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Need Help with Copperband Butterfly, fdg., comp...
10/2/13 Copperband butterfly stopped eating, comp. issue
7/6/12 Acreichthys tomentosus question, comp. w/ Banggais
12/2/10 Tang vs. Butterfly 'Aggression Toward Newcomer --
08/11/10 Australian CB in hiding, BF comp. -
8/1/10 Copperband Butterfly death. Compatibility.
6/1/10 Copperband and Mandarin Compatibility --
03/20/10 Copperband and Longnose Butterfly Compatibility --
07/22/09 Copperband & Tube Nems/Copperband
Butterfly/Compatibility 6/17/09 Stocking Advice, reef... Actually Zebrasoma and Chelmon
comp. Hey Crew, Stocking question for ya, <Ya?> I have a
150 gallon reef that housed a beautiful Copperbanded Butterfly for
about 6 months until I added a Yellow Tang and a Red Sea Sailfin Tang.
They all got along great for about 2-3 weeks, when one day the Sailfin
started seriously tormenting the Copperbanded. Sadly the Copperbanded
died within 2 days before I could get him out. I used to feed the
Copperbanded fresh live clams and mussels bought from the grocery store
(it was the only things I could get him to eat), needless to say, he
was very healthy from this diet. The newly introduced Sailfin also
enjoyed the clams and mussels very much. They would actually share/take
turns picking at the shellfish (I would split the shells open and place
them in the tank whole). <I do know this "trick", but
thanks for mentioning> Just before the Copperbanded died, I did
notice that he stopped eating. My guess is that the Sailfin decided he
was tired of sharing/competing for the clams/mussels and determined
that the Copperbanded had to go. Although the Sailfin and the Yellow
share Nori on a clip and the Sailfin doesn't bother the Yellow over
that (for the most part the Yellow would only nip at the clams/mussels
when no one else was around), so I'm a bit baffled. This was a
hardy Copperbanded IMO, he had shared shellfish with Angels in the past
(Flame, Regal - both have since been removed due to reef
compatibility), and was able to hold his own, as I witnessed him
frequently flipping on his side and flaring his pectoral fins to fend
off the aggressive angel (Flame). He never had to fend off the Sailfin,
not once did I witness flared pectorals. I really love the
Copperbanded, definitely one of my favorite fish. I would like to try
to add another back into the system and am wondering how to go about
it. <I wouldn't try here> I figure if I find a Copperbanded
eating with vigor something other than live clams/mussels, I would try
to introduce it. I also discontinued the feeding of the shellfish on
the shell, maybe once in a while I will chop up the shellfish and feed
that way. Again, I am feeling like the manor <Like Bruce
Wayne's?> in which I was feeding caused the problem, if I stick
with dumping food into the tank with more of the faster feeding frenzy,
this would help. <Perhaps, but not likely that a Chelmon will/would
get along with this particular Zebrasoma> I wouldn't think that
a Sailfin would kill a Copperbanded for any other reason as they
don't really look/act alike. Can more than one Copperbanded be kept
in a 150 gallon? <Have seen this done> I have heard that they may
to better in groups. <Mmm, no... the most ever I've seen
together above/below water is two> Quick side question, I am
considering adding another Tang to the group as well as the
Copperbanded (if that works out), you would think that I could add one
of the following as they are not congeners with the existing group:
Naso lituratus, Purple, Kole, or Tomini. Wondering if I should add one
of these at the same time I try another Copperbanded to minimize the
potential bothering of a single animal. I appreciate you advice.
