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Fahaka Puffer Fretting 3/19/07 Hey guys, <Hey yourself, Pufferpunk here. Didn't they teach you to use capital letters at the beginnings of sentences in school (also when using I as a pronoun)? Never mind the punctuation... Kidding aside, we have to correct all that, before these letters are posted in our FAQs. That sure is a big time waster for me. Next time, please review your letter before sending.> <<Nuff' said? Yeah. RMF>> I have recently moved my fahaka puffer from a 55 gallon with a 7 inch Ceylon and a 3 inch GSP, into a 36 gallon bow front by himself. <Hmmm... you may find those two puffers left in the 55g to become quite crowded, when the GSP catches up with the Ceylon. They should be in practically saltwater by now, too. General minimum recommendations for those species is 30g (GSP) & 40g (Ceylon).> The thing is, he used to be very active in the slightly brackish 55 gallon tank and now that I moved him into the 36 gallon he stays in the same spot all day. I see him move around sometimes but its only once a day maybe and I have him in just about complete freshwater now. <When I moved my fahaka from his 55g into his 125g tank, I thought he'd be happy but he moped around & wouldn't eat for 3 weeks! It's just how they are--moody beasts. He probably doesn't like the smaller tank, either.> As an experienced aquarist I first checked water conditions and everything is perfect and where it should be. No nitrates, nitrites or anything. <That's odd... an established, cycled tank should have some nitrates. How was the tank cycled?> I'm wondering if there's anything wrong with him or is it just that he's not moving as much because he's by himself and there's no one for him to antagonize anymore? <Good thing you moved him. I'm afraid as he matured, he probably would have killed the other two. How big is he now? You do realize they grow to 18" & require a 120g minimum tank? They grow quite quickly too. Mine grew into his 125g within 2 years, at 10" from a tiny 1" puffer. Your help would be greatly appreciated, losing this puffer is not an option for me as I will do anything possible to keep him going. <Start saving for a much larger tank for this giant, along with a ton of filtration for the bio-load he's going to produce. Look at www.thepufferforum.com, for more discussion on puffers. ~PP> Re: Fahaka Puffer Fretting. Cycling a FW Puffer Tank & BW Puffers 3/20/07 Ok, so there are some nitrates in his tank but not enough to be afraid of. I also know about the size issue as I already own a 16 inch fahaka that's currently kept in a 200 gallon. So the tank issue is not a problem as I currently am waiting to move and put him into a 150 all by himself as his current tank will soon turn into a ghost shrimp tank, (I. E) puffer food. <Great!> I didn't know that the Ceylon and GSP should be in saltwater by now though. <See: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/gspsart.htm > The issue concerning how I cycled the tank was that I put water from the 55 tank and put it into the 36 and let it cycle for about a week doing two water changes in between to get the salt content lower. <There is nothing in using water from an established tank that can cycle a new tank. I don't see how his tank could possible be cycled in that way. See: http://www.thepufferforum.com/forum/library/water-filtration/fishless-cycling/ > If its his mood that's the problem that's not unexpected at all, as he had been sharing a tank with a 5 inch yellow peacock cichlid since day one and three months later I cant even find a scale from the darn thing. So my main concerns now after you telling me this is, what do I do with the freshwater fish that are in the Ceylon and GSP's tank <Either set up a separate FW tank or find another home for them. That tank is going to be too small for the 2 (adult) puffers, never mind more tank mates.> and how long should I wait to seriously act on his disgruntled mood and further investigate the situation. <1st thing I'd do is add Bio-Spira to the tank to cycle it instantly. Keep an eye on water parameters. You didn't mention how large the puffer is, so I can't tell if tank size is the issue. Is he eating? ~PP> Re: Fretting Fahaka 3/20/07 3/21/07 Ok, so if the tank is not cycled, what do I do with the fish in the mean time? <I'm assuming you're speaking of the fahaka tank? Test the water daily, for ammonia, nitrites & nitrates & do huge daily water changes, if necessary, to keep them as low as possible (ammonia & nitrites should be 0 at all times).> To answer the question of him eating, he is eating and every ghost shrimp I put in there disappears within the day. <Ghost shrimp are basically non-nutritious, unless gut-loaded with food.> Also where do I get this Bio-Spira stuff, because I called three local fish stores and none of them have it and can this stuff be put in with the fish in it? <Yes, you should do a large water change & add it to your filter. If you cannot find it locally, do a search, there are many online stores selling it.> I am somewhat perplexed on what to do, as I'm already starting to acclimate the other tank to a higher salt content. <I'd wait until your FW fish are out of there, before raising the SG. Also, don't raise it more than .002/weekly water change or you will crash your system.