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Angel and feather duster advice; comp. 5/23/17 Hawaiian Feather Duster vs. Toadstool
3/16/17 Clownfish Obsessed with new Feather Duster!
2/4/13 hard white worms 1/24/11 Spaghetti Worms/Feather Dusters 'Population
Explosion -- 02/04/10 Re: Feather Duster question 1/8/10 Zoa placement re others 12/7/09 Hebrew Cone (Conus ebraeus)/Eliminating Micro Feather
Dusters? 5/19/09 LR infested with feather dusters 11/13/08 I have a 210 gal FOWLR and it has been up for a year now. All the water parameters are close to perfect. I have about 250lbs of live rock in the tank and over the last few months my tank has grown thousands of brown long tubes with clear fans on the end. They are taking over the tank and wrapping around everything. Should I remove these ugly looking spaghetti like tubes? <Hi Brian. The worms you are referring to are small feather dusters. It is not necessary to remove them unless you prefer not to look at them. They are actually helping by naturally filtering your water. I have a grip of these in my refugium.> Thanks Brian <Regards, Jessy> Feather Duster all over my 140 6/23/08 Hello, hope all is well. <Mmm, I might be better if you shared some medicated Tubifex worms. Gotta love bugs from 3rd world countries...> First let me thank you guys for all your help through the last couple years. <On behalf of Bob and crew, past and present, you are quite welcome.> You guys are great. <Will you write my performance review?> Well here we go with another issue in my 140. <Issues other places are worse, trust me, I'm having some.> Small feather dusters all over my tank and they seem to be growing by the hour. <You say your worms are growing by the hour, eh? Sounds like a lot of spam we get here at WWM about making things grow...> there <Where?> all over the tank, rocks, and now starting to grow on the corals. <Well, growth on the corals is a bit problematic.> I put a Six Line wrasse in to see if he will eat and to no avail he's not. <Each is different with it's own likes and dislikes.> What can I do and what is causing this to happen and is there something I can do or buy to rid the issue. <It sounds like you may have a nutrient issue going on as these are generally filter feeders. I would increase the volume and frequency of your water changes. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/scottsh2ochgart.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/watchgantart.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/feather.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/maintenance/marineMaint.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nutrientcontrol.htm > Filtration 1. AquaC 180 Skimmer 2. Refugium with Mangrove and Marco Algae <Heard of Marco Rocks... they're good for you, but not Marco Algae ;) > 3. Phosban Reactor 4. Carbon Reactor 5. Nitrate Reactor 6. Knob Calcium Reactor. <Have you considered a nuclear reactor? OK, just kidding. I think increasing your water changes may help. So long as you are sure they are feather dusters and not hydroids. Some good pictures of hydroids on these pages: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hyzoidf3.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hyzoidf4.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hyzoidf5.htm Good luck, Mich> Life Is A Reef ><((((?>`?.??.???`?.?.???`?...?><((((?> Feather dusters with hitchhikers... snail... pred.? 02/28/2008 Hello there, <<Hello, Andrew today>> I am recently new to the hobby and have found your site to be an invaluable tool. However, I have an interesting dilemma and am hoping you can offer some insight. <<Will do my best>> I read the post regarding a feather duster hitchhiking on the back of a snail, but I seem to have the opposite phenomenon- a feather duster I bought from my local LFS has a snail attached to it! The duster itself is of the giant variety (Sabellastarte sp.) and its tube is already approximately 3.5-4 inches long. After I got it home, acclimated it, and wedged it into a rock crevasse, it had disappeared by the next morning. After some searching, I found that the snail, which appears to be a Cerith snail, was dragging it all over the aquarium (most likely in search of food). This has been going on for three days now and the feather duster appears to have had no ill effect- its radiole is usually out and feeding OK- but I am concerned that the constant changes in light, water flow, etc (it's a 50gal tank) will eventually lead to a bad end. <<Snail must be working hard in the tank...he he he>> I read the other post about possibly trying to separate the two with a small scalpel but this seems extreme, especially given the fact in this instance that the snail is located farther up the tube and not near the posterior end. Any suggestions? <<I would do as suggested, separate the tube from the snail shell. All that will happen with the current setup, is the tube worm will constantly be dropping its crown through stress of always being moved and i feel it will stand little chance of doing well as it is>> Thanks in advance! Juli <<Thanks for the questions. A Nixon>> Feather Duster 02/20/2008 <<G'morning, Andrew here>> I recently had a feather duster climb out of his stalk.? This was after I purchased a Green Open Brain Coral.? I did read that this type of coral could be poisonous to other coral but it said nowhere that is could kill inverts.? The feather duster did rub against the coral a few times.? I also had my water tested and the LPS did not find anything wrong with the water.? I have another feather duster in the same tank and it is doing fine.? Could this feather duster climbing out of the stalk and dying have been caused by the coral? Thank You, Rob Chupinka <<There is the very good possibility that the coral has been stinging the tube worm, which has caused it to exit its tube>> <<Thanks, A Nixon>> Re: Feather Duster 02/20/2008 Thank you very much for the response.? <<Hello again Rob...