FAQs on Environmental Pondfish Disease from Metabolite Accumulation
Related Articles:
Environmental Pond Disease,
Koi/Pond Fish Disease,
Gas Bubble Disease/Emphysematosis,
Pond Parasite Control with
DTHP, Hole in the Side Disease/Furunculosis,
Goldfish Disease,
Related FAQs:
Pond Environmental Disease 1,
Pond Environmental Disease 2,
Pond Environmental Disease 3, &
FAQs on Pond Environmental Disease:
Prevention, Diagnosis, Causes: Cumulative Stress, Predation, Low/no Oxygen, Poisoning (Algicides, Metals,
Pesticides...), Physical
Trauma/Damage, Electrical,
Pond Fish Disease,
Pondfish Disease 2,
Pondfish Disease 3<,
Goldfish Disease,
<Ammonia, nitrite need to be
zero, zip> Nitrate... under 20 ppm. And... there are MANY
organic products, by-products for which there are no practical
testing... Thus the need for over-sized filters, aeration, water
Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls & Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
V. 1
Print and
eBook on Amazon
V. 2
Print and
eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Please help. GF dis., pond 8/16/18
Dear WWM Crew
Can you please help me? I rescued 60 goldfishes 2 weeks ago at the time of
rescuing they suffered extremely bad stress then I just got one day to set
up the new pond.
<Mmm; how was the water, filter "conditioned"?>
Now all fine but one poorly sick, it sinks at the bottom of the pond, I
quarantined it indoor, used Interpet First Aid salt and API Pimafix, the
black border alongside the body faded after 7 days treatment so I placed it
back to the pond then next day the black border comes back again and it
seems has new wound. I tested the water it shows medium high NO2 and
NO3 which I immediately change 50% water, bought it down to normal level now
but the question is SHOULD I USE THE SAME MEDICINE AGAIN or should I try
something different?
<Mmm; actually, no medication needed or advised, BUT you need to step up the
biological filtration here. Let me have you read here:
STOP feeding period; the fish won't starve, but driving the nitrite up
higher may well kill all.
DO look for Dr. Tim's products: GET "One & Only Live Nitrifying
Bob Fenner> |
Hopefully not viremia, pox, or furunculosis... |
Pond goldfish; env. hlth. issues 6/27/12
<Good morrow Robert>
I keep about 20 nacreous veiltail goldfish in a pond that is 8
feet long by 8 feet wide and 3 to 4 feet deep. It is an above
ground pond. I have fish from three different English strains. The
problem I have is that the fish from one particularly colorful strain
(orange/red, black, blue and white) seem to have fins that are
yellow, lightly red-veined and just not healthy
looking. One of them gets a greenish brown ball of slimy growth
periodically on the very tip of one caudal fin at the top almost like a
bacterial bloom or something. I have remove this before and
tried to look at it under a microscope but cant see anything moving, but
the scope is a digital one that puts pictures on the computer.
<Am familiar>
The fish are vigorous and growing and active. But when viewed up close
the fins look yellow and dirty. They all seem to have a yellowish cast
not just to the fins but on the belly too. I know some strains of
fish seem to have this yellow pigmentation but there appears to be
something else going on as well. Sometimes these fish show a band of
visible red across the bottom of the tail fin about half a centimetre in
from the edge. I have other fish and they do not show any
symptoms although they get the odd fungusy-like patch on the tail which
disappears. I keep a water hose slowly running in the pond
continuously and syphon out the bottom every fortnight or so.
<Mmm, do you have gear, measures for aspect/s of water quality?
Am interested particularly in Nitrate/NO3 concentration... I suspect
your system and fish have too much metabolite present>
I would estimate that the pond water is completely replaced every 2-3
I have tried malachite green, ESHa 2000, the stuff that turns your water
purple (forgot the name).
<Potassium permanganate, KMn03 likely>
I will be most grateful if you have any ideas. By the way, the temperature
rarely hits 65 F. Usually about 60 F. And I have had trouble with Gas
bubble disease in fins last year but not since I covered the pond with a
bamboo screen. I am in North West England
Thank You
<Likely you need to add biological filtration, perhaps decrease food/s,
feeding. The symptoms you mention are almost assuredly due to water
quality. Dilution via the slow running hose pipe won't solve this... Bob
Re Pond goldfish; 6/28/12
Hi Bob, Thank you very much. I have test strips
<These are notoriously inaccurate and imprecise. Look for a liquid or
capsule reagent type master "pond" or freshwater aquarium kit>
for water quality but I honestly can't make heads or tails out of the
<You're not alone>
matching the colours, etc. I only know my fish are healthier in the pond
than in a tank.
<Oh yes; assuredly. There is much more volume/space and cooler
temp./lower metabolism in the pond>
I suspect you are right that water quality is likely to blame I had
thought that might be the case. I don't have an electricity point
outside for filtration but will see what I can do to get that done. I do
tend to feed the fish a lot of salmon based gel food that I make myself,
so meantime I'll cut down on the amount of food too. I appreciate your
time and expertise. I'll go now and sort out an electrician! Thanks
<Welcome in kind/degree. BobF>
Balancing objectives, bio-cycling new pond 7/28/10
Dear Crew,
We have set up a new 1,300 gallon pond. We treated the water with
Amquel initially
<Mmm, better by far to "just wait"... let a week go by...
to liberate sanitizer (Chloramine)>
and then aged it for 4 weeks
<Oh! So Amquel was unnecessary>
with filter and aeration. Finally we added a product our local Koi
store sells called "super bugs"
<What is this specifically? A culture of nitrifying
and then 3 days later added 5 fingerling Koi. The nitrogen cycle
started as predicted with the Ammonia slowly climbing up to .25
<... toxic, debilitating>
and then slowly back down. Along the way we sometimes gave way to worry
about stress and added tiny amounts of Amquel. We knew this would
affect the cycle by binding the ammonia that the bacteria needed, but
we did it sparingly hoping that the bacteria would simply take longer
to cycle.
<A reasonable assumption>
Now, the ammonia is zero, but the nitrites are over .50
<Also toxic...>
and maybe even climbing. The fish are flashing occasionally and
certainly in distress.