> I have a divider that I could use but I don't want to short the other puffers of their well deserved space. <I doubt there'd be any way, short of siliconing a piece of glass across the middle of the tank, that would prevent salt from mixing into the other side.> On the matter of size, I would say that he is about 3 inches. <Won't last in that 36g tank for long then, growing about 1/2" per month.> Also I'm not sure if the puffer that I think is a GSP, is actually a GSP, because his blotches are much larger than regular green spotted's and I thinking that it might be an ocellated puffer. <Takifugu ocellatus are a metallic green with bright round orange spots on it's back. They are much more torpedo-shaped & have a longer snout than a GSP. They really don't resemble GSPs at all. Look here for ID: http://www.thepufferforum.com/forum/ug.php/v/PufferPedia/?sid=25b4c1cb72b4f21631afc47bbbf1d7f4 > Another issue concerning that tank is ever since I moved the fahaka, the so-called GSP, shall we say, has also began to bottom dwell with no fin movement and only perks up and goes belly white during the night or whenever I add salt to the tank. Never in my four years of keeping puffers have I ever experienced odd situations like these and am very concerned, as every puffer owner is, when their little buddy goes ill or gets pissed. <Check the water parameters in that tank too. See: www.thepufferforum.com, for more info. ~PP> Thank you so much for your help! YouTube / Short clip of DOT, our Pustulatus /
Cross River Puffer - 10/01/2009 Re: YouTube / Short clip of DOT, our Pustulatus /
Cross River Puffer - 10/01/2009 South American Puffer Problems
05/23/09 Re: South American Puffer Problems
05/23/09 Pea Puffer Black Eyes Sits on Bottom
5/8/2009 Weird Puffer/No Info 10/22/07 Hi, <Hi, Pufferpunk here> We just noticed today that one of our puffers has rolled up into a ball and is ignoring everything we do. Its mouth also looks really white and it isn't opened like the others. It still swims around when bothered a lot though. Any idea what is wrong with it? Is it just being stubborn or is it just because it hates me? <Fish don't hate people, no matter how we mistreat them. I have absolutely no info here to go on. Water parameters: ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH? I don't have any idea what species of puffer this is or even if it's fresh, brackish or marine. Tank mates? Tank size? Water change schedule? Please throw me a bone here. ~PP> Nile Puffer losing color and becoming listless 9/16/07 We've had our Nile puffer for about a month. Tupac was doing great in the 20 gallon tank he calls home, until we did a water change two days ago. We emptied out about a third of the water, replaced it with water and conditioner and biological treatment. Since then he's been pale, appears to be ?breathing? in a labored fashion, hangs out at the bottom of the tank behind the décor, and doesn't interact with us as he usually does. We had the water tested yesterday, and there's a slight trace of ammonia, although (we've been told) not enough to bother him. Because of the ammonia's presence, we added a bit of a different conditioner yesterday and today, and plan to do the same tomorrow. But Tupac still remains unhappy. What can we do? Please help. We have very little experience with this type of fish and have become very attached to him. <Greetings. Tetraodon lineatus are -- like all freshwater puffers -- very sensitive to ammonia. The reason yours is "out of sorts" is almost certainly because of this. In the long run, the fish will die. A pufferfish aquarium should have consistently zero levels of ammonia and nitrite. There's no safe levels of either other than zero, this point cannot be stressed too strongly. Let's recap the basics. This is a big pufferfish (around 30-40 cm in captivity) that needs a suitably large aquarium (around 300 litres, 75 US gallons being about the minimum). Filtration should be appropriate to the size of the fish, producing not less than 4x the volume of the tank in turnover. In other words, for a 300 litre tank, the filter should have a turnover of 1200 litres per hour or more. Water changes must be generous, around 50% per week, if not more. A suitable dechlorinator should always be used, and if your local water board uses chloramine in the water supply, choose a dechlorinator that neutralises chloramine as well. Water chemistry is relatively unimportant as this species is found in a variety of fresh (and to a less extent brackish water) habitats, but ideally you want neutral to slightly alkaline, moderately hard freshwater. These are difficult to look after, and I'm afraid failure to cover any of these bases inevitably ends in the death of the fish. I hope this helps. Good luck, Neale.