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Suckermouth South (and some Central) American family Loricariidae has
someone/something for most all freshwater aquariums. Otocinclus and
similarly small sized Parotocinclus and Hypoptopoma genera
(the family consists of 92), can be kept in ten and more gallon systems
in small shoals, with some of the “monsters” we’ll cover here requiring
hundreds of gallons of space, not to mention considerable circulation
and filtration to keep their systems clean. Identification/Range:
This family of armored catfish easily identified by its “bottom mouth”
(the meaning of Pleco-stoma) subterminal-orientation, feeding and
locomotory-mouth process (some Plecos live at elevations of more than
3,000 meters, yes, more than 9800 feet, moving up steep rocks, falls by
shifting their bodies and mouths). There are some 800 described species
with speculations that there may be 1,200-1,500 total. Plecos
and kin can be found in Central (Costa Rica, Panama on down) and
throughout South America in nearly every body of freshwater. No marine
or brackish species; so no, they don’t like “salt” in their water.
Common names and scientific abound for these catfishes, and you are
encouraged to seek out modern references, like the site
PlanetCatfish.com for good image work, and Fishbase.org for meristics
and morphometric data per species. Hypostomus (plecostomus) “the
original Pleco”, often touted for smaller, though not suitable for small
systems. This erstwhile workhorse is also a “monster Plec”, most topping
out at a foot in length, though capable of reaching nearly twice this
Two species of rather larger "plecostomus" are bred and reared in large
quantities for the aquarium trade, pond-techniques perfected at farms in
Florida. Liposarcus anisitsi (Eigenmann & Kennedy 1903) is the
Snow King Pleco (formerly of the genus Pterygoplichthys), to seventeen
inches in length (thirty inches according to Burgess 1989), and the
Leopard Pleco, Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps (Kner 1854) (formerly
Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps), at about twenty inches maximum.
<<Ed. Note: Please see images included for selection>>
There are a few species other that make their way into the trade, like
Pterygoplichthys multiradiatus, the Orinoco Sailfin Plec and
scrophus, one of the Plecs called “Rhino”; though these are rare. Behavior Notes:
Giant Plecos, like their more-diminutive brethren
are principally nocturnal; eschewing the daylight to move about, seeking
food in the darkness of night. Though you may see them out and about
during light hours, this is not their preferred time, and may well
indicate that either there’s insufficient fodder (to place some food
during lights-out for them), something/s amiss w/ water quality or that
their tankmates are bothering them.
Compatibility: Stocking/Selection:
Picking out a good specimen of these fishes is generally straight
forward. One item that needs to be stated and reinforced is to NOT buy
newly arrived specimens. For a few reasons; the trauma of collection
(whether cultured or not), shipping and placement in very different
environmental conditions, the mal-effects of starvation ahead of
transport, there are times when massive mortalities of these species
occur; almost always, soon (w/in a few days) of getting to a dealer’s.
Wait a handful of days or pick out yours from stock that has been around
a while…. And do assess the individual’s stomach hollow or fullness. You
don’t want ones that are too thin, and anyplace else it’s very hard to
tell how well-fleshed they are. Use a net to get the fish
to go up on the side panel of the tanks to look at their bellies.
Healthy specimens have convex undersides and bulging eyes. Poorly ones
have concave undersides and sunken eyes.
A note re de-selection of these fishes due to their over-growth/size.