<I'd remove them to elsewhere till this system is completely
Everything I've read says to do a minimum 25% water change, but
since we don't have a place to fill and treat 325 gallons of water,
we'll need to pour our local chloramine-treated water into the pond
while interspersing
<... or just wait, feed the system a bit of food/s to finish
My concern is that I'll be changing too many things too quickly and
substituting one terribly toxic condition for another while subjecting
the fish to toxic conditions AND sudden change.
How do I get out of this cycle?
Thank you,
<Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm
and as much of the linked files above as you deem gains you a
sufficient understanding of your present position, options. At any
length, if you don't move the tategoi, I'd stop feeding
period... but the best course of action is to remove them to an
established system, wait the few weeks till there is no NO2, some
accumulating NO3, evidence of complete cycling here.
Black spot spreading to other fish, does not resemble fish
pox. Env. pond dis. 8/7/08
Hello WWM crew! <C...>
I have a question about my pond fish. First of all, I have
approximately a 900 gallon pond that has been set up for about two
years now. Earlier this spring I noticed that one of my larger koi had
a black spot that had developed on his side. It was a single spot that
has some mass to it, but did not look like a growth of the fish's
flesh. Probably the best way to describe it would be like a tiny leech
(sp.?) about 3mm in length and perhaps 1.5-2mm in width. <Likely a
trauma site originally...> By the time I had noticed the spot, the
fish had already exhibited some tail rot and an open sore near his
head. <Mmmm> Thinking that perhaps this was a parasite of some
sort <... Where would this come from originally?> I treated the
pond with a broad spectrum anti-parasitic medication (I width I could
remember what brand it was) and some melafix for the tail rot.
<Worthless. Worse than worthless> Sad to say that after a few
days, even with the fins clearing up and the black mass falling off,
the fish still passed. Everything has been fine since then until a
couple of days ago I noticed two of these spots on another of my koi.
I'm making an assumption that perhaps this wasn't parasitic, or
at least not one affected by the medication I used, so I've been
trying to identify exactly what this is. <Is environmental... worse
with the "fix"> I've looked all over your site (Kudos
by the way, I've been using it re: my reef tank for a long time)
and have not been able to find anything that looks or sounds similar.
I've looked at fish pox, but the mass doesn't really look
anything like the pictures I've seen. I'm hoping that you might
be able to give me some insight as to what I might be dealing with. I
will try and get some pictures of it though it will probably be much
more difficult to do so than with my aquariums. Jeremy Johnson <Nine
hundred gallons isn't much for a pond volume... I suspect you have
insufficient water quality measures... I'd be testing, making a
standard operating procedure for maintenance... including water changes
during warm/er weather... Perhaps adding some additional filtration
capacity... "It's the water" very likely. Bob
Re: Black spot spreading to other fish, does not resemble fish
pox. 8/8/08
Thank you for the quick reply Bob.
Perhaps you might give me a clue as to what environmental element I
should be looking at as I do test my water weekly and the current
readings are: pH-7.2 Ammonia-0 NO3-10ppm NO2-0 GH-75ppm KH-120ppm
Chlorine/Chloramines-0 (apologies for not including this in my first
email) <Ahh! These are all fine... from their lack of mention I had
guessed that there might be a metabolite accumulation issue here... no
longer> I also do 25-50% water changes bi-weekly depending on
nitrate accumulation during the months where the water is above 60
degrees. <Outstanding> As far as filtration goes I'm using an
open top 55g plastic drum with four stages of poly media along with bio
media in the lower "section" of the filter that gravity feeds
to a waterfall weir. <Wow!> The water is being turned over at a
rate of approximately 4000 gallons per hour through this filter, and
then I also run a store bought filter bed on my fountain pump just
because I can. I don't have any discernable nuisance algae and the
substrate is continually stirred up during water changes to help get
rid of any built up organic material. The time frame between the first
fish showing symptoms and now has been about two months so I've
changed more than 100% of the total water volume by now which should
have rid the pond of any left over medications. Jeremy <You read as
an exemplary pond keeper... Not much I would actually "do" to
"treat" the system, livestock here... Other than the good
care you're apparently providing, time going by. Have you perused
the env. pond disease areas:
http://wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pdenvdisfaqs.htm and the linked
files above? Bob
Dead fish Aarrgh... ponds period
Hi <Hello> I inherited a pond last year when I
moved house. There are [or should I say were :-( ] 5
fish - look like goldfish but I'm not sure, they are mostly
orange, orange and white and there is one black one - they range in
size from about 15cm - 25cm in length. About a week ago
my son found one |(apparently) dead at the edge of the pond, but
although it did move when he fished it out, it was obviously not
long for this world and was barely breathing. We put it
in a large container (plastic barrel) to reduce the likelihood of
any infection to the rest of the fish - though I suspected water
quality to be the problem - <Me too> from what I know of
aquarium fish. I really know nothing about pond fish
other than a note left me by the previous owners advising me to
stop feeding and turn off pump with the onset of winter (which is
about when we moved so we haven't had much to do with the fish
up till now) and to turn the pump on in spring which I have now
done. <You hopefully flushed the lines, filter/s if there...>
I don't know what type of pump it is but it seems pretty basic
and they didn't mention anything about filters - just that it
may need cleaning out occasionally. We now look as though we are
about to lose another fish - again one of the smaller ones - I cant
see any obvious injury or illness other than the lack of
life! Not wanting to be flippant - I am really
concerned. Would appreciate any advice or request for
additional information you may need. I can send photos
if you need. <You need to read first> We have loads of
amorous frogs who seem very lively - would the change in pond life
have any effect? Thanks in advance for your help. Also can you
recommend a book on keeping pond fish - I think I need to do some
swatting. Janet <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/Pond%20Sub%20Web.htm
Start at the top...> P.S constipated aquarium Oranda - we have
been feeding daphnia to no effect and have added salt - going to
try peas - do I squash them, remove the skin or what? <Pinch the
skins off> (Obviously talking about the peas not the Oranda)
<Bob Fenner> Re: Dead fish Aarrgh... ponds
period 3/23/06 > Thanks for help - have done
some swatting <?> and know where to look if need more
help. Have done massive water change and pump clean and
all now seem to have livened up. Found a rotten frog at
bottom which must have been breeding bacteria etc. badly.
