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Condylactis sp. anemone, comp. mostly
1/30/13 I'm trying to contact Bob Fenner. I'm the guy from nyc with the
Condylactis 3/4/13 Anemones/Systems 12/4/12 Clownfish Behavior 7/18/11 Condylactis
anemone behaving strangely 5/23/11 Condy Anemone
question, incomp. w/ other Anemones
6/3/10 starfish and
Condy anemone, comp. 1/26/10
Missing Anemone
9/25/08 Hello! <Hi> Recently I bought a Condy anemone
and a week or 2 later I added some red hermit crabs (2), well, over
night the anemone disappeared so I took out all my rock and such to see
if maybe he had sucked up inside one, but found no sign. So I figured
it died, however, there is no sign that an anemone had ever been in the
tank. So my question is: is it possible that my anemone was eaten by my
hermits? <Very doubtful.> I also have a Picasso trigger, niger
trigger, dog face puffer, Volitans lionfish, fuzzy dwarf lionfish, and
a snowflake eel. <The triggers or puffer are the most likely
culprits here. Also in future queries please spell and grammar check
before submitting as instructed here
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/WWMAdminSubWebIndex/question_page.htm , the
time taken to correct them before posting would be better used
answering more questions.> <Chris> Ailing Anemone Condylactis? 8/3/08 I am sorry to pester you with this question but am at my wits end and have received helpful advice from your site in the past. Over a year ago I was gifted with a "green tipped purple anemone" by my partner. The anemone was placed into a 10 year old reef system and did beautifully for many months. The closest I could come to identification is based upon pictures and I believe it to be a Condylactis. January of this year, I was gifted again with a 125 gallon tank and equipment and moved everything out of the 55 and into the 125. <Nice!> The move went well, no organisms appeared stressed for more than a day or so. All seemed well until a couple of months ago. When my cleaner shrimp molted, he somehow got himself tangled up with the anemone who proceeded to eat him. I chose not to interfere not wanting to stress the anemone over much by attempting to yank something from his gullet. About one week after that, the anemone began moving around the tank much more than he had done in the past. (Indigestion?) <Mmm... sometimes go errant for no apparent reason/s> In the process, the anemone ran afoul of the intake tube for the filter. <Ohh!> I do not know precisely how long he was there but I promptly rescued him by shutting down the filters and shifting the intake. The anemone seemed fine and slowly continued to move away from the tubes so I wasn't concerned. Since then, it has not taken any food, going on two months), has shrunken to less than half of his original size, and is going through a deflate and re-inflate process daily. <This last is fine... good behavior actually> My question is this, since I do not want to risk the rest of my corals, should I remove and destroy the anemone or should I continue trying to get it to eat? <I'd move it to another coral-less area if you had/have one... a sump/refugium perhaps> I can see no visible damage but obviously it is stressed by something in the system. <Mmm, the other Cnidarians perhaps... could just be from the previous (two months back) trauma> It could be the large morsel of food, it could have been internally damaged when it came into contact with the intake tube, it may have been stung by one of the other corals while traveling about the tank. <Yes and yes> I am terrified by some of what I read on your discussion board and would hate to have the "explosion" I keep reading about. Some of my corals have been with me for the whole 10 years and I do not want to lose them but would hate to kill a specimen that might still recover due to lack of knowledge. Regards Beth Beardsley <Then I would definitely move this Anemone elsewhere. Bob Fenner>
Condylactis Anemones and Clownfish 12/27/07 Hi. <<Hello>> Got a Condy anemone from the fish store. <<Okay>> This is my first. <<I hope you did a bit of research on the genus/species first>> I've heard many different opinions on this....are clowns and condos compatible? <<Sometimessometimes not Though I must admit to hearing more success stories than not re this association these days>> I have maroon clown. <<I hope it is a big Condylactis>> Will either be a danger to the other? <<Is always a possibilitybut may very well be fine (Hows that for straddling the fence?). Truth is, its an unnatural associationbut I have heard of it working>> Do hermit crabs eat anemones? <<The smaller commonly available and so-called reef-safe species shouldnt be a problem>> Also, I'd like to keep species from the same ocean, as you say. <<Ah well, a commendable pursuitbut you have already failed this by mixing an anemone endemic to the tropical Western Atlantic Ocean with a clown fish (clownfish are not found in the Atlantic at all)>> Any sites that list fish/inverts by origin? <<Indeed there are An excellent resource is fishbase.org for your finned finds, and some purposeful hunting on Coral Search at http://www2.aims.gov.au/coralsearch/coralsearch.php will help with corals... Other organisms of interest can likely be tracked down as to ocean/region/origin with some time and effort spent making keyword searches on the NET in general>> Thanks! <<Happy to assist. EricR>> What happens within the tank when an Anemone dies? 12/20/07 Hi Crew, <Hello Bobby, Brenda here!