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Baby Oscar
Hello I am new to the site I have a few concerns about my tiger Oscar.
7/25/15 "Tigga the Oscar"
12/31/11 Scales are missing on Red Tiger Oscars
2/1/2010 Re: scales are missing on Red Tiger Oscars,
hlth., nutr. -- 02/02/10 Oscars' memory, referral to archived
information... 12/11/09 Re: Oscars' memory, referral to
archived information... Now, the search for smaller Oscar-like fish
12/12/09 New Oscar, gen.
9/9/09 Tiger Oscar food. No data, reading; SOP
resp. 8/26/2009 Astronotus, no real data
Keeping Oscars - 4/7/07 Hey there. I was just wondering about the conditions of my Oscars. I have five 2-3 inch Oscars in a 56 gallon tank. I know, its bad. I have two tigers and three albinos. I had 6 Oscars to begin with, but I lost that one to a bad condition of fin rot. I didn't know if it was my fault, or if it was just there when I bought him. My tigers keep growing and one of my albinos remain the same size, except one. And that one is a little smaller then my biggest tiger, and he has gashes on his head, and I was wondering if that was fighting or was hole-in-the-head? I do put in about 30-40 feeders every two weeks about. I know that's really bad too, but I am only fourteen, so my parents insist on buying feeders for them. What is the best food for them, and do you have any recommendations for me? Thanks =] < You already know you have many problems with this tank. At fourteen you are old enough to understand what is needed and hopefully will follow my recommendations for the sake of the animals. Lets start with water changes. You need to be changing at least 30% of the water weekly. While changing the water you should gravel vac half the tank to remove the mulm that has accumulated there. Clean the filters every other week. The filter should be pumping at least 200 GPH. Feeder fish introduce diseases and have very little nutritional value. Try feeding high quality pellet food instead. For a treat give them washed earthworms, mealworms, kingworms and crickets. They are healthy, do not introduce diseases and kind of fun to watch the Oscars eat them. Conventional fish foods like flake and frozen are also very good for them. As conditions improve you Oscars should be growing strong and healthy. The gashes on the head of the Oscars may start to heal up. If not try to feed them medicated foods with Metronidazole in it.-Chuck> Very Spoiled Oscar Questions, nod to Sab, 6/13/06 Hi! I hope there isn't a limit to the number of emails a person can send? <Heeee! I wish there were a number to those I answer!> I think this is my 4th. Thank you for all the great information and advice you have on your site (even the "bad" news kind). Also, please forward my thanks to Sabrina. <Ah, will do> She answered an email about my female Betta Splendens last month. Sadly, she died, but at least her last days were in water that was only dechlorinated, with a little API aquarium salt added. I'm sure it was easier for her, if dying can be considered easy, than being in the 'toxic soup' of medications I'd been subjecting her to. I just wish I'd emailed sooner! My email today, is in regard to my husband's Tiger Oscar, Vinny (Astronotus ocellatus). We've had him about a month to six weeks. He was about 2 inches when we got him, and I'd estimate him to be 3 & 1/2 to 4 inches now. He is in a fully cycled 30 gallon tank. Now, I know this is the part where you start getting annoyed, followed by cursing under your breath, possibly yelling at my email, perhaps making rude gestures, and finally in utter frustration, banging the keyboard against your head, but please bare with me..... <Heeeeeee! Larger tank please> The tank was cycled, and then inhabited by, 3 Dwarf Gourami, 12 Corydoras Catfish (mixed), and a school of 18 Harlequin Rasboras prior to Vinny's occupancy. I had nightmares about the 'cute baby Oscar' eating my beloved Corys <You are/were right to be concerned here> when my husband told me he wanted an Oscar, so I made the deal that we'd up grade the community to larger digs, and then he could have an Oscar. The tank had/has a Rena Filstar Xp2 (300/gph) and a Penguin 350 dual BioWheel (350/gph) for filtration. When we moved the 'community' we left the filtration, just took the fish and their decorations, plants, etc. The Xp2 is running with 4 foam filters (2 - 20 ppi, 2 - 30 ppi) on the bottom, and a micro-filtration pad on the top. The center is all bio-media, consisting of a mix of Filstar's Bio-chem Stars, Fluval's bio-cylinders, and Aqua Clear's Bio-max stones. The 350 has one Aquatic Gardens replacement filter (the kind with the mechanical pad around the carbon - looks like three stacked pillows and a blue bio-sponge all inside a frame). In addition, there is a net bag with Seachem's Biostones, the wheel from a now defunct Penguin 150 (it was fully mature, and I didn't want to lose the colony on it), and 2 Fluval 1 Plus foam sponges (had them, don't have the unit anymore, so figured why not). The water flows freely to both sides, so the media compartment is full, but not stuffed (no overflow, good, steady