> Re: Nile Puffer losing color and becoming listless 9/20/07 Very helpful info. Thank you so much for your help. It appears we were overfeeding poor Tupac. We cleaned the tank and filter and have cut him back on the munchies. Your quick response was reassuring and helpful. <Cool. Just keep on top of water changes, and make sure ammonia and nitrite stay at zero. Do that, and your fish should recover quickly. They're nice fish, but difficult to keep. So do things "by the numbers". Cheers, Neale> Mixing Puffer Species 1/2/06 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I have in a 29 gallon, 2 green spots, 2 figure 8's, 1 dragon fish, and 1 dwarf puffer. All are juveniles except dwarf. A few days ago I found and brought home a "Samphong" (?) puffer (guessing a female red eye red tail) from LFS that did not have much or actually any info on. I added this little devil to my happy community of peaceful friends and have had nothing but regrets and troubles since. The Samphong immediately bit both of my greens, killing 1 within 12 hours and 1 figure 8. Needless to say the hell raiser was quarantined as soon as i could get the net in my hand. The deceased within 30 minutes of the attack was swollen on entire side of bite. My figure 8 victim is doing ok.. Now to my main problem. My other green spot has become lethargic and not eating. As of this morning, 3 days since attack, he is now getting fin and tail rot. I am now treating with Anti-Fungus, a product of Aquarium Products and Mela-Fix by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. I am wondering if I am doing the right thing or if you have any other ideas of how to treat. <The 1st issue I see, is that you are mixing fresh, low-end-brackish & high-end brackish water species. The 2nd problem I see, is that you have several species of different aggression & sizes, all in the same tank. The dwarf only grows to 1", while the F8 (low-end BW fish) grows to 3" & the most aggressive of the 3, the GSP, grows to 6" & requires high-end BW (preferring marine conditions as an adult). By keeping these exotic fish in conditions other than what are best for them will compromise their immune systems, causing the least bit of stress to make them sick. I would get these fish into separate tanks with the proper parameters ASAP. The DP can live in a 5g tank. F8s are best with 15g for the 1st one & 10g for each added. You can keep the dragon & the F8 in the 29g. GSPs need 30-50g each, as adults. I would separate them ASAP or you will witness more deaths. If you need to cycle new tanks, you can add Bio-Spira, for an instant cycle. As you have seen what can happen when you don't research a species 1st (all new fish should be quarantined also), you can check out puffer profiles at www.pufferlist.com. There is great info & excellent articles at www.thepufferforum.com. Be sure to read the F8 & GSP articles in The Library. For the Dwarf puffer, you can go toSulking Mbu Puffer 6/29/05 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> Hi, I wondered if you can help me? I have had my Mbu for about a month and is about 2 inches long. When I first got him, he seemed quite happy swimming around at the front of the tank and was eating every day. The last couple of weeks he has retreated to the back of the tank and wont come out, he still eats but only if I put the food at the back with him. I have checked the quality of the water myself and also had my local fish shop do the same and everything checks out fine with the ammonia, nitrite and nitrate being 0. <If the tank is established (cycled), you should be seeing some nitrAtes. How was the tank cycled? How large is the tank? How large of a tank are you expecting to put that monster in, in a few years?> I was told that he might be lonely as he was in the tank on his own so I put 5 zebra danios in with him but nothing's changed. The only other change I have noticed is that he was darker in colour when I got him but is now a lot lighter. <Many puffers change hues as their moods change or to match the colors surrounding them. What foods are you offering him? Please read: http://www.thepufferforum.org/viewtopic.php?t=150 There are several Mbu owners at that site. ~PP> I'd appreciate it if you could help. Matt Puffers and acrylic tanks? 7/14/04 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I currently have my 3 inch Porcupine Puffer house in a 90 gallon glass tank. I am curious if he will need a bigger (125 gallon) down the road? if so, I have heard that Puffers can TRASH acrylic tanks by "glass surfing"? do puffers need to be in glass only to prevent them from scratching acrylic? <I have never heard of this "glass surfing" you speak of. I know of many people keeping puffers in acrylic tanks with no problems. ~PP> Puffer "Glass Surfing" P-punk-- 7/15-04 Thought I'd respond to your response. As a longtime LFS worker and salt service dude, I can tell you this does indeed happen. Though infrequent, it seems to be primarily due to the puffer's aggressive reaction to its own reflection in the acrylic (and thus is usually a temporary problem, though in some of the cases I'm familiar with, it has gone on long enough to produce ample scratching to the tank in question). <Thanks of informing me of this. I had no idea this could happen. You learn something new every day... ~PP> Best, Derek Milne P.S. Hi to Scott F. too-- hope my Bodianus is thriving in his reef! Green Spotted Puffers--Won't Slow Down 7/18/04 Hi, <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I was just