Thanks. -Chris <Good idea re "dithering" here, but I
don't think this will work out. Chelmons are just "too
nervous" species, and a bullying individual Sailfin is too much
for them. Bob Fenner> Flutterby, Chelmon... comp. - 05/31/08 Good Afternoon oh Great ones! :) Simple question (I hope). Would a Copperband Butterfly and a Black Back Butterfly co-exist in a 80gal reef? <Mmm, likely so> I'm aware of the dangers to corals, and the sensitivities of the CBB. The only thing I can't seem to find is how these guys may go together? I would consider a Raccoon instead of the Black-back, however I think the Raccoons get a bit larger don't they? <Yes> Cheers! Chris <And you. Bob Fenner> Mixing Surgeons and Butterflies 3/15/07 Hi Guys (and/or Girls)! <Hi Deb.> I love your site and you guys provide a real service to aquarium enthusiasts and hobbyists! <Thank you.> I am so thankful that I stumbled across your site and I use it to research information all of the time. <Great, thanks again.> I have read a lot about Tangs not getting a long with other Tangs, but I have a slightly different question. <Okay.> I have a Copperband Butterfly in my 80 gallon reef tank along with a Coral Beauty. The Copperband doesn't much care for flake or frozen food, but it will eat mussels/clams and it will also eat Mr. Fenner's seafood recipe (from his book), but for some reason she prefers to be hand-fed and doesn't like to eat food already floating in the water. <Well I for one am pleased to here it's eating period. As I'm sure you are well aware most have a dismal survival rate, captivity wise.> Perhaps I have created a monster! LOL! Anyway, I would like to add a Tang to my tank, if possible. <If the butterfly and angel are the only specimens I don't see any space issues short-term, the long-term is a slightly different issue, 80 gallons is pushing it for an adult Copperband and some surgeons/tangs get significantly larger. Psychological crowding is another issue...I would avoid conspecifics (tangs that look alike/similar shaped) such as those in the Zebrasoma genus. Ctenochaetus tangs may be a possibility (the Kole tang) though due the key with these is securing a healthy specimen. Many are damaged in the mouth area during shipping. Again compatibility wise other tangs could work, such as a few in the Naso genus and Acanthurus genus but there are space issue to address...some of these (Acanthurus Sohal & Naso lituratus) will reach over a foot...well over a foot in some cases.> I am concerned about one getting along with my Copperband and the fact that they get ick (I have a 10 gallon quarantine tank). Can you suggest a docile Tang? I really like the Atlantic Blue Tang (coloring) and even the Yellow-Eyed Kole Tang. <See above regarding the tang, as for Ich/crypt, yes tangs are more prone to this, quarantine 6-8 weeks.> Thanks for you help! <Of course.> Debbie Terry <Adam J.> Copperband in a Reef?...Sure! - 07/27/06 Hello, <<Howdy>> I was hoping to get a Copperband Butterfly after hearing they eat Aiptasia and because they are so beautiful. <<Indeed...striking fish>> My questions are... well I have a reef tank.. so I have many questions. I read from a few sources that they will eat feather dusters and possibly anemones and I read from your FAQ's that butterflies in general will eat mushrooms and polyp coral. Will in your opinion a Copperband butterfly eat clams, star polyps, xenia, Acros, Montipora capricornis, Stylophora, LPS, Ricordea, shrimp or starfish? <<I've kept these fish in varying systems with no problems over the years (have one in my current reef tank) regarding the organisms you've just listed. They will quickly decimate Featherdusters, spaghetti worms, etc....and they will occasionally pick at a clam (though I think this is mostly a case of mistaken identity where the fish goes after a "worm-like" protuberance, or goes for a food item that has drifted inside the clam), but never persistently/causing permanent damage in my experience. There's always the chance a certain individual will be problematic...but this fish is worth the gamble in my opinion>> I hate to ask so many detailed and tedious thing so a Y , N or a maybe after each item would suffice as I don't want to waste TOO much of your time. <<No worries mate>> One last thing, I currently have a 4-inch Pacific Sailfin Tang that has been in the tank for a year now. <<I hope this is a big tank>> Will the tang pick on the butterfly or do they look different enough. <<Mmm, is likely the tang won't like the butterfly to start. But again, in my experience, it's not been a lasting issue with Copperbands and Tangs>> Thanks for the help. Adam <<Regards, EricR>> Fish (Copperbands) compatibility Sorry Bob, just one more question, then I leave you :-) <Okay> I'm having a outbreak of Aiptasia ( blargh ) '¦ I'm thinking adding a Copperband fish'¦ I read that he likes eating oysters and such'¦ will be eating my softies and Tridacnids ? What about my shrimps ? <Almost always Chelmons and Chelmonops leave Soft Corals and Tridacnids alone... Bob Fenner> Thank you Proenca My new Copperband Hi again, can you comment on Chelmon Rostratus in an SPS tank w/Tridacnid clams? <Sure> This is what I was planning, but I have recently heard that they will nip at Tridacnid mantles. The Copperband is eating, not from the water column, he prefers to wait it settle on the rock or bottom. thanks again Andrew <In most all cases the bit of nipping is not a real problem... do know of Chelmons kept in public aquariums with very large, voluble Tridacnid specimens. I wouldn't worry. Bob Fenner> Chelmon rostratus & Christmas Tree Worm Hi Robert! <Steven Pro in today. Bob is in Arizona making a pitch to one of their local clubs.> Always Hervey© the French aquarist owning the flounder ;-) I'd like you to confirm what I'm thinking : I have a Chelmon rostratus in my tank and someone would like to give me his Porites with "Christmas tree worms" but I'm afraid that the worms could become a great meal for my Chelmon! What do you think about that? <Yes, definitely would become food. The Porites and Christmas Tree Worms are popular, but fare rather poorly in captivity. The Porites are generally VERY bright light corals and the worms are difficult to feed. -Steven Pro> Copperband Butterflyfish Would a Copperband Butterflyfish do okay in a reef like setting? I have 85 LB live rock, 100 LB live sand, 1 Flame Angel, 1 Yellow Tang, and some corals. What will it feed on? Oh the tank is 55 gal and I do have a star, cleaner shrimp and some snails. Thanks for your help <The Copperband is considered "reef safe", compared to other Butterflyfish. There is a good chance of the Copperband getting picked on by your other fish. Check out the links below for some good info. -Gage http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chelmon.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chelmonfaqs.htm > Copperband Suitability Hello, all. Thanks, as always, for a great site. <Mornin. We're here to help.> I have a question about my all-time favorite fish - the Copperband Butterfly. I have a 75 gallon reef tank with a small upstream refugium. I had originally written off the Copperband because I thought it would pose too great a risk to my corals and my clam. I've poured through your FAQs, and I've noticed that most of them say that Copperband doesn't pose that much of a risk. <As far as Butterflies go the Copperbands are more likely to behave themselves.> I also have a growing Aiptasia problem, so the risk of the Copperband might be better than the risk of the Aiptasia getting out of control. Here's what I have in my tank: 1 Hippo Tang 1 Scott's Velvet Wrasse 2 Ocellaris Clowns 3 Firefish Gobies 1 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp 1 Peppermint Shrimp (I've had him for 5 days. No interest in the Aiptasia so far, but probably too soon to tell.) <probably.> 1 Bubble-tip Anemone 1 Colt Coral 1 Sun Coral 1 Wellsophyllia 1 Anthelia (small cluster) 6 Acropora (mostly small fragments, all growing well) 1 Maxima clam ...plus lots of live rock and a 3" sand bed. My water parameters are all good -- 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, < 10 nitrates, 410 calcium, 9.6 dKH. I have a small amount of experience with the Copperband. Years ago I had a FOWLR tank in which I had a small Copperband. I was able to keep it for a while and get it to eat, but then a damsel fish decided to kill it. <ouch!> So my question is, do you think it's safe for me to get a Copperband? If the answer is no, please let me down easy! :-) <Well Patrick, we need to talk.... It's not you, its me. Ha, just kidding. The tang and the clowns may be a little to feisty for the Copperband, IMO. Check out the links below before making any final decisions. Best Regards, Gage http://wetwebmedia.com/chelmon.