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Milk-spotted puffer (Chelonodon patoca)
SW/BR/FW 12/9/18 New tank setup; FW stkg. 7/19/19 Milk-spotted puffer (Chelonodon patoca)
SW/BR/FW 12/9/18 150l puffer tank
5/28/18 South American Puffers
10/8/2010 Amazon Puffer, sys., gen. 09/29/10 Puffer fish questions South American Puffer Problems
05/23/09 Re: South American Puffer Problems
05/23/09 Dragon puffer, sys., comp. -- 02/18/09 Hello, <Hi.> My name is Rachel, and I work at a fish store. We have had this dragon puffer for so long. <This is a common name for Monotrete palembangensis.> He's fresh water, all alone in his own tank. I would like some info on him. I have a 55 gallon for him. <The volume is OK.> Will he need salt in his water? <No.> Will he be ok in just RO? <No. Plain RO water is too soft, has no carbonate hardness, will result in a dropping pH if not changed very often.> What kind of substrate? <Gravel or sand, whatever you prefer. This species does not borrow.> Will he like live plants in the tank? <Yes, as a lurker he'll enjoy them as cover.> How can you sex a dragon puffer? <Although they have been bred in captivity, they cannot be sexed for sure. The females generally seem to have a slightly larger girth when carrying eggs.> Will he be okay with faster tank mates? <Cannot be said for sure. Most other fish will end up as meals for this partial piscivore.> Can I find him a friend or will he kill that new friend? <Most likely the latter. If you are thinking about a second M. palembangensis you'd need a much larger tank, introduce them both together.> Please help I love this little guy and would just love him to live at my house. I already have a 20 gallon community with 4 dwarf puffers, 2 f.w. goby's, 6 Glowlight Danios, and 1 Cory cat. also another 55 gallon with a red eared slider and Pleco. I would like some information on the dragon puffer if you have any. <Feel free to send in more questions. Searching the net for Monotrete palembangensis or the older synonym Tetraodon palembangensis will bring up more hits.> Thank you so much for your time. Thank you, Rachel <Welcome. Marco.> Anyone know of a good online freshwater vendor? Tetraodon
miurus (Congo puffer) 10/23/08 Confused! Puffer ID, Tetraodon, Colomesus, GSP gen. care... 10/23/08 My Amazon puffer did NOT look like the ones in Google images or yours, So I looked and found the green spotted puffer (*Tetraodon nigroviridis)* to match my own. I previously asked questions so I must re ask due to Wal-mart telling me wrong. <Tetraodon nigroviridis is usually distinctive: luminous green-yellow body colour covered with lots of small, circular black spots. It is often confused with Tetraodon fluviatilis, a species with a more greenish body and irregular black spots on the flanks and a few large saddle-shaped patches on the back. Then there's Tetraodon biocellatus, the Figure-8 pufferfish, which has two pairs of distinct yellow-ringed black spots on the flanks; two such spots on either side of the dorsal fin and another two on the caudal peduncle (the "tail"). The Amazon Puffer Colomesus asellus can be confused with these fish, but the important differences are that it has black a series of saddle-like patches running over the back and a distinctive black spot on the underside of the caudal peduncle. All of these, except Colomesus asellus, are brackish water fish.> I have Him in well planted (lots of hiding spots and open water) with 2 Juv African Cichlids, All very young. I do have ghost shrimp about 10ish for a snack and to clean up all in a 29 Gal. They RARLEY nip at each other which shocked me. Should I add another fish or is this enough? <Tetraodon spp. are not gregarious and do not need tankmates of their own kind or other species. Tetraodon biocellatus is sometimes kept in groups, and being rather small, they tend to get along fine unless ridiculously overcrowded. Tetraodon fluviatilis and Tetraodon nigroviridis are a bit more territorial, but in large tanks (upwards of 40 gallons, usually) it is possible to keep two or more adults. Both Tetraodon fluviatilis and Tetraodon nigroviridis are confirmed fin-biters, so just because they're fine with your other fish now, don't expect that to last. Wild pufferfish of these species eat the fins of other fish, and so it's a question of instinct.> What age does this puffer "puff"? <They don't, unless scared. Because of the risk of swallowing air, this isn't something to encourage, even putting aside the very idea of deliberately scaring a fish to make it do something!> What kinds of snails do I feed it? <Any of the right size.> How do i go about trimming the teeth if they over grow? (many people have many different views (even weird ones). <Do review the article on Colomesus asellus I referred you to last time. Jeni Tyrell has also written an article on this topic at WWM, though she and I differ in opinion on the use of nets to hold the puffer. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/smpufferdentistry.htm > What fish are compatible with my group? Should I add another Puffer? <Puffers of this type are best kept alone or with their own species. For a start they need brackish water, which reduces your range of options. But even allowing for that, these fish are biters. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/gspsart.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_2/cav2i6/lonely_puffer/lonely_puffer.htm > Is there any "hard shelled Critters I could feed it to dull the teeth? <In theory yes there are: snails, unshelled prawns, small mussels, etc.> How big do they ACTUALLY get (many websites are different? <In captivity, expect at least 12 cm, and I've seen numerous specimens around 15 cm.> Why is it called the green spotted puffer when there not really green spots..? <Tetraodon nigroviridis does indeed have a green body with black spots.