>> It looks like the feather duster died.? Can they survive outside the stalk?? Before he left the tube I did move the coral but I guess it was too late.? Thanks for the quick response. <<Providing calcium and food levels are fine, no predators get to the worm, it can grow a new tube back in time>> Rob Chupinka <<Thanks for the follow up. A Nixon>> Feather Duster, marine angel compatibility -01/05/08 Dear WWM Crew, I looked on your web site and searched feather duster looking for specific compatibility with an Imperator Angelfish and Coral Beauty, didn't find what I was looking for. I have in my 125 g tank with 180lbs LR. Will they eat the feather duster I want to purchase? <It might. It might not. It will likely depend somewhat on the relative sizes of the worm and fish... and the personal inclinations of the fishes. Personally, I wouldn't risk it. The longer the two share a tank, the more likely it is that one of these fish will get curious/hungry enough to nibble at the feather duster.> Thanks Steve <Best, Sara M.> Feather Duster Versus The Gobies To begin - your
website has walked me through all of the traumas, doubts, errors and
successes that a newbie invariable experiences. For this I thank you.
<Wonderful to hear this!> My tank is now a year old, and my
marine aquarium store guy has assured me that it's ready for
corals. <But are you?> He knows the inhabitants of my tank,
<You need to be knowledgeable to the needs of those in your care,
hopefully you are!> and knows that from the beginning the goal has
been to have a small (32 gallon) tank with both corals and fish.
<OK.> I brought home a feather duster, in its tube, about four
inches long. Happy Pretty Lizzy. The gobies - two bullet gobies (Frick
and Frack), love Lizzy. I've tucked her away, they've pulled
her out, they take her for a swim, and they drop her. I understand (and
I know you will correct me if I'm wrong) that I can't just drop
a rock on her so the gobies can't pull her out. <I would avoid
the rock... But you might consider burying the feather duster in the
sand.> I also understand that she may migrate to a rock at some
point, but this seems somewhat unlikely given her daily travels.
<Would make it a challenge for sure.> It's been over a week,
and she's been sweet tempered enough to pop out to visit several
times a day, from wherever she finds herself, <Will need to be out
more… these creatures often slowly starve in captivity.> but
if she's not getting tired of the gobies' fun, I am. <I do
understand. Don't ya wish you could hear what the gobies were
thinking?> Please help. <Will try.> Deborah
Tube Worm Infestation... bio-control choices 10/27/07 Hello Crew, It's so great to finally be able to communicate with people that actually know what they're talking about. Thank you for all of your help. I've had my aquarium set up for about 6 years and just recently have had an explosion of "tubiculous polychaete". There are literally hundreds of them and they are bothering my corals with their webs and just making the tank look nasty in general. It was fine when there were only a few but now they've taken over. Feeding time looks like some underwater sequel to Arachnophobia. Do they have any natural predators or is there any way to get rid of them? Thank you so much for your help! Will <Likely so... if the intended predators will "fit", I'd try a "series" of wrasses here... Likely starting with a Pseudocheilinus species... up to a Coris if it won't cause trouble... Do you have space, compatibility for crustaceans? Perhaps a Lysmata sp. or two, or even a Stenorhynchus if it will go... Bob Fenner>
Pencil Urchin and Feather Duster Compatibility ...Not 1/31/07 <Greetings, Mich here today.> Thank you for your time and resources on WetWebMedia. <You're welcome!> I am having trouble finding if a pencil urchin and feather dusters are compatible. <Compatible in a "get in my belly kinda way". The urchin will likely feast on the feather duster.> I have found one article on the site about an urchin eating a feather duster the only advice I saw given to him was to use spell check. <Mmm, someone running low on patience, sorry.> My tank is a 46 gallon bow front with 60+ pounds of sand and 60 pounds of rock. <OK.> 1 Sand-Sifting Starfish 2 Clarkii Clownfish 2 Skunk Cleaner Shrimp 3 Dwarf Blue Leg Hermit Crab 3 Random Snails 3 Random Feather Dusters And plenty of life coming off of the live rock. <Very good!> I know the Sand-Sifting Starfish should be housed in a bigger tank. <Yes, prone to starvation and will take out many of the beneficial creatures who typically reside in the sand bed.