> I have a question about Condylactis Anemones. <Okay!> If I were to buy a Condylactis, and it happen to die (obviously not hoping, just sort of planning ahead), what would happen within the tank? Would this pretty much crash my tank? <It is a definite possibility, especially in smaller tanks.> I'm new to anemones so any information about what happens after their death would help. <They can fall to pieces, and are very hard to get out of the water in one piece. You may need to siphon a lot of it out. It smells horrible, and will cause an ammonia spike. You will need to do several large water changes over the next few days. Having a supply of premixed saltwater is always recommended for emergencies. I recommend researching their care several months in advance so you can eliminate the chances of it dying. More information here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm > Thank you very much, Bobby <Youre welcome! Brenda> Condylactis Hosting Maroon Clownfish, Allelopathy 9/27/07 Good morning again Crew! <Good Morning Amanda! Brenda here> Mr. Fenner, Thank you very much for your advice on my Bubble Coral, and tank situation. Sorry to bug you guys with another question so soon. <Not a problem!> This time it is about the Maroon clown hosting in the Condylactis. The Condy we have had for about a year now, and it has always done very well (except for the week we bought the Maroon Clown and one of the LFS talked me into buying a Carpet Anemone, because that is what the Clown was hosting in at the store). Anyway, lesson learned quickly there. <Yes, I can imagine!> I removed the Carpet on the third day, as it was dying. This caused the Condy to seem to be in poor health for about 2 weeks, he bounced back better than ever, though the tentacles changed from white slowly to a reddish brown color. The Maroon clown instantly took up residence in the Condy as soon as he was put in the tank, even though the poor thing was still trying to recover. But recover he did! <Excellent job on the recovery!> This was around 2 months ago, and the Condy has now doubled in size! He seems to have grown to fit the Maroon, which initially was about the same size. They seem to be a match made in heaven and the Maroon Clown, keeps him well fed. You had said that the Condy and the Maroon Clown were not compatible, which I had also read, but since they have paired up so well are they just freaks, or does this occasionally happen? <Yes, it does occasionally happen in captivity. It does not however mean that they will continue this match made in heaven behavior long term. Are you positive that this anemone is a Condylactis?> I'm also guessing, even though there were no signs yet, this is when the trouble started with the Bubble Coral also. Am I correct in that assumption? <When an anemone dies the rest of the livestock will typically show immediate signs of stress. Bobs original advice is correct here Cnidarian allelopathy.> Thanks again for your boundless knowledge! Amanda <Youre welcome! Brenda> Condylactis passiflora, intra species
contention? Oh! Yes 7/10/07 Hi Crew, I have a minor but
nagging problem with two small (3-4cm Foot size) Condylactis passiflora
anemones in a small 25G Aqua-One 620 tank They have shared it with a
Maroon clown <Needs more room...> and a royal Dottyback for about
7 months (tank about 4 years old). The lighting is quite poor ( 1 x 18W
actinic and 1 X 18 W 14000K HPC) , but the tank is short, and they are
halfway up it (probably about 25cm from light) and I feed them very
small pieces of krill and silverside to try and make up for it about
once a week and they have always seemed happy. About a month after I
bought it this anemone divided (hence the two now), and ever since I
noticed that always one or the other would look happy (large, extended)
and the other not , but never both at the same time.
<Interesting> Is it possible that even though these were
originally the same animal, that they are now inhibiting each other via
allelopathy? <I believe this might be so. Perhaps though genetically
identical there is something here in the way of a mechanism to/driving
distribution...> Just recently both moved due to my letting the
water quality lapse (Nitrates got a bit high), and have resettled, but
even though the quality has been fixed (PH 8.2, Salinity 1.025,
Nitrates >40ppm, no Nitrites or Ammonia, Temp 24C) for about 3 weeks
now, and all the other inhabitants are happy ( even three fussy Sabella
feather dusters and other various little telltale tube worms I have)
these two have both remained "Stubby looking" for almost 3
weeks, tentacles completely withdrawn and stubby (not actually closed
up except for nighttime) and very small . They still accept food, and
seem to ingest it , but no improvement. Could it be as simple as the
light intensity finally bothering them? <Yes... and/or residual
challenge/toxicity> I found a bristleworm about a month ago and
decided to err on the side of caution and remove it, as it looked like
one of the more predatory ones, have since seen some little tunnels
made of substrate that I have come to suspect the bristleworms make
appear here and there , would predatory bristleworms bother these guys?