> How come many Petshops and Wal-mart mislabel there fish? <No idea.> Sorry if some of these questions seem obvious, but many websites, pet stores are telling me differently, I saw an artical in a fish magazine with Mr. Fenner (SP?) Which led to me saying you know this website might be the "truthful" one. So please help me out thanks SO much, Kurt Meissner! Future Sociologist and Marine Biologist. (horrible spelling) <Happy to help. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/fwbracpuffers.htm Much written about these fish here at WWM; do read, enjoy. Cheers, Neale.> Terodotoxin 10/27/08 Hi! I'm setting up the tank for Tetraodon nigroviridis. <A nice brackish water pufferfish. Do read the articles on this species here at WWM, such as this: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/brackishsubwebindex/gspsart.htm> And I would like to ask you how serious is the poisoning issue for me as a fishkeeper. <It's a non-issue.> Is it dangerous only if I eat it, or also to touch it? <Pufferfish actually use a range of poisons, not just tetrodoxin. But in any case the poisons are within their bodies and only a threat to animals that eat them. Moreover, in captivity they become steadily less poisonous because the pufferfish themselves don't make the poison themselves. Like vitamins to humans, pufferfish get their poisons from things they eat, specifically algae. Because these algae aren't present in the aquarium, the puffers lose their toxicity (though the speed at which this happens varies).> Thank you for your help. :) Zuzka <Cheers, Neale.> Keeping fresh water puffer fish, 8/24/08 Hi, I have just brought 2 fresh water puffer fish and added them to my tank which has been set up for around four months, the set up is all fine. <What species of puffer? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwpuffers.htm .> The question is this- I have noticed that our bigger fish and loaches have had their fins nipped. It has only started since we got the puffers a couple of days ago. I haven't seen them do it so maybe they do it at night? <Perhaps, but unless you are watching the tank 24/7 it could be happening during the day as well.> As I have seen them go up to other fish and not attack them. I was wondering if this nipping will stop after a while when they learn that the other fish are not food or will they just keep doing it till the fish get infections and die?.. <Most likely this behavior will continue.> Would keeping the puffers fed once a day stop them from testing out the fish's fins? <Probably not, the behavior is most likely not due to hunger.> Do you think I should either get them a separate tank or take them back to my fish shop? <That is up to you.> Thanks for reading this and replying. Great website too. Chris <Thanks, but please spell and grammar check next time before submitting a query, we have to correct this before it gets posted.> <Chris> GSP in a community FW Tank 1/12/07 Thanks for responding. When we bought our puffer, we were told that these could live in fresh water. <As per most uninformed LFS.> Oops. Anyway, ours is about 2 years old and 2.5 inches long. It's in a thirty gallon tank with a dozen other fish. <I believe it should be larger by now.> It has never had a problem with the others (nipping wise). <Extremely lucky.> I'm using the Eclipse in-hood filtration system and I rinse and re-use the filters for about 3-5 weeks. Water changes are about the same. <Weekly water changes are recommended for all FW fish.> I tested the water two days after a water change using a Mardel 5 in 1 test strip. <Not the best test results from these. I recommend Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Master Test Kit or buy each liquid AP test separately.> Although the nitrite levels were well within the safe range, the nitrate levels were very high (80 ppm). <Should at least be <20, <10 is best.> The total hardness test was in the moderate range but the buffering capacity is very low. Also, the pH is down around 6.4. <Brackish fish prefer a pH of around 8. Quite a huge difference.> As far as food, what would you recommend? <Please read the previous recommended feeding articles & GSP article I linked you to. I highly recommend getting your puffer into it's own 30g (min) tank & start raising the salinity as per the GSP article. Also follow recommended substrate to raise the pH & keep it steady. No mention of how the teeth look? For more puffer info: www.thepufferforum.com. ~PP> Star Nile/Fahaka Puffer, Tetraodon lineatus 11/14/06 <Hi Jo, Pufferpunk here. I have corrected all your improperly capitalized words, so we can present this email to our FAQs. Next time it will be sent back for you to correct!> I bought a Nile puffer 3 days ago and was really badly informed by the shop. I wish I had looked on the internet first! <Did they tell you it will grow as large as 18" & require a minimum of a 120g tank within 2 years? They grow fast!> They told me it would be fine to fill up the new tank with water from my other tank with various tropical fish and put the puffer in the tank the same evening. I now know the filter wouldn't have matured and now my puffer has a cloudy looking eye and isn't moving much. I've tested the water and the NO3 is on 0 and the NO2 the others seem fine too. I'm not too great on the technical side so if you could explain in a way I would understand I would be very grateful. <For cloudy eye (due to poor water quality--fish don't get sick in healthy water), add Melafix. The bacteria you need to cycle a tank does not live in the water. It lives on the surfaces of the tank. Mostly in the filter material but also on gravel, glass, decor, etc. You can squeeze the "dirt" from your older filters into your new filter to help the cycle along. You should be doing 50-80% daily water changes, until your tank is cycled. After the tank is cycled, do 50% weekly