> Back when I first started, I went my LPS and asked them for about 5 crabs of some sort for algae and they were out and recommended the starfish knowing it was a new tank. This wasn't just any pet store. It was a fish only pet store. <Bad advice can come from anywhere.> Anyways, are pencil urchins compatible at all with feather dusters? <Mmm, no. Regards -Mich> Feather Dusters Choking Xenia ...or Xenia Choking Feather Duster? 1/9/07 Hi Bob, <Hi Tom! Mich with you today.> Love your website. Great information! <Thank you for the positive feedback!> I searched your site and google, but found no answer for this. I have what looks like Bispira variegata growing on a rock with Pumping (Pulsing) Xenia on it. I left it alone for the past 6-8 months since it was attractive and not bothering the xenia. It is now beginning to strangle the Xenia. It is squeezing the base of the coral and it may eventually pinch it off. How can I get the feather duster off without hurting the Xenia. <I would be more concerned about hurting the feather duster.> Can I remove it from the water and peel/pick them off? <I would not do this to the Bispira variegata.> Is it ok to touch the Xenia (someone told me once not to touch them because it will damage them. <Yes it's OK to touch the Xenia.> Another note, it seems that the Xenia is growing around the feather duster like a tree would grow around a wire. What should I do? A couple of ideas here Tom. As a generality, it seems that people are either unable to grow Xenia, or it becomes like a weed it there system. Many people have so much Xenia that they will give it away for next to nothing. For the most part, Xenia is relatively easily propagated. This is why I would be careful not to harm the Bispira variegata, which is not so easily propagated. If your Xenia is doing well in the system, it should be pretty hardy. My first suggestion to you would be to encourage the Xenia to move. I presume that the Bispira variegata and the Xenia are attached to a rock. If this is the case and if it is possible, the easiest thing to do would be to turn the rock so the Bispira variegata and the Xenia are facing away from the light. This will encourage the Xenia to move away from the Bispira variegata and grow towards the light. If this is not possible I would try fragging the Xenia. Either cutting the Xenia entirely away from the rock or removing just the part that concerns you. A last option is not to do anything and allow the Xenia and the Bispira variegata to reach their own understanding so long as neither is obviously loosing the battle, at which time it may be necessary to intervene. Thank you, <Welcome! -Mich> Tom Feather dusters, fish and crabs 10/24/06 Hello Mr. Fenner <Hi there Rachel> Hope you are doing great! <Yes my friend, thank you. Am closer to you... now in Thailand> I have some questions. I have 2 small Domino Damsels (3/4 inch) 2 Blue Damsels (1 inch), 2 small Bannerfish (2 inch), 3 dancing shrimps and lots of live rock in my 80G tank. <Watch those Dominos... sounds similar to Dominate for good reason> I just added my fish 2 days back. Before that there were some small feather dusters on my live rock but just after I added my fish they seem dead, eaten or not coming out of their cocoons. <Very likely a combination of all the above> There were 1 or 2 small crabs on my live rock also which I saw crawling near the feather dusters in the night, maybe they ate it. Which do you think it was? <They or the fishes are likely culprits both> My fish ate them or the crabs? These crabs look like small human brains and they are brown. Do you know which kind they are? And are they a negative aspect for the tank? <Mmm, no way to tell from the description which species these may be... but likely are (as almost all decapods) opportunistic omnivores that must have an eye kept on> Also I need to know whether I can add 2 purple Firefish with the above livestock. I know they get frightened and hide under the rocks a lot but do you think that they will be compatible with the fish mentioned above? <Mmm... I would at least trade out the Dascyllus damsels first> Thanks in advance for any advices. Best regards, Rachel <Be chatting, Bob Fenner, Bangkok to Chiang Mai today> A Bispira variegata Takeover 6/8/06 I have a 90 gallon reef tank and about 6 months ago I added more live rock. Since then I have what I believe to be Bispira variegata all over and it seems to be getting out of control. <Happens sometimes> They are tiny feather duster type things with tubes. I have brushed them off, but they just seem to return. Is there a fish or shrimp that may eat these pesty things? Please help. Kurt - Royal Palm Beach <There are several animal species that are likely to accommodate you here. Please read: http://wetwebmedia.com/feathercompfaqs.htm Bob Fenner> Serpulid Worm Explosion - 04/19/06 Hey Crew, I got a question and my local pet store has no idea what I am talking about. <<Hmm, okay...let's see if I can help>> I have seen "tubes" that are slowing forming on my live rock. <<Very likely these are Serpulid worms>> We have had our tank set up for almost 3 years and have noticed out of these tubes we are seeing opaque hair like worms. <<Mmm, not the "worm" itself, but rather a sticky filament the worm uses to trap/retrieve detritus for feeding>> Rarely are they ever out of the tubes but there have been a few. Some of the tubes we see nothing in them but when I do my water change, I see "webs" coming from them. Do you have any idea what they might be and how I can get rid of them? <<?!... Why do you want/think you need to get rid of them? They are a harmless and beneficial detritivore. Populations will typically wax and wane based on the amount of available food stuffs...high populations "might" be an indication of overfeeding>> They don't seem to be creating a problem and all my fish are healthy but it just looks bad. <<A matter of perspective I suppose...