a 10 min dip in
Lugol's soln.) into my main tank. This afternoon I got home from a
long night shift and found at least 4 sm. bristle worms crawling around
them. I pulled off 4 not sure they were good or bad for the Zoanthid
and I am completely exhausted from my night shift. Could you just tell
me if bristle worms attack or have a symbiotic relationship with my new
little frag? <Neither really, they typically just coexist in
peace.> I really appreciate it. Thanks, going to bed now. Erika
Villanueva <Sleep well, Sara M.>
copods and polyps... comp.? 12/1/2007 Hi
all, <Zac> So I have an abundance of copods <... there is no
such thing> in my 24gal tank, I have seen a slow decline in my daisy
polyps, meaning that they have been slowly disappearing from my once
large and healthy colony to a very small colony. My water quality is
<20ppm nitrates, 0 nitrites, 0 ammonia, 8.1 ph. I do 5gal/25% water
change every two weeks, so I don't think that it is my water
quality. Anyway, I keep seeing tons of copods in my tank, seeing that
they have no predators, because I only have 1 sandsifter goby in my
tank right now. I see the copods all over the daisy polyps at night,
and also on some red zoos that I have, which are also starting to
diminish. On the other hand I also see some tiny blue star fish that
are on the daisies and the red zoos, so that might also be the problem.
But I have no clue. Thanks, you guys are great. Zac <... What else
is in this system stock-wise? What re your supplementing, feeding
practices? Could be that these small crustaceans, copepods or otherwise
are predaceous... BobF>
Zoanthid eating Nudibranchs 11/30/07 I
recently found quite a few Zoanthid eating Nudibranchs in one of my
tanks, we have a few that are plumbed together. We have pulled off as
many as we can find, dipped them in an iodine solution and pulled off
all the egg spirals we can find. <Good> The colonies that are
infested are in QT now. My question is this: when the eggs that we
haven't found hatch do they have a free swimming larval stage, and
if so would a UV sterilizer prevent them from making their way into my
other tanks. <No> Is there anything I can do other than
quarantining them and pulling the Nudibranchs off with tweezers? Do you
know of any fish that would eat them that I could add to my tanks?
Thanks for all your help. Amanda <"Eggs develop and hatch as
free-swimming veliger larvae with a rudimentary coiled shell. The shell
is lost with the larvae metamorphosing into a miniature adult settling
on the bottom." (WWM) More rapid, complete physical filtration
might sieve them out. Bob Fenner>
Zoanthids dissolving... small tank, Cnid.
allelopathy, not reading... - 10/30/2007 Help! I have
been trying to get a handle on my Zoanthids that are shriveling
and dying. I added them to my 29g <Part of the problem...>
BioCube about 10 days ago and they opened right away and remained
healthy looking for several days. I then decided to move them a
little closer to the front of the tank, which I know was a bad
move, but they seemed to have adapted so well I thought it would
be o.k. After the move, only about half the polyps opened, two
days later it got worse and some started to shrivel. My thoughts
were they reacting poorly to the lighting (MH 175w, 15k, 10hrs
per day. Polyps are about 30" from the bulb) so I moved them
back to a more shaded area. During the move several dead polyps
fell out! I have not target fed, but have done tank feeding of
baby brine shrimp and DT's oyster eggs. <...> I did a
20% water change yesterday and things still look grim, even with
them in a shaded location. I tested water today and all
parameters are where they should be, except ph, which is usually
runs 8.2 to 8.4, but today it is around 7.6! I will remedy this
right away, but could this be the problem? I have several SPS,
LPS and other softies that are doing just fine. <Oh yes...>
Is it the intense MH lighting? The low ph? Lack of target
feeding? Or, was it the move(s)? <None of the above>
Thanks, Tyler. <The presence of "winning" other
species of Cnidarians... Read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/zoanthidcompfaqs.htm and the linked files
above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Zoanthids dissolving 11/06/07 Thanks for the
below response. However I am concerned that Bob F. didn't
understand my question and hope that there is someone else that
can help me. <Hmm, I like your optimism, but Bob is our
mentor. I doubt any of us would be able to help you much more
than he can, but I'll give it a shot...> <<Mmm,
please... I know little of use compared with the union of all we
know here... our "Crew" plus the cumulative input of
folks kind enough to write in. RMF>> I have a dying
Zoanthid and want to try to save him. Bob F. provided a great
link regarding Zoanthids, which would be great if I were
considering buying a Zoanthid. He also indicated that the size of
my tank, 29g, was part of the problem. As such, I have attached
about 20 photos of tanks 34g and less that have not only
zoa's with LPS & SPS, but with leathers as well. Can
anyone help me? <Here's the problem; every coral is
different. You can find Zoanthids which are virtually
indestructible. I had such Zoanthids once. I actually TRIED to
kill them in a 10g tank. I raised the salinity to >1.045. I
turned off the lights for 2 weeks. I did everything imaginable
just to see what they could survive. These were some tough
Zoanthids! However, I also have Zoanthids that start to shrivel
up at any swing of water chemistry or change of temp or lighting
conditions. I had some of my Zoanthids shrivel apparently just
because a mushroom near them died. The point is that there's
a great range of sensitivity among corals of different species
(or even within the same species from different environments).