<Could, yes> The only other suspect is the clown, the anemone(s)
established a quick relationship (not that they had a lot of choice)
with him and both seemed happy with it. Since they have shriveled he is
most unhappy about it and noses them all the time wanting them to open
properly so he can ruffle in their tentacles, it may be that they are
not appreciating his company any more (have had the same experience
with some women myself ;-) ) <Mmmm, watch this... they're
reading nowadays... and likely pretty soon will demand the right to
vote, equal pay for equal work...> One more thing, I have not paid
much attention to calcium/hardness/alkalinity in the water as the
interrelationship of these factors and what they really mean to the
water has always escaped me, no matter how hard I have tried to get a
picture of their importance. Have pretty much always hoped that if
Salinity and PH are OK in a crushed shell based substrate with Live
rock, and I'm not adding anything, then these would probably be at
acceptable levels. <This, these traits, characteristics/qualities
have ways of catching up with you...> Can you please suggest which
of these factors is most important, that I should focus on
testing/understanding, e.g.. should I just measure calcium and be done
with it? <Mmm, would be a good idea to do a bit of reading...>
Would appreciate any feedback Cheers, Rama <Do give a read re
Premnas systems, alkalinity and pH, biominerals... and Small marine
systems period on WWM... the indices, search tool... "that'll
be quite... time-consuming, mmmm". Bob
Fenner> Condylactis Anemone Compatibility 4/10/07 Hello, <Hi Cindy> I have been searching for the past few days and can not find an answer to this. What are the natural enemies of a Condylactis anemone? I have heard that blue leg hermit crabs will attack them.. but have found nothing to prove that (just a rumor at this point). <Do not believe the blue legs will be a problem. The Four Eye Butterfly Fish which is native to these waters would be a problem with the Condy. The Condylactis (gigantea) has many symbioses also; Periclimenes anthophilus (cleaner shrimp), Stenorhynchus seticornis (Arrow Crab) and Apogon spp. (juvenile wrasses). As for compatibility with other animals, I advise you to search for a fish/invert you wish to add to be sure that either the anemone or fish/invert will be compatible with each other.> We are wanting to set up a tropical Atlantic only tank and want to avoid any problems with critters attacking the Condylactis when the time finally comes to purchase one. I know it will be some time before we actually add the anemone to the tank; but also want to avoid any problems with unsuitable tank mates. <Understand.> <<Likely only large crabs, possibly Angels will be problematical here. RMF>> Thank you for any assistance you can give me. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Cindy p.s. We already have two reef tanks up and running, so we are not complete newbies to reef keeping.. just can't find a straight answer on the question at hand. <Searching/reading/learning will pay big dividends in this hobby.> Condylactis gigantea, BTA, Entacmaea Quadricolor Problems 2/8/07 <Brenda here> I have a 55 gal reef tank. I have about 90 lbs of sand, 100lbs of live rock, Fuji. I have 384 watts of actinic and 2-250 watts of halide. <Thats a lot of light!> I have in there now a porcelain crab, 4 hermits, 2 red skunk cleaners, 3 Clarkii clowns, 1 zebra Turbo snail and plenty Nassarius snails about 25, 1 Condylactis gigantea purple tip. I just added a mushroom coral, a Rhodactis, it is a leather, and a Rose Bubble Tip anemone. <Yikes! You need to decide which anemone you want to keep, and remove the other. Also three clowns in your system will result in problems as they mature. I suggest removing one clown also.> I put her in 3 days ago all levels ok. <Please list actual test results next time.> When I first put it in she moved across the rocks on one side that I have set up for the anemone away from the Condi anemone. She found a place up side down and close to a power head so I turned the rock so she would face the lighting and away from being really close to the power head. <Your anemone will move where it is the happiest. It was also under stress when introduced to its new home, moving it will only add more stress. It also needs time to adjust to its new environment, including the lighting. It was most likely under much less lighting before it reached your tank. If those power heads are not covered to protect your anemone, it will eventually get sucked in and shredded.> She was doing ok, still showing her trunk and tentacles still small. <It may be hungry. Feed meaty foods such as silversides, krill, Mysis shrimp or raw shrimp.> Then she extended more and the second day her tentacles had got some what bigger still showing her trunk. She had a little to eat and then the third morning its mouth is open tentacles small trunk very small. What could be causing this activity? <It definitely needs to be separated from the Condylactis. Mixing anemones is never a good idea. It will cause chemical war between the two. Without a picture of the anemone when you first got it, its impossible to tell if you purchased a healthy one. There was no mention of the age of your set up. It is recommended that a tank be a minimum of six months old and stable before adding an anemone. Please search WetWebMedia for more information on these anemones. It sounds like you may have a couple of things going on here. Brenda> Anemone vs. coral ...Free Range Condys ...Time to Relocate. 1/8/07 Hello, <Hi Jay, Mich with you today.> great site, I have learned a lot from your site. <Thank you! Always good to hear that someone has been able to use the site to educated themselves!> But I think I have made a mistake on my own, and need some advice. <Most mistakes we make ourselves.> I recently purchased an expensive Pagoda, not thinking-because I never had any trouble in the past, but now I am scared, I have 2 Condy anemone that like to move a lot, like every 2 days. <Yikes!> Should I fear for the safety of my Pagoda? <Ahh, yeah!> And should I loose the Condy's? <I would find them a new more appropriate home. Please make sure whoever provides for the Condys is aware of their care requirements.> Thanks, Jay <Welcome! -Mich> Condy Anemone Compatibility/Care 1//106 Hi, <Hello Tina> I am new to the saltwater hobby and got a 29g Oceanic BioCube tank for Christmas. <Lucky you.