water changes. My best suggestion would be to add BIO-SPIRA to your filter, to "instant cycle" your tank. I highly recommend this. It really is not a good idea to cycle a tank with a puffer at all! They have no protective scales or gill covers. Very sensitive to ammonia/nitrites. How large is the puffer & what size tank is it in? For more info on your fish, go to: www.thepufferforum.com ~PP> Thank you, Jo Auriglobus modestus 8/31/06 Hi there, <Hi Leanne, Pufferpunk here> I recently purchased 2 Auriglobus modestus (aka. golden or bronze puffer) from my LFS, one is 2.5" and the other is 3". They seemed very active in the store and ate with vigour. The second day home they seemed to lose interest in food. I have tried frozen brine shrimp, freeze dried krill, live rams horn snails and (because this is what the LFS was feeding) live feeder fish. <Get those diseased feeder fish out of your tank! Your puffers are mostly crustacean eaters. On food for puffers: http://www.thepufferforum.com/articles/puffer/food.html > They showed a bit of interest in the krill this morning (day 4) and the feeder fish has a little of his tail nibbled on, the only other tank mate (besides the feeder fish) is a tiger barb who has resided in that tank for over a year. <As soon as your puffers get comfortable in there, the barb will be toast.> They are in a 10 US gal tank, temp 73F, water parameters are: nitrate 30ppm, nitrite 0ppm, hardness 120ppm, alkalinity 180ppm, and pH approx 7.2. <I'd get those nitrates <20 with some water changes. Temp should be 78-82F. They really need 20g each. I kept one quite happily with a large royal pleco, in a 50g tank. Be sure the tank is heavily decorated with lots of broken lines of sight, to prevent intraspecific aggression.> LFS said to add 1/2c. aquarium salt to lower the hardness but it was my understanding that these are full freshwater puffers and the directions on the box said 1 tbsp/5 gal so a 1/2c. Seems a lot. <That makes absolutely no sense at all. Adding salt will make your water harder. They need no salt.> I have been doing daily water changes of 1/3 to 1/2 in attempt to lower the nitrates but they haven't moved, LFS said the levels are high because of all the rain we have been having. Could the nitrates be the reason they are not interested in feeding? If so how can I lower the levels, would bottled distilled water work? <Your nitrates are high but really aren't at toxic levels yet. Are you cleaning the gravel & filter media? The puffers are in a tank that is too small for them & may just be sulking (puffers do that a lot). It takes a few days for puffers to adjust to a new environment.> The substrate is small gravel (the kind you can buy anywhere in any color) and I just added a sword plant yesterday. They seemed alot happier with the plant in there, they circle around it or rest in the leaves. Any suggestions you have that will make my puffers happier would be greatly appreciated. <Here is a profile on your puffer: http://www.thepufferforum.com/forum/ug.php?g2_itemId=48 Check out that puffer forum too. ~PP> Leanne Where to find the T. palembangensis? 07/02/06 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I am looking for a humpback puffer. Is that the same as a dragon puffer? <Both are common names for the Tetraodon palembangensis. AKA King Kong puffer.> Where can I find one? <I see them for sale here: http://www.aquariumfish.net/catalog_pages/puffer_fish/puffer_fish.htm You can also post in the Wanted section here: http://www.thepufferforum.com/forum/portal.php Be sure you have a cycled 40g tank ready for one. No tank mates. For more info on the species, check www.pufferlist.com. ~PP> South American Puffers 3/28/06 Hi,
<Hi, Pufferpunk here> I have a new tank all set up and I have
decided that I would really like some South American Puffers (Colomesus
asellus). I have read that these are okay with other fish and wondered
if anyone had experience of setting up a multi-species tank with them?
<I have kept them with larger cichlids. They will pick on
smaller, slow-moving forth, or fish with long fins. Here is
an excellent article on them: http://www.thepufferforum.com/articles/puffer/sapuffer.html
>> Any suggestions on companions would be greatly appreciated. I
am also wondering if you know good UK suppliers of food for these
fellas? <Sorry, I'm in the US. You can post your
inquiry in the "Wanted" section of this forum;
www.thepufferforum.com.> The tank is 100 x 45 x 40 and has a Rena x3
canister on it. It's quite well planed but no fish as yet. (And the
plant can go into another tank if they will cause problems for the
puffers). <I'm assuming that centimeters? They
require 15 gallons for the 1st one & 10g for each
added. Heavily planted is great. Be sure to read
the articles on rearing snails at TPF. If they don't get
a constant supply, their teeth are the fastest growers of all puffer
species. There is an article on Puffer Dentistry in the
Hospital Forum. They are best kept in a species only
tank. ~PP> Thanks, Faye Penny Mixing Puffer
Species 1/2/06 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I have in a
29 gallon, 2 green spots, 2 figure 8's, 1 dragon fish, and 1 dwarf
puffer. All are juveniles except dwarf. A few days
ago I found and brought home a "Samphong" (?) puffer
(guessing a female red eye red tail) from LFS that did not have much or
actually any info on. I added this little devil to my happy community
of peaceful friends and have had nothing but regrets and troubles
since. The Samphong immediately bit both of my greens, killing 1 within
12 hours and 1 figure 8. Needless to say the hell raiser was
quarantined as soon as i could get the net in my hand. The deceased
within 30 minutes of the attack was swollen on entire side of bite. My
figure 8 victim is doing ok.. Now to my main problem. My other green
spot has become lethargic and not eating. As of this morning, 3 days