>> I do have a nice established tank with 2 pajama cardinals, a tomato clown, a red brittle star, a large green brittle star, hermit crabs (3), 2 turbo snails, and a dragon goby. I just recently added a banded shrimp hoping that it will get rid of these "worms". Any type of help would be welcomed. <<The Coral-Banded shrimp may prey on the worms, as might some of the smaller wrasses...and if the tank is large enough (75+), a Copperband Butterfly will certainly thin their numbers. But my advice is to leave them alone as they are serving a beneficial function...the population will be self-limiting and will likely reduce on its own>> Dawn from Florida <<Regards, EricR from South Carolina>> Serpulid Worm Explosion II - 04/19/06 Thanks for your help Eric. <<You're very welcome Dawn>> I will just be sure to reduce my feedings a little more. <<Ah, yes...likely all that is required here. Let me mention also...if you are dosing products like bottled phytoplankton or "marine snow", these too can/will contribute to increases in worm populations>> Dawn from Florida <<Regards, EricR>> Serpulid Worm Explosion III - 04/20/06 I do feed with bottled phytoplankton about 2 times a month. I didn't realize that would do anything for the worms. <<By adding to the detritus load, yes>> It really makes a great difference with my Featherdusters. <<Mmm, probably not directly...most feed on much smaller (bacterial) matter. Though the bottled phytoplankton may be contributing to an increase in bacteria as well. If you aren't having any problems with water quality then there's no need to stop what you're doing if you feel it is of benefit. Do monitor water quality closely and use caution when dosing these type products (many are no more than "pollution in a bottle" in my opinion)>> They have 3 inch fronds on them and are growing more small reddish orange ones on the rocks all the time. <<The smaller feather dusters are likely different specie that came in on your live rock...and like the worms, harmless if not beneficial>> Dawn in Florida <<Cheers, EricR>> Feather Duster worms and chemical warfare 3/18/06 Hello WetWebMedia crew. Can Hawaiian feather duster worms affected by chemical warfare of neighboring soft corals such as Sinularia flexibis? If so, what sort of reaction could I expect from the worms? Thanks. Brett <Do think this is possible... though more such attacks would be directed to more deleterious groups of organisms... Might poison outright though, or somehow delimit reproduction, growth. Bob Fenner> Possible Tube Worm? - 2/4/2006 <I'll go first, thanks for trying to send in a picture to help me i.d. it but I was unable to use it, far to LARGE and blurry.> Hello, I have a 120 gallon tank that I received from a friend, it is three years old. I have had the tank for about one month. <Cool.> When we moved it we kept about half of the water from the setup, the rest of it was tap water (I now have a tap water filter). <An RO/DI unit perhaps?> there is a bunch of little white tube things on the rock. I can't find out what they are. Can you help me please. Are they normal? <They sound like tube worms, see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/feather.htm , likely harmless.> Do I need to do something to get rid of them? <No, enjoy them; though an overabundance could indicate a nutrient problem.> Also my nitrate levels are high could this be the problem? <Possibly, the tank is only a month old so it is possible that it is in mid-cycle, no? If not look into means of nutrient export like a refugium as wells as heavy water changes.> Thank you. <Any time.> 120 gallon JetStream tank AMiracle protein skimmer AMiracle wet/dry 75 degrees average salt 1.021 ph 86 <I hope you meant 8.6?> nitrate 80 <This needs to be 25 or less for a fish only tank, 10 or less for a reef, with zero being optimal for both; Adam J.> Infestation of fan worms 1/31/06 I have been
looking for a solution to my problem for months, and it seems as if
WetWebMedia might be able to help. I have had a reef tank
for 10 years set up, and suddenly had an infestation of small fan worms
take over. They must have been living in the rock as I
haven't added any new animals in several years. They
took over! The snails couldn't hold onto the rock and fell off and
died, and the rock just looked terrible. So, I took out the
rock, cleaned the tank completely, bought new rock and basically
started over. I tried to "re-cure" the rock
(that's about 100 lbs of live rock...too expensive to just throw
away!). Well, the little buggers are coming
back!. What can I do to get rid of them? Is there a fish
that will eat only those, and not the corals, etc? <I would try some
