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need help on ph 9/21/17 Please help (newbie)
10/26/10 Parrot Cichlids, beh. --
09/03/09 Re: Parrot Cichlids,
hlth.-env. 9/5/09 Re: Parrot Cichlids
9/5/09 Re: Parrot Cichlids, sys.
9/6/09 Re: Parrot Cichlids...
sys. 9/11/09 re: Parrot Cichlids
9/11/09 Re: Parrot Cichlids, and FW KH
f' 9/13/09 Re: Parrot Cichlids
9/13/09 re: Parrot Cichlids
9/13/09 re: Parrot Cichlids
9/13/09 One blood parrot in 53 gallon
basement tank. Lunacy... again! 5/11/09 One blood parrot in 53 gallon
basement tank. Same idiot questions? Sigh...
4/20/2009 One blood parrot in 53 gallon
basement tank. Again? 04/03/09 One blood parrot in 53 gallon
basement tank. 3/12/2009 New Tank With New Parrot Cichlid, sys. 1/25/09 Hello, I bought a new tank and filter system yesterday, set it up, and added 1 teaspoon of aqua safe to the water. I ran the heater and the filter overnight, and when the water was a steady 79 degrees F I went to the store and picked up the fish I purchased yesterday, but they requested I leave at the store while the temperature in my tank stabilized. Unfortunately, my tank is only 10 gallons. When I bought the set-up yesterday, the pet store owner told me this was sufficient for the fish I wanted, and furthermore that I could add several more fish if I wanted I've since come to the conclusion that the pet store owner is an idiot, and rather unethical to boot as he failed to tell me when I was asking about the Blood Parrots that they were deformed, could live for several years, could get quite large, what they needed to be fed, how often to feed them, etc. I've looked up most of this information myself but I have some concerns about my Parrot that I haven't been able to find on Google. When I went to pick up the fish today, the pet shop employees started hassling me about my tank not being ready, that I should have bought 10 Neons (@ $7 a piece I have no idea if this is just a scheme to get me to spend $70 on fish he will probably eat...) to throw in the tank for a few weeks first, that I was going to kill the fish if I took it home today, that I really should have brought a water sample to them first, and that if I saw the fish hanging around the bottom of the tank that he was probably dying. I've had fish before, but never one this big or that I paid this much for. None of these things were told to me yesterday when I had the $$$ in my hand, and I find it rather odd that they neglected to tell me any of this today, and I have no idea what to think. I did a pH test, and it said my water has a pH level of 7.5. Everything I have read says something different, some say 6.5, some say around 7, some say around 7.5. Everything says different temperatures as well. My heater is set to 79, since it was in between what all the different articles said. Do you think this is okay? <Parrot cichlids can probably handle between 75 and 82 F.> When I brought the fish home, I set his bag in the tank for 30 minutes, maybe a few more minutes, before letting him out. I opened the bag and held it in the water so he could swim out on his own, and he seemed okay at first, then swam to the right side of the tank and swam back and forth frantically for a few minutes, and then slowly started to adventure out into the rest of the tank. What I'm really freaked out about, is that he spends most of his time in the lower portion of my tank, often burrowing around in the gravel. I read that this is normal for them, but the pet store owner really has me scared since he kept insisting my water isn't good enough for fish, that I'm going to kill him, and that if he was swimming in the bottom that there wasn't enough bacteria in the tank. He seems to be calm, he explores the tank, but he does spend a lot of his time hanging out in one corner of it, usually around the plants I bought for him. I'm sorry about my probably silly questions, I just wasn't really prepared for the commitment that apparently is a Blood Parrot, especially since the store owner made them seem like not such a big deal yesterday, and then freaked me out and lectured me today. I've tried to do everything to make his tiny tank comfortable for him, and I've kept it pretty minimal so he has room to swim. The only things in the tank are two plants, a submersible heater, a filter, and a small pot that I flipped over on the side so he could hide if he wanted to. I really like my new fish, and I'd like to keep him around as long as possible, even if it means rearranging my house and investing in