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Albino Catfish in pond, winter health question 04/17/2006 We have an Albino Catfish in an outside pond, approx 500 gal pond, he has been out there all winter with our Koi fish, <Mmm, likely a channel: http://wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/ictalurids.htm> after doing our spring cleaning of the pond, cleaning leaves and such out, we noticed the catfish has this reddish color rash on the top of his body and somewhat on the sides. He is normally all white, didn't know if our water quality is still needing some fixing. <Mmm, careful here> The red rash looks like it is under his skin all the way back to his tail fins. He swims around really well, so don't know what to do for him or her. Can you advise? Should I be feeding him something different then what we feed the Koi?? <No> Thanks for anything advice you can give us. Connie McCunn <I would not "do" anything here other than allow the water to warm up, keep treating this fish as you have been. Likely the reddish coloring is due to environmental stress... the cold, perhaps a degraded water quality over the winter. Adding medicine, salt will do this fish no good. It will "cure" of its own accord. Bob Fenner> Pond disease, confusion, lack of useful info. 4/14/06 I have a 2800 gallon pond with blue light a 4000 a hour pump. A 4 tier water fall its been running 2 years with no prob. My fish just got small white bump spots on there nose and fins its on the gold fish and not the Koi and Shubunkins. I treated the pond with MelaFix <...> after two hours some of the spots were gone ??? Where did they go I have no idea do you ??? I have never added any salt should I ?? <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pdfshdisart.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Swimming habits of Koi Blue Hi, I have a 1200 gallon, established Koi pond with 8 Koi and 1 gold fish. I obtained all of them at the same time about 2 years ago. All seem very happy but one "Blue". A few days ago Blue separated itself from the rest. At times it will gather with them or the others come over to it and hover around him/her. "Blue" will sit at the bottom of the pond or swim up to the ledge and sit for a while. On the occasion it swims - it will first swim backwards for about 6 inches then it goes forward. When it starts swimming forward it swims at a 45 degree angle. The tail does move as well as all the fins so I don't think there is fin damage. The only other thing that might be of help is that the front fins below/behind the gills are partially brown, around the area that connects to the body. Blue does have some brown spots on his head and along his body in a horizontal strip shape. I have never noticed nor have I ever looked that closely to Blue before. Possible that this just may be his coloring. Thanks for any help you can offer. Michael Tarvin <Some Koi (all are the same species) do just have a sort of "anti social" behavior repertoire, but this one reads like it is "blind"... Nothing much you can do here in any/all cases, but drop food near its snout, on a regular time basis to assure it is getting fed. Bob Fenner> Sick pond goldfish...? 3/18/06 Fancy long tailed goldfish four year old appr. l pound from 2500 gallon pond stands straight up like man looking at the sun. Doesn't move around much unless you touch him, then he swims around a couple of seconds then back vertical again. Been like this for at least a week or more. Other fish in pond does not to seem affected. I now have him her in a five gallon bucket in the house. What is problem, what can I do ???? Anita reeves <??? Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pdfshdisart.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Dead fish Aaargh... ponds period 3/20/06
Hi <Hello> I inherited a pond last year when I moved
house. There are [or should I say were :-( ] 5 fish - look
like goldfish but I'm not sure, they are mostly orange, orange and
white and there is one black one - they range in size from about 15cm -
25cm in length. About a week ago my son found one
|(apparently) dead at the edge of the pond, but although it did move
when he fished it out, it was obviously not long for this world and was
barely breathing. We put it in a large container (plastic
barrel) to reduce the likelihood of any infection to the rest of the
fish - though I suspected water quality to be the problem - <Me
too> from what I know of aquarium fish. I really know
nothing about pond fish other than a note left me by the previous
owners advising me to stop feeding and turn off pump with the onset of
winter (which is about when we moved so we haven't had much to do
with the fish up till now) and to turn the pump on in spring which I
have now done. <You hopefully flushed the lines, filter/s if
there...> I don't know what type of pump it is but it seems
pretty basic and they didn't mention anything about filters - just
that it may need cleaning out occasionally. We now look as though we
are about to lose another fish - again one of the smaller ones - I cant
see any obvious injury or illness other than the lack of
life! Not wanting to be flippant - I am really
concerned. Would appreciate any advice or request for
additional information you may need. I can send photos if
you need. <You need to read first> We have loads of amorous frogs
who seem very lively - would the change in pond life have any effect?
Thanks in advance for your help. Also can you recommend a book on
keeping pond fish - I think I need to do some swatting. Janet
<Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/Pond%20Sub%20Web.htm
Start at the top...> P.S constipated aquarium Oranda - we have been
feeding daphnia to no effect and have added salt - going to try peas -
do I squash them, remove the skin or what? <Pinch the skins off>
(Obviously talking about the peas not the Oranda) <Bob Fenner>
Shubunkin problem ... pondfish env. dis. - 3/1/2006 Hello <Good morning... or later> You have helped me in the past regarding problems with a new pond. I am in Cornwall, UK, and I have a 100 gall garden pond, with goldfish and Shubunkin. It has been cold lately with some snow and ice. One of the Shubunkin, the smallest at about 3" long, has been seen to be floating about in the crevices along the pond edge for about a week. If touched it has swam away, downwards. <Likely either from the cold, or more likely from the too-quick change in temperature. Larger ponds, with more depth in particular, are more thermally stable> On Sunday I had problems with the pump not working, and whilst out checking it, noticed that this fish had sank to the bottom and appeared motionless. I reached in and picked it out, <Best not to "fool" with biota in ponds during cold seasons> it was not dead so I returned it to the pond to see if it would swim. It got caught in the flow of the waterfall and was tumbled downward and then lay at the bottom again, as if dead. I have brought it in the house, and left it in a bucket of pond water, along with a little weed. <See the above> It's gills are moving, and it's fins move from time to time, but it has a frayed tail, and a small chunk of it's face appears missing and hanging off. It just sits at the bottom of the bucket. At the base of the tail there appears to be a small cloud of fluffy grey, not really attached and growing on the fish, but just seems to be hanging on it. I have not disturbed it at all. Not knowing what to do, and reluctant to stress the fish with chemical treatments I have used Kusuri-Sabbactisun and Kusuri-Parazoryne, described as herbal treatments to boost the immune system. The fish is still alive 3 days since being removed from the pond, surely a good sign. I wonder if you have any advice on how I can treat it. I would like to save it if I can as it is a particularly pretty fish, very opaque and almost all over pink, with bits of orange, and specks of grey. It is at present still in the bucket, in a cool unheated room. Would warming it help? <Not likely at this juncture... but worth a try. I would not return this fish to the outdoors till the weather is very warm consistently. Please read here re pond design: http://wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pddessize.htm Bob Fenner> Any suggestions much appreciated. Wendy Pond help, poor English 2/26/06 hello, i desperately need some help. I have had a mixture of gold fish and Koi in a pond outside i have had them for 2 years now, they have recently started getting sores in them and on and around the sore they have white, slimy, lumps almost like cotton on them i don't know what to do cause i have no clue what it is. Please help <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/holedispd.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Koi sickness... env., lack of biol.
filtr. 2/24/06 This is my first time posting but I read
your site all the time and is very helpful, great
site! I'm having a problem with my Koi which is getting
weak. The Koi is 2.5 years old and about 10 inches long in a 75 gallon
tank. Last week he started to act funny by jumping out of the water,
darting aimlessly at times. But I didn't see any signs of disease,
bacteria, fungus, or parasites on him. I checked the water conditions
and the ammonia was a little high .75 and so was the nitrate .50.