since attack, he is now getting fin and tail rot. I am now treating
with Anti-Fungus, a product of Aquarium Products and Mela-Fix by
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals. I am wondering if I am doing the right thing
or if you have any other ideas of how to treat. <The 1st issue I
see, is that you are mixing fresh, low-end-brackish & high-end
brackish water species. The 2nd problem I see, is that you
have several species of different aggression & sizes, all in the
same tank. The dwarf only grows to 1", while the F8
(low-end BW fish) grows to 3" & the most aggressive of the 3,
the GSP, grows to 6" & requires high-end BW (preferring marine
conditions as an adult). By keeping these exotic fish in
conditions other than what are best for them will compromise their
immune systems, causing the least bit of stress to make them
sick. I would get these fish into separate tanks with the
proper parameters ASAP. The DP can live in a 5g
tank. F8s are best with 15g for the 1st one & 10g for
each added. You can keep the dragon & the F8 in the
29g. GSPs need 30-50g each, as adults. I would
separate them ASAP or you will witness more deaths. If you
need to cycle new tanks, you can add Bio-Spira, for an instant
cycle. As you have seen what can happen when you don't
research a species 1st (all new fish should be quarantined also), you
can check out puffer profiles at www.pufferlist.com. There
is great info & excellent articles at
www.thepufferforum.com. Be sure to read the F8 & GSP
articles in The Library. For the Dwarf puffer, you can go to
Colomesus psittacus I have a 75 gallon freshwater tank with the following fish: 5 green barbs, 2 Bala shark, 3 dwarf Gourami, and 2 Suckermouth cats. I just bought 3 Colomesus psittacus which the aquarium store said were compatible with my set up and would only grow to 4-6". (tank has small pebble base, lots of plants, large rock formations and driftwood.) The information I have been able to find on this fish is conflicting. Are they freshwater or brackish? <Actually kind of both... found along Atlantic coast and inland waters... please see here on fishbase.org: http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?ID= and the Freshwater Puffer FAQs on our site here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fwpufferfaqs.htm > Will they become aggressive? They are fairly peaceful now. I don't want to have these little guys either get hurt, or harm my other fish. Thanks, Happy Holidays, Elizabeth <I've had good luck with this species leaving most everything else alone (unlike so many other freshwater to brackish puffers), and all but your Gouramis are fast, smart enough to stay/get out of their way. I would just keep them fed (meaty foods daily) and keep an eye on them. Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Fugu questions 8/18/05 <Hi there! Heather (LinearChaos) here> At my LFS there are 4 3" Takifugu rubripes. They are in horrible condition. Instead of being green with neon orange they are silver and a dingy brick red. <The Takifugu rubripes is not a puffer that is sold in the trade, this is actually a species that is eaten as a delicacy in Japan. The puffer you are describing is the Takifugu ocellatus.> They are also ungodly cheap ($15 a piece). <Wow! That is cheap!> I was wondering for now would a 30 gallon tank be big enough for now. I have no problem upgrading later. I have no experience with these guys. <No, this species is extremely aggressive toward their own and 4 in a 30g won't last but a week. They'll nip each other to death almost immediately since they will not be able to get away from each other in that size tank and cannot establish territories.> I am aware of how hard they are to keep in captivity. Also there is very little information on these puffers. Do you know what salinity, hardness, temperature, etc... they prefer. Any help would be great. <I have successfully kept 3 of these puffers in an established full marine environment for over a year, the salinity is 1.019 and the temp is 82*F. The tank is 55g and is heavily stocked with live rock to break up the lines of sight as much as possible to reduce aggression. Please, if you are unable to care for these puffers appropriately do not purchase them. ~Heather> Logan Problems with South American Puffer 3/4/05 <Pufferpunk again> Tank is much smaller than that - just over 10 litres (about 3 US gallons I think). <Poor puffers! SAPs are the most active FW puffers (bar one other FW species). They need plenty of room to swim. Mostly you will see them scanning back & forth along the glass, unless plenty of decor is in your tank.> They were originally bought on advice from a fish shop that they were OK puffers to add to a community tank. We brought them home and quarantined them in the small tank for about 3 weeks, then added them to the main tank (approx 35 US gallon), but they didn't seem at all happy there, so we extracted them and moved them back. <Maybe they were pacing the glass & you mistook that for unhappy? That's just what they do. See: Here.> They have seemed happy since, and the LFS told us the small tank was OK. Maybe they were being overly optimistic. <I just don't see how they could be happy in a tank that small. Maybe the small size of the tank, prevented them from swimming the way they usually do, so they seemed "calmer"?> No tank mates, just the two puffers. They don't have any trouble getting to the food usually - we feed them on frozen bloodworm, with live stuff sometimes. Have not heard of feeding them on snails before now. <An extremely important food in any puffer's diet, or their teeth get overgrown, especially this particular species.