a larger tank. I don't plan on buying any other fish to go with him, either. Any feedback on whether the store owner's lecture was true or just bogus is really appreciated! Thanks WWM Crew, Tiffany < Parrot cichlids are an artificial fish developed from three different cichlid species. All of them get at least 8 inches so be prepared to get at least a 40 gallon tank in the not to near future. Get some test kits to check the water quality for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. A pH of 7.5 is fine for this fish. Don't depend on the same store to test the water for you. The ammonia and nitrites should be zero. They can be controlled with water changes until the bacteria get established. Keep up on water changes to control these waste products. The nitrates should remain under 20 ppm. When you cannot control them with water changes then it will be time for the bigger tank. Not all store owners are great aquarists. Not all store owners are great businessmen. It doesn't sound like you were well treated. It would probably be best if you took your business somewhere else.-Chuck> Re: Blood Parrot New Tank With Parrot Cichlid II -- 1/30/09 Hi, Thanks so much for e-mailing me back. I went to a different pet store and bought some stress coat, and one nitrite and one nitrate testing kit as well as a Live NH3 meter. About 3 days ago I was a little concerned because the Live NH3 read at "Caution" so I replaced about 2/3 of the water and added more stress coat. The next day my fish had started to develop black spots on his fins. Even after the water change it was between "safe" and "caution" so I've been keeping my eye on it. This morning it was back up between "caution" and "stress" so I took out about 80% of the water and scraped as much waste as I could off the bottom of the tank. I also removed the filter and cleaned it out, and I think I finally found the culprit. My fish had chewed up a plant in the tank, and pieces of the plant had made their way into the filter and had coated it in a layer of brown rotting mush. I rinsed it all out with cold water and then put it back in. After about an hour the Live NH3 reads "safe" and I've tested nitrate/nitrite and it says 0ppm for nitrate and a bit above 0 ppm for nitrite. My fish's spots are darker though, and it seems like every time I do something to help I'm just making it worse? I've recently changed his food as well from TetraMin tropical flakes to TetraMin Crisps Select-A-Food. I feed him crisps in the morning and granules at night and throw a few of the shrimp in the tank every once in a while. I doubt this is making him turn black but want to cover all my bases. He does seem to like the new food better and eats it rather quickly. I also removed the plant that he had been chewing up to keep it from breaking up anymore. He seems to be a lot calmer since I changed the water this morning. He was swimming around a lot the last couple of days really frantically, and now he's still moving a lot but not bobbing back and forth and swimming almost sideways like he was. I've been reading about the black spots and it seems like there's not really any solid information on what they are. I've read bad water, parasites, bad temperatures, bad ph, I just don't know what to do about it. Should I treat it as if it were parasites? Thanks again, Tiffany < The trouble with parrot cichlids is that they have a mixed heritage between different cichlid species. Not all of them are a solid color. I think the spots have more to do with genetics and color enhancing foods rather than parasites. Monitor the water quality until you start to see some nitrates showing up on the test kits. When the nitrates reach 20 ppm them you need to do a water change. Use the test kits to determine how much water you need to change and how often it should be changed.-Chuck> One blood parrot in 53 gallon basement tank. Sys. I was wondering if blood parrots do okay by themselves and whether or not if a blood parrot could outgrow a 53 gallon tank. <Yes they're fine on their own, and yes, a singleton would be happy in a 53 gallon system.> Would keeping two of them stunt their growth, is it better to keep just 1 in a 53 as a single specimen? <Cichlids generally don't "stunt" in captivity; indeed, not many fish other than carps are known to do so. Your problem with two specimens is aggression: two males will surely fight, and a male might bully a female.> Do they need more then 1 to feel happy? <No.