wondering if you knew why one of my spotted green puffers constantly goes up and down against the glass of the fish tank. He will stop to eat but as soon as he's done he's right back at it like he wants to get out. I also have two other puffers the same as him but a little younger who never did it but there slowly starting to copy and follow him right next to him going up and down fast then slow. Its starting to drive me nuts seeing all three of them do this none stop. I have plenty of caves and coverings for them. I don't know what to do to make them stop doing this behavior. Would appreciate it if you could help me out in any way. <If you do indeed have enough decor in your tank, then I'd check the water parameters. How big are the fish & tank? Have you read their article on them here? ~PP> Thanks, Jessica Re: GSP Wont Sit Still 7/18/04 The puffers are in size? Well, two are still real small but the one who goes up and down in the tank he is about an inch long or a little more but I got him also when he was real small. The tank they were in was a 95 gallon tank but I moved them into a 35 gallon because I thought the up and down could be because of the other fish that where in the tank. But no still kept doing it. <Are they in brackish water?> But today the bigger puffer actually stopped and laid down on a rock for a while, but the little ones still continue. <More importantly, water parameters please? Ammonia, nitrIte, nitrAte, pH?> Yes, I have read the article on them here and I have tried everything I have even read the article on them on PufferNet which has something about puffers acting like they want to escape from the tank but that philosophy also has not seemed to work as well. <I'd stay away from Puffernet. That site hasn't been updated in many years & has a lot of misinformation there.> Was hoping you would have any suggestions on this. Thanks, Jessica <Test your water & get back to me. If nothing is wrong there, then I think they are just still adjusting to their surroundings. To see if there is enough decor in your tank, check out mine: http://wetwebfotos.com/Home?actionRequest=userview&userID=1918 BTW, nothing of the decor in there is real. ~PP> Puffer question Mr. Fenner, I have two green spotted puffers and two figure 8 puffers in a 25 gallon tank with live plants, and two filters. There are places for the puffers to hide and they are fed bloodworms, freeze dried plankton, ghost shrimp (when they can catch them), and sometimes snails. Several times now (once in the early morning and another time during the day) I have observed the green spotted puffers tucking their tails tightly around their bodies (looking like a little green ball) and floating at the bottom of the tank. Both times, I have been concerned and have touched the fish with a gravel rake. Each time, the fish has unwound and gone about his business like nothing ever happened. Is this how these fish rest? <Yes, particularly if/when well-fed> Is this a defense mechanism? <Perhaps... many predators key on movement... if you're still, maybe your chances of discovery are lessened> Are they sick? <Doubtful> I want to be able to help them if they are. On another note, One of my figure 8's is much lighter than the other (he always has been) and eats tons of food when I feed the fish. When he eats, his little stomach balloons up. Can he overeat and hurt himself? <Not practically... this species can really gorge if/when the opportunity presents itself. Just be careful not to add too much> (if so, how would I stop this) and second he sometimes just sits at the bottom of the tank slightly off the rocks. Sometimes he moves back and forth against the rocks as if he is itching or something. What can I do? <Enjoy them> How often should I feed these little guys? <Once a day is fine.> Thank you! Matt <You're welcome. Bob Fenner> Puffer Color Change Hello, I enjoy the WWM site a lot...lots of good content. <excellent> I have a question...I have a green spotted puffer (Pepito). About a couple of months ago, he started turning kind of blackish/greyish colored. What might it be? <Have you tested your water quality lately? Are you adding salt? What is the spg? These puffers are ok in fresh water while young, but as they grow older they should really be kept in brackish water. It could also be related to mood, diet, or just a normal color change with age. Check out the link below and related FAQs for more information. Best Regards, Gage http://wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/fwbracpuffers.htm > Thank you, Kristine Spotted puff with changeable belly barometer... <Ananda here tonight....> Thanks for the reply, I'll try to move around their furniture, but I had another question referring to the water conditions...if it was water conditions wouldn't it affect both puffers and not just one? Also last night he seemed real healthy swimming around and it color really good...both eat really good...one just seems to change colors from a darker to lighter all the time. <How long have you had the puff whose belly changes color all the time? If you just got him fairly recently, it's possible he's still adjusting to the conditions in your tank. --Ananda> Puffing puffer 12/12/03 Hi, <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I am forever searching online for answers to this question: What freshwater/brackish Puffers Actually puff up like the saltwater ones do?! <All puffers puff when frightened, threatened or stressed.