> It has all the lighting and wet/dry filter included in the back. I added LS and some BioSpira to cycle it. I then added LR and a horseshoe crab a few days later. Yesterday, I added 3 blue legged crabs, 1 scarlet legged crab, 1 feather duster, a green brittle seastar, a Sebae Clownfish, a Mandarin Goby, and a Florida Condy Anemone. I read that the Florida Condy does not usually have a clownfish occupant however my clownfish is in heaven among that thing. <Oh Tina, what a terrible start you are off to. Your tank is too small to support an anemone. They are very sensitive to parameter changes in the water which can happen quickly in small tanks. Furthermore, the lighting that is supplied with the Oceanic system is not strong enough for the anemone to survive. Most anemones are photosynthetic, that is, they produce much of their own food. Mandarin Gobies do best with a diet of live food such as copepods/amphipods and they are difficult to acclimate to prepared foods. This is one fish you should return to the dealer, not a good fish to start out with and they to, do best in larger systems with plenty of live rock. I would also pack up the anemone to take back with the goby. In your beginning stage, along with your knowledge and type of system you have, these two will perish shortly.> My question is referring to my horseshoe crab. I noticed him swimming over and over again, and he would often get in the water current from the filter and land on my anemone!!! I kept pulling him out of the anemone because I was not sure if that was okay and it looked like the anemone was trying to pull him in. Can this anemone sting/kill any of my invertebrates (horseshoe crab or seastar especially)? <Can, yes.> Also, should I continue to let my clownfish nestle among him if it usually does not have occupants? <Yes, the clownfish is in no danger.> Lastly, Why does my horseshoe crab swim around like this...I thought they just walked along the bottom? <Probably looking for food. They normally stay buried in the sand looking for food, and again, this crab is really not suited for small systems. I strongly suggest the return of the anemone and goby. The anemone will die soon under the conditions of your system. When this happens, you will more than likely lose all other life in the tank. Do search our site for information on the occupants of your tank, learn their needs, care, compatibility, etc. I'll start you off with a link on the Condy. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/condyanemones.htm Do read the linked files above also. There is much to learn, and you should learn about what you wish to buy and see if your system and knowledge can support it.> Thanks!! <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Tina Miller 55 gallon tank with Condy 6/12/06 My husband and I are putting together a 55 gallon for our Condy. We have a 75 gallon reef tank with tangs that we are getting the Condy out of. Would the following be suitable together: Condy, fu Manchu lionfish, snowflake eel, some kind of starfish and maybe a lobster? <Uh, no... the Lion and Eel are too likely to be stung by this TWA Anemone, the Lobster too likely to eat it, and in turn all else> Will also have a couple of turbo snails in there. Nothing definite yet but this is what we are contemplating and we are trying to do our research ahead of time like good little girls and boys... <Good practice> any other suggestions... will need low lighting for the Condy, will everything else do okay in this lighting configuration. Will not have any corals in this tank... thanks Melissa and Micah <Keep reading... on WWM re all these species... Systems, Compatibility... all posted. Bob Fenner> Condylactis/Compatibility 6/12/06 Hello WWM: <Hello Melissa> I have a 75 gallon with a couple of tangs, various corals, mushrooms, crabs, snails feather worms and one Condylactis anemone. We have decided to remove our Condy and the live rock he is on and place him in his own 20 long tank, possibly later upgrading this tank to a 55 long. I am on a quest trying to find out what would be compatible tankmates for this Condy. We don't want to fill up the tank, but at least have maybe 4 or 5 different species. Any suggestions? <The 20 gallon is too small a tank for keeping anemones and a 20 gallon tank is not going to support 4 or 5 fish, if by "species" is what you meant. The 55 would work for this type anemone and is better to stock with fish that are safe with anemones such as clownfish. Do read here and related links above. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm. James (Salty Dog)> Re: 55 gallon tank with condy 6/13/06 I did read through several pages of compatibility for the condy but cannot find anything that will be suitable to keep in a tank with a condy. Any suggestions... <Oh yes... most all that can be bought from the tropical West Atlantic that won't eat Condylactis (e.g. large angels, triggers) or be eaten by them (Jawfishes, gobies)... See Paul Humann, Ned DeLoach's works, WWM re such biotopic choices. Bob Fenner> My Husband
the Condylactis >I posted this on your chat forum site as well,
but thought I would email you directly. >>I personally don't
usually visit the forum, let's see what you have for us today.
>My husband (who is like a little kid in a candy store at our
LFS)... >>As have I been in the wholesaler's. >...decided
to buy some clownfish over the weekend. We have a 55gal tank w/approx.
60-70lbs of live rock, and live sand. About 10 snails, and 10 crabs.
The tank has completely cycled and we just started adding new critters
last week. He brought home some xenia and a couple featherdusters early
last week. And then just like an impatient 2yr old, he went back and
bought 2 clownfish and a Condy anemone a few days later.
>>You do have your hands full, don't you? My fiancé and I
are delaying a new tank because we keep arguing over stocking (what)
and husbandry. >He said he was told by a girl at the store that the
fish would use the Condy as a host, which I have since found out,
sounds highly unlikely. >>NOT unknown, but then again,
Clownfishes have been known to host powerheads. This is not, however,
their natural state, as the Condylactis as an Atlantic native, and
Clownfishes are Pacific only. >The girl also didn't bother to
ask him what else was in the tank, and my idiot didn't offer the
information to her either. >>Well, she probably wouldn't have
known what to do with the information had he given it to her anyway.
>My problem now is that the Condy is basically attacking our
xenia!!! >>Uh oh! Time to sell it back to that girl,
methinks. >I don't know what to do. >>Remove it. We
really do discourage people from placing motile, stinging inverts, such
as anemones, with sessiles for exactly this reason. >We move it to
the opposite side of the tank, and the next morning, it's back on
top of the xenia again. Is this going to kill my xenia?
>>Very well could, or at least greatly limit its growth. >Or
what should I do with the Condy? >>Send it back. >It
basically sounds like the Condy is just going to be a nuisance to our
tank. Are all anemones like this? >>Essentially,
fundamentally yes. >Do we even need an anemone for the fish?
>>Not at all! Also, many folks are finding that their
tank-bred/raised Clownfishes don't seem to KNOW what to do with
anemones. This won't harm or affect the fish negatively at all.