<Yikes> We have 2 large fish and one small left and I think
that 's probably enough from what I've
read. Anyway I'll keep on swatting and hope
situation won't arise again! Janet <Swatting? Thanks for the
further input. Bob Fenner> Hi Swatting = intensive reading Janet
<Ahh! Thank you for this. RMF> |
Question about sick pond goldfish... Mmm, and Pond
Circ., Filtr., Maint. 8/7/06 Hi - I could
not find the answer to my question on your web site and hope you
can help. <Will try> We have
a natural outside pond. It is under shade all day and has much
foliage around it but none in it other than the occasional
foliage which drops in from around the pond. The pond
measures aprox. 26 ft by 14 ft by 4 ft deep. It is
always clear and is fed from the runoff of our spring box.
<How nice!> The water is constant circulating and has a
pipe in the middle of the pond to control overflow. <Mmm, I
would "sleeve" this... put a pipe over this one,
notched at the bottom... to "force" "old
water" and silt from the bottom rather than venting newer
water from the surface> There is a dirt bottom and
a layer of leaves. Also at the bottom is a very small
spring which additionally feeds the pond. <Great>
I am not sure how old the pond is, we
have lived here 5 years and it was here when we bought the
home. The only upkeep is the removal of leaves every 2
years or so. The current gold fish we have
in the pond have been there 3 years. We originally had
five. <No reproduction? Odd...> Just this past year, around
the beginning of spring we lost one fish and now, recently, a
second. The goldfish both measured about 6
to 8 inches long. Prior to dying, they both
became lethargic and kept themselves close to the edge of the
pond. Resting themselves there and not swimming around
at all. They also lost many of their scales and
where the scales were, there was "fuzz".
<Perhaps... secondary... decomposition>
We are worried there may be a disease or parasite in
the pond. <Mmm, not likely... or at least not likely a primary
cause/source of mortality here. Much more likely is some sort of
environmental complaint... most easily addressed with the added
"sleeve" over your standpipe mentioned above...>
We are also concerned that the problem may be at the
source spring. <Mmm, yes... and/or some bit of decomposition
in the "overburden"... the unconsolidated
"ooze" at the bottom... again, best addressed with the
sleeve, periodic increased (overflow from rain...>
This is concerning because we use the water from this
spring for our home use. It is a separate spring box
pumped to our home but the overflow from this spring feeds the
pond. <Mmm... Am sure you have
particulate and chemical treatment to make this safe, potable...
If it were me/mine, I would make use of a reverse osmosis device
for potable uses... adding a "booster" pump for needed
pressure if required...>> Any help you could
give would be greatly appreciated. Thank
you. J.M. <Welcome. Bob
Question about sick pond goldfish 8/8/06 Thanks
Bob, <Welcome> Need clarification
on the "sleeve". I understand a pipe over
the existing pipe but please explain the "notches" at
the bottom and how it allows for water and material to be pulled
from lower pond depth. <Wish I
knew how to make, post a drawing of such... imagine your existing
overflow pipe... with a pipe of larger diameter placed
over/around it. The new, larger pipe is "taller", and
there are some holes, inverted "V" cut outs in this
pipe at the bottom... such that, when the water level rises, the
water from the bottom of the pond (about the cut outs) travels
up, between the inner wall of the new pipe, the outer wall of the
old standpipe... and to waste> And again for
clarity - the "sick fish" problem is likely
environmental? <Almost assuredly> If so, then explain how
the "sleeve" will "fix" this. <By
improving the environment... helping vent "bad water"
(nutrient laden, low/no oxygen...) from the system> Are we
likely to lose the rest of our fish before the problem is
resolved by the "sleeve"?
<Mmm, impossible to say. However, not worth
trying to do something "overt" here... adding a large
influx of water, "treatments"...> I too
was surprised that we have not had "babies"
yet. Any ideas on cause? <Many
possibilities... mostly "environmental/water quality"
probably... though could be predation... frogs, insect larvae (do
you have Odonatans/Dragonflies?> Should we create
"ambiance"? :) <Could... more diverse habitat would
help... plants...> Or, there are babies
but they get eaten. Or there are eggs but
environmentally the conditions are not right for maturity.
<Some should survive> Maybe I should
stick to one problem at a time - the "sick fish" for
now would be the priority. If we lose the rest
of our fish, is there a "stronger" fish we should
consider for replacement? <Mmm, would need much more
information... on where you're located, the local laws, the
likelihood of the animals getting loose... too many issues to
speculate on w/o much more input>
Again thanks for all info - and your quick
reply. JM <Bob Fenner>
Tank Syndrome (or pond rather) NEED HELP ASAP... IMPORTED KOI NEED
HELP!!! 9/6/06 Hi, My
Grandfather has a 2000 gallon pond with very large imported
Koi, comets, and channel cats. <Mmm... can be a dangerous mix...>
The pond is EXTREMELY over stocked. The reason being is that
we were building a 4000 gallon pond on his property over the
weekend and he was "conditioning" these large Koi
for the new pond, but he added a few to many. In addition
to that, he did a large water change a week ago, and his bio
filter seems to have crashed. <Yikes... with no back-up
mechanism?> (Our tap water has chlorine and chloramines, and he
accidentally put Clear Pond in, instead of Stress Coat,
while doing the water change.) So, today being Wednesday,
the new filter for the 4000 Gallon is coming, and he has lost
5 comets already and many more fish look like they are on
the way out. Yesterday, the ammonia was 6- 8 ppm,
<Yeeikes... no feeding!> so I purchased Amquel (I know it slows
down the cycling process, but I did it to save their lives) and added 3
more pumps to increase water movement. <All good
moves> I tested the water an hour afterwards and
the results were: Ammonia 3.0 (so it basically halved)
Nitrite:15 ppm, <Yowzah!!!> Nitrate 250 ppm, and the
pH was so low it was off the charts! <Thank goodness. DO NOT adjust
the pH upward... all will die... almost immediately> Also, the
buffering capacity was on the lowest level on the test kit.
What should he/ I do? I planned on doing a 1/3
water change and adding a 150% dose of stress coat, as well
as add a concentrated shock of some powdered bacteria he
adds regularly. Please help, I don't want him to loose
any more fish. Thanks, Anthony <Quickly call, run/drive to as many
fish stores that have Bio-Spira in stock and add this to the filter
intake... Quick! Bob
Large ghost <Koi>, off
colour. 12/13/06 I live in the UK, I have a large doitsu
<Oh! A "German scaled carp"... Doitsu is a Nihongo
take on the word Deutsch... a Koi variety... one with large
lateral and/or dorsal scalature... a variety developed by the
way, to facilitate their cleaning for human consumption> ghost
that has been off colour for some time. I have an established
2000 gallon set up that is well filtered with no water quality
issues. (Nitrite/ammonia maintained zero, plenty of aeration, Ph
at 7) Other than Nitrate creeping up towards 100 ppm,
<Bingo... this could be the cause, alone here> but our tap
water is nearly half that. <... danger... to humans... from
consuming such... I would be checking into this> The fish is
one of 10 Koi and is the only one displaying these symptoms.
