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Clown Pleco Skin Patchy-ness... medication poisoning,
reading 10/11/08 Plecos, hold the salt please -- 5/30/07 Hello, <<Hello, Julie. Tom with you.>> I have a question about adding salt to my freshwater tank. I have a 55 gallon tank. Currently, it contains black mollies, gold balloon belly mollies, zebra Danios and one 12 inch Pleco. <<Hmmm'¦okay. Mollies are typically categorized as 'brackish' water fish, Julie. Your Pleco has little, if any, tolerance for salt. Not ideal but let's see what we can do.>> My problem - the black mollies have Ich and I am having trouble getting rid of it. I read that my tank needs salt and this will aid in getting rid of and keeping the Ich out of my tank. <<Salt is one of the 'safest' ways to go, Julie, but not the only one. In this case, a 'treatment' level of salt for Ick will do your Pleco no good whatsoever. We need to look for an alternate course of action.>> I also read that my Pleco will not do well with too much salt in the water. <<True.>> Is there a certain amount of salt that I could add to my tank that might help my mollies but not hurt my Pleco? <<In this case, Julie, there isn't. Plecos can 'tolerate' no more than a dosage of one tablespoon of salt per five gallons of water and even that is 'iffy'. You'd likely need to up this to around two-three tablespoons per five gallons to effectively do battle with this parasite. Not an option, I'm afraid. You should consider Maracide here. Not quite as effective as other forms of treatment but 'scaleless' fish seem to do quite well with this treatment. 'Quick Cure' is a formulation of formalin and malachite green which is very effective, particularly when combined like this but, it does have 'safety' drawbacks as it's toxic to fish and plants if dosing isn't done properly or, if treated for a prolonged period. Treatments with this product can be very successful when half-dosed in 12-hour intervals, however. I'd go with the Maracide here, though. If this were a more serious outbreak, I'd direct you to go with the Quick Cure but I'd rather that you feel comfortable with this rather than put you on the spot. Also, remember to increase the temperature of the tank to 82-86 degrees F. over a period of several hours to speed up the life cycle of the Ick.>> Thanks, Julie <<You're welcome, Julie. Best of luck. Tom>> Unlucky Loricariids, and Why To Quarantine Plants - 02/20/2007 Hi Crew, <Hi, Carmel! Sabrina with you today.> I have an unusual situation which I have been dealing with since December. Several tanks all containing assorted catfish. Just prior to onset of illness (about 3-4 weeks prior) I added a new Longfin B/N and an Amazon sword plant to one tank. <Quarantine, even of plants, is essential.... I have always recommended quarantining or dipping plants, and the one time that I chose not to, I introduced Ich into a well-established tank.... Sigh! These things do happen. I hope at least the new fish was quarantined, yes?> In a nutshell, peppermint b/n were the first to develop lesions on head and back areas, resulting in death. 4 weeks later the common b/n's displayed the same lesions. Have worked closely with LFS & vets, during the last 2 months and in desperation sent specimens and water to our Dept of Agriculture (who also work for our Fisheries Dept). They have identified a protozoan, similar to Chilodonella, but which they cannot positively identify. <Often protozoan parasites are present even on quite healthy fish; this is usually not a big deal. It's when the Protozoans opportunistically "take over" (fish is sick, weak....) and multiply to virulent quantities that you've got a problem that can then easily spread to your other healthy fish. Sounds like this is what happened.> This report came to me today and I am about to commence treatment of formalin/malachite green in one tank & Octozin (Waterlife) in another. This still leaves me with more tanks & I was wondering if you may have any ideas on a treatment (result of cross-contamination) as we are all as unsure of the treatment as we are of the outcome. I think I will treat at the full dose, but gradually add the meds over a few hours. <Formalin and Malachite Green are toxic, especially to these scaleless animals.... There is a strong likelihood that even your healthiest Loricariids will not survive a treatment at "full dose". I would re-thing this. The Octozin, provided that it is Metronidazole as I suspect, is fine to use at the full recommended dose. Try to find out if it is in fact Metronidazole. Another option might be a salt treatment, though Loricariids don't "like" salt, it would be much less dangerous than a full dose of the Formalin/Malachite Green cocktail. The method I would try, if I did this option, is detailed here: http://www.aquariumadvice.com/article_view.php?faq=2&fldAuto=32 .