Quite often, otherwise well-meaning aquarists will end up with giant
Plecos that are too big to do well in their limited size settings. Don’t
despair, but do be aware, pro-active and humane in getting them to
suitable environments. Often, livestock fish stores will trade you a
smaller specimen (or two!) for your too-large Pleco. Barring this
avenue, often aquarium service companies have need/room for large
Plecos. You can usually locate these businesses via the Net or your
analog Yellow Pages/Other business directories. Large Pleco Systems: Foods/Feeding/Nutrition:
Reproduction/Breeding: Cloze:
Way too often abused out of lack of knowledge and understanding, the
larger species of Plecos need space, deliberate/delivered foods, and a
modicum of regular maintenance to do well in captivity. If you think
about their natural environments, capacity for growth and ultimate size,
it will make sense to select smaller species from the get-go if you
don’t have the capacity or intention of providing for their adequate
care. There are literally hundreds of other Loricariid species,
Ancistrus (Bushynoses), Peckoltias (Clown Plecos), and more that go well
with other tropicals, and stay small enough for hobbyist systems. What
is more, several of these latter are more attractive than the giant
Plecs and more interesting behaviorally. Bibliography/Further Reading: Catfishes on the Internet:
http://phylogeny.arizona.edu/tree/eukaryotes/animals/chordata/actinopterygii/siluriformes/siluriformes.html Planet Catfish:
http://www.planetcatfish.com/core/index.htm Baensch, Hans A. & Rudiger Riehl. 1993. Aquarium Atlas, v.2.
BAENSCH, Germany. 1212pp. Brugman, Adriaan J. 1996. Colombia: Fishing for
the Royal Plecostomus. OFI Journal Issue 15, May 96. Burgess, Warren E. 1979. Something new in the
subfamily Loricariinae. TFH 7/79. Burgess, Warren E. 1989. An Atlas of Freshwater and Marine
Catfishes: A Preliminary Survey of the Siluriformes. T.F.H.
Publications, Inc. NJ. 784pp. Castro, Alfred D. 1996. Algae al fresco: Exactly which algae
eater really likes to chomp down on this stuff? AFM 12/96. Davis, Chuck. 1979. Choosing suitable catfish. FAMA 6/79. Dignall, Julian & Shane Linder. 1999. Just say Pleco. TFH 6/99. Eckstein, Ginny. 1995. Zebra Plecos. So many questions about
these little fish. AFM 8/95. Eckstein, Ginny 2002. Pleco-Mania; are you a sucker for
Suckermouth catfish? AFM 3/02 Emmens, C.W. & Herbert R. Axelrod. 1978. Catfishes, 3d ed..
T.F.H. Publications, Inc., NJ. 96pp. Evers, H.G. 1996. Der hummel-harnischwels O.
gibbosus Ribiero, 1908- Ein ausser gewohnlicher wels. TI Magazine
128 Apr. 96, 24-26. Fenner, Bob & Steve Landino. 1989. Acclimating
fishes. FAMA 8/89. Fenner, Bob. 1994. Guerrilla acclimation methods, or
acclimating: My way. FAMA 10/94. Feuer, Warren. 1995. Rating the Loricariids:
You have algae, but will they eat it? Aquarium Fish Magazine 10/95. Ferraris, Carl. 1988. Basic catfish nutrition: the myth that
catfish can live quite nicely on food ignored by other tankmates is simply not true. AFM 10/88. Finley, Lee. 1987. On some genera of the catfish family
Loricariidae. FAMA 3/87. Finley, Lee. 1993. Catfish corner: Some notes
on feeding Suckermouth catfishes. TFH 8/93. Finley, Lee. Some Loricariid catfishes. An
expert’s assessment of these popular aquarium fish. AFM 12/95. Finley, Lee. 1996. Vegetables in the diet of catfishes. AFM
9/96. Finley, Lee. 1997. Catfish Corner: An overview of catfishes
bred in the aquarium-part two. TFH 4/97. Finley, Lee. 1997. Catfish Corner. A "new"
Sailfin Loricariid. TFH 5/97. Finley, Lee. 2000. Catfish Corner: Re the genus Panaque. TFH
2/00. Finley, Lee. 2000. Big catfishes. All work and a lot of play.
AFM 4/00. Finley, Lee. 2000. Experiences with a blind
Loricariid catfish. TFH 5/00. Frank, Neil & Lisa Sarakontu. 1995. Algae
eating cyprinids from Thailand and neighboring areas (Crossocheilus). The Aquatic
Gardener 8(2):3,4/95 and AFM 4/96. Glass, Spencer. 1998. Twig cats. "Those who’ll play with cats
must expect to be scratched". TFH 8/98. Gosline, William A. 1947. Contributions to the
classification of the Loricariid catfishes. Archos. Mus. Nat., Rio de
Janeiro, 41:79-144. Isbrucker, I.J.H. 1980. Classification and
catalogue of the mailed Loricariidae. Verslagen en Technicsche Gegevens.