<Mmm... "happens" with some Koi... Ohgon varieties
quite often...> At 24 inches and a weight of 10 pounds she has
always been the largest, greediest fish and has grown an awful
lot this year. <Also common of Ohgons ("sun colored
fish"... one-color, warm... silver-platinum, orange...
varieties> She lost interest in feeding however around about
November - water temp. was still mild, holding around 12 degrees.
<And... such color changes, color losses are often
timed/identified with thermal changes> All other fish remained
feeding (much less, of course). Even now, in December, the pond
has stayed mild, but she does not want to feed. <Time to stop
offering> She will eat the odd bit of brown bread if you can
get it to fall near her nose, and pick out whatever she might
bump into, but frequently just spits it out. She just won't
eat pellets or sticks (Kasuri / tetra wheat germ). <Good
products> She will follow the pack at feeding time, and I can
tell she isn't blind, but she has always only had one eye.
She didn't spawn this year, she remains quite bloated, firm
gut, she's a broad, deep fish but is certainly much wider at
egg end. Being sparsely scaled it's difficult to see if
scales are raised, <Mmm, are not... this would be obvious>
also having only one eye, it's difficult to see if this is
bulging. It looks like it is, but not overly. She swims slightly
awkwardly, flashes sometimes- very precisely just rubbing her
head. She tries to squeeze herself between pipes frequently.
I've even seen her try to engage the males into what looks
like spawning- now- in the winter! <Mmm, not spawning
behavior... likely dominance displays> She will sit near the
outlet sometimes. She has now got a slight grey appearance to her
scales, and head- could be extra mucus. I got her out a couple of
weeks ago, checked what I could, and she looks fine. I've had
her five years and you get to know your fish, I know she's
not right. I'm reluctant to treat, I have added 0.3 % salt.
And this week Acriflavine, <These are relatively safe
remedies> mainly because I don't know what I'm
treating and these products are harmless. <Oh, yes>
I've ruled out simple parasites, as it's not behaviour
common to these I've ever seen before. I have no
'tank' to separate this fish, certainly nothing large
enough. She has always been an extremely hardy fish, tough as old
boots and wanting to climb out the pond to feed, even in winter.
I hope you can appreciate my concern and hope you can help. Many
thanks, Julian. <Mmm... well, not much "to do"
here... but give up on trying to feed this animal... hope that
the swelling, bloating and other aberrant behavior
"cures" itself over the winter... I would cease
feeding/offering foods of all types once the water temperature is
below 55F. consistently. Bob Fenner>
Re: Large ghost, 'off
colour'- well, 'sick'!.
12/15/06 Dear Bob Fenner,
<Julian> Thank you for your
response re. My large Doitsu Ghost. I can see a
'language' mis translation here as in the UK when we say
'off colour' we don't mean it literally- we mean
'sick' or 'poorly'. <Ah,
yes> I'm unsure about the nitrate readings
(near 100) as i only test for these on a 'strip'.
<This really needs reducing... but I would be careful, likely
ignore most all water chemistry (lest it were outright toxic)
during the cold months... once feeding has ceased... below 55
F.> I use proper tests for everything else so I will purchase
a proper test for the nitrate to double check (tap and pond).
<Good> Since sending the
message I did get her out to have a careful look. Her large
scales aren't raised but they're 'glassy' in
appearance. And her abdomen huge. She seemed fine other than
this. My gut feeling is that there is an internal problem, best
left alone.... do you think? <Is possible... however... what
to do? It is dangerous to handle, treat Koi during cold water
seasons...> I shan't get her out again, as when I put her
back she lay on her side, clearly stressed, for five minutes.
<Yes> Sometimes in my
experience trying to 'interfere' can make things worse.
<You are correct here... our observations concur> I agree
that she might just come out of the winter fine... I just needed
your re-assurance I guess. I thank you for your help, and
informative web site. Julian.
<Thank you... I would wait till Spring... perhaps try an Epsom
Salt bath then if the swelling has not been resorbed. Bob
Fishy <I'll say!>... Over bio-loaded pond...
stop-gap measures 4/19/07 Dear Bob & crew <Big
D> Last night, for no apparent reason, my white tip reef shark bit
the fluke of my bottlenose dolphin I bet you wish you had a nickel from
every time you've heard THAT, right? (ahem - just kidding)
<Heeeee!> Finally, my son's marine aquarium is stable, thanks
in great part to your wonderful site and expert advice. Things are nice
and quiet. Yep. You guessed it. Too quiet. Nature abhors me
having a nice, relaxing day. <And a vacuum!> So a woman I know
called and told me she just bought a house with a Koi pond and asked if
I could come take a look. So I get there and it's
a nice house and a nice pond. There are six 22+ inch
Koi and two 8 inch Koi in a 650 gallon pond with a 800 GPH submersible
pump emptying into a 30 gallon filter. <Yikes... too much life, too
little water, filter...> OK, it was a nice pond when
there were 8 fingerlings in it. So I whip out my test
kit and get exactly what I expected: 1.0+ Ammonia, 5.0
Nitrite & 8.1 PH. So I ask
her: Are you sure they're not dead and it's just the
current blowing them around? <Good one> Well, no I didn't ask
exactly that ... but now I'm under more stress than the
Koi. Changing close to 650 gallons of water over 36 hours improved
things dramatically, but I swear, even as I'm doing this ... a
couple of the Koi would nose to me, head almost out of water and then
turn and shoot poop out as if to say "we've evolved, we LIKE
ammonia!" <Doubtful> Anyway ... a bigger pond and less fish
is the answer and we're working the logistics on that ... but in
the near term, what would you think about 4 litres each of Purigen and
Phos-Guard in the filter as an artificial assistant while I dig the
other hole, pour the other cement and beg the homeowner for the funds
to do all this? <This and more or less constant water changing, very
limited feeding... Bob Fenner> White
blotches on Koi, env. dis. 06/11/07 Hi WWM crew, Thanks for
your help in the past. <Welcome> I have a 2,000 gallon Koi pond,
established 10 years ago. It's been remarkably problem-free over
its life, and a few of my Koi are originals purchased in 1997.