> It would seem these fish are doomed otherwise anyway. Also, any ideas on a positive ID of the invader would be gratefully received. <If you have any means of providing us with a microscope photograph of the protozoan, I would gladly try to identify; I have a fish pathologist friend that would probably be glad to take a look and tell us what he thinks.> Regards, -Carmel <Best of luck to you and your Plecs, -Sabrina> Plecos Poor Survival in Tank 9/16/-6 Hi there, <Hi Cali, Pufferpunk here> I have a 20 gallon hexagon freshwater aquarium. I've had it for about a year and a half now. I have 2 red rainbow fish, 2 strawberry tetras, 2 silver/white mollies, 1 black molly, a frog, <Dwarf frog, I hope!> 1 powder blue dwarf Gourami and an upside down catfish. <The Synodontis (upside down cat) can grow quite large & so do the rainbows--way too large for your tank, especially with the lesser swimming room in a hex. The rainbows need a very long tank to swim across.> I have fake silk plants and some tank decorations. I have tried several species of Pleco fish over the last year and none of them survive. I have algae and when there is no algae I supplement with algae tablets. The longest surviving Pleco was a butterfly variety and that lasted about 2 weeks. Considering they are supposed to be hearty fish, I'm not sure why they keep dying. Any suggestions? <You want to start by testing your water parameters for ammonia, nitrites (should be 0 at all times), nitrates (should be under 20) & pH (most Plecos prefer low pH but can handle neutral, 7.2). If all that is good, then the next Pleco you buy (must be a dwarf species for such a small tank), be sure it has a nice convex tummy--not caved in. Most Plecos are wild-caught & need to be treated for internal parasites after purchase or they will quickly waste away. You might have better luck with the dwarf Bristlenose Pleco, as many are tank-raised. ~PP> <<Likely the species involved need much more room as well. RMF>> Thanks, Cali Day Gill Flukes on Bristlenose Catfish HI, Love your webpage. I am new to fish keeping and therefore not familiar with diseases. I have 2 separate but possibly interconnected questions. My 4.5 cm Bristlenose Pleco (BN) male is living in a 50 ltr long tank with 3 platy and 1 Betta. The tank is cycled, heavily planted, has driftwood and terracotta cubby houses, heater 28 degrees, filtered, gravel sub, and 30 watt light. Ammonia zero nitrites zero, nitrates, 10. pH 7. Tank established for 3 months. I feed the BN algae wafers (platy eat em too), pea, cucumber and zucchini (sp) and the odd brine shrimp or bloodworm might float his way also. About 3 weeks ago he was attacked by another BN in a different tank so I relocated him to his new tank (he one detailed above). The damage was missing skin at base of body where tail emerges. It is nicely healing now and he is seems active and happy (no clamped up fins). Yesterday I noticed his sucker was pinky/red sort of uneven. Is this normal? I am assuming not. Could it be heater burn? Could it be bacteria? Could it be a sign of gill flukes? What do you all think? <It "could" be any of the above. My bet would be bacterial, but it could be from something as simple as eating algae off of a rough rock. Keep the water clean, remove all but smooth rocks and watch her. I would not treat unless you see it get worse. Then a good broad spectrum antibiotic> Q/2 gill flukes. The reason why I raise this is that I think another BN died of gill flukes but I was too slow to act. I know that not all meds are safe with cats so I hesitated trying to work out what to use to kill the flukes. This is a chronological list of change in behaviour. The BN was (probably female) 3cm, isolated herself, not hanging on the wood anymore, then, gasping at top of well filtered aerated tank waterline, and then spending all her time on substrate barely moving, before shooting up to top for air, and straight back down to substrate again. Initially, there was another female same size in there with her-which I immediately removed when the (now dead) one isolated herself (I thought they might be having a territory/submission issues). Again ammonia nitrite= zero nitrates 20, ph cannot remember, my tanks are usually 7. So gill flukes seemed to fit the symptoms. I am still not sure though what is safe on a BN to treat with? I'm in oz so limited meds available but it seems Fluke tabs which is Prazi (Praziquantel) or Para-cide which is Trichlorofon. Anyone have opinions on what is safe out of these two? <Well, I'm not convinced it was gill flukes. Possible, but unlikely in tank