<Likely nitrIte... both these measures are very toxic!> I do 25%
water changes, clean filters, and add new carbon weekly. Second time
toxins went above .25 after I got a biological filter. <You
obviously need more biological filtration. Koi of this size, in warm/er
water are copious producers of ammonia waste... needs ready
processing> I never use salt but added 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons this
time to help him (mixed in water bucket first). That night he looked a
lot better and thought he was just being a weird fish. But now he is
acting listless at the bottom of the tank, hiding, won't eat out of
my fingers, looks scared, clamped fins, eyes looks bulged, and nothing
on his body to indicate infection when I looked closely at him. Also I
don't see heavy mucus build, he not losing color yet, but his
scales are a little beat-up possibility from banging himself up. I have
one 4" shark, one small tiger barb, and 2 algae eaters in the tank
and leave the Koi alone (unless the Koi steals the algae disc.. lol).
The Koi still eats, but there is something wrong. My cold blooded
friend needs your help. Can you help
<Only you can help here... you need more bio. filtration. Add an
outside power filter, quit feeding, don't gravel vacuum... till
there is not detectable ammonia or nitrite. Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/fwestcycling.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> Koi with puffy white spots - 2/4/2006 Hello, <Hi there> I am trying to treat a Koi in my pond. It has puffy white spots on its tail fin. I treated the pond with antifungal remedy for a week. It contained Pimenta Racemosa 2.5%. <... another "tea" mix...> The fish is eating and behaving normally for the winter period. The air temperatures are in the high 50's during the day and into the 30's at night. The water temperature is cold. <And hopefully not fluctuating much in the system> The fish are not as active as the summer, which is normal for past seasons. <Yes> Can you recommend a treatment? Thanks, JT from Santa Rosa, California <Mmm, not w/o knowing what this is, the root cause. Best not to "fool" with ponds, their occupants during cold seasons (when water is consistently below 55 F.)... I would maybe... carefully add salt here... as proscribed on WWM... otherwise I'd wait, hope for a cure in the coming warmer weather. Bob Fenner> Re: Koi with puffy white spots 02/12/06 The salt worked wonders. Everything is back to being healthy. We forgot that when you remove water to add back the salt. Thank you so much. Joanne Thomas <Ah, good to read of your success. Bob Fenner> Is this Hemorrhagic Septicemia?
Sick pondfish 1/31/06 Hi Robert, I am a novice at Koi keeping
and am trying very hard to learn very quickly! My fish have all been
fine since the pond was established about 7 months ago but I
am now experiencing my first fatalities. It is actually my
husband's pond but he is away at the moment. About a
week ago one of my platinum Koi was found floating dead on the top of
the pond - although I gave it a thorough examination I could see
nothing wrong with it. <Frightening... and, as you know,
will know, though all Koi/Nishikigoi are the same species, Ohgons are
typically very hardy comparatively> Then yesterday, one of my ghost
Koi was swimming a little strange - the only way I can
describe it is as 'wobbling' and swimming very slowly
near the top of the pond. However, when I went out to watch
the fish for a while it appeared to be swimming as normal.
By today it was just floating on the top of the pond listing
to one side and struggling to breathe. I have isolated it and it seems
to have red streaks in between some of it's scales on just one side
and all it's fins except it's pectoral fins are
tightly clamped. I will be surprised if it survives to be
honest. Obviously, I am now very concerned for the health of the rest
of my fish. They are all exhibiting normal behaviour at the present,
but so was Pip, my ghost, up until yesterday. Unfortunately, with the
cold weather none of the fish are moving about much at all which
doesn't help matters. What does this sound like to you and what is
my best course of action? <... I take it you have not added any new
fish or other life during the cold weather months just present? I
suspect the root cause/issue here is environmental... is this pond
relatively stable, thermally? Chemically? No automated make-up water
system? The fish that are in most apparent stress, were/are
they amongst the larger/smaller Koi? Do you have an electrician who
might come and investigate whether there might be an electrical leak
present? Do you have tests for water quality, particularly ammonia,
nitrite... I take it you are not feeding, but what had you been
offering? How often? The protein count please> My pond is roughly
10ft x 4ft x 4ft. It is fully filtered (by what I would call a
normal filter with a UV light in it) and it has a fountain. I have
2xplatinum Koi, 2xghost Koi and 12 'goldfish' in it. <Mmm,
just a comment re the last. Best not to mix the two... however, if have
been in long-contact, not such an issue> All the fish are approx
6" long. I look forward to hearing from you again soon,
Best regards, Linhez <We will hopefully solve this mystery. Cheers,
Bob Fenner> Dropsical Koi I've got an 18'' Israeli Bekko whose got Dropsy, she's had this since the summer, but due to my pond being heated I believe this is what has kept her alive, and happy, sadly it look's a lot worse, the scales are not only lifted but red too. She's still feeding, and seems happy, all other Koi are fine. Can I just leave her in peace? I don't want to upset her by messing as she's never liked being messed with. Yours Jaime Chrisfield <I would move this fish to another "large-enough" container to ease treatment, and add a level teaspoon per ten gallons of Epsom Salt (Magnesium Sulfate)... monitor water quality daily, dilute ammonia by water changes... This might just "do the trick" by itself. Are the scales at right angles to the body? Perhaps this is something other than bacterial in origin... egg-blockage... Bob Fenner> Pond goldfish 11/20/05 I have a goldfish in my small pond. It is around 4 years old. It's just the common goldfish that you see at Wal-Mart. I started with a dozen all about 1 - 2 inches long. Only this one survived. It is now about 6" long. A few months ago it started to get a swollen place on it's side. My friend who raises Koi told me to salt the water. I did, no change. I tried not feeding for a couple of days still no change. Now it is so big that it can't touch it's mouth to the bottom or come to the surface for a sniff. It seems to be eating but I am sure it is not happy or comfortable. I am assuming it is some type of tumor. <Yes, likely so... cause?