>I'm apologizing for my husband's childish behavior in
advance.... He now understands why it is important to read up on
everything before you buy it! Robyn Sampson >>Short, swift, sweet
lesson. Not so much childish as impulsive, and I suffer from the same
malady on more than a few occasions myself. Marina Condylactis Anemone - 06/01/05 I recently bought a Condy at my LFS and the salesman told me that pretty much any clownfish would host with it. <<Really? I would disagree considering this anemone is an Atlantic specie and clownfish are NOT found in the Atlantic. This unnatural mix usually winds up with one or the other animal being killed. Do have a read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/condylactis.htm >> Well with more research I found that the only decent choice would be a tomato clown. <<Hmm...based on what criteria, I wonder?>> Are there any invertebrates or fish that will naturally host with this anemone and will it cause problems with the animals I already have in the tank? I have... 1 3.5 in dwarf fuzzy lionfish 2 damsels 2 hermits 1 chocolate chip starfish <<I'm not aware of any symbionts for the Condylactis anemone, <<A few crabs, shrimp... RMF>> as for your existing tank inhabitants, a large Condy could pose a threat to your fish. Regards, Eric Russell.>> Condy and emerald?..... Nemo and Dory? Hi WWM. I have a question for you guys. Is there a connection between Condy anemones and emerald crabs? <Evidently so: http://www.tmbl.gu.se/pdf/TMBL_pdf/Library_and_databases_pdf/examensarbeten_pdf/Lisbeth20p.pdf > I introduced my Condy (since it was in a in-tank refugium) into the main part of my 55 reef and the emerald crab shot right to it. Always staying right by it like a clownfish with anemone. Perhaps it needs comfort? No predators in my tank. I don't know if you guys have heard of this relationship but it kinda seemed weird to me. This is not the first time this has happened to me. Different emeralds and different Condys. What are your thoughts? Keep up the good work. Teddy <Will try, am trying. Bob Fenner> Condy Anemone - 07/11/05 I recently bought a Condy anemone and added to my collection of a BTA, sailfin tang, regal tang, copperband butterfly, diamond goby, algae blenny, serpent star along with several inverts and a few mushroom corals and button polyps. <<I hope this tank is a couple hundred gallons in size...>> I awoke the next morning to find that my Condy inevitably moved to my power head and is no longer with us today. <<Sadly...an all too common problem with motile inverts.>> The problem is that the next day all my fish showed very distressed breathing and the regal and butterfly have now died to the sailfin, goby, and blenny are doing somewhat okay still showing difficulty breathing, however all the inverts including the coral and BTA are doing just fine. Could this outbreak of death and destruction be caused by the Condy dieing and possibly releasing a toxin into my tank. <<Strongly coincidental at the least. I think a large water change/carbon filtration are in order here. Eric R.>> Anemone loss trouble in turn? Checking on the checkers on the checkers... 7/12/05 Bob, Was reading through the sent mail. A query from Nathan on a "Condy Anemone". Writer states Condy got stuck in power head and he lost it. Then, lost a couple sensitive fish the next day. The writer asked if death could have been caused by toxins from the dead Condy. Eric R. wrote "strangely coincidental". My opinion is the death of the fish was caused by this. Seen it too many times. Agree? Regards, James (Salty) <Mmm, I'd almost bet Eric meant "strongly" rather than strangely. Eric? BobF> <<Hmm, yes...maybe my poor choice of wording. I definitely meant to imply the incidents were very likely related. Eric R.>>Condylactis host question I have a 37 gallon aquarium that I plan on being a reef tank with maroon clowns being the show fish. Right now my lighting is in order. Showing a lack of patience and a large interest in anemones, I purchased a Condy pink tipped tubes with a white body. Now the question is will any fish host with this anemone? <No natural hosts. Some captive raised clownfish will host in just about anything.> One more side question, what will be my best choice host for the maroon clown? <E. quadricolor. Please read up on anemones and their care. Here are three articles you should read: http://trickstr.tripod.com/survey_r.htm http://www.reefs.org/library/article/r_toonen8.html http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/bubbletipanemones.htm Sincerely, Steven Pro> Tomato Clown Hi guys! This is not really a question. I recently and stupidly bought a Condylactis anemone, Florida pink tipped, and after searching I could not find anything that was listed as a host or at least nothing that I could find at the LFS. <There are no clownfish in the Caribbean, so no natural clownfish host anemones there.> So, I bought a tomato clown and by the grace of god he did it for a month. Now they live together the clown feeds and cleans the anemone. I just thought that it was a really neat thing you might appreciate. Josh <This is an uncommon event. Sometimes the clownfish go for it, other times not. You have a better chance with captive raised clownfish vs. wild caught. Thank for the report. -Steven Pro> Clownfish &
Condylactis Dear Bob, I noticed that in your article on clownfish,
you deem Condylactis anemones unsuitable for clownfish. <Mmm, yes...