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/chelmonfaqs.htm http://wetwebmedia.com/BFsBestWrst.htm > Thanks! Blue throat trigger in reef 3/10/03 thanks for the info. <always welcome my friend> although I love to have a blue throat in my reef, I going to follow your advice and not put one in. Maybe a fish only tank instead. <very well... a beautiful fish better suited for a fish only display> In a related question with urchins: can i put my Copperband in with the urchin? <yes, indeed> currently, the Copperband is in a smaller reef tank that doesn't have the big urchin. the Copperband is a model citizen with my clams and everything else. He is also great in eradicating my glass anemones! <excellent! They truly are wonderful fish... they simply are too passive for most tanks with tangs, clowns, damsels, feisty wrasses, etc> He is getting big and i want to move him into the 240G. I don't think he will go after an urchin that is twice his size. do you? <not at all... I am certain it will not. Best regards, Anthony> Another Copperband Hello Guys ! <Scott F. your guy tonight!> I could not resist the temptation to buy another Copperband although I have lost a few in the past. <You're not alone! Lots of people have problems with them!> The last one was bullied by my 3 tangs (yellow, purple and hippo), even though I have a 300 gallon tank with plenty of hiding places. He ended up going blind in one eye from Popeye, most likely from an injury while escaping the wrath of the Tangs. <Frustrating...> Albeit too late, I discovered that hanging a piece of acrylic in my tank such that the tank is separated into two halves, virtually eliminated the bullying. Although the acrylic divider didn't completely reach from one side of the tank to the other, it disturbed the Tangs' swimming patterns enough to have a positive effect. After around 2-3 weeks the acrylic was removed and the Tangs only rarely chased the Copperband. But, alas, he died from a bacterial infection that may or may not have been caused by the previous injury to his eye :( <Sorry to hear that. However, your acrylic barrier was a great idea...guess it was just too late> My present CB is living a quiet, peaceful life in my refugium that is full of Gracilaria, pods and the like, so he is getting food meals every day. He has been in this "semi-quarantine" for around 2 weeks. <Not to pick, 'cause I think you've got some great ideas, but I'd do a "real" quarantine in a separate tank, so that the possibility of him transmitting disease to your other fishes is eliminated.. You've got a good thing going here- keep it that way!> He is still quite timid and scared of movement by any on-lookers including me. Eventually I hope to move him to the main display tank, utilizing a simple acrylic divider to keep the Tangs off of him. <Smart idea...the other. less desirable technique that is used successfully to introduce a new fish into an established social order is to re-arrange the decor...But I know that doing this would, ahem, suck, in a 300 gallon tank!> My question is: Should I get him eating frozen food in the refugium before I attempt to move him into the main display tank? <By all means, it's very important to get him to eat the "standard" fare that your other fishes will be eating. Unless there is an enormous amount of natural foods for the fishes to forage on, he really needs to develop a "taste" for the prepared foods> It seems that since he has plenty of live food that he may be less likely to eat the frozen. I am currently thinking that I will move him in 4 more weeks (6 weeks total), regardless of whether or not he accepts frozen food.....Is this an appropriate course of action ? <Well, as mentioned above- I'd get him to eat some prepared stuff first...> Best Regards, Chuck Spyropulos <Any time, Chuck> PS: Regrettably I missed Anthony's talk in Boston a few weeks back...I stupidly got the day wrong and went snowboarding that Saturday and attempted to attend the talk on the following Sunday....it was really quiet at UMass Boston that Sunday morning ! <A bummer...However, I'm sure that Anthony would forgive you, as long as you busted a few radical airs out there! Keep Rockin'! Regards, Scott F> - Copperband Update & THANKS - Dear Crew: <Hello, JasonC here...> Bob gave me some advice regarding abrasions that I accidentally inflicted on the side of my then newly-acquired Copperband Butterflyfish a few weeks ago. I just wanted to update & thank him <He'll be glad to hear this.> The abrasions are completely healed and the fish is robust, active and eating greedily (a variety of frozen foods). This fish rocks--he's a pride and a joy. This was definitely the way to get a Copperband--already 5" long and thriving in another hobbyist's tank for more than a year. It is his loss and my gain that he had to leave it behind when he moved away. I had failed with a smaller Copperband from my LFS before. <Sounds good.