and even, return water from both sides). I also have a Whisper 60 air pump (with backflow valve) hooked up to/running a 4 inch airstone bar, a 3 inch airstone circle, and a simple sponge filter (for 25 gallons - "maturing" it for use, when needed, in a sick/quarantine/fry type applications). <Good> The tank has two 75 watt heaters (one on each end). For decoration Vinny has two 10 inch (diameter) fake water lilies floating on the surface (he likes to sit/float/hover under them). He has about 1/3 of the bottom covered with around 1/2 to 3/4 inch of gravel and smooth 'river' rocks, the rest (mostly under the log) is bare. The gravel and stones cover the two air stones, which form a nice bubble-wall across the end of one side of the tank. He plays in the bubbles daily. Lastly, he has a large fake log. It's a very large log! It takes up about 1/2 of the bottom of the tank from side to side, about 1/4 to 1/3 the height, and 2/3 of the bottom from front to back. It's open on both ends and has a hole in one side toward the center. He'd had a small flat top cave the first couple weeks, but was already outgrowing it. I guess my husband figured the new log would last him a lot longer! He gets a 50% water change weekly. <I'd restrict this to about a quarter per week/time> I use Tetra's Aqua Safe OR Kordon's Nova Aqua Plus + OR Seachem's Prime, to condition the new water, which is matched to the tank water's temperature. I also use a dose of Hagen's Cycle, API's Stresszyme, Mardel's A.C.T., OR Seachem's Stability with each water change. The filters are serviced bi-monthly, alternating weeks (i.e.: week 1 the 350, week 2 the Xp2, week 3 the 350, an so on). <Good practice> I rinse the pads/foam in discard water only. I replace the Xp2's pads alternately every other month (1 30ppi and 1 20ppi is new and the other 2 are mature at any given time). The micro pad I change every two weeks, since it doesn't rinse well. I usually leave the bio-medium alone, or do a light swishing in discard water (while it's in the basket). I don't normally replace it, should I be? <No... should last for years... with the occasional rinse...> I replace the 350's filter (mechanical/chemical) part every two weeks, but just rinse the bio-sponge. The rest (150's BioWheel, Fluval Sponges, etc) I usually leave alone, other than to rinse them at least monthly (again swishing in the discard bucket). In between water changes we also have an Eheim battery operated hand vacuum than I use to help contain the mess Vinny makes (which is also why he doesn't have full gravel, so I can see when he has build up) He gets fasted for one 24 hour period weekly. We feed him Hikari's Cichlid Staple mini pellets, Hikari's Cichlid Gold mini pellets, HBH's Super Soft Pellets with Krill, Tetra's Baby Shrimp (Sun dried Gammarus), Hikari's Freeze-dried Ocean Plankton, and Tetra's Food sticks (the smaller ones). I make sure he gets three of the Cichlid pellets twice a day (6 total between the Gold and Staple), along with one mouthful of the Plankton after the pellets, each of the two feedings. My husband usually gives him the HBH soft pellets and/or the baby shrimp "snacks" two or three times a day. I try to limit the "snacks" to one or two pellets and one or two of the baby shrimp, but I'm going on trust that he's not sneaking Vinny extra. Since Vinny can move around the tank, and hasn't quadrupled in girth, I'm assuming he's not being overfed? Should he be getting more? I imagine he could bolt down a lot more in 2 or 3 minutes time. He usually only gets the food sticks (2) at the meal before his water change. He's very piggy with them, and has been know to 'spew' chunks all around him so he has room for the second one. Then he goes around and picks up the chunks after he's finished the second one. Out of necessity, we've been getting more accurate on guessing whether he's had time to finish the first one, or not. He has two 'toys' in his tank. A golf ball size whiffle ball (hollow with lots of holes) that he pushes around, chases when it's in the filter current, or pushes into the glass to get attention (my husband unwittingly reinforced that habit). He also has a plastic plant. It has a small (non-toxic) weight wrapped around it's base, to keep it on the bottom of the tank. He lays next to it, and moves it a little, but seems to like the ball better. I use 5 in 1 stick tests (Mardel or Jungle) 3 to 5 times a week, and do liquid tests twice weekly. I test for ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, and pH. The stick does GH and kH as well. I do the liquid GH and kH tests once every 4 to 6 weeks. His tank tests are: Ammonia: 0, Nitrites: 0, Nitrates: 20-30ppm (usually 20), kH: 11, and pH is 8.0 by stick and liquid test and 7.8 per the electric gadget my husband got (not sure I trust it). His temp. is stable at 77/78 degrees (have a thermometer on each end). I also have a Seachem ammonia alert badge in the tank as a backup. So, if you're still with me, my questions are: 1. Is it possible to keep him in the 30 gallon, meet AND still exceed his needs, or are we doomed to failure? <Will need to be moved to larger quarters in time... You might use the limit of 20ppm of nitrate as a guide as to when...