> That's a very interesting link - I haven't seen anything like that before on fish the size of ours. I found your page with the Dremel suggestion, but we'd be more likely to accidentally decapitate the fish with a Dremel than do any good. That said, there's no visible enlargement of the teeth like the one in the picture. From reading all the pufferfish pages on wetwebmedia, the other thing that looked like a possibility to me was lockjaw. We have only really fed them bloodworm, having tried a couple of other things when we got them that they refused to eat. No-one ever recommended snails to us... <Try krill/plankton. I have never heard of lockjaw on FW puffers. Is the puffers mouth locked open or closed? The teeth can actually grow so long they will cut into the mouth, preventing them from opening & closing it. Look closely, with a bright flashlight. I still think this is the problem.> Nitrite and ammonia both zero, nitrate not tested recently, but we do regular water changes, so should be OK. Water is soft, about pH 7.2, and kept at about 26 degrees C. Looking at the link I'm really not sure - ours look more like the "post-trim" version, no visible overgrowth like in the first picture. I only found your website yesterday, and I think we've had less than wonderful advice regarding these fish from the two fish shops we've been two. I have been told by one that our current problem could be due to old age - as dwarf puffers like ours typically only live a couple of years. I suppose that might be true, but I do find it a little hard to believe given that they can apparently grow up to 15cm long. Perhaps tank size is a reason ours haven't grown a lot? <Your puffers are, no doubt, stunted in that tank!> Anyway, I think it's probably too late to help our sick fish, but I'd like to be able to avoid repeating any mistakes in future. <I've always been surprised, how quickly a skinny, long-toothed puffer started eating after teeth trimming. If you do find that this is the problem, I would suggest NOT using clove oil for tranquilizing the fish, as it may be too weak to bounce back. Just trim without it. Either way, they really need a bigger tank. ~PP> Problems with South American Puffers - II - 3/4/05 <Pufferpunk again> There are numerous plants and decorations, and they have seemed happy to wander around. <I'm glad they're happy, but 10g each is really recommended for these active swimmers.> The larger tank has an Eheim external filter, and the current seemed to bother them. We had them in there for a few days, and they just huddled in a corner and looked (to us) pretty miserable. They also didn't eat much. When we put them back in the smaller tank, they swam around more and ate without any trouble. So we checked with the LFS, and then just left them there. <It is sometimes difficult for small puffers to find food in a large tank. As far as the Eheim, you can add a spray bar to distribute the "current".> Where do you get krill/plankton from? I think I can get snails from the LFS, but I'm fairly sure they don't have krill or plankton. <You should be able to find it freeze-dried or frozen. If your LFS doesn't have it, most mail order fish supply stores, like www.drsfostesmith.com, or, I buy in bulk from http://www.jehmco.com/PRODUCTS_/FISH_FOODS_/Freeze_Dried/freeze_dried.html > Would a 15g tank be suitable? We were thinking on getting one that size for them before all this... <A 20g would be better. ~PP> Polka-doted Pignose Puffer 10/2/04 Hi,
<Hi, Pufferpunk here> First I want to say thanks because I really
like your site. It has some really good information and I use it for my
puffer as well as my other fish. Thanks. <Thank you, we try out
best!> Okay, I have a pignose puffer (suvatti) named Poseidon, who
is about 5 inches long. He is in a ten gallon tank, and the pH is about
7.6 and the temp. is about 80. I don't have any other readings now
as I need to get my water tested. <good idea to test for ammonia,
nitrItes & nitrAtes. A 5" puffer (which are huge
waste producers) in a 10g tank, is a lot of fish! I realize
they don't move around much, but for reasons of water quality, I
suggest a 20g, or at least a 15 for that puffer. Also, I
recommend 50% weekly water changes for all puffers.> But, the
problem is Poseidon has a white circle mark, about 3 millimeters in
diameter on his left side. Also, he has two similar spots on his right
side underneath his gill. I'm worried that this is fatal, but
he's had them for about 2 weeks now. Otherwise his behavior is
normal. <My 1st thought is a bite from another
puffer. Puffer bites are circular & about that
size. How long have you had that puffer? If
he's fairly new, you can assume that guess to be
correct.> There is salt in the tank (1 tlsp per 5 gal),
and I have an underground filter. <No salt in that
tank! This is strictly a freshwater puffer. I
also don't recommend UG filters for these fish, since they need
sand to burrow in, which won't work for that kind of
filter. It also won't remove the waste particles from
this fish. Just wondering--what are you feeding your
pignose?> I'm wondering if this disease can be diagnosed and if
so if there is a cure. I didn't see it on your site - maybe
it's uncommon with puffers? I'm thinking it is a fungus, but I
don't want to jump into any medications yet. Also I heard puffers
are sensitive to medicines, so I want to be careful. <True, you
never want to use unnecessary meds on a puffer, especially
copper! Adding Melafix should heal that right up, if puffer
bites is what you have. ~PP> Thanks a lot! -Eric Dwarf
Puffers 9/19/04 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I have been
researching puffers for a while. Yesterday I purchased 3
small dwarf puffers (the size of a small pebble). I have
them in a 10 gallon tank for now until they grow. I have added 2
tablespoons of aquarium salt and have the water temp at
80. They do not seem to be eating. I have tried
frozen brine shrimp and pellets but they seem to be too small to eat
those foods. I was wondering what to feed the tiny guys?