> How big can these guys get? I heard anywhere from 8 to 12 inches. <20 cm/8 inches is about the average.> What would be an ideal tank setup for this fish? PH, water temp etc. ? <Much like any other Central American cichlid. Aim for medium to very hard water conditions, 10-20 degrees dH. Also ensure carbonate hardness is fairly high to keep the pH stable; I'd recommend around 5-7 degrees KH. Do that, and you should get the right pH, 7.5-8, without any additional work. Temperature should be around 25 C/77 F.> I have a sand substrate in place right now, and I want to research all about this/or any other type of fish I get. <Much written about these fish. See here, and also follow the links: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWsubwebindex/parrotcichfaqs.htm I'm not a huge fan of these hybrid fish, and would encourage you to consider some of the "real" Central American species, such as Cichlasoma salvini, Vieja synspila or Amphilophus citrinellus. Hybrid fish suffer from various complaints and weaknesses because they are inbred and, like it or not, deformed. So things like swim bladder problems and constipation are bigger issues than otherwise. "Real" species are hardier, better able to display their natural instincts, and in my opinion at least, better looking.> How often and how much water should be changed per week? <Much written about this on WWM, and hopefully in the aquarium book you've already bought/borrowed! But basically 25-50% weekly changes is good, assuming temperature and water chemistry changes are minimal.> Thanks <Cheers, Neale.> Re: One blood parrot in 53 gallon basement tank. 01/07/2009 Parrot Cichlid Info Thank you. The tank dimensions are 3 feet long, 20 inches high and 15 inches wide. Is it possible the one fish could outgrow this setup? < It should be fine for a long time.> What foods do Blood Parrots need/like? < I would recommend a high quality pellet food.> What would be a good filtration system and what temp do I keep the water at? < I like outside power filters that are easy to clean. Check out cichlid-forum.com on product reviews for filters. <Based on the original species of cichlid that the parrot was derived from I would recommend a water temp of 80 F.> Also how long do they live? < I would think at least 10 years.-Chuck> One blood parrot in 53 gallon basement tank. 12/02/08 I was wondering if blood parrots do okay by themselves and whether or not if a blood parrot could outgrow a 53 gallon tank. Would keeping two of them stunt their growth, is it better to keep just 1 in a 53 as a single specimen?. Do they need more then 1 to feel happy? How big can these guys get? I heard anywhere from 8 to 12, inches. What would be an ideal tank setup for this fish? PH, water temp etc.? I have a sand substrate in place right now, and I want to research all about this/or any other type of fish i get. How often and how much water should be changed per week? Thanks <Hello Alex. Blood Parrots are hybrid cichlids, and consequently it is impossible to predict their maximum size or behaviour. In general though they work reasonably well in odd-numbered groups (3, 5, etc) given space. In your case, a trio would be viable. They can be extremely aggressive when mature, and make poor community fish. Conversely, being physically handicapped by deformed spines and distorted swim bladders, they can't swim/fight as well as other cichlids, and get bullied in cichlid tanks. Most specimens get to around 15-20 cm (6-8 inches) in length but much larger specimens do exist. They are essentially similar to Central American cichlids (from which they were derived) and do best in hard, basic water. Provided the water has a high carbonate hardness, pH should balance out just fine. Lots of people fixate on pH, but that actually doesn't matter much provided it is stable. Instead concentrate on ensuring the carbonate hardness is reasonably high; I'd recommend 7+ degrees KH. Various ways to do this, the simplest being adding a measure of Malawi salt mix (purchased or home-made) to each bucket of water, around a half dose usually being adequate unless you have very soft water. Temperature isn't critical, and as with most other fish, 25 C (77 F) is fine. There is much else about Central American cichlids and water chemistry issues at WWM; use the search tool and enjoy. Cheers, Neale.> Re: One blood parrot in 53 gallon basement tank. Parrot Cichlid Info II 12/3/08 Thank you. The tank dimensions are 3 feet long, 20 inches high and 15 inches wide. Is it possible the one fish could outgrow this setup? < Sounds like it is approximately a 40 gallon tank. If you have a male it could get a little cramped, but it would probably be fine for a female.