> 2. Do all Oscars try to damage/eat/rearrange the equipment in their tank? <Oh yes...> He's shown no interest in the heaters, thermometers, ammo. badge, filter intakes, etc. Is it wishful thinking that he won't start tearing the tank up? <Likely so> I'm not counting the gravel, he can move it to his heart's content. I look at it like the 'tank is for him, not for me' line of thought. If I wanted a 'garden' I'd dig one in the back yard.... wanted a pretty picture, I'd hang it on the wall, sort of thing. I'm mainly concerned about him hurting himself...... Vinny vs. Electricity...... doesn't seem like it would have a great outcome. 3. Can a fish get burned on a submersible heater? <Yes... more possibility of breakage, electricity troubles here though... When this fish is larger, in its bigger quarters, there are ways you can remote or surround the heater/s to avoid such> I've seen things about putting a piece of pvc pipe over the heater? Would an in-line heater in the canister's return line be a better way to go? <Yes... as stated, will want to do with move to a bigger tank... when Vinny is larger...> 4. What other kinds of 'toys' are safe/suitable for an Oscar? <Most anything plastic...> The plant was a no brainer, as it was aquarium safe. The whiffle ball was harder, but since it wasn't colored, was too big to swallow, too small to scare him, and light enough not to break/crack the glass, we let him have it, after I'd thoroughly rinsed it in hot water. However, finding other items hasn't been working out. My husband wanted to look at dog and cat toys or baby toys, but I talked him out of it, since most are colored. I convinced him the dyes in the plastic could be toxic when mixed with Vinny's water.... baby safe isn't fish safe.... so to speak. Was I wrong? <Mmm, "baby safe" is likely okay, chemically inert> 5. Can you estimate/guesstimate how long he'd be better than 'okay' in the 30 gallon? <Six months perhaps> For instance, if he only gets to 10 inches, would he be okay to stay in it? <Mmm, no... will likely want to move when 4-6 inches...> 6. I have an extra filter, a Fluval 3 Plus internal filter (185/gph), should I hook that up in his tank as well? <Could> Is there anything else that I can do to keep him in the 30 gallon longer/permanently? <Mmm, if absolutely necessary, an experiment... could continuously to almost continuously change water... to reduce metabolites and their ill effects> A larger tank is not an option right now. When it was safe to do so, we added new members to the new 55 gallon 'community' tank, so they can't go back into the 30 gallon. We have 6 more Harlequin Rasboras (total school of 24) plus the 12 Corys, and 9 mixed Platys. The three Dwarf Gouramis were moved to a 20 long, along with the male Platys (THAT is another long story). We don't have room for another 55 gallon (or the money for that matter). Returning Vinny is not an option, my husband is completely attached to him. Any tips, pointers, suggestions, etc would be most appreciated. Thank you!! <I strongly suspect that you two are "evolving" your hobby into more advanced groups of fishes... will either "find room" or move the Oscar to the 55... Can saltwater, reef systems be very far ahead? We'll see. Bob Fenner> Very Spoiled Oscar Questions, nod to Sab, and a nod back - 06/14/2006 Hi! I hope there isn't a limit to the number of emails a person can send? <Heeee! I wish there were a number to those I answer!> I think this is my 4th. Thank you for all the great information and advice you have on your site (even the "bad" news kind). Also, please forward my thanks to Sabrina. <Ah, will do> <<I'm glad to have helped, or at least glad fo having tried to help.>> She answered an email about my female Betta Splendens last month. Sadly, she died, <<I'm so sorry to hear this, Heidi.>> but at least her last days were in water that was only dechlorinated, with a little API aquarium salt added. I'm sure it was easier for her, if dying can be considered easy, than being in the 'toxic soup' of medications I'd been subjecting her to. <<I'm sure you made her as comfortable as possible.>> I just wish I'd emailed sooner! <<No worries.... We do what we can. You did the best you knew to do. I'm glad you wrote to us at all, and gave us and yourself a chance to learn together. Wishing you and all the lives in your care well, -Sabrina>> Totally blind Oscar - 2/15/2006 Hi there am Robyn, i <I> have a 4 ft tank with a pacu, <Too small for this fish ultimately> koi and snakehead in it, about a week ago i got a call from my mum who works in an aquarium shop, she said she had a blind Oscar in quarantine, he was given to them about a week previous, they had managed to hand feed him cockle and a little bloodworm, i took him home and put him in my tank, i have managed to get him feeding cichlid floaters if i can get them gathered on the top at one side and i feed him these by hand, also cockle and prawns, thing is this eye thing has obviously developed and not been a birth defect so i was wondering if you had any idea what it is? <?