in so much that these associations too often result in the Clowns being
consumed> Well, I have 2 Indonesian two-banded (?- that's what
they were called in the shop) clowns who love their three Condylactis
and took to them in about 3 days. <Yes, this happens> In return
the Condys are hardy, robust and beautiful, as well as cheap and
eco-friendly. Keep up the good work anyway! Massimo Redaelli, Brighton
UK <Thank you for your input. Will post for others edification. Bob
Fenner> Condylactis passiflora symbionts, Clownfish/TWA Anemone associations on the website it shows symbionts for the Condylactis gigantea, but I did not see any for the Condylactis passiflora. I have a 37gl tank I would like to set up with the appropriate symbionts. <Various references list all but the Blenny as being associated with both Condylactis species> I also noticed that you stated a clown would be eaten by a Condy. and I saw this thread http://www.reefcentral.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?threadid=53289 and was wondering if this person was just lucky or time would tell. <There are a few accounts of Clownfishes (none found in the Atlantic) forming associations with Atlantic and other not-natural anemones (and other stinging-celled life... and non-living objects... shoes, rubber-bands)... though generally they're consumed by tropical West Atlantic actinarians. If you'll read further through the WWM FAQs you'll see a modified response. Thank you for writing. Bob Fenner> thanks chip Condylactis - Answer from Anthony I have recently been reading about long term success of reef tanks. I have an LPS tank with sump and refugium. This tank also includes a Condy Anemone (s?). Will this anemone be a problem in the short or long term with the LPS corals or clams. <as long as it stays in place I have little concern although it is never to be recommended. Anemones and coral are recipes for disaster in the long run due to the motile nature of the anemones. It is very likely that it will roam within years if not months and in a tank of other stinging cnidarians a serious battle will be waged. A very unnatural combination if nothing else. Enjoy the one that you have but do resist getting any more> The tank has 200 Watts of Smartlight and 55 gal of tank water. Last question, is a green brittle star a good scavenger for my refugium or maybe in main tank?? <O. incrassata (green brittle starfish) is one of the only non-reef safe "serpent" starfish. They have been observed eating small Tridacnid clams and will catch small fish and crustaceans while they sleep. Not an outright menace, but in time it will catch something. I'd remove it to the refugium myself. Still... a very beautiful echinoderm> Yellow tang coral beauty 2 false Percs cleaner wrasse fire shrimp torch bubble flowerpot Condy thanks, Jeremy <kind regards, Anthony Calfo> Condylactis - Answer from Steve I have recently been reading about long term success of reef tanks. I have an LPS tank with sump and refugium. This tank also includes a Condy Anemone (s?). Will this anemone be a problem in the short or long term with the LPS corals or clams. The tank has 200 Watts of Smartlight and 55 gal of tank water. <The problem with keeping any anemone in a reef tank is that they can wander and sting your other animals.> Last question, is a green brittle star a good scavenger for my refugium or maybe in main tank? <No, green brittle starfish are notorious fish eaters.> Yellow tang coral beauty 2 false Percs cleaner wrasse fire shrimp torch bubble flowerpot Condy thanks, Jeremy <You are welcome. -Steven Pro> Hands across the water I just got a Condylactis Anemone, will a Percula clown take this as its host, also I am worried about my Long-Spined Porcupine he blow up a couple times after I put in the Condylactis Anemone, is this just because he was scared or with they not get along. Also is the Condylactis Anemone poisons, and what does it eat. thanks >> If the Clown goes in, it will likely be a one way trip... Condylactis Anemones are from the Atlantic... No Clownfishes found there... The Puffer is probably acting out... but may well eat the Anemone if so inclined (though there are instances of symbioses between these groups... just not dependable... recommendable to try). Condylactis anemones are mildly venomous (never ate one, so I don't know about how poisonous they might be)... but other animals do eat them in the wild. What do they eat? Most anything meaty.... don't overfeed them... once, twice a week some small bits. Bob Fenner, who encourages you to "study up" ahead of livestock purchases.... Condylactis Bob, Can a
dead Condylactis poison a tank? <Oh yes> Over the last two
weeks I have lost all my inverts (20 snails, 10 hermits, 3 emerald
crabs, 2 stars, mushrooms and 2 Condys). The first to go was a Condy
that I was unable to find and remove it just disappeared in my live
rock. Shortly thereafter the same fate befell the other Condy and again
I was unable to remove it. Couple of days later I had a 4 degree spike
in temperature which lasted approximately 24 hours. Since these
episodes I have lost all my inverts as listed above. <Not able to
say whether the conditions that led to the loss of the Atlantic Anemone
had whatever to do with the loss of the rest... but the temperature
spike definitely didn't help> During this period I have
performed 2 water changes (15% each) and the second time I added
Chemi-pure. I have not replaced my filter media for fear of total
system collapse but I am considering this as my next move. Three days
ago I proceeded to add 10 more snails and within 24 hours all were
dead. All the fish look fine except for the three Damsels whose fins
are tattered. I believe this to be a result from my cutback from
feeding the fish which I resumed yesterday. <All sounds
reasonable> My live rock has supported my other live stock during
this period. All water parameters are fine, I drip Kalkwasser at night
and add baking soda in the morning which keeps my pH pegged between 8.5
- 8.45. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Nick <Would
have done much larger water changes... 50%, with pre-made water... but
otherwise pretty much what you have done... Best now to wait, watch,
hope and not over-react. Bob Fenner> Condylactis/Clowns?
Bob! I am in need of your help once again! Can you tell me of any
Anemonefish will host with a Condylactis, Atlantic? Thanks so much
again. Dave <Well, as you likely know these animals are "an
ocean apart"... and not "naturally" symbiotic... but
sometimes, some do mix... including all the popular tank-bred
species... But no guarantees... often as not the Anemone eats the
erstwhile Clown... I would read over the general Anemone pieces on the
www.WetWebMedia.com site again... I've placed more images of the
anemones, and made/placed a table there ala Fautin of who goes with who
in the wild. Bob Fenner> Condy question Bob, I
have 3 Condys in my 30 gallon tank. One is rather large being about a 4
inch base and opening as large as a grapefruit, the other two are
small. I have lost 4 clownfish and 4 damsels since placing the large
one in the tank. I found the remains of two just below it, partially
eaten. The others seemed to get listless and eventually die with no
marks upon their bodies. The tank is established, the nitrates are
good, the nitrites are 0 as is the ammonia. The ph is good and the
salinity is at 1.023 and the temp is 79 degrees. The only thing I could
think of that might have killed them was the Condy, is this possible?