<Nice> It has 15 or 16 fish, all Koi except three comets, ranging
in size from 5 to about 15 inches. It is filtered with a big Savio
trash can-sized filter that feeds a 15 inch waterfall, a 35-gallon
bacteriological filter that feeds another small waterfall, and a 6 foot
long algae mat. I also have a third circulating pump feeding a 6 inch
waterfall, with no filtration mechanisms attached. <Good... and am
hoping that all these pumps are on separate electrical circuits...>
It is under trees, so the water is mostly shaded, some dappled
sunlight. The water is clear but not as clean as it used to be, and has
a brownish tinge, probably tannic acid. <Ah, a clue...> With
three waterfalls evaporation is rapid, so once a week it gets a
generous top off/water change, and a few times a season I remove and
change a few hundred gallons. <Better by far to make sure you are
removing water regularly... to prevent a sort of "Dead Sea"
effect, the accumulation of solids (left behind with water
evaporation)... replacing said removed water with new> I noticed
that a few of the fish, but one in particular, has white splotches. On
the fish most infected there are three, each about the size of a
quarter. They are pretty pronounced. On a few other fish there are
smaller, less obvious ones. All fish are acting and eating normally.
<Mmm... likely environmental in origin> A visit to the water
gardening section of my local nursery led to the recommendation of
using a treatment with Clout <No!> (filtration stopped during
this time) I did this but it had no effect, although in fairness I
probably turned the filter back on too soon, as the blue disappeared
within an hour or so of turning the filters back on. Any suggestions?
Thanks Jeff <Relatively large serial water changes... along with
testing... I suspect you have very high TDS, nitrates... And do look
into adding a UV or Ozonizer to this system... cheaper to run than one
of the pumps... and much improvement in water quality, livestock
health. Cheers, Bob Fenner> Jeff
Possible sick Koi and gold fish 09/19/07 Crew at Wet Web
Media, <Hail!> I have a fresh water tank (pond) that is
rectangular in shape and built into my deck outside. I have had
this pond in my deck for over 11 years. Outside of having to
rebuild it 3 years ago because of termites in the wood frame I
have had no problems with it at all. I use a biological filter
that consists of a bucket with lava rock with water that
circulates at 300 gallons per hour. I have water lilies,
originating plants and a fountain. <OK.> The total volume
of the pond is around 800 gallons. I have 4 Koi and about 12 gold
fish in the pond. <All sounds fine.> There is 1 Koi and 3
of the gold fish that exhibit a peculiar curvature to their spine
(my main concern). None of the fish swim around like they used
to. They mostly stay on the bottom and only come up to feed and
are not friendly at all (they used to feed out of my hand).
<When a bunch of fish all at the same time show skeletal
deformities, and they're not congenital defects, then you
have to look at water quality and diet.> I have tested my
water and the following are the readings that I'm getting. PH
between 7.4 and 7.8 <OK.> Ammonia is less than 0.5
<Unacceptable. Must be zero; there's no "Safe"
level of ammonia. It's either zero or dangerous, there's
nothing in between.> Nitrate (No3) is between 20-40mg/L
<OK.> Nitrite (No2) is >2.0 <3.0 <Dangerously
high.> Total Hardness (GH) is around 150 <A bit on the low
side for goldfish, but acceptable.> Total Chlorine ppm is <
.05 <Again, should really be zero. Are you using dechlorinator
when you change the water?> Total Alkalinity (KH) is >120
<Acceptable; with goldfish and Koi, the basic rule is
"the harder the water, the better".> I realize that
the pH, Nitrite, and hardness are high. However never having a
problem before I do not know how to safely bring all the readings
down to a ideal level. <The critical issues are the ammonia
and nitrite, and to a lesser degree the chlorine. Using
dechlorinator and adding something like a fountain should drive
off/remove the chlorine quite well, so this is an easy fix. The
ammonia and nitrite levels together indicate a pond that is
either overfed or underfiltered (or both).> The only thing out
of the ordinary is that a snapping turtle found its way into the
pond somehow (it was removed immediately upon discovery with no
visible harm done to any fish). <Irrelevant. Wildlife moves in
and out of ponds whatever you do. Admittedly, big turtles will
eat the fish, but that's not the problem here!> Any help
in correcting my water to bring it to good readings and an idea
of what is going on with my fish and how to help them would
greatly be appreciated. <Review filtration. Clearly, your pond
doesn't have enough. If the filter is new, then maturation
may be an issue, but if the tank is established, then check that
the pump is working and that the filter medium is not hopelessly
clogged up. If everything seems normal, then you may need to
install additional filtration, or else thin out the livestock.
Reflect on how much food you're adding, and especially what
kinds: both Koi and goldfish are largely herbivorous, and at
least 4 meals out of 7 can be plant material. Plant material
includes kitchen greens, pondweed, algae-based foods (like Sushi
Nori) and so on. The point here is that not only is this
healthier for the fish, but also plant material contains less
protein while retaining the energy and vitamins the fish need. So
less polluting.> Thank you in advance. Sam <Hope this
helps, Neale>
Re: Possible sick Koi and gold fish 7/21/07 Neale
Thanks for the input. I am currently feeding the boys and girls
"Tetra Pond" pond sticks and they usually get fed once
in the afternoon when I get home from work. Do you think it is
advisable to mix some greens with the pond sticks? I will watch
and only feed them what they will eat in five minutes. I will
also add another pump, filter, and fountain to the pond and watch
the chlorine level to make sure it goes down. Now that I think
about it the pump is a new one that doesn't have as much flow
as the previous one had I hope that this will take care of the
ammonia and nitrite problems. I forgot one of the first things
that I was told about ponds, "The more flow and filtration
the happier the fish". With great appreciation. I have
searched for answers at other places on the Web and you are the
first and only one to respond. You guys are great. Sam <Hello
Sam. Happy to help! Yes, mix greens with the pond sticks. Do one
on one day, and the other the next if you like. If you dump some
cheap pond plants (like Elodea) into the pond, you can skip
feeding them for a few days entirely, and the fish will eat those
instead. This is especially valuable in the cooler seasons, where
pond fish are easily overfed (to their detriment). Live plants
are an excellent food source at these times. It sounds as if the
pond pump might be one factor at work here, so yes, go ahead and
check that. Water flow *is* the key in small ponds especially.