bred fish. With your tough import/export laws I doubt they are wild caught, although they may have been pond bred. More likely Ick. Plecs have thick skin which offers them some protection, but not on the gills. You can use a half concentration of most meds, but for twice as long, on Plecos. If you find out it is Ick, use salt to treat. Don> Jay Sick Pleco Hi guys and gals. I've had a Pleco for about 2 months, rarely see him, but know he's in there doing his thing. Over the last week or so, I have seen him a fair bit and noticed that he has developed a white spot on his side/back that is surrounded in a milky colored haze (mucus?) I have been looking around the web to determine the cause, but not too successfully. The fish seems fine, i.e. not rubbing against things, energy seems good but like I said, I never really saw him before, now I do, so that's different. Any thoughts here on what it might be and what I should do? By the way, the other fish seem fine. 35 gal tank. 12 fish, mainly tetras, platies, etc... Would appreciate any help. Thanks tons, Dave <Hi Dave, Don here. This could be a Protozoan infestation called Chilodonella. Treat the fish with Metronidazole for about 10 days. Should clear it right up. Move him to a QT if possible. Test the water whenever treating and correct any spikes in ammonia or nitrite with water changes. Replace med in new water. Good luck. Don> Pleco problems - Warning a little long Hi Bob and All!
<Gage here, avoiding real work at all costs.> Wow! Your
site is fantastic. I've never found so much good info in one place
:) <lots of info on worms too if you use the Google search tool.>
Background: I was reading your Pleco Q & A as I have one common
Pleco and like to know all I can. My water baby, Puc, could really use
your help. Puc is about a year and a half old and about 7 inches long.
He (I think, and since I don't know how to tell, will continue to
think of him as male) lived in a 10G tank for about 3 months with 2
Corys (who sadly passed on of unknown reasons). During that time we
ended up with some strange looking worms in the tank. I never knew if Puc brought these into the tank or where they came from or if these
worms killed Hamlet and Othello (the Corys). He was then moved to a 20G
(fishless cycled, one fake plant, one arch, Millennium 2000 filter,
12" air bar, 1' gravel) where he has since lived alone and
with no worms - until two weeks ago, so now I figure he is the host.
Problem 1 & 2 & 3 (air gulping, worms and a split pec fin) Puc
has always enjoyed sliding down from his perch on the glass to the
gravel and then flying up out of the water to "catch some
air" but started doing it so often - sometimes gulping air - going
to the bottom "burping" out the air and doing it again - that
I started to get scared and really scanned his tank which is how I
noticed the worms again. My web-research tells me they are either
anchor worms or nematodes (more likely nematodes since they don't
attach to him) but they do have a sort of forked head. Considering all
of this and even though the water parameters were stable (no ammonia or
nitrite to speak of, pH 7) I set up a fresh QT tank. I set it up
"new" because I was afraid the main tank was contaminated and
didn't want to stress him further by using water from it - although
cycling a fresh 10G may be worse? I added salt and ammo-lock as well as
conditioner and Stress-coat well before I transferred him, so hopefully
he'll be ok (its been 3 days and he looked much more relaxed after
the first day in there - but now it is getting VERY cloudy - so I did a
20% water change today - he looks no worse). He has only gone up for
air once or twice so far. Regrettably, while netting him - or should I
say trying to net him, damn is he strong! - it looks like his right pec
fin was injured/split just after where the edge meets the fan. Main
tank treatment I added salt to the main tank (which unfortunately I
haven't done in some time and probably could have prevented this
outbreak) which seemed to kill most of the worms and clear the water
from extremely cloudy to beautifully crystal clear. Then, after
speaking to an actually knowledgeable person (surprising) at my LFS
about anchor worms (still assuming they could be that) I decided to use
Clout to treat the main tank while Puc is in QT. But then read that
Levamisole (the farm animal dewormer) is actually an actual
"cure" for the worms. But, as far as I can see, the worms are
dead - and after thoroughly cleaning the tank and gravel and doing a
massive water change I want to let Puc go home. Questions 1. Are you
familiar with the type of worm I have described? and are they harmful
to Puc or any other fish I might want to add - if they come back?