Also, what would you recommend to put in with him if this is the case?
Thanks, Ginger <Hmm, well, you don't mention about the tanks
filtration, circulation... but yes to the Condylactis anemones being
capable, likely as the cause of mortality here.... Yes also to the
possibility of clowns and other fishes "learning" to live in
the presence, even associate with these Atlantic Anemones... (all
Clownfishes are Indo-Pacific)... If I were trying to keep these
disparate animals together I might keep the new clowns in a separate
tank (a ten gallon quarantine/hospital system will do) and slowly (like
a gallon every few days) move some "anemone tank" water over
to their system... And a note re the filtration mentioned before... do
provide some fine particulate/mechanical sieving to remove anemone
material in the water column... and some activated carbon (replaced
about once a month) to counter some of the possible ill effects of
dissolved matter in the water as well. Bob Fenner, who would really
just keep tropical West Atlantic with these Condylactis. Please see
Anemone sections on the site: www.wetwebmedia.com > Atlantic anemone Hi, <Howdy> I read interest you FAQ's regarding the Atlantic anemone. I have a green one that I purchased as a charity case over a year ago and it has since grown to approx 10" diameter when extended with a 3" diameter disc in my 75 gal tank. My tomato clown took up residence with it several months ago and though it seems to be a one sided relationship on the clowns side the anemone has thrived. My question is - I have been told that the anemone will 'sting' and consequently kill corals and other anemones. <Mmm, well this is possible... but not necessarily so. They do live amongst such animals in the wild...> I have added several small corals to my tank and they are doing well where currently placed, but if Mr. Anemone decides to move again it will have contact with them. It has stayed in the same place for a few months so I am hoping it is happy there. Am I waiting for disaster to happen? <Can't say. Some specimens do go "wandering", generally following a deficit in their current situation, very commonly low light intensity, phase shift of "old" lamps. If they're all getting along chemically for now, I wouldn't be overly concerned. You are likely to see something happening if it does decide to move before real trouble. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Nancy D Toxic spawn? 3/14/03 Quick question about a Condylactis (sp) anemone...last night. seemed to be spewing out a murky film. with in 10 minutes all the fish were dead!. they were floating upside down as I was trying to do an emergency water change...but no luck... they all died as well as 2 cleaner shrimps/banded shrimp as well...all snails and other critters are fine...the tank is 3 years old and had been totally fine until last night. these were all original inhabitants of the tank. fish/anemone. everything was added together. I thought the anemone was dieing ..looked all deflated etc.. but this morning it is fine. inflated to regular size...which is huge! the foot is close to 3 inched across...but seemed to have the same murky film coming from its mouth. although not as much as last night...water is cloudy as well. another water change today...any ideas?. there is no foul smell coming from the tank or anemone...all water param's are fine...weekly changes etc...I am stumped/bummed out...any ideas? Thanks guys Pete <the first thing that comes to mind is a reproductive act where the gametes were toxic. "Toxic eggs" are rather common among reef invertebrates...a sensible evolutionary strategy. In the wild they are simply noxious in the vast expanse of seawater and dissuade most predators from eating them by taste. In a closed aquarium, however, merely "noxious" can become "fatal". Just a guess... it is a bit odd that all but the anemone died. You can rule out a pathogen too as both inverts (shrimp) and fishes died and diseases are almost never shared between the groups. My regrets, bud. If its any consolation, such events are rare in captivity. But continue to do several large water changes (25-50%) in the next week and use chemical filtration media heavily (carbon/Polyfilters). Kindly, Anthony> Condy Anemone Hi guys! I need to pick your brains a bit. I just added a small Condy (Condylactis passiflora) to my nano-reef tank but I want to make sure I'm not taking too big a risk here. The specs on the tank are as follows:10g tank with trickle filter - cycled for about 4 months32w PC 50/50 (half 8800k Ultra Daylight, half Ultra Actinic) lighting <This should be fine for Condylactis anemones> pH 8.3 temp 79 nitrites - consistent 0ammonia - consistent 0nitrates - 0 - kept low by doing small daily water changes salinity - 1.023crushed granite substrate of about 1"about 20lbs LR no protein skimmer do to the design of the tank/filter/light The livestock is as follows:2 small TR Ocellaris Clowns1 small yellow watchman Goby - he will be moved to my main tank as soon as he's a bit bigger 2 Mithrax crabs2 Astrea snails1 Impatiens Cucumber group of mushroom polyps The clowns are between 1" and 1.25" and the Goby is about 1.5" long. The Condy is about 2.5" when he's fully opened, his base is about .75". He's been QT'd at my LFS for a couple of weeks in a tank with other TR Clowns and not harmed any but am I running a big risk of him eating my two? <Not much. Chances are very good your clowns will actually learn to associate with the anemone. I would introduce them during the early day and leave a light on outside the tank for the first few nights.