of the wrasses... covered on WWM... see by genera re utility,
hardiness, compatibility...> And, what could have caused them? <A
lack of competitors, predators, prevailing conditions, their
introduction. Bob Fenner> Hollie Shrimp After My feather Duster - 01/24/06 Hey there! <<Hello!>> I got two feather dusters at the pet shop, and when I put it where I want it to be my shrimp mess with it. <<Mmm, yes...these worms (and many others) fall prey to many of the critters we think of as "reef safe." I don't know what kind of shrimp you have, some are more "safe" than others, but almost all are opportunistic omnivores...no telling what they may take a fancy too.>> I was also told <<?>> it cut off some feathers, and now I have the worms in my breeder to keep it away from the shrimp. I'm afraid I'll have to remove the shrimp and transfer it to another tank. <<Very likely, yes.>> Can you guys tell me what can I do to stop it from hurting my feather dusters? <<Nothing really.. other than keeping the two apart.>> By the way, Adam J, my star polyp is doing just fine, thanks for your help. <<Regards, EricR>> Heniochus intermedius 1/19/06 Hey crew and specifically to whoever's answering questions tonight. <James this AM> I'm planning a 10' long tank and was looking at the Heniochus Intermedius. I know opinions on whether or not Heni's are reef safe are not are varied even on the WWM staff (I know Mr. Fenner usually states them as reef-safe barring individual personalities), but this is usually stated about Diphreutes or about the genus in general. My question is how does the Intermedius fare on the reef-safe scale? Is it generally safe like Diphreutes or not traditionally so as with the Acuminatus? Any help you can give would be great. <As with all Heniochus/butterflies the Red Sea Banner Fish possess individual personalities and while one may not bother anything, another may wipe out your worm population. The mouth is designed for poking in crevices and retrieving worms and such.> Also, if considered reef-safe for the most part, would I still be looking at losing all of my fan worms if I were to have 5 in a 10' long tank? <The chance you will have to take my friend, no guarantees. James (Salty Dog)> <<If hungry, Banner Butterflyfishes will definitely consume tubiculous polychaete worms. RMF>> Thanks. <You're welcome> Nick Polychaete Proliferation - 12/17/2005 I have had
my tank since June 05. In August I added 2 Featherdusters I now have
over a hundred and getting more every day how do the reproduce and what
can I do to keep the number of feather dusters down. <I assume you
added some sort of large, decorative feather dusters. What you're
seeing is probably much smaller and looks very similar, correct? Many
different types of Polychaete worms.> I love them but all you can
see in my tank is Featherdusters. <As with all things, it can't
grow/reproduce if it can't eat. You've got an excess in
nutrients, thus an excess in Featherdusters. Will wax and wane until
the nutrient export issues are resolved. Check our FAQ's on
nutrient control.> Thanks
Too Many Feather Dusters (11/8/04) Hi, <Hello. Steve Allen with you tonight.> I have a few questions on two topics. General info - I have two reef tanks and one FO tank. A 55 gallon reef (26 months old), a 75 gallon FO (18 months old), and a 135 reef tank (6 months old). <Cool> Topic 1. I have hundreds of very small, white-feathered Feather Dusters (FDs) growing all over my rocks in the 135 reef. It looks really cool to me, but they are spreading (growing up in between the breaks in my Montipora capricornis, growing on the back tank wall, etc). I have been told that is a sign of a healthy tank. Is that true? <Or a tank with too many nutrients floating around.> Secondly, I have three Maxima clams, and the FDs have spread to my clams and are growing on the outside of the shells. They are on all three of them, but there must be 20 or more on one of them. Is that bad? <I doubt these little critters are harmful to the clams. They will attach themselves to any hard surface, including shells of mobile gastropods.> Will they irritate the Clams? <Doubtful> The clams seem to open up okay, but the FDs will open up all around the mantles. Should I make my clams close and scrub the FDs off of them? <W would not do anything that risks damaging the clams' mantles. The better way to control problematic dusters if to reduce the amount of duster food (microscopic organic matter) floating around to feed them. Do you have an algae problem? These often go hand-in-hand. If you do not have an algae problem, and all of your organisms seem fine, I would not take drastic action. These things often go in cycles.> Topic 2. I keep my water salinity at exactly 35 PPM. I don't even look at the specific gravity (s.g.) side of my refractometer. A guy told me at my LFS, that my salinity is too high. I shouldn't care about salinity (PPM) but only consider s.g., because s.g. is what everybody uses. <Using salinity is actually more accurate, but it is much harder to measure. How are you measuring? A refractometer measures SG and any scale on the refractometer attempting to convert to salinity is inaccurate because water temperature and other things affect salinity. SG is simply a cheaper, convenient alternative to actually measuring salinity. If temp is stable, you can be satisfied with a stable SG as well.