Good luck, Neale>
Sarasa comet
gasping for breath? Pond Troubles - Water Quality
Hi Crew, <Hello, Amanda! Sabrina with you
today.> I hope that somebody is able to help. I have just
recently set up a new pond with just over 3000 litres and a
waterfall. <Approximately 800 US gallons, for metrics
challenged folks> I am using a Hozelock Cyprio Bioforce UVLC
8000ltr filter and an Oase Aquamax 3500 pump. The pond had been
up and running for about 3 weeks with plants etc. before I did a
first water check to be able to introduce some fish. The levels
were pH 8.5 and nitrite .1. <Wait, wait! What about that
all-important, deadly toxic compound, Ammonia? Please, this is
urgent.... Do be testing for Ammonia and Nitrate in addition to
pH and Nitrite. Ammonia and Nitrite in ANY concentration should
be treated as toxic or deadly. pH should remain stable - goldfish
are very tolerant animals - though closer to 7.0 would be nice,
stability is far more important than precision. I would prefer
not to take goldfish above 8.0 if possible, but again, stability
is far, far more important here. Nitrate you'll want to aim
to keep as low as possible, probably with plants and a low
stocking density as water changes in a pond aren't
necessarily easy or fast.> I gave these levels to the aquatic
centre and they assured me that it would be fine to introduce
some fish. <.... Did they not question the presence of
Ammonia?? I would be VERY cautious here.... Dead fish mean
you'll buy more fish. I am not saying your local shop is
unscrupulous, just that some very few are. Further, even some
great shopkeepers can forget new hobbyists' lack of knowledge
or experience and recommend courses of action that they, in their
experience, might be able to handle but which a new hobbyist
maybe just doesn't have the experience or knowledge to deal
with.> I bought just 6 fish to start....2 Sarasa, 2 canary
yellow goldish and 2 red comets. Everything seemed to be going
fine. 10 days later I decided to introduce some more fish...I did
another water check and levels were much the same...nitrite
slightly higher (between .1 and .25), <Dangerous, here....
this *needs* to be zero to be considered "safe"....
Please do NOT add any more life to this system until this
"cycling" is under control. There is much information
on WetWebMedia regarding establishing the "cycle" that
will keep your livestock alive and well. Please start here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm .>
...think I may have overfed the first fish slightly. so I reduced
their feed to help lower the level. I also checked nitrate which
was 10mg/l. <This is a safe/appropriate level.> I gave the
levels to the same centre as before, who again said everything
was okay to introduce some more fish. <Whaaaaaat?? All that
fish "want" in life is a proper environment, a bit of
food, and maybe some pals to spawn with. Focus on the proper
environment, and you'll do very well. Again, in short:
Ammonia and Nitrite must be ZERO, Nitrate less than 20ppm
(ideally - a little higher may not be too bad, but can lead to
trouble), pH *stable*, and ideally closer to 7-ish (once more,
stability is key - if 8.0 is easy to maintain, then 8.0 it is.)
Please know that Ammonia or Nitrite in any concentration can lead
to real issues. Further, Ammonia is "more toxic" at
higher pH, so this is even more important in your case.> This
time (yesterday) I purchased 7 fish...(2 Sarasa, 3 golden tench
and 2 shubunkin) all fish around 2-3 inches long. <Do please
be concerned.... and begin changing water right now, if you
can.... and please, no more fish until this environment is much,
much more stable.> The smallest Sarasa almost since being
introduced (after a couple of hours) to the pond, has been at the
surface 'gasping' for breath, he is also not moving
around that much....at times it almost appears that he is in a
trance and just 'floats' with his the tip of his head out
of the water. <Trouble.... Symptoms of a problem (Ammonia or
Nitrite) in the environment.... Do not add medications for this;
rather, *change some water*. Good water quality is of the utmost
importance here. Be sure to dechlorinate new water. Keep that
waterfall running for good oxygenation.> I have read some of
the FAQ on suffocation and can only assume that it might be
parasites as none of the other causes seem to be relevant.
<This is more likely environmental than pathogenic. I would
work first on correcting the environment. Even if there IS a
parasitic complaint as well, the environment must first be safe
and stable before you tackle treating a pathogen.> I just
wondered if this might be correct because I don't want to
lose the fish, however, I do not wish to give unnecessary
medication or introduce anything to the pond that might affect
the other fish. <Gooooood job, and kudos to you!!> If it is
parasites, is there anything that I can clearly look out for to
help diagnosis? <Certainly! Observe the animal as closely as
possible. Fix the environment before taking any other actions
(e.g., do some water changes). Look at the fish's skin; look
for any "obvious" parasites, as well as other
abnormalities.... Streaks or inflammation in the fins and body
may well be attributable to simple poor water quality (again,
presence of Ammonia and/or Nitrite). Trust your gut instinct, do
not add medications or other chemicals to the water until/unless
you *know* you have a real pathogen to battle. You might do well
to remove the little Sarasa and quarantine him separately from
the others, in case there is something communicable present. I
still rather suspect that this is just environmental.> Also,
if this is the case, would it be infectious to my other fish as
currently they all appear to be fine. (The Sarasa both came from
the same tank at the aquatic centre). <Coming from the same
tank doesn't necessarily mean that he can't have
something the others don't, but really.... chances are that
this one little Sarasa is, for whatever reason, more susceptible
to poor water quality than the others. You mention that he's
small; young fish often show problems sooner than older fish.
Test your water, get Ammonia and Nitrite to zero with water
changes, and you'll be off to a great start.> Sorry to be
so long-winded, but I wanted to give as much background and
information as possible so that you might be able to help.
<Don't apologize for this, please! You did very well to
provide the information that you have. Thank you for being
detailed.> Thanks in advance, Kind regards, Amanda <Best
regards to you and your fishy pals! -Sabrina C.
Re: Sarasa comet gasping for breath?
Pond Troubles - Water Quality II - 06/09/2008
Hi Sabrina
<Hi, Amanda!> Thank you so much for your information and
help. <Glad to be of service.> I have checked on him first
thing this morning and he is swimming around a little more,
however, I will begin to implement all of your advice today
<Excellent!> and do some more research, <Ahh, WONDERFUL.