> It's scales are stretched and it looks like it could pop any minute. My question is...how do you euthanize a fish?? Sincerely, Lynda in Florida <Place in a small bag of water, place this in turn in the freezer... alternatively liquid cloves (a few drops) can be added to a bit of water... Bob Fenner> <<Also known as "clove oil", easily found at a natural foods market. Marina>> Re: Goldfish Euthanasia 11/21/05 Dear Bob, Thank you for your kind reply. Yesterday after writing to the "crew" I took a longer browse thru your website and found the info on what to do. So I carefully put my lovely goldfish into a pail of water that was large enough to let him be comfortable and quickly iced him down. He didn't struggle, just seemed to go to sleep. <Yes> I don't think it took more than a minute before he had quit breathing. I placed the pail into the deep freeze just to make sure then later that day we buried him in the garden. He now has a nice stone over his head. We are moving from FL to MO and I hope to have a pond there too. Thanks again for your kindness and your great website. Sincerely, Lynda in Florida <Thank you for your kind follow-up. Life to you my friend. Bob Fenner> Pond goldfish sinking, blowing bubbles, gulping air 10/31/05 Greetings, Our large, 3-4 yr. old goldfish is resting on the bottom, top fin a bit clamped, releases bubbles, and every few minutes darts to the surface, pops out of the water and gulps air, returns to the same spot at bottom of pond. All other fish are active and milling about as normal. Looked through the WWM website but couldn't find a similar description. I have an 11' x 16' pond (Aquascapes system). 25 goldfish from 1 ft long to 3". Just did the fall clean-out as temperatures are dropping. <Ahh...> Would appreciate any advice. I do have an indoor tank that the Plecos overwinter in. Thanks so much, Holly <Very likely "simple stress" from the clean-out, time of year... and also very likely to recover of its own accord. Bob Fenner> Bloaty Goldfish 10/20/05 Hi there, <Hello.> we have a garden pond which is 2000 liters, 8ft by 6ft and about 24 inches deep. We have 7 fish in total, mostly goldfish, one of our Comets has put on an awful lot of weight (nearly doubled in size) she is only about 6 inches long but is absolutely huge around the stomach area. <Sounds like she's bloaty.> She has been this way for about 4 weeks now. If you could please give us some indication as to what's going on it would be much appreciated. <Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gldfshmalnut.htm .> Thank you. <Anytime Adam J.> Outside pond fish... possible Lernaeid 10/21/05 Hi, this is our first time on your web-site, and we have a question. We have an outdoor fish pond with 4th generation goldfish! Today I noticed something on one of the fish. It is gold in color, protruding ( from under his skin)? or sticking out of his skin, I can't really tell. It looks like a thick wire sticking out. He doesn't look or act different, eating as normal. I didn't see anything like this on the other five fish. Do you think this is some sort of parasite? <Mmm, possibly... Lernaea... "Anchorworm"...> What would you suggest we do? <Mmm... place this/these terms on the WWM, general search engines... read... If this is the cause/parasite, removing the adults by tweezing, inspecting all fishes, using a organophosphate to kill intermediates is suggested. Bob Fenner> Thanks Donna Bloated pond goldfish 10/7/05 hello, I wonder if you can help? <Maybe. Capitalize the beginning of sentences> in the past two weeks our gold fish has developed a swollen belly. all the other fish (10) are fine. the fish is about eight years old and it has recently being put into a larger pond. any clues? thank you J H <Could be egg-bound, some dropsical condition... I would move this fish into more controlled circumstances (like a large-enough aquarium), treat it with Epsom Salt, feed other than dried foods... this/these are covered in articles, files on WWM. Bob Fenner> Koi with large open stomach 10/3/05
I have a 6 year old Koi that is over a foot long, kept in a
8x10x6 pond. There are several smaller Koi and goldfish is the pond
too. The large Koi has had babies twice this year already, so when her
stomach began to swell about two weeks ago we thought see was pregnant
again, but her belly has never been this large before. After about a
week she moved to a different area of the pond and would sit on the
bottom all day, away from the other fish. We thought she was doing this
just to rest or was ready to lay the eggs there. But after a couple of
days she stopped moving away when we approached the edge of the pond. I
wanted to make sure she could still swim so I put a net in there so she
would move, and she did. I went to check on her today and noticed some
tissue hanging form her belly. <Yikes, not good> I was afraid she
would make the other fish sick too, and they were all avoiding her. She
I caught her in a net, she didn't put up much of a fight. When I
got her in the net I noticed a large 2 to 3 inch hole in her stomach.
Her innards are not coming out and I don't see any blood, or other
problems with her. I have her in a separate container for now. She is
still alive, but I'm not sure she will be much longer!!!!!!! PLEASE
HELP SOON!!!!!!! <Could be a few things... an injury from a
predator, resultant from a jump... or Ana Aki... Please read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> White fungus on Koi 10/3/05 Hi I have just started up a pond in the garden, 1000 gals 3' 8" deep with a waterfall fed by an Oase Aquamax 8000 pump through an Oasis 24000 green2clean UVC/bio filter. I have been given 7 fish (all from one pond) including 3 Koi of around 18" long. <Too large for this size system> I have noticed that one of the large Koi has about 3 small semi transparent white patches that are slightly proud of its scales. It looks like some kind of fungus but I am not sure. I have also noticed that a few of the larger fish are 'flashing' and appear to rub themselves against the sides of the pond. <Likely "just" environmental... getting used to a new system that is not quite aged "enough"> I noticed one of the fish do this about 5 times yesterday morning. At other times they are quite stationary. They are all feeding OK at the moment on Koi staple pellets and wheat germ sticks. I have tested the PH which is at about 8.5 (similar to the pond they came from). Ammonia, Nitrites and nitrates are all very low. <Ammonia, nitrite need to be zero, zip> Any advice? Thanks Chris (Newport S. Wales) <Read through our Pond Subweb on WWM. Bob Fenner>
Koi in trouble 9/20/05 Good morning. We have an 1800 gal tank with 5 Koi, 3 Japanese and 2 domestic, that has been running fine for the last 5 years. This morning, I notice on of the Japanese Koi (Tancho) on the bottom, laying on its side, still breathing. I removed the fish, and put it in a holding container for further examination, and discovered it had a distended belly, including the visible signs of some blood vessels very visible, and rather lethargic. <Not good> Water check indicated ph 6.8, alkalinity 80, hardness 50, nitrite .05, nitrate .05 It appears the fish has a blockage in the urinary tract? <Possibly the alimentary tract...> Any ideas? Scotty MacDonough <Could be "gut blockage" or even egg-bound... I would treat the one fish, or even the whole system with Epsom Salt... and look into nutritional possibilities... Am hopeful you don't just feed dried/pelleted food/s. Both of these issues are addressed in archives on WWM. Bob Fenner> Re: Koi in trouble 9/21/05 Thank you for the suggestion. I was able to contact the supplier later in the morning, and after seeing the photographs, determined it had a tumor. The fish died within a hour of discovery. Scotty <Thank you for this follow-up... I would still necropsy this specimen. Bob Fenner> My Koi are dying - please help... algicide? 8/30/05 Hi Fenner, <Madeline> Last month my 18" 3 year old female tricolored had what seemed like a seizure. She was spinning in the pond and all the fish were bumping up against her. She swam toward the edges and I thought she was trying to spawn. <The other Koi might have been trying to "help" the sanke> I put my hands in the water and she swam into them. I noticed that the top of her head was badly bruised as were the sides and bottom of her. <Likely from bumping into things> I put her in a quick salt dip and then let her swim in and out of my hands while in the pond until she felt better. (They all take turns laying on my hands if I put my hands in the water, I am very careful not to touch them too much to avoid sandpapering their skin.) <You are wise here> She seemed OK for a week but then died. Last week my 21" 4 year old female yellow Ohgon did the exact same thing but there weren't any fish near her and when she swam into my hands she didn't have a single bruise. <Frightening> She did look like she had eggs. Yesterday morning she seemed perfectly fine but when I came home in the evening she too was dead and was badly bruised - same exact type of bruises. <!> I am absolutely heart broken with these losses and fear that my other fish will also pass. Also I am concerned because I now have only 1 female, 23" and the rest are male. They have spawned without a single problem for years. Have you ever heard of this type of problem? Can you please suggest anything that I can do. What am I doing wrong? <I suspect poisoning or something bacterial in origin here... a version of "Ana aki"...> Here are my pond specifics: 3,500 gallon pond average depth 5' that was built by a pond company. The filtration is excellent and the waterfall is always on. I use Algaefix, <Please see the MSDS re this here: http://householdproducts.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/household/brands?tbl=brands&id=1020010 I would suspend its use> Kent Pro Clear, MicrobeLift and Dechlor per directions and as needed. I have a master test kit and the water results are always perfect even the salt level. Up until a month ago in all my 8years ponding I never had a sick fish. I give away the fry to keep the population down. They were always very healthy and the smaller ones only came up 'missing' due to the Herons and Egrets close by. Two months ago my 23" metallic was dragged out of the pond by a Heron. <Bold> It bruised the body of the metallic and then ate part of the dorsal fin and tail. I stepped outside as my Miniature Pinschers chased the bird away. I was able to save the metallic and he is now doing fine but is still a little washed out. The remaining fish move about with energy and look good. I now have 5 Koi average length 20"-25" and 4 small average length 6"-8". Thank you in advance for your help, Madeline PS If you feel like responding will I know when you post or do you respond via email as well. I really could use your help. <We respond directly to all, post most all. Please read here re Furunculosis: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/holedispd.htm Acute cases often manifest themselves as your fish's symptoms... I would have the dead fish necropsied (see your veterinarian re who in the area has expertise), cultured for Aeromonas... Adding salt may well be efficacious in this circumstance. Bob Fenner> Leaking pond - am I hurting my fish refilling so often? 8/28/05 Hi, <Hello there> We've cleaned out and restocked a pond in our new house. It's approx. 10feet by 5feet, and 3feet deep. It has a top level which waterfalls down to the larger lower level. We've put in a pump for the waterfall and a filter, loads of plants and have 2 happy little goldfish. Only problem is we have a slow leak in the liner somewhere as the outer wall (stone and mortar) is constantly wet and we're losing 3 - 4 inches a week. <Mmm... perhaps capillatory in nature... hard to fix...> We've tried emptying the pond and found a tiny hole, which we repaired with a cycle repair kit on the advice of our local water centre. But either that didn't work or there's more holes! <Or just a "damp" area twixt the liner and up...> Anyway, time is short at the mo due to work, so we've just been refilling every few days and as there's no time to reline it this year, that's our only option - but is it harming my fish????? <Mmm, not likely... in fact, replacing 3-4 inches per week of depth in a volume of this size is likely very helpful> Very quick 2nd question, sorry - one of my goldfish seems to chase the other smaller one a lot. <Happens> At first I thought they were playing, but today I noticed light patches on the rear sides of the one that's being chased, where the nose of the chaser rubs his skin. Is this normal behaviour, are they fighting, playing or even mating??? <Mostly the latter, the middle as practice... I would add a few more goldfish to diffuse the aggression here> Thanks, Allison Franklin (UK novice pond keeper) <Welcome, Bob Fenner, old-timer> Koi very heavy 8/27/05 I have a Koi that
looks like a pregnant horse. Scales do not stick out like in
dropsy. Swims with the other fish, is active and
eats. I'm wondering if it can't spawn - is that
possible? Any suggestions on what to do. <May be
dropsical... or egg-bound... You can try adding Epsom Salt to a
small-enough container at the dose of about a level teaspoon per ten
gallons, and/or drop some liver oil into the fish's
mouth... Bob Fenner> Goldfish turning white 8/21/05 Hello, I have 7
goldfish not sure what kind they are. The pet store called them feeder
fish, they were about a inch long, now they are about 4 to 6 inches
long. <Otherwise known as "comets"... a variety developed
in the west> They live in a 100 gallon plastic shape pond in my
front yard. I have had goldfish for about 10 yrs now and never had this
problem. These 7 goldfish I have had for about a year now. I had one
that was losing his color. He started turning white in spots <In
spots... likely a parasitic disease... were the spots very small? The
fish lethargic, hanging at the surface?> until he was totally white.
He died after about 2 weeks. Now I have two other goldfish getting the
white spots on them now. It looks like, its just losing its color, it
does not look like it has something attach to the skin. I have read
about Ich, these do not look like little salt spots on them.
<Oh...> They do not scratch up against anything in the pond.
These spots are on there bodies and not there fins. They do not look
like any of the pictures I have seen of Ich. I have tested the water,
the nitrites is in the stress level 3.0, <... this is past the
deadly level... 1.0 ppm at high pH is very toxic> and I am now
treating the water for that, but everything else is ok. I do not know
what else to do. Can you help me or have you heard of this problem.
Betty <Fix your water quality... do you have a
purposeful biological filter? Aeration? A regular water change
maintenance schedule? These are covered on WWM: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/Pond%20Sub%20Web.htm
I strongly suspect the root cause/s of your troubles are
environmental... Bob Fenner> Re: Pond in serious trouble 8/28/05 Thank you for the information. I have pulled all of my plants out of the pond and added 20 pounds of rock salt. I still am having trouble with the water flow. But I feel this is a pump issue and have purchased a new pump to install in the morning. I have noticed that the fish I have left seemed to have perked up a little. I really hope that this works. Thanks so much for all of your advise. Sissy <Very welcome. Bob Fenner> Koi unusual habits 8/12/05 Dear Bob Fenner,
<Derek, Jenny> We live in the South of England UK and have a
garden pond of approx 1,000 gallons and 4 feet deep. We have
7 Koi (4 being about 15" long). We also have 16 other
fish being a mixture of goldfish and Shubunkins and babies we have
reared. <A bit crowded...> We have a very good filter system and
water pump in the pond and part change the water and clean the filter
regularly. The water is clear and the fish are all healthy
and we have not lost any for 4 years. However, there is a
water outlet pipe which runs from the filter and then the water
cascades into the pond quite strongly. My husband and I are
worried because we have recently noticed the 3 large yellow Ogon Koi
have taken to sitting under the pipe and letting the water hit them on
their head (in fact they almost have their head out of the water to do
this and stay there in this position for some considerable
time. It may sound odd, but they are also opening their
mouths as if they are trying to drink the water! <Telling>
At first we thought it was only one Koi doing this, but
have found the other 2 Ogons doing the same thing yesterday
and today. They seem to do it after about 19.00
hours. Also all the other fish are around them at the time
very closely compacted and almost nudging each other
gently. There is no animosity or bullying. In the
5 years we have had our fish we have never noticed this behaviour
before and we spend a lot of time caring for them and watching their
habits. We are now worried. Is this natural
behaviour? <Is... for an oxygen lacking environment...
you have provided the significant clues... the small size, surface area
of your pond, the fact that the Ohgons ("sun-colored fish")
are affected most, and the time frame of the commencement of this
behavior... What is happening very likely is that with the sun going
down, cessation of photosynthesis, there is a rapid loss of dissolved
oxygen concentration... by virtue of their breed (all Koi, like
domestic dogs, are of the same species), the Ohgons suffer most... and
therefore...> This is not a joke email by the way!. Many
thanks for your help in advance. We have found your website
most helpful. Jenny and Derek <The best thing to do... either reduce
the bioload here, increase the pond size... and/or add mechanical
aeration (bubblers). Bob Fenner> Koi Fish Disease...Can you help! 8/9/05 Hi just writing you an e-mail to see if you can help me with something. My dads friend keeps Koi as we do. But he's having trouble with his fish at the moment its not like a normal disease though.. we have never seen anything like it before. About seven days ago he noticed one of his fish was swimming a bit weird. but thought he must have knocked himself on something in the pond...the following day the fish was on his back...swimming into the side....acting like a torpedo when it was swimming and lying on its side on the bottom of the pond....he got a bit worried and took a water sample out to the local garden centre to get tested it came back negative...everything seemed to be in order. <Everything that was tested for...> The following day the fish died.... this keeps repeating through all his fish the same pattern at this moment in time we have four of his fish separated in one of our tanks to stop the his other Koi from catching whatever it is and to monitor and hopefully treat them.....it has baffled us because we have never seen anything like it...its like they've had a stroke of some sort...... Could you fill us in on what it could be or any possible remedies or websites for information....you co operation would be appreciated because its such a shame what is happening to them. Many Thanks Michael Orchard <Have your father's friend contact me please... This sounds like one of two probable possibilities (will be able to tell more...), either an anomaly with cycling in this system ("ammonia poisoning") or a trace pesticide residue that has gotten, is getting into the system. Bob Fenner> Fungus on Koi... 8/6/05 Hello. I have three Koi with an off-white fungus (I think, after trying to do some research on what it could be.) <Actual fungal infections are exceedingly rare... almost all infectious pond disease is directly related to environmental cause/s> They do not show any other symptoms. I just completed seven days of treatment with PimaFix in my 1700 gallon pond. <Worthless "fixes"> It looks like it may have improved slightly, but the fungus is still there... on their faces, gill area and fins. Should I repeat another week of PimaFix or try something else? Thanks for your help! <Have someone come by and look at your system, fish... Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pdfshdisart.htm and the linked files above. Bob Fenner> New pond, new Koi, new problem 7/31/05 I recently enlarged my Koi pond to about 1500 gallons, and bought 2 new Koi for it. Both Koi are 3.5-4 inches. I always inspect all of my fish before I add them to either my pond or my aquarium, <and quarantine them?> and did not see ANY problems at all with them. Both Koi have been in the pond for 4 days now, and I have been inspecting them each day to see if any problems were emerging. Today I noticed that one of the new Koi had a bit of a stringy/slimy substance around its gill on one side. I have never had any of my fish get any sort of fungal infection, I'm not sure how to tell if that is the problem. <Mmm, not likely... probably simple body slime... from the stress of movement, netting...> No other fish in the pond have any problems, and are all appear to be very healthy (2 13" Koi, 2 8" Shubunkin), so I removed the small Koi until I find out what the problem is. I was wondering if you had any idea what the problem could be, or if it is something I should be worried about the rest of my fish getting. Please note: 2 days before I added the new Koi, I dosed the water with salt, since it was a new pond and would be getting new fish. Any help is greatly appreciated <Oh, the salt itself might bring on this excess mucus. I would move the fish back into the main system... but do consider using the tank to quarantine all future livestock. You can read re such procedures on WWM. Bob Fenner> Lee Baker New pond... goldfish
ailment? 7/30/05 Hello again. I have another
problem. One of my fishes was floating but not dead this
morning. I have isolated it, in a bucket, and on examination
it seems to have a hard black protuberance from its
anus. This protuberance is about 10mm long, and the
surrounding area of flesh seems very raw, white with red
edges. The fish will swim, but when it stops it tends to
float to the surface, always on the same side. I am very
worried and would like some advise on how to treat this, and whether
all the fishes should be treated. Your rapid response would be much
appreciated. Thanks Wendy <... impossible to tell you what is going
on from the data presented... I would (of course) check your water
chemistry, change about a quarter of the water, keep a close eye on
your other fish/es... and read... re their care, feeding on WWM. Bob
Fenner> Koi with a Bump in the Night 7/18/05 Hello, You have helped us tremendously in the past and we thank you. So here goes. 5 fish in a 200 gallon indoor tank. One Rena X3 bio filter (largest) one Fluval 404 bio filter (largest). Water tests zero for Ammonia and Nitrites, Nitrates appear high and PH is about 8+. 1/3 water vacuumed off to remove all debris on bottom of tank once every 7 days (water added back in at EXACT temperature of tank and is country, well water that tests normal) and filters gently flushed every 14 days at same time water is vacuumed off. The product Cycle added with each water change. New carbon every 3rd cleaning or 6 weeks. Approx. 1/3 aquarium salt of recommended dosage. All winter and spring, tank temperature was approx. 68 degrees F. Now this Hot Summer, temperature is pretty stable at 76 degrees F. Two small Comet Goldfish (about 3 inches), 0ne 6+ month old Koi (about 6 inches) one 16 month old Koi (about -12 inches) and one 17 month old Koi (measured at 13 inches by floating plastic ruler on water and getting him to line up with it as he is a pet and easy to handle). Koi are growing at an incredible rate, appear very healthy, very good color, very tame, not stressed, eat well and always hungry, etc. Two weeks ago, I noticed on the biggest one and our favorite Koi: On the left side, approx. mid of his body (both from top to bottom and from head to tail) a raised scale. Thinking he must have brushed to hard against one of the 4 large rocks positioned down the center of the tank. Then 5 days ago, he had a very thick, snow white ribbon sticking straight out of the damaged scale. In 3 days time it was more 1/3+ of an inch long and very thick. NOTE: size description is pretty accurate. By thick, think larger than a pencil lead by 2+ times. I searched numerous pictures on the web and it looked to thick to be an "Anchor" worm and "Did Not" match the various pictures? It also "Does Not" match a "Fluke" picture, especially of attachment to fishes body? On advice from local Fish Store, bought "Melafix" and added according to label directions last night. While doing so, saw the snow white, thick spike was gone. Went to add it again today as says to do so for 7 days and noticed a tiny bump of white showing again on damaged scale. Is this a worm that does not match what I can find on Internet or could it possibly be some kind of "Purulent Discharge" (called Pus on us humans and animals)??? < Possible.> Last Koi was added 3.5 months ago after being kept in a separate tank for 14 days. Was supposed to be parasite free when I bought him??? < Seriously doubt there is such a thing.> Once again, pure white and thick coming straight out from tip of slightly lifted and/or damaged scale on the fishes side. Fell off but appears some is notable today AGAIN!!! That scale appears to be very reddened in color (he is a "Kin Matsuba" so kind of yellow/orange with the Pine Cone black edged scales on the top and coming part way down the sides) so the reddened scale/pure white thing is very easy to see as below the Pine Cone effect if that maybe helps you in location? We do not have a Quarantine Hospital tank for a fish his size. Plus he/she is the dominant fish and we doubt even if we got a larger hospital tank and got it (water) properly conditioned that he/she would be happy alone??? Sorry, so entire tank of 5 fish are being treated. Please help as this is our Pet and means a lot to us. I can pet his head and he will come up and kiss me on the nose when I bend far enough over the tank so my nose is only about an inch from the water. He knows his name too. He actually does not come until you sweet talk him using his name. Don't use his name and he does not come up to respond. Crazy but true!!! Thank you again for now and all your help in the past. Trixie < The summer temps have elevated the water temp in your tank and have stressed you cool loving Koi. If you have a worm type parasite then treat the tank with fluke-tabs. It sounds like an external bacterial infection that may have started with a bump or scrape. Treat with Nitrofurazone, increase the aeration and watch for ammonia spikes because antibiotics may affect the good bacteria that break down fish waste.-Chuck> Koi dying with no physical signs 6/29/05 Hi <Hello there> I have been searching your site for possible causes for the death of my fish. I have lost one a day for the last seven days. The pond is new (about 6500 litres). I left the pond for a couple of weeks before putting the fish (15 small Koi up to 7") into it. The filter and fountain were running for the entire period since the pond was filled. I had read quite a few of your responses to other owners with similar problems (fish dying with no outward signs). The fish that have died became loaners, not feeding and began swimming at a very shallow depth and would die within 24 to 48 hours of showing these symptoms. Whilst reading one of your replies about possible deaths caused by poisoning by weed killers/pesticides etc. <Or the system just not being cycled... the root cause here is almost assuredly environmental> it suddenly dawned on me that my pond design may actually be poisoning my fish. The pond is part dug and part raised and lined (not a problem). However the top edge of the pond was finished with 6" wide decking timbers. I realized, whilst reading your replies, they were made from tanalised timber (for those who may make the same mistake as me but are unaware of what tanalised timbers are, they are timbers treated with cyanide). I have made a presumption that when it is raining the cyanide is possibly getting into the water (not 100% but I think it is a strong possibility). Of course I immediately went out and took these timbers off my pond and will drain it first thing in the morning. <Yikes!> Could you please let me know your views on this? If you think I am right then I hope this information may help others who have made (or might make) a similar oversight to mine!! Ps. Great site!!! Regards Stephen Robbins <You are correct in that treated lumber can be real trouble... A sample of the water might be taken to a quality assurance or college laboratory for analysis... Perhaps the timber can be sealed with something making it impervious to water... like polyurethane... Or it can be moved, the pond modified such that water that does come in contact does not wash into the basin. I wish you well. Bob Fenner> Koi flipping over 6/29/05 I read an entry in your Koi diseases section from a person called Lorenzo (page 57) and it sounds like a problem my fish starting having yesterday. Three days ago my husband changed the water in our pond and took out about half of the rocks that were ornamentally placed around it. (he removed the rocks because they had thick algae on them). Ever since then, the fish have been racing around the pond, sometimes chasing each other and flipping and jumping. I am very concerned and would like to know if this sounds like a disease problem or an environmental problem? Very worried! Denise <Mmm, could be that the water change, loss of cover (the rocks) is over-stressing your fish, but much more likely the temperature and water quality change has triggered a reproductive frenzy here. I'd keep your eyes on your aquatic charges for evidence here, and possibly the need to separate, maybe treat them for scratches from being too rambunctious. Bob Fenner> Koi pregnancy Hi Robert, <Joyce> We have a 9 x12, 4 deep pond in our backyard for a few years. The Koi are about 18 long. Recently, one of the Koi' belly is bulging out noticeably, I suspect it might be pregnant. <Maybe...> The temp has been ranging 25-30 Celsius, with night low of 14 Celsius. How long will it take for the eggs to be matured and be spawned? <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/pdfshbreeding.htm and the linked files above> Please advise so I can start watching out for eggs and babies. I want to take good care of them so they won't be eaten by others before they get a chance to grow. Oh yeah, we also have many huge pond fish, fan-tailed goldfish too, I hope they will leave the eggs alone if there's going to be any. Thanks for your advise in advance. <Study my friend. Bob Fenner> Koi problem dear Sir, I am at present looking
after my sister-in-laws Koi. One of them seems to be staying
on the bottom most of the time. It also keeps going over
onto its side but rights itself. I would appreciate any advice you can
give me. Kind regards. Kevin Healy. <It may be that this fish has
swallowed something (like a bug), or has somehow damaged itself. Do
keep an eye on it for signs of missing scales, bruising... Otherwise, I
would not remove it or treat the system in any way at this point. Much
more potential damage from "trying to do something" at this
juncture. Bob Fenner> Koi health... Mind-reading? 11 Koi are kept in a normal size pond but at the moment they are lifeless and lying on there sides at the bottom of the pond. We have had the Koi for 7 years and this is the first year this has occurred. <What? I do hope you have tested your water for physical, chemical properties... that you have no electrical "leak" in this system, that you have instituted large water changes, moved them... Bob Fenner> Pond fish - pregnant or diseased? Dear Wet Web Media & Crew, I have a question regarding one fish in my pond. Since either Saturday (May 28th) or Sunday I noticed a fish swimming upside down right next to a massive plant in the center of our pond. It's been 5 days and she's still upside down just moving her tail back & forth. <Not good> Her abdomen looks bloated like a pregnant woman ready for delivery. Now... is the fish pregnant or does it have that swim bladder disease? <More likely either a type of gut blockage or egg-bound> A local nursery said it was a 50/50 chance. She is probably at least 10 inches long & her scales were once solid black and are now 80% orange. We've had this pond for probably 15 years. We've had babies before... just never noticed anything like this. What should I do? <I would isolate this one fish, treat with Epsom Salt, perhaps try expressing it...> Is there any other signs that I should look for... either way? If she does have that bladder disease will it affect my other fish? <Depends on root cause/s> We easily have 50 fish. I'm honestly not sure what type. This was my fathers project many years ago. He passed away in 1996 and I'm in charge of taking care of the pond. He purchased fish from different places so I don't know what we have. As far as I'm concerned the pond this year is the best it has ever been. Ideal conditions all around... you can see perfectly down to the bottom... it's that clear. I'm trying my best to keep this going since it was my Dad's project. I appreciate any advice you can give me regarding my fish. Thank You, Eileen <Likely just the one fish affected... I would quarantine, treat it... Magnesium sulfate. Bob Fenner> Koi carp wasting away Hey there, We have a garden pond that contains 6 Koi carp, some Japanese goldfish and a few Rudd. The largest Koi, however, has been progressively deteriorating over the past month and is now looking quite underweight. He is having trouble feeding as seems to find it hard to locate the pond sticks and so isn't getting as much food as usual. Swimming is also taking more effort as he is having to swing his whole body instead of just flicking his tail. He is around 18'' long. <Some sort of wasting condition...> Have you any ideas as what his condition could be due to as would hate to see him get any weaker, <Mmm, could be bacterial, perhaps a genetic development... If the fish is very valuable, you could try antibiotic injections (50 mg. per pound body weight, intramuscular... Chloramphenicol/Chloromycetin if you can find it... three injections with three day intervals). Otherwise, I would at least isolate this one mal-affected specimen. Bob Fenner> Pond Goldfish Dear Wet Web Media Crew, <Mary-Anne> I found your site today and have been scouring the abundance of information you have for some help with my fish. I've looked at your FAQ's but can't seem to find anything that may help me with my pond (I know most of your queries are aquarium related but I hoping this is relatively similar), so I apologize now if you've already answered this type of query many times before :-) <Okay> I have a circular pond that holds approximately 1476 litres, it has a solid particle pump which feeds a UV bio-filter, contained in the pond is also 2 lilies and an oxygenating plant, there is also a small fountain pump in the centre but does not normally get turned on. I had 3 goldfish, 3 yellow goldfish, 1 golden Orfe, 1 blue Orfe, a green tench and golden tench and a white and red fantail plus a comet. All was well with the pond before I went away on holiday to Florida. My fiancé's parents were looking after it while we were away. When I got back the pond contained a great deal of blanket weed and the golden Orfe had died. The centre pump was on continuously as the parents thought there might be a problem with oxygen in the water. <Good> There was no apparent marks on the dead Orfe. I soon realized that the main pump was not on and that is now on again. I treated the pond with Interpet Pond Balance 3 days ago and have cleared most of the blanket week, Tuesday morning I found a goldfish dead in the pond, the strange thing was it wasn't floating belly up but almost looked as though it was just on the surface for some extra air! Yesterday evening I took several different water readings as my research seemed to suggest that I probably had a water problem. The PH of the pond is 8.5 (slightly high), <Actually very high... the pH scale is logarithmic... base ten... one whole point is ten times difference...> the ammonia level is 0.1 <Should be zip... am sure you realize the gist of what happened... your biological filtration was lost with the main pump being out... the system went "out of balance"... Coupled with the change in season (more light, heat) the algae outbreak...> and the NO2 and NO3 are both nil. This morning I have treated the pond with Interpet Sludge buster but I am still worried about the remaining fish as they all seem to be staying in the bottom and very rarely swim about. Even with the main pump on I daren't turn off the little fountain pump as this seems to be helping somewhat. Also one of my yellow goldfish has developed a black edge on all of its fins and just around the mouth is also black, I cannot get a good look at him/her as he/she is hiding beneath a rock but from what I can see there doesn't appear to be any fin rot. In all my research I haven't been able to identify what this may be. Oh I also forgot to say that I have 3-4 snails in the pond. Please help as I would hate to think they are suffering. Here's hoping you can help. Cheers Mary-Anne Clark <I would instigate a series of daily water change-outs... siphoning out (if you can) about five-ten percent of the water, netting out what weed algae you can... and not cleaning the bio-filter... and being very careful not to overfeed... All should re-settle itself in time. Due to the plant presence, addition of salt, other "treatment" chemicals is not advised. Bob Fenner> Koi disease, sexing Hello I have a Koi pond approx. 35,000 gallons of water. I have had very good luck with breeding. I have noticed on one of my large Koi, a pink tumor like spot on his face. He doesn't seem to be sick, and he is eating okay. I read some of the questions people have sent you, but I can't seem to find my question. Do you have any suggestions on what this could be? <Perhaps a bruise, maybe just a color patch... could be something more ominous... Likely not treatable in all cases> I did read one article that in the spring mating season male Koi can have a spot that looks like tumors. I don't know if this one is a male. Sincerely, Sharon <If water visibility is good, not hard to sex Koi... males are much slimmer, torpedo-shaped than females... particularly across the "shoulders". Bob Fenner> Odd Koi out We've got 3 Koi and a few goldfishes, the Koi always used to swim together but lately one of them is acting very strange i.e. isolated, very quiet, changes colour on his lips, stay in the deep end of the pond by the oxygenated plants and put a lots of weight on without eating. <Good observations> we though it they were symptoms of white spots and we did a treatment however they idea of it being pregnant is now striking our mind. could you let us know what you think and what would be best to do? thank you for your reply. <I would continue to just observe this fish for now... as your other livestock seem fine. Know that fishes are quite different from Tetrapods... dogs, cats, ourselves for instance, and often exhibit genetic or developmental problems much later in life... This may be such a situation, or just a passing phase of odd behavior. Bob Fenner> Disease in golden Orfes I have about seven golden Orfes in my pond. One of them has got quite a back curvature. I have noticed a second once is beginning to show signs of developing a curvature near the tail end. Would it spread to my other fish? I spoke to the lady at the aquatic centre and she said that it is common Orfes as they get older. Please advise. Should I separate them from the other fish? I have other types of fish in the pond too: red caps. gold fish Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks Teresa <Mmm, could be a genetic developmental problem... perhaps nutritional deficiency in nature... Or possibly evidence of infectious disease (Myxosoma)... I would definitely separate the mal-affected fish, perhaps all the Orfes... Perhaps have one examined histologically if it perishes. Bob Fenner> The Dreaded Furunculosis! Preface: I know my Koi housing is totally inadequate and probably contributed to the disease. Chock it up to inexperience and a lesson well learned. I have always wanted an outdoor pond and the cost has made it difficult to achieve. I will not be getting more fish without first establishing the proper environment. <<I've seen well-established, properly stocked systems experience bad outbreaks of this awful disease. While basic husbandry can exacerbate or alleviate the problem, it is not the "final word".>> My first experience with sick fish didn't turn out well. I had 3 Koi, 2 about 8-9", one 4" (Freckles, Flash and Flip, respectively). After reading your web site I'm guessing the problem was Furunculosis. Freckles had what looked like a few hemorrhages beneath the skin along the body and one at the mouth, one area looked like it had penetrated the skin. He also had enlarged eyes with a white goggle-like appearance. <<Pardon me, but wholly sheet, that was one badly infected fish. The infection wasn't just presenting externally, it was systemic. Poor fish!>> I put him into a Qtank and began to salinize the water, 1 T. per 10 gal every 8 hours for 3 doses. <<Not sufficient salt, and not sufficient treatment.>> I did not have available on short notice, the proper medications but did have and added some Nitrofurazone based fizz type tablets (Tank Buddies Fungus Clear). <<Is one treatment.>> I also dabbed his lesions with iodine. <<Ok. I've read that Neosporin may actually be effective used in this manner. This is obviously for external lesions only, cannot address internal/systemic infection adequately.>> I found little Flip the next day dead in the pond, same appearance, except the eyes looked OK. So I removed Flash to the Qtank with Freckles, and increased the saline to 2%, plenty of aeration too. <<Good move, but again not sufficient. 3% is the place to start.>> I examined Flash and found no hemorrhagic spots and eyes looked OK. Next morning Freckles is dead, too. So far Flash is fine, no lesions, peppy and even eats a bit. Flash is still lesion free 3 days after this episode began. <<This is very much like what I experienced with my mother's pond fishes. We have ONE survivor from our awful bout two years ago, scarred on the side that suffered a really terrible lesion, but alive.>> My question is how long should I leave Flash in the brine? Should I bring the saline solution to 3% or start dilution through water changes? <<Take it up, definitely. I kept my fish "pickling" for weeks, till they were lesion-free. I advise the same for you.>> And most important what about the "pond"? I'm ashamed to say it is only about 50 gal... my fish started at 2-3". It's a filtered and planted plastic tub. Is the water (tested fine 1 day before this began) contaminated with this darn bug or whatever it is? <<Honestly, I would not be surprised if this organism (sorry, can't think of the genus at the moment.. it's on the tip of my brain!) is actually carried in the air. Leaving it fallow of fish during treatment should be enough. If it has plants, DON'T salt!>> Should I do a complete water change, filter clean out and start fresh? <<I would only worry about excess mulm/detritus on the bottom. A filter cleaning won't hurt, but care for your nitrifying bacteria, rinse in pond water only, not tap water.>> What about the plants: Anacharis, frog-bit, and 1 lily and 1 floating-heart in pots? How can I decontaminate those? <<I wouldn't worry about it.>> Thank you for your help, Robin Murray <<Robin, here are some links to good sites on ponds and pond fishes. It doesn't matter how big (or not) your pond is, this is all applicable. Your Koi, however, are going to need bigger digs VERY soon. Spend the $5 at Wal-Mart and get the biggest kiddie pool you can, those are about 100 gallons. Cover it, the Koi can jump out easily. http://www.ponddoc.com/WhatsUpDoc/FishHealth/SpringOutbreak.htm http://www.blueridgekoi.com/disease_issues.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/PondSubWebIndex/koidisfaqs.htm (also search our goldfish disease FAQs). Here you have a start, the plants are not infected nor do I believe they can spread this infection. I wish you the very best of luck, I honestly HATE and LOATHE this disease. Marina>> Sudden Pond Fish Deaths I have had an outdoor fish pond (150 gallons) for the last 4 years. I only have comet goldfish in my pond. I came home to find the 3 largest fish dead. <<Marina here, I'm sorry to read this.>> I have had them for the last 3-4 years. One of the larger fish was still alive but floating on his side and gulping for his breath. <<In need of oxygen, possibly too much carbon dioxide or worse in the water.>> I tried to save him, but was unsuccessful. I have 4 smaller comets that were their offspring (2 yrs old) that are still alive and they do not have any signs of sickness. I am puzzled as to why the larger fish have died. I have never had any of the Comet fish to die. Our pump messed up and pumped about 70% of the water out the night before they died and we had to fill the pond up that morning. <<Oh man, there you have it my friend. This is how I lost a whole pond full of fishes once. >> We were afraid that it would mess up while we were at work, so I did turn the pump off. <<Bad juju - you simply ensured that it would end up the same whether or not the pump "messed up".>> The fish were fine before I left and seemed to enjoy the water change. <<I'm sure they did, especially if it's been a long time since you've done any maintenance on the pond. A build up of mulm/detritus on the bottom would be another reason for sudden deaths - anaerobic conditions may very well have been created with such a buildup, the gasses then build to the point where they are released into the water et voila'! Dead, gasping fishes.>> The outside temperature was around 73 degrees the day they died. I don't know if they died from lack of aeration, but I have left it off before without any problems. <<It wasn't that, it was such a large change without following aeration. For one thing, the water out of the tap has a great deal of gasses in solution. When you take that water out of the pipe, the pressure that kept the gasses in solution is gone, thusly, the gasses turn to bubbles, hopefully BEFORE the fish breathe them in. If not, they got the "bends" in a manner of speaking. NEVER refill a pond this way with fish and NOT ensure aeration and/or turbulent water movement to ensure this doesn't happen. Let's not forget that if on municipal water chloramine is likely present, bond between chlorine/ammonia MUST be broken chemically.>> I have also done water changes greater than 70 % without any problems. <<Did you leave the pump off after doing such a large water change? In a situation such as this we cannot ascribe the deaths to any ONE cause, but more likely a chain of events, several root causes coming together for a lethal combination. Do some maintenance on the pond if it hasn't been done already, check the pump and replace if necessary. I LOVE Eponds.com by the way. Fantastic service, incredibly fast shipping, incredible deals on product.>> Any ideas as to what happened to my large fish (10 -13 inches long)? <<Whoa.. they got THAT big in just 3-4 years?? As above, a combination of factors is my best guess here. If you have plants then they help prevent these sorts of problems. If you don't, consider adding live plants. Marina>>
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