> Also, I live in Colorado Springs, CO, elevation just over 6000 feet. He said that 35 PPM would be too high of salt content because of the elevation, and he recommends nothing above the 1.023-1.025 range because of the altitude. <I am uncertain as to how much altitude would affect SG, especially when measured with a refractometer. I think 35 PPM equates to about 1.027. Do I need to drop my salinity because of altitude? <Unless you are using an electronic salinity meter, you are not measuring salinity. Refractometers only measure SG. Conversion to salinity by any method other than a table accounting for temperature is not accurate. For simplicity's sake, especially given that the vast majority of aquarists use this measure to communicate, I would stick to using SG. I agree with the range suggested. Go slowly in any reduction of SG. No rush here, you can take a couple of weeks.> Thanks a lot. I appreciate your time and help, Paul <You're welcome. Hope this helps. Steve Allen.> More on Specific Gravity and Salinity (11/8/04) Steve, <Hi again> Thanks for the response. I have a couple more questions. As far as the Feather Dusters go, I have had a couple of algae blooms since the tank is new, but nothing bad. <Good> How can I reduce the number of FDs I have now? <Cut back on excessive nutrients.> I have a couple of Wrasses in the tank, but they don't eat them. If I get something that will eat them, I also have a large FD and a Koko worm I don't want eaten. <There may be some smaller fishes that would only eat the smaller dusters, but they might start nipping the bigger ones when they run out of smaller ones to eat.> For the salinity issue with my tank, this is the description of my refractometer: Salinity Refractometer in a blue, foam-lined hard case. The RHS series of portable salinity refractometers are designed to measure the salinity of saline solutions similar to that of natural seawater. Improved viewing scales with larger, easier to read reference lines and digits. One scale checks the salinity levels with the range of 0-100 ppt (with 1 ppt scale divisions) <Yes, but this is not what is actually being measured here. Refractometers only measure specific gravity. The salinity scale they are using must be a correlation based on some reference temperature. Here is a good reference on this issue: http://www.algone.com/salinity.htm> and the other scale gauges Specific Gravity with a range of 1.000 to 1.070 (+/- 0.001 accuracy). Both enable the direct <No. The salinity is indirect.> determination of salinity in water that contains dissolved salt and little or no other dissolved solids. Hydrometers are nice, but they can be inaccurate. The RHS-10ATC is designed to be very accurate to protect your investments! All RHS models use ambient light, no battery or power source is required, making them truly portable. Models with the "ATC" suffix are equipped with "Automatic Temperature Compensation" for accurate measurements without recalibration after shifts in ambient working temperature (field use). <Ahh. So you are using some sort of fancy expensive model. Could be this temperature compensation mechanism does make the salinity measurement more accurate. How much did this cost you?> The right side of the refractometer's view screen is the salinity measurement in PPT, and the left side is the SG. Just wanted to try to explain what I meant by using the salinity. <Understood. Nifty device. Still, I think you'd be find using SG and keeping in the range the LFS suggests. At a temp of 78F, a salinity of 35 correlates with SG 1.0245 at sea level, so 35 should be fine. I still am uncertain as to the effect of your altitude.> Thanks, Paul <You're welcome. Steve Allen.> Question bout tubeworm...... Hi Sir, I'm Seng from Malaysia and I would like to know is it ok to keep 5 tubeworm in a tank with another 6 fish together? <Yes... if there is sufficient room, and the fishes are not types that are given to eat the tubeworms...> I read about one magazine that the tubeworm will provide oxygen to the fish, is it true? <No... these are polychaete worms... that respire, use oxygen rather than produce it> My tank is only 25 gallons, is it too small to keep so many live thing? <Likely so... If the fish selected were very small and not very active you might be able to house this many... What sorts of fishes did you have in mind?> Hope can get your reply as soon as possible, Thanks! Seng <Sama sama, Bob Fenner> Are Featherdusters tasty? Hello <Hi> I saw a 7"x3" piece of rock which had about 20 small 1cm blue Featherdusters? present. I would love to add it to my reef setup but before I shell out $60 I thought that I would research their possible predators. I have red scarlet hermits, blue legged hermits, orange Linckia star, turbo and Astrea snails, purple tilefish, pair maroon clowns, Lemonpeel angel, citrus clown, yellow watchman goby, small conch, pistol shrimp, two fire shrimp, two cleaner shrimp, two peppermint shrimp, a rose bubble tip anemone, and various corals. tank has been running for 8 months with minimal problems (the most mysterious being the unexplained death of the bicolor blenny last seen happily swimming about his small cave , later that evening to be found deceased in a