FAQs: African
Cichlids, African Cichlid
Identification, African Cichlid ID
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African Cichlid Behavior,
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African Cichlid
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Malawi Cichlid Systems, Tanganyikan Systems, African Cichlid Feeding, African Cichlid Disease, African Cichlid Disease 2, African Cichlid Disease 3, African Cichlid Disease 4, African Cichlid Disease 5, African Cichlid Disease 6, African Cichlid Disease 7, African Cichlid Disease 8, & African Cichlid Reproduction,
African Cichlid
Reproduction 2, Cichlids in General: Cichlids of the
World, Cichlid Systems, Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid
Articles: Malawian
Cichlids: The Mbuna and their Allies By Neale Monks,
Dwarf Mbuna by Mary Bailey,
The Blue
Followers: the Placidochromis of Lake Malawi by Daniella
Rizzo, Pseudocrenilabrus: Miniature
Mouthbrooders With Attitude! by Neale Monks, Kribs & Their Cousins By Neale
/A Diversity of Aquatic
Cichlid Fishes of Africa

By Bob Fenner
Lamprologus brichardi
Genus Aulonocara:
Aulonocara bizarro (my naming)... an aberrant morph in a fish
shop in Sacto. |
Genus Cyphotilapia:
Cyphotilapia frontosa (Boulenger 1906), the
Humphead Cichlid. East Central Africa; Lake Tanganyika endemic. To
thirteen inches in length. Conditions in the wild: pH 8, dH 8-12,
temp. 24-26 C. A beauty that is too often mis-placed with other
fishes that are too docile and/or small for this bruiser. Can
become a living terror with age/growth. |

Bigger PIX: The images in
this table are linked to large (desktop size) copies. Click on
"framed" images to go to the larger size. |

Genus Hemichromis:
Hemichromis bimaculatus Gill, 1872, the
Jewel Cichlid. Wide spread in Africa. To a little over three inches
in length. Rock dweller. pH range: 6.5 - 7.5; dH range: 4 -
16, 20-24 C.
Hemichromis&speciesname=bimaculatus |

Genus Julidochromis:
Julidochromis ornatus Boulenger 1898, the
Golden Julie. East Central Africa; a Lake Tanganyika endemic.
To a little over three inches in length. Rock dweller. pH range:
8-9, dH 9-18, temp. 20-24 C. Many different color, marking
variations have occurred in this species with successive captive
generations. |

Julidochromis marlieri Poll 1956. Africa;
northwestern part of Lake Tanganyika. To five inches in length.
Peaceful as far as Cichlids go. Hardy, undemanding species.
Micro-feeders, not carnivores in the wild. pH 7-9, dH 8-14, temp.
22-25. Breeds in caves and crevices. |

Julidochromis regani Poll 1942, the Convict
Julie. East Central Africa; a Lake Tanganyika endemic. To a little
over five inches in length. Lives openly over shallow sandy
bottoms. pH range: 8.5-9.2, dH 8-14, temp. 22-25. A popular genus
and species of easier going African Cichlids, that have become
adapted to more "common" aquarium water quality
conditions with successive captive generations. |

Genus Labeotropheus: Two valid species.
Labeotropheus fuelleborni Ahl 1926, the Blue
Mbuna (other sport mutations exist with their own surnames). East
Central Africa; Lake Malawi. A territorial species. Feeds on algae,
worms, crustaceans, insects and plant matter in the wild. Cond.s:
pH 7.5-8.5, dH to 12, temp. 22-25C. Here a mottled variety is shown
in captivity. |

Neolamprologus multifasciatus (Boulenger
1906), the Multi-banded Tanganyikan Cichlid. Conds.: pH
7.3-8.5, dH to 18., temp. 24-26 C. Dist. East Central Africa:
Endemic to Lake Tanganyika. One of the smallest cichlid species to
about 4 cm. in length. A shell dweller that is peaceful
amongst its own kind. |

Neolamprologus pulcher (Trewavas & Poll
1952), the Daffodil Cichlid. Conds.: pH 7.3-8.5, dH to 18., temp.
24-26 C. Dist. East Central Africa: Endemic to Lake Tanganyika. To
about three inches in length. |
Paretroplus menarambo Allgayer 1996, a
Madagascaran Cichlid. Conds.: pH 7.3-8.5, dH to 18., temp. 24-26 C.
Dist. Africa: Madagascar. To about ten inches in length.
Paretroplus&speciesname=menarambo |

Pelvicachromis pulcher (Boulenger 1901), the
Rainbow Krib (from the old name, Kribensis, still sold in the
pet-fish trade as). Originally from West Africa; southern Nigeria
and Cameroon. A perennial favorite in the hobby, with many
generations bred in captivity. Females larger (to four inches),
better looking than males. Freshwater to brackish; pH 5-8, dH 5-19,
temperature 24-25C. in the wild. Aquarium pic at right, albino
variety below. |

PIX: The images in this table are linked to large (desktop size)
copies. Click on "framed" images to go to the larger
size. |

Pelvicachromis taeniatus (Boulenger 1901),
the Striped Kribensis. West Africa; lower Nigeria and Cameroon. To
a little over three inches in length. Variable in color and
markings. pH 6-8, dH 5-12, temp. 22-25 C. A hardy and relatively
easygoing small Cichlid, bred in good numbers in captivity. |

Ps. sp. "black dorsal thundu"
male from Thundu, Mozambique.
ID by Chuck Rambo.

Steatocranus casuarius Poll 1939, the
Lionhead, Buffalohead Cichlid. From Central Africa; Stanley Pool,
Congo Basin. To four inches in length, bottom dweller. Conditions
in the wild: pH 6-8, dH 5-19, temp 24-28 C. One of the earliest
"Africans" in the family in the trade/hobby. Widely bred,
distributed since the 1960's. |