> Thank you so much for your ongoing assistance. I am convinced that I and my little wet friends are better off at this stage for heeding your sage advice these past 3 months. I hope to one day know enough about this hobby to help others as well. Steve Allen PS: I was reading the saltwater boards at about.com the other day--they sure seem to hate DSBs over there. <I wonder why... oh well. Cheers, J -- > -Several fish questions- Hi, Is the Randall's shrimp goby an expensive fish? <Nope, generally under $30 from your local dealer.> And, will it live happily with a tang, clownfish, dwarf angelfish, and grammas and butterflies? <It should, so long no one picks on it.> Also, Can surgeonfish be kept with butterflies? <In an appropriately stocked and sized tank, yes.> And can the Copperbanded butterfly be reef safe? <Depends on the degree of reef-safeness you would like. They're not safe with everything, all the time, but there are many aquarists successfully keeping them in fully stocked mixed reefs. I hope this helps! -Kevin> Regards Aaron. Copperband In a Reef Dear WetWebMedia Crew: I have a Copperband butterfly in quarantine right now and plan on putting him into my 75 gallon reef when he comes out....I know they are "reef safe" as compared to other butterfly fish but have one question I can't find an answer to: Will he try to eat my tube anemone? Or, will he, like my other fish instinctively stay away from it? Thanks in advance for a quick reply:) <He should be just fine, but as with all new additions, please be over-observant in the first 24 hours. Also make sure you keep the QT set up for an emergency. Good luck! Ryan> Janey Copperband questions My 60g FOWLR tank has been running extremely well since it was set up 9 months ago (mostly due to all of the excellent information on WWM!) but I have a few quick questions for you: <K, shoot> 1) I currently have a Maroon Clown, Yellow Tail Damsel, Yellow Tang, Coral Banded Shrimp, and various hermits/LR hitchhikers. I am moving house in the next few weeks and thought that this would be an ideal time to add a Copperband Butterfly. My idea was to move the three established fish into the QT tank with the Butterfly for a few days (when it is Ich free - see Q2) and then re-introduce them all into the main tank at the same time when it was up and running in the new house. <Sounds kind of risky, you may crash the QT in the process...> What do you think my chances are that the Tang will get along with the butterfly? (They are both about 4") <Depends on how large the QT is, if it's small then the tang will fight for sure. Keep in mind both the Copperband and your yellow tang will get large and will have to be relocated to a bigger home.> 2) The butterfly has been in my quarantine tank for the past two weeks but I am struggling to get rid of a few small Ich spots (I think) that keep re-appearing on the fins. I have lowered the spg and increased the temp but am having no luck so far. <Hyposalinity is only effective at around a SG of 1.009.> I'm not a big fan of copper as the only death that I've had in the last nine months was an angel that was being treated. Are butterfly's just as sensitive to copper? <Not in my experience.> Should I try FW dips or one of the copper-free treatments? <Try some formalin and a freshwater dip or two, check out the dipping FAQ's first> 3) I recently tried to get hold of some Mysis shrimp at my LFS but they didn't have any in stock. I brought some glass worms instead which my butterfly loves but are these nutritionally hollow? <They're fine for now but do have your LFS order in some Mysis shrimp. It's readily available from several different manufacturers; my favorite is Piscine Energetics brand.> From what I can make out from the limited info. on the pack, they seem to be similar to brine shrimp so maybe not such a good choice. <The idea is to provide a variety of foods, brine shrimp and glassworms can be part of a slurry of other types of foods with great success. I suggest you go out and pick up a few different kinds of seafood based frozen foods.> Thanks very much in advance for your help. <Enjoy! -Kevin> Matt. Stocking Questions (1/2/04) Hey crew,<Steve Allen today> I have an established (2 years) reef tank (40 gal breeder tank with 15 gal sump, moving approx. 400+ gal/hr.). I have somewhere near 40 lbs LR, a 4-5" DSB, some polyps, purple mushrooms, a couple of finger leathers, gobs of little brown feather dusters (clumps of a couple dozen here and there, and a whole herd of what I believe to be Anemonia majano (REALLY need to find a way to get rid of these guys). <You may find some ideas by searching WWM.