shallow rift of live rock, no apparent disease but some possible trauma to his midsection, I suspect the purple tilefish which had been just released into the neighborhood ,but he swears he was with the cleaner shrimps all night. The case has gone cold and no other mortalities have been reported!) Thanks for your expertise and time. Mr. S. Holmes <Well, the good news is that nothing in your tank will nip or bother the worms (besides the lemon peel angel which has a chance for nipping at the coral and feather dusters, although I wouldn't be too worried unless the angel has been previously nipping at other invertebrates or coral). Because you mentioned "Blue feather dusters," this makes me think that you're referring to Christmas tree worms. The worms are found in a small polyped Scleractinian (SPS) coral which is in the genus Porites. This coral that the worms host in will require intense amounts of lighting, preferably metal halides. If you do not either have intense amounts of fluorescent lighting (T-5, VHO or Power Compacts) or metal halides, I would not recommend this coral/worms. If you do decide to buy the coral, first make sure that you have proper water quality and proper amounts of current. Because the host coral (which the feather dusters are in) is an SPS, it will require generally strong amounts of current. Water quality should be great, which means no phosphate, no nitrite, no ammonia, little amounts of nitrate, pH of around 8.2, Salinity of around 1.025, and a steady temperature. Because this host coral is calcium carbonate based, it will require a calcium of around 450ppm and an alkalinity of around 8-14dKH. The coral can be delicate to keep, but in the proper environment this can be a stunning addition! Good luck, Graham.> Dust of a feather (again) Hello again, <<Hello... JasonC here.>> >From the length of the FAQ's, and amount I cut and pasted, figured you've been busy, (or you wanted to give me a chance to calm down), I did the Sherlock Holmes thing last night and hoped to catch you before answering my question sent yesterday. Seems like I was blaming the fish keeper instead of the fish. The yellow damsel had (?) a problem with the feather duster. I'm hoping it was a bit of turf war and a rearrangement of the tank will calm her down a bit. Is this a normal behavior between damsels and dusters (or did I get lucky?). <<Hmmm.. well, let's just say it's very normal for damsels. I have been witness to damsel fish taking on scuba divers when they think their territory is threatened. Can be very aggressive fish, the damsels.>> While moving the tank around I examined the larger feather duster and it seems as though the base was similar to the smaller one, however some of the substrate was stuck (?) to the tube, as if (my guess) some sort of secretion to help anchor the duster down? <<Probably.>> While I have you on the phone....Currently my tank a 30 gal is stocked with 2 clowns, 1 falco Hawkfish, 1 yellow damsel (maybe not much longer), 2 turbo snails 2 dusters and a Caribbean arrow crab. Not sure about the crab. <<Be careful of these...>> He was free, due to someone returning. <<You should return it too.>> I was assured that my fish would be safe, but after identifying it in your picture site and researching it, not sure if it's a good idea. <<It's not.>> Is catching and eating the fish a possibility or pretty much a given? <<Both...>> I didn't have much luck with hermits, because of the Hawkfish, so I'd thought I give the arrow a try. Nice crab and he's doing a fine job cleaning the bottom. But beginning to worry about the fish. <<It will likely turn its attentions to the fish once the bottom is pristine.>> I know the tank is pretty much stocked out and have it in the works to upgrade the size of my tank (thanks Santa). My fish are pretty much set except for the addition of a long nose butterfly. (Forcipiger flav) The question is would a 55 gal tank be sufficient? The butterfly would require 20 gal to himself and not sure if I should jump to a 70. <<The larger, the better... always the case with fish tanks.>> The only additions that I have planned in the future would be some inverts (around march). Thanks again, and my fish thank you, Dave k <<Cheers, J -- >> Re: x-mass tree worms and purple tang Hello again gents. I have a Porites coral with xmas tree worms all over it and was wondering if I get a purple tang will it try to eat the xmas tree worms? <Your Porites with Xmas Tree worms is likely safe from a Purple Tang, but still not likely to live long term. These are known for dying in captivity. Their secret has eluded the hobby. We are not even sure what the worms eat.> Also do the purple tangs bother open brain corals and hammer, anchor etc.? <No, Tangs in general do not bother corals.> Thanks! <You are welcome. -Steven Pro> Feather Dusters With A Side Order Of Shrimp! Dear Crew: <Scott F. your crew member tonight!> Thanks again for your valuable ongoing assistance! <Thanks for allowing us to be of service. Our ever-expanding crew is happy to assist you any way that we can!