Just because you found pictures of some Zoanthids which can
survive in a nano tank with other stony and soft corals, that
doesn't mean yours can. Furthermore, suppose your Zoanthids
were doing REALLY well, this might be bad news for your other
corals. This is the trouble with nano tanks housing many
different types of corals. In such a small space, coral warfare
is intense and there are bound to be losers (if not immediately,
then eventually). This happens in ALL confined environments with
limited numbers of niches. The few species best fit to survive
make it, the rest die off. It's a nearly inescapable
phenomenon of nature. It even happens in large tanks... it just
happens more slowly. When it happens especially slowly, we call
it "old tank syndrome."> I really want to save this
coral and am open to suggestions. <Move them to their own
tank. If they're alone, you could possibly keep them in a
tank as small as 10g (if you are quite diligent in maintaining
the stability of the tank-- might help to do water changes with
water from the larger tank.)> Tyler.
<Good luck,
Sara M.>

Blue Zoa BUGS!!! 8/20/07 Hey crew, Thanks in advance
for all the info already given and provided to us all. Your
site/info has been a great resource for me and am sure for
others. I am wondering if you could ID these bugs I recently
found on my blue Zoas. These bugs seem to make the polyps close
randomly in groups. Getting a great picture if these bugs has
been tough without sucking or attempting to suck them out with a
baster. Less than a millimeter in length, clear, has 2 antennae
coming from its head, has multiple legs cant tell home many
because its so small. The Zoas and the rock are teaming with
these bugs. I have attached a picture to help, don't know how
much help it might be. I can always suck one out with a baster in
order to get a better picture if needed. Thanks for all the help
for giving me a good understanding of what is needed in order to
take care of and maintain a marine Aquarium. <Mmm... well...
there are a few approaches to control here... with the usual
"range of desirability"... biological, physical,
chemical last... You can/could interpolate these by a cursory
read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/swmitefaqs.htm Do you have
another "isolation" tank that you might use to
eradicate the bulk of these pests? Bob Fenner.
Re: Blue Zoa BUGS!!! 8/20/07 After
reading am not to concerned about these bugs just the number of
them and the Zoas not opening or only opening for a shirt time.
Well, I have am still working on the tanks filters, its an all
glass not drilled tank and invested in an overflow with
Aqualifter pump, I had plans to have a isolation tank plumbed
inline back to sump for an isolation tank. At the moment it is
not set up. I do have a 10gal tank sitting around. Thank you.
<I do think you're wise to ignore these for now. Bob
Re: Blue Zoa BUGS!!! 8/24/07 Thank you for
all the help you have been, I think for now I will tolerate the
spiders, but if continues to be a "major" problem which
already seems to have lessoned I will be adding a wrasse. Thanks
again Bob for all the help. -Jay
<Welcome my friend. BobF>

Re: Blue Zoa BUGS!!! 8/22/07 I could have told
you that Bob! Joking aside I should have mentioned I did move
them to a quarantine tank anyways, despite the lack of concern.
Thanks to you all wise one, really thank you. Am i better off to
leave them in quarantine till they are gone or population
diminishes? Also since moving to quarantine I have been able to
monitor the Zoas more closely. There are a few white worms with
black spots maybe reverse black with white spots curled up on the
sides of a couple closed Zoas, probably more on the underside of
opened Zoas. also 3 maybe 4 long red stringy worms, almost looks
like a piece of red hair flopping about over the sand, coming
from under the rock which the Zoas are growing on. My question
now is what would be better for the Zoas. From my understanding 2
ways would either be Interceptor or freshwater dip in RO water,
adjusted ph and temp of coarse. With addition to these new
findings of critters which is better to elevate the problem,
interceptor or freshwater RO dip? <Mmm, FW... pH-adjusted...