> I also have blue-leg hermits, assorted clean-up crew critters, turbo snails, a scopas tang <needs a bigger tank as it grows--absolute minimum 75G> and an ocellaris clown. The clown has been in there since the beginning, and the scopas for about 10 months. I'm thinking about adding a fish, and wanted your opinion of the suitability of a Copperband butterfly. <Tank too small. This fish grows to 7 inches or so. The fish is not very hardy and a picky eater. Adding this fish to you tank would be a mistake. I speak from experience.> the LFS got one in last night, that looks healthy and acts healthy. If you believe that this is an unsuitable addition for this tank, then what would you recommend? <Smaller things like a Royal Gramma, a Firefish, or a Shrimp Goby.> Thanks <You're welcome. Hope this helps. Steve Allen. Dow Mathis - Kerrville, TX Compatible Compadres? II >Marina, I do have great filtration but I have heard tangs don't do well with other tangs and I was told not to get a Copperband butterfly because they were delicate and some require a special diet, Is this true? Thanks >>Tang mixing is indeed tricky, but it can be done. Copperband butterflies are not delicate in the world of butterflies, and are actually quite often used to control the pest anemone Aiptasia. I've not known them to be especially picky eaters. Marina Copperband Vs. Yellow Tang? I have a 40G reef tank w/ 25# Live Rock, various corals, and three fish: a small Ocellaris clown, a small Clown Goby, and a juvie Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens). The tank is going very well... corals doing great, fish happy and eating, etc. The occupants will be moved in a few months to a 75 gal tank when I finish setting it up. I owe the success to my 40G to your site--I learned the importance of the major 'players' of a successful reef tank from y'all--skimmer (Remora Pro), DSB (in my case 6"), LR, Light (175 10K MH), and big time water movement (700GPH). <Cool! Glad to hear that we've been a positive influence to you!> My issue is that I have been wanting to pick up a Copperbanded Butterfly (Chelmon rostratus) that has been in the LFS for the last five weeks or so. He's about 2 ½ " and looks very good. . . curious, not hanging at the back of the tank, obviously has been eating (they say Tubifex worms). I watched him for the last month at the store in what was essentially a QT because he was the only one in the tank. So anyhow, after reading all I could, I decided to take the risk and see how he behaves in my tank. . . knowing that the Fanworms (and possibly other inverts) would be doomed if he was going to do well. . . From what I've read, Copperbands either do great and are a great fish in a reef tank, or are problematic and can suddenly die, often due to nothing of the keeper's fault, but by what many suspect as cyanide poisoning from the collection process. <Among other challenges- yes. They tend to be widely variable in terms of how they cope with captivity. Glad that you're getting a larger tank, because the addition of this fish to your relatively full tank puts it on the edge of "overcrowded!"> I decided to take the risk w/ the Copperband--the specimen at the LFS looked really good and has continued to look good for the last month, so I made the decision to not QT him at home since I'd watched him basically QT at the LFS. <I have to get on my soapbox....PLEASE don't do this again. Yes, the fish may have been in a tank more-or-less by himself for the last few weeks, but many fish stores use centralized filtration systems, which can interact with the water in this "quarantine" tank. Besides, do your really know for sure if NO other fishes or water from other systems came into this tank at some point. Just not worth the risk, IMO...> After drip-acclimating him, I put him in my tank. He immediately started checking everything out and picking at the LR. In about 10 minutes he was eating the various sundry small Fanworms and other benthics. I was super psyched since from what I've read these fish can be very challenging to feed. So it looked to me that maybe the biggest hurdle to keeping him for the long term was already close to solved--he was eating w/o hesitation. So next will be to see what I can feed him for the long term. . . How do you feel about Tubifex worms? ,Well, Tubifex and other "terrestrial" foods, such as bloodworms, are fine for the short run to get the fish acclimated to captive fare, but in the long run, they may lack some of the essential nutritional components that marine fishes require. I'd try items of marine origin, such as frozen Mysis, clam meat, etc. I really like Hikari's "Mega Marine Angel" frozen food, which provides some of the food items that butterfly fishes eat, such as tube worms, etc. A good product, IMO.