> it is like the pupil of the eye is totally orange around the pupil is black, there is no white cloud and as my mum knows her stuff i can say he definately has no communicable diseases i.e ich, slime and velvet etc, he definately cannot see a thing! Any ideas? <Genetic/developmental of some sort...> and if so is there any way of treating it? <Not as far as I'm aware> He seems happy in my tank the pacu and koi look after him (my pacu is the most docile friendly thing) and i am managing with hand feeding but if i could cure him i would prefer. oh he is about 4 inches and is black with a few orange bits, i know black is a bad colour but i have been told this is just because he is young and he will colour up. Thanks for any help. <Likely to stay blind/this way. Not catching as you say. Bob Fenner> Oscars and "Feeders" - 08/17/2005 I have 2 large Oscars (one red and one tiger) in a 55 gallon tank with no other fish except a Plecostomus. <Too small for these animals....> I recently did a full water change/tank cleaning and gave them some feeders (I only do this every couple of months). <The full water change is rarely a good approach - on your tank, I would recommend weekly water changes of about 30%, or more/more frequently, depending upon your nitrate levels and how quickly they build up. Err, and NEVER feed your fish unquarantined live "feeder" fish!! This is almost a 100% guarantee that you will introduce parasites, bacteria, or other disease to your animals.> Now my red has developed a bulge on his left side (there is a slight protrusion on the right but not as prominent) and he is mouthing like he is having a hard time breathing. <A number of possibilities.... if he is not defecating, I would suspect he may be constipated. I would add Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to the water at a rate of 1 tablespoon per 5 gallons.> He is also not eating his usual pellets which he is usually very excited to get. The tiger is showing none of these symptoms. I have had these two for almost six years, since they were babies, and have never seen anything like this. I did a lot of reading and searching for fish with these symptoms and from everything that you have said (in answer to others questions) this could be an internal infection?? The people at the fish store don't seem to informed about Oscars and their behavior and told me that he is possibly is having a hard time digesting the feeders?? That just doesn't seem right? <Mm, possibly right, to an extent.... Feeder goldfish are a horrible nutrition for an Oscar (or most other fish, for that fact). I would not be surprised if the Oscar has a gut blockage from this sort of a meal. Be pleased if that's the only problem from it.... and be on the lookout for parasitic infestation, bacterial illness....> Please help. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, -Trouble in Jersey <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/goldfshfd.htm and the links, in blue, at the top of that page, for more information. Wishing you well, -Sabrina> My Oscar needs Help!! Hi, <Hello there> I was searching on the internet and found your site....I hope you can help me!!?? <Will try> I have an Oscar, along with 2 other Cichlids. Recently, the Oscar has been bullied by the larger of the 2 other Cichlids...I believe they are Texas Cichlids (?) I have attached photos of my Oscar's injuries. He has missing scales from scraping the stones...those do seem to heal rather quickly...but I am mostly concerned about the red pimple-like bump on his lip (he's had for over a month) and the large superficial gash above his right eye, which I believe he got by jumping up and hitting the tank lid....he likes to jump and has even jumped form the tank before!!! I am in the process of getting a larger tank to help with the territory issue which may be causing the aggression, however, should I be concerned about his wounds??? And if so, what can I do??? I do change the water about 30% every 1 to 2 weeks along with the gravel...I would appreciate any advice you can give!!! I am really worried about his health and recovery. Thanks so much!!! <You need to separate the Oscar ASAP... the aggression is the root cause of the problem/s here... treating the injuries for it is futile. Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/oscars.htm the above linked files re Oscar Behavior, Compatibility, Systems, Disease. Bob Fenner> Albino Oscar Hey guys I don't know if you have answered this or not but I have had an albino Oscar for about 4 months and he is 4 to inches long. I want to buy a new one but I know they don't sell them that big. If I was to buy one would the bigger one kill the smaller one or would they get along? I want to know before I go buy another one. <Carl, there is a real good chance that the smaller one would be killed. In the future, please capitalize your "i's" as it requires more time preparing the return. These have to be edited before being placed in the FAQ's. James (Salty Dog)> Oscar Ok another quick question if I was to buy