> What foods do Blood Parrots need/like? < I would stick with a high quality pellet food like Spectrum as a basic diet. Occasional light feedings of other things would be OK as long as they are not fed too heavily.> What would be a good filtration system and what temp do I keep the water at? < The best filter is the one that you are able to service regularly. I would recommend an outside power filter that pumps at least200gallons per hour. Go to Cichlid-Forum.com and check out the product reviews from other aquarists. I have found that the reviews are very helpful. I would keep the water between 75 and 77 F.> Long do they live? <When the fish are young and growing they need more protein than an adult that is no longer growing. When your fish reaches an adult size you can start to give it foods with more vegetable matter to prevent bloating. If all goes well your parrot cichlid should live to be at least 10 years old.-Chuck> One blood parrot in 53 gallon basement tank. Sys. 2/3/09 I was wondering if blood parrots do okay by themselves and whether or not if a blood parrot could outgrow a 53 gallon tank. <One specimen in a tank that size would be fine, assuming it didn't get too big. A second specimen might be possible, depending on filtration and water changes.> Would keeping two of them stunt their growth, is it better to keep just 1 in a 53 as a single specimen? <Isn't so much "stunting" (which cichlids generally don't do) but that high and/or rapidly increasing levels of nitrate harm cichlids. When nitrate gets above, say, 20 mg/l, they become very prone to disease, especially Hexamita.> Do they need more then 1 to feel happy? <Territorial; don't need friends, won't tolerate them if the tank isn't big enough. Males are more aggressive than females, but you can't sex them.> How big can these guys get? I heard anywhere from 8 to 12, inches. <They are hybrids, so it is impossible to predict. Yes, they can grow to between 20-30 cm/8-12 inches.> What would be an ideal tank setup for this fish? PH, water temp etc? <Much like any other Central American cichlid. Aim for a medium to high level of hardness (10+ degrees dH), a significant amount of carbonate hardness (5+ degrees KH) and a basic pH around 7.5-8. Do look over this month's Conscientious Aquarist; there is a detailed article on Central American cichlids. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_6/volume_6_1/CA_Index.html> I have a sand substrate in place right now, and I want to research all about this/or any other type of fish i get. How often and how much water should be changed per week? <Sand fine; they dig though, so use only a little, and be prepared to smooth it out periodically. For Central Americans, a mix of 4 parts smooth silica sand to 1 part coral sand is recommended. As with all cichlids, big, regular water changes are critical; 25-50% per week.> Thanks <Cheers, Neale.> One blood parrot in 53 gallon basement tank -Parrot Cichlid Info 11/6/08... Where's W.C. Field's? I was wondering if blood parrots do okay by themselves and whether or not if a blood parrot could outgrow a 53 gallon tank.? < A single parrot cichlid would be fine in a tank of that size.> Would keeping two of them stunt their growth? < Two would be OK as long as you watch for excessive nitrates and keep up on your water changes.> Is it better to keep just 1 in a 53 as a single specimen?. <If you keep just one then it cannot get beat up or harassed by the other.> Do they need more then 1 to feel happy? < They will start to respond more to the activities outside the tank and become more personable to people in the room.> How big can these guys get? I heard anywhere from 8 to 12, inches. < Males will get larger that females but that size range is about right.> What would be an ideal tank setup for this fish? PH, water temp ect? < They prefer clean warm water and are not to picky about pH as long as it is not too far from 7.> I have a sand substrate in place right now, and I want to research all about this/or any other type of fish I get. <Sand will be fine as long as it is not abrasive. Some sand like sand blasting sand is crushed and is very angular. As the fish moves the sand around it damages the tissues in and around the mouth. Look for a substrate that is well rounded .> How often and how much water should be changed per week? < Check the nitrates and keep them under 20 ppm with water changes.