> What I did not expect was the near immediate aggression by my Yellow Tang. Within about 30 minutes, the tang was getting really aggressive towards the Copperband--unleashing his 'scalpel' and generally chasing and tormenting. This alarmed me because of what I've read about fish deaths after a 'Tang tangle'. . . I understand their scalpels can dole out some serious injury. <Yep, the "scalpel", or acanthus, is a pretty nasty little weapon when the fish wields it! I've been cut by one, and it doesn't feel to good!> After a few hours, the tang sort of left the Copperband alone as long as he stayed in one corner. But as soon as he ventured out of it the chase was on. I was really surprised by this behavior because I've read that Yellow Tangs are not known for aggression outside of their own species. <Well, tangs can take a "this whole tank is mine" attitude, especially in a small aquarium such as this. This constant harassment can lead to lots of problems...> With my particular tang, this certainly isn't the case! I'm afraid for the Copperbands life! <Agreed. This is a really big problem in this tank. Personally, I'd make arrangements to get him out. This is a potentially unviable long-term combination in any tank less than 6 feet in length, IMO> I decided to attempt to calm the situation down by putting the Tang in 'time out'. I got a decent sized clear acrylic box and drilled a bunch of holes in it then basically trapped the Tang in it, leaving the box in the display tank. He's been in there for a day now. Obviously, he's not too happy, but the Copperband is happily exploring the new environment. <A nice interim move, but there still may be long-term problems as soon as the tang is repatriated...Careful observation is essential here...> What do you think of this aggression, and is it likely to subside over time? Any hints on how to help the situation? Thanks in advance for your help. Kevin <Well, Kevin, there is no 100% certain answer I can provide. Fish, like people, are individuals, and never seem to follow entirely predictable behavior patterns! The situation may improve over time, but at what cost? The Copperband is in a critical acclimation stage, and the extra stress caused by an aggressive tankmate can be potentially fatal. I'd opt to get the Copperband out...Maybe not the answer that you might have hoped for, but I think that you'll agree-a conservative approach is a better way to go here. Hope this helps! Regards, Scott F> - Adding a Copperband - Hi there I want to add a Copperband to my 200 gallon reef. It is 18 months old now and houses a Regal Tang, Yellow Tang, 3 common clowns, 3 zebra torpedoes, 2 mandarins and 4 green Chromis. I also have two large Malu anemones along with a forest of soft corals. All the fish and both the large anemones have been with me since the tank started. I really want to add a Copperband to my current happy crew but I had a few concerns. Will I be putting my Malus at risk? <Hard to predict - I'd say there's a 50/50 chance and of that, you may get lucky and the clown fish may step up and defend their space. But still... chances are better than winning a lottery scratch ticket.> They are 8-10" in size and house the gentle-natured clowns. Will I put the Copperband at risk with the Regal/Yellow tangs? <Maybe for a little while, just to establish the pecking order, but I doubt anything serious will result.> They are now reaching 5-6" in size. I have a 20gal qt tank. I also wanted to get more Chromis. What if I got 4 green (or blue) Chromis and a Copperband, QT'd them all together, then added them to the reef after lights out? Would the extra numbers confuse/dilute the situation - or would all the Chromis just squabble as well! <Hmm... hard to say. Is possible.> Thanks for any advice you could give me. <Unfortunately... this one fish I would have put in first, but there's always a chance. I think your plan to add after lights out may help a bit, and even keep the lights out for the following day as long as they get some natural light. Time will tell.> Deanne <Cheers, J -- > - Another Copperband Butterfly Question - Hi, I
just found the Copperband I've been looking for. It's big, fat,
beautiful and eating all sorts of frozen food aggressively at my
LFS. <Sounds good.> It was a trade in from another
customer who has had this fish quite a while. Unfortunately for the
customer and fortunately for me, it developed a taste for his corals
and was decimating his reef tank along with a flag fin angel (what was
he thinking?) so he traded it in with his 10" angel. I just put a
deposit on the fish while I get my quarantine tank ready. What I would
like to know is should I give this fish a freshwater dip like I usually
do on any new fish knowing that this is a sensitive species?