> When I started my first marine tank (my larger show tank) I lost a Condy and a BTA, the Condy due to a combo of him getting sucked into the filter and low lighting and the BTA due to low lighting. There may have also been chemical warfare going on between the two since they positioned themselves very close to each other. <Common problems as you now know> I learned from my mistakes there and now should be able to provide proper care for this guy but I want to make sure I'm not going to lose my clowns, I've become very attached to them! Thanks! Ronni <I give you very good odds of having no problems here. Bob> Condylactis and other cnidarians >Hey guys, >>And gals. Marina here. >Have a quick question, In my tank right now I have a Condylactis Anemone, Xenia, Long spine Urchin, Sand Sifting Star, and a few fish. I am planning on getting a pair of True Percula Clowns for my tank. I will be getting rid of everything else before I do so. With the Clown fish I plan on getting a host anemone. I know you guys do not recommend anemones but I would really like to get one. >>The issue here is the ability of the aquarist. >Mine I have now has done great probably doubled in size and I keep it very healthy. >>Condylactis are considered almost bullet-proof (no one seems to have trouble growing Aiptasia, so we can include those pests as well). They are a far cry from something as demanding as, say, a sebae. From what I have read in your FAQ's and other info on your site is that the Sebae Anemone would be the best bet for the True Perculas. Would you agree with that? >>Sebae, or possible a Bubble Tip Anemone, which tend to be more forgiving in general. >Okay now my real question, I need to get my Condylactis Anemone out but it has gotten itself deep down in a crack of my live rock. The only way I could think of to get it to move was to cover the light where it shines on it and hopefully it would move on its own. I do not want to risk tearing its foot by trying to pull it out of the crack. What would be the best way to get it to move to a surface where it can be easily removed? >>Unfortunately, once an anemone finds itself a place it likes, you're going to be hard pressed to get it to remove itself. You *could* try this method, I can't tell you whether or not this will definitely work. What about just removing the rock it's anchored itself to? >Also with the host anemone that I get will it be a threat to the Xenia? >>Yes. Mixing cnidaria, especially motile versus sessile really is not a good idea. Actually, I'm going to leave no doubt in your (or anyone else's who might read this) and say that it's a terrible idea, especially in the confines of a tank. >I spend a lot of time on your website and can never really find an exact answer. I hope I am not bothering you with my questions. >>ABSOLUTELY NOT! You are not bothering us, you're helping us add to the vast amount of information that is out there, but that hasn't answered your question. Don't think for a minute that you're the only one out there who's had the same questions! >Thanks, Chris Hepburn >>You're welcome, and here are some links again--> http://www.wetwebmedia.com/cnidaria.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm >>Marina I Want A Condy! (Not Rice, Either) >Hi guys, >>Hello. >I have seen a Condylactis anemone today at a LFS and I have found it really nice and not too expensive. <<"A shrubbery!" RMF>> I went on WWM and have read many FAQ on them and some articles... I would like to know if it will be safe for my other animals to add it and if it is safe to keep a Condys with corals, clams and other invertebrate. This is want I have right now in my 50g tank: >>Basically, the general answer is no, it's not a good idea to keep mobile cnidarians (invertebrates with nematocysts that bust a move) with sessile inverts. >-2 tomato clown -1 yellow wrasse -1 hippo tang -1 cleaner shrimp -4 snails -1 hermit crab -1 mushroom anemone and a small baby :) Technical feature have tank are: -60 pounds of live rock - 1 inch of sand - 175 w metal halide -blue led light for night -12 times turn over ... I am planning to increase it to 18 times in the next week. -1 CPR BakPak skimmer ( it will be another skimmer in the next week) I will add a big 33 gal refugium with mangrove and some algae on a reverse day period with deep sand bed in the next week too. >>Sounds as though you have quite the set of plans for this system, all good. However, I wish to caution you against mixing any anemone, as mentioned above. If your heart is set on anemones, I suggest dedicating the system to them. Condys are very pretty and easy to keep. >I know that I am asking a lot of question these days but I really want to do the best for my good marine friends :) Thank you guys !! >>By your listed plans, it truly appears that way. I am certain that in your research you've also learned that the tang won't last long in a tank that size. But, the addition of the refugium will help at least with water volume, if not swimming space. Hope this advice is helpful (you need no changes in lighting or filtration for a Condylactis), and best of luck. Marina - Packing Them In - I just started my first saltwater tank 4 months ago. I have: 2 Damsels (White Tail & Yellow Tail) 23 small blue-legged Hermit crabs 1 Peppermint Shrimp 1 Emerald Crab 1 Pygmy Angel 1 Royal Gramma 1 Purple Pseudochromis 1 Purple (actually Orange) Chromis Anthias [probably mislabeled] 1 Raccoon Butterfly I just purchased a small pink tip anemone, it was only $8.99 Canadian. I swear the thing has doubled it's size since I put it in (24 hours ago)). I am a little worried for the safety of my fish. They all seem to be avoiding it pretty well, which I guess is instinctive. The store (Big Al's) which I purchased the anemone from had Royal Grammas, Pseudochromis, Pygmy Angel, Emerald Crab and Peppermint Shrimp were all in the same store tank. Is there any real danger from this kind of anemone? <Yes.> Brian PS: I forgot to mention.. It's a 30 Gallon (tall) tank I also have lots of live rock. The fish have been very healthy and have been there for 2 months. <Good grief - this tank is really too small for the amount of life you have packed in there. I'm guessing most of these fish are small, but they won't stay that way. You need to consider thinning out your herd or getting a larger tank if you want to insure your long-term success. Cheers, J -- >
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