<Not quite sure what type they are, usually worms appear in a tanks
with excess food, too little circulation, or not cleaning the gravel
bed well enough. Are the worms actually on the fish, or are they on the
glass and in the gravel?> 2. Do I need to actually treat Puc for
worms? and is there any other effective way to cure Puc without using
farm animal Dewormers? <Depends on if the worms are actually on
him.> 3. Have you had any experience with Clout? I plan to ask the
manufacturer if the carcinogens become inert/or less potent when added
to water...I'm afraid to dump the waste water when I do the water
change to public disposal. 4. Could Puc just be bored and that's
why he's jumping so often? I've heard that Plecos aren't
tolerant of their own kind so I don't to get him a friend that he
will hate. <It is perfectly natural for Plecos to swim up to the
surface and gulp for air. Some Plecos are more tolerant towards others,
but I would not add another one to the 20gal tank, Puc will probably be
needing a larger tank shortly these fish get large, not sure what
species Puc is, but he will probably grow to be a little over a
foot.> 5. Is there anything further I should do to help heal the
split pec fin or will the salt and time heal it? <Good clean water,
salt, and time.> 6. Would it be too much stress to move him back so
soon? <Chances are these worms are harmless if you are having a hard
time keeping good water conditions in the QT tank, and the main tank
has appropriate and stable water quality, I would move him back. If you
can keep the water in the QT clean and within the proper parameters I
would let him hang out in here for a little longer, maybe a week or so.
The back and forth is going to stress him out too.> I know this is a
lot to ask but we'd really appreciate your help. <please get
back to us if I missed anything.> Keep jolly, <I'm working on
it.> Dana <Best Regards, Gage> Pleco with Ich It seems my Pleco has Ich. I have
been studying up but would like to act fast. He is the only
one in the tank and my QT doesn't have a heater yet. <Does the
heater from the main tank fit in the QT? If he is the only
one in the main tank you can treat him here, but there is a chance you
will kill off your beneficial bacteria which means more water
changes.> I have read many things on meds <Me too, always very
blurry, but the Reef Invertebrates book has a lot of pretty
pictures.> but am very unsure on what is safe for him. So
at the moment I am raising the temp (slowly of course). How
high can I go with him and can I use freshwater salt? How much? Temp,
at only 73 right now but slowly increasing. <You could go up to
around 82 over a period of a few days, be sure to keep your water well
aerated. When you bring the temp back down drop it about
1/2degree per day until you reach around 76-78.> I really don't
want to lose him. No rubbing or hanging at the top yet, but
he definitely has a couple of white spots on him. Did an 8
gallon change already. Please Help ASAP. I am
going to keep studying your website to see if I can find info on Plecs
and Ich. Water conditions still the same, Ammonia 0.6,
nitrite 0 and PH 7.5 <Check out this page http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/loricariids.htm
"The too-common infestations of Ich can be quickly resolved with
malachite with or without formaldehyde preparations. Be wary of
utilizing too much salt, metal (copper) or insecticide (DTHP, Masoten,
Dylox, Neguvon) medications on these catfishes; they succumb to these
treatments more readily than the apparent cause you're
treating." The Ich meds will have the ingredients
listed on the back of the bottle. Best of Luck, Gage>
Thank you very much A very worried Tracy |
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