<Most puffers are wild-caught fish, which means they are used to
eating live foods. Mine love live blackworms--you should try
those. Once you get them eating you can try
frozen-freeze-dried foods. They also will need snails to
eat, to keep their teeth trimmed. Dwarf puffers are strictly
freshwater fish & do not like salt. A 10g tank should be
fine for them for life, since they won't grow larger than
1". Here's a great site for them:
Disastrous 1st Tank! 8/10/04 To make a long background story short, the local pet store approved and sent me home with a disaster of a first fish tank. They gave me a thumbs-up on putting two sunset platys, two silver mollies, and a green spotted puffer in a new 10 gallon tank. On their recommendation, I did cycle the water 48 hours before putting the fish in using Cycle and some water conditioner. <This will not cycle a tank. that product is a total waste of $$$ & will actually harm the cycling of your tank. there is dead bacteria that adds to the waste in your tank that the fish are producing. Read: http://www.piranha-fury.com/information/default.php?id=cycling> A molly gave birth the first night though, and we now have 8 fish in only 10 gallons. We are about a week into the tank's life and the adult mollies have become VERY active and the puffer has lost a lot of color. We feed the mollies and platys tropical fish flakes and give the puffer either snails or brine shrimp. Saline levels are currently around 1.008. The ammonia level was around 2.0, but after a 35% water change its down to around .75. The puffer seems slightly healthier now but is still grayish. We want to let the water reach an established level, but the high ammonia seems dangerous. What direction should I go now to save these fish? <I would highly recommend returning the puffer. They are definitely not community fish & they are not good fish to cycle a tank with (personally, I prefer fishless cycling). Read this on your puffer: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/gspsart.htm> Thanks in advance. <I really would take any advice you get from a fish store with a grain of salt. Do as much research here in our FAQs as you can. This is a great website full of good info here. ~PP> New Mbu Puffer 8/10/04 Hey crew, <Hi, Pufferpunk here> First let me point out that I think your site is fantastic. <Well, thank you very much!> I found myself looking and learning about systems I never even thought about. Thanks for the good info. I read a lot of great info on Mbu puffers, but found some of the eating habits and acclimation techniques to be contradicting. Just to clarify, here is my situation. <There is a lot of contradicting info on puffers in general, on the web & even more from shops that sell them.> I have a 55gal, with 2 large Tinfoil Barbs (8"), 3 Bala Sharks (ave.. 5"), 1 Clown Knife (4"), 1 large Pleco (8" need to do something here, whole other subject) and a few Tiger barbs (1") <Hmmm, sounds overstocked already! Do you have any idea how large clown knives grow? 4 feet! They will also eat anything they can fit into their huge mouths. Mmmmmm, tiger barbs! I hope you aren't going by the 1"/gal rule, that's only for 1" fish.> All except the Clown Knife have been in the tank since inception. My tank has been up and running for over 2 years now with no major problems. I do plan to upgrade to 100-200gal in the next year, <Not nearly large enough for all those fish. I don't think a 4' fish will be able to turn around in there.> but trying to do things one step at a time. I was ready to put a great fish, and make an investment on something special. After research into my water conditions I found that the Mbu Puffer would be a good choice. After talking to a few people, I got one and he is glorious. <One of the most stunning & personable fish alive, IMO.> Anyways, while I acclimate the most expensive fish I've ever bought, I am finding myself nervous. I was very slow and deliberate in my introduction to the tank. He even ate about 20min after getting out of the bag--fantastic. But has not eaten since. I am trying with Krill, frozen and freshly thawed. I feed my other fish in the tank a variety of flakes/Brine Shrimp/ Bloodworms and other frozen that the Mbu takes no interest in either. It has only been 24hrs, and normally I would just let the fish be, but this time I have more invested, financially and emotionally. <The 1st thing that comes to mind is when I introduced 4 7-8" tinfoil barbs to my large puffer's tank (12" Fahaka alone in a 125g tank) for some swimming interest. Boy was he pissed! It seems they were just too much & his eyes would shift back & forth angrily at them. They would eat every morsel of food, before it would get down to him. I had to get rid of them, for his sake. Now all is good in his tank. You may be having the same problem. Between the rotund, slower-moving puffer & all the streamlined fish you have in there, who do you think is going to eat 1st? The puffer may not want to even bother, since he is the new guy. Another scenario I can imagine, is the puffer getting mad enough to just start taking chunks out of some of the other fish.> My question is basically how much will he eat (4in) and how often? <One of the most difficult aspects of keeping these special fish is their diet. All puffers are predatory fish and need hard-shelled, meaty foods to keep their teeth trimmed. Like rabbits, their teeth grow constantly and can overgrow enough to cause starvation in the fish. Puffers eat crustaceans in the wild. Foods for smaller puffers are frozen/freeze-dried krill/plankton, gut-loaded ghost shrimp, glass worms, crickets, worms and small snails (the size of their eye). As your puffer gets larger (even now), there are many more crunchy foods for them to eat. Larger Puffers will eat cut-up pieces of scallops, shrimp, crab legs, whole mussels, clams, oysters, squid, lobster and crayfish. Mine love to chase live crayfish, fiddler crabs and gut-loaded ghost shrimp. I gut-load (pre-feed) my live food with algae wafers, so my puffers get their veggies. I buy most of these foods at the fish department of my grocery store, freeze and later thaw in warm vitamin water as needed. Smaller puffers need to eat every day, skipping one feeding/week. Feed them until their bellies are slightly rounded.> Are their any other techniques I should try when feeding him? And at what point should I be concerned? He is moving smooth and seems OK as of yet. <I'd be concerned when he hasn't eaten in a week or 2. Again, I must stress, I think there is way too much competition for food in there. Puffers are actually rather shy.> For your info, here are the basics about my water conditions. T=77F, pH=6.9-7.0, Ammonia, nitrates-low, but known to jump (no live plants), filter-established external Biowheel with snorkel. Bimonthly water changes (25%- probably increase now with Puffer) <You are having ammonia & nitrIte problems, because your tank is overstocked. For most fish, puffers especially, those must always be 0! Also, your pH is extremely low, from the huge bioload & small water changes. Puffers prefer hard, alkaline water, with a pH of around 8. I do 50% weekly water changes on all my tanks & none of then are stocked anywhere near the capacity of yours (even before your Mbu).> Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks for calming my nerves. <Please read this. It was written by my puffer mentor, Robert T Ricketts, who has been keeping puffers for over 40 years. Please reconsider your tank & inhabitants. http://puffer.proboards2.com/index.cgi?board=fbp&action=display&num=1088527135 ~PP> Sean Feeding Puffers Wild-Caught Crayfish Ok? 8/7/04 Hi, <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I have several FW puffers. There is a creek behind my house that is loaded with crawdads. My puffers love crustaceans. My question is, Is it safe to give these wild crawdads to my puffers? If so, is there any kind of prep I would need to do to them to make them safe? I have heard that if you are going to eat them, you should put them in clean water for a day or two & clean out the creek water & any debris. Are there crawdad diseases that would be dangerous to my puffers? I would appreciate any help you could give me. <The chances are really poor for transferring active pathogens from a crayfish to BW fish. To FW fish it is likely to be higher, depending in part on how long the Cray is held in fishless QT. Direct transfer of wild-caught anything from native waters to tropical tanks is IMHO a moderate risk proposition - meaning that if you do it often (routine feeding during capture seasons) sooner or later you will introduce something - which may be trivial, or may be major. If you have the facility to quarantine more than one batch separately, their odds are much improved. The same applies to LFS crays - they have been captured (from breeder ponds?), held for shipping, shipped, distributor (possible but not always) holding, then LFS tank - that is non-trivial QT in itself, 4-5 minimum tank/vessel changes over days to weeks. It would have to be a very hearty pathogen to make it through that. True wild-caughts are more likely to have crayfish parasites (very common on the East Coast anyway) which can be visible on the crays. But those do not infect/infest fish - they just make you wonder what else the critter is carrying. Thanks, Jackie <I hope this helps. BTW, what kind of puffers do you have? Join us at www.thepufferforum.com. ~PP> Puffer Long in the Tooth 7/26/04 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I have a figure eight puffer and he is about 2" and from the day that we bought him he has had a large beak. We have just started giving him snails to eat. <Once the beak is overgrown, no amount of food will help. Hard-shelled foods are fed as a preventive to keep their teeth trimmed.> How often can we give him snails to eat? <With a normal sized beak, 1-2x/week is fine. I actually don't feed mine many snails. My F8 puffers eat krill, plankton, blackworms & earthworms, small mussels & shrimp tails.> Will this be enough to trim his teeth? If not how do we get rid of the beak? We had heard that some people cut them, how they do it I have no idea but if possible we would like to avoid this. <Once the puffer's beak is overgrown, it must be trimmed. See: http://puffer.proboards2.com/index.cgi?board=hospital> Please let me know I would appreciate it we get pretty attached to our fish. <Me too!> Thank you and God Bless Jessica Garcia <Good luck with your puffer's dentistry. ~PP> Fish as Gifts? 7/20/04 Hi PP, <Hello> Thanks again so much. I'll let y'all know how the "surprise" went in September. <I just got another post from a native of the UK at my puffer forum, http://puffer.proboards2.com. I started a thread there about puffers in the London area. "Hi, I live in London. The best place to buy puffers here are from the chain of shops called Maidenhead Aquatics. There's quite a few around London. Their website is www.fishkeeper.co.uk, there's map showing all their stores. But best one is in Guilford just outside London, that's where I bought my Mbu puffer. The staff there specialize in puffers." TP <I would go to my puffer site & keep an eye out for more info there. Have fun shopping! ~PP> Green Spotted Puffers--Won't Slow Down 7/18/04 Hi, <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I was just wondering if you knew why one of my spotted green puffers constantly goes up and down against the glass of the fish tank. He will stop to eat but as soon as he's done he's right back at it like he wants to get out. I also have two other puffers the same as him but a little younger who never did it but there slowly starting to copy and follow him right next to him going up and down fast then slow. Its starting to drive me nuts seeing all three of them do this none stop. I have plenty of caves and coverings for them. I don't know what to do to make them stop doing this behavior. Would appreciate it if you could help me out in any way. <If you do indeed have enough decor in your tank, then I'd check the water parameters. How big are the fish & tank? Have you read their article on them here? ~PP> Thanks, Jessica Re: GSP Wont Sit Still 7/18/04 The puffers are in size? Well, two are still real small but the one who goes up and down in the tank he is about an inch long or a little more but I got him also when he was real small. The tank they were in was a 95 gallon tank but I moved them into a 35 gallon because I thought the up and down could be because of the other fish that where in the tank. But no still kept doing it. <Are they in brackish water?> But today the bigger puffer actually stopped and laid down on a rock for a while, but the little ones still continue. <More importantly, water parameters please? Ammonia, nitrIte, nitrAte, pH?> Yes, I have read the article on them here and I have tried everything I have even read the article on them on PufferNet which has something about puffers acting like they want to escape from the tank but that philosophy also has not seemed to work as well. <I'd stay away from Puffernet. That site hasn't been updated in many years & has a lot of misinformation there.> Was hoping you would have any suggestions on this. Thanks, Jessica <Test your water & get back to me. If nothing is wrong there, then I think they are just still adjusting to their surroundings. To see if there is enough decor in your tank, check out mine: http://wetwebfotos.com/Home?actionRequest=userview&userID=1918 BTW, nothing of the decor in there is real. ~PP>