another one, what size would it have to be so I would not have to worry bout one being killed. <I would get one close to the same size and make sure you don't have two males. James (Salty Dog)> Oscar-apalooza! How do to tell between male and female? <Carl, please, no abbreviations etc. The male has a longer dorsal fin, more pointed on the end. Your dealer would/should know this info also. James (Salty Dog)> Ok another quick question if I was to buy another one, what size would it have to be so I would not have to worry bout one being killed. <I would get one close to the same size and make sure you don't have two males. James (Salty Dog)> Bertha (red Oscar) hi everyone I adopted an Oscar a few days ago. since she has been home, she has been acting very sporadic. bertha will swim from the top of the tank to the bottom with her mouth open, as if she was going to eat a fish.. jiggling back and forth also. I have also noticed she likes to try to bite both of my filters as if she is trying to move them down or somewhere else). same thing with a silicone hose I have with a air rock at the end of it, she likes to bite it and try to move it is this normal behavior for bertha or is something up with her that I just don't see??,,she looks healthy, is eating a lot, and has no signs (at least I think) of any bacterial virus. water is fine( I did a 3/4 tank change today, and it seems that all is well. is it just bertha being bertha (her personality) or should I be scared?? < Welcome to the wacky world of Oscars and other large neotropical cichlids. The behavior is actually quite normal. Bertha is actually rearranging her territory to her liking.-Chuck> thanks for your help mike and bertha (the red Oscar) ps.,, love your web site! Lazy Oscar/High Nitrates Hello, I just purchased a 1" Tiger Oscar - by recently, I mean yesterday. When I got home, he seemed ill before I even got him out of the bag. He was just resting on the bottom of the bag on his side. When I moved the bag, he would swim around a bit, but then just settle back to the bottom again. Since the store was already closed by then, I let him loose into the tank to see how he fared. He swam about for a minute or two, but then settled down to the bottom again. Every once in a while for the rest of the night, I would take a look over, and he would be in a different spot - but never saw him swimming around. After I turned out the light for the night, I noticed he began swimming around quite a bit. Now this morning, I noticed that as soon as I turned on the light and went to feed him, he stopped swimming and rested down to the bottom again. Whenever I looked over today, he seemed to be on his side on the bottom. But now, from across the room, I see him swimming around rather energetically. But as I just walked over to the tank, he swam to the corner and rested on the bottom. However, there are no visual symptoms of any illnesses, that I can see. The only water condition that I am adjusting is the nitrates - any suggestions as to how to lower that? The only thing I've found so far is to do water changes, but that hasn't been successful in any of my tanks so far. So, basically, what I'm asking is do you think he could be lazy, or just nervous around me and his new surroundings? Or could there be something actually wrong with him? Thanks, Brian <Hi Brian, Don here. I think he may have been in the bag a little too long. That, combined with the stress of a new home. Don't feed him for a day or two. He won't eat anyway. Let him get good and hungry. Do a few extra water changes. He should recover and start to hunt around the tank in a few days. Don't feed until then. If there are other fish in the tank, they'll be fine. Watch for aggression though. Hope this is a big tank. As to the nitrate question. Nitrate is the end result of the ammonia cycle. It will always raise in a well established aquarium. In a cichlid tank there is nothing you can do except large and frequent water changes. With smaller fish plants would help. Make sure you use a gravel vac when removing water. The fish waste and uneaten food will add to the nitrates faster than your Oscar! Move rocks, driftwood and clean up under them. Then limit the number of fish per tank and feed lightly. Adjust your water change schedule to keep nitrates under 20ppm. If you're doing more than two a week, you have too many fish. Unless your source water has nitrate <US Federal Standard is under 5ppm for drinking water> the only way it enters your tank is in the fish's food. Eaten or not it ends up as nitrate and MUST be removed with water changes. Getting the waste out before it decays is very important to nitrate control> Angry Oscar Hi you guys. First wanted to compliment you all on a terrific site. Your information has been critical to my success. I currently have a 60 gallon somewhat community tank, two eight month old albino Oscars, three clown loaches, and two Synodontis cats) and a 55 gallon tall for my marine fishes,( one zebra and one snowflake, one bursa trigger, and a stars and stripes puffer; all juvenile) I will get them they're 180 next summer. ALL