That's the best thing you can possibly do.> and let you
know. Thanks again. <Any time.> Kind regards, Amanda
<Wishing you well, -Sabrina> Re: Sarasa comet gasping
for breath? Pond Troubles - Water Quality III -
06/09/2008 Hi again Sabrina <Hi again, Amanda!> Just a
quick update and therefore a couple more questions...sorry!
<Hah! No apologies, here. I mean, heck, you're
capitalizing your sentences, using proper grammar/spelling, and
researching about your livestock - what more could anyone
possibly ask?? You're the ideal question-asker, as far as I
can tell.> I tested the water this morning and the nitrite was
.1 and ammonia was 0. Could it be this is just my new pond
settling down? <Yes, this is *exactly* what is going on. If
the little fellah is still having trouble, you might still try a
water change or two over the next day or two. A cycling system -
pond or otherwise - is, in my opinion, no place for a fish. Keep
Ammonia at zero, and get the Nitrite down if you can. You'll
probably see Nitrate going up a bit soon, which is expected and
okay.> The Sarasa is moving more today so far...although does
still appear to be coming to the surface far more than the
others. I have been keeping an eye on him (as much as is possible
in a pond), to see if I can see any parasites on him...nothing
seen so far. <Good.> I have also looked into a live
bacteria additive for new ponds and wondered if this might
help...one that is safe to use with fish. <Quite possibly.>
However, my concern with this is that it would push all levels up
first as the bacteria is introduced before it began to actually
stabilise the environment more...is this right? <Well.... In
some cases, you would be right, and in others, actually, it's
the opposite. Some products just speed up or induce the growth of
new bacteria, by providing "stuff" for them to
consume... some of these products will result in a faster
increase in Ammonia and Nitrite. However, the very, very few
"real" products (such as Marineland's Bio Spira,
when that used to be available) actually contain the real
bacteria that oxidize Ammonia and Nitrite, so you would see a
pretty fast decrease in Ammonia and Nitrite.> I obviously
don't want to do anything that might harm the fish.
<Obviously, indeed - you are doing an excellent job thus far.
Your fish would thank you if they knew how dedicated you are!>
Thanks very much, and also many thanks for your very swift
response previously. <You are very welcome.> Kind regards,
Amanda <Wishing you well, -Sabrina>
Goldfish dying - water quality?
Hi. Thank
you for getting back to me so soon Sabrina. <Sure
thing.> I would not think the water quality is killing them as I use
the same well water for my indoor guppies for years and I
have had great great success with them with only a few dying from old
age as they only live to a maximum of 2years old. <I doubt very much
that the issue is related to the source water, especially if your
indoor tank(s) are doing well. No, what I meant was the
water quality in the pond itself - you introduced a whole lot of fish
at one time, which would put a lot of stress on whatever biological
bacteria had built up already (it's an issue in a pond just as much
as in an aquarium). The wastes from all the fish likely
built up very quickly, and with not enough bacteria to compensate,
ammonia and nitrites would rise to toxic levels. Please do
get yourself some test kits (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH) so you can
know what's happening in the water. The sick/dying
goldfish probably succumbed to ammonia and or nitrite
poisoning. Again, it's not the well water that I'm
concerned about (especially with your indoors fish doing fine),
it's what's going on with the water once it's in the
pond. Also, please make use of the following links, to help
you understand pond water, water quality issues, and cycling: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/h2ochempds.htm
This should be plenty of info to start, then please make use of other
pond information on WWM, such a wealth of knowledge. And of
course, feel free to keep asking questions.> Goldfish should be able
to live in the same water as guppies I would figure. I took the pond
temperature after reading your response and it was 61
degrees Fahrenheit at the edge of the pond. Deeper down it would be
colder. <That should be plenty warm enough for them to be
feeding. I would bet they're chowing down on what
countless organisms there are occurring naturally in the pond.> I
wonder if when I run cold well water straight from the tap into pond
this sudden shock of colder water somehow hurts the fish because I do
add hundreds of gallons at a time since the pond leaks into the ground
slowly and steadily. <Oh gosh, yes, that could be a
problem. How fast is the pond leaking? Is it slow
enough that you could just top it off more often with less water?>
Any response to this letter would be very nice of you... The 4 goldfish
left in the pond are still alive and I have not
added cold well water for several days now seeing if it helps. <With
so few fish left, and it being two weeks later, I'd bet that the
cycle's complete now. Do please get test kits, find out
where your water is right now, and wait a couple of weeks, see how the
remaining four goldfish do, then, if they're still okay, add fish -
but only a couple or a few at a time.> If the peas I have put into
pond fall to the bottom, will goldfish still eat them off the bottom or
do they have to float on top?? <Goldfish will eat pretty much
anything that they find anywhere that they find it. I do
recommend that you feed them primarily with goldfish pellets or flake
food. They shouldn't need to be fed more than two or
three times a week, really. Less would be okay,
too. My ponds get fed once a week, with great
results. See here for some info on pond feeding: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pdfishfeeding.htm
> Thank you, Todd from Canada <Any time. Always glad
to be of service. -Sabrina>
Fungus question
Hello, <Hi there> I have a large
fishpond with about 40 Koi and I recently noticed that one of the
larger fish has dark furry spots on it's side. It is still eating
along with the other fish. <Mmm, furry spots... does sound
fungal> I have read about fungus on your site and I believe this is
the problem. I admit that we have not cleaned the pond since we moved
into this house a couple of years ago. We planned to do so this spring
when the fear of frost was past by draining 1/2 of the water and
vacuuming out the organic matter and debris collected at the bottom.