Puffers and acrylic tanks? 7/14/04 <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I currently have my 3 inch Porcupine Puffer house in a 90 gallon glass tank. I am curious if he will need a bigger (125 gallon) down the road? if so, I have heard that Puffers can TRASH acrylic tanks by "glass surfing"? do puffers need to be in glass only to prevent them from scratching acrylic? <I have never heard of this "glass surfing" you speak of. I know of many people keeping puffers in acrylic tanks with no problems. ~PP> Puffer "Glass Surfing" P-punk-- 7/15-04 Thought I'd respond to your response. As a longtime LFS worker and salt service dude, I can tell you this does indeed happen. Though infrequent, it seems to be primarily due to the puffer's aggressive reaction to its own reflection in the acrylic (and thus is usually a temporary problem, though in some of the cases I'm familiar with, it has gone on long enough to produce ample scratching to the tank in question). <Thanks of informing me of this. I had no idea this could happen. You learn something new every day... ~PP> Best, Derek Milne P.S. Hi to Scott F. too-- hope my Bodianus is thriving in his reef! - Info about Tetraodon suvatti - Hi, <Hello, JasonC here...> Been reading your site for quite some time now, very informative on all aqua subjects....love your site ! :) I'm looking for more info on a puffer "Tetraodon suvatti", the arrowhead puffer/pignose puffer. I tried google-ing your site or the web, but I couldn't find much info. Have you had this puffer before? <No.> My LFS had 2 in, they sold one the first day. Then the other one was kept with a clown knife (4"), 4 red snakeheads (5") and 2 lung fish. Yesterday when I went by to check it out again, it's now in it's own tank - he killed every other fish!! Yeah, so....all I know now is that he'll be quite aggressive, no tankmates. <Well... I think like many things, your mileage might vary. Like most puffers, they will eat most anything that fits in their mouth, but for the most part are 'supposed' to be peaceful. Of course, the puffer might not have read the same books I did so...> But I would like to know if they're freshwater or brackish? <Freshwater.> What temperature should they be kept in? <Tropical temperatures - 75-80F> ( my house is pretty hot during the summer, it could get to 29/30 C with just room temperature) And tank size? <As large as you please... seeing as this one might end up being kept singly, you probably don't need anything too large, a 55 would be excellent. These fish only grow to about 4.5". You might consider a sand bottom as these fish bury themselves to hide and wait for food.> Kevin <Cheers, J -- > Puffers Hi Guys! Hope you are all keeping well. You have helped me with various queries in the past. I have just seen the cutest little pygmy puffer fishes in my LFS. I would dearly love to give a few of them a home but know nothing about them. You may recall that we currently have a small tropical tank and a large reef tank, so we are not new to fish, just to puffers. Unfortunately, I cannot find any information about pygmy puffers in any of our books although I am guessing that the care for them is similar to that of their larger cousins. I want to make sure I can make them happy before bringing them home. I do understand it will require a species only set up. Any advice you can give regarding these mega cute little fishes would be much appreciated. Many thanks! Lesley <Not sure if you are talking about freshwater, saltwater, or brackish, but these links will give you a start http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwpuffers.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/puffers.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/tobies.htm and then follow onto the linked FAQ files. -Steven Pro> Pygmy Puffers Hi Steven Thanks for the very prompt response. The links you provided are very helpful - thanks. To the best of my ability, I think the pygmy puffers are T. travancorius (sp?) and/or cf. travancorius. It would appear that they are freshwater but can "survive brackish". They are about the size of my thumbnail! From further reading, I understand that they eat bloodworms and snails (which is handy since my tropical tank has an abundant supply it seems), but are there other foods they might like? I don't want them to suffer from any malnutrition etc. <Do archive the site looking for additional food recommendations. Also, try the chat forum http://wetwebfotos.com/talk/ for ideas from your fellow fish keepers. -Steven Pro> Again, as always, many thanks. Tetraodon leiurus 6/17/04 Hi there! <Hi, Pufferpunk here> I'm doing an animal care and aquatics course at my college and for my course I have to do 8 weeks of work experience. I'm doing my work experience at my local aquatics center <How fun!> and am interested in getting a twin-spot puffer/Tetraodon leiurus. I have a brand new tank that I can keep him in on his own (I hear they are an aggressive puffer!) but I have a couple of questions before I set up the tank and get him. <My 1st suggestion is to make sure the tank is fully cycled, before putting him into a new tank. You never cycle a tank with a puffer! I'm sure there is lots of info on fishless cycling at WWM, but her is an excellent article: http://www.tropicalfishcentre.co.uk/Fishlesscycle.htm> The twin-spots at the aquatics center I'm working at seem somewhat 'inactive'. There are 3 of them and they all just huddle at the bottom corner of the tank and I don't think I've ever seen them move! They ARE awake because I can see their little eyes moving about and watching me when I go to see them. They SEEM otherwise in perfect health and are nice and rounded like they should be, so I don't think it's because they are diseased. Could this behaviour be due to lack of stimulation? They have a completely bare tank with nowhere for them to hide away and I was wondering if this might be the reason why they just huddle together and stay in the corner not moving? <This is probably because they are nocturnal feeders & are mostly active at night.> The tank I would set up for one would be far more interesting with all sorts of nooks and crannies to explore. Would a stimulating environment change his behaviour? Because I'd hate to have a fish that did nothing all day! <All puffers (& fish in general) are happiest with places to hide out in & decor to swim around. They feel much safer & will usually come out more, knowing there is shelter nearby. T. leiurus like caves. One way you may see them, is to put a red light on them at night.> Oh yes.. and is it OK to keep them with plants in the tank or will the plants be wrecked? <Most puffers will tear up live plants, since in nature, this is where they find snails for food. You will notice perfect circle shaped, puffer-sized bites on them.> Many many thanks for your time and congratulations on such an invaluable resource website! <Why thank you! Come on over & join us at www.thepufferforum.com. ~PP> Re: my puffer <Ananda here tonight, answering puffer questions...> do you have any info on black river puffer? is it a fresh or salt water fish? <This is probably Tetraodon leiurus, aka the target puffer. It is a freshwater and brackish fish. More info about them here: http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?ID=16134&genusname=Tetraodon&speciesname=leiurus, and do check out http://chunkypuff.net/projectpuffer/pavilion.htm for photos of various species and information on same. And the puffer info on WetWebMedia starts here: http://wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/fwbracpuffers.htm. Enjoy! --Ananda>
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