fish seem to be thriving and I wanted to thank you all. O.k. Now that I got that out of the way, here's my question. My uncle has an overstocked 29 gal with an Oscar, two Pacus, two clown loaches, a tinfoil barb and Plecostomus. The other day he told me his fish shattered the glass heater while it was plugged in. (I figure it had to of been plugged in for at least a couple hours before he noticed it.) He unplugged it, cleaned out the glass and bought a new heater. Since it happened he said the Oscar has gone from good to bad. He hides all the time and doesn't hardly eat. He also bumps the new heater and stares at it a lot. I was just wondering what you make of this behavior, and what to expect. < Cichlids in general are territorial. As the Oscar chases the fish around it probably smashed the glass heater. Cichlids are not dumb and are quite capable of learning. I think you Oscar had a pretty bad experience with the heater and is not ready to go through the same experience again. Hopefully the new heater is unbreakable. Over time the Oscar will be back to his old self. Rearrange the tank and help take his mind off the heater. A new bigger tank probably wouldn't hurt either.-Chuck> Thanks again, Mike Parasites on Oscar-help needed I recently- as in a week ago- purchased a huge Oscar. say, the size of a good panfish. anyways, he had some spots on him in the pet store; they looked like scars, since he/she was kept in a ten gallon aquarium, I assumed it was from hitting the glass. I was SO wrong!!! today (the 18th) a friend was looking at her and said "are these parasites?" sure enough, she has little parasites. they look like water fleas of some sort. clear, many legged, tails. almost microscopic. They stay next to their particular 'hole' in her skin, and don't scrape off. Its scary, but I did try to scrape one off of her with my fingers (and a big glove... she's a little testy). I have a saltwater tank, and did try a very short saltwater dip. I don't know if that will hurt her long term, so it was either too short to do anything, or I didn't have high enough salinity. So, can you think of anything? the other fish in the tank is a violet goby (I know, supposed to be brackish) couple goldfish (feeders and one big one) and guppies. THEY WERE ON HER when I got her, I just didn't see them. I'm looking for name and treatment of these suckers. < You probably have fish lice. Clean the filters and do a 30% water change. Treat with fluke tabs or parasite clear. Follow the directions on the package regardless of which one you choose.-Chuck> TIA!!! New baby Tiger Oscar acting strangely, and odd back coloring Hello there, I just bought a baby (1.5 inch) Tiger Oscar yesterday night, and *almost* all seemed well in the pet store and at home until this morning, when I was first able to get a really good look at it in the daylight, and I noticed a few things I'm now concerned about. Anyway, problem one: the little critter sometimes swims slightly lop-sided, with no side preference, but seems to be perfectly fine most of the time (this was the only odd thing I noticed in the pet store; the clerk said that it was because the store's filter was too strong for these tiny things, but mine now does it even when s/he's far from the filter) Is this something to be worried about, or am I just paranoid? Problem 2: the coloring on it's back is a different color than the rest of its body, like someone put a sheet of opaque brown plastic over it (sorry if my analogies don't make much sense, I just can't get a picture right now). The color that should be orange is nearly the same color as what should be black. Is this a disease, or how babies are supposed to look, or my paranoia? Problem 3: the fish is swimming to the surface sometimes, and either glaring at the bubbles from my filter, or otherwise just seeming to stare upwards for a while and maybe swim with its head pointed diagonally up. I'm just worried about this for some reason. Last problem: it seems to like to swim downwards through the bubbles my air stones produce. Is it having trouble breathing, or does it actually like to do that just for fun? As you can see, I'm completely new to this species (although it is already in a 30 gallon tank, with a 55 gallon in storage) and don't know much about its behavior. < None of the behaviors you describe sound normal. Make sure that the water is around 80 degrees F. The Oscar should be dark grey with a silver grey mottled pattern. It should act like a little puppy dog and follow you around begging to be fed. They should be this way in the store before you buy them. Try feeding him some live food and get him fattened up. If he does not come around in a day or two then he is probably ill and needs to be treated. With so many things wrong with your little Oscar it is hard to begin. Keep the water clean and your fish well fed a watch him closely for signs of a disease. Or you could isolate him and try treating with Nitrofuranace and see if it has any affect.-Chuck> Thanks for your help, and also for bearing with me. |
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