> My husband and I adore puffers but are not ready to take the plunge into a huge saltwater tank, so we are trying to find puffers for our fresh/brack tank that actually puff up! <What's a fresh/brackish tank? Either it's FW or BW, it can't be both.> We recently went to a local pet store and they told us that the Green spotted puffer would puff up. Needless to say, here it is about a month later and the only time that he puffs is when he eats a lot of food! He is doing well though, and we love him, but we are still in search of a Puffer that actually puffs! I don't know if this is asking too much, but is there any way you could give me a list of puffers that actually puff, for a fresh/brack tank ? <Bad idea! It is very stressful for a puffer to puff. Please don't try to make them puff! It can eventually kill them. Also, you keep mentioning a FW/BW tank. GSPs are BW fish that prefer high-end BW-SW as adults. They grow to 6" & need at least a 20-30g tank by themselves. As they get older they get very aggressive & kill their tankmates.> I WOULD BE SO THANKFUL! If not possible, could you lead me to the right path to find it myself online? < http://biomechanics.bio.uci.edu/_html/nh_biomech/pufferfish/puffer.htm> Thanks So much for having such an informative website, and so much help! Meghan~ <I hope you will leave your puffer deflated & happy--Pufferpunk> Green Puffer Hi Bob! My husband and I have 4 Green Puffers. Two adults, and 2 babies. One of the adult puffers fades really bad in color. Going from his beautiful bright green, to a pale green to where you can barely see his black spots, and then back to his beautiful green again. Is this a sign of stress? He isn't acting any different and is eating like the fat boy he is. I am hoping that you have the answer! Thanks! Stephanie and Doug <Thanks for writing. Likely there is nothing wrong with the "flashing" adult puffer. These fish do shift brightness and markings with their moods... this one is likely just communicating with its kin. Do take a read over the freshwater puffer section and FAQs on the www.wetwebmedia.com site for more input on their care. Bob Fenner> Puffer Info Hello again. Thank you very much for your advice before regarding my puffer fish. I had questions about my 3 green and black spotted puffers in a 6 gallon tank; one of them was starting to turn brown. Well, the one that was turning brown died the next morning, <Yes, sorry to learn of this loss> it was sad, but the other 2 are still ok for now. I put a couple of rocks in the tank and they seem to like that. But one is a lot bigger than the other, and is constantly starting to chase the little one around. The little one spends a lot of time hiding behind the rocks now. I am afraid that it will die. <All very typical... need larger quarters to get away from each other> It is still eating great and everything. Today I was in a pet store and I noticed that one of the tanks had little puffers the same as my small one with other bigger fish. Unfortunately I don't remember what kind of fish they were with. I was wondering if the little puffer would do okay in a 30 gallon tank that has about 5 mollies in it, a small guppy sized fish that has horizontal stripes on it, a Gourami, and 2 fish that look like bleeding hearts but they are darker shades of reddish orange. They are all pretty lively but docile in the sense that they don't nip at each other and pretty much leave each other alone. They are all bigger than the little puffer except for the one with the horizontal stripes on it. But it's an extremely fast little guy. Would the little puffer eat him? I would really like to get the little puffer out of the small tank with the mean big one in it. What do you think? Thanks! Kari <Well... the Puffer is not likely to be bothered too much by the fishes you list... in fact, the Puffer is much more likely to bite bits out of some of the new tankmates... You ought to check the physical/chemical requirements/ranges of these fishes to assure that they are mixable... maybe on fishbase.org... many of the fish species you list tolerate/enjoy hard alkaline, even brackish water, the "tetras" you tentatively identify do not... Bob Fenner> Spotted puffer Hi I have a question about pufferfish. I bought a spotted puffer about 2 months ago and he acts and looks really healthy. The other day I noticed something strange, he turned a different shade. He was laying near an ornament I have and was really dark. When I looked in the tank he came swimming over to me like always and his color went back to his normal shade. A friend of mine has a spotted and a figure 8 and he said he noticed the same thing only one of his turns lighter. Is this normal? <Yes, normal... but one is freshwater, the other species becomes brackish to marine with age...> Do they do this for camouflage? Or is it a mood thing? <Both as far as I'm concerned. Bob Fenner> |
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