but... I see in your next email that these may be "something
else"... Pycnogonids... do they have eight apparent legs to
your eyes as well? If anything, I'd go with a purposeful
predator here (Lined Wrasse sp. likely)... or just tolerate them
if they were mine...> Sounds like ro dip would be better but I
am worried of specimen loss, and I am wandering if the Zoas will
be able to handle the additional stress levels from a freshwater
dip. Thank you wise one, Bob, for making me reconsider my
previous statements/actions/concern. <Mmmm, BobF>
Re: Blue Zoa BUGS!!! 8/22/07 Once I put it
in Quarantine I was able to get better photos, I have attached 2
pics, to show the infestation and 1 showing the actual
"bug" itself which turns out looks more like a
grasshopper, a very small grasshopper. <... or a Sea Spider...
Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pycnogonids.htm and
the Related FAQs file linked above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Blue Zoa BUGS!!! 8/23/07 Thanks
for the quick reply once again. Figured you were tired of hearing
from me, the unwise. Well I see eight legs very hard to determine
but definitely looks like there are 8 legs. I noticed when I
first put the Zoas in my main tank my Pseudochromis fridmani
(spelling?) was picking at the rock, not to sure it was eating
anything or not. If I were to get a 6line or a line wrasse
I'll run into compatibility issues correct? <Mmm... in a
tank this size, I give you good odds of not having real trouble
here> 75gal 110lbs live rock. I fear with me having the
Pseudochromis fridmani (was my first fish), already has his
territory staked out pretty much all the rock on the bottom half)
that he will go after a lined wrasse if introduced into my
system. I notice with some research to use caution when putting
these 2 species together, as long as they don't resemble each
other, or need to be introduced at the same time? <The Lined
Wrasses are pretty sharp, and fast!> Combination of both? Or
just plain luck or am just stupid for even trying to put these
species together in the same tank. I would just as easily return
the Pseudochromis fridmani (AND THE TWO 3 STRIPED DAMSELS!!!!)
but I can not. Girlfriend picked them out for our first fish so
kinda stuck with them till he dies (hmm.... gives me an idea,
j/k). Thank you Bob you have been of great help. -Jay
<Welcome Jay. BobF>

Yellow Polyps... on the Move 8/6/07 Hi you
guys are lifesavers and your site is amazing. <Hi Joe, Mich here,
thanking you for your kind words.> About a month ago I bought yellow
polyps on a rock to put in my tank. They have been doing well for that
time. I have two different 15 watt fixtures one with a coral light the
other with a 50/50 light only a 10 gallon tank. Today I noticed a
couple of polyps came off, not torn or bitten and still alive on the
bottom of my tank. Is this polyp formation dying? <Hopefully not.
But it could be stressed. How are your water parameters?> Should I
take the polyps out that have come off the rock? or just move them to a
different rock? <I would move them to a different rock. Hopefully
they will attach. Or place on some rubble rock and cover with a piece
of tulle.> Will they hurt my water chemicals like ammonia or
nitrate? <Mmm perhaps if the whole colony died but I doubt you would
see a change in your water parameters from a few polyps.> Thanks for
all your help JOE <Welcome! Mich>
Necrotic Zoo's 7/15/07 Hey
crew, <Hi Nathan, Mich here.> I have had a rock of green zoos
for about 8 months now, and during that time they have spread
throughout the tank very quickly, and I have about 100 or so now.
But today I noticed that where once there had been zoo's, there
was just a rough reddish-brown mat (in the central part of the
picture) covered in coralline algae, and some zoo's around the
mat are closed and white. I moved this rock of zoos away from the
rest, and into a stronger flow of water. <I see the patch of
coralline. But from what I can see the remaining zoos looked to be
in pretty good shape. Hopefully this increase in flow will help the
situation.> My PC bulbs are old, and I am about to replace them.
<I would switch them out gradually, one at a time to avoid any
potential light shock.> I had the zoos near a group of
mushrooms, but they did not harm each other. Could this be of the
lighting? Allelopathy? <Many possibilities here, but I think you
made the right move by putting them in an area of increased
flow.> Should I remove (cut with razor) the White zoos and the
mat? <I would not. I would wait to see if the increased water
movement improves the situation.> Is it normal? <Mmm, no, not
normal per se. But hopefully you actions will show results.> Any
suggestions would be helpful. <At this point I think you have
taken the most appropriate course of action.> Thank you,
<Welcome! Mich>
Nathan |