<I would.> Of course the fish will be quarantined for 3
weeks. This fish will be going in my 120g FOWLR tank. Thanks,
Larry, Heating up hear in Minnesota to a very summery 54F. <Funny,
that was the temperature overnight here in southern Florida... had the
natives wearing parkas and burning fires... wimps! Cheers, J --
> Tang/Butterfly Dispute - 01/18/06 Hello, <<Howdy>> I am having a major problem and don't know what to do. I have a 75 gallon FOWLR. Last night I added a Copperband Butterfly. I read everything I could find about the fish first before adding him and asked three of my LFS people before getting him but this still didn't prevent what has been happening. <<Don't ya just hate it when the fish don't read the same books, talk to the same people!>> My Powder Brown Tang has been chasing him all over the tank forcing him to hide in the top corners of the tank. I turned off the lights and the aggression seemed to drop off a bit. This morning I saw him chasing him around some more and back to the corner he retreated. My question is will this subside? <<Hard to say...>> Should I just yank him now and put him back in QT? Here are all the tankmates: 75 Gallons 80 pounds of LR 1 Tomato Clown 1 Powder Brown Tang 4 Green Chromis 1 Cleaner Shrimp Thanks, Jason <<I would leave the butterfly in the display, pull the tang and put it in the QT tank, rearrange the rockwork in the display, and reintroduce the tang in about a week's time...if all goes well the butterfly will be comfortable/familiar enough and the tang confused enough the aggression will be mitigated. regards, EricR>> Copperband what? - 1/30/2006 Hello Folks,<Hello Tom> Great site and thanks for the input. <Output, and thank you!> For what it is worth, although you all never ask, I do make small contributions via Amazon Honor System with each question, it is the least I can do. <And is very much appreciated.> Anyway, I have recently introduced a new addition to my tank. Current setup: System one year old but recently (one-month) broken down and moved. 90 Gallon Rectangle Oceanic 100 lbs Live Rock give-or-take 100 lbs Deep Sand Bed (sloped back 6" front 4") give-or-take 460 watts of light VHO and PC (Actinics and White) A variety of Softies, Bubbles, leathers, Devils Hand etc... Some Chaetomorpha for nutrient export An ASM G2 Protein skimmer I also use a few tablespoons a week of Kent Phosphate Sponge (phosphate levels are immeasurable) RO/DI water for top-off <So far so good.> 1- Yellow Tang 4 Inches 1 - Damsel (There were two but one didn't survive the move) 2 - Cleaner Shrimp 1 - Coral Beauty 2 - Ocellaris (sp?) Clown Fish 1 - Blenny After a near three week Quarantine (yeah I know your gonna say should have been another week or two) <Not bad, 28 days much better.> I decided to move my newest addition a Copperband (CB) into the main tank. He was eating and seemed happy, more-or-less but my QT does not have any live rock to pick at and he started to just stay in the corner a lot. <A very difficult fish to acclimate.> Soooooo, I moved him to the main tank. One of the first things (within a couple of minutes) the CB did was go up to one of the cleaner shrimp and got a complete detail, amazing but I digress. His purpose is simple KILL AIPTASIA. After the first 24 hours (which is at the time of this writing) the Copperband is relegated to a corner of the tank by our friend the Yellow Tang who summarily chases the CB off whenever he ventures out into the aquarium. <Not unusual.> Drawing on your experience, what should I expect - Will this lessen over time? <It should.> If so how long before the Tang cuts the CB some slack or in other words socialized themselves? <I'd say things should improve within a week.> Should I be concerned for the CB? <I'd sure keep an eye on things.> How can I help supplement feeding for him as he doesn't come out when I feed the other inhabitants (usually Spirulina + Some Cyclop-eeze or frozen treat like Brine, Mysis, Sea Algae etc...<If he is eating the Cyclop-eeze this may work, if not you may try feeding some live brine. Stocking order is the problem here. Sensitive fish like the CB should really be introduced first. It's tough enough acclimating them without adding aggression to the problem. May want to leave the lights off for a couple of days. This may lower the aggression level of the tang.> As always, thanks a bunch you guys are the best. <And thank you. James (Salty Dog)> <<I'd remove the Tang for a week or two... to elsewhere. RMF>> Tom
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