> Some quick questions: I very much like Featherduster worms, but am planning to put a flame angel in my tank. I understand that it would constantly nip at a Featherduster. Can I put a Featherduster or two in my 18G refugium? Or will they eat too much there? <Well, I have not personally observed Centropyge angelfish nipping feather dusters in aquariums. This does not mean that the fish won't harass the 'duster, of course! It could quite possibly nip at the animal to the point where it won't open. As far as placing the feather duster in the refugium: I suppose that this would be an acceptable location for the feather duster. However, a refugium by its truest definition is a place where animals, plants, and plankton can reproduce and prosper without the possibility of being consumed by other animals! It could be argued that a feather duster does not belong in a true refugium...But I say- go for it! LOL> I have a Lysmata amboinensis thriving in my main tank (80G). Are any other shrimp (such as Rhynchocinetes durbanensis or Stenopus hispidus) compatible? Thanks, Steve Allen <Well, Steve- I would avoid utilizing the Rhynchocinetes species in your system. They have a propensity for nibbling on some soft corals! A better choice might be some of the other cleaner shrimp, such as the Lysmata debelius (the "Fire Shrimp"), which is a pretty cool little creature (and a bit pricey, unfortunately). I like the Stenopus hispidus (Banded Coral Shrimp), but I've personally experienced them eating other, smaller shrimps myself- and I've witnessed this in other hobbyists aquariums, too. Well- that's my two cents worth on the subject! Hope this helps! Regards, Scott F> Feather Duster Saga Hi! I've been writing you the last few days about a Feather Duster that wont come out. <I remember...Scott F here again> Well, I took him back to the store & they gave me another one that is doing fine, but I found a big purple worm hooked to him. I'm sure it's the one that was in the other tube, They squeezed the other tube & said it was empty. <Not the greatest technique...> Now my problem is that my crabs & shrimp are trying to eat this big worm, should I put him in my sump? Will he make another tube? If so out of what? Will he live? Thanks, Steve <Well, Steve, I would certainly get this animal into a safer, more secure place, like a section of the sump... It is quite possible that the animal will secrete a new tube out of mucus and other materials, but this may take time...With a little TLC, and a fair amount of luck, it's quite possible that the animal will make a full recovery...Be patient...Good Luck! Regards, Scott F> Are 'feathers' (Tubeworms) incompatible with cleaner shrimps? Hi, I've heard two opinions on this subject. Some say they are perfectly file if kept together, others, that it's a big no-no... Which one is true? :-( <I have never had a problem with them being together and have had them and seen them together many times. So I say go for it! Cody> Thank you, Luke Butterfly and feather duster - compatible? Hi Robert, Great site! I use it whenever I need to research a new addition. <Ah, good to be acknowledged for what one is, hopes to be... this to me (my working definitions) is the essence of "love"> I'm thinking of adding a butterfly to my tank (either a threadfin or lemon.) I have three Hawaiian feather dusters already established. Will they be safe? Or is adding a butterfly a bad idea? <Should be fine with these fish/es... as long as there is food otherwise... a large enough system, lots of live rock, regular feeding... not much likelihood of predation. Bob Fenner> Regards, Kevin Olayan Bisma rock (AKA Koko worm rock... a Porites species) hello, <Cheers... reefer Anthony Calfo in your service> I was wondering about purchasing some Bisma rock but I have gotten a lot of different responses some people say fish won't eat them and others say that they will leave them alone, <my heavens... that really depends on the fish species!> they also told me the rock they are in is actually coral and if it dies the worms die also. <half true...the rock is live coral (Porites species) but it does not die when the worms die. However.. this is one of the most demanding coral species (and fanworms) to keep alive. It needs extremely !!! high light (Metal halides almost without exception) and extraordinary water movement that will bother most fishes> I was wondering if you could give your opinion on the situation. I have a 3"red sea Sohal tang, 3"clown trigger, 3" Miniatus grouper, 6"Adult emperor angelfish, hermit crabs, snails, xenia, mushrooms, 100lb LR in a 100 gallon tank w/ reef sun lighting. thank you <the trigger and angel are both likely to make this addition a sacrifice and waste of money. Save part of the reef and don't buy it, my friend. Anthony Calfo> Ian Behnk Chelmon rostratus & Christmas Tree Worm Hi Robert! <Steven Pro in today. Bob is in Arizona making a pitch to one of their local clubs.> Always Herv the French aquarist owning the flounder ;-) I'd like you to confirm what I'm thinking : I have a Chelmon rostratus in my tank and someone would like to give me his Porites with "Christmas tree worms" but I'm afraid that the worms could become a great meal for my Chelmon! What do you think about that? <Yes, definitely would become food. The Porites and Christmas Tree Worms are popular, but fare rather poorly in captivity. The Porites are generally VERY bright light corals and the worms are difficult to feed. -Steven Pro> |
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