No. 22. 181 pp. Kenney, William R. 1981. Guide and key to living catfish
families. FAMA 10/81. Knaack, Joachim. 1999. A new species of
Suckermouth catfish (Hypostomus Lacepede 1803) from the Mato Grosso,
Brazil (Pisces, Siluriformes, Loricariidae). TFH 7/99. Knaack, Joachim. 1999. New Ancistrus species
from the Rio Cuiba System, Brazil, (Pisces, Siluriformes, Loricariidae).
TFH 8/99. Kreutzman, Tor. 1997. Breeding Leighton’s
Whiptail, Sturiosomatichthys leightoni. FAMA 5/97. Kreutzman, Tor. 1999. The Bristlenose catfish.
FAMA 3/99. Kutty, Vinny. 1993. Algae eaters. The Aquatic Gardener
6(3):5,6/93. Linder, R. Shane. 2002. Spawning the Plecos: An Introduction.
TFH 8/02. Loiselle, Paul V. 1989. Bring on the Clowns (Peckoltia). Clown
Plecos are excellent aquarium inhabitants, if you follow some simple
precautions. AFM 8/89. Lucanus, Oliver 2006. Let Plecos ply the water in your tank. No
one anticipated the popularity and varieties of these bottom-dwellers.
AFM 2/06. Moran, John. Stickfish, all about the Twig
Catfishes. AFM 6/95. Nelson, Joseph S. 1994. Fishes of the World, 3d ed.. John Wiley
& Sons, Inc. NY. 600pp. Nires, Larry. 1998. Plecology. TFH 8/98. Padovani, Gian. 1988. The Catfish. R/C Modeler Corp., CA. 78pp. Palicka, Jiri. 1988. Dasyloricaria
filamentosa. TFH 10/88. Poulin, Laura A. 1988. The Farlowella Twig Catfish. FAMA 8/88. Regan, C. Tate. 1904. A monograph of the fishes of the family
Loricariidae. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, Vol. 17:191-351. Riehl, Rudiger & Hans A. Baensch. 1982 (sixth ed. 1996).
Aquarium Atlas, v.1. MERGUS, Germany. 992pp. Riehl, Rudiger & Hans A. Baensch. 1996. Aquarium Atlas, v.3.
MERGUS, Germany. 1104pp. Sabatino, Charley & Jeff George. 1998. Captive
spawning of Ancistrus ranunculus (L-34), A hard to find newcomer.
TFH 5/98. Sands, David D. 1984. Loricariidae: Notes from the score of
nature. TFH 10/84. Sands, David. 1988. A Fishkeeper's Guide to South American
Catfishes. Tetra Press, NJ. 117pp. Schmidt, S. 1996. Prime breeder O. paulinus-
an eater of algae with strange tastes. Aquarium (Hilversum)
66(4):100-102. Seidel, Ingo. 1996. New information on the Zebra Pleco,
Hypancistrus zebra. TFH 1/96. Speice, Paul. 1987. Guppies to groupers: There's a sucker born
every minute (Loricariidae). FAMA 2/87. Staeck, Wolfgang. 1988. Impressive and decorative. Sailfin
Catfishes (Pterygoplichthys). Today’s Aquarium-Aquarium Heute 2/88. Stratton, Richard F. 1999. Lovable monsters:
The bristlenosed Plecos. TFH 11/99. Thomas, Scott B. 1978. Suckermouth catfishes: Nature's algae
removers. FAMA 12/78. Walker, Braz. 1973. Cochliodon, a Sail-fin Suckermouth. TFH
11/73. Werner, Uwe. 1988. Newly introduced:
Hemiancistrus landoni Eigenmann 1922. Today’s Aquarium-Aquarium Heute
1/88. Wheeler, Stu. 1978. When your catfish calls in sick. FAMA 3/78. |
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