-Chuck> Thanks Re: One blood parrot in 53 gallon basement tank. 11/09/08 Parrot Cichlid Set Up II Thank you. The tank dimensions are 3 feet long, 20 inches high and 15 inches wide. Is it possible the one fish could outgrow this setup? <Over time you parrot cichlid may out grow this set up especially if it is a male. A female may get up to 8 inches or so.> What foods do Blood Parrots need/like? <I would go with a high quality pellet food like Spectrum or Ultracolor. Occasional earthworms and ZooMed canned shrimp make an excellent nutritious treat.> What would be a good filtration system and what temp do I keep the water at? < The best filtration system is one that you find the easiest to maintain. I would recommend a outside power filter like a Marineland Emperor with a Bio-wheel attachment. I would recommend keeping the water temp up around the upper to mid 70's F. Also how long do they live? < The parrot cichlid is a recent "designer" fish with not much published data on longevity. Based on the true species that this fish was derived from I would assume that this fish could live up to 20 years with a little luck.-Chuck> Black patches on parrotfish... FW! Cichlids, poor svc. work 11/4/05 Hello Crew! Firstly, I wanted to let you know how wonderful your website is--it is a gem! I work for a company that has a fish tank that is serviced by a local company on a monthly basis. They do a horrible job--I can't even tell you how many fish have died since I started working here a year ago. I would guess 50, at least. Unfortunately, no one who works here is a fish expert and we are sort of at the mercy of the company who does the monthly cleaning. <Fire them. Either take over the job in-house or hire a capable company> We just went through a horrible ich problem and lost most of the fish in the tank, including a lovely parrot fish that everyone adored. <This family (Scaridae) are not easily kept in captivity> His mate survived the ich, but she now has many black patches on her body, including a line that runs right down her back. They look like dirty smudges and they are not raised like blisters. <Likely "stress markings"> When we called the cleaning company, the owner said that this is normal and happens to all fish on occasion. <... no... Fire them> Of course, since we are mere employees and not fish keepers ourselves, we cannot really argue with this supposed expert. Do you have any idea what this is? A fungus? <Evidence of poor care... toxic, incompatible environment, poor nutrition> It is definitely getting worse each day and she is hardly moving around. There isn't a thermometer on the tank and we don't own any water-testing equipment so I can't tell you much about the tank except that it is a 55-gallon freshwater tank. <Oooh... pardon me... a FW Parrot, as in the tweaked cichlid cross... even worse... these are very hard to kill...> Some of us are very unhappy with this service but it is not our decision to hire a new company--this company was the cheapest in the area and that is who our higher-ups decided to go with. I am suggested many, many times that we have plastic fish instead of real ones, but management doesn't seem to care about our tank of death and insists on restocking when something goes wrong. Any suggestions/ideas would be appreciated! We would hate to kill this parrotfish, too. Laura <Learn a bit (not hard to do) and do the maintenance yourself... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwsubwebindex.htm. Follow the blue/linked files through set-up, maintenance and all there is there on cichlids, the family including the Parrot. Bob Fenner> Parrot Cichlids Stressed By High Nitrates 9/19.5/05 I had 2 parrots and a Pleco in a 30 gal. tall tank. They were all about 5 inches long. Unfortunately, I let the nitrates get too high! The parrots started hovering around the bio-wheel filter like they couldn't breath and then sunk to the bottom of the tank. I started with an aggressive water change of about 40% to reduce the nitrates and the gravel was cleaned and filter changed. Nitrites were non-existent, PH was good. The only problem seemed to be the nitrates. The next day 1 of the parrots was dead and the nitrates were sky high again! I did another water change and headed to my neighborhood aquarium and fish store. They specialize in fish and their tanks and fish always look clean and healthy. Their answer was the nitrates removed the oxygen from the water. They recommend not adding any meds for ich or internal bacterial infection although parrots are prone to infection with bad water quality, because this too will remove oxygen from the water. They recommend adding an aerator powerhead to add oxygen and also aquarium salt to help with the stress. Since then I have continued testing nitrates and making water changes and the tank seems to be stabilizing to 10 to 20 ppm in nitrates, but the parrot is still not eating, spends most of it's time on the bottom of the tank seeming to gasp for air, or perhaps just too weak to swim. It also seems to be showing slight signs of ich. The Pleco doesn't seem to have been effected by any of this. The tank is about 82 degrees (normal for this tank). It's been about seven days since this all started and about 6 water changes later. Will the parrot recover? Could there be anything else wrong? Have I done the right things, or can anything else be done? When should I treat with meds for ich or bacterial infections, if at all? Thank you, Angela < The 82 F will take care of the ich. You parrots have been stressed by the high nitrates and probably have an internal bacterial infection. Keep the nitrates down and treat with Metronidazole for internal bacterial problems.-Chuck> Fresh Water filtration, HLLE questions 1/2/07 Hi Folks. <<Hello, Jim, and Happy New Year. Tom here.>> I have two large Blood Red Parrot Fish in a 55 gallon tank and am wondering what I can do to remove dissolved waste from the water like my Berlin airlift skimmer does for my 55 saltwater tank. The other day I noticed algae growth in the fresh water tank and cleaned out the tank. Currently I am using two large filters on this tank. One is a Bio wheel filter (pinquin <<Penguin>> I think) and the other is an Aqua Clear 500. My question is what can I do to lower the algae growth and improve the over all water conditions and prevent hole in the head worms from ever showing up? <<As with any 'problem', Jim, eliminating the root cause is key to success. In your case, as you most likely realize, excess nitrates and phosphates 'feed' the algae but lighting is, of course, another major consideration. In a great many cases, simply reducing light levels or the duration of lighting exposure can greatly reduce algae build-up in the tank. Ensuring that the aquarium isn't exposed to natural sunlight should go without saying. As for overall water conditions, vacuuming the substrate deeply in conjunction with regular water changes is an absolute must. (When I suggest 'deeply' vacuuming the substrate, I mean to the bottom of the tank.) Now, by way of explanation, Hole-in-the-Head disease (HITH) is the degeneration of the sensory organs in the head and/or lateral lines of the fish (you'll also see reference to HLLE which is Head-and-Lateral-Line-Erosion). Even though the disease has been arguably tied to high nitrates (>40 ppm)/poor water conditions, there aren't any 'worms' involved. In reality, improper diet and lack of appropriate vitamins/minerals are the commonly-held culprits of this illness. In a nutshell, regular water changes and substrate cleaning to keep your fish stress-free along with a varied, high-quality diet will all but guarantee that your Cichlids will never suffer from HITH/HLLE.>> Would a UV light help? <<Not worth the money, in my opinion, Jim. You have little to no-cost options available to you -- might even save some money if you reduce lighting -- that make a UV sterilizer unnecessary. If, on the other hand, you have money burning a hole in your wallet and you find a unit suited exactly to your tank, water conditions, etc., it can help in reducing the 'suspended' algae and microorganisms in the water. Worthless for anything that doesn't make it to the contact chamber, however.>> What about a canister filter with a built in UV? <<A better option but you've plenty of filtration now and, again, there are more cost-effective options to exercise here.>> Would adding sand and live plants help? <<Now we're on to something. The sand, in itself, isn't really necessary but the plants would be an excellent consideration if your Parrotfish will leave them be. Certainly a natural and inexpensive way to go if you're looking for something to out-compete the algae for nutrients. I wouldn't go crazy with this without a little experimentation to see if your fish will keep from tearing them up, though.>> Jim <<Well, now you've got my two-cents-worth, Jim. Hopefully, I've given you something to work with. Good luck with your tank. Tom>> |
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