<Good idea... but I would change out a quarter at most... wait a few
weeks, do again...> In the meantime I am very concerned about this
fish. I have never removed any of the fish from the pond for any reason
and I am not sure how to handle treating it for the fungus. Someone has
suggested capturing it, removing the fungus with a q-tip and applying
Neosporin cream to the wounds. Do you have any tips on treatment? I am
afraid I will stress the fish more if I don't handle it properly
and I fear it will jump out of my hands! Also, should I salt the water
in the meantime before I can get to the cleaning? How much salt per
gallon? <You can use a topical... mercuric compound, not
Neosporin... Mercurochrome, Merbromin... with a dauber... but where
will you put the fish after? Back in the same pond? I would not do
this... too much stress to warrant its removal, treatment. Do the water
changes, add salt... Bob Fenner> There are aquatic plants such as
water iris and lily pads in the pond. It has a waterfall to circulate
the water, and a UV light filter which we will re-introduce when fear
of frost is past. Thank you so much for your help! Sincerely,
Laura Keitlen Seekonk, MA <About one pound of salt per hundred
gallons of water.>
Goldfish turning white 8/21/05 Hello, I
have 7 goldfish not sure what kind they are. The pet store called
them feeder fish, they were about a inch long, now they are about
4 to 6 inches long. <Otherwise known as "comets"...
a variety developed in the west> They live in a 100 gallon
plastic shape pond in my front yard. I have had goldfish for
about 10 yrs now and never had this problem. These 7 goldfish I
have had for about a year now. I had one that was losing his
color. He started turning white in spots <In spots... likely a
parasitic disease... were the spots very small? The fish
lethargic, hanging at the surface?> until he was totally
white. He died after about 2 weeks. Now I have two other goldfish
getting the white spots on them now. It looks like, its just
losing its color, it does not look like it has something attach
to the skin. I have read about Ich, these do not look like little
salt spots on them. <Oh...> They do not scratch up against
anything in the pond. These spots are on there bodies and not
there fins. They do not look like any of the pictures I have seen
of Ich. I have tested the water, the nitrites is in the stress
level 3.0, <... this is past the deadly level... 1.0 ppm at
high pH is very toxic> and I am now treating the water for
that, but everything else is ok. I do not know what else to do.
Can you help me or have you heard of this problem.
Betty <Fix your water quality... do you have a
purposeful biological filter? Aeration? A regular water change
maintenance schedule? These are covered on WWM: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/Pond%20Sub%20Web.htm
I strongly suspect the root cause/s of your troubles are
environmental... Bob Fenner>
Re: Goldfish turning white
8/22/05 Thanks Bob, Yes I do have bio filter and a
Aeration pump. No, the fish is not lethargic, or hanging at the
surface. I will do a water change and keep a closer eye on the
levels. Thank you for all of your help. Betty <Ahh, I see... I
do hope the water change/s solve the issue/s here. Your root
trouble/s may be seasonal, from crowding, elevated temperature...
Bob Fenner>
White fungus on Koi 10/3/05
Hi I have just started up a pond in the garden, 1000 gals 3'
8" deep with a waterfall fed by an Oase Aquamax 8000 pump
through an Oasis 24000 green2clean UVC/bio
filter. I have been given 7 fish (all from one
pond) including 3 Koi of around 18" long. <Too large
for this size system> I have noticed that one of the large Koi
has about 3 small semi transparent white patches that are
slightly proud of its scales. It looks like some
kind of fungus but I am not sure. I have also
noticed that a few of the larger fish are 'flashing' and appear
to rub themselves against the sides of the pond.
<Likely "just" environmental... getting used to a new
system that is not quite aged "enough"> I noticed one of
the fish do this about 5 times yesterday morning. At other
times they are quite stationary. They are all feeding OK at
the moment on Koi staple pellets and wheat germ sticks. I have tested
the PH which is at about 8.5 (similar to the pond they
came from). Ammonia, Nitrites and nitrates are all very
low. <Ammonia, nitrite need to be zero, zip> Any advice? Thanks
Chris (Newport S. Wales) <Read through our Pond Subweb on WWM. Bob
Koi sickness... env., lack of biol.
filtr. 2/24/06 This is my first time posting but
I read your site all the time and is very helpful, great
site! I'm having a problem with my Koi which is
getting weak. The Koi is 2.5 years old and about 10 inches long
in a 75 gallon tank. Last week he started to act funny by jumping
out of the water, darting aimlessly at times. But I didn't
see any signs of disease, bacteria, fungus, or parasites on him.
I checked the water conditions and the ammonia was a little high
.75 and so was the nitrate .50. <Likely nitrIte... both these
measures are very toxic!> I do 25% water changes, clean
filters, and add new carbon weekly. Second time toxins went above
.25 after I got a biological filter. <You obviously need more
biological filtration. Koi of this size, in warm/er water are
copious producers of ammonia waste... needs ready processing>
I never use salt but added 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons this time to
help him (mixed in water bucket first). That night he looked a
lot better and thought he was just being a weird fish. But now he
is acting listless at the bottom of the tank, hiding, won't
eat out of my fingers, looks scared, clamped fins, eyes looks
bulged, and nothing on his body to indicate infection when I
looked closely at him. Also I don't see heavy mucus build, he
not losing color yet, but his scales are a little beat-up
possibility from banging himself up. I have one 4" shark,
one small tiger barb, and 2 algae eaters in the tank and leave
the Koi alone (unless the Koi steals the algae disc.. lol). The
Koi still eats, but there is something wrong. My cold blooded
friend needs your help. Can you help
<Only you can help here... you need more bio. filtration. Add
an outside power filter, quit feeding, don't gravel vacuum...
till there is not detectable ammonia or nitrite. Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Koi sickness,,, env., lack of biol.
filtr. - 2/28/2006 Sorry to disturb you again. I was wrong.
Ammonia and nitrites are fine...no traces. But my NitrAte is out
of control. Out of frustration, I changed out 80% of my water,
<Best to limit this to no more than 20-25% per any given
day> added Amquel, salt, cleaned my filtration/ and biological
filter a little. But despite my efforts my NitrAte remains at a
level of 40? (border line) and raising. My Koi now has something
large (bacteria?) on his tail with some steaks also, I added
Maracyn-Two to try to control the Popeye and possible
tail rot. I understand Ammonia and Nitrite toxins but cant find
any beneficial information on NitrAte except declining fish
health. <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwnitrates.htm
and the links above> I hope I took the right steps using a
gram negative antibiotic. <... trouble... in the way of
interrupting nitrification... Read, understand what you're
doing, then act...> But still not sure what to do with my
original problem considering I got mixed up with my Nitrate and
Nitrites. Could you lead me on the right steps. I know its hard
because you cant see the fish. But I thank you for your time and
<Keep reading Wayne. Learn to/use the Google search tool on
WWM, the indices, links... Bob Fenner>
Aquatic Gardens
Ponds, Streams, Waterfalls & Fountains:
Volume 1. Design & Construction
Volume 2. Maintenance, Stocking, Examples
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eBook on Amazon
V. 2
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |