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Chocolate Chip Star Lifespan? --
3/14/10 Chocolate Chip Starfish Went
Into Overflow Box!! 8/12/09
Question re CCS beh. 12/14/06 I just purchased a ccs and have noticed that when I shut the light off he curls his leg up but if I turn it back on he flattens out is this normal --schouinard <Not atypical behavior... You have read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ccstarbehfaqs.htm and the linked files above? Bob Fenner> Starfish being Starfish - 03/02/2006 Dear WWM Crew, Every so often my Chocolate Chip Starfish attaches to the live rock. Is this ok? <Uh...yep. Just walkin' around.> Thanks for the information. <Sure. - Josh> Chocolate chip sea star 2/26/06 Dear Mr. Fenner, <James with you today Linda.> I have had my chocolate chip starfish since April '05. He is currently in a 16 gal aquarium with a Rusty Dwarf Angel, a tomato clown, and one turbo snail. <Much too small a tank for these fish.> At first, the starfish was very active - moved all over the tank - sides, rocks, filter, plants, anything at all. When I dropped in food, it moved quickly toward it. For about 2-3 months, I have noticed a drastic decrease in his activity, and lately, he hardly moves at all - what I would call "failure to thrive." His appearance used to be okay, but this week he looks smaller, and his arms are curled up at the tips. He "appears" to eat - shrimp pellets and pieces of cooked shrimp that I place right next to him. The water quality seems OK - pH, alkalinity, nitrites, and nitrates are in range, although I do keep the sg a little low - about 1.019 - 1.020. I would greatly appreciate any help you could offer to save my sea star. <Well, since you have had him since April 05 it appears he was shipped and acclimated well. I'd get the SG up to 1.024-25 for starters and ensure food is available on a daily basis. The size of your tank doesn't help much since starfish are very sensitive to water parameter changes which will occur in a 16 gallon tank, especially one that is overstocked with fish. Read here for more info on starfish. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/seastars.htm Thank you, <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Linda Kozlowsky <Ahh, the co-star in the Crocodile Dundee flicks.> CCS During Tank Cycle!? - 02/20/2006 My boss just got a new aquarium about a week ago, and so far it seems everything has been running fine, but recently I noticed our Chocolate Chip Starfish hasn't been as active as usual and he's taken to curling up his arms and just staying like that for hours. <This tank hasn't even been cycled yet! This starfish is doomed.> I removed him from the tank and in the net he straightens out his arms but when we set him back in the aquarium he curls up immediately. For a moment the tank was too hot so we lowered the temp, but nothing has changed. All of our other fish (eel, puffer, wrasse,) have been just fine. <This will change.> Please help. Thank you! <Wish I could! Please review WWM on tank cycling. These fish should be removed if they are to live. - Josh> 2 sick starfish... CC health, beh. 2/14/06 Hi i am a new saltwater tank owner. I have had my bigger cc starfish for awhile now, but here lately it is acting strange. It curls up, it takes his legs and like puts them all in the air. What does this mean? <Usually either that it's looking for food, oxygen, or taking a dislike to conditions> My other star looks like its decomposing the little things inside its leg are turning white and some of its skin is coming off what should i do? <Look to improving the above> sorry for the lack off terms i am new to the hobby <No worries. Have you read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/chocchipstars.htm The linked files... in blue. Bob Fenner> Chocolate Chip Starfish 11/29/05 Hey Bob, <James today> I just bought a chocolate star fish and acclimated it right and I just wanted to know it is normal for them to get to the top and have two arms above water? I am assuming that it would not do this if it wasn't going to survive. Am I right? Please email me back. Thanks, Jake <Jake, nothing out of the ordinary, no need to worry. In future queries, please do a spelling/grammar check before sending. It takes much more time to respond to the query as we have to edit these before they are posted in the daily FAQ's. James (Salty Dog)><<RMF disagrees... behavior indicative of something wrong... trouble>> Chocolate Chip Starfish I recently had to move my tank. In doing so we removed some of the water. Our chocolate Chip Starfish fell off the wall during the process. Everything was fine at first. Then we notice the crab over by him and the starfish was turning white. He has gotten himself back up on the wall but he is still white where his black spots were. Can you tell me what's wrong with him and is there anything I can do for him? Thank <Hmm, he may have been stressed, but falling off a wall or any object is normal activity for starfish at times. Was the crab attacking him? If he is back where he wants to be he should regain his normal coloration. This could be the normal result of thinking he is under attack and being disrupted. These starfish are quite hardy. They do need regular feeding of meaty foods like shrimp, (a small piece of regular prawn), etc. and they are very vigorous eaters. They are not reef safe but fine for fish only set-ups. I hope he is getting better. Craig> Seastar Staying Put (3/2/04) Hello!! It would take me a dictionary size document to tell you all the help you and your website have done for me and my aquatic friends. I have a 44 gallon saltwater tank, presently its only occupants are a Chocolate Chip Starfish <Nice, reasonably hardy Seastar. I have been enjoying mine for more that six months now.> and a false Percula. I lost a Yellow Tailed Blue tang after a long fight with Ich. (my fault for not recognizing the problem and solution earlier than I did). Either way, my Chocolate Chip Starfish for the last week has stayed in about the same place for about a week. Prior to this he was all over the tank! (as I've heard they are prone to do) Should I be alarmed? He seems to be eating well and he is moving about, just in about a 4-5 inch radius. Any help would be appreciated! Could the Ich have gotten him? <No> From what I've heard they are not susceptible to Ich. <Correct. Echinoderms do not suffer from the same parasitic pathogens as fish.> I had to quarantine the Percula for about a month because he was starting to show signs of Ich. All of those signs have been gone for a little under a month though. <fingers crossed> Anyways, thanks for your website!! You've made this hobby an even more enjoyable experience <A pleasure for all involved. I've learned a great deal here too. As for your star, I would not be overly concerned if it moves about some, is eating well, and appears normal. It may just like things where it is, especially if you're hand feeding it in the same spot all the time. They are trainable. I'd suggest a check of all the key water parameters to be sure. Maintaining pristine water conditions is very important. If everything appears fine, then no need for hasty actions yet. Just keep taking good care of your tank and all should remain well.> Shawn Starfish Stomach Eversion (2/24/04) Sir, <Just Steve tonight> Sorry, the last email I sent I forgot the pic. Anyway, what is this starfish doing? I have 2 other chips in the tank. These 2 hang together all the time. What is that stuff in the middle of it? This "stuff" got a lot bigger than this pic shows. This is wild!! Thanks, Craig Cornett <Your starfish has everted its stomach. This is how they eat. I'd bet it found something on the glass it wanted to eat. They evert their stomachs around the food and do a good portion of their digesting outside of the body before sucking everything back in. I suppose this could also be a response to stress, but if conditions in your tank are good, I would expect this star to pull it's stomach back in and move on within 24 hours.> Chocolate Chips (3/8/04) Hi. <Howdy. Steve Allen tonight.> I have had a chocolate chip starfish <Protoreastor nodosus> for 2 months. Recently, I have noticed that it's "chips" are turning from brown to almost black and I also noticed that it has a "bubble" on its arm. What is causing his "chips" to turn color and what is the bubble? Please let me know. Thank you. Cori <Well, darkening of the "chips" is probably not a problem if uniform and if it's eating & acting normally. I can't really say much about the "bubble" without seeing it. Can you send a digital picture? I am concerned that this could be an infection or parasite.> Dropping Chips, or Friends Off at the Pool? Starfish >I have a chocolate chip starfish. the other day I was looking in the tank & I noticed he had part of a point missing! I'm not really sure how it happened. I don't have any type of fish that would attack it. (I made sure of that when I bought it) my biggest question.. will it live, & if so will the point grow back or will he just have a lil nub?? Angy >>Angy, starfishes are among the most delicate creatures we can keep in our tanks. Even very small changes in salinity can cause their demise. What you must determine is whether or not the animal appears to be disintegrating. If so, it is dying, and you must make sure you've got the best water quality possible to help it along. If it isn't disintegrating, then chances are it got itself caught somewhere, and just needs time to heal. With good water quality their regenerative abilities are almost as amazing as those of sponges. Marina Upside-Down Chocolate Chip Star (7/25/04) Every morning my starfish is laying on its back. We give it time to turn over but it does not seem to want to or able to. Is this normal? Does this mean something is wrong with this Chocolate chip starfish? Should we continue to turn him over or leave him alone? Thank you for your help! Sincerely, Robin Hirschi <Well Robin, where does he start out the night before? It is rather common for stars to fall off of the glass, especially in a high-flow tank. However, they can almost always right themselves because they are impressively flexible. I do find that they have a much harder time righting if there is not a nearby rock or glass to grab. Lying flat on its back on sand, it may not be able to right. If it appears intact and healthy and moves normally and eats well, then it is likely OK and it should be fine for you to turn it over as needed. Hope this helps. Steve Allen.> Lethargic Chocolate Chip Star (1/23/04) I've read through just about everything I could find on your website about chocolate chip starfishes (and there was a lot) and I am still not certain what is wrong with mine. My starfish has been rather lethargic for about two weeks now. I have a 55gal aquarium with the starfish, a Clarkii clown, 5 small damsels, and a peppermint shrimp. The salinity is 1.023 and the temperature is 78. I have had the starfish for about 6 months now. He is not missing any limbs or any pieces, he's his normal color, but he won't move. I have tried placing food beside him but he will not go to it to eat, so I have had to put him on top of it. <Does he eat it then?> I know starfish move slow, but this one has only been moving about an inch per day. I have noticed very tiny spots of a red colored algae in the tank recently, is this a sign of a bad water condition that could be affecting my starfish? <Could be that your nitrate level is high enough to be toxic to it. I'd check ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and pH for sure. A water changes would be a good idea, maybe 20-30%. Just make sure you keep the SG the same. Also, if the pH if out of whack, fix it slowly. Sea stars are very sensitive to changes in SG & pH. That said, it can be very difficult to figure out what's wrong with a sea star. Hope this helps, Steve Allen.> Chocolate Chip Questions (11/21/04) Hello, <Steve Allen today.> I just recently (about three days ago) purchased a chocolate chip star fish and for the first few days he was all over the tank but today he didn't move as much and for about the last few hours he seems to get bloated (in the middle) and then it will go away and now he was bloated but it looked like it moved to his arm is getting swollen. Is this normal? Thanks, Brittney <Sounds like it might be eating some sort of chunky food. They will remain still over food for may hours while they evert their stomachs and digest their food. They often pull a chunk of food inside themselves, thus causing a large bulge. This is most likely what is going on, in which case it will start moving and shrink down again as it digests the food. If not, then you will have to consider other possibilities. Let us know.> Chocolate Chip Star Problem? (6/14/05) I purchased 2 ccs fish 6/13. <Chocolate Chip Starfish per your e-mail subject line. I would not know that by the term "ccs fish."> The smaller one is all over the aquarium, but the larger one is just sitting there. His chips seem to fold up in the middle until I pick him up then everything seems to go back to normal looking. Is he just stressed out to the new aquarium or should I look for something else wrong? <Impossible to say for sure. Did you acclimate slowly over several hours, as starfish require? Starfish aren't always active, and may sit in one place for a while. Try to feed it and see what happens. Keep a close eye on it. BTW, these are voracious eaters that are not reef-safe